Electronic Street Light Using Solar Power and LED

Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Electronic Street Light Using Solar Power
and LED
Shruti lohiya, Vijay laxmi kalyani
Shruti lohiya, pursuing B.TECH, IV SEM (EC Branch), Govt. Women Engineering College, Ajmer
Vijay laxmi kalyani, Assistant Professor (EC department) Govt. Women Engineering College, Ajmer
Abstract --- In this fast moving world with new scientific
era electricity i.e. electrical energy plays a very vital role.
New developments and new inventions are made which
focus on saving this non-renewable electrical energy.
Presently street lights mounted uses “electrical energy”
along with “compact fluorescent lamp” which has very
high electricity consumption.
In this paper the author is making an effort on saving
electricity by using solar power, LED, and sensors for
street lightening. This present article talks about
switching of street lights in the evening when there is dark
using solar energy stored but focuses on switching only
when any object/vehicle/public passes by , by using
sensors and then is automatically switched off when they
are passed , which shows a perfect example of energy
Keywords: LED, street lights, solar power, sensors-LDR
and PIR
Mainly what we are known about the solar energy is that it is
the main source of sun energy and a good source of vitamin
D. Also about LED that those small bulbs which require less
operating voltage and produces desired output that is light
energy. Sensors, by hearing this word for the first time the
first meaning that comes in our mind is “anything related to
senses or sensing”. But what about when all the above three
components are patched up to produce a new technology in
the scientific era.
in the day time and lights up the led when it is in need in the
night time. PIR sensor is also used which senses the activities
and responds. Sensing is mainly done very creatively that is
the street light will be automatically switched ON when any
vehicle passes which will be detected/sensed by PIR sensor
and light will be switched OFF when the vehicles are passed
that is out of range of PIR sensor. The same process happens
with human beings/passer by which saves a huge amount of
electricity for the future generation.
I.I. LED’s: Light-emitting diodes (LED) are
semiconductors. When electrons pass through this type of
semiconductor, it turns into light. Compared to incandescent
and CFL bulbs, LED lights are more efficient at turning
energy into light. Therefore, less of the energy radiates from
the bulb as heat.
LED stands for light emitting diode which is also known as a
semi-conductor device which converts electrical energy into
light energy. Semi-conductor is extrinsic type semiconductor where impurities are added to form a p-n junction.
The diode emits electrons, photons in the form of light energy
when it is forward biased.
Presently the street lights uses electricity to operate while in
the day time also sometimes lights are left switched ON
which wastes a good amount of electricity. New invention
when implemented uses either solar energy with CFL’s (used
in street lights) or uses LED’s operated using electricity
replacing the CFL’s and tube lights.
In this paper author is focusing on using LED’s powered with
solar energy and a new idea of using mini sensors. “LDR”
that is photo resistor is used which saves energy through solar
Fig.-1 Light emitting diode
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-emitting_diode
All rights reserved © www.jmeit.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
1. Traditional inorganic LED’S: as the name suggests it is
manufactured from inorganic materials which usually comes
Fig.-5. High Brightness LED.
Fig.-2. Showing Traditional Inorganic LEDs.
Types of bulbs
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light-emitting_diode
Organic LED’s or OLED: this type of LED uses
organic materials for its manufacturing. Presently
finding many rising applications from television set
screens to computer monitors, Smartphone’s to watches.
Material as aluminium8hydroxyquinoline and
In the recent developing field OLED’s are widely used
due to its flexibility, colour capability-can produce a
wide range of colours , power consumption is very less.
1. Incandescent bulbs
2. CFL lights
3. LED
750-2000 hours
6000-10000 hours
20000-50000 hours
Main purpose which shows the advantages of using LED in
street lights are:
Fig.-3. Showing OLED Active Matrix.
Expected life time
Life time: as in above table no. 1 the life time of LED’s
are much more as compared to CFL’S and incandescent
bulbs which are presently used in street lights.
Power consumption: power consumption of led is very
less which helps to save electricity.
Shock resistance: LED’s are not damaged by external
shock as high voltage power supply.
Switching time: LED’s take very less time to switch
ON or OFF.
Size: Sizes of LED’s are very small so that they are
easily mounted.
Eco friendly: unlike other lights led do not emit light
energy or we can say heat energy which is very harmful
to environment.
Conversion of sun energy known as sunlight into electrical
energy known as electricity describes solar power[1]. This
can be done either directly using photovoltaic (PV) or
indirectly using concentrated solar power.
Solar panels are mounted along with the object so that at the
time of supplying energy, solar panels are used. In this paper
we are using solar energy instead of electrical power supply
which is a good alternative.
Fig.-4. Showing Organic Light Emitting Diode Structure
High brightness LED’s: these LED’s area a type of
inorganic LED’s. As the name says it produces much
greater output also have higher luminous intensity.
When sun rays falls on solar panel it starts charging and the
charge is stored and passed on to charge controller. The
required amount of energy is supplied to battery and the rest
is stored in charge controller itself. From battery energy is
supplied to LED and thus it glows producing light.Sunlight
intensity varies according to day time also according to
direction. So we can also mount or use mirrors at certain
different angels and by using the concept of reflection we can
increase the intensity of sunlight.
All rights reserved © www.jmeit.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Cost of solar energy is falling rapidly and thus is a very good
money saver and electric energy saver.
Fig.-9 Showing Solar Powered Street Light
Fig.-7. Showing Use of Solar Energy
Light usually mounted on a pole and constituting equally
spaced at intervals along a public street or highway. In this
unsecured world where human beings are very unsafe at night
on road without street lights which forms a major reason for
road accidents and also there is a fear of thief so our homes
are also unsecure and are unprotected.
We are using solar panels mounted on street lights which
glows up in the dark using LDR sensors and PIR sensors
which will detect the vibrations and infrared light and thus a
message passes to ON the street light when any vehicle or
human being passes.
LDR i.e. light dependent resistors which detect the darkness
and then allows the street light to light up through solar
Fig.-10. Showing PIR Detection.
Sensors are sophisticated devices that are frequently used to
detect and respond to electrical or optical signals. A sensor
converts the physical parameters (for e.g. temperature, blood
pressure, humidity, speed, etc) into a signal which can be
measured electrically.
Fig.-8. Showing Street Light
PIR SENSORS: An electronic sensor used for
measuring the infrared light radiation emitted from
object in its field of view is called as a PIR sensor or
pyro electric sensor [2]. PIR detects the infrared
radiations which are emitted by every object having
temperature above absolute zero which are not visible to
human eye.
PIR sensor itself is split into two halves, which are
sensitive to infrared radiations and whenever object
comes in the field of view of the sensor, and then
positive differential change will be produced. Between
two halves with the interception of the first half of the
PIR sensor similarly when the object leaves the field of view
negative differential change will be produced.
All rights reserved © www.jmeit.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Working with application: PIR sensors can be used for
“automatic street lightening” whose operations are based on
body or vehicle movement near the street light. [6]
Fig.-13. Showing Basic Structure of LDR
Fig.-10. Showing PIR sensors
Fig.-14 Showing Typical Construction of Plastic Coated Photocell
Fig.-11 Showing Detection Through PIR sensors
A photo resistor or LDR or photocell is a light controlled
variable resistor which works on the principle of
photoconductivity [3]. Photoconductivity is a phenomenon in
which the materials conductivity is decreased when more
amount of light is absorbed by the material.
Fig.-15 Showing Ilumination along with Resistance in different Day
In the dark photo resistors have high resistance in the range
of mega ohm (M Ω) while it have a low resistance in light
nearly in ohms (around 100 Ω)
A transistor is under the category of semiconductor devices
which is used to amplify and control electronic signals with
electrical power. Transistors have three terminals so as to
connect to our circuit. Transistor can act as amplifier and as
switch as well.
These do not have p-n junction. If incident light on a photo
resistor exceeds a certain frequency, photons absorbed by
semi-conductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump
into the conduction band. The resulting free electrons
conduct electricity. When light having enough amount of
energy is incident on the material more electrons jump into
conduction band which increases the amount of charge
In this paper we are using transistors mounted near to LDR
so that whenever we want to glow our LED message will be
passed to transistor and switch will be in ON position which
will allow LDR to work and thus our circuit will be
completed which will result in current flow and thus LED
will glow.
All rights reserved © www.jmeit.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
circuit comprising an operational amplifier, an electronic
switch and an electromechanical switch. The circuit is
switched ON or OFF by the transistor in saturation region or
cut off region respectively, which is controlled by the signal
from LDR. The collector current from the transistor toggles
between ON or OFF modes [3].
Fig.-16 Curve between voltage and current
4. A Battery is an electric cell or a device that converts
chemical energy into electricity. It consists of two or more
cells connected in series or parallel. When this electricity is
passed on to battery, battery starts charging up. We can
compare the working with capacitor as when current flows
capacitor starts charging up and when current is stopped it
starts discharging. Same will happen in battery, in the day
time when we are having ample amount of electricity this is
passed on to battery and it starts charging up to its maximum
range. After sunset battery will stop charging.
5. Now when any person will pass from there, firstly when
coming nearer to street light it will come in range of PIR
sensor. PIR sensor will detect the motion (in terms of heat
produced by the body) and will send a message to micro
controller to switch ON the led. This message is passed on to
transistor and switch of the transistor will be in ON position.
This switch will be connected to LDR which will pass
message to LDR and thus the circuit will be completed which
will result in glowing of led.
6. When person will pass away from the street light he will
be out from the range of PIR sensor and thus a message will
be sent to micro controller to switch OFF LED, this will pass
to transistor and it will be OFF and LED will not glimmer.
Fig.-17 circuit diagram
Sun Solar Panel
Charge Controller
Battery Transistor
1. When sun rays will fall on solar panels, it will convert light
energy into electricity (photo voltaic effect). Photovoltaic
power generation employs solar panels composed of a
number of solar cells containing a photovoltaic material.
Inphotovoltaicmany types of materials are used like
monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous
silicon, cadmium telluride and copper indium gallium
selenide [3].
2. Solar module is a packaged, connected assembly of
photovoltaic cells. The solar panel can be used as a
component of larger photovoltaic system to generate the
electricity and also supply electricity. A single solar panel can
produce a limited amount of power so most installations
contain multiple panels. In photovoltaic system arrays of
solar panels are used, an inverter is made in series to achieve
a desired output voltage and/or in parallel to provide a desired
current capability. The conducting wires also used that take
the current off the panels may contain silver, copper or other
non-magnetic conductive transition metals. The cells are
connected electrically to one another and to the rest of the
3. Now this electricity is passed to charge controller so as to
adjust the varying amount of electricity. The charge
controller serves as an interface between the current
generated by the module and the battery charging during the
day. The battery is prevented from over- charging by the
charge controller. The charge controller is an electronic
The same process happens each
person/vehicle will passes through.[7]
Fig.-18 Circuit Diagram of Street Lights That Glow on Vehicle
Movement, Source:http://www.electronicshub.org
The circuit consists of microcontroller, LDR, PIR sensor and
RTC. This system controls the street lights using LDR and
PIR sensor [4].
Street lights are switched on depending on the intensity of the
Sun light on LDR. If the intensity of Sunlight on LDR is low,
its resistance value is high. When it is completely in dark this
value increases and then becomes high. This resistance value
decides when the street lights are required to switch ON. The
All rights reserved © www.jmeit.com
time when any
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -2, Issue- 2, Apr. 2015, ISSN: 2394 - 8124 (Online)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail : editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
a sensor to help in the automatic switching, PIR sensors
resistance of LDR in dark is in ohms and in dark its resistance
can be used for “automatic street lightening” whose
is in mega ohms.
operations are based on body or vehicle movement near the
street light. The equipment was fabricated along with a
When the resistance value is maximum in midnights, real
switching circuit which activates and deactivates the system
time clock (RTC) comes into the play. When there is no
as well as a charge controller unit that prevents the battery
traffic the microcontroller checks peak time and switch OFF
from overcharging. The system was also built to conserve
the lights. When there is any vehicle passes on the road, it is
energy with the use of a LED lamp to replace other lamps
detected by the PIR sensor.
such as the fluorescent lamp which might reduce the
efficiency of the battery. The power consumption of LED is
Whenever PIR sensor is detected it just indicates the
very less which helps to save electricity. In the solar panel
microcontroller to switch on the street lights. Then lights are
DC supply necessary to charge the battery without the need
switched on for 2 to 3minutes and then automatically
for a conversion to an AC so there is no need of inverter.
switched off.
LCD is also used for displaying time. Time from RTC is read
and displayed on the LCD.
This idea plays a vital role in saving electricity for future
generations and also minimizes the space used by a single
component thus more and more components can be used in a
single instrument to achieve more benefit.
Electronic Street Light Using Solar Power and LED can be
used in parking areas of industries, hotels, restaurants and
highways etc.
LED Bulbs/lamp is used, so maximum energy can be saved.
It is very low cost and it has more life span.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photovoltaics
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Photoresistor
[4] Oke A. O., Adigun A. A., Fenwa O. D.,“Design and Construction
of Solar Power-Based Lighting System,” ISSN: 2277-9655 ,
[6] Archana M, mahalahshmi.R “ E-STREET : led powered
intelligent street lightening system with automatic brightness
adjustment based on climatic conditions and vehicle movements”
ISSN print : 2320-3765, vol 3, special issue 2, april 2014
[7] K C FOO, S karunanithi, G thio “performance of new generation
pole light” 4th international conference on energy and environment
2013(ICEE2013) earth and environmental science 16(2013)012078
Author’s Details:
Fig.-19 Picture Showing Garden with LED Lighting
Source: http://www.led-lamps.com
In this paper the street light system describes by using solar
power, LED, and sensors. The street light system needs a
charge controller to prevent the battery from damage and also
First author: SHRUTI LOHIYA, presently perusing B.TECH
IV sem from EC branch from govt. women engineering
college, Ajmer
Second author: V.L KALYANI assistant professor in ECE
department Govt. Women Engineering College ajmer,
IAENG membership. Attended various seminars and
conferences, STC and FDP’S etc. published many papers in
Conferences and Journals.
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