J. Park, F. Maloberti: "Fractional-N PLL with 90° Phase Shift Lock and

J. Park, F. Maloberti: "Fractional-­N PLL with 90° Phase Shift Lock and Active Switched-­Capacitor Loop Filter"; Proc. of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, CICC 2005, San Josè, 21 September 2005, pp. 329-­‐332. ©20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. IEEE 2005 CUSTOM INTEGRATED CIRCUITS CONFERENCE
Fractional-N PLL with 90º Phase Shift Lock and
Active Switched-Capacitor Loop Filter
Joohwan Park(1), and Franco Maloberti(2)
(1) University of Texas at Dallas, P.O.Box 830688, Richardson, TX 75083, USA.
(2) Department of Electronics, University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy.
joohwan@student.utdallas.edu, franco.maloberti@unipv.it
Abstract-This paper describes a new possibility of fully integrated
fractional-N phase locked loop (PLL). The approach uses
switched-capacitor fully differential low pass filter (LPF) instead
of huge continuous-time filter. The discrete-time operation has
the potential to provide a phase noise enhancement (PNE) block,
variable gain, to improve noise. The circuit is implemented in 2.8
mm2 including all capacitors and Ȉǻ modulator using 0.25 µm
CMOS process. The proposed PLL achieves a phase noise of -102
dBc at 600 kHz and spur level of -80 dBc with mid-band
frequency. Power dissipation is 30 mW with a 3-V supply.
Mobile communication architectures use PLL able to comply
with the frequency hopping requirements and provide low
phase noise output in the IF receiver and the up conversion
transmitter. The targets must be possibly accomplished with all
the components fabricated in a single chip. This is not always
possible since the filtering requirements for the low-pass filter
often lead to external capacitors or demand for large silicon
area that, in turn, increases the cost.
In the present solutions in locked loop conditions one of the
current generator of the phase frequency detector (PFD)
switches on for a very short time. The noise on rise and fall
time of the current pulse is affecting the accuracy of the circuit
operation. Moreover, the continuous-time filtering of high
frequency components is, in some extent, problematic. If the
loop-bandwidth is very narrow, the phase-noise is good, but the
locking time and the channel switching time increase [1]. The
best would be using a dynamic control of the loop filter
response that enhances the phase noise when the PLL is in the
lock state.
between acquisition mode and phase lock mode lead to a longer
PLL settling time.
This paper describes a fractional-N PLL that uses a PFD
with 90º phase-shift lock. The feature reduces the rise and fall
time influence and enhances the charge pump linearity.
Moreover, the 90º phase-shift feature enables an operation in
the sampled-data domain. Thus, it is possible to implement the
loop filter using the switched capacitor technique and obtain
on-chip filtering functions that can be digitally programmable.
The proposed approach has been proved with a fully
integrated version. The PLL employs a source couple multivibrator [5] with 133-MHz free running frequency. However,
the approach can be used with other types of VCO and higher
operating frequency.
The two inputs of a PFD are the reference and the output of
the fractional divider. In the lock conditions, the frequencies of
the two inputs are equal and a possible phase shift is the
information used to control the VCO. We observe that the
reference can be the basis for a clock (at low frequency).
Therefore, having the reference signal facilitates a lowfrequency sampled-data processing. Assume that the phase
shift of the PFD inputs, REF and Output, is as shown in Fig. 1,
90º. A simple logic can generate the control signals X1 and X2.
They are used to switch-on the equal current generators of the
PFD; a third switch resets the integrating capacitor at the end
of the half-period of the reference.
A fractional frequency results from a periodic change of the
division factor between two (or more) integer numbers. Using
of a sigma delta modulator obtains a fractional control with a
good noise shaping. However, even if the N/N+1 divider
control is well randomized, there is extra fluctuation in the
VCO control. Thus, the loop filter design becomes more
challenging. The solution can be the use of programmable loop
filter [2], employing dual path [3] or multiple charge pumps
[4]. In general the problems associated to the uncertainty
0-7803-9023-7/05/$20.00 ©2005 IEEE.
Fig. 1 – Illustration of the basic concept used in the paper
Fig. 3 shows the block diagram of the designed fractional-N
PLL. It is composed of a PFD (with the charge pump),
sampling capacitor, switched capacitor filter, smoothing filter,
voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), divider and sigma-delta
Once in lock, the sigma-delta modulator will control the
output to get fractional frequency and it will convert the
systematic fractional sidebands to random noise. Actually, the
cascade of a switched capacitor and a continuous-time section
makes the loop filter. Since the clock frequency of the SC is the
reference frequency, the continuous-time is a simple RC which
pole is at 0.06fR. The loop filters used MIM capacitors. The
resistor of the RC smoothing is a 100 KΩ poly structure.
Fig. 2 – Proposed loop filter
The 90º phase shift makes equal to zero the voltage across
the capacitor immediately before the reset. If the shift is larger
we have a negative voltage, the opposite if the shift is smaller.
Obviously, the reset of the capacitor can be done through a
virtual ground, thus obtaining the input of a sampled-data
Observe that it is problematic using the method for 0º phaseshift: The integration of the current into a capacitance is
obviously possible but the timing of measurement and the reset
phase can be properly defined only using a delayed version of
the reference.
Fig. 2 shows a possible fully differential loop filter to be
associated with the 90º phase shift PFD. The charge stored on
the sampling capacitances at the end of phase 1 is the input of
the low-pass active filter. Assuming that the reference signal is
in the MHz range, the required bandwidth of the OTA is few
ten of MHz, thus requiring limited power consumption. The
reference frequency and the maximum swing VM allowed by
the current generators of the PFD determine the relationship
between the capacitor Cs and the current in the PFD, IPFD.
Assume that full-scale input signal of the SC filter is VM. With
0º phase shift, the upper current generator is switched on for
1/(2·fR) while the lower one never switches on. Thus
Cs ⋅ VM =
2 ⋅ fR
The VCO is a modified version of the source-coupled
multivibrator. The architecture was selected just to demonstrate
the capability to fully integrate the PLL. The free-running
oscillation frequency is relatively low (133-MHz). The method
is quite general: the use of oscillator with LC tank would give a
higher free-running frequency with the need of a pre-scalar. A
detailed description of the VCO is given below.
The resolution obtained by the second-order sigma delta is 1MHz/27. The design uses a standard cell approach and the total
area is 0.5 x 0.4 mm.
A. VCO Description
The circuit diagram of the source-coupled multivibrator is
shown Fig. 4. It is the CMOS version of a well know bipolar
configuration. The oscillation frequency depends on the
capacitor size and amount of current through it. Two additional
sections (in the dashed blocks) enable the frequency control.
The two sections change the core bias currents in the positive
or negative direction under the control of a differential signal.
The capacitance C is 1.1pF, the currents I1 and I2 are 1mA
and 0.2mA respectively. The resulting range of frequency
variation is ±25MHz. The degeneration resistances in the
additional blocks help in improving the linearity of the control
block. Simulation results show that by optimizing the transistor
sizes for minimizing the 1/f noise while keeping the speed
leads to good linearity and reasonable phase noise.
with VM= 0.4V and fR= 1MHz a current IPFD= 0.8µA gives Cs=
1pF. The ratio between CS and CR gives the dc gain of the SC
filter. The value of the sampling capacitance and the
capacitances of the SC filter are suitable for a fully integrated
The filter in Fig. 2 is a simple low-pass. Either using a single
OTA or with more than one OTA is possible to realize more
complex filtering functions. Moreover, the use of digitally
programmable capacitances enables a digital control of the loop
Fig. 3 – Discrete time PLL
The next stage is the SC loop filter with programmable gain.
A sensing block detects the voltage level at the output of the
buffer and changes the gain by 6dB. The control is simple but
suitable for demonstrating the flexibility of the used approach.
Fig. 6 shows the plot of the forward signal as a function of the
sensing voltage. The response is non-linear with a jump at the
transition points. The region with low gain is for operation in
the locked mode. The threshold is ±5mV and is big enough to
account for the fluctuations due to noise and spurs
contributions. A signal above |5mV| indicates the non-locked
mode: the gain jumps up by 6 dB.
The given response is the optimum for limiting the locking
time degradation. Simulation results, verified by experimental
measurement show that with a full gain the locking time is 180
µsec with the phase noise enhancement the locking time is 200
Fig. 4 – Modified VCO with current control circuit
The use of an active sampled-data control instead of a
simple continuous-time filter provides good flexibility and
programmability. In order to reduce the phase noise, it is
necessary to desensitize the VCO control when the loop is in
the lock zone. This is what is done in [4] is to use digitally
programmable multiple charge pumps. The action is equivalent
to a programmable gain in the signal at the output of the charge
pump. This chip includes a gain control section that, at the
same time decouple the charge pump section by the loop SC
filter. The circuit schematic is shown in Fig. 5. It includes two
OTA. The first is a inverting unity-gain buffer.
Fig. 6 – Variable gain with PNE
Fig. 5 – Phase noise enhancement block and fully differential LPF
The fully differential phase locked loop discussed in
previous sections has been fabricated in a 0.25-µm CMOS
technology with 2.8 mm2 of active area (Fig. 7). Because the
LPF size is drastically decreased, the switch capacitor PLL
becomes suitable for a full integration.
With proper shielding, the noise coupling is blocked from
digital block to analog and VCO. In addition, large on-chip
PMOS capacitor is used to maintain a small bounce on the
supply. The power dissipation is 30 mW from a 3-V supply.
Fig. 8 shows the voltages across the sampling capacitors in lock
conditions. The signal has the expected triangular shape due to
the charging and discharging phases. The trigger of the scope
synchronizes itself during the first and second of the reference
The fractional-N synthesizer locks properly at 128.3-MHz. A
128/129 dual divider brings the frequency of the VCO down to
the 1MHz used by the reference. The free-running frequency of
the VCO is 134.6-MHz, close to the designed value 133-MHz.
Fig. 9 shows the measured phase noise without and with the
PNE function. Results show that the PNE reduces the spur level
below -80 dBc.
Fig. 9 – Phase noise measurement: without PNE (solid)
with PNE (dashed)
Moreover, the phase noise at 600 kHz is as low as -102 dBc;
5 dB better than without the enhancement circuit. Multiple gain
values and a smart digital control possibly permit 15 dB of
phase noise improvement. The spur level is not completely
satisfactory. Continuous-time solutions obtain better results.
However, the result is still comparable with other published
figures [3].
In the paper, we demonstrate possibility of a fully on-chip
design and phase noise enhancement in the Ȉǻ fractional-N
PLL. A switched capacitor LPF enables on-chip
implementation being only 50pF used for the fully differential
LPF. The used capacitance is at least ten times smaller than a
continuous-time counterpart. The use of switched capacitor
active processing offers the benefit of digital control filtering.
As an example the chip includes a phase noise enhancement
circuit: it reduces the loop gain in the lock conditions and
permits a 5 dB reduction of the phase noise. Therefore, the
proposed approach and the experimental verifications open new
perspective for the design of fully integrated fractional-N PLL.
Fig. 7 – PLL die photograph
Fig. 8 – Sampling capacitor waveform
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