ANALOG DEVICES IBMPCIWAT Compati Analog Boar 0utput FEATURES 4 or 8 Analog Output Channels 12-Bit Resolution 0 to +10V or rlOV Output Range GENERAL Gompatible to IBM PcDc/ATi or Equivalent Optional Screw Tsrmanation Panels SOFTWARE Callable Machine Language Routines for Digital UO High Level Language Support BASIC, PASCAL, C, FORTRAN and TURBO PASCAL running under PC-DOS Calibration Routines APPLICATIONS Precision Voltage Outputs Position and Motion Gontrol Generate Set-Point Values for Loop Controllers GENERAL DESCRIPTTON The RTI-802 andog output board, an lBM-compatible menber of the RTI@ Interface family, comesin two versions: s 4-6hannel ETI-8024 board) and an 8-channel board (RTI-802-8) for high-channel capacity applications. The analog outputs are user selectablefor 0 to lOV or -r lOV and are protected from shofts to ground. There is one l2-bit D/A converter per channel for maximum update rates. The RTI-802 maps into the VO channel structure as 4 consecutive bytes, addressableto any unoccupied ,l-byte boundary via a DIP switch. The board contains a dc/dc converter and is powered from a PC's + 5V supply. It installs in one of the long slots in the IBM PC/XT/AT. Typical applications for the RTI-802 include direct conuol valve positioning or as a stimuli in test applications, utilizing a variable voltage oulput. The board can dso be used for analog control in a processor laboratory application where material transfer rates, fluid flow, trcwer consumption, motor specd, temperature levels, etc., are to be controlled. In a supervisory control applications, the generatedandog outputs are used to provide set points to analog loop controllers. ANIILOG OUTPUT The RTI-802 contains four or eight l2-bit D/A converterswhich produce a constant analog output voltage proportional to the digital code. BUS INTERFACE The RTI-802 is mapped into the PC bus UO channel strruc$re as 4 consecutivebytes, DIP switch selectableto any unoccupied 4 byte boundary. P'OWER SUPPLY The PC bus + 5V supply is all that is required to power the RTI-802 board. An on-board dc/dc converter translatesthe + 5V bus supply into a low noise, isolated -+l5V power required for the analog circuitry. ACCESSORIES Accessoriesavailableinclude ribbon cablesand screw tcrmination panels. These cards can be interfaced to Analog Devices 38 family of signal conditioning products to isolate the analog output. RTI ir a rcgietcrcd trademarl of Aaalog Dcviccs, Inc. rIBM PCJXT/AT is a tradcnat* of latenationd Bueiress Maehincs Corp. Information furnished by Analog Devicesis believedto be accurate and reliable.However,no responsibilityis assumedby Analog Devices for its use;nor for any infringementsof patentsor other rightsof third partieswhich may result from its use. No licenseis grantedby implica tion or otherwiseunder any patent or patent rightsof AnalogDevices. Two TechnologyWay; Norwood, MA 02062-9106U.S.A. Tel:617/329,4700 Twx: 710/394-6577 Telex:174059 Cables:ANALOGNORWOODMASS SPECIFICATI0]{S 'neilbenomd) mrbg' unress $pprv ftypcar @25r,,ihn.mimr ELECTRICAL Number of Analog Output Channels RTI-802-4 RTI-802-8 AnalogVoltageRangesr D/AResolution AnalogOutput Accuracy D/A InputCodesl Differential Nonlinearity Output SettlingTime (ConverterOnly) TemperarureCoefficients Gain Offset OutputProtection 4 8 O t o+ 1 0 V , + l O V @ 2 m A 12Bits (4096Counts) +0.02o/o Binary, Two's Complement -+ILSB max 20ps(to -r I/2LSB, lOV Step) + I 5ppmfC of Full-ScaleRange -+25p.Yl'C Short-to-Ground, Continuous SYSTEMCONFIGURATION Bus ResourceUtilization Address Compatiblity OccupiesOneLong Slotin theIBM ExpansionBus I/O Location(4 Bytesin 512Byte Block) SwitchSelectable IBM, Compaq,or Other lBM-CompatibleBackplanes PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL I/OConnector Dimensions Operating Temperature Range StorageTemperatureRange Relative Humidity 25-Pin Male Ribbon Cable 13.8"(35cm)x 5"(12.72cm)x l" (2.54cm) 0to +70'C -25'Cto +85"C Up to 90%(Noncondensing) POVER PowerConsumption +5Vdc@0.5amp NOTES rfumper selectable. Specifications subiect to change without notice. 12-8lt D/A CONVERTEF 12-BlT D/A CONVERTER o/A LATCHES STROBES sTROS€S STROBES L--- --- Figure 1. RTI-802BlockDiagram -2-