2011 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2011) Singapore 5 – 8 December 2011 Pages 1-554 IEEE Catalog Number: ISBN: 1/2 CFP11PEL-PRT 978-1-61284-999-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS A Shunt Current Control for Hybrid Power Source Consisting of EDLC and Battery in PMSM Drive....................... 1 Naomitsu Urasaki, Masaharu Iwasaki, Tomonobu Senjyu Monolithic RC-Snubber for Power Electronic Applications.............................................................................................. 5 J. vom Dorp, S.E. Berberich, T. Erlbacher, A.J. Bauer, H. Ryssel, L. Frey Investigation of the Circuit Parameters Design in a Power Converter by using High-Frequency Power Devices .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Kenta Watanabe, Jun-ichi Itoh SHE-PWM Control for Asymmetrical Hybrid Multilevel Flying Capacitor and H-bridge Converter........................ 15 Mohamed S. A. Dahidah, Georgios S. Konstantinou, Vassilios G. Agelidis A New Quick Response Digital Modified P-I-D Control LLC Resonant Converter for DC Power Supply System ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21 Fujio Kurokawa, Koji Murata A P&Q Based Synchronization Technique for Bi- Directional IPT Pick-ups................................................................. 26 Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, Udaya K. Madawala, A Series-Resonant Half-Bridge Inverter for Induction-Iron Appliances........................................................................ 32 N. Sanajit, A. Jangwanitlert Hybrid-Fuzzy Controller Optimization via Semi-Parallel GA for Servomotor Control ............................................... 37 Nordin Saad , Oyas Wahyunggoro, Taib Ibrahim Voltage Vector Approximation Control of Multistage - Multilevel Inverter Using Simplified Logic Implementation.................................................................................................................................................................... 43 K.M. Menshawi, M.N. Abdulkader, Saad Mekhilef Dynamic Model of Brushless DC Drive Using FE Method Based Characteristics......................................................... 52 Burin Kerdsup, Nisai H. Fuengwarodsakul A New Flux Observer Based on Voltage Reconstruction for Three-level DTC Inverter ............................................... 58 Yaofei Han, Xiaohong Fan, Zhangfei Zhao Dynamic Model of Induction Machine with Faulty Cage in Rotor Reference Frame ................................................... 63 Vanja Ambrozic, Klemen Drobnic, Rastko Fiser, Mitja Nemec Generalized Unified Power Quality Conditioner for Compensating Current and Voltage Imperfections ....................................................................................................................................................................... 69 Bahr Eldin, K. S. Rama Rao, N. Perumal Hierarchical Control Scheme for Voltage Harmonics Compensation in an Islanded Droop-Controlled Microgrid.............................................................................................................................................................................. 75 Mehdi Savaghebi, Josep M. Guerrero, Alireza Jalilian, Juan C. Vasquez, Tzung-Lin Lee Comparative Evaluation of Harmonic Compensation Capability of Active Power Filter with Conventional and Bacterial Foraging Based Control ....................................................................................................... 81 S. S. Patnaik, A. K. Panda An Improvement of Synchronously Rotating Reference Frame Based Voltage Sag Detection for Voltage Sag Compensation Applications under Distorted Grid Voltages....................................................................... 86 Y. Sillapawicharn, Y. Kumsuwan Malfunction Analysis of SiC-SIT DC Circuit Breaker in 400V-DC Power Supply System .......................................... 90 Seiya Abe, Sihun Yang, Masahito Shoyama, Tamotsu Ninomiya, Akira Matsumoto, Akiyoshi Fukui A New Time-Sharing Charge 5L Inverter ......................................................................................................................... 96 Masakazu Muneshima, Shota Urushibata, Zhang Hui, Takehisa Koganezawa, Masakatsu Nomura Distributed Generation using Indirect Matrix Converter in Boost Operating Mode .................................................. 102 Xiong Liu, Poh Chiang Loh, Peng Wang, Frede Blaabjerg Damping of Power System Oscillations using an Advanced Unified Power Flow Controller ..................................... 109 Jose.P.Therattil, P.C.Panda Comparison of Zero-Voltage-Switching Current-Fed Full-Bridge and Half-Bridge Isolated Dc/Dc Converters with Active-Clamp ......................................................................................................................................... 114 Akshay K Rathore, Xiaodong Li Analysis and Compensation of the Output Voltage Imbalance in a Four-Switch Half-Bridge PFC .......................... 120 Sheng-Yuan Ou, Chin-Tse Ho, Jui-Chih Li, Chung-Yen Yang Voltage-mode Digital Controller For Single Switch Sixth-Order Boost Converter ..................................................... 125 Mummadi Veerachary Sensorless PMSM Drive System Based on Direct Torque Control in M–T Frame Synchronized with Stator Flux-Linkage Vector .............................................................................................................................................. 131 Yukinori Inoue, Shigeo Morimoto, Masayuki Sanada Performance Improvement of Induction Motor made of Three Dimensional Shaped SMC Core ............................. 137 Masayuki Morimoto A New Four-level Dual Inverter Fed Open-end Winding Induction Motor Drive....................................................... 142 V. T. Somasekhar, B. Venugopal Reddy Field Weakening Implementation in AC Induction Machine Predictive Control........................................................ 146 Pavel Vaclavek, Petr Blaha Analysis of dv/dt Filter Installation for PWM AC Drive Applications ......................................................................... 152 Pravit Mart-ro, Warachart Sae-Kok, Surin Khomfoi A Half-Bridge Inverter Based Active Power Quality Compensator with a DC Voltage Balancer for Electrified Railways........................................................................................................................................................... 160 Tint Soe Win, Yusuke Baba, Masayuki Okamoto, Eiji Hiraki, Toshihiko Tanaka Transformerless Single-Stage High Step-Up AC-DC Converter Based on Symmetrical CockcroftWalton Voltage Multiplier with PFC ............................................................................................................................... 166 Chung-Ming Young, Ming-Hui Chen, Hong-Lin Chen, Jen-Yi Chao, Chun-Cho Ko Non-linear Load Compensation in Fuel Cell Grid Interfaced System Using Active Power Filter.............................. 172 Gitanjali Mehta, S. P. Singh, R. D. Patidar A Study on the Harmonic Issues at CSIRO Microgrid .................................................................................................. 178 Yang Du, Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu, David Comforth, Geoffrey James Measurement and Simulation of Grounding Resistance with Two and Four Mesh Grids.......................................... 183 M. A. Salam, Koh Ming Jen, Ayub Khan Transient Stability Enhancement of SMIB System using PSS and TCSC-Based Controllers .................................... 189 Rajendraprasad Narne, P.C.Panda, Jose. P. Therattil New Artificial Neural Network Based Direct Virtual Torque Control and Direct Power Control for DFIG in Wind Energy Systems ........................................................................................................................................ 194 Phan Quoc Dzung, Anh Nguyen Bao, Hong Hee Lee Variable Speed Pumping in Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants: Frequency Converter versus Hydrodynamic Coupling................................................................................................................................................... 203 Martin Sirový, Zdenek Peroutka, Jan Molnár, Jan Michalík, Miroslav Byrtus Microcontroller based Grid Connected Inverter for Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator ............................... 210 P.Wannakarn, V. Kinnares Analysis and Design of Zero-Voltage-Switching Current-Fed Isolated Full-Bridge Dc/Dc Converter ...................... 214 U R. Prasanna, Akshay K Rathore The Design and Implementation of LLC Resonant Half-bridge Converter with Natural Interleaved Power-Factor-Correction.................................................................................................................................................. 221 Chin-Yuan, Hsu Jian-Ting, Lai Ming-Che, Lin Ming-Kai, Yang Ming-Jyun, Li Ren-Wei Huang PWM Strategy of Bi–Directional Buck AC/DC Converter for Reducing Output Voltage Ripple.............................. 231 Yuki Onoe, Wataru Kitagawa, Takaharu Takeshita A Multilevel Voltage-Source Inverter Using H-Bridge and Two-Level Power Modules with a Single Power Source ..................................................................................................................................................................... 237 Suroso, Toshihiko Noguchi Multi-cell Trans-z-source Inverters ................................................................................................................................. 242 Ding Li, Poh Chiang Loh, Miao Zhu, Feng Gao, Frede Blaabjerg Implementation of Food Processor Application Using Brushless DC Motor Control ................................................. 247 Zu-Sheng Ho, Chii-Maw Uang, Ping-Chieh Wang, Sheng-Hao Liu Exact Common-Mode and Differential-Mode Equivalent Circuits of Inverters in Motor Drive Systems Taking into Account Input Rectifiers ................................................................................................................ 253 Pennapa Pairodamonchai, Somboon Sangwongwanich A Low Computation Fractal Based Voltage Space Phasor Generation for a Four Level Inverter using Open-end Winding Induction Motor Drive..................................................................................................................... 261 G. Shiny, M.R.Baiju A Space Vector Based Pulse Width Modulation Scheme for a 5-Level Induction Motor Drive ................................. 267 G. Shiny, M.R.Baiju Design of a Lying Sensor for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Torque Ripple Reduction using the Iterative Learning Control Technique............................................................................................................. 273 Yi YUAN, Francois Auger, Luc Loron, Franck Debrailley, Mathieu Hubert Operation Principle of Multiple DC Smart Grids........................................................................................................... 279 Hayato Yamauchi, Masahiko Kina, Kyohei Kurohane, Kosuke Uchida Optimum Operation Planning of Controllable Loads in Smart House......................................................................... 285 Kazuki Ogimi, Kenichi Tanaka, Kousuke Uchida, Atsushi Yona, Tomonobu Senjyu, Toshihisa Funabashi, ChulHwan Kim Evaluation Of Current Reference Generation Methods For A Three-Phase Inverter Interfacing Renewable Energy Sources To Generalized Micro-Grid ............................................................................................... 291 S. Dasgupta, S. N. Mohan, S. K. Sahoo, S. K. Panda A Novel Model to Determine Optimizing Power and Capacity for Energy Storage Systems on Competitive Electricity Markets ...................................................................................................................................... 297 V. V. Thang, N. H. Kong, D. Q. Thong, B. Q. Khanh Grid Interconnection of Distributed Generation System with Power Quality Iimprovement Features..................... 304 Gitanjali Mehta, S. P. Singh A Low-cost Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Circuit for Portable Devices .................................................................. 309 Ian Y.W. Chung, Yung C. Liang Characteristics Evaluation and Parameter Extraction of a Solar Array based on Experimental Analysis............................................................................................................................................................................... 315 Bidyadhar Subudhi, Raseswari Pradhari Asynchronous Generator with Battery Storage for Standalone Wind Energy Conversion System ........................... 320 Shailendra Sharma, Bhim Singh Design and Dynamic Power Management of Energy Storage System for Wind Plant ................................................ 326 Duong Tran, Haihua Zhou, Ashwin M. Khambadkone Investigation of Power Converter Topologies for Solar Powered Hydrogen Reformer .............................................. 331 Wei Jiang, Job Brunet, Babak Fahimi An On-Chip Current Sensing Technique for Hysteresis Current-Controlled Boost Converters ............................... 336 M.L. Chiu, H.P. Chou Analysis of Output Capacitor Parasitic Effects to Output Voltage Ripple on Power Converter................................ 342 Sheng-Yuan Ou, Huei-Fa Su, Cheng-Yu Tang A Novel Soft-Switching Grid-Connected PV Inverter and its Implementation............................................................ 348 Minjie Chen, Xutao Lee, Yoshihara Tsutomu Indirect Space Vector Modulated Three Phase ac-ac Matrix Converter Under Abnormal Input Conditions .......................................................................................................................................................................... 354 Nguyen Khanh Tu Tam, Nguyen Van Nho, Huynh Thai Hoang P-buried Region Effects on Breakdown Voltage of NPT-TIGBT Structure................................................................. 360 Montree Saenlamool, Karoon Saejok, Opas Trithaveesak, Ekalak Chaowicharat, Charndet Hruanun, Amporn Poyai Design and Implementation of a Direct Torque Controlled Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive Based on a Novel Flux Model ..................................................................................................................... 363 Ming-Tsan Lin, Ching-Guo Chen Optimal Control Design for Switched Reluctance Machines with Right-sized Modeling............................................ 368 Yang Ji, Johann Bals AC Induction Motor Control Using Robust Current Controllers ................................................................................. 374 Petr Blaha, Pavel Vaclavek Review of Power Flow Studies on Distribution Network with Distributed Generation............................................... 380 K. Balamurugan, Dipti Srinivasan Optimal Operation of Thermal Generating Units and Smart Houses........................................................................... 387 Tomonori Goya, Tomonobu Senjyu, Atsushi Yona, Kosuke Uchida, Toshihisa Funabashi Multi-Agent System for Demand Side Management in Smart Grid ............................................................................. 393 T. Logenthiran, Dipti Srinivasan Fuzzy Logic Controller based 3-ph 4-wire SHAF for Current Harmonics Compensation with id-iq Control strategy Using Simulation and RTDS Hardware.............................................................................................. 399 Suresh Mikkili, A.K. Panda A Ubiquitous Power with DC Micro-Grid for Sectional Compact Emergency Shelters ............................................. 405 Keiichi Kato, Masayuki Okamoto, Eiji Hiraki, Toshihiko Tanaka, Makoto Koganei, Fusanori Miura A Study of Fuel Cell Z-Source Boost Converter: Considerations on Design and Implementation............................. 410 Hung-I Hsieh, Chin-Hao Chang, Guan-Chyun Hsieh Three-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-Connected Inverter using dSPACE DS1104 Platform .............................................. 416 Z A Ghani, M A Hannan, A Mohamed, Subiyanto Analysis of Multi-power Sources Energy Management System for Electric Hybrid Vehicle...................................... 421 M A Hannan, F A Azidin, A Mohamed Deadbeat Current Control of LCL-Filter for Grid Connected Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverter...................... 428 Tarek Ahmed, Katsumi Nishida, Mutsuo Nakaoka Cooperative Control of Interfaced Inverter with PV System and Existing Voltage Control Devices Considering Forecasted Error in Distribution System ................................................................................................... 437 Masato Oshiro, Tomonobu Senjyu, Atsushi Yona, Naomitsu Urasaki, Toshihisa Funabashi A Modular Matrix Converter for Transformerless PMSG Wind Generation Systems............................................... 443 S.D.G. Jayasinghe, D.M. Vilathgamuwa Novel Evaluation Method for the Volume of Transformers with Various Magnetic Cores ........................................ 449 Tomoyuki Hatakeyama, Kenichi Onda Considerations about Sensorless Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors at low speed and standstill for Wheel Mounted Drive of Tram .................................................................................................................. 455 David Uzel, David Vosmik, Zdenek Peroutka, Martin Sirovy A Novel Voltage-Boosting Converter Based on Charge Pumps with One Inductor Inserted ..................................... 461 K. I. Hwu, W. C. Tu, Jenn-Jong Shieh A Simple Step-Up Converter ............................................................................................................................................ 465 K. I. Hwu, Chun-Chen Lin, Jenn-Jong Shieh Applying Asymmetrical Half-Bridge LCC Resonant Inverter to EEFL Lighting Ballast........................................... 470 K. I. Hwu, W. C. Tu, Kuo-Yang Chen A Novel ZVS-ZCS Bi-directional Flyback DC-DC Converter For Low power Application ....................................... 476 V.V. Subrahmanya Kumar.Bhajana, S. Rama Reddy, P. Chandra Sekhar Direct Load Angle Control of Three Phase Induction Motor Drives ............................................................................ 482 T. Vinay Kumar, S.Srinivasa Rao A Flexible Dynamic Behavior Model of Inductors to Link Time Domain Simulation with Empirical Loss Equations That is Instantaneous dB/dt and B(t) Dependent for SPICE Simulation ........................................... 486 Long-Ching Yeh Modelling and Analysis of Multistage Switched-Capacitor-Voltage-Multiplier Boost DC-AC Inverter ................... 492 Yuen-Haw Chang A Novel Type Suppressed Noise Peak Dc-Dc Boost Converter Introducing Delta-Sigma Modulation Technique ........................................................................................................................................................................... 496 Atsushi Hirota, Soon-Kurl Kwon, Satoshi Nagai, Srawouth Chandhaket, Mutsuo Nakaoka Comparative Analysis of Control Strategies for Modular Multilevel Converters........................................................ 500 A. Lachichi, L. Harnefors Constant Frequency Ripple Regulator Free from Sub-harmonic Oscillation .............................................................. 505 Shohei Hirose, Taichi Kimura, Terukazu Sato, Takashi Nabeshima, Kimihiro Nishijima Comparative Study of Digital PI Control Algorithm for Dc-to-dc converters ............................................................. 511 T. Kuroki, T. Sato, T. Nabeshima, K. Nishijima An Isolated Bi-directional Soft Switching DC-DC Converter for Energy Storage System and Its Voltage Stress Suppression Approach ............................................................................................................................. 517 Kazumasa Hirao, Masayuki Okamoto, Eiji Hiraki, Toshihiko Tanaka A Single-Phase to Three-Phase AC/AC Converter with Regeneration and Adjustable Power Factor....................... 523 Tsung-Cheng Chen, Gwo-Jen Chiou, Jeng-Yue Chen, Hsien-Te Chiu, Chen-Chih Yang Experimental Verification of On-line High Efficiency Control for a Weaving Machine............................................. 529 Ryo Tateno, Jun-ichi Itoh, Noboru Saitoh A Modified Three Dimensional Space Vector based PWM Method for Four-Leg Voltage Source Inverter Fed Asymmetrical Two-Phase Induction Motor .............................................................................................. 535 Heli Golwala, R. Chudamani Unregulated Interface Converter Based on Cascaded Switched Capacitor Converters for Supercapacitors in Alternative Battery Applications ..................................................................................................... 541 Masatoshi Uno, Koji Tanaka Discussions of Resonant Bilateral Chopper Utilizing Zero Voltage Switches............................................................... 549 Keiju Matsui, Takanori Asaba, Masaru Hasegawa A Hybrid Vehicle with Reversible Cell and Battery ....................................................................................................... 555 Tetsuya Watanabe, Yuuki Machida, Masayoshi, Yamamoto Classification of Home Appliance Electricity Consumption Using Power Signature and Harmonic Features .............................................................................................................................................................................. 558 Shyh-Jier Huang, Cheng-Tao Hsieh, Lun-Chia Kuo, Chun-Wei Lin, Che-Wei Chang, Shyang-An Fang Analysis of Transient Behavior of Class E Amplifier Due to Load Variations............................................................. 562 Tadashi Suetsugu, Marian Kazimierczuk Sensorless Control of Surface Permanent-Magnet Motor based on Model Reference Adaptive System................... 566 Masaki Ohara, Toshihiko Noguchi Design of the Laboratory Illumination and Practical Measurement by Integrating Optimization of Power Usage ....................................................................................................................................................................... 573 Y. C. Chin, F. H. Chu, S. C. Huang, H. Y. Yang Direct Torque Control of Brushless Doubly-Fed Induction Machines Using Fuzzy Logic ......................................... 577 S.J. Fattahi, A.A. Khayyat Sliding Mode Control of a Feedback Linearized Induction Motor using TS Fuzzy Based Adaptive Iterative Learning Controller ........................................................................................................................................... 583 Madhu Singh, Kanungo Barada Mohanty, Bidyadhar Subudhi Regenerative Braking Control for Light Electric Vehicles ............................................................................................ 589 Cheng-Hu Chen, Wen-Chun Chi, Ming-Yang Cheng Modelling of Battery Temperature Effect on Electrical Characteristics of Li-ion Battery in Hybrid Electric Vehicle .................................................................................................................................................................. 595 Y.K. Tan, J.C. Mao, K.J. Tseng Comparative analysis of ANN and SSM controllers in a ZVCS-Full Bridge Series-Parallel Resonant DC-DC Converter.............................................................................................................................................................. 601 Zahra Malekjamshidi, Mohammad Jafari A New Digital Control DC-DC Converter with Repetition Neural Network Prediction ............................................. 606 Fujio Kurokawa, Kimitoshi Ueno, Hidenori Maruta, Hiroyuki Osuga Sensorless Position Optimal Control Strategy of Brushless DC Motor......................................................................... 611 Chii-Maw Uang, Zu-Sheng Ho, Ping-Chieh Wang, Sheng-Hao Liu Current-Mode Sensorless Control of Single-Phase Brushless DC Fan Motors ............................................................ 617 Wei-Chao Chen, Ying-Yu Tzou A Novel Offset Based PWM Method For Three Phase AC-AC Matrix Converter...................................................... 622 Nguyen Van Nho, Nguyen Khanh Tu Tam, Huynh Thai Hoang Study on the Current Control Loop of PMSM Based on Sinusoidal Commutation ................................................... 628 Tzu-Yu Liu, Cheng-Hu Chen, Wen-Chun Chi , Ming-Yang Cheng Seven-level Cascaded Inverter Based Shunt Active Power Filter in Four-wire Distribution System......................... 634 Izzeldin Idris Abdalla, K. S. Rama Rao, N. Perumal A Buck Converter Using Accurate Synthetic Ripple Hysteresis Control Scheme........................................................ 640 C.C.Chuang, H.P.Chou, M.L.Chiu New DC Rail Side Soft-Switching PWM DC-DC Converter with Current Doubler Rectifier.................................... 645 Khairy Sayed, Soon-Kurl Kwon, Katsumi Nishida, Mutsuo Nakaoka A Digital Position Controller of Travelling Wave Ultrasonic Motors ........................................................................... 653 Nguyen To Hieu, Shogo Odomari, Kosuke Uchida, Tomonobu Senjyu, Masato Oshiro Influence of Number of Poles, Magnet Arrangement, and Current Density on Characteristics of Inner and Outer Rotor PMSMs .................................................................................................................................................. 657 Yusuke Tani, Shigeo Morimoto, Masayuki Sanada Design Aspects and Test Results of a High Speed Bearingless Drive ............................................................................ 663 H. Mitterhofer, W. Amrhein New Infinitesimal Method for the Calculation of Self and Mutual Inductances of Arbitrary AC Windings............................................................................................................................................................................. 669 Radoslav Cipín, Miroslav Patocka Identification Of The Induction Motor Parameters Based On The Acceleration Method .......................................... 675 Radoslav Cipín, Miroslav Patocka Three-Phase Boost Converter with Integrated Auxiliary Step-Up Circuit for Electric Vehicle Applications........................................................................................................................................................................ 680 Ching-Ming Lai, Ming-Ji Yang, Hou-Hsuan Chen Theoretical Study on Eco-Driving Technique for an Electric Vehicle Considering Traffic Signals........................... 685 Masafumi Miyatake, Motoi Kuriyama, Yuzuru Takeda SOH Estimation of Lead Acid Battery for Automobile .................................................................................................. 691 Kentaro Ushiyama, Masayuki Morimoto Optimal Control of Single-Phase Voltage Source Active Rectifier with Emphasis on the Minimal Electromagnetic Interference ........................................................................................................................................... 697 M. Zeman, V. Blahník, Z. Peroutka, J. Michalík A New Wind Turbine Simulator using a Squirrel-Cage Motor for Wind Power Generation Systems ...................... 702 Ahmed G. Abo-Khalil A Simple Rule-Based Approach for Detection and Classification of Voltage Sag, Swell, and Interruption in Power Systems ......................................................................................................................................... 708 Cheng-I Chen, Hung-Lu Wang, Yuan-Chieh Chin Performance Evaluation of a Low Power Solar-PV........................................................................................................ 715 Neha Adhikari, Bhim Singh, A. L. Vyas An Intelligent Current Limiter and Zero Active Power Injection Algorithm for Microgrid Voltage Support ............................................................................................................................................................................... 722 C.N. Rowe, T.J. Summers, Analysis and Comparison Study of PWM and Phase-Shifted PWM Full-Bridge Inverter Fed HighVoltage High-Frequency Ozone Generator ..................................................................................................................... 728 Prasopchok Hothongkham, Somkiat Kongkachat, Narongchai Thodsaporn An Evaluation Method of Transformer Behaviors on Common-mode Conduction Noise in SMPS .......................... 734 Qingbin Chen, Wei Chen, Qingliang Song, Yongfa, Zhu Small Signal Stability Analysis of Arctan Power Frequency Droop.............................................................................. 739 C.N. Rowe, T.J. Summers, R.E. Betz, D.J. Cornforth Thermal Units Commitment Considering Voltage Constraint Based on Controllable Loads Reactive Control in Smart Grid....................................................................................................................................................... 745 Tomonori Goya, Tomonobu Senjyu, Atsushi Yona, Naomitsu Urasaki, Toshihisa Funabashi Energy Storage Systems for Seamless Mode Transfer in Microgrid............................................................................. 751 Che-Wei Chang, Yung-Ruei Chang Multi-switch Driving Circuit with LLC Resonant Circuit for High Pulsed-Voltage Generator................................. 755 S. Y. Tseng, Design and Implementation of a DSP-Based Fast Charger for Li-ion Battery............................................................. 761 Sheng-Yuan Ou, Jen-Hung Tian, Chung-Yen Yang A New DC/AC Boost Transformerless............................................................................................................................. 765 Mo Wei, Loh Poh Chiang, Frede Blaabjerg Design of Plasma Power for an Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge.................................................. 770 Ji-Yung Lee, Shyh-Jier Huang, Fu-Sheng Pai Digital Time-Multiplexing Control Of Single-Switch Dual-Output DC/DC Converter............................................... 774 Ting Sun, Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu The effect of Space Vector Modulation on Capacitor Voltage Ripple in a Cascaded H-bridge StatCom .................. 780 C.D. Townsend, J. Vodden, A.J. Watson, T.J. Summers, R.E. Betz, J.C. Clare Real-Time Load Compensation by Using a Cascaded Multilevel Inverter-Based STATCOM................................... 786 Wei-Neng Chang, Ching-Huan Liao Transient Stability Enhancement Evaluation of Cogeneration System by Using FACTS Elements .......................... 793 Wei-Neng Chang, Chia-Han Hsu Intelligent Management of Distributed Storage Elements in a Smart Grid ................................................................. 801 T. Logenthiran, Dipti Srinivasan A Novel Single Stage Step Up/Down AC/DC Converter for Small BLDC Wind Power Generators.......................... 807 Ching-Tsai Pan, Ting-Yu Chang, Emily Fang Design of FRT Capability and Distributed Voltage Control of PV Generation System .............................................. 813 Hayato Yamauchi, Atsushi Yona Improved Performance of a Novel SMC-Fuzzy Controller for DTC Brushless DC Motor Drive for Precise Speed Regulation .................................................................................................................................................. 819 C. Subba Rami Reddy, M. Surya Kalavathi The Optimization of Control Parametersof PSObased MPPT for Photovoltaics......................................................... 827 Takayoshi Kamejima, Vanxay Phimmasone, Yuta Kondo, Masafumi Miyatake The Implementation of Direct Virtual Torque Control and Direct Power Control for DFIG in Wind Energy System Using DSpace 1103 .................................................................................................................................. 830 Phan Quoc Dzung, Anh Nguyen Bao, Phuong Le Minh, Khoa Le Dinh, Hong Hee Lee Scaling Factor Design Issues in Variable Step Size Incremental Resistance MPPT in PV Systems ........................... 835 Emad M. Ahmed, Masahito Shoyama A Novel MPPT Control Method of Thermoelectric Power Generation Using State Space Averaging Method................................................................................................................................................................................ 841 Hiroaki Yamada, Koji Kimura, Tsuyoshi Hanamoto Optimal Operation Planning of Wind Farm Using Wind Power Forecasted Data ...................................................... 847 Kazuki Ogimi, Kosuke Uchida, Atsushi Yona, Tomonobu Senjyu The New Combined Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithm Using Fractional Estimation in Photovoltaic Systems ......................................................................................................................................................... 853 Dzung Phan Quoc, Quang Nguyen Nhat, Phuong Le Minh, Khoa Le Dinh, Vu Nguyen Truong Dan, Anh Nguyen Bao High Conversion Ratio Converter with ZVS Snubber Circuit for PV Charger Application...................................... 858 Yuang-Shung Lee, Sian-Siou Huang, Wei-Yi Yang High-Voltage Boost Converter.......................................................................................................................................... 865 K. I. Hwu, W. C. Tu Negative-Output Resonant Voltage Divider .................................................................................................................... 869 K. I. Hwu, Y. T. Yau, Jenn-Jong Shieh Dual-Output Boost Converter .......................................................................................................................................... 874 K. I. Hwu, Y. T. Yau, Jenn-Jong Shieh Integrated Ambient Light Sensor on a LED Driver Chip .............................................................................................. 878 Jian-Fu Wu, Chia-Ling Wei, Yuan-Ta Hsieh, Chiao-Li Fang A Carrier-Based PWM Strategy for Three-Level Neutral-Point-Clamped Voltage Source Inverters....................... 882 W. Srirattanawichaikul, Y. Kumsuwan, S. Premrudeepreechacharn, B. Wu Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drives for Optimum Stator Flux and Torque Ripple............................. 886 S. Srinivasa Rao, T. Vinay Kumar Fault Tolerant Control Method to Improve the Torque and Speed Response in PMSM Drive with Winding Faults................................................................................................................................................................... 890 Chandana Jayampathi Gajanayake, Bicky Bhangu, Sivakumar Nadarajan, Gamini Jayasinghe A Complete Bit-Stream Control System for Doubly Fed Induction Generator Applications ..................................... 896 Jonathan Bradshaw, Udaya Madawala, Nitish Patel, Duleepa Thrimawithana A Static Two-Axis Model and Its Application in Direct Torque Control System for Brushless Doubly Fed Induction Machine ..................................................................................................................................................... 902 Ai-ling Zhang, Xin Wang A Completely Smooth Transition Buck-Boost Converter with Continuity-Mode (CM) Technique for Only Using 2 Switches in Whole Battery Life.................................................................................................................. 908 Kian-Fu Wong, Chien-Hung Tsai Study and Implementation of a High Output Current Inverter with a Current Doubler Rectifier ........................... 912 Sen-Tung Wu, Jian-Min Wang, Yu-Kang Lo Design of a Digital Controlled Solar Water Pump Drive System for a Nano-filtration System.................................. 916 Chuanlin Jin, Wei Jiang Enhancement of Piezoelectric Transformer-Based LED Lighting Systemwith Tracking Mechanism....................... 921 Shyh-Jier Huang, Tsong-Shing Lee Optimal Control Design Method for Trans-Linked Type Multi-Phase Boost Converter............................................ 925 Yuta Nakamura, Masayoshi Yamamoto Optimal Design of Digital Control System for Interleaved Boost Chopper Circuit with the Coupled Inductor .............................................................................................................................................................................. 929 Kenta Kono, Yuta Nakamura, Masayoshi Yamamoto Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracker in Solar Power System............................ 933 Cheng-Yu Tang, Sheng-Yuan Ou, Yu-Chun Su A New DSP-Based ZVT Photovoltaic Energy Conversion System ................................................................................ 938 Yie-Tone Chen, Chi-Jer Lan A MPPT Control Method for Stand-Alone Photovoltaic System in Consideration of Partial Shadow ...................... 944 Yuya Oshiro, Hikaru Ono, Naomitsu Urasaki Verification of Efficacy of the Improved PSO-based MPPT Controlling Multiple Photovoltaic Arrays................... 949 Vanxay Phimmasone, Yuta Kondo, Takayoshi Kamejima, Masafumi Miyatake A DSP-Based Bipolar Switching Power Supply .............................................................................................................. 954 Yueh-Ru Yang Light Load Efficiency Improvement for AC/DC Boost PFC Converters by Digital Multi-Mode Control Method.................................................................................................................................................................. 959 Wei-Shung Wang, Ying-Yu Tzou Design and Implementation of Digital Controller using FPGA for 200-kHz PWM Inverter...................................... 965 Shinya Suzuki, Keiji Wada, Toshihisa Shimizu Bridgeless Power Factor Correction Circuits with Voltage-Doubler Configuration ................................................... 971 Dylan Dah-Chuan Lu, Wenfei Wang Design, Simulation and Implementation of an Adaptive controller on base of Artificial Neural Networks for a Resonant DC-DC Converter................................................................................................................... 977 Mohammad Jafari, Zahra Malekjamshidi Diagnosis of Multi-Phase Turn Faults of Induction Motor Stator-Windings ............................................................... 981 Toshiji Kato, Kaoru Inoue, Keisuke Yoshida Impact of Manufacturing Imperfections on Cogging Torque Level in PMSM ............................................................ 989 Lovrenc Gašparin, Rastko Fiser Advanced Generator Design using Paretooptimization.................................................................................................. 995 Martin R. Kuhn Single-Phase Active Current-Source Recifier Operated with Power Factor and Distortion Power Factor Control.................................................................................................................................................................. 1002 Jan Michalik, Jan Molnir, Zdenek Perourka Design of a Lithium-Iron Battery Charger with the Open-Circuit Voltage Function Evaluation ............................ 1008 Bo-Ge Huang, Fu-Sheng Pai, Shyh-Jier Huang, Yu-Jhe Li An Experimental Verification and Analysis of a Single-phase to Three-phase Matrix Converter using PDM Control Method for High-frequency Applications.............................................................................................. 1012 Yuki Nakata, Jun-ichi Itoh Improvement of Self-Oscillating Electronic Ballast with High Power Factor: A Combination of Charged-Pump and Valley-Fill....................................................................................................................................... 1018 Sarayoot Thongkullaphat, Pisit Liutanakul, Viboon Chunkag Experimental Verification of Rectifiers with SiC/GaN for Wireless Power Transfer Using a Magnetic Resonance Coupling ........................................................................................................................................................ 1022 Keisuke Kusaka, Jun-ichi Itoh Novel Approach to Closed-Loop Control of Wire Bending Machine.......................................................................... 1028 Henrik Lavric, Miroslav Bugeza, Rastko Fiser A Control Strategy for Series Connected Offshore Wind Turbines............................................................................ 1034 Alejandro Garces, Marta Molinas A New 98% Soft-Switching Full-Bridge DC-DC Converter based on Secondary-Side LC Resonant Principle for PV Generation Systems............................................................................................................................. 1040 Daisuke Tsukiyama, Yasuhiko Fukuda, Shuji Miyake, Saad Mekhilef, Soon-Kurl Kwon, Mutsuo Nakaoka A Novel MPPT Algorithm for Load Protection Based on Output Sensing Control................................................... 1048 Mehdi Hassani, Saad Mekhilef, Aiguo Patrick Hu, Neville R. Watson A Control Method for Maximum Power Point Tracking of a PMSG-Based WECS using Online Parameter Identification of Wind Turbine.................................................................................................................... 1053 Yuya Izumi, Alok Pratap, Kosuke Uchida, Akie Uehara, Tomonobu Senjyu, Atsushi Yona Robust Digital Voltage-Mode Controller for Synchronous Soft-Switching Boost Converter ................................... 1059 Mummadi Veerachary Digital Two-Loop Controller Design for Fourth Order Split-Inductor Converter .................................................... 1065 Mummadi Veerachary A Novel Fast Average Current Mode Digital Control for DC-DC Converter ............................................................ 1071 Fujio Kurokawa, Kazuhiro Kajiwara Correlation-based System Identification of Digitally Controlled SMPS..................................................................... 1077 Jun-Yan Liu, Chun-Hung Yang, Chien-Hung Tsai Study of Effect of the Nonlinear Inductor Behavior on the Performance of Resonant Tank for Driving Fluorescent Lamp ............................................................................................................................................................ 1081 Yitao Liu, Daming Zhang Single-Switch Constant-Power Equalization Charger Based on Multi-Stacked Buck-Boost Converters for Series-Connected Supercapacitors in Satellite Power Systems.............................................................................. 1086 Masatoshi Uno, Koji Tanaka Frequency Characteristics of Choke-Input-Type Diode Rectifier Circuit for Three-Phase Rectangular-Voltage-Fed Distribution System ............................................................................................................. 1094 Tornoaki Imaeda, Takaharu Takeshita, Yasuyuki Nishida New Evaluations on Soft Commutation Range of A Soft Switching PWM Boost DC-DC Converter with Edge-Resonant Switched Capacitor Modular....................................................................................................... 1100 Yujiro Takeuchi, Tomokazu Mishima, Mutsuo Nakaoka Author Index