General Physics 2 Syllabus (2016 Summer Semester)

General Physics 2 Syllabus (2016 Summer Semester)
1. Lecturer
Name: Oh, Myoung Chu
Affiliation: Hanyang University
Phone: 010-3101-6024 (Korea)
2. Course Objectives:
General Physics 2 is the second part of one-year course in physics. In this course, students will learn
basis of physics, i.e. electricity and magnetism, such as Coulomb’s law, eletric field and potential,
electric currents and circuits, induction, electromagnetic wave and lights, and introduction to special
theory of relativity and quantum physics. Students are welcome to ask questions before, after and in
the middle of the class.
Lecture notes will be given in the site which will be informed later.
3. Textbook
Physics - Principles with Applications 7th Ed, written by Douglas C. Giancoli,
4. Homework and Lab.
For every week, there will be homework.
Lab. class is replaced by simulations in the site which will be informed later.
5. Grades
Mid term Exam 40%
Final Exam 40%
Homework and attendance 20%
6. Semester and Class time
15 Classes
7. Course Schedule
Class 1:
Class 2: Chapter 16. Electric Charge and Electric Field
Simulation: Electric fields from charges
Class 3: Chapter 17. Electric Potential
Class 4:
Chapter 18. Electric Currents
Simulation: Ohm’s Law, Resistance
Class 5: Chapter 19. DC Circuits
Simulation: Circuit Construction
Class 6:
Chapter 20. Magnetism
Simulation: Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Class 7: Chapter 21. Electromagnetic Induction
Simulation: Faraday’s Electromagnetic Induction
Class 8:
Mid-Term Exam (From Chap. 16 to Chap. 21)
Class 9:
Class 10:
Chapter 22. Electromagnetic Wave
Simulation: Radio wave and Electromagnetic Field
Chapter 23. Light
Class 11:
Chapter 24. Wave Nature of Light
Simulation: Radiating Charge, Wave Interference
Class 12:
Chapter 25. Optical Instrument
Simulation: Geometric Optics
Class 13:
Chapter 26. Special Theory of Relativity
Simulation: Light Clock and Time Dilation, Length Contraction
Class 14:
Chapter 27. Quantum Theory and Models of Atom
Simulation: Photoelectric Effect
Class 15:
Final Exam ( From Chapter 22 to Chapter 27 )