Prof. Richa Sinha
Faculty Coordinator:
Prof. Shruti Raval
Prof. Sandip Patel
Prof. Nirav Prajapati
Prof. Kruti Patel
Prof. Amit Patel
Student Coordinator:
Megha Pandya
Sahil Patel (Pass Out)
Achira Shah
Ashish Chaudhary
Vishal Dixit
Gurpreet Khalas
Diparth Raval
Dhruv Solanki
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
It gives us an immense pleasure to publish E-Magazine of the Department.
Our objective is to march around the central pivot of young student's desire to become an
Engineer and responsible for the growth of the wealth of the nation.
It is an Institute where discipline and punctuality with conducive environment will provide quality education, development in frontier areas of engineering and technology. We, the Faculty,
Staff and Management of Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Centre (KITRC), Kalol-
382721.(GUJARAT) will work for producing technologically superior and ethically strong engineers for the country and the world, with a purpose to serve the society & mankind. With strong team work, we would achieve technological excellence in a highly competitive environment around us..
KITRC has primary objective of offering quality academic programs in different areas of engineering to empower the students to meet the technological needs and socio-economic challenges of the country.
We have a majestic infrastructure, spacious modern laboratories and a rich library with latest edition of books and standard journals. We have committed faculty members who pursue a focused approach for a glorious legacy of enviable teaching-learning environment, lead the students from the depth of darkness to a height of dazzling brightness. We champion the cause of quality education, aim high and our motto is to think noble, plan and implement with perfection. We hope to dive deep and distant in our quest for excellences not only in education, implications and impressions but also in caring, sharing and rearing. We want to thrive and survive by discipline and hard work. Regardless of the fact that we have a humble beginning, our aim is the sky – the limit.
We nurture a calm and quiet disciplined campus for all round personality development of the students in a atmosphere where academic pursuit is the food and cordiality is the life.
The ultimate aim of the students is to acquire higher percentage of marks for better results and to be placed in the Multinational Companies. This is not only the aim of students but also the aim of parents, teachers and our Management. Our Management and the staff members strive hard to make the learners build in them a repertoire of experiences and make them fit to keep pace dexterously with the changing nature of the society to which they belong.
To make the students physically and mentally fit for their objective, we have facilities for various games and sports. The college is also situated in a calm atmosphere wherein students can imbibe learning by keeping in touch with nature and aspire heights in all their endeavors. Hope all these added advantages will take KITRC to its pinnacle of glory and it may become a globally known, one amongst the leading Institutions.
We are committed to provide leadership and support for students and help them in their professional development.
Dr. Atul K. Patel
Managing Director,
Kalol Institute and
Research Center, Kalol
Prof. P. K. Patel
Executive Chairman,
Kalol Institute and
Research Center, Kalol
Dr. G. R. Kulkarni
Kalol Institute of
Technology and Research
Center, Kalol
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Collaboration – Unit ing thoughts Vol 2
Umiyamata Kadva Patidar Education And Samajseva Trust is established since 2006 with main objective to promote Professional Education in Gujarat and particularly in and around Ahmedabad-
Gandhinagar region. It is registered under Bombay Public Charitable Trust Act, 1950 with charity commissioner of Gandhinagar, where Kalol is included. It’s registration no is E/-1238 Gandhinagar dated 2nd
January 2006.
The institute has provided the complete infrastructure for effective training and placement. Training and placement activities perform all through the year towards generating placement and training opportunities for the students. Placement of the students in the right kind of job opportunities is an endorsement of educational excellence in the respective field.
Reputed industrial houses across the country visit our institute regularly for the campus recruitment programmes. Eligible students who passed out from Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Centre has bagged lucrative offers from State. We are proud that our students are absorbed by leading giants in the industrial firmament.
4 lacs ss
Mr. Mihir Shah
Training and Placement Officers
Kalolo Institute of Technology and Research Center, Kalol
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Sports is all forms of usually competitive physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills while providing entertainment to participants, and in some cases, spectators. Hundreds of sports exist, from those requiring only two participants, through to those with hundreds of simultaneous participants, either in teams or competing as individuals.
The International Olympic Committee (through ARISF) recognises both chess and bridge as bona fide sports, and Sport Accord, the international sports federation association, recognises five non-physical sports, although limits the amount of mind games which can be admitted as sports. Although there are so many games but usually we have started motivating students to play some sports in college, such as Cricket,
Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton, Athletic (all types). We also have few indoor games such as Chess,
Carom, one-minute game, etc.
Our students have participated in the GTU Athletics games organized by Gandhinagar Zone Sports
Committee at Sports Authority Of India, Gandhinagar. This is the 1 st athletics games organized by GTU for both Men and Women motivating the spirits of students more and more. We have participation in our college as in various games like racing, relay, shot put, discus throw, hurdle run, long jump, pole vault, jelvin throw and high jump.
Our students had also shown active participation in GTU Sports event i.e. SPIRIT 2014. We had active participation in various indoor and outdoor sports for this event. There are 75 students from all branches who had participated in the different games in GTU Sports event SPIRIT – 2014. Table shows the participation this year.
Games Name No. Of Participation
Table Tennis
We promote overall development and growth of the students and sports play a very important role. Our students have made the college prestige alive and high with their more and more contribution to sports along with learning engineering. Hope we continue with same or more spirits in future.
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Mr. Hemant Bhavsar and Mr. Vasim Kazi
Sports Officer,
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Center, Kalol
Collaboration – Unitin g thoughts Vol 2
The Cultural Committee of Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre celebrate the cultural diversity in the campus through various events and create a happening environment of students along with learning. The committee gives enough reasons for the students to relax and enjoy campus life amidst rigorous academics and never ending student initiatives under the umbrella of clubs/committees.
The committee seeks to create a platform that provides the students with an opportunity to display creative talents in a variety of ways. The committee also works in collaboration with independent societies like society of Drama, Dance, Music etc. and organizes various cultural activities like Annual day, garba night etc.
Our college has motivated students for GTU youth festival i.e. XITIJ 2014 organized in
September 2014 at S.K. Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar. We had 30 students who took active partipation in various events organized this festival. Here are some figures
Events Number of Partipation
Music Event
Dance Event
Literary Event
Theatre Event
Fine Art Event 7
Agazz - 2014 , our annual day and Dandiya Beats - 2014, our garba night event was organized on larger scale by Kalol Institutes and Research Centre. A large mass of students from the institute showed their active participation in both these events. Agazz-2014 included various events like dance, drama, singing, mime, orchestra, prize distribution etc. which have motivated students to show their skills in various field other then studies. Dandiya beats is a cultural dance event in which our traditional garba dance is highlighted. It was an open event with no fix number of participation.
Everyone who belongs to the campus was invited to give their performance.
Our students are our futures. We put on collective effort to secure the future of our students so that we may have better future too. In order satisfy this need we take special care of all students that they grow as whole. Motivating students to cultural activities relax them from burdens of studies for sometime.We proudly say we have enthusiatic lot of students.
Mr. Hemant Bhavsar and Mr. Wasim Kazi
Cultural In- Charge,
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Center, Kalol
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Welcome to the Department of Information Technology of K.I.T.R.C developed in 2006. Education is a life long process, therefore, anytime anywhere access to it is the need. Information explosion is an ever increasing phenomena therefore there is need to get access to this information. Education should meet the needs of variety of learners and therefore IT is important in meeting this need. Information technology, while an important area of study in its own right, is having a major impact across all curriculum areas. Easy worldwide communication provides instant access to a vast array of data, challenging assimilation and assessment skills. The advantage of using information technology is that time-consuming work routines can increasingly be performed by means of this technology and time can thus be devoted instead to communicating and informing, to the processing of information and the production of knowledge.
The main Vision of our department is thus to make students learn the practical scenario taking place in
Companies and real I.T Field. We have very young and intellectual group of faculties who are always ready for inovation and research. This dynamic group of faculties nurtures our students to become capable of standing out in software industry without fear. We have a very healthy working environment wherein our faculties and students are free to take active participation in academic as well as non-academic activities. Thus the excellent infrastructure, young teaching faculty of the best kind ensuring quality education such as interaction among students, parents and staff (mentor), along with Training and Placement Cell ensures a bright future to its students.
Reasons behind taking opportunities to study in IT departments are as below.
Most experience faculty amongst all department
Most number of faculty having master degree.
All Faculties having best academic performance during their curriculum
Faculties having different technical as well as non technical skills
We have initiated First time celebration of engineer’s day in college
Every year we are organizing various expert lectures, seminars and workshops.
Every week we seat together and discuss various ideas to enhance teaching, arranging various activities etc…
Most regular in time working of assigned duties
Preparation of best practical’s and assignments compare to all departments
Regular assessment of work given to students
Best teaching presentation material is also available for all subjects
We have downloaded more number of subject’s video lecture from NPTEL website
Now college internet is more maintained and disciplined than it was in previous semester.
We have also initiated very well for staff detail on our institute website
Our faculty is attending more seminar and workshop amongst all department
Highest number of paper published nationally and internationally by faculties and students
More satisfied students after passing from IT department of KITRC, Kalol
With all reason mentioned above and with a team of dedicated and experienced faculty with bent of mind has been driving the department towards excellence in teaching as well as in R & D activities. Thus we are confident that our engineers will emerge as assets not only to this institution and to the organization they belong, but also to the country at large.
We are thus sure that students graduated from KITRC (I.T) will surely become best software professionals as Project Managers, System Analysts, Team leaders, Testers, Database Engineers, Network engineers, Mobile developers etc in Industry or become Entrepreneurs in their own innovative way.
Department of Information Technology
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Center, Kalol
Prof. Amit Patel (Head of Department)
Prof. Lokesh Gaganani (P.G. Coordinator)
Prof. Kruti Patel (U.G. Coordinator)
Prof. Hitesh Patel Prof. Richa Sinha
Prof. Shruti Raval Prof. Mansi Parmar
Prof. Mona Borisagar
Prof. Paresh Trivedi
Prof. Nirav Prajapati
Prof. Purvi Patel
Prof. Ravindra Naik
Prof. Dharmendra Patel
Prof. Sandip Patel
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Focus on attendance
College maintains special software for student’s daily attendance.
Department Magazine
All departments release their departmental magazine every year.
All departments have highly experienced faculties who are always ready to explore new methodology.
Mentor System
Every faculty in college is a mentor of 20 students.
Mentor will take care of all the needs of those 20 students including student counselling
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre has got a beautiful campus
Department and college level committees
For better and smooth working, college has organised department as well as college level committees.
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Dr. G. R. Kulkarni, principal KITRC has motivated the spirits of college in various fields like cultural, sports , technical festival etc.
Collection of Many college
KIRC campus does not only includes Technical college but also have architecture , Management ,
Pharmacy, B.Sc.,MCA colleges and a school running in same campus
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise in terms of computers and computer networks also including television and telephones distributions.
Our Information Technology department lies in one the blocks of college infrastructure. Our department goal is over development of student for IT industry. As our discipline deals with computer and networks, our faculties not only focuses on the theory portion of the subjects but also on practical part too in order to produce extremely all rounder students in the field of Information Technology. I.T. Markets is the most rapid changing market nowadays in that case we also make sure that our students are well aware of current technologies and trends.
Bachelor of Engineering (Intake - 60)
Master of Engineering (Intake - 18)
Courses are approved by AICTE and affiliated with GTU.
A-Block , KIRC Campus
02764-222604, 9909996706
Email : it.kitrc@gmail.com www. kirc.ac.in
Undergraduate Programs
Students pursuing a Bachelor of engineer in information technology receive a strong foundation programming, in data algorithm analysis, web technology, operating systems, databases etc. fundamentals structures,
Students of final year are encouraged to do Live Project in Industry to make them compatible to recent industry demand. including networking,
Post Graduate programs
Students pursuing a Master of engineer in information technology receive depth knowledge of object oriented methodology, Project
Management, Advance Web Technology, Image
Processing, Ubiquitous Computing, Software forensic etc.
Department offers research work to final year students of Master as per GTU guideline.
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Laboratories and Classrooms
Information technology department is equipped with more than 100 Pcs, Printers in laboratories. Our classrooms motivate projectors, chalk/board and OHP styles of teaching as per the requirement of faculties. Students have access to high tech labs. Some of our laboratories are
Internet/Network Lab
System Software Lab
PG Lab
Library and Internet
Institute have high tech library & high speed internet facilities.
Over 2500 IT Related Books Are Available
Easy Access To National & International
Journals, Magazines.
Internet Accessibility to All Laboratories And
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Faculty Name
1. Prof. Amit Patel
Time Table
Duties/ College Committee
Department Library
Prof. Kruti Patel
4. Prof. Hitesh Patel Asst. Professor PG Seminar/Dissertation
Lab In charge A13A
5. Prof. Paresh Trivedi Asst. Professor PG Class Councillor,
Exam Co-ordinator
6 Prof. Ravindra Naik Asst. Professor Mentor 3rd year,
Training And Placement
7 Prof. Richa Sinha
8 Prof.
Asst. Professor Mentor 4th year,
IDP/UDP Co-ordinator,
Department E Magazine
Asst. Professor Attendance Monitoring(S/w),
Mentor 3rd year
9 Prof. Sandip Patel
10 Prof. Shruti Raval
Asst. Professor Mentor 2 nd year
Class Councillor 2 nd year,
Minutes Of Meetings
Asst. Professor Mentor 4 th year,
Class Councillor 7th sem
11 Prof. Nirav Prajapati Asst. Professor Mentor 3 rd year,
Class Councillor 3 rd year
12 Prof. Mansi Parmar Asst. Professor Mentor 4 th year
13 Prof.
14 Prof. Purvi Patel
PG Coordinator Time Table,
Asst. Professor
Asst. Professor
Time Table,
Lab Incharge A12
Lab In charge A13B
Mentor 2 nd year
Women Cell-1
(As per direction of supreme court)
PG Coordinator,
Technical event organization
& management,
Academic Monitoring Committee
GTU Exam
GTU Representative
Women Cell 2
Udisha club
Training & Placement,
Web site updates
Anti ragging,
Public relations
notification/circular monitoring
Cultural activities
Co- curricular activities
Courses Available Number of Titles
List of Journal for U.G
P.C. Quest
Living Digital
Intl’s of Comp. Information
Technology and Engineering
Intelligent Computing Chip
Journal of Intelligent Computing and Application
Journal of Information Technology
Available Number of Volumes
List of Journal for P.G.
Indian Journal of Information and Communication
Indian J. of Information
J. of Neural Networks Research
Indian J. of Wireless
Communication and Simulation
Available National Journals
IEEE- IEL-IEEE Online (1
ELSEVIER- Science Direct
275 Journals (Back File
Access From 2000 onwards)
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Vishal Dixit B.E. 3 rd Year
There are various software development approaches defined and designed which are used/employed during development process of software, these approaches are also referred as “Software Development Process Model”.
The Following Six Phases in every software development lifecycle:
Software development life Cycle
All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in this phase. Requirements are set of functionalities and constraints that the end-user (who will be using the system) expects from the system. The requirements are gathered from the end-user by consultation, these requirements are analyzed for their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements of the system to be development is also studied.
The specific method that analyst use for collecting data about requirements is called fact-finding techniques.
There are four fact-finding techniques
Record Review
Before a starting for actual coding, it is highly important to understand what we are going to create and what it should look like? The requirement specifications from first phase are studied in this phase and system design is prepared. System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system design specifications serve as input for the next phase of the model. By different UML
Diagram System Design is Prepared. List of UML Diagrams areas shown in below figure:
UML Diagram Types
On receiving system design documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is started.
Since, in this phase the code is produced so it is the main focus for the developer. Appropriate Programming language chooses for making software based on its requirements and features. Like C/C++,JAVA,VISUAL
After the code is developed it is tested against the requirements to make sure that the product actually solving the needs addressed and gathered during the requirements phase. Different level of testing: Unit Testing, Integration
Testing, System Testing, Acceptance Testing.
After Successful testing the product is delivered/ deployed to the customer for their use.
Once when the customer starts using the developed system then the actual problems comes up and needs to be solved from time to time. This process where the care is taken for the developed product is called Maintenance.
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Megha Pandya M.E. I.T. 2 nd year
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) is among the largest government space agencies in the world. Its primary objective is to advance space technology and use its applications for national benefit. There are many applications on which Isro are going to work.
Earth Observation
Satellite Communication
Disaster Management
Earth Observation
First question comes in mind that earth observation is how to affect in our real life? It affects a lot in our life.
We all are using GPS tracker and mostly it gave us correct positions of the places on the earth. Day by day points on the earth are going to changing their positions and that satellite are going to work on this complicating situation. So, we can get always satisfactory results. This is the one of the application of Earth Observation in our routine life. Another applications are, Agriculture &
Soils, Bio Resources and Environment, etc.
It’s utilization has become wide spread and ubiquitous throughout the country for such diverse applications like
Television, DTH Broadcasting, DSNG and VSAT to exploit the unique capabilities in terms of coverage and outreach. The technology has matured substantially over past three decades and is being used on commercial basis for a large number of applications. Most of us are touched by satellite communication in more ways than we realize. The potential of the technology for societal applications continue to fascinate ISRO and efforts are on to leverage the benefits of technology to the betterment of mankind. Important initiatives pursued by ISRO towards societal development include Teleeducation, Tele-medicine, Village Resource Centre (VRC) and
Disaster Management System (DMS) Programmes. The potential of the space technology for applications of national development is enormous. In our routine life we are maximum using mobile phones, we even can’t imagine our future without mobiles, it is very essential thing in this world.
But for that we all should be very thankful to Satellites for accessing the services.
Satellite Communication
Disaster Management Support Programme India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its geo-climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides have been recurrent phenomena.
About 60% of the landmass is prone to earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to floods; close to
5,700 km long coastline out of the 7,516 km, is prone to cyclones; about 68% of the cultivable area is susceptible to drought. The Andaman & Nicobar Islands, the East and part of
West coast are vulnerable to Tsunami. The deciduous/ drydeciduous forests in different parts of the country experience forest fires. The Himalayan region and the Western Ghats are prone to landslides. DMS will help on Flood, Cyclone,
Agriculture Drought, Forest fire, Landslide, Earthquakes.
Disaster Management
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Prof. Sandip Patel
Assessment is probably the most important thing we can do to help our students learn. We may not like it, but students can and do ignore our teaching; however, if they want to get a qualification, they have to participate in the assessment processes we design and implement. For that reason I believe it is worth thinking through, individually and collectively, what we currently do and exploring how we can do our best to ensure that our assessment practices help rather than hinder learning. I will explore these issues, play with a negative exercise about what we can do to hinder learning and conclude with some pointers towards integrating learning and assessment
I have long argued that assessment needs to be ‘fit-for-purpose’; that is, it should enable evaluation of the extent to which learners have learned and the extent to which they can demonstrate that learning. We need to consider not just what we are assessing and how we are doing it (particularly which methods and approaches), but also why — our rationale for assessing on any particular occasion and in any context. Our different reasons (to motivate students, to encourage activity, to provide guidance and feedback for remediation, grading and selection) will impact on our choice of assessment instruments, which may include the wide diversity of under-used methods which are suitable in different contexts.
We also need to think about the agents who undertake the task. For example, if we want to assess group work, using intra-peer group assessment seems sensible in order to access group process, whereas if we want to assess employability, involving placement supervisors or clients would give us a better understanding of how students engage in a working environment than a hastily scribbled post-hoc work placement report could do. In some cases only the tutor will do, but these occasions I believe are fewer than is often posited.
We also need to consider when is the best time to assess (not, I would suggest, all at the very end of a learning programme if we want students to have a chance to learn from early errors). Is it possible to give students a choice about when they are ready to be assessed? How far can we (or should we) allow multiple attempts at assessment over a period of time?
To be valid, the assessment needs to focus as well on what is intended to be learned. If we want our students to demonstrate employability when they graduate, our assessments need to be designed to be practice-orientated, whether in terms of the practice of being a researcher or applications to professional contexts such as being an artist, an accountant, a health practitioner or a quantity surveyor. Rather than assessing a learner’s ability to write about good practice, an effective assessment strategy would seek to measure how the student can put into practice the learning achieved. The methods used need to be authentic, that is, assessing what they claim to assess, not just what is easy to assess.
Any assessment strategy needs to be efficient in terms of staff time, cost-effective for the organizations concerned and should ensure that learners find the tasks they are set manageable, relevant and developmental
The programme of assessment chosen needs to be reliable, so that different assessors derive the same grade for similar work (inter-assessor reliability) and individual assessors mark reliably to a defined standard (intra-assessor reliability). This can only be assured when the criteria are clearly understood by all who undertake assessment.
Gurpreet Kaur Khalsa B.E. 2 nd
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Prof. Nirav Prajapati
As Internet of Things is quickly becoming a reality, it is intriguing more and more developers as well as prospective users. In a simplistic view, IoT can be seen as a sophisticated network of things. Things that are not just typical computers or mobile phones or machines but the things like door-lock, diapers, watches or anything you believe in to make life smarter and easier. It is excellent combination of multiple technologies to enable better life. The
Internet of Things is the collection of objects on the internet or network that humans rely on to make their lives easier.
Until recently, information was gathered separately and then input into computerized systems to summarize and make sense of it. However, with advent of IoT, things that are going to give data would speak themselves up and perhaps would tell you much more than what you figure out with routine data-mining methods.
Internet of Things primarily needs 3 building blocks to make it functional. These are, a thing itself which could be door-lock, water tank, etc., then a connecting mechanism such as RF transmitter / receiver, NFC, Bluetooth, etc. and a stable & secure communication method or protocol.
It is obvious that not all the devices in network are going to be line powered. Some will be battery powered where low power consumption is going to be the key. This not only affects the battery replacements or charging cycles but also mobility of the device or the thing connected. The most critical part I see is the one where IoT is presented to end users in most useful and simplistic form. Too many people don’t think about electricity separately, what they think about instead is turning on TV, lighting the room or playing music, electricity for that purpose is just a media or one of the enablers. In short, these all things are applications of electricity. Similarly, in order to make an IoT product, converting it into a useful and meaningful application is going to be the key. Technically, it is easier to make a product and have RF or Bluetooth connectivity built-in to it. However, it doesn’t necessarily make it IoT enabled product…why…because the application that product serves doesn’t dictate so. How not to overwhelm general users and still make sense of product is going to be tough and that will be one of the key drivers to make IoT a success and larger reality.
Interestingly, designers also need to answer many trivial but critical questions; e.g. what would smart-phones and TVs and refrigerators and cars and locks and smart clothes and whatever else would talk about with each other?
Seemingly simple question raises many underlying complexities in design of such devices and systems. From purely designers’ perspective, security, identity management, semantics, compatibility with multiple communication standards, lower power, lower costs and nil or least interference would be the major criterion for IoT based products.
In some very specific cases, safety will also be significant factor to be considered.
As of today, things are scattered. I mean, there are devices which offer Bluetooth lower power connectivity, devices which offer sensor interfacing and devices providing computing platforms. People are building things by combining these in their own pleasing manner and making devices that could work as IoT applications. Technology per se has not yet presented with something ground-breaking which is solely intended for IoT designs. Some products on the other hand like PlantInk, Twine, TweetPee, are receiving good feedbacks that are quite good attempts for IoT enabled devices. However, we are yet to see some serious developments on IoT applications where true potential of IoT can be demonstrated.
People are not waiting for newer technologies since there is nothing as such called starting point for IoT devices. These are being designed and developed continuously with recursive modifications as and when newer technologies are getting available. We must understand that it is symbiotic eco-system of developers and enablers; one has to take initiative for other to work on it and vice-versa. If we wish chip makers to integrate some critical protocol into their hardware design, developers need to start making and using it in software form for some time. The need to integrate it on chip would obviate sooner or later. On the other hand, if chip makers create some enabler for better use of technology, developers would prefer to use it rather than re-inventing the wheel.
Stop and ask yourself today,"How do I really feel about myself? " Before you answer read these ten principles.
(1) Never think or speak negatively about yourself; that puts you in disagreement with God.
(2) Meditate on your God-given strengths and learn to encourage yourself, for much of the time nobody else will.
(3) Don't compare yourself to anybody else. You're unique,one of a kind, an original. So don't settle for being a copy.
(4) Focus on your potential, not your limitations. Remember, God lives in you!
(5) Find what you like to do, do well, and strive to do it with excellence.
(6) Have the courage to be different. Be a God pleasure, not a people pleasure .
(7) Learn to handle criticism. Let it develop you instead of discourage you.
(8) Determine your own worthinstead of letting others do itfor you. They'll short-changeyou !
(9) Keep your shortcomings in perspective - you're still awork in progress.
(10) Focus daily on your greatest source of confidence - the God Who lives in you !
Dhruv Solanki B.E. I.T. 3 rd
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Prof. Shruti Raval
Now a days there is huge discussion going on between clients and company for Developing Mobiles in Apps in native or Cross platform and their different point of views for this topic. Generally client wants to develop apps in any one Language/Domain and which can be used in all the platform because Time & Money matters.
Most of the companies have large team with highly expertise in developing native apps development in IOS, Android,
And Many large companies know that cross platform is not best choice for developing mobile applications because they do not provide service. At the end each cross platform deals with native compiler for making separate build.
After developing apps and research from various blogs I have concluded some Pros and Cons.
Uniform Look & Feel
Use of known technologies
General scripting language used
Reusable for different platform
Update once - Sync All
Greater Reach - More platform cover
List based application can speedily implemented
Report Based application looks more attractive
Web & Mobile looks similar
Reduce development cost
Our requirement may not be fulfilled into functional reality
Different Tools & Languages - Xamarin, Phonegap, Titanium,Grapple,Open plug, Corona, Unity etc.
Limited compatibility for different platform
User interaction - Suitable for all platform
Loss of Flexibility - Each platform has its own Flexibility
Less/Hard accessibility of Hardware - Camera, GPS, Push notification etc.
Generally companies avoid to implement cross platform
Can’t found expertise and vast experience developer
Except games, developer not prefer
Hard to test on device
Could not found much help as compare to native app development
Optimization for particular platform can be much harder
100% hardware support and fulfills all feasible requirement into a functional reality
Native language support
Get Expertise developer for Application
Feels own Flexibility
Implementation & Modification can easily done
More fragmented in use and integrate
Easily access New Features announced by native Language.
Fast development
Own UI and Component so that developer are more familiar
Native apps gets full support from concern App Store
QA Testing and Performance optimized can be easily done
Nice support for social app integration like: FB, Twitter, G+, LinkedIn etc.
Continuously upgrade apps with latest OS and Feature
For a Product It take much time & Resources to developer apps in multiple native platform.
Most of cross platform is built using their own subset of javascript, means if you want to switch in another platform, the code already written before will not be reused without a lot of work.While in native apps you can change/enhance code easily if needed. Top most applications in any platform is made in native.
Choose your platform as per your requirements…!
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
-Diparth Raval B.E. I.T. 2 nd year
Lets start with the iPhone. Some iPhone users like to
"jailbreak“ their device after purchasing it, as it allows you do perform certain things on the iPhone that you can't do when it's not jailbroke. So what is jailbreaking? Jailbreaking is actually the process of removing certain restrictions and limitations put into place by Apple on devices that run the
IOS operating system. To accomplish a jailbreak, a custom kernel is used to grant root access to the device. Once an IOS user has jailbroke his device, he is then able to download apps that aren't in the App Store, use themes, and extenstions that Apple doesn't support. Users do still have access to the App Store and iTunes when a device is jailbroken, and it doesn't affect standard functionality.
Basically, jailbreaking allows you to use software that Apple doesn't authorize. Now while IOS users might consider jailbreaking their iPhone the same thing as Android users rooting their Android phones, there is a HUGE difference. In fact, you can't even compare jailbreaking to rooting, and here's why.
Jailbreaking IOS
Apple's operating system is not an open source system, meaning that you cannot make changes to the actual source code. Android however, is an open source operating system, and allows you to do MUCH more than just install 3rd party apps.
Android out of the box allows users to install 3rd party apps. already allows you to install themes, and even allows you to install applications directly from your SD card or internal memory of your device. Everything that IOS users hope to accomplish with jailbreaking their device is already included as basic functionality within
Android. So what exactly does root accomplish for
Android? Well, not only does it allow you to gain priveged control of your device, overcome limitations that carriers and OEMS put on devices
(skins, ect), but also allows you to COMPLETELY remove and replace the entire operating system of the device. This is achievable due to the fact that
Android itself was built on a Linux kernel, and allows a user to access administrative permissions on their phone or tablet.
Android Root
So on an Android device,rooting basically gives you access to more or less the entire operating system. You can completely remove the OS and replace it with user made operating systems that contain tweaks and enhancements
(known as ROMS), and you can even access and adjust settings such as your processor speeds. With the help of a custom kernel, IOS devices can be jailbroke to run custom apps. With the help of a custom kernel on Android, you can overclock or underclock your actual processor speed.
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Some Media Tools
Students who love reading
The Online Books
Project Gutenberg
Open Book Project
General Links
Training and
Some good Modules for interactions
Open Meeting
Google Hangouts
For Student Writers
Essay Punch
The Owl
Bib Me amazon
Interview Questions
Training and Placement Links
Online Exam/Learning
Education Links
Web Hosting
123domainregist y
Learning .NET
Research Gate
Google APIs
Massive Only Open
Learning Java Sites
Learning Web
Academic/ Institutional Links
Storage Space
Google Drive
Project Related
Plagrism Detection
Plagiarism Search
Find Research Paper
IEEE Xplore
ACM Library
Science Direct
Conference News
Projects/ Research Links
Search Engines
Web directories
Entertainment Links
Page 17
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Department has included various types of curricular activities to enhance learning for the students. Here are some activities we have encouraged.
Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Centre has arranged seminar on Patent Search and Analysis Report
(PSAR) for students on dated 11th Sep 2013 at campus. This workshop was organized by Prof. Amit Patel and Prof. Richa
The seminar was started with motivating talk on
“Overview of IPR and importance of Patent Search” which was majorly related to India’s position in Innovation in competent to other countries & figures related to possibility
Picture @ Amit Patel demonstrating PSAR Activity of growth of research and innovation in India. This gave a strong background and platform for Patent search and its requirement for 7th semester students. In the next session, discussion was made on “Patent Search: using Open Source Database and IPO” with live examples. Simultaneously, students were able to open the database during the session. All students were mentored on how to survey the patents from different databases and later they were guided for how to analyze the surveyed data. Through this exercise, participants came to know whether their work is patentable or not.
Picture @ Richa Sinha demonstrating PSAR Activity
Pictures @ Project Fair 2014
Project Fair- Explore your ideas!!! is Project and Poster Presentation organized by Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre on 2 nd May, 2014. Fair was open to all the students, faculties and near by industries. Invitation was sent to all the institutions, parents and alumni by emails. Invitation to public was announced through website by institution. Project fair organizing team was formed as per guidelines. Department of Information Technology has displayed 18 such projects. The best 3 projects among them are follows
Sr. No. Title of Projects Project Group
Window-8 store app
Project Management system
100260116047, 100260116008
100260116039, 100260116060, 100260116058, 100260116020
Vendor Management System 100260116007
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Engineering is a branch of Science and Technology where society expects lots of innovation and creativity from engineers. But today’s education system has become very stereotype which just follows the traditional teaching learning process. This needs to be change in order to have maximum contribution from engineering students to the Society.
Design engineering is an initiative taken by Gujarat Technology University in this direction with the help and guidance of the professors of IITs and the GTU Innovation Council we are looking ahead in moving on the path of innovation.
Department of Information Technology, KIT, Kalol has conducted workshop on Design Engineering workshop on 22 nd November, 2014. This wokshop is was conducted by Prof. Nirav Prajapati and Prof. Sandip Patel. This workshop was especially conducted for student of 3 rd semester I.T. Both faculties elaborated students how to explain their innovative ideas in 3 canvas. In this subject, students have to target an issue and give their prospective and idea how to solve it.Here is sample for the same
Pictures @ Sample Canvas for Design Engineering
I.T. department has conducted 2 project presentations for students of 7th semester students. This keeps all project guides updated with what students are doing in the company. Here is the schedule of the presentation.
Activity Name Deadline Date Instruction
2. Presentation 1 22 nd August , 2014
3. Presentation 2 14 th Nov, 2014
Introduction, Literature Review , Innovation Technology,
Company Profile, System Requirement, Modules & functionalities, Software Development Model, Gantt Chart,
Analysis of system(all diagrams), Implementation
Environment , Data Dictionary
Page 19
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Enrollment No. Students Name Project title with Language and
Paper less Hospital Management 080260116034
Patel Darshit P.
Patel Mehul H.
Mit Shah
Jaimin Joshi
Raval Saurabh
Pandya Dhaval
Shraddha Savalia
Shah Nancy
Solanki Mayuri
Solanki Vinay
Abhinav Vaidya
Ashish Jambhale
Pathan Zaid
100260110040 Parth Chaudhari
English Learning Website and
Window-8 Phone app.
Window-8 store app.
E-entertainment Portal
ASP .net
Trendy Looks
ASP .net
Project Management System
Java car rental portal /Asp.Net
Ashish Chowdhary
Mitesh Patel
Kunjal deliwala
Meghna Daultani
Divya Daultani
Patel Krina
Patel Ekta
100260116041 Prajapati Anjali I
Chauhan Mitali
Bhide Riddhi
Shah Jinita
Kadiya Kardin
Patel Pinakin
Roma Bhavsar
Kritu Choksi
Sonalshi Chauhan
Patel Heena
Bhavsar Ankita
Prajapati Svikruti
Tanvi A Modi
Parimal Kinjal
Suthar Mittal
Smart club Portal
Health Care System
ASP .net, c#
Dealership management,
ASP .net, c#
Multiuser online communication portal,
ASP .net, c#
Online classroom and question forum,
Java, jsp
Auto Garrage,
ASP .net
E-News paper with Authentication and Authorization
Suppliment advising, planning & tranmsaction portal
Online Auction
Online Food Ordering System
.Net with C#
Archit Pandit
Roshani Patel
Tender Portal
.Net with C#
Page 20
IDP/UDP Company & External
Guide Name
I-verve Infoweb pvt.
Xeppers infotech
Implicit solution
(pallav sir)
Compindia technology
N R group pvt. Ltd.
N R group pvt. Ltd.
TOPS(Fiserv tech)
Technology i-verve infoweb pvt.
Macrosoft creation
Hemang Vaghela
Ncode technology
Sai management & eduction services
Implicit Solution
Implicit solution i-verve infoweb pvt.
Enrollment No. Students Name Project title with Language and
Mobile Entertainment 090260116067
Thakar Kinjal
Sadariya Rajeshree
110263116005 Patel Ruhi R
Kotak Mehul M
Patel Ravi S
Jaimin Prajapati
Viren Patel
Vanraj Rahevar
Hardik Nayee
Saiyad Mo.Ali
Android Account Tracker
Hotel Inventory Management System
Social follow and networking portal
Co-Operative House
Rahul Patel
Santosh Sharma
Jatin Prajapati
Agraval Jayesh
Mistry Kishan
Soni Jigar
Kavithiya Ujval
100260116007 Sheeba Juneja
Neeta MIshra
Priya Chaudhary
110263116004 Shukla Zeal J
090260116043 Prajapati Prakul
Technology Debugger
Invoice Ing
Travel Portal
Vendor Management System
Asp.Net with C#
24*7 Helpline Service
Advance Java
Management Information System online examination system / PHP
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
IDP/UDP Company & External
Guide Name
Web Designing
Avani Cimcon
N R Group Pvt
Sai Management
And Education
(Anand Upadyay)
Aeromonic Tech.
Intech Creative
IT Adventure
(Hiren Dave) i-verve infoweb pvt.
Enrollment No. Student Name
120260723001 Shital Chauhan
120260723003 Nirav Prajapati
Jayesh Solanki
Prashant Jani
Lajja Vyas
Vaibhavi Patel
120260723009 Yagnesh Rathod
Mitesh Barad
Ruchita Joshi
Improving VANET Routing Protocol
Classification of web log data to identify interested users using FOIL
Discovering contrst patterns using CDM with novel quality measure
Optimizing decision tree by data uncertainity with pruning
Extending MapReduce with Bag-of-task for scheduling cloud jobs extending cloud assisted live media streaming for globalized demands improving Dijkstra algorithm for finding path on basis of road condition and turning impedance
Noble Emergency traffic light control using
Decreasing rejection of cloud jobs with help of virtual machine provisioning
Improve similarity oriented RDF graph algorithm
Web Mining
Data Mining
Data Mining
Cloud computing
Prof. Hitesh
C Patel
Prof. Amit
Prof. Sonal
Prof. Sonal
Prof. Richa
Prof. Richa
Prof. Chitra
Prof. Hitesh
Prof. Richa
Prof. Richa
Page 21
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Enrollment No. Student Name Title Area Guide
Mansi Parmar
Kruti shah
Manthan shah
Shruti Shah
Improving classification accuracy by lazy stacking ensemble approach on hybrid dataset
Improving modified best fir decreasing policy for VM placement at cloud data center
Implementing soft real time VM in DVFS schema at cloud datacenter
Enhanced AODV routing protocol for load balancing in MANET
Facial expression recognition using hybrid dimension reduction
Sparl Query Optimization using selectivity estimation
Data Mining
Prof. Sonal
Prof. Richa
Prof. Richa
Pratiksha Rathod
Shruti Raval
Important Inventors & their Invention
1. Larry Page, (1973–), U.S. – with Sergey Brin invented Google web search engine
2. Alexey Pajitnov, (born 1956), Russia/U.S. – Tetris
3. George Emil Palade, (1912 – 2008) Romania – ribosomes of the endoplasmic reticulum
4. Julio Palmaz, (1945–), Argentina – balloon-expandable, stent
5. Helge Palmcrantz, (1842–1880), Sweden – the multi-barrel, lever-actuated, machine gun
6. Daniel David Palmer, (1845–1913), Canada – chiropractic
7. Luigi Palmieri, (1807–1896), Italy – seismometer
8. Philip M. Parker, (1960–), U.S. – computer automated book authoring
9. Alexander Parkes, (1831–1890), UK – celluloid
10. Charles Algernon Parsons, (1854–1931), British – steam turbine(data facebook/cnaonweb)
11. Spede Pasanen, (1930–2001), Finland – ski jumping sling
12. Blaise Pascal, (1623–1662), France – Pascal's calculator
13. Gustaf Erik Pasch, (1788–1862), Sweden – safety match
14. Les Paul, (1915–2009), U.S. – multitrack recording
15. Nicolae Paulescu, (1869–1931), Romania – insulin
16. Ivan Pavlov, (1849–1936), Russia, – classical conditioning
17. John Pemberton, (1831–1888), U.S. – Coca-Cola
18. Slavoljub Eduard Penkala, (1871–1922), Croatia – mechanical pencil
19. Henry Perky, (1843–1906), U.S. – shredded wheat
20. Stephen Perry, UK (fl. 19th century) – rubber band
21. Aurel Persu, (1890–1977), Romania – first aerodynamic car, aluminum body with wheels included under the body, 1922
22. Vladimir Petlyakov, (1891–1942), Russia – heavy bomber
23. Peter Petroff, (1919–2004), Bulgaria – digital wrist watch, heart monitor, weather instruments
24. Fritz Pfleumer, (1881–1945), Germany – magnetic tape
25. Nikolay Ivanovich Pirogov, (1810–1881), Russia – early use of ether as anaesthetic, first anaesthesia in a field operation, various kinds of surgical operations(data facebook/cnaonweb)
26. Fyodor Pirotsky, (1845–1898), Russia – electric tram
27. Arthur Pitney, (1871–1933), United States – postage meter
28. Roy Plunkett, (1910-1994), United States – Teflon
29. Joseph Plateau, (1801–1883), Belgium – phenakistiscope (stroboscope)
30. Baltzar von Platen, (1898–1984), Sweden – gas absorption refrigerator
31. James Leonard Plimpton, (1828–1911), U.S. – roller skates
32. Ivan Plotnikov, (1902–1995), Russia – kirza leather
33. Petrache Poenaru, (1799–1875), Romania – fountain pen
34. Christopher Polhem, (1661–1751), Sweden – the modern padlock(data facebook/cnaonweb)
35. Nikolai Polikarpov, (1892–1944), Russia – Po-series aircraft, including Polikarpov Po-2
Kukuruznik[disambiguation needed] (world's most produced biplane)
36. Eugene Polley, (1915–2012), United States – wireless remote control (with Robert Adler)
37. Ivan Polzunov, (1728–1766), Russia – first two-cylinder steam engine
38. Mikhail Pomortsev, (1851–1916), Russia – nephoscope
Dhruv Solanki B.E. I.T. 3 rd
Prof. Amit
Prof. Lokesh
Prof. Richa
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
We promote various types of Co- Curricular Activities at University, college level and departmental level.
Students and faculties have taken active participation. Some highlights are as follows
Picture @ Industrial Visit -2014
Bhaskaracharya Institute for Space Applications and Geoinformatics (BISAG) is a State level agency by
Government of Gujarat to facilitate to provide services and solutions in implementing map-based GeoSpatial
Information Systems. Currently BISAG is working to implement geo-spatial technologies for the planning and developmental activities pertaining to agriculture, land and water resource management, wasteland/watershed development, forestry, disaster management, infrastructure and education.
Department of Information Technology of KIT, Kalol had conducted an industrial visit to BISAG, Gandhinagar on 5 th March , 2014 for students of 6 th IT under supervision of Prof. Purvi Patel. This visit was conducted for one day.
Students were exposed with functioning of various geo- spatial technologies which enhanced their knowledge in field of satellite communication.
The Spoken Tutorials project at IIT Bombay with help of National Mission on Education through ICT,
Government of India attempts to provide IT training through audio video tutorials, created for self learning.
The topics covered are programming languages, simulation and circuit design platforms and office productivity tools, all using open source software. More information on Spoken Tutorials can be found at www.spoken-tutorial.org.Spoken
Picture @ Student attending C Language Session
Department of I.T., KIT, Kalol had conducted these tutorials sessions in 2014 under supervision of Prof. Kruti
Patel and Prof. Bhumi Jani. Both UG and PG students had taken active participation in learning technical stuff like
Java, C and C++, python , MySQL , PHP and many more. At the end of each session, exams were conducted and IIT
Bombay certified each candidate on successful completion of the course.
Page 23
Picture @ Kruti Patel Supervising C language
Here is the data sheet for Spoken tutorials conducted in year 2014
Free and Open Source Software for
Education(FOSSEE) Workshop Name
Workshop Date
Java and Netbeans
C and C++Basic and Intermediate Levels
C and C++Basic and Intermediate Levels 08-08-2014
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Number of Attendees
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre has conducted technical festival from 18 th March, 2014 to
21 st March, 2014. Here is the list of events which took place during the whole week with In charge in I.T. Department.
Date Name Of Event Time Venue Department Incharge
18/03/2014 Poster Presentation 10.30 TO 3.00 C-4 ,5,6
(Ground Floor)
Mr. Ravindra Naik, Mr. Patel
Aptitude Test (Math’s,
Reasoning, English)
Code Mania (C, C++,
20/03/2014 Quiz (GK)
10.30 TO 3.00 B-03
10.30 TO 3.00 A-13 (IT, CE)
C-4,5,6 (ME,
EE, EC, Civil)
10.30 TO 3.00 A-13
Mrs. Chitra Baggar, Mr. Hitesh Patel
Mr. Hitesh Patel, Mr. Lokesh Gagnani
10.30 TO 3.00 A-03
Mr. Paresh Trivedi. Mr. Patel
Dharmendra, Ms. Richa Sinha
Mrs. Shruti Raval, Mrs. Mansi Parmar,
Ms. Sonal Rami
21/03/2014 Skill Presentation 10.30 TO 3.00 Boy’s Reading
Room (A Block)
Mrs. Purvi Patel, Mrs. Bhumi Shah
Department of Information Technology has hosted two events that is Code Mania and Skill Presentation. Lot of students have participated in the events and won too.
Prof. Lokesh Gaganani attended ”Workshop on Data Mining” at Hasmukh Goswami College of Engineering on
2nd August, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “Scipy India 2013” in IIT Bombay in Dec 2013
Prof. Mansi Parmar, Prof. Richa Sinha, Prof. Shruti Raval and Prof. Kruti Patel attended “Self Defense Program for Women” in GTU, Ahmedabad on 13 th Sept, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “How to Write” at GTU on 4th Oct, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “Emerging Trends in Mobile Computing and Wireless Technologies” at GTU on 18th
Oct, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “Emerging Research trends in Engineering” at AU, Ahmedabad under IEEE Gujarat
Section on 19th and 20th July, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “Cloud Computing” at SVNIT, Surat under IEEE Gujarat Section on March, 2014.
Prof. Nirav Prajapati and Prof. Sandip Patel attended “Design Engineering-1 Workshop” at L.D. College of
Engineering under GTU on 17th to 19th Nov, 2014.
Prof. Richa Sinha attended “Fundamental for Java Programming” organized by Oracle Academy at
GTU,Ahmedabad on 1st to 5th Dec,2014
Prof. Mansi Parmar attended “Oracle workshop” organized by Oracle Academy at GTU, Ahmedabad on 8st to
12th Dec,2014
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Shruti Raval, “Sparql Query Optimization categories: a Brief survey “ in IJAIEM in Dec 2013
Nirav Prajapati,” An Introduction to various types of contrast Pattern” in IJSRD in May 2014.
Mansi Parmar, “Survey on Lazy ensemble method for improving classification accuracy of Lazy Learner” in
IJCSMC in Dec 2013
Sandip Patel, “Enhancement in Cross Layer Routing in Manet” in IJSRD in March 2014
Sandip Patel, “Improvement in Reverse AODV routing protocol in MANET”,in IJSRD in March 2014
Mona Borisagar,” Experimental Comparison of GA and PSO methods for Solving Travelling Salesman Problem “ in IJSRD in Dec 2014
Richa Sinha,” Identification and Analysis of Risk for Cloud computing” , in IJCOT in Oct 2013
Richa Sinha,” Bag of Task Towards MapReduce For Scheduling Jobs in cloud computing” , in IJPTT in Dec 2013
S o m e I n t t e r e s t i i n g T e c h n o l l o g y F a c t s
1. Amazon, o riginally was a printed book seller company, now it sells more e-books than printed books.
2. The first banner advertisement on Website was introduced in the year 1994.
3. Facebook reports over 1 billion registered users. Were it a country, it would have had 3rd largest population in the World.
4. During 1980s, an IBM computer was not considered to be 100% compatible if it could not run Microsoft Flight Simulator.
5. Did you know that Email was already around before the World Wide Web came?
6. Every month, domain names are being registered at a rate of more than two million!
7. At the end of year 2012, there were total approximately 17 billion devices (which includes computers, tablets and mobile) connected to the Internet.
8. About 1.8 billion people connect to the Internet, only 450 million of them speak English.
9. Did you know how was Bill Gates's house was designed? Using a Macintosh computer.
10. Microsoft Windows tutorial’s another name is ‘Crash Course’. Now we why !
11. The average 21 year old has spent 5,000 hours playing video games, has exchanged 250,000 e-mails, instant and text messages and has spent 10,000 hours on the mobile phone.
12. 70% of virus writers actually work under a contract for an organization.
13. Up until the 14th of September, 1995, domain registration was free.
14. Symbolics.com is the first and oldest registered domain name. It completed 28 years on 15th March, 2013.
15. Mosaic was the first popular web browser which was released in 1993.
16. Sweden has the highest percentage of internet users, they are 75%.
17. A program named “Rother J” was the first computer virus to come into sight “in the wild” — that is, outside the single computer or lab where it was created.
18. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.
19. There are approximately 1.06 billion instant messaging accounts worldwide.
20. Two-thirds of American Internet users shop online.
21. Every minute, 10 hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube.
22. The world’s first computer which was named the Z1, was invented by Konrad Zuse in 1936. His next invention, the Z2 was finished in 1939 and was the first fully functioning electro-mechanical computer.
23. Doug Engelbart had made the first computer mouse in 1964, and it was made out of wood.
24. The average computer user blinks 7 times a minute, less than half the normal rate of 20.
25. Google uses an estimated 15 billion kWh of electricity per year, more than most countries. However, Google generates a lot of their own power with their solar panels.
26. U.S. President Bill Clinton’s inauguration in January 1997 was the first to be webcast.
27. Tim Berners-Lee coined the phrase “World Wide Web” in 1990.
28. The first two video games copyrighted in the U.S. were Asteroids and Lunar Lander in 1980.
29. 220 million tons of old computers and other technological hardware are trashed in the United States each year.
30. Alien Robots used in famous Transformers movie series are so huge, that if all robot parts are laid out end to end, it would stretch from one side of California to the other, about 180 miles.
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Our College promote various types of Extra Curricular Activities at University as well as college level. We had some participation from our I.T. Department too.
The Youth Festival in Gandhinagar Zone XITIJ – 2014, was held at S K Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar in which 23 Colleges participated in various events. Our college also participated in this event. The event was held on 17
– 19 Sept 2014. From our college 30 students had taken part in the XITIJ – 2014. This whole activity was done under guidance of Prof. Hemant Bhavsar and Prof. Vasim Kazi. Here are detials of Students participation from
IT department.
~Name of Event: Debate (Literary Events)
Sr. Name of Date of Birth Enrollment no. Branch & Remarks
No. Participant Semester
130260116011 3 rd I T – 1. Mr. Ashish B. Jha
~Name of Event: Mimicry (Theatre)
1 Mr. Ashish Chaudhary
~Name of Event: Skit (Theatre)
1 Mr. Ashish Jha
2 Ms. Shreya Rajput
~Name of Event: Mime (Theatre)
Name of
Date of Birth
130260107004 7th I T
3rd I T
3rd I T
Enrollment no. Branch &
4th Rank
3rd I T
3rd I T 5th Rank
1 Ms. Kanisha Patel
Name of
2 Ms. Romali Bhavsar 30/8/95
~Name of Event: On the spot painting (Fine Arts)
Date of Birth
1 Mr. Ashish Chaudhary
~Name of Event: Collage (Fine Arts)
Name of
Date of Birth
1 Mr. Ashish Chaudhary
Enrollment no.
Enrollment no.
22/3/92 130260107004
Page 26
Branch &
7th I T
Branch &
7th I T
4th Rank
4th Rank
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Pictures @ GTU Youth festival XITIJ -2014-
201220132014ndustrial Visit -2014
The Sport Event in Gandhinagar Zone SPIRIT – 2014, was held at various places.75 Students participated in various sports. Here is the data sheet for students of IT department who participated in various events at various college.
~ Football:
The Football tournament has been organised by Sankalchand Patel College of Engineering, Visnagar on 25-26
August 2014 and from our college there are 16 students participated in this GTU football tournament in Spirits – 2014.
Name of
Date of Birth Enrollment no. Branch &
1 Dhruvkumar Solanki 9/8/92 130263116024 5 th I T –
~ Basketball:
The Basketball tournament has been organised by Sankarsinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, Vasan on
5-6 September 2014 and from our college there are 12 students participated in this GTU Basketball tournament in
Spirits – 2014.
Name of
Date of Birth Enrollment no. Branch &
1 Parth Patel 4/7/1995 1st Year 1st I T –
Department of Information Technology has conducted Logo design competition for the department under supervision of Prof. Amit Patel. Here all students were assigned a one month time to show up their creativity for logo designing. The submission of this logo took place between 10 th Nov , 2014 to 14 th Nov, 2014.
The below 3 logos were finalized which are shown in pictures. After lots of remaking the logo on the cover page is finalized.
Logo Pictures @1. Dipen Dave B.E. 3 rd
year 2. Swati Oza B.E. 3 rd
year 3. Zonja Mountineer B.E. 4 th
Page 27
Pictures @Swachta Shapat by IT department
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
With initiation of honourable prime minister, Shri
Narendra Modi for Swachta Abiyaan, our university GTU has also initiated same for all the college afflicted under it.
GTU has asked all the colleges to encourage such activities in all the colleges. Under this consideration Departement of Information Technology of KIT has also taken such commitment to keep our department clean. A Swachta shapat was taken by the department along with students on 12 th Nov , 2014 that we will keep department clean.
Pictures @ College Cultural Event Agazz -2014-
Kalol Institute and Research Centre organised a highly successful cultural event on 22 nd March 2014. Agazz-
2014 consisted of cultural events like dancing, solo/duet singing, drama sequences, fashion show, mime, live musical band performance. It was followed by award distribution ceremony to the winners of tech-fest and sports week. A large number of students had participated and made Agazz-2014 a huge success. Prof. Mona Borisagar (I.T Department) handled the dancing event with great enthusiasm and dynamicity.
Overall Agazz-2014 became a platform wherein all the institutes at KIRC collaborated and worked together as a team making this event a memorable hit.
Photography has become highly popular nowadays and is acting as a visual expression of today’s youth. Many students are interested and have technical excellence in photography which made us motivated to organise a photography contest under the theme of “Sports week,tech fest and cultural event at KITRC” on 15 th March, 2014.
This event was initiated and organised by Prof. Lokesh Gagnani and Prof. Amit Patel. Both the faculties are technically and professionally sound when it comes to photography which helped our students to get some tips from them.
The event was a huge success and we got a large number of students participation.
Broucher @ Photography Contest
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Pictures @ Dandiya Beats - 2014
KIRC is always on high spirit when it comes to organizing cultural events. The latest example of this is
“Dandiya Beats 2014” held On 10 th Oct 2014. A large mass of people including college dignities, faculties and students took part in the event. A well known Band was called for the performance and all the students enjoyed dancing on their beats.
IT Department of KITRC had organised an outing on 13 th March 2014 to Tirupati Sudervan. This picnic was supervised and organised by Ex Prof. Chitra Baggar and an active participation of 4 th year students made this picnic a huge success. A change from normal routine was highly appreciated by faculties as well as students.
Pictures @ Revival Events - 2014
Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Centre had organized “Revival Events” in KIRC campus from 4th
Feb, 2014 to 8th Feb, 2014.Students had great time during these events. The Schedule for the event as follows
Dates Name of Events
4 th Feb ,2014 Group Day
5 th Feb,2014 Executive Day
The students would dress “Alike” belonging to a group.
The students would dress up in “Formal Attire”.
6 th Feb,2014 Mix-Match Day
7 th Feb,2014 Traditional Day
8 th Feb,2014 Games Day
Students would dress up in a “Mix-Match” manner
Students would dress up in a traditional attire at their best.
It would be a fun filled day with lots of games in store.
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
Pictures @ Women’s Day Meet - 2014
International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8 th March. Our college has organized a women’s day get together on
8 th March, 2014. It was organized under supervision of Ex Prof. Chitra Baggar and Prof. Richa Sinha from IT
Department. The event started with Principal Dr. G. R. Kulkarni’s motivating speech to inspire women, followed by speeches from Head of Departments. After that Prof. Chitra Baggar made an awareness speech on laws for women.
Finally, a singing group performance by few students was presented.
IT department’s students had organised freshers party on
30 th August 2014 for the fresher. The organizers students are Bhavesh Gulia,
Achira Shah, Sherya Gupta,
Ronak Jain, Dhviven Parikh,
Dipali Rajput. Such parties encourage the students to know their seniors and juniors.
Pictures @ Fresher Party -2014
A Painting by
Manali Dave
B.E. I.T. 4 th year
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Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
An Article by Gurpreet Kaur Khalsa B.E. I.T. 2 nd year
Oh see this Mumma, my eyes are filled with so many lovely colors, Daddy see my eyes have created a beautiful fairyland, brother, see I'm the princess here, sister, see that smile, how beautiful it looks on me. ^_^
"The standard of your dreams is too low", says Mumma
" We would be made fun of in the family and society", says Daddy
" Learn something from me",says brother
" Sacrifice like i did", says sister
My heart says..." Mumma, I don't know how my dreams have a low standard, 'cause in my sight they are the highest on standards, 'cause everything has a too low standard to make me smile like I do with those dreams.
Daddy, what is there to be ashamed of. I don't know about the family, but my heart is ashamed as I can't help myself, and I'm scared it would leave me.
Brother what shall I learn from you? To be born as a son in the next life?
Sister you shouldn't have sacrificed, now they expect me to do the same. :( "
My mind says... " Mumma is right, look for yourself what a down standard you have.
Daddy, would be left ashamed all his life in front of everyone, would be made fun of just because of you. He may end up getting ill and then critical.
Brother, says right, learn something from him, how he keeps mumma and daddy happy.
See how sister has kept your parents happy by sacrificing. "
Now here I am in a big room full with the fighting voices of my heart, my mind, my family, society, supporters, encouragers, discouragers.
I wanna get out of here. Show me the light please. The voice of my soul is drowned, I'm deaf to it. Please get me out of here. Oh yes I have a smile that people consider beautiful, but it's fake.
You would have known if you would have seen my smile in my dreams. Is there anyone who would get me into the light?
Education is not just cramming up matter to be penned down in just three hours. It is an overall development of a child’s personality physically, mentally and psychologically. And it’s requires lots of hard work too. So I would like to thank my parents, my teachers and all my friends, without them it was impossible for me to achieve this position in my life.
---Riya S. Gond 4 th Year
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High School Preparation
Love Programming
Get all the math you can in high school like algebra, calculus, and geometry, it might be worth it if you try trigonometry and graphing. b.
College Curriculum:
Plan on getting a degree
Qualify your degree by what you want to do
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
An Article by Vishal Dixit B.E. I.T. 3 rd year
Photography by Prof. Amit Patel c.
The Difference between Engineer and Programmer.
Understand that software engineering is not same as e.
Extra College Curriculum:
Supplement your class work with personal research.
Unless you’re planning to get your foot in the door through an intern position, try to find side projects while in school.
Develop Contacts with Software Engineers. the programming.
Extra Activities.
Always do some extra activities apart from studies and related to any software that has some real time solution
of any problem.
After Studying about all the fields related to computer science, choose a particular direction in software
Learn About the field.
A Painting by Prof. Richa Sinha
A Poetry by Prof. Nirav Prajpati
Words are the most powerful weapons,
It created the earth, the sun & the universe.
It brought you and me into being.
Words can encourage,
Words can discourage.
Words can hurt a person,
Words can console a person.
Words can frame a sentence,
Words can break a sentence
Words can bind people together,
Words can separate too.
Words can save a life,
Words can take a life.
Words can lead to heaven,
Words can lead to hell.
The word was with GOD,
And the word is GOD.
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A painting by Prof. Richa Sinha
Collaboration – Uniting thoughts Vol 2
IT department has got some achievers in both academic and non – academic activities. Here are details for the same.
~Bachelors of Engineering (Information Technology)
Sr No. Semester Student Name
Patel Ruhi
Pandit Archi
Vaidya Abhinav
Shukla Zeal
Kotak Mehul
Ashish Arun
Delhiwala Kunjal
Nayee Hardik
Bhavsar Roma
Barot Mansi
Riya Gond
Kinnari Shah
Bhatia Khushboo
Parin Patel
Bansari Patel
~ Master of Engineering (Information Technology)
Sr No. Semester Student Name
Shruti Raval
Ruchita Jani
Nirav Prajapati
Mansi Parmar
Megha Pandya
Sejal Bariya
Akshay Vadsara
Shruti Raval is GTU’s 2 nd Rank for (M.E. I.T.) for batch 2012-2014
~ Goplani Nikita and Pinal Shah (B.E. I.T. 3rd year)won 2nd prize in poster presentation during Techfest 2014
~ Dhruv Solanki(B.E.I.T 2 nd year) won 2nd prizein Code mania for C during Techfest 2014
~Dhruv Solanki(B.E.I.T 2 nd year) won 1st prize in Code mania for C++ during Techfest 2014
~Vishal Dixit(B.E.I.T 2 nd year) won 2nd prize in Code mania for C++ during Techfest 2014
~Akshay Vadsara(M.E.I.T 1st year) won 1st prize in Code mania for Java during Techfest 2014
~Prashant Jani(M.E.I.T 2 nd year) won 2nd prize in Code mania for Java during Techfest 2014
~ Bhavesh Gulia (B.E.I.T 3rd year) won 2nd prize in quiz during Techfest 2014
~Ashish Chadhary (B.E.I.T 4th year) won 4th prize in Mimicry,on the spot painting, collage during XITIJ-14
~ Kanisha Patel, Romali Bhavsar(B.E.I.T 2nd year) won 5th prize in mime during XITIJ-2014
~Prof. Richa Sinha is certified Oracle Academy Instructor for Introdcution to Java fundamentals
~ Prof. Mansi Parmar is certified Oracle Academy Instructor for Database Management System.
~ Prof. Hitesh Patel is certified Oracle Academy Inchage for Kalol Institute of Technology and Research Center.
~Prof. Kruti Patel is organizer for IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorials
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