EPUB eBooks for NOOK How-to Guide with Screenshots

EPUB eBooks for NOOK
How-to Guide with Screenshots
Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) Software on your computer ...................................................................... 2
Authorize Adobe Digital Editions on a computer................................................................................................... 3
Sign in to your HPL Digital Account ........................................................................................................................ 4
Features of your HPL Digital Account...................................................................................................................... 5
Check out an EPUB eBook .......................................................................................................................................... 6
Transferring an EPUB eBooks to a NOOK ............................................................................................................... 8
Return an HPL EPUB eBook....................................................................................................................................... 9
1. Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) Software on your computer
a. Access http://www.adobe.com/products/digital-editions.html
b. Click Download now on the right hand side of the screen.
c. Under Adobe Digital Editions 3.0 Installers, click on either Macintosh or Windows (depends on
whether you are on a Mac or Windows)
c. Once the download is complete, run the installer file.
d. Follow the prompts in the setup wizard to complete the installation:
i. The Adobe Digital Edition Setup window opens. Review and accept the license
agreement. Then click Next to continue.
ii. Select the options you prefer then click Next.
iii. Confirm the download location then click Next. The default location is usually a good
choice, but you can change it if you like.
iv. When the download is complete, click Close.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
2. Authorize Adobe Digital Editions on a computer
Note: The first time you use the Adobe Digital Edition on your computer, you have to authorize your computer
with your Adobe ID. To read the same eBooks on additional computers or devices, be sure to authorize each
one with the same Adobe ID. You may authorize up to six computers and/or devices.
a. Open the Adobe Digital Editions. Click Help on the top left menu, and then click on Authorize
b. If you have an Adobe ID, enter it along with your password.
c. If you do not have an Adobe ID, click Create an Adobe ID to make one on Adobe's website.
Once you're done, return to the Computer Authorization dialog box and enter your Adobe ID
and password.
d. Click Authorize. Your computer is now authorized with your Adobe ID.
Note: If you choose to authorize your computer without an ID, you will still be able to view eBooks on your
computer. However, you will not be able to transfer or download those titles to other devices.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
3. Sign in to your HPL Digital Account
a. Access http://hadc.lib.overdrive.com/ in your web browser.
b. Click on Sign In on the top right hand side of the screen.
c. Click on Select Library box. Then, select Houston Public Library.
d. Enter your HPL Library Card Number, and then Click on Sign In.
HPL library card number starts with either 22477 or 77422.
HPL temporary library card number will not be accepted to check out eBooks.
Check on the “Remember my login information on this device” check box, if you want your device
to save the login information for next use.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
4. Features of your HPL Digital Account
After sign in to your HPL Digital Account, Click on the Account icon
to view the following features:
a. Bookshelf: You can view all digital items which you have checked out. You also can download
your digital items here.
b. Holds: You can view all digital items which you have placed on hold here. You can remove the
holds here.
c. Lists: You can view all digital items which you have added to the wish list here.
d. Settings: You can set your default lending periods here.
e. My Account: You can view the total of the digital items that have checkout here.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
5. Check out an EPUB eBook
a. Sign in to your HPL Digital Account (Instruction on Step 3).
b. Click on Advance Search on the top right hand side of the screen.
i. Enter information of your desired eBook into appropriate fields.
ii. Select EPUB eBook in the format Field.
iii. Select Available Now if you want to see titles available to check out immediately.
Otherwise select All Titles to view all titles.
iv. Click Search to view your searching results.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
Note: On the cover images, available titles have a dark book icon
are checked out and require a hold have a greyed-out book icon
on the top right corner, those which
c. When you find your desired eBook, mouse over the Title, then click Borrow to check it out.
d. From your bookshelf
i. Click on Download button next to your EPUB eBook.
ii. Select Adobe ePUB eBook.
iii. Click on Confirm & Download.
Note: If Adobe Digital Editions does not download and open the file automatically, locate the .acsm file for your
book on your computer. Double-click the .acsm file to finish downloading and opening the checked out eBook
file in Adobe Digital Editions.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
6. Transferring an EPUB eBooks to a NOOK
a. Connect your NOOK to your computer.
b. Open Adobe Digital Edition on your computer. Make sure you are in Library view.
c. Your NOOK should show up under Devices.
d. Click on the checked out eBook then drag it over to your NOOK.
e. Once the transfer is complete, you can disconnect your device and start reading.
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers
7. Return an HPL EPUB eBook
a. Open Adobe Digital Editions.
b. Select Library from the upper-left-corner to display checked out eBooks.
c. Right-click on the title you'd like to return. Click Return Borrowed Item.
d. A dialog will appear asking if you're sure you want to return the eBook. Click Return to confirm.
Note: You can only return one title at a time. If the option is greyed out, make sure that you've only
selected one book.
For additional Information and Instructions on EPUB eBooks for NOOK, please visit:
Houston Public Library |EPUB eBooks for Mac Computers