PC-R IS E x ercise Control Syste m Enabling Robust Training Feedback and Analysis Cubic’s PC-based Range Instrumentation System is a powerful, scalable system that provides Exercise Control (EXCON) capabilities and captures data for After Action Reviews (AAR) during live force-on-force exercises. PCPC-RIS features interactive dual-screen, multimedia AARs, 2D, 3D and tactical communications, and automated “objective” evaluation tools to access unit readiness and provide immediate feedback. RIS, which operates on a standard PC or laptop in the Windows environment, provides accurate visual representations and simulated weapon effects. From mission planning and rehearsal to AARs, the PC-RIS exercise control system enables situational awareness to the training analyst and provides instant, dynamic feedback on training performance. A highly transportable system, PC-RIS supports all levels of live combat training, from Homestation training for platoons utilizing laptops to Brigadelevel exercises requiring multiple workstations. PC-RIS interfaces with both analog and digital systems and incorporates modular hardware and software to allow for future growth. It can be integrated with other live, virtual and constructive simulations – via its High Level Architecture (HLA) and Test and Training Enabling (TENA) technologies – and also includes bidirectional interactive links to C4ISR systems, such as FBCB2. www.cubic.com The system’s COTS architecture increases ease of sustainment and maintainability. It can be used for various applications requiring situational awareness and also accepts customer data in a variety of forms. Major Features A family of functional components for Exercise Monitoring and Control (EXCON) and AARs Supports simultaneous exercises Supports simultaneous scenarios (i.e., sub-exercises), each with an independent clock that can be paused, continued or rewound. Versioned scenarios can be compared against each other during AARs Java-based for maximum portability, extensibility and maintainability Extensible by customers with optional software development kit Communicates via HLA or TENA Scalable architecture allows software components to be hosted on a single laptop or distributed to multiple platforms, depending on customer requirements Industry-standard Oracle 8i database allows extensive data analysis during and after exercises Servers hosted on Unix, Linux, Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP Workstations hosted on Windows NT or 2000 Username/password access EXCON and AAR components integrated with Microsoft Office for word processing, spreadsheets, scheduling and presentations AAR presentation control through enhanced, industry-standard Microsoft PowerPoint Components Interface Server: Provides the external system HLA interface. Performs data filtering and data validation and rectification across multiple exercises and scenarios. Can be combined with data server and workstations on a single computer. Data Server: Stores all received data into an industry standard Oracle database. Provides replay data sequences to analyst stations on demand. Performs data distribution to active workstations using reliable multicast protocol. Analyst Workstation: Provides access to standard Microsoft Windows COTS tools. Generates simultaneous situation map displays, each independently tailorable for display units, maps, scale, zoom and in real time or replay. Also provides manual entry screens for the collection of non-instrumented data into the exercise database. After Action Review: Provides a fully functional AAR using COTS Microsoft PowerPoint as the presentation controller. For world-class capabilities, PowerPoint is extended to allow fully interactive dynamic situation replays directly in PowerPoint, including Dual Synchronized displays. 9333 Balboa Avenue • San Diego, California • 92123 • USA • Phone 858-277-2780 • www.cubic.com Copyright © 06/13 • CDA 11738_026 • Cleared by DoD/OSR for Public Release under 13-S-0056 on 10/23/2012