Green's operators on multi-almost product manifolds TAKUYASAEKI (Received Iutroduction. multi-almost of an almost a multifoliate In the present product manifold. product structure structure defined paper, July 4, 1969) we shall A multi-almost defined in [1,3], by K. Kodaira study about Green's operators on a product structure is one of generalizations and it seems to be closely related and D. C. Spencer [2]. to B. L. Reinhart [3] studied harmonic integrals on an almost product manifold. In [3], operators d', 3' and A' are given with respect to x alone and a Green's operator G' is defined and an analogue to Hodge's theorem is proved, i. e., it is proved that the d! cohomology is isomorphic to the space of A' harmonic forms. But the Green's operator G is not completely continuous and the kernel of A' is infinite dimensional. In § 1, we shall state the definition of multi-almost product structure, which is defined by giving m fields operators d* (a=l,2,--,m) In § 2, we shall construct of subspaces of tangent spaces of the given manifold. And and A*= d^S... + dad* (8* is the adjoint operator of d^). Green's operators for AK. § 1 Multi-almost product structure Z,et M be a connected paracompact (real) w-dimensional of class O. Denote its tangent bundle by T(M), the tangent {p=\,l,--,n) or TP(M), and a bundle of Grassmann algebras differentiahle P-vectors by AT(M) manifold by APT(M) =2 r*(M), where AaT(.M) is trivial bundle of real numbers, and AXT(M) =T(AQ. Let 0 (M) the bundle of cotangents, with other notations, Ap@ (M), A0 (M), etc., analogous those for T(M). Let d denote the operation of exterior differentiation on A0 (M). A multi-almost product (we assume that the integer subspaces of Tx. structure is defined m is in Q<m^nX If we set m*=dim on M by giving m fields S1, S2,---, Sm ot class C°°, of complementary proper S' («=1, where we assume nx=£ 0 for all a. Let P* (a=1, SI at every point x e M, where S% denotes be to 2,å å å ,m), l,---,m) the value then we have w=2 be the projection of n<t, of Tx onto S" at x. In particular, if m = 2, the multi-almost product structure on M reduces to an almost produet structure in the sense of [1,3]. A manifold with multi-almost product structure is said to be a multi-almost product manifold. Let M be a mulii-almost product manifold. A multi-almost product sturcture on M induces the projection operators 17* ,,,,,, ...,,, (resp. 17 ,,,,,, ...,,,,) in A T(IV) (resp. A@). A vector fiefd which is a cr'osssection of n*,,,,,, ...,, AT(M) = T"'"'-.-"(M) is said to be of type (s,, SZ;..,~,) and similarly for A@ (M). A map f of M into itself is said to be of type (t,, t,,...,t,) with respect to the strncture if where f * : A T ( M ) + A T (M) is the map induced by f; an operator L on A T (M) or A@(M) may be decomposed into various types according to the definion: Since the operator d of exterior differentiation is decomposed, so we find that where dd.? is of type (0, ,o, @P -;,0 ,...,(I) for a ... ,0, -J, 0, ...,0,2,0, ... ,0) for lp > p , and a < P , of of type (O;.. ,0,1,0;.. ,0) for a = type (0;-.,0,2,0;.- p respectively. - According to Guggenheim and Spencer [I], we may define an operator da : (M) @p+l(M)by the axioms: (1) (2) (3) If $€AO@x(M),v € T X ( M ) ( x M~) , then (da$) (v)= (Pal)) ($1. If $E A0@,(M), then (d,d+dda) $= 0. If $ ~ A p d i ~ ( Manb l + E ~ @ ~ ( Mthen ), (da ($A$)=da$A$+ (-l)p$Adac$. m It is easily verified that 2 C dpaP=l m C daQ,for fixed P=l a , satisfieds these axioms hence we may set m da = 2 C dP5fi=1 m C dsP for P-l fixed a, and find that d = $ dn. a-1 In general, the operator d, is not differential, i. e., d i f 0. It is, however, differential if and only if thn mllti-alm3st product structur? is integrable, by which we mean that the Poisson bracket of two vector fields of type P a is again a vcctor field of the same type. In this case, the PoincarS lemma is true for d5 and forms of type ( ~ 1 , s~,.-.,s~,.-.,s,)with S a > O . Let I, be the increasingly orclered n , - tuple (il, iz;..,in5) ( a = 1, 2 ,m). If a multi-almost product structure on M is integrable, we can apply the Frobenius' theorem ;.a to obtain local coordintates (x,I';..,~~",...,x&~) in the neighbourhood of any point such that P5 T (M) is spanned by ( d / d x?) . This local coordinates is said to be a local multi- almost product coordinate system, In terms of such a coordinate system, a differential form $ of type (sl, sz,...s,;..,sm) may be written as where I, (Su) is the increasingly ordered s,-tuple dx-"("L dx$ A dx2 (il, iz,...,is,) of integers in I, and ...A &","OD We notice that an integrable multi-almost prodect structure is a special case of a (real) multifoliate structure given by Kodaira and Spencer [2]. In fact, if a multifoliate structure on M has a finite totally ordered set instead of a finite partially ordered set P which defines a P-multifoliate set of integers and then if a local coordinate system (x,I1,...,xF,..., xLm) has a peoperty ax;/an;=o for a # p . The multifoliate structure on M in this case becomes an integrable multi-almost product structure. We may introduce on a multi-almost prodct manifold M a Riemannian metric such that the subspaces P U T( M ) ( a = 1,2, .-.,m) are mutually orthogonal. If a multialmost product structure on M is integrable and if local multi-almost product coordlnates are used, the metric will have the form where components of metric teusor gi,")( a = 1 , 2 , ...,m) are C- functions of (x1I1,x,'"-.-, xim). This metric is said to be a multi-almost product metric. Hereafter we assume that the manifold M has an integrable multi-almost product strucfure and a multi-almost product metric. We may define an operator 6, for a form $ with totally degree q by where * is the duality operator deilned by the given metric. Since a#= (-l)"q+"+'*d*+, m we have 6 = C 6,. Let K be the increasingly ordered p tuple (R,,u:..,v) a=i (0 < p S m ; I?, ,u,-..,v we denote the increasingly ordered (m-p) -tuple consisting of and by the subset of (1, 2, ...,m} complementary to K. We may define special Laplacian operators by E {1,2;..,m}) - - It is easily showed that A,, A K and A preserve types, i.e., they are of type (0,0;..,0). We denote a usual Laplacian operator by A. If the manifold M is compact, the inner product ($, 4 ) is defined in usual way for $, $ E @ ( M ) and the norm $=v'($= is defined. Let M be a c o m ~ a c tmulti-almost product manifold with integrable structure. A Riemannian metric on M is said to be to?siouless if g-l;) ( a = 1 , 2 , ... ,m) are C" functions of xi" ( a = 1,2, ... ,m) alone. Setting and we have the following proposition. PROPOSITION 1. If the metric on M is torsionless, then i r r = d ~ holas good and - moreover A = A. Since the metric is torsionless we ean prove by the method similar to Reinhart C3l. PROPOSITION 2 . If M is an integrctblc multi-almost product manifold, we have d2=0 and d i = ~ . In fact, dL=O hence d~d,=O for all 2, p E ( 1 , 2;..,m}. On the other hand, di =O for all a € {1,2;..,rn} since the structure is integrable. Then the proposition is proved. Then we have for a torsionless integrable multi-almost product manifold M. § 2 Green's operators for AK Let 2; be a sheaf of germs of square integrable fo-ms of degree r which depend F the direct on Xrc alone, wherex K = IX.), xp,...,~?},and 2; is defined similarly. Let ~ K be sum C 8& A 2;. By the method similar to Reinhart [3], we can construct a coherent T,s subsheaf 23, of 2 , ~such that $,, #,,...,#t are sections of %K, where $1, $ ~ ; - . , $ t are also sections of 2Kz. And any $ is a stalk of BK is expressed as C #, A r, in some neighbourhood, where y, is one of finite set of sections of 2;. Next we shall define the second inner product of forms on M. It is defined by and the corresponding norm by 11 # 11 D =V (\$, $))u, where (#, $) is the usual inner product and U a finite covering {U,} of M. The space L, ( B K ) is the completion in the usual norm of the set of Cm sections of BK; the space P, ( ' 2 3 ~ ) is the completion in the second norm. Let Ha ( % K ) ( a € K ) be a subspace consisting of forms w in Pz ( 2 3 ~ )satisfying dffi3=6ffi,s=0 and HK ( B K ) = HA ( B K ) n H , ( B K ) n ... n H, ( B K ) . We have the following theorems by the method similar to [3] and the proof is omitted. THEOREM 1. Let M be a compact multi -almost product manifold with torsionless mctric and let B K be a coherent svbsheaf of &I. Let wo be a form i n LZ (88)orthogonal to HK(@K)such that the from o, to Bo is a bounded linear transformation for all 6 E P, (BK). F~~rthermore, from Lz ( B K ) into P, ( B K ) . THEOREV 2. Let M be a compact multi-almxt product manifold with torsionless with suffi) (uo, 5) for all metric, aud BR bs a coherent subsheaf of 2gn. If (Be, A K ~ = ciently small support i n L, ('13K) which are C", and if w., is i n L2 ( B K ) and Cm, then 520 is Cm. Combining Theorem 1 and 2 , we can construct the Green's operator for As. By the method of M. H. Stone we can sho,v that dffi=dffiam-t8~dffi is a self-adjoint operator, in particular is also closed, hence so is AK. THEOREM 3. There is defiucd on L2 ( B K ) a bounded symmetric opdrator G K ,BK such that AK GK %K$= GK,B~AK$=$-HK,BK$ and G K , B K HK,BK$=HK,BKGK,BK$=o, whtre HK,BK is the projection to the space HK( 2 3 ~ ) . PROOF,Let oo be orthogonal to HK(BK)= H A( B K )n Ha ( B K )n ... n Hv ( B K ) . B y Theorem 1, We can find Do orthogonal to HKCBK) that C (dancl, dxc) + C (6ffiB0, a,<) (w0,5) for all 6 E P2()3K).Moreover if w,, is Cm b y Theorem 2 , Bo is Cm,whence AKQo=oo. Define G K B K ( W=BO, ~ ) then AKGK,BKCOO =wO. Let HK,BK be a projection on H K ( B K ) . If HK,%8+ is Cm for any $, so that #-HK,%K is C- if $ is. Let $ be an arbitrary form in L2(23e), and let {#,,) be a sequence of CP forms approximating $. Then {w,} = {$%- HK,BK$z}is a sequence of C- - forms approximating w = $ - HK,%K+ and each w, satisfies A ~ G ~ , % K ~ , =Since ( o , . I GK,%K110 1 S /I GK,BK00 /I S C I wo I , G:(,%Kis bounded. Hence G K , B K ~ , GK,9K11, while AKGK,BKU,=J~, -- w. Since AK is closed, we = #NOW ) = let ~ . us define GK,BK$= GK,BK?~.Then AK,BKGK,@K# have A K G ~ , B ~ ~ L = -+ HK,BK$. If HK(%K), we have GK,BKQ=O,hence G ~ , b e G r i , @=~ 0#. Also HK,BKGK,BK$ =(I. Hence GK,8K is symmetric on L2 (BK) and GK,BKAK$= $ -HK,%K$ for all $ in the domain of Ax. q.e.d. By a method similar to Reinhart, me can show that the Green's operator is pendent from the choice of coherent subsheaves of % K K . THEOREM 4, Let M be a compact mulfi-airnost product manvold with torsionless metric. Let $ be a 6- section o f the sheaf ZKK. Then therg is a Cm se~tion GK$ of ZKK such that dKGK$ = GKAK$=$- HK$ and GKHK$=HKGK$=O. In these equations, GK$= GK,BK$ and HK#=HK,BK$, where BK is d n arbitrary coherent subsheaf of 2gl1 having # as a section. The operator GK appeared in Theorem 4 is called a Green's operator for AK. GK is not in general a bounded operator on the Hilbert space of all square integrable forms on M, since GK may be densely defined without being everywhere defined. We can easily show that d ~ d ~ = d K Aand x GK commutes wlth d~ and BK. Hence we have an analogue to Hodge's theorem. THEOREM 5. Let M be a compact multi-almost product manifold with torsionless metric. Then the d~ cohomdogy of sections of the sheaf 2 ~ is 2 isomorphic to the space of dg harmonic sections of ZKs, the isomorphism being given by assigning to each cohomology class the unique harmonic form contained i n it. Next we shall consider a special case. We consider a Green's operator for 2. In this case, We can construct the Green's operator by a method similar to Reinhart [31, and we can prove the fo1:owing result. PROPOSITION 3. Let M be a compact multz-almost prodz~ct manifold. There exi.~ts a symmetric and completely continuous operator which satisfies p=iGp+Hp=Go"p+Hp and GI?= H6= 0, where fip is the projection of /3 on the space H = { $ i#= O} and /3 is a Cmform i n Bz(M). The Green's operator G for 2 fails to commute with d, da and related operators. [I] [21 [3] [4] V. K. A. M. Guggeheim and D. C. Spencer, Chain homotopy and the de Rham theory, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 7 (1956) 144-152. K. Kodaira and D. C. Spencer, Multifoliate structures, Ann. Math., 74 (1961) 52-100. B. L. Reinhart, Harmonic integrals on almost product manifolds, Trans. Amer. Math. sot., 88 (1958) 243-276. T. Saeki, Chain homotopy in q-almost product manifolds (in Japanese), Annual Report, Lib. Arts, Univ. Iwate, 25 (1965) Pt. 3 , 1-4.