TDS Yearly return Steps to create and Submit TDS

TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
TDS Yearly return
Steps to create and Submit TDS Yearly return
1. After successful login, go to Utilities/ Import TDS Yearly Return to upload payee details for
TDS Yearly return. Refer to form below:-
Note:- If menu item is not found, then Admin user will have to give access to General user.
Refer to Section “Steps to give access to Import TDS Yearly Return to user” below. (Page 9)
2. On clicking on Menu Import TDS Yearly Return, the following form will be displayed:-
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
3. User will have to select company name form the list.
4. Click on the Browse button to select the filename to be imported.
Layout of csv file can be downloaded under (CNP – User Manuals/ TDS
Yearly Return 2014 – CSV Format.
5. Income Year 2014 is displayed by default.
6. Click on Import button to proceed with uploading of payee details.
7. If errors are found after Import, then system will display Error message as shown in form
8. User can view Errors by clicking on the View Error Log link. The error log report is shown
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
9. Depending on errors which have been logged, user will either have to make necessary
corrections in csv file or delete existing return before re-importing. After any corrections
made in csv file, user will have to re-import so that changes are applied in the return.
10. If NO errors were found, then system will display message as shown in form below:
11. User can click on the (Retrieve TDS 2014) button to retrieve the TDS Yearly return.
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
The system will automatically retrieve the newly created return as shown below:-
User can view details by clicking on the ‘Click here for Details’ button. System will display
form as follows:-
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
January 2015
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
User will have to scroll to the right to view more details.
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
12. Payee details already loaded can also be manually inserted, updated and/or deleted.
To add rows, user has to Click on the Add button as shown below:-
User will have to select row(s), then click on the ‘Delete selected row’ button to mark row(s)
as deleted. Click on the OK button to delete row(s) marked as deleted. No row(s) will be
deleted if user has selected row(s) to be deleted and click on Cancel.
All columns are editable and any values can be overwritten. User will have to click on the
OK button to apply changes made.
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
Possible Cases when file will be not be imported :1. If return for company and year selected has already been created, user will get error message
Return already exists for Company Id 'TEST CO LTD' / '2009'.
2. If 2 different NID no exist for the same TAN no, user will get error message
Two different NIDs 'NIDXYZ' and 'NIDABC' exist for same tan 'TAN00001'
3. If 2 similar nature of payment exist for the same TAN no, user will get error message
TAN 'TAN00001' and nature of payment '1' already exists for 'Employee ABC'
4. If 2 different TAN no exists for the same NID no, user will get error message
NID 'NID0001' already exists for tan "TAN00001'
5. Other common possible errors for file rejection are listed below
1. Mandatory fields missing
2. Invalid field value format
3. Invalid NID no
4. Invalid TAN no
5. Maximum length of field exceeded
6. More than 9 columns for detail part (line 3 to end of file) and more than 2 columns for header
part (line 2)
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
Steps to give access to Import TDS Yearly Return to user
1. Admin user will have to login, then go to Utilities/User Maintenance.
2. When user clicks on User Maintenance, form below will be displayed:-
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
January 2015
3. A list of users will be displayed when user clicks on Retrieve button.
4. To give access to a specific user, Admin user will have to select a specific user and click
on the retrieve icon as shown below:-
5. On clicking on the Retrieve icon, the following form will be displayed. User will have to
click on the Menu Items to get the list of items in CNP menu.
6. To give access to Import TDS Yearly Return (Year 2014), user will have to tick check
box next to menu item as shown below. User should click on Save button to apply
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
TDS Yearly Guidelines (Income Year 2014)
Mauritius Network Services Ltd
January 2015