125 Maiden Lane, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10038 Phone: 212-248-0200 Fax: 212-248-0245 AVS ROSTER – 2016 (Always refer to www.avs.org for the most recent edition) OFFICERS DIRECTORS DAVID SURMAN (President) Kratos Analytical 100 Red Schoolhouse Road Chestnut Ridge, NY 10977 Bus. Tel.: 845-426-6700 E-mail: david_surman@avs.org ELLEN FISHER (Director ‘16-‘17) Colorado State University Dept. of Chemistry, 1872 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80523-1872 Bus. Tel.: 970-491-5250 E-mail: ellen_fisher@avs.org CHARLES R. “CHIP” EDDY, JR. (President-Elect) Naval Research Laboratory 9402 Slow Rain Way Columbia, MD 21046 Bus. Tel.: 202-367-3672 E-mail: chip_eddy@avs.org IVAN G. PETROV (Immediate Past-President) University of Illinois 104 South Goodwin Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 Bus. Tel.: 617-717-4731 E-mail: ivan_petrov@avs.org JOE GREENE (Clerk/Secretary) 3090 South Bridle Drive Rafter J Ranch Jackson, WY 83001-9124 Tel.: 307-734-8009 E-mail: joe_greene@avs.org GREGORY J. EXARHOS (Treasurer) Pacific Northwest National Lab P.O. Box 999 902 Battelle Boulevard, K8-93 Richland, WA 99352 Bus. Tel.: 509-371-6243 E-mail: greg_exarhos@avs.org JAMES (JIM) M. FITZ-GERALD (Director ‘15-‘16) University of Virginia Wilsdorf Hall, #226, 395 McCormick Road Charlottesville, VA 22904-4745 Bus. Tel.: 434-982-5660 E-mail: james_fitz-gerald@avs.org ANTHONY A. MUSCAT (Director ‘16-‘17) University of Arizona 6420 E. Placita Acambay, PO Box 210011 Harshbarger, Room 108 Tucson, AZ 85750 Bus. Tel.: 520-834-6945 E-mail: anthony_muscat@avs.org LISA PORTER (Director ‘15-‘16) Carnegie Mellon University Materials Science & Eng 5000 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Bus. Tel.: 412-268-4047 E-mail: lisa_porter@avs.org PETER SHELDON (Director ‘16-‘17) NREL 15013 Denver West Pkwy. Golden, CO 80401 Bus. Tel.: 303-384-6533 E-mail: peter_sheldon@avs.org MICHAEL D. WILLIAMS (Director ‘15-‘16) Clark Atlanta University Dept. of Physics, 223 James P Brawley Dr. SW Atlanta, GA 30314 Bus. Tel.: 404-880-6258 E-mail: michael_williams@avs.org STAFF AWARDS COMMITTEE AVS NEW YORK OFFICE (HEADQUARTERS) 125 Maiden Lane, 15th Floor, #15B New York, NY 10038 Bus. Tel. 212-248-0200 Fax: 212-248-0245 E-mail: avsnyc@avs.org DONALD BAER (Trustee ‘15-‘17) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 3335 Innovation Blvd Richland, WA 99352 Bus. Tel.: 509-375-0217 E-mail: donald_baer@avs.org RICKY BALDEO (Office Services Coordinator) Extension: 226 E-mail: ricky@avs.org MARCELA BILEK (Trustee ‘16-‘18) University of Sydney, Australia School of Physics, A28, Physics Road Sydney, 2006 Australia Bus. Tel.: 612-935-16079 E-mail: marcela_bilek@avs.org TEDDY BHABIKHAN (Web Content Coordinator) Extension: 225 E-mail: teddy@avs.org PETER BURKE (Financial Administrator) Extension: 224 E-mail: peter@avs.org YVES CHABAL (Trustee Chair‘14–‘16) University of Texas at Dallas Dept. of Materials Science & Eng. 800 Campbell Avenue, RL 10 Richardson, TX 75080 Bus. Tel.: 972-883-5751 E-mail: yves_chabal@avs.org JEANNETTE DEGENNARO (Exhibition and Sales Manager) Extension: 229 E-mail: jeannette@avs.org ANGELA KLINK (Member Services Administrator) Extension: 221 E-mail: angela@avs.org IAN S. GILMORE (Trustee ‘15-‘17) National Physical Laboratory Hampton Road Teddington Surrey TW11 0LW UNITED KINGDOM Bus. Tel.: 44-20-894-36922 E-mail: ian_gilmore@avs.org KEITH MITCHELL (IT Systems/Web Administrator) Extension: 223 E-mail: keith@avs.org YVONNE TOWSE (Managing Director) Extension: 222 E-mail: yvonne@avs.org LYNNETTE MADSEN (Trustee ‘14–‘16) National Science Foundation 4201 Wilson Blvd., Ste. 1065 DMR Arlington, VA 22230 Bus. Tel.: 703-292-9035 E-mail: lynnette_madsen@avs.org AVS WEST OFFICE 110 Yellowstone Dr., Suite 120 Chico, CA 95973 Bus. Tel.: 530-896-0477 Fax: 530-896-0487 DELLA MILLER (Marketing Communications & Events Manager) E-mail: della@avs.org AMY V. WALKER (Trustee ‘16-‘18) University of Texas Dallas Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering 800 W. Campbell Rd., RL10 Richardson, TX 75080 Bus Tel: 972-883-5780 Email: amy_walker@avs.org HEATHER KORFF (Events/Office Coordinator) E-mail: heather@avs.org AVS PUBLICATIONS OFFICE 51 Kilmayne Drive, Suite 104 Cary, NC 27511 Bus. Tel.: 919-361-2787 Fax: 919-234-0051 NANCY SCHULTHEIS (Publications Office Manager) E-mail: nancy@avs.org 2 AVS 2016 Committee Chairs, Society Representatives, and Journal Editors COMMITTEES Awards (AW) Yves Chabal* Chapters, Divisions, and Groups (C,D,&G) Robert K. Grubbs (includes Student Chapters) Education (ED) John M. Lannon Tom Christensen Fred Stevie Marcy Stutzman Michael Williams Finance (FI) Gregory J. Exarhos* Gregory J. Exarhos* Christie R.K. Marrian David Surman* Governance (GV) Daniel Gaspar Aubrey Hanbicki Rudolf Ludeke Patricia A. Thiel Amy Walker Marketing and Communications (MC) Staff Function Membership (MM) David Surman* Susan Burkett Publications (PB) Gregory Parsons Recommended Practices (RP) Timothy A. Gessert Symposia & Conferences (S&C) Charles R. “Chip” Eddy, Jr.* Lisa Porter* Amy V. Walker* (2016 Vice-Chair/2017 Chair) Staff Function Charles R. “Chip” Eddy, Jr.* David G. Castner (General Chair) Charles R. “Chip” Eddy, Jr.* (Program Chair) Educational Materials and Outreach Short Courses History Diversity & Inclusion Audit Committee Investment Advisory Compensation Constitution and By-laws Outreach/Governance/Public International Interactions Strategic Plan Web Buyer’s Guide Professional Leadership Program Exhibitors and Manufacturers Topical Conferences (TCC) PacSurf *For Addresses and Phone Numbers - see pages 1 & 2 3 IUVSTA APPOINTEES (All continuing 3-year terms through October, 2016) Councilor Joe Greene Alternate Councilor Gregory J. Exarhos ASED Representative Ivan G. Petrov ASSD Representative John T. Grant BID Representative Lara Gamble EMPD Representative Lisa Porter NSTD Representative Nancy A. Burnham PSTD Representative Richard van de Sanden SSD Representative Joanna Mirecki Millunchick TFD Representative Erwin Kessels VTD Representative Jay Hendricks JOURNAL EDITORS Editor-in-Chief Eray Aydil (8/31/20) Biointerphases (BiP) BiP Editor BiP Associate Editor BiP Associate Editor Anna Belu (1/31/18) Sally L. McArthur (7/31/17) Katharina Maniura (7/31/17) Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology (JVST) JVST Associate Editor JVST Associate Editor JVST Associate Editor JVST Associate Editor JVST Associate Editor Gary E. McGuire (12/31/16) R. Mohan Sankaran (12/31/16) Colin Wolden (12/31/16) Erwin Kessels (12/31/17) Deborah O’Connell (12/31/17) Surface Science Spectra (SSS) Senior Editor Editor James Castle Richard T. Haasch AVS DESIGNATED DIRECTOR ON AIP BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Rudolf Ludeke (3/31/19) AVS MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE TO AIP: Alison A. Baski AIP SPECIAL COMMITTEES (EXTERNAL) Liaison Committee on Under-Represented Minorities – Daphne Pappas – ‘16 Liaison Committee on Physics Education – Tom Christensen – ‘17 Liaison Committee of Society Treasurers – Gregory J. Exarhos* (statutory) Publishing Board of Managers – Ivan G. Petrov* – ‘16 Publishing Partnerships Committee – Gregory Parsons, Nancy Schultheis, Yvonne Towse – ‘16 E-MAIL ALIAS LISTS (Anyone listed on this Roster may use these e-mail lists to reach the following groups of people) bod16@avs.org: All eleven (11) Officers and Directors chapters16@avs.org: Chapter Chairs committees16@avs.org: Committee Chairs divisions16@avs.org: Division Chairs groups16@avs.org: Group Chairs presidents16@avs.org: President, Immediate Past-President, and President-Elect roster16@avs.org: Officers, Directors, Trustees, Committee, Chapter, Division, and Group Chairs trustees16@avs.org: All six (6) Trustees *For Addresses and Phone Numbers - see pages 1 & 2 4 COMMITTEE CHAIRS & VICE CHAIRS ERAY AYDIL (Editor-in-Chief) University of Minnesota Chemical Engineering and Materials Science Dept. 151 Amundson Hall, 421 Washington Avenue SE Minneapolis, MN 55455-0132 Bus. Tel.: 952-938-5103 E-mail: eray_aydil@avs.org GREGORY J. EXARHOS (FI: Finance, Audit, AIP Society Treasurers—see Page 1) DANIEL GASPAR (GV: Governance ‘16) Pacific Northwest National Laboratories 902 Battelle Blvd., MS-IN K3-59 Richland, WA 99352 Bus. Tel.: 509-375-2544 E-mail: daniel_gaspar@avs.org ALISON A. BASKI (AVS Member Representative to AIP) Virginia Commonwealth University 13727 Long Cove Pl. Midlothian, VA 23112 Bus. Tel.: 804-828-8295 E-mail: alison_baski@avs.org TIMOTHY A. GESSERT (RP: Recommended Practices ‘16) 29801 Kennedy Gulch Road Conifer, CO 80433 Bus. Tel: 303-838-0162 E-mail: tim_gessert@avs.org ANNA BELU (Biointerphases Editor ’16) Medtronic 710 Medtronic Pkwy., LT240 Minneapolis, MN 55432 Bus. Tel.: 763-505-4586 E-mail: anna_belu@avs.org ROBERT K. GRUBBS (C,D,&G: Chapters, Divisions, and Groups/Student Chapters ’16) 1990 N. 7th St. Boise, ID 83702 Bus. Tel.: 505-385-7886 E-mail: robert_grubbs@avs.org SUSAN BURKETT (MM: Professional Leadership ’16) University of Alabama Box 870286, NERC 2035 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0286 Bus. Tel.: 205-348-4378 E-mail: susan_burkett@avs.org RICHARD T. HAASCH (SSS Editor) University of Illinois Materials Research Labs, 104 S. Goodwin Ave. Urbana, IL 61801-2902 Bus. Tel.: 217-244-2967 E-mail: richard_haasch@avs.org JAMES CASTLE (SSS Senior Editor) University of Surrey 27 Millais Horsham, RH136BS, United Kingdom Bus. Tel.: 44-14-032-60280 E-mail: james_castle@avs.org AUBREY HANBICKI (GV: Constitution and By-laws ’16) Naval Research Laboratory 4555 Overlook Ave. SW, Code 6360 Washington, DC 20375 Bus. Tel: 202-767-3956 E-mail: aubrey_hanbicki@avs.org DAVE CASTNER (S&C: PacSurf General Chair ’16) University of Washington Dept. of Chemical Engr. Box 351653 Seattle, WA 98195-1653 Bus. Tel.: 206-543-8094 E-mail: dave_castner@avs.org ERWIN KESSELS (W.M.M. KESSELS) (JVST Associate Editor ‘17) Dept. of Applied Physics Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Bus. Tel: +31 40 247 3477 (4880) E-mail: erwin_kessels@avs.org YVES CHABAL (AW: Chair ’16—see page 2) JOHN M. LANNON (ED: Education ‘16) RTI International 3040 East Cornwallis Road, ATB Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Bus. Tel.: 919-248-1872 E-mail: john_lannon@avs.org TOM CHRISTENSEN (ED: Educational Materials and Outreach ‘16, AIP Liais. Comm. on Physics Education ‘17) University of Colorado, Dept. of Physics 1420 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. Colorado Springs, CO 80918 Bus. Tel.: 719-255-3063 E-mail: tom_christensen@avs.org CHARLES R. “CHIP” EDDY, JR. (S&C: TCC’16, PacSurf Prog. Chair ’16—see Page 1) 5 RUDOLF LUDEKE (GV: Outreach/Governance/Public ‘16, AIP Board of Directors ‘19) P.O. Box 699 Falmouth, MA 02541 Bus. Tel.: 508-495-2909 E-mail: rudy_ludeke@avs.org LISA PORTER (S&C: Program Chair ‘16-(see Page 1) R. MOHAN SANKARAN (JVST Associate Editor) Case Western Reserve University Dept. of Chem. Eng., 10900 Euclid Avenue AW Smith Bldg., Room 111B, Cleveland, OH 44106-7217 Bus Tel.: 216-368-4589 Email: mohan_sankaran@avs.org KATHARINA MANIURA (Biointerphases Associate Editor) Empa, Swiss Federal Labs for Materials Sci. & Tech. Lerchenfeldstrasse 5, 9014 St. Gallen, Switzerland Bus. Tel. 41-58-765-74-47 Email: katharina_maniura@avs.org CHRISTIE R.K. MARRIAN (FI: Investment Advisory ‘16) 209 Hills Road Cambridge CB2 8RN, United Kingdom Bus. Tel.: 44-12-235-15459 E-mail: christie_marrian@avs.org FRED STEVIE (ED: Short Courses ‘16) North Carolina State University 2410 Campus Shore Drive, MRC Bldg., Rm 318, Campus Box 7531 Raleigh, NC 27695-7531 Bus. Tel.: 919-515-7037 E-mail: fred_stevie@avs.org SALLY L. McARTHUR (Biointerphases Associate Editor) Swinburne University of Technology FSET H11, Hawthorn, VIC 3122 Australia Bus. Tel.: 61-39-214-8452 Email: sally_mcarthur@avs.org MARCY STUTZMAN (ED: AVS History ‘16) Jefferson Laboratory Center for Injectors and Sources 600 Kelvin Dr., Ste. 8, Newport News, VA 23606 Bus. Tel.: 757-269-7200 E-mail: marcy_stutzman@avs.org GARY E. MCGUIRE (JVST Associate Editor) 9323 Charles Lane, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-7575 Bus. Tel.: 919-824-8479 E-mail: gary_mcguire@avs.org DAVID SURMAN (FI: Compensation ‘16; MM: Membership ’16-see P. 1) PATRICIA THIEL (GV: International Interactions ‘16) Iowa State University Department of Chemistry and MSE 1605 Gilman Hall Ames, IA 50011 Bus. Tel: 515-294-8985 E-mail: patricia_thiel@avs.org DEBORAH O’CONNELL (JVST Associate Editor ‘17) York Plasma Institute University of York York, YO10 5DD, United Kingdom Bus. Tel.: 44-190-432-4906 E-mail: deborah_oconnell@avs.org AMY WALKER (GV: Strategic Plan ’16, S&C: Program Vice Chair ‘16— see Page 2) DAPHNE PAPPAS (AIP Liais. Comm. on Under-Represented Minorities ‘16) 7707 Hudson Park Dr. Hudson, OH 44236 Bus. Tel.: 234-380-5198 E-mail: daphne_pappas@avs.org WILLIAM D. WESTWOOD (ED: AVS Archivist ‘16) 7 Mohawk Crescent, Nepean On K2H 7G7, Canada Bus. Tel.: 613-829-5790 E-mail: bill_westwood@avs.org GREGORY PARSONS (PB: Publications ’16, AIP Publishing Partnerships ’16) North Carolina State University Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Box 7905, Raleigh, NC 27695-7905 Bus. Tel.: 919-515-7553 E-mail: gregory_parsons@avs.org MICHAEL WILLIAMS (ED: Diversity & Inclusion ‘16—see Page 1)) COLIN WOLDEN (JVST Associate Editor) Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois Street Golden, CO 80401 Bus. Tel.: 303-273-3544 E-mail: colin_wolden@avs.org IVAN G. PETROV (AIP Publishing Board of Managers ‘16—see Page 1) 6 DIVISION & GROUP CHAIRS Advanced Surface Engineering Division (ASED) BO TORP Platit Scandinavia Universitetsparken 7 PO Box 30 Roskilde, DK-4000 Denmark Bus. Tel.: 454-674-0238 E-mail: bo_torp@avs.org Plasma Science and Technology Division (PSTD) SUMIT AGARWAL Colorado School of Mines 1500 Illinois Street, 443 Alderson Hall Golden, CO 80401 Bus. Tel.: 303-273-3508 E-mail: sumit_agarwal@avs.org Surface Science Division (SSD) ROBERT BARTYNSKI Rutgers University Dept. of Physics 136 Frelinghuysen Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 Bus. Tel.: 848-445-8786 E-mail: robert_bartynski@avs.org Applied Surface Science Division (ASSD) TONY OHLHAUSEN Sandia National Laboratories PO Box 5800, MS 0886 Albuquerque, NM 87185 Bus. Tel.: 505-845-9510 E-mail: james_ohlhausen@avs.org Thin Film Division (TFD) GIOVANNA SCAREL James Madison University 901 Carrier Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Bus. Tel.: 540-568-8857 E-mail: giovanna_scarel@avs.org Biomaterial Interfaces Division (BID) AXEL ROSENHAHN Ruhr-University Bochum Analytical Chemistry - Biointerfaces Universitaetsstr. 150 NC Bochum, 44790 GERMANY Bus. Tel.: 49-23-432-24200 E-mail: axel_rosenhahn@avs.org Vacuum Technology Division (VTD) MARTIN WÜEST INFICON Alte Landstrasse 6, Balzers, LI 9496 Liechtenstein Bus. Tel.: 41-79-6004267 E-mail: martin_wuest@avs.org Electronic Materials and Photonics Division (EMPD) NIKOLAUS DIETZ Georgia State University Dept. of Physics & Astronomy PO Box 5060 Atlanta, GA 30302-5060 Bus. Tel.: 404-413-6002 E-mail: nikolaus_dietz@avs.org Manufacturing Science and Technology Group (MSTG) BRIDGET R. ROGERS Vanderbilt University VU Station B351604 Nashville, TN 37235-1604 Bus. Tel.: 615-343-3269 E-mail: bridget_rogers@avs.org Magnetic Interfaces and Nanostructures Division (MIND) HENDRIK OHLDAG SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory 2575 Sand Hill Road, MS 69 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Bus. Tel.: 650-926-4636 E-mail: hendrik_ohldag@avs.org Nanometer-Scale Science & Technology Division (NSTD) MEMS and NEMS Technical Group (MEMS) CHRISTIAN ZORMAN STEPHANE EVOY University of Alberta 105 Naples Way St. Albert, AB T8N 7G2, Canada Bus. Tel.: 780-668-0693 E-mail: stephane_evoy@avs.org Dept. of Electrical Engineering Computer Science 715A Glennan Bldg., 2123 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Cleveland, OH 44106 Bus. Tel.: 216-486-0757 E-mail: christian_zorman@avs.org Case Western Reserve University 7 CHAPTER CHAIRS Delaware Valley Chapter (12/31/16) PATRICK E. MORRIS Global Vacuum LLC 17 Skyview Garden Road Lebanon, NJ 08833 Bus. Tel.: 908-735-5703 E-mail: pat_morris@avs.org New Mexico Chapter (6/01/16) ERICA DOUGLAS Sandia National Laboratories P.O. Box 5800 MS 1084, Albuquerque, NM 87185 Bus. Tel: 505 844.1674 E-mail: erica_douglas@avs.org Northern California Chapter (12/31/16) MICHAEL OYE University of California, Santa Cruz 2370 Winepol Loop, San Jose, CA 95125 Bus. Tel.: 650-604-1179 E-mail: michael_oye@avs.org Florida Chapter (3/31/16) LAURENE TETARD University of Central Florida 12424 Research Parkway Orlando, FL 32826 Bus. Tel.: 407-882-0128 E-mail: laurene_tetard@avs.org Ohio Chapter (12/31/16) R. MOHAN SANKARAN (See Page 6) Hudson Mohawk Chapter (12/31/16) HARRY EFSTATHIADIS CNSE State University of New York Polytechnic Institute 253 Fuller Road Albany, NY 12203 Phone: 518-437-8605 E-mail: harry_efstathiadis@avs.org Pacific Northwest Chapter (12/31/16) R. SCOTT SMITH Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Box 999, MS K8-88 Richland, WA 99352 Bus. Tel.: 509-371-6156 E-mail: scott_smith@avs.org Michigan Chapter (9/01/16) PILAR HERRERA-FIERRO (Chapter contact) Lurie Nanofabrication Facility University of Michigan RM 1241 EECS Building, 1301 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122 Bus. Tel.: 734-646-1399 E-mail: pilar_herrera-fierro@avs.org Prairie Chapter (12/31/16) DAVID CZAPLEWSKI Argonne National Laboratory Center for Nanoscale Materials 9700 S Cass Ave., Bldg. 440 Argonne, IL 60439-4855 Bus. Tel.: 630-252-3258 E-mail: david_czaplewski@avs.org Mid-Atlantic States Chapter (1/15/17) JACOB RICKER MS 8364 National Institute of Standards & Technology 100 Bureau Drive Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8364 Bus. Tel: 301- 975-4475 Email: jacob_ricker@avs.org Rocky Mountain Chapter (12/31/16) LORELLE MANSFIELD National Renewable Energy Laboratory 15013 Denver West Parkway, MS 3219 Golden, CO 80401 Bus. Tel.: 303-384-7884 E-mail: lorelle_mansfield@avs.org Southern California Chapter (12/31/16) ANNA CORINNE D’AMBROSIO Mbar, 616 Hartford Avenue, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Bus. Tel.: 714-536-2800 E-mail: corinne_dambrosio@avs.org Minnesota Chapter (12/31/16) ALI RAFATI 3M Corporate Research Analytical Laboratory 3M Center, 201-S-264-A St. Paul, MN 55144 Bus. Tel: 651-733-1810 E-mail: ali_rafati@avs.org Tennessee Valley Chapter (6/01/16) HARRY MEYER (contact) Oak Ridge National Laboratory 1 Bethel Valley Road, P.O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6064 Bus. Tel.: 865-574-5092 E-mail: harry_meyer@avs.org New England Chapter (12/31/16) PETER SOMSSICH Lighting Research Center Osram Sylvania, Inc. 71 Cherry Hill Drive Beverly, MA 01915 Bus. Tel.: 978-750-1633 E-mail: peter_somssich@avs.org Texas Chapter (12/31/16) RAMANA VENKATA CHINTALAPALLE University of Texas at El Paso 500 W University Ave, El Paso, TX 79912 Bus. Tel.: 915-747-5019 E-mail: ramana_chintalapalle@avs.org 8 Western Pennsylvania Chapter (12/31/16) CHRIS HORWITZ Electrogrip, 6945 Lynn Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15208 Bus. Tel.: 412-247-0992 E-mail: chris_horwitz@avs.org INTERNATIONAL AFFILIATES Israel Vacuum Society SIDNEY COHEN Weizmann Institute of Science Herzl 234 Rehovot 76100 Israel Bus. Tel.: 97-28-934-2703 E-mail: sidney_cohen@avs.org INTERNATIONAL CHAPTERS Taiwan AVS JIANN-SHIUN KAO Inst. Tech Res. Ctr., National Applied Res. Labs 20 R&D Vi Rd, Hsinchu Science Industry Pk Hsinchu, 300, Taiwan Bus. Tel.: +886-3-5779911 #558 E-mail: jiann-shiun_kao@avs.org Polish Vacuum Society LESZEK MARKOWSKI University of Wroclaw Inst. of Experimental Physics Plac Maksa Borna 9 Wroclaw, 50-204, Poland Bus. Tel.: 48-71-375-9307 E-mail: leszek_markowski@avs.org St. Lawrence AVS LUDVIK MARTINU Ecole Polytechnique, Box 6079. Station Downtown Montreal, QC H3C 3A7 Canada Bus. Tel.: 514-340-4099 E-mail: ludvik_martinu@avs.org STUDENT CHAPTER CHAIRS College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering NICHOLAS PIENIAZEK College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering NFN Receiving Dock, Albany, NY 12203 E-mail: nicholas_pieniazek@avs.org University of Alabama VAISHALI BATRA University of Alabama Tuscaloosa 1120 8th Street, Apt #A3, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 E-mail: vaishali_batra@avs.org Colorado School of Mines MICHAEL DZARA 300 Washington Ave., #2 Golden, CO 80403 E-mail: michael_dzara@avs.org University of Central Florida JOSHUA PERLSTEIN University of Central Florida 13437 Bristlecone Circle, Orlando, FL 32828 Bus. Tel.: 954-629-7997 E-mail: joshua_perlstein@avs.org Dallas Metroplex AUDREY HAMMACK Dallas Metroplex 800 W. Campbell Road RL10 Richardson, TX 75080 Tel: 903-238-5372 E-mail: audrey_hammack@avs.org University of Florida JAMES DAHL University of Florida 511 NW 2nd Street, Gainesville, FL 32601 E-mail: james_dahl@avs.org Northwestern University GAVIN CAMPBELL Northwestern University 852 Ridege Ave., Evanston, IL 60202 E-mail: gavin_campbell@avs.org University Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ELIZABETH POGUE University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1304 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801 Bus. Tel.: 217-418-9196 E-mail: elizabeth_pogue@avs.org Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute THOMAS CARDINAL Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 9 Circle Ln., #23D, Albany, NY 12203 Bus. Tel.: 518-698-1198 E-mail: thomas_cardinal@avs.org University of Minnesota, Twin Cities CHRISTOPHER CHENG University of Minnesota 14120 Forest Hill Road, Eden Prairie, MN 55346 Bus. Tel.: 952-270-4199 E-mail: Christopher_cheng@avs.org Silicon Valley RACHEL MAJOR 10260 Stonydale Drive, Cupertino, CA 95014 Bus. Tel.: 408-506-8419 E-mail: rachel_major@avs.org University of Washington ELISA HARRISON University of Washington, Bioengineering, Seattle, WA 98195 Bus. Tel.: 206-616-3174 E-mail: elisa_harrison@avs.org UCLA DIAN YU 3340 Sawtelle Blvd Apt. 304, Los Angeles, CA 90066 E-mail: dian_yu@avs.org 9