Brochure - ieee pedes 2016

Organizing Committee
S S Murthy, India
Tomy Sebastian, USA
Honorary Chairs
David B Durocher, President, IAS
Braham Ferreira, President, PELS
Kamal Al-Haddad, President, IES
Damir Novosel, President, PES
General Chairs
Jaison Mathew
GEC Thrissur, India
Pragasen Pillay
Concordia University, Canada
T M George
MBCET, India
Technical Program Chairs
Unnikrishnan A K
Chair, IEEE Kerala IA/IE/PELS
Z V Lakaparampil
C-DAC, India
Mukul Chandorkar
IIT Bombay, India
K Gopakumar
IISc Bangalore
Akshay Kumar Rathore
NUS, Singapore
Track Chairs
Converter Topologies & Control :
G. Narayanan, IISc Bangalore, India
Anshuman Shukla, IIT Bombay, India
Sudharshan Kaarthik, Concordia, Canada
Abhijit Choudhury, EPGC, Singapore
Rajeevan P P, IIST Trivandrum, India
Electrical Machines & Industrial Drives:
Amit Jain, IIT Delhi, India
K. Sivakumar, IIT Hyderabad, India
Ritesh Keshri, VNIT, Nagpur, India
Bhakti Joshi, IIT Mandi, India
Maher Al-Badri, Concordia, Canada
Renewable Energy, Distributed Generation
and Microgrid:
Vinod John, IISc Bangalore, India
Suryanarayana Doolla, IIT Bombay, India
Ali Mehrizi Nazi, Washington State Uni., USA
L. Umanand, IISc Bangalore, India
Fei Gao, UTBM, Belfort, France
Power Quality, HVDC and FACTS:
Fred Blaabjerg, Alborg, Denmark
H.M. Suryavanshi, VNIT Nagpur, India
Gurunath Gurrala, IISc Bangalore, India
Bijuna Kunju K, TKMCE, Kollam, India
Aby Joseph, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
Electric Vehicle and
Automotive Applications:
Sheldon S Williamson, UOIT, Canada
Amit Gupta, Rolls Royce, Singapore
Tamas Ruzsanyi, Ganz-Skoda, Hungary
Mehran Ektasabi, Swinburne University, AUS
Renji V Chacko, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
Power Devices, Packaging and EMI:
Tirthajyoti Sarkar, Fairchild Semiconductor,
San Jose, USA
Kamalesh Hatua, IIT Madras, India
Binojkumar A C, RIT Kottayam, India
Prasanna U R , UT Dallas, USA
V Chandrasheker, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
Bimal K Bose, USA
Jakim Holtz, GERMANY
Uday Deshpande, USA
FredeBlaabjerg, DENMARK
Bhim Singh, INDIA
Chandan Chakraborty, INDIA
Prasad Enjeti, USA
Ashwin M Khambadkone, SINGAPORE
Hamid Toliyat, USA
Unnisankar, INDIA
B Prasannakumari, INDIA
Po-Tai Cheng, TAIWAN
Aldo Boglietti, ITALY
V K Damodaran, INDIA
M K Giridharan, INDIA
Peter Magyar, GERMANY
Ahmed Rubaai, USA
Samir Kouro, CHILE
R Krishnan, USA
SilverioBolognani, ITALY
Udaya Madawala, NEW ZEALAND
Leopoldo Garcia Franquelo, SPAIN
Seung-Ki Sul, S. KOREA
AthanasiosKarlis, GREECE
Yen-Shin Lai, TAIWAN
Suresh Gopalakrishnan, USA
Mahesh Krishnamurthy, USA
Bruno Lequesne, USA
BaburajKaranayil, AUSTRALIA
Bob Lorenz, USA
Joseph Ojo, USA
Ralph Kennel, GERMANY
Krishna Vasudevan, INDIA
Ned Mohan, USA
Kouki Matsuse, JAPAN
Kaushik Rajashekara, USA
Gerard Capolino, FRANCE
Zi-Qiang Zhu, UK
SaadMekhilef, MALASIA
Parthasarathi Sensarma, INDIA
Gopal Mondal, GERMANY
Sastry Vedula, INDIA
Santanu Mishra, INDIA
Arindam Ghosh, AUSTRALIA
Tamotsu Ninomiya, JAPAN
Qing-Chang Zhong, USA
Please visit the
conference website
for more updates.
Finance committee
Srikanth V, Amrita, Kollam, India
Rijil Ramchand, NIT Calicut, India
Sandhya P, MBCET, India
SuryanarayanaDoolla, IIT Bombay, India
Nandakumar M, GEC Thrissur, India
K Sivakumar, IIT Hyderabad, India
N A Divya, MBCET, India
S K Biswas, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
B Jayanand, GEC Thrissur, India
G K Jisha, MBCET, India
IEEE International conference on
Boby Philip, SCTCE, Trivandrum, India
Sameer S M, NIT Calicut, India
Manju Sreekumar, MBCET, India
Rejish Babu F R, MBCET, India
Suresh Babu, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
Rahul Kanchen, ABB, Sweden
Industry Interaction and Exhibit
SudeepKumar, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
K R Suresh Nair, Nest, Cochin & Chair IEEE Kerala section
Jiji K S , GEC Thrissur, India
Jomole Joseph P, MBCET, India
Gopal Mondal, Siemens, Germany
Hospitality and Local arrangements
Shajilal A S, MBCET, India
Elizabeth Varghese, MBCET, India
C Sojy Rajan, MBCET, India
Manju Ann Mathews, MBCET, India
Sheenu P, MBCET, India
Shyju Susan Mathew, MBCET, India
Arun S Mathew, MBCET, India
Aswin R B, MBCET, India
Binojkumar A C , RIT Kottayam, India
Joseph K D, GEC Thrissur, India
Meenakshy Murthy, GEC Thrissur, India
Sanishkumar T G, GEC Thrissur, India
Subhash Joshi, C-DAC Trivandrum, India
Dec 14-17, 2016
Kerala, India
Address for correspondence:
Jaison Mathew
PEDES2016 General Chair
Electrical Engineering Department
Govt. Engg. College Thrissur, Kerala, India
Mobile: +91-9447414981
About PEDES 2016
PEDES, the IEEE sponsored series of International Conferences on Power Electronics,
Drives and Energy Systems was started in 1996. The first in the Series, PEDES 1996
was held in New Delhi. It was followed by PEDES 1998 in Perth, Australia; PEDES 2006
& PEDES 2010 in New Delhi, PEDES 2012 in Bangalore and PEDES 2014 in Mumbai.
PEDES 2016 will be held at Trivandrum and is sponsored by four important IEEE
societies, viz., the IEEE Industry Application Society, IEEE Power Electronics Society,
IEEE Industrial Electronics Society and IEEE Power and Energy Society.
The goal of PEDES is to provide a platform for Conference, Exhibition and Tutorials on
selected topics of contemporary interest, biennially, mainly in the Indian
Subcontinent. The conference provides a unique forum for the exchange of
knowledge and information among the professionals across the globe in the areas of
Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems - subjects which have greater
significance owing to the emphasis on Energy affected by the climate change. The
conference aims at bringing together the users and researchers of Electrical Energy
Conversion Systems and Sub-systems with the emphasis on the technical content of
the Papers. The Oral and Poster Session of the conference will highlight the latest
research and development efforts enabling the minimization of technical and cost
barriers. The scope of the Conference includes all aspects of the design, manufacture,
application of devices, circuits and systems related to Electrical Energy.
PEDES 2016 is organized by IEEE conference organizing committee consisting of
distinguished personalities from industries and academia and is hosted by Mar
Baselios College of Engineering & Technology, Trivandrum (MBCET). The sessions on
14 Dec. 2016 will be held at Hotel UdaySamudra, Kovalam, Trivandrum and the
sessions from 15 Dec. 2016 to 17 Dec. 2016 will be held at MBCET.
Call for papers
Technical papers are solicited on the subjects pertaining to the scope of the
Conference that includes, but not limited to the following major topics:
• Electric Machines and Drives
• Power Converters and Applications
• Power Semiconductor Devices, Packaging, EMI and Power Electronics Design issues
• Magnetic Materials and other Passive Components
• Renewable Energy Systems, Wind, Solar PV, Grid- integration and Off-Grid systems
• FACTS, HVDC, Power Quality
• Smart/Microgrid, Distribution and Decentralized Generation and Demand management
• Reliability, Diagnostics and Prognostics
• Automotive Electronics, Hybrid Electric Vehicles
• Distributed & Decentralized Generation and Demand Side Management
• Energy Efficiency in Electrical Systems
Exhibition and Sponsorship
Registration fee details*
Sponsorship Amount
US $
•Concession for IEEE Members: All IEEE members including
students are eligible for a discount of 15% on the Conference Fee
and 25 % on the Tutorial Fee
One Exhibition stall (4mx2m) + 6 free
delegates+2 exhibitor pass+ 1 page
advertisement and company logo in the
conference souvenir/book of abstracts
•Paper Publication: For a paper to be included in the conference
proceedings and IEEE Xplore, at least one of the authors must
register for full registration and the paper should be presented by
one of the authors. All accepted and presented papers will be
archived in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
One Exhibition stall (4mx2m) + 3
free delegates+ 2 exhibitor pass+ Half page
advertisement and company logo in the
conference souvenir/book of abstracts
1, 00,000
One Exhibition stall (3mx2m) + 2 free
delegates + 2 exhibitor pass
3 delegates free + Display of advertisement
banner in the dining area
(banner to be provided by the sponsor)
2 delegates free + Display of advertisement
banner in the lunch area
(banner to be provided by thesponsor)
Indian delegates
• Industry/Academics (Full Regn.)
• Students
• Tutorials
₹ 10,000
₹ 5,000
₹ 1,000
Foreign Delegates
•Additional Paper Publication: Each full registration author is
entitled to publish up to two conference papers. Additional paper
publications are allowed with extra paymentequivalent to full
registration amount.
*12.36% service tax will be applicable along with the
registration fee for conferance/tutorial
Please Visit the conference website for more details.
Pre-conference tutorials
Pre-conference tutorials will be held on 14 Dec. 2016 by eminent personalities in areas of current interest. Please visit the conference website for
more details.
The Organizers
Plenary Talks
For the benefit of the delegates of the Conference, about Six Plenary Talks
bywell-known Experts will be organized from 15 to 17 Dec. 2016
Who should attend?
Academicians, Students, Practicing Engineers, Policy Makers and all those
inElectrical Energy Systems area are cordially welcome to participate and
contribute to the conference.
Important Dates
• Opening date for submission of digest: 15 March 2016
• Last date for submission of digest: 15 May 2016
• Notification to authors of acceptance/rejection of papers: 1 Aug. 2016
• Final Manuscript submission with IEEE copyright forms: 1 Oct. 2016
Bank Account details
for Registration Fees
Account Title: PEDES 2016
Current A/c No: 34965878088
Bank Name: State Bank of India
Bank Branch: PATTOM,
IFSC Code: SBIN0003355
MICR Code: 695002007
PEDES2016 is organized by IEEE conference
organizing committee in association with Mar
Baselios College of Engineering & Technology,
Trivandrum and IEEE Kerala section IA/IE/PELS
technical chapter. The organizing committee
consists of professionals and experts from
Industry and Academics.
Conference Venue and
14 Dec 2016 :
Hotel Uday Samudra, Kovalam, Trivandrum
15- 17 Dec 2016 :
Mar Baselios College of Engineering and
Technology, Trivandrum