IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 50, NO. 3, AUGUST 2007 251 “Deglorifying” the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem and Factors in Impedance Selection James C. McLaughlin and Kenneth L. Kaiser Abstract—The limited usefulness of the maximum power transfer theorem in practice is argued. Inappropriately, the utility and value of the maximum power transfer theorem are often elevated to be religious icons of electrical engineering. While the theorem appears to be useful, often in real circuits the load impedance is not set equal to the complex conjugate of the equivalent impedance of the connecting source. When the load impedance happens to be equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance, other practical reasons for this type of impedance matching exists, other than effecting maximum power transfer. Some reasons are discussed in a straightforward fashion. II. EFFICIENCY If a source is an open-circuit voltage in series with an equivalent resistance, or has the appearance of a Thévenin equivalent, then as the load resistance increases, the power efficiency increases Index Terms—Conjugate matching, impedance matching, maximum power transfer theorem, noise matching, voltage matching. If , then the efficiency approaches 100%. Of course, if the load corresponds to an open circuit, the apparent efficiency would be 100%, but then no power would be delivered to the load. In many applications, especially related to power generation, distribution, and amplification, efficiency is of prime importance, not maximum power transfer. Note that the efficiency , corresponding to maximum is merely 50% when power transfer to the load I. INTRODUCTION I N electrical engineering circuits textbooks, a substantial discussion on the maximum power transfer theorem and its importance in “many applications” is still common. Briefly, this theorem states that the maximum average power that can be , is obtained delivered to a load impedance, when the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the equivalent impedance of the source connected to the load. If the Thévenin or equivalent impedance of the source is , then maximum power is delivered to a load when . A conjugate match exists when is equal . to the complex conjugate of As many experienced engineers know, although the maximum power transfer theorem is an interesting result, its usefulness in practice is extremely limited. A few electrical engineering books and articles have discussed the lack of utility of this theorem in specific applications [1]–[6], but its supposed importance is still claimed or emphasized in several textbooks and numerous articles [7]–[11]. Indeed, the theorem has such a religious aura that one might be led to believe the use of the maximum power transfer theorem will solve all problems. In this discussion, the chief reasons why the input or output impedance of a device is selected or adjusted to a particular value are discussed. These reasons are not necessarily independent of each other, and frequently several of these reasons are considered in a design. Examples that have been used to argue incorrectly the usefulness of the maximum power transfer theorem are included and briefly analyzed. Manuscript received July 11, 2005; revised April 12, 2007. The authors are with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Kettering University, Flint, MI 48504 USA (e-mail: Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TE.2007.900030 When , the efficiency is 75%, and the power delivered to the load is Seventy-five percent of the maximum possible power is delivered to the load in this case. Attaining high efficiency is important in many devices, especially cellular phones, laptop computers, and satellites. When a load is connected across a battery, rarely is the load impedance selected to be equal to the impedance (or conjugate impedance) of the battery. Because the battery’s impedance is often low, intentionally connecting a low-impedance load across the battery could excessively load the battery, causing its output voltage to fall or even causing an explosion. Not to mention that the efficiency of an actual active device and the efficiency of its Thévenin equivalent are not necessarily the same would be misleading. For example, a power supply with a low effective resistance is not necessarily efficient. The low effective resistance could be caused by feedback and not be an actual ohmic resistance. Indeed, consider the case of modeling a network with a Thévenin equivalent circuit and also modeling the same network with a Norton equivalent circuit. Assume that the two models present to a load exactly what the 0018-9359/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 23, 2009 at 02:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 252 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 50, NO. 3, AUGUST 2007 network presents. If one were to make conclusions about the power absorbed by each of the models as a function of load resistance, one will see different results. For a resistive equivalent impedance and load, the powers absorbed by the equivalent Thévenin and Norton resistances are The previous powers are identical only when . The validity of the applicable theorem that says that such equivalent circuits are only equivalent as far as what they do to the outside world is thus demonstrated. A. RF Devices A number of RF applications may exist where the use the maximum power theorem is inappropriate. Imagine that an RF transmitter that is able to deliver 1 kW to a 50 load has an actual internal impedance of and is somehow connected to . Assuming the an antenna with an impedance of transmitter does not fail, the maximum power possible would be delivered to the antenna (which is likely to be greater than 1 kW), but the efficiency of this power transfer would be only would be very great. 50%. Also, the power absorbed by A large cooling system would have to be effected to disperse the large amount of power dissipated within the abused transmitter. Worse, the spectral purity of the emissions probably would be compromised. Many individuals believe that a 50 transmitter has an equivalent impedance of 50 . Hence, the argument proceeds that for maximum power transfer, the load to the transmitter should also be equal to 50 . Maximum power transfer is not the reason for this load selection since the 50 transmitter likely has an equivalent output impedance much less than 50 . The transmitter is probably designed to transfer its power “best” with a 50 load. Fifty ohms is the impedance that the transmitter “likes to see [12].” Conjugate matching is often found abused in conjunction with active devices used at RF. The manufacturer of an active device, such as a transistor to be used at 460 MHz, places representative devices into a fixture that is able selectively to present a wide range of impedances to the device. Experimentally, the that is best for gain or efficiency is found and provided on data sheets. Such impedances are not the conjugate of the actual internal impedance of the device. However, often the provided desirable impedances are incorrectly discussed as if conjugate matching is involved. factor of one is frequently strived for in order to minimize losses in the transmission line leading to the load. Electrical energy distribution systems strive to keep voltage changes with current changes as small as possible. Thus, the effective impedance of conventional electrical energy distribution systems is very small, and this small effective impedance is not considered when effecting power factor correction. In other words, conjugate matching between a load, corrected or not, and the impedance looking back into the connected transmission line is not considered when desiring to minimize losses in the transmission line. C. Transformer Considerations When selecting a transformer or selecting the source and load impedance for a given transformer, such as a step-down transformer to a speaker, the impedances are sometimes selected for lowest iron and copper losses in the transformer. The impedances are often selected so that under load the iron losses are about equal to the wire copper losses and thus tend to optimize efficiency of the transformer. Thus, the transformer efficiency, the ratio of the power delivered to the load to the power delivered into the primary of the transformer, might have a peak value at some “matched” load [1]. In other cases involving multiple transformers or split transformers, the actual loads might be selected to split the total available power. The impedances involved more often than not have to do with optimizing efficiency and, in spite of the “matched” language often used, do not involve conjugate matching. III. REFLECTIONS When an electromagnetic wave is incident on a load, whether the load is a metallic shield or discrete resistor, a certain percentage of the wave is reflected from the load, and a certain percentage is delivered to the load. In many cases, one wishes to reduce or minimize the reflections from the load (or source). In high-speed circuits, reflections can be a source of oscillation and electrical noise. For some receivers, reflections generate undesirable echoes. The overshoot generated by reflections can also cause a device to malfunction by producing a voltage exceeding the load’s voltage rating. At very high frequencies (VHFs) and higher, reflections on a transmission line between a low-noise receiver and its antenna give rise to another issue. The losses in the transmission line increase causing a reduction in the signal delivered to the receiver and an increase in the noise delivered since the transmission line is “warm.” In well-designed systems, such undesirable effects are small. A measure of the reflections of the voltage and electric field waves on a line is expressed by the reflection coefficient defined as B. Power Factor Correction In power factor correction, elimination or reduction of the reactive component of a device, such as a motor, is desirable. The reactive component of the device’s impedance is canceled or reduced by adding the appropriate size reactive component of opposite sign. For example, a power-factor-correcting capacitor is added across an inductive motor. When the power factor is one, the current and voltage are in phase since the net reactance is zero, and the magnitude of the current is minimum. A power where is the impedance of the load and the impedance of the medium in which the incident wave is traveling. For transmission lines, is the characteristic or surge impedance. For plane waves, is the intrinsic (and some cases wave) impedance of the medium. The previous expression leads to the conclusion that to minimize reflections, the impedance of the load should be similar or equal to the impedance of the line (or Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 23, 2009 at 02:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MCLAUGHLIN AND KAISER: MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM medium) leading to the load. The reflection coefficient is zero when , which is referred to as an impedance match. An impedance match is not a conjugate match (unless the load is purely resistive) [1], [13]. For high-frequency modeling, parameters are probably the simplest set of parameters to manipulate and measure. Unlike many other parameters that can be used to model or describe a network, measurement of parameters does not require that the input and output of the network be short circuited and open circuited. With parameters, the source and load impedances are usually set equal to a resistance of 50 . The classic definitions for each of the parameters are obtained by setting the or parameters equal to zero, which is accomplished by providing a source or load impedance of 50 and does not involve short circuiting (or open circuiting) the input and output ports. Here, the matching is not performed for maximum power transfer but to obtain more easily the parameters. The performance of filters, and their parameters, is often measured using a network analyzer that uses a source and load impedance of 50 , and maximum power transfer is not involved. When tapping onto a transmission line, frequently having the input impedance of the tapping device be equal to the line’s characteristic impedance is not desirable. Although the final or last load along the line might be impedance matched to the line, the tapping loads often have an impedance much greater than the line’s impedance. Of course, the distance between the tap and the high-impedance tapping device must be electrically short in order to have a high-impedance tap. Again, maximum power transfer is not involved. IV. LOADING AND VOLTAGE REGULATING Output stages of most amplifiers, and some buffered transducers such as accelerometers, have a low output impedance (i.e., a low Thévenin impedance at its output), such as 1 . The output stages are called “drivers” in this discussion because they drive succeeding stages. Rarely is the input impedance of an amplifier that is connected to a driver selected to be low and equal to the driver’s output impedance. Usually, the input impedance of . Connecting a driver a driven amplifier is high, such as 100 with a low output impedance to an amplifier or receiver with a high input impedance is occasionally referred to as “voltage matching [14].” The largest signal voltage is transferred to the input of an amplifier when its input impedance is much greater than the driver’s output impedance. When an electrically short transmission line has a load that is not a very large or a very small ratio of , the effects of reflections are negligible, and voltage matching is commonly used, which is far from conjugate matching [1]. An amplifier with a low input impedance could excessively load down the driver connected to the amplifier. In other words, the input current demand by the amplifier could exceed what the driver can deliver. Unacceptable distortion could be one consequence of this loading. Sometimes transformers are used between the driver and its load to transform the load impedance to a level acceptable to the driver [15]. This impedance transforming is not used for maximum power purposes. Related to the concept of loading is voltage regulation associated with power supplies. Often the load impedance is selected to be much greater than the Thévenin impedance of the power 253 supply. Changes in the load resistance are then less noticeable. If the load resistance changes by , then the change in the load voltage is This change in voltage decreases with increasing . V. SIGNAL-TO-NOISE RATIO In some applications, one needs to increase or decrease the impedance of the driver (which might be an antenna) by the use network. This of a transformer or an inductor–capacitor transformation or adjustment of the apparent driver’s output impedance might be to satisfy a signal-to-noise requirement of the receiver or amplifier connected to the driver. Some amplifier data sheets provide information relating the signal-to-noise ratio [(SNR) or noise figure] to the impedance seen by the amplifier’s input. Often, an optimal expected input impedance is required for the amplifier to produce the greatest SNR. Experience at VHFs and higher suggests that the optimal apparent source impedance (the driver’s apparent impedance) for best SNR does not correspond to maximum power gain for the signal and is not directly related to the input impedance of the amplifier. Adjustment of the input impedance seen by an amplifier to optimize the SNR is called noise matching [16], [17]. With modern, low-noise active devices, the difference between noise matching and power matching is small. SNR can also be affected by reflections at an input. Reflections will result when other than an impedance match is effected. VI. BALANCING AND DISCHARGING For some devices such as instrumentation amplifiers, similar source impedances over a range of values are needed for proper balancing. Source impedances are sometimes adjusted, not to provide a better match for maximum power transfer, but to obtain a better balance and better common-mode rejection. For real differential amplifiers the common-mode rejection ratio is not infinite, and imbalances will affect the amplification of common-mode signals. Since no system is perfectly balanced, some common-mode signals are present and will be amplified by a real differential amplifier. Often, the output impedance of drivers is low, and the stated input impedance of differential receivers is high. The input bias currents of the active differential device will be affected by the source impedances leading to the inputs of the differential device. Sometimes resistors are seen across devices for electrical discharge purposes even though one might claim they are present for matching purposes. For example, in some situations a direct current (dc) path to ground is required at the input(s) of a device for proper operation. The input impedance of many amplifiers is usually very high, and a portion of this input impedance is a result of nonzero input capacitance. Even high-impedance inputs draw some current. The dc component of this current will place a charge on input capacitances and could eventually charge the Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 23, 2009 at 02:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 254 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION, VOL. 50, NO. 3, AUGUST 2007 capacitor to some unacceptable level. A path, often to a local reference, is required to discharge the input capacitance. Resistors from the inputs to the local reference are used for discharging the input capacitance. Cathode-ray tubes and microwave ovens are two examples of products that often contain large capacitors. Resistors are placed across (in parallel with) high energy-storage capacitors to dissipate the charge on them after power has been turned-off to the product. The actual value selected for the “bleeder” resistance has nothing to do with maximum power transfer but effects the rate of discharge desired, via the time constant(s). “Soft” ground resistors are also used to dissipate electrostatic charge buildup [1]. On windy days prior to a storm, for example, static charge can buildup on antennas. This charge can transfer to equipment connected to the antenna. To help dissipate this charge, large resistances are used unless arc discharge devices are employed. For example, sometimes a resistor is connected between the neutral side of the primary of the input transformer of a device and the grounded chassis. Soft ground resistors are also used on wrist and other types of electrostatic discharge grounding straps to help limit the current through the user in case of an accidental fault to a high-voltage conductor. VII. FILTER ISSUES There are several situations where filter terminations might be adjusted to give the appearance that conjugate matching is being performed. First, when designing ladder filters, the termination impedances to the input and output of the filter are sometimes selected to be equal to the conjugate of the impedance looking into the input and output of the filter, respectively [18]. However, even if such termination impedances are actually selected in practice, one would not select them for maximum power transfer but to minimize the sensitivity of the filter’s output power to component variation. Second, resistors, referred to as swamping resistors, are used across tuned circuits to broaden their response (i.e., decrease their and increase their losses) not to perform some matching function. For example, placing a resistor across a parallel circuit will lower the circuit’s and increase its bandwidth. For double-tuned transformers, adding a resistor in shunt with the transformer will also affect the response of the transformer. Third, all filters, including suppressors, operate by absorbing, shunting, and/or reflecting. A transient voltage suppressor functions by introducing a low impedance in shunt with the line or a high impedance in series with the line. Although the maximum voltage, current, power, and energy ratings of the device are considered in the selection of a suppressor, maximum power transfer is not. VIII. LINEARITY AND DYNAMIC RANGE The output (and input) impedance of many nonlinear devices can vary with voltage swing [19]–[21]. For large voltage swings, a single, effective output or input impedance for a nonlinear device might be difficult to define. The impedance that a nonlinear device might like to see may correspond to some sort of “average” value. This average impedance may have little to do with a conjugate or an impedance match. Imagine that the dynamic output resistance of a driver actually varies from 2 to 100 while its effective or average stated value is given as 10 . If, for instance, a 10 resistor is placed in parallel with the output, the net impedance variation will be reduced to about 1.7–9.1 . (The resulting smaller voltage variation might be more acceptable to the next stage of the circuit.) This resistor is not added for maximum power transfer (or impedance matching) but to reduce the percentage change in the output resistance, which will reduce the output gain, reduce the variation in delivered voltage, and possibly reduce undesirable oscillations and nonlinearities. This resistor is referred to as a “swamping” resistor. The most obvious cost of this shunt resistor is the additional power loss associated with its use. Swamping resistors have been used to improve the linearity of class-B, high-power, vacuum-tube amplifiers [22]. Without the use of swamping resistors, the source driving the power amplifier could be subjected to impedance variations that result in signal distortion or even injury to the source. Particularly during modulation peaks that are within the capability of the power amplifier, without the swamping resistors the resultant extreme values of input impedance can cause distortion of the signal even when using a driving source with a small output impedance. The dynamic range of a signal can also be affected by the value selected for an impedance. For example, if a transmission line is terminated with a high-impedance load and impedance matched at the source rather than at the load, one-half of the driver’s voltage will appear along the line until the reflected signal from the (high-) impedance load appears [1]. This matching source impedance obviously affects the dynamic range for a period of time. IX. ADDITIONAL EXAMPLES The optimization of source and load impedances associated with Gilbert cell mixers is an example of the desirability of nonconjugate matching. If the optimizing of conversion gain is the only objective, references indicate the use of conjugate matching at the input and output of a mixer [23], [24]. However, such conjugate matching will have a detrimental effect on noise figure, dynamic range, and intermodulation performance [25]. Rare is the mixer application where a trade of some conversion gain for enhanced noise figure or dynamic range is not desirable. If a transmitter with a small equivalent resistance is connected to an antenna, in many cases selecting an antenna with a small equivalent resistance would be unreasonable for the purpose of obtaining an impedance match or a conjugate match (unless other constraints, such as physical size, require the use of an electrically small antenna, which is likely to have a small resistance). If the antenna could be electrically large with a resultant moderate radiation resistance as compared to the antenna’s ohmic losses, then the antenna system is likely to be efficient. Thus, a moderate to large input resistance for the antenna is a frequent sought-after goal without consideration of maximum power transfer. Electrically-short antennas are frequently high- devices with a large reactive impedance. When such antennas are used for transmitting, connecting a reactive load across, or in series with, the antenna’s impedance with the external load’s reactance being of an opposite sign to that of the antenna’s reactance is common. This reactive load is not added for maximum power transfer but is added to cancel the reactance of the antenna’s impedance. A large reactance is likely to be unaccept- Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 23, 2009 at 02:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. MCLAUGHLIN AND KAISER: MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM able to the transmitter. Or, the reactance of the antenna, when transformed back to the transmitter through a transmission line, might be unacceptable. Modifying the antenna’s input impedance to be purely resistive and equal to the transmission line’s characteristic impedance will allow the transmitter to see relatively constant impedance over a wide frequency range. In this particular case, a conjugate match happens to exist at the transmitting antenna. If maximum power transfer is argued as the purpose for adding reactance to the antenna, the case of a lossy or partially reactive characteristic line impedance can be presented that requires an impedance match. The maximum power transfer theorem might be used in the case of certain receiving systems. In the case of a short rod antenna to be used at medium frequency or the lower part of HF (where the effective noise factor is almost always determined outside of the receiver), the equivalent circuit of the antenna is comprising a small resistance and a large an impedance proportional capacitive reactance in series with a voltage to the magnitude of the incident electric field and the length of of 0.5 the antenna. Suppose that a 1 m long antenna has in series with 10 pF and that the first receiver stage has an input impedance of 1800 . Clearly, to minimize the necessary overall gain of the receiver’s active stages, one would consider using conjugate matching. At 1 MHz, a series ideal inductor of just over 2.5 mH and an ideal transformer with a 1:60 turns ratio is to the first stage. The dilemmas are apneeded to deliver parent. Even with an inductor having a of 200, about 80 of ohmic loss resistance is added in series, the ideal turns ratio is is delivered to the first stage, and about 4.7, only a bit over (worst of all) a change in frequency would be disastrous. With real transformers, the situation is even worse. While one could use conjugate matching in this situation, redesigning the first stage to have as large an input impedance as possible (voltage matching) is a better choice. Although the values selected for a source or load impedance might appear as an attempt to match, sometimes the impedances are also adjusted to change the degree of inductive and capacitive crosstalk between circuits. In some special cases, the inductive coupling can be reduced by increasing the impedances while the capacitive coupling can be reduced by decreasing the impedances [1]. X. SUMMARY This paper has demonstrated that multiple factors must be considered when selecting or adjusting source and load impedances other than maximizing power transfer. Depending on the application, this paper has illustrated that factors such as efficiency, reflections, dynamic range, SNR, and loading should be considered. A religious aura emanates from the maximum power transfer theorem. The authors have presented the heresy of contending that the maximum power transfer theorem’s importance is mostly limited to the academic arena, while working engineers will solve problems by attending to the needs of the particular task. 255 REFERENCES [1] K. L. Kaiser, Electromagnetic Compatibility Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC, 2005. [2] “Letters,” QEX, pp. 56–60, May/Jun. 2000. [3] T. H. 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Joe, “RF and IF ports matching circuit synthesis for a simultaneous conjugate-matched mixer using quasi-linear analysis,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., vol. 50, no. 8, pp. 2056–2062, Sep. 2002. [24] J. Moore, “A thorough RF and microwave circuit design method to streamline the RFIC development process,” Microw. J., vol. 47, Jun. 2004, pp. 102, 104, 106, 108, 110. [25] B. Hunt and W. Prada, “Open collector mixer design for next generation RFICs,” R.F. Des., vol. 25, pp. 16–26, Nov. 2002. James C. McLaughlin received the B.S. degree in mathematics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from The Ohio State University, Columbus, and the J.D. degree from the Thomas M. Cooley Law School, Lansing, MI. He is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute), Flint, MI. He previously worked at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory and studied at Manchester University, Manchester, U.K.. His areas of interest are antennas including antenna structures, radio propagation, electronics and electromagnetic compatibility/radio frequency interference. Prof. McLaughlin is a Professional Engineer in Michigan and a Patent Attorney. Kenneth L. Kaiser received the B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., and Ph.D. degrees from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. He is currently a Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Kettering University (formerly General Motors Institute), Flint, MI. While gaining a theoretical background in a number of fields in electrical engineering, he has obtained additional inspiration and practical experience working in several nonacademic positions. His areas of research focus on topics of personal and industrial interest including effective teaching methods and writing a book on electromagnetic compatibility. Dr. Kaiser is a Professional Engineer in Michigan. Authorized licensed use limited to: IEEE Xplore. Downloaded on March 23, 2009 at 02:59 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.