Model Reduction of Inhomogeneous Initial Conditions Caleb Magruder Abstract— Our goal is to develop model reduction processes for linear dynamical systems with non-zero initial conditions. Standard model reduction schemes optimize system input/output characteristics but frequently destroy initial condition state space information. Additionally, existing model reduction schemes for initial conditions inappropriately assign weight to initial condition information. We propose a projectionbased model reduction scheme that combines subspaces from differing model reduction approaches and compare it to existing schemes. I. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Given a LTI system with inhomogeneous initial conditions: ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t) G: y(t) = cT x(t) x(0) = x0 6= 0 We desire reduced order system Gr and initial condition xr,0 that emulates the full order system for a variety of inputs including the zero input, or homogeneous differential equation. ẋr (t) = Ar xr (t) + br u(t) Gr : yr (t) = cTr xr (t) xr (0) = xr,0 6= 0 Via the Laplace transformation we can write the transfer functions, G(s) and Gr (s) where Y (s) = G(s)U (s) and Y (s) = Gr (s)U (s) assuming that x(0) = xr (0) = 0. Then the transfer function of the two systems are G(s) = cT [sI − A]−1 b Gr (s) = cTr [sIr − Ar ] −1 br The transfer function of a dynamical system represents the steady-state frequency response of the system. Consequently, the transfer function ignores transient information including the initial conditions. Most model reduction techniques seek to minimize the error system evaluated on purely imaginary frequencies, G(jω)−Gr (jω). These methods then ignore initial condition information thus motivating alternative approaches to model reduction. Remark To simplify notation, we assume the system to be Single-Input, Single-Output (SISO), meaning that b and c are column vectors. All theorems and proofs below generalize to Multiple-Input, Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. C. Magruder is with the Department of Mathematics, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061-0123, USA II. P ROJECTION - BASED M ODEL R EDUCTION Let T V and W be r-dimensional subspaces of Rn such that V W ⊥ = {0}. (No vector in V is orthogonal to any vector in W except the trivial 0 vector.) Choose matrices V, W ∈ Rn×r so that V = Ran(V) and W = Ran(W). Then we know WT V to be nonsingular. Without loss of generality we assume WT V = Ir . We can approximate the state space x(t) ∈ Rn with an rdimensional state, xr (t) ∈ Rr such that x(t) ≈ Vxr (t). If we set the error Vẋr (t) − AVxr (t) − bu(t) to be perpendicular to the W space we’ve constructed a PetrovGalerkin approximation to the linear dynamical system. Then WT (Vẋr (t) − AVxr (t) − bu(t)) = 0 yr (t) = cT Vẋr (t) Petrov-Galerkin approximation is a common technique in projection-based model reduction. Then our reduced model state-space parameters become Ar = WT AV, br = WT b, and cTr = cT V. Clearly our choice of V and W determine the accuracy of our reduced order approximation. There are three leading categories of projection based model reduction: SVD-based, Interpolation-based and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. All three approaches preserve different characteristics of original system with varying success. Proposed in this paper is a technique to combine methods to preserve both initial condition information as well as input-output behavior. A. Projection of Initial Conditions Consider the Laplace transform of the reduced system. Write X(s) = L{x(t)}. Then sX(s) − x(0) = AX(s) + bu Then X(s) ≈ VXr (s) satisfies WT (VXr (s) − x(0) − AVXr (s) − bU (s)) = 0 So our reduced model initial conditions can be written xr (0) = WT x(0). III. M OTIVATION Current model reduction methods seek to maintain inputoutput (I/O) behavior of the full and reduced systems. However, often these methods destroy initial condition information. To demonstrate this consider the projection matrix W. Denote N (X) to be the null space of the matrix X. Then N (W) is an (n − r)-dimensional subspace of Rn . Since r << n then the dimension of the null spaces of the projection matrices V and W are large. Consequently, components of x(0) in N (W) are destroyed in the projection xr (0) = WT x(0). Consider Figure III for a zero-input simulation, also known as the solution to the homogeneous differential equation, for full and reduced order systems constructed with a interpolatory model reduction algorithm. x(0) was chosen to be nearly orthogonal to W. Clearly transient initial condition information is not preserved. 1500 1000 In general P 6= Q. To perform a balanced truncation then we first balance the system, then truncate less significant states. Setting balanced truncation in a PetrovGalerkin framework, let P = UUT and Q = LLT . Let UT L = ZSYT be the singular value decomposition with S = diag(µ1 , . . . , µn ). Let Sr = diag(µ1 , . . . , µr ). Let W = LYr Sr−1/2 V = UZr Sr−1/2 Using W and V as Petrov-Galerkin approximations we can construct a balanced truncated system. Balanced truncation was developed to minimize the error system H∞ norm, kG − Gr kH∞ where kGkH∞ = max |G(jω)| ω∈R In fact, the error system H∞ error is bounded 500 0 kG − Gr kH∞ ≤ 2 p eig(PQ) and ηi+1 ≤ ηi are the Hankel where ηi = singular values of the dynamical system. −1000 Fig. 1. ηi i=r+1 −500 −1500 n X B. Interpolatory Reduction 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Zero-Input Responses for Full (Blue) and Reduced (Red) IV. M ODEL R EDUCTION M ETHODS Three predominant methods for model reduction are introduced here. Their descriptions are intended to serve as brief introductions to the methodologies. Further reading is encouraged as each method has an enormous amount of supporting literature. See [1] for a survey of model reduction approaches. A. Balanced Truncation The balanced truncation method is a generalization of SVD-approximation, or optimal 2-norm matrix approximation applied to linear dynamical systems. We introduce a concept called a balancing transformation where the states are transformed and ordered in a such a way that leading states are easy to observe and easy to reach. We then later truncate states that are difficult to observe and difficult to reach as they are less influential in I/O behavior. A more formal definition follows. Definition 4.1: Define the observability gramian, Q, and reachability gramian, P, be solutions to the Lyapunov equations: AP + PAT + bbT = 0 AT Q + QA + ccT = 0 Then we say a system is balanced if P = Q. The transfer function G(s) is a complex-valued rational function of degree n. We seek a rational interpolant of degree r, Gr (s), such that Gr (s) interpolates G(s) at a set of complex frequencies {σi } ⊂ C. Interpolatory model reduction derives from Krylovsubspace projection frameworks. Given a set {σi } ⊂ C we can construct Krylov-subspaces, V and W: V = [(σ1 I − A)−1 b, . . . , (σr I − A)−1 b] W = [(σ1 I − AT )−1 cT , . . . , (σr I − AT )−1 cT ] We can then show that Gr (s) is an Hermite interpolant of G(s) such that G(σi ) = Gr (σi ) G′ (σi ) = G′r (σi ) See [4]. We are not given however a choice of interpolation points a priori. Write the dynamical system norm, H2 , kGkH2 = sZ ∞ |G(jω)|2 dω −∞ Meier and Luenberger, [7] show necessary conditions for H2 optimal rational function, that is Gr (s) is a local minimizer of kG − Gr kH2 : G(−λi ) = Gr (−λi ) G′ (−λi ) = G′r (−λi ) where λi = eig(Ar ). Then {−λi } are our interpolation points are not known a priori. Therefore finding interpolation points that meet the necessary conditions above is difficult. Gugercin, Antoulas, Beattie suggest an iterated rational krylov algorithm (IRKA) to determine this optimal interpolation points {σi } to meet necessary conditions above. See [4]. C. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Methods Like balanced trunction, proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is also a generalization of SVD methods applied to linear dynamical systems. In fact it can be shown that balanced truncation is a special case of POD. Given a ”favorite” input u(t), let x(t) denote the solution to the differential equation ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + bu(t). Choose a discrete time scale tk = k∆t. Construct a snapshot matrix X = [x(t0 ), x(t1 ), . . . , x(tN )]. Let our projection matrix V be the leading left-hand singular vectors of X. So if X = UΣZ = [u1 , . . . , ur , ur+1 , . . . un ]ΣZ then V = [u1 , . . . , ur ]. We construct the projection matrix W in a similar way from the Hermitian adjoint of the transfer function. Let x̃ ˙ denote the solution to the adjoint x̃(t) = AT x̃(t) + cu(t). Let W be the leading singular vectors of the adjoint snapshot matrix X̃ = [x̃(t0 ), x̃(t1 ), . . . , x̃(tN )]. POD can be used to create reduced order models that approximate full scale systems for very specific inputs. Unfortunately POD doesn’t work well for inputs, u dissimilar to the choice of the ”favorite” input. In practice POD is run on a family of inputs and projection subspaces are combined together. V. I NJECTION S YSTEM Y(s) = cT (sI − A)−1 bU (s) + cT (sI − A)−1 x0 U (s) T −1 Y(s) = c (sI − A) [b x0 ] 1 We can then represent the dynamical system with nonzero initial conditions as a multiple-input single-output (MISO). The second input is fed with an impulse response δ(t) setting the states variables at t = 0 to x(0). b x(0) (sI − A)−1 cT In a paper written by Heinkenschloss, Reis and Antoulas, they refer to the MISO injection system above as an extended system. See [5]. Model reduction is run on the MISO transfer function: Ĥ(s) = cTr (sI − A)−1 [b x(0)] To our knowledge, extended model reduction methods are the only methods existing in literature currently. We propose an alternative later in this paper and use extended methods as a basis for comparison. A. Extended Balanced Reduction The following theorem is taken directly from [5]. Theorem 6.1: Let V, W be projection matrices and η1 ≥ · · · ≥ ηr ≥ ηr+1 ≥ · · · ≥ ηn ≥ 0 be the Hankel singular values, generated by applying balanced truncation model reduction to the appended system, H(s) = cTr [sI − A]−1 [b x(0)]. Let γ = ηr+1 + . . . + ηn . Moreover, let Σ̂ = diag(η1 , . . . , ηr ) be the controllability Gramian of the reduced system and let Q = LT L be a factorization of the observability Gramian Q of the extended system. Then ky − ŷkL2 (t0 ,∞) ≤ 2γkukL2(t0 ,∞) + 1/3 γ 2/3 3 · 2−1/3 kLAx(0)k2 + kΣ̂1/2 Ar xr (0)k2 Then our time-domain error is bounded but dependent on kx(0)k relative to kbk. B. Extended Interpolatory Reduction In the frequency domain we show: u VI. MISO E XTENDED M ETHODS y δ Clearly then our choice of projections V and W determine the efficacy of our input-output (I/O) and initial condition (IC) systems alike. Denote the transfer functions of I/O and IC systems as H = cT (sI − A)−1 b and H̃ = cT (sI − A)−1 x(0) respectively. Our reduced order I/O and IC systems then will be written Hr = cTr (sIr − Ar )−1 br and H̃r = cTr (sIr − Ar )−1 xr (0). From MIMO H2 optimal model reduction we know that kĜ − Ĝr kH2 meets the necessary conditions for optimality if Ĝ(−λ̃k ) = Ĝr (−λ̃k ) ′ Ĝ (−λ̃k )b̃k = Ĝ′r (−λ̃k )b̃k Where λ̃k and b̃Tk are the poles and residues from the modal expansion P of the extended reduced system Ĝr such that Ĝr (s) = k s−1λ̃ b̃Tk , [4]. k Similar to extended balanced reduction, the algorithm will be run on the MISO system, Ĝ(s) = cT [sI−A]−1 [b x(0)]. Note that the choice of optimal shifts is ultimately dependent on the magnitude of the IC system relative to the I/O system, or kx(0)k/kbk. A shortcoming of both extended methods is that they try to minimize output of the initial condition error system, G̃− G̃r across all possible bounded energy inputs. This is wasteful for the initial condition system as it is fed with a very specific input, δ(t). To address this problem we propose a scheme that creates projection subspaces for I/O and IC system separately and combines them afterwards. This allows us to deliberately assign dimensions of each approximation and approximate the IC system fed with the zero-input and the I/O for a broad range of inputs. VII. P ROPOSED M ETHOD : A S UBSPACE D IRECT S UM A PPROACH We propose an algorithm to combine Petrov-Galerkin projection subspaces via a direct sum and demonstrate that this approach outperforms extended model reduction frameworks. First note that Ran([V1 , V2 ]) = Ran(V1 ) ⊕ Ran(V2 ) We will let V1 = Ran(V1 ) be a subspace that approximates I/O behavior well and V2 = Ran(V2 ) be a subspace that approximates the zero-input initial condition solution well. Combining both subspaces with a direct sum aggregates the better attributes of each subspace. Recall that POD approximates output for a specific input. We then choose u(t) = 0 to compute the zero-input response, x(t) = eAt x(0), also known as the solution to the homogeneous differential equation. Let X = [x(t0 ), . . . , x(tN )] where x(t) = eAt x(0) and ˜ = eAT t c of its adjoint, X̃ = [x̃(t0 ), . . . , x̃(tN )] where x(t) be snapshot matrices of the IC system and its adjoint respectively. Then construct POD-based Petrov-Galerkin projection matrices VP OD = Ran(VP OD ) WP OD = Ran(WP OD ) where VP OD and WP OD are the leading left-hand singular vectors of the snapshot matrices X and X̃ respectively. The dimension of the POD subspaces can be determined by the decay of the singular values, µi and µ̃i of the snapshot matrices. This is a major advantage over the extended methods as we can choose the accuracy of the zero-input response approximation independent of our I/O model reduction. The reduced order model constructed from VP OD and WP OD subspaces then approximate the full order system for initial condition information well but approximate other I/O behavior poorly. Hence we turn to model reduction techniques intended to match I/O behavior across all inputs such as balanced truncation or rational interpolation. Choose a model reduction technique and construct PetrovGalerkin projection matrices: VMR = Ran(VMR ) WMR = Ran(WMR ) Then the reduced order model constructed from VMR and WMR minimizes I/O error but very well may destroy initial condition information. See Section III. Combining IC system behavior of our POD projection subspaces with I/O behavior of the alternate subspaces, we take the direct sum of both V = VMR ⊕ VP OD W = WMR ⊕ WP OD To accomplish this set V = [VMR , VP OD ] and W = [WMR , WP OD ]. Then V = Ran(V) and W = Ran(W). Our reduced order model then takes on attributes of both model reduction frameworks. Algorithm 7.1: Model reduction with initial conditions via direct sum methods: 1) Choose a model reduction technique for I/O error minimization. Construct matrices VMR , WMR . 2) Construct snapshot matrices, X = [x(t0 ), . . . , x(tN )] and X̃ = [x̃(t0 ), . . . , x̃(tN )], from the state space solutions to the homogeneous differential equation and ˜ = eAT t c. its adjoint, x(t) = eAt x(0) and x(t) 3) Write VP OD and WP OD to be the left-hand singular vectors of snapshot matrices X and X̃ respectively. 4) Let V = [VMR , VP OD ] and W = [WMR , WP OD ] Correct the projectors so that they T meet PetrovGalerkin requirements, Ran(W) Ran(V)⊥ . (Let W̃ = (WT V)−1 W and Ṽ = V. Then W̃Ṽ = Ir ). 5) Finally, let the reduced order state parameters be Ar = W̃T AṼ, br = W̃T b, and cr = cṼ. VIII. N UMERICAL R ESULTS We compare 6 model reduction schemes: 1) IRKA: Iterated Rational Krylov w/o zero-input approximation 2) IRKA ⊕ POD: IRKA with POD-based zero-input approximation 3) IRKA Extended: IRKA with the initial conditions treated as a second input 4) BalTrunc: balanced truncation w/o zero-input approximation 5) BalTrunc ⊕ POD: balanced truncation with PODbased zero-input approximation 6) BalTrunc Extended: blanaced truncation with the initial conditions treated as a second input Additionally, we apply the following metrics to compare each algorithm: (I/O) (ZI) kH − Hr kH2 kHkH2 kyzi − yzi,r k∞ kyzi k∞ where yzi and yzi,r are the zero-input responses to the full and reduced order systems respectively. We compare model reduction schemes for two models: the CD Player and the Heat model: A. CD Player Model This system describes the dynamics between the lens actuator and the radial arm position of a portable CD player. The model has 120 states with a single input and a single output. B. Heat Diffusion Model This system is a described by the heat equation with one heat source and one point of measurement. The model has an order of 197 obtained by a spacial discretization. For more information about these models see [3]. Zero Input Response Bode Diagram 1500 Full IRKA, r=6, w/o POD IRKA, r=4, w/ POD, r=2 40 Full IRKA, r=6, w/o POD IRKA, r=4, w/ POD, r=2 20 1000 0 500 Magnitude (dB) −20 −40 0 −60 −500 −80 −100 −1000 −120 −140 0 2 10 10 Frequency (rad/sec) 4 6 10 10 −1500 0 0.1 0.2 (a) Bode Plot IRKA I/O 0.0104 0.0074 0.0042 0.0038 ZI 1.0574 1.0961 1.0929 0.9757 IRKA ⊕ I/O 0.0230 0.0104 0.0074 0.0042 POD = 2 ZI 0.1138 0.1138 0.0361 0.0321 IRKA I/O 0.2284 0.0891 0.0525 0.0027 ZI 0.9634 1.2336 1.1644 0.4092 0.5 Time, t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 IRKA ⊕ I/O 0.3499 0.2250 0.0686 0.0194 POD = 1 ZI 0.2825 0.2982 0.0297 0.0455 CD Player Model Reduction Comparison IRKA I/O 0.0366 0.0225 0.0087 0.0061 Fig. 3. r Metric 2 3 4 5 0.4 (b) Zero-Input Response Simulation Fig. 2. r Metric 6 8 10 12 0.3 Extend ZI 0.1282 0.0541 0.0576 0.0617 BalTrunc I/O ZI 0.0104 1.0542 0.0074 1.1010 0.0042 1.1014 0.0039 0.9238 BalTrunc ⊕ POD = 2 I/O ZI 0.0230 0.1142 0.0104 0.1161 0.0074 0.0355 0.0042 0.0328 BalTrunc I/O 0.0464 0.0223 0.0222 0.0078 Extend ZI 0.1332 0.0461 0.0460 0.0513 BalTrunc ⊕ POD = 1 I/O ZI 0.3831 0.3446 0.2250 0.3666 0.0770 0.0838 0.0195 0.0781 BalTrunc I/O 0.2285 0.0972 0.0527 0.0028 Extend ZI 0.9674 1.1748 1.1657 0.3924 Heat Model Reduction Comparison IRKA I/O 0.2284 0.0891 0.0525 0.0031 Extend ZI 0.9634 1.2336 1.1644 0.3763 BalTrunc I/O ZI 0.2285 0.9674 0.0970 1.1710 0.0527 1.1659 0.0027 0.4058 One can see from the numerical results that while the extended methods perform comparably to the direct sum methods for the CD Player example, the extend methods severly underperform the proposed methods for the Heat model. This is largely due to the relative magnitues of the initial condition and input vectors for the heat model. −1 in this case.) ( kx(0)k kbk ≈ 10 The improvement of results of subspace direct sum methods over extended methods can be attributed to the following result: Remark Traditional model reduction techniques seek to bound I/O error for all inputs R ∞ over all possible bounded energy inputs, L(R) = {u : −∞ |u(t)|2 dt < ∞}. Extended model reduction techniques then are minimizing the x(0) input to the injection system above for all possible bounded energy inputs. This is an unnecessary expense in our model reduction since we know δ(t) to be the only input for the IC system. Hence treating a dynamical system with nonzero initial conditions as an injection system constrains model reduction if the second input is allowed to be fed any possible bounded energy function. IX. C ONCLUSION In conclusion x(0) should be included in the model reduction scheme. Existing extended method approaches introduced by [5] try to do this but may assign inappropriate weight to IC and I/O systems. We resolve this by introducing an approach that approximates each system separately allowing us assign precisely the attention to each system necessary. Numerical results confirm that subspace direct sum schemes outperform extended methods in several respects. First, direct sum methods are not sensitive to the magnitude of initial conditions, kx(0)k. Extended methods can be thought of as averaging the I/O system with the IC system instead of addressing them separately in the direct sum methods. Second, the appropriate dimension of the reduced order IC system can be computed a priori by measuring the decay rate of the singular values of the snapshot matrices, X and X̃. With extended methods the weight assigned to the IC system is unclear. Additionally, the direct sum framework combining POD and Interpolation preserves interpolation in the combined reduced model. That is, the Petrov-Galerkin projection subspaces, V = VIRKA ⊕ VP OD and W = WIRKA ⊕ WP OD still result in a reduced model, Gr (s), that interpolates G(s) at the interpolation points, {σi }, originally chosen to construct VIRKA and WIRKA . R EFERENCES [1] A. C. Antoulas, Approximation of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems, Philadelphia: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2005. [2] A. C. Antoulas, C. Beattie, and S. Gugercin, Interpolatory model reduction for large-scale linear dynamical systems, Efficient Modeling and Control of Large-Scale Systems, J. Mohammadpour and K. Grigoriadis Eds., Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4419-5756-6, in-press, 2010. [3] A.C. Antoulas, D.C. Sorensen, and S. 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