Existence and Uniqueness of Rectilinear Slit Maps Author(s): Carl H. Fitzgerald and Frederick Weening Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 352, No. 2, (Feb., 2000), pp. 485-513 Published by: American Mathematical Society Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/118050 Accessed: 31/07/2008 22:40 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp. JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublisher?publisherCode=ams. Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1995 to build trusted digital archives for scholarship. We work with the scholarly community to preserve their work and the materials they rely upon, and to build a common research platform that promotes the discovery and use of these resources. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. http://www.jstor.org TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMArICAL SOCIETY Volume 352, Nuimber 2, Pages 485-513 S 0002-9947(99)02538-6 Article electroniically published oni October EXISTENCE r, 1999 AND UNIQU1ENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS CARL H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK WEENING ABSTRACT.We consider a generalization of the parallel slit uniformization in which the angle of inclination of each image slit is assigned independently. Koebe proved that for domains of finite connectivity there is, up to a normalization, a unique rectilinear slit map achieving any given angle assignmnent. Koebe's theorem is partially extended to domains of infinite connectivity. A uniqueness result is shown for domains of countable connectivity and arbitrary angle assignments, and ani existence result is proved for arbitrary domains under the assumption that the angle assigrnment is continuous and has finite range. In order to prove the existence result a new extremal length tool, called the crossing-module, is introduced. The crossing-module allows greater freedom in the family of admissible arcs than the classical module. Several results known for the module are extended to the crossing-module. A generalization of Jenkins' 0 module condition for the parallel slit problem is given for the rectilinear slit problem in terms of the crossing-module and it is shown that rectilinear slit maps satisfying this crossing-module condition exist. 1. INTRODUCTION The theory of conformal uniformization attempts to generalize the Riemann MappirngTheorem to multiply connected domains. The goal is to provide theorems which allow the one-to-one, conformal mapping of a given domain onto a domain with prescribed geometrical properties, and to determine conditions under which such mappings are uniquely determined. A classical example is the parallel slit uniformization. This uniformization is based on a theorem due to Gr6tzsch [Grl] and de Possel [dP] which shows that an arbitrary domain can be mapped conformally onto a domain all of whlose complementary components are parallel slits (i.e., straight line segments inclined at a fixed angle or points). Grbtzsch [Gr2] showed that requiring a certain extremal length condition on the image produces a unique normnalizedmnap.Jenkins [J] later reformulated this condition to obtain the following theorem. Theorem 1.1 (Grbtzsch and Jenkins). If Q is an arbitrary domain containing oo, then for each angle 0 EC[0, -F) there exists a unique parallel slit rnap go(z) with expansion al near cX go (z)zz+-?r z Received by the editors July 3, 1995 and, in revised form, October 24, 1996 and February 19, 1999. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 30C35; Secondary 30C20, 31A15. Key words and phrases. Conformal uniformization, slit maps, extremal length. ? 485 1999 American Mathematical Society 486 CARL H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK WEENING that satisfies the following condition. p) (Po) (For any sufficiently large square domain So, oriented symmetrically and 0 + 7r/2, the module ) of the family of arcs in So n go(Q) which Join the sides of So at inclination 0 + 7r/2 is equal to one. J about the origin with sides at inclination 0 In particular this theorem shows that normalized parallel slit maps are uniquely determined on domains of countable connectivity, but not in general on infinitely connected domains without requiring a condition such as (Po) (For instance, if E is a Cantor set of positive measure on [0,1] and Q is the domain whose complement consists of the horizontal slits {x + iy: x C [0,1], y C E}, then both the identity and go(z) are horizontal slit maps on Q.) The rectilinear slit uniformization generalizes the parallel slit uniformization by allowing the angle of inclination of each image slit to be assigned independently. The main results of this paper can be summarized as follows. * Normalized rectilinear slit maps are shown to be uniquely determined on domains of countable connectivity (see Theorem 2.3). * An example of a domain of countable connectivity and a (discontinuous) angle assignment for which no normalized rectilinear slit map achieving the assignment exists is demonstrated (see the end of section 2). * A new extremal length tool called the crossing-module is developed. The crossing-module extends the definition of the classical module to allow arcs to cross over specified boundary components of the domain. Useful results regarding the cross-module of a domain whose outer boundary component is a rectangle are obtained (see Theorems 3.3 and 3.6). * The crossing-module is used to state an extremal length condition, called (NP0-), which generalizes Jenkins' (Po) condition in the case of an angle assignment which is continuous and has finite range (see Theorem 4.4). * For an arbitrary domain it is shown that there exists a rectilinear slit map achieving a given continuous angle assignment of finite range which satisfies the (NP,0) condition (see Theorem 4.4). In [W] it was conjectured that condition (NP0-) determined a unique rectilinear slit map. This conjecture has recently been shown to be true by Maitani and Minda [MM]. In the remainder of this section we give some precise definitions and provide some of the history of the rectilinear slit uniformization and related uniformizations. Definitions. Let Q be a domain in the extended plane C. (i) The space of complementary components of Q will be denoted by C(Q). (ii) A mapping e: C(Q) -*> R is called an angle assignment on C(Q). Inasmuch as Q and C(Q) determine each other, the phrase 0 is an angle assignment on a domain Q will sometimes be used. (iii) If f: Q -* Q' is a homeomorphism, then we shall use the notation fC to denote the correspondence from C(Q) to C(Q') induced by f (z). (iv) If () is an angle assignment on Q and if f: Q -* Q' is a conformal homeomorphism such that for each C e C(Q), fC(C) is a slit which lies on a line of inclination ((C) to the positive real axis, then f (z) is said to achieve the angle assignment 0 (see Figure 1). EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 487 71~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-/ -n/6 f(z) 7r/2 /3/ 3/ FIGURE 1. A rectilinear slit map achieving an angle assignmient. (v) A function which achieves some angle assignment is called a rectilinear slit map. The function is said to be normalized if cx belongs to -the domain and the function has the expansion z + alz-1 + .. near oo. For the case of domains of finite connectivity the rectilinear slit mapping problem was completely solved in 1918 by Koebe [K]. He used the continuity method to prove the following theoremn. Theorem 1.2 (Koebe). If Q is a finitely connected domain containing ox and () is any angle assignment on C(Q), then there exists a unniquerectilinear slit map f(z) achieving E3which satisfies the normalization near oo. + f (z)-+_ z Various other uniformizations were found for domains of finite connectivity (see [Go]), and ultimately very general theorems were proven. In particular, Harrington [Ha] showed that for any assignment of shapes to the boundary component of a given domain there exists a conformal map on the domain such that the boundary components in correspondence have the assigned shapes (allowing scaling but not rotation). A new proof of this theorem and certain generalizations"have recently been given by Schramm in [Scl]. Obtaining uniformtizationresults on domains of infinite connectivity has proven to be much more difficult; for example, Koebe's circle uniformization problem while recently solved for the case of countably connected domains (see [HS]) is still open in general. Much attention has been given to slit mnappings,parallel and otherwise. The original work in this area is due to Grotzsch circa 1930. In a series of articles (see [J] for references) he proved various existence and uniqueness results using extremal problem arguments in combination with his "method of strips" a precursor to the modern notion of extremal length. A number of Gr6tzsch's theorems and proofs have been refined over the years. For instance Jenkins uses the modern formulation of extremal length to state the condition (Po) of Theorem 1.1 which is not trivially equivalent to t;he original condition given by Gr6tzsch. In the case of circular and radial slit uniformization, a simple proof of existence and uniqueness was given in 1960 by Reich and Warschawski [RW]. It is worth noting that the slit map which they found as the 488 CARL H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK WEENING unique solution to anl extremal problem also has the property that its image is a minimal slit domain in a sense analogous to that of condition (Po) Later Marden and Rodin [MR] obtained an extremxallength result on a general Riemnannsurface which in particular implied the resuilts of Reich and Warschawski.and provided a new characterization of uniqueness. Also notable in these uniformization problems as the sois the approach of using principal functions to obtaini various slit mn-aps lutions to certain extremal problems within the framework of Riemann surfaces (see [AS], [NS], or [RS]) Attention to the rectilinear slit mapping problem returned in the mid 1970's wher Rodin began its study on domains of infinite connectivity in the hopes of obtaining insight into Koebe's circle uniformization problem. In 1977 Rodin [ABB] suggested that a continuity assumption on the angle assignment might be sufficienltto imply the existence of a rectilinear slit map achie-vingan otherwise arbitrary assignment on any domain. Roughly speaking, an angle assignment 0 is continuous if for every sequence {C,} of complementary components which converges to a complementary component C, the sequence {e0(C,) } converges to 0 (C) modulo -F. This continuity condition can be described more easily in terms of the natural topology on C(Q). Here a subset 0 c C(Q) is open if and only if there exists an open set U in C such that Q - tC C C(Q): C c U}. Definition. For any domain Q in C, an angle assignment e) on C(Q) is said to be is continuous. continuous provided that the map ei2 H: C(Q) -> fz: Iz1} This work shows that Rodin's continuity assumption is sufficient to imply the existence of a rectilinear slit mnapachieving any angle assignment with finite range. The question of existence under the continuity assumption for the case of angle assignments with infinite range is still open. 2. UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS The proof of the uniqueness theorem is by the argument principle. The main difficulty is in choosing an appropriate finite collection of curves homologous to zero and a function on which to apply the argument principle. The method is motivated by He and Schramm's proof of the uniqueness of the circle normalization for domains of countable connectivity [HS]. In their proof, ho-wever,they extended maps continuously to a larger domain and applied a generalized argument principle; we need only restrict the maps to a suitable finitely connected subdomain and apply the standard argument principle. In the course of the proof we shall use the following approximation lemmas. A proof of the first may be found in [W], while the second follows immediately from the first. Here, and elsewhere, we use the notation In [-y]to denote the bounded domain determined by a Jordan curve a' lying in the finite complex plarne;similarly Out [ry]will denote the unbounded domain determined by . Lemma 2.1e If Q is a domain in C containing oc and C C C(Q), then for any c > 0 there exists a Jordan curve -y in Q such that C C In [<y]and z c Q n TI [ #] => dist(z, C) < c. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS, 489 Lemma 2.2. If Q is a domain containing oc and C c C(Q), then for any open set U in C containing C there exists a Jordan curve ry in Q such that C C In [-y]C U Theorem 2.3. If Q is a countably connected domain which contains oc and 0 is any angle assignment on C(Q), then there exists at most one rectilinear slit mapping f(z) achieving 0 which satisfies the normalization f(z) = z -- near oc. +.. z Proof. Suppose to the contrary that there were two distinct normalized rectilinear slit maps ~o(z) and g/(z) achieving 0. By considering p o b- L(z) we rmayreduce to the case where Q itself is a domain with each component C C C(Q) lying on a line of inclination #(C), and where there exists a normalized map f(z) # z on Q that achieves 0. We shall show that this situation is impossible. The difference f(z) - z is analytic in Q and has the convergent expansion aj + near oc for some j > 1 and aj 74 0. Thus the image of a large circle under f(z) - z has winding number -j about the origin. This follows by Rouche's Theorem, since we may choose R sufficiently large such that {z: lzl> R} C Q, and (1) Jf(z)-Z- ? Z3 < 22 z- on jzl - R. In fact inequality (1) shows that as z describes the circle CR ={Z lz= R} once in the positive direction, arg[f(z) -+ a - z] changes by -2-rj for any- aI < aa- R-. Let fa(z) = f(z) + a for any a c C. Since fa(z) is simply a translation of f(z), each of the maps fa (z) achieve the angle assignment 0. For a fixed a we imagine that the image of fa(z) is in the same plane as the domain Q. For any C C C(Q), C and faC(C) are parallel slits. Thus by choosing a appropriately we can achieve (2) CnfaC(C)o forallCCC(Q) = and lal < 1aj R-3. Indeed, since C(Q) is countable there exists 00 C [0, ir) not in the range of 0 (mod ir). If a is taken to be of the form a = rei0", then for each C e C(Q) there is (because Oo74 0(C) (mod ir)) at most one value of r, say rc, such that C n faC(C) 74 0. Hence we may take a = roeioo where ro < aj1 Rand ro does not equal any, of the countably many, rc. Having fixed a, we now claim that there exists a finite collection {'Yk}k-i of Jordan curves in QR= Q n {Z: Iz < R} satisfying II (3) (4) In[-yk n In [-y,] -- 0 In [yk]n In [faQ(Yk)] (5) In C C U[LYk] foirk ?41, 0 for each k, and for each C C (Q). To see this observe first that since Q" is compact, if there exists a sequence {'Yk} I of Jordan curves in QR satisfying properties (3), (4), and (5), then the sequence may be replaced by a finite collection as required. Thus, since C(Q) is countable, it suffices to show that if {-yk}tL1 possess properties (3) and (4), and C C C(Q) is such that C t U' 1 In [K]k then there exists a Jordancurve -ym+1 in QR enclosing C and such that {Yk}ki+l possess properties (3) and (4). 490 CARL H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK WEENING Suppose that {-yk}IL' and C are as just described. By Lemma 2.1 we may choose a Jordan curve C in Q such that C c In [or]and 1 z C Qn In [or] X dist(z, C) < - dist(C,fa(C)). 2 Likewise there exists a Jordan curve ca'in fa (S) such that fC (C) c In [c'] and w E fa(Q) n In [a'] dist(w, faC(C)) < 2 dist(C, faC(C)) The curves axand ', thought of as lying in the same plane, satisfy In [c]rInl [u'] 0; while In [ax]n In [fa-j (')] 5] 0 as C belongs to the intersection (this follows since fa(0o) = 00). Thus, the set - m U = In [a] n In [f' (Cu')]C {z: zl <R} C Out [-yk] k=1 is open and contains C. By Lemma 2.2 we may take Q such that Cc In[yrn?l] 'Ym+l to be a Jordan curve in CU. The choice of axand or', the fact that fa(??) = oo, and the definition of U imply that {fy4}km1 satisfies (3) and (4). This shows our claim. We are now ready to apply the argument principle to the cycle n F = CR ->Tk (all curves positively oriented) k=1 and the function fa(z)z. Properties (3) and (5) of Q-Yk}kli show that 7 is homologous to zero. We have already seen that arg[fa(z) - z] changes by -27rj as z describes CR. Consider now the change of argument of fa (z) - z as z describes a curve 'Yk for some fixed k. By composing with a homotopy we may, by property (4) 7 deform the image of -Yk under fa(z) to be a point in Out ['Yk] without altering the change in argument. It is therefore clear that the change in arg[fa (z) - z] is zero as z describes -yk. Our conclusion is that the change of argument of fa (z) - z on the cycle F is -21Tj < 0. This implies that fa(z) - z has a singularity in QR. However we know that fa(z) -- z is analytic in all of Q. This contradiction completes the proof. C7 Remarks. 1. The assumption that the domain Q is of countable connectivity cannot be entirely removed from the theorem. Indeed it is known that even for the parallel slit uniformization there is a lack of uniqueness in the case of uncountable connectivity [J, p. 84]. 2. The connectivity assumption was used in two different ways in the proof of Theorem 2.3. First it was used in order to obtain a sufficiently small complex number a such that (2) held. Then it was used to show the existence of a finite collection {-yk}i=1 of Jordan curves satisfying properties (3), (4), and (5). This latter argument can be replaced with an argument relying only on the compactness of QC 3. In the case of a parallel assignment Jenkins' weaker condition (Po) concerning the extremal length of the image, characterizes a unique parallel slit map (see Theorem 1.1). We shall formulate a generalization of this condition called (NPo-) (see Theorem 4.4) for continuous angle assignments with finite range. It has recently EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 491 been shown by Maitani and Minda [MM]that (NP0) implies uniqueness in the case of such a rectilinear assignment. Their proof uses the condition (NPeq) to show that the rectilinear slit map has a certain boundary behavior and then they apply a uniqueness result of Shiba [Sh] 4. Our proof using the argument principle could be extended to the case where the connectivity assumption is replaced with the assumption of condition (NPe) if one could show that (NPe) is sufficient to imply the existence of a sufficiently small complex constant a such that (2) holds for a domain of arbitrary connectivity. Theorem 2.3 can be used to demonstrate an example which shows that not all angle assignments can be achieved by normalized maps. The example we provide is of a discontinuous angle assignment on a domain of countable connectivity. This shows that the existence portion of Koebe's theorem is sharp, and also motivates using Rodin's continuity assumption for proving existence. Example. For each nonzero integer n, let hn be the horizontal segment w:hose imaginary part is 1/n and whose real part ranges between -1 and 1; and let ho be the segment [-1,1] on the real axis. Let Q be the domain whose complement consists of the line segments hn, and consider the angle assignment 0 on C(Q) defined by h {T/2, n 0. Claim. No normalized mapping can achieve the assignment 0 on C(Q). The proof of this claim uses the uniqueness theorem in two different ways: first to conclude that the image of a supposed map achieving the assignment has a certain symmetry, and second to rule out one possible form of the image. With regard to the latter use, we remind the reader that a point component is a slit whose angle of inclination may be taken to be any desired real number. Proof of Claim. Suppose to the contrary that f(z) achieves 0 and is normalized with expansion z+alz-1 +. - near o. The uniqueness theorem and the symmetry of Q imply that f(z) - -f(-z). It follows that for each n :4 0, fC(hn) is a horizontal line segment syrnmetric to the imaginary axis. Further fC (ho) is either (i) the point {0}, or (ii) a vertical line segment {w: Rew = 0, 1ImwI < p} for some p > 0. The first case is impossible since then both the maps f(z) and the identity would achieve the assignment 6 -0, contradicting Theorem 2.3. In the second case, by considering boundary correspondence, we deduce that if w ---e ( E fC (ho) through {w : Rew < 0} then f-1(w) -> -1. By the reflection principle this implies that f1'(w) is a constant, also impossible. Since both cases lead to contradictions, LZ we conclude that no such f(z) exists. 3. A GENERALIZED MODULE TECHNIQUE In this section we describe a variation of the classical module which generalizes the standard notion to allow greater freedom in the family of arcs. A new module-like quantity, called the crossing-module, will be defined in Section 3.1. The crossing-module shall not be a conformal invariant; however useful estimates for the variation of quantities related to the crossing-module under a conformal map will be obtained in Section 3.2. Explicit calculation of the crossing-module for 492 CARL H. FITZGERALD _ AND FREDERICK el 71 >, FIGURE WEENING 2. A chain of arcs in a domain. a certain type of arc family will be given in Section 3.3. The crossing-module is the key tool used in Section 4 to prove the existence of rectilinear slit maps. Recently Schramm [Sc2] has introduced a different (but similar) generalization which he calls the transboundary extremal length. His notion is a conformal invariant, and he has developed a general theory in which the transboundary extremal length is used to prove many types of uniformizations. His theory is suited toward proving the existence of uniformizations in which the complementary components of the image are all "fat" sets. It does not apply to our mapping problem because a slit is the antithesis of a fat set. 3.1. The crossing-module. The crossing-module is motivated as an attempt to develop a tool to show that some of the complementary components of a domain are slits lying at the same inclination, while other components are known not to be slits at this inclination. Essentially one would like to ignore the fact that these other components are in the complement and allow arcs to pass through them. The behavior of such arcs in the interior of the complement is of no interest, it is only important to keep track of where the boundary is crossed. We shall define the crossing-module for domains in the extended complex plane. A module-like quantity will be defined by modifying the standard notions of plength and p-area. The modification of the length will be to add a term representing the Euclidean distance "jumped" for each boundary crossing. While the area will be modified by adding the Lebesgue area of all the complementary regions which may be crossed. Definitions. Let Q be a domain in C. (i) A rectifiable arc 'y: [0,1] -+ C is said to join boundary components of Q if the interior of -y is contained in Q and the endpoints of -y belong to 9Q. (ii) A chain in Q is a finite sum of = arcs ?j each joining boundary -iof components of Q, and such that the terminal point of yj and the initial point of ?j+1 belong to the same boundary component of Q for j = 1, 2,.. .n - 1 (see Figure 2). (iii) The crossing-number of a chain o = En 1>j is defined to be the number n of arcs comprising a and will be denoted by c#(a). (iv) The initial and terminalpoints of a = En11'y3are definedrespectivelyas the initial and terminal points of yi and Ayn. _ EXISTENCE AND UJNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 493 (v) The space of boundary components of Q will be denoted by B3(Q). (vi) A fixed subset B of 13(Q) is called a set of crossing-boundaries provided that the Lebesgue area of the complementary components of Q corresponding to the elements of B is finite. This area will be denoted by Ab(B). If 1Bis a set of crossing-boundaries, then the set of all chains in Q which, aside (vii) for initial and terminal points, are contained in Q U (U B) will be denoted by CQ(B3). (viii) A non-negative func-tionp(z) defined on Q is called a metric on Q provided that p(z) is lower semi-continuous. (ix) If p(z) is a metric on Q, and F is a family of chains contained in CQ(B), then the p-length of a chain a = i yj E F is defined by n-1 'rb Ip(c) = J p(z)ldzl + E |I (O)-'Yj (l) (x) The p-lengthof a family F is definedby Lp(F) =inf lp(a) (xi) The p-area of Q with respectto B is definedby Ap(Q, B) p(x,y)2 dx dy + J Ab(B) Q B. for any set of crossing-boundaries of Q, then the crossing-module (xii) If B is a set of crossing-boundaries of a family of chains F in C? (B) is defined by the expression ,u~~(F) (17) =inpf [42, if) AP (Q)B where the infimum is taken over all metrics p(z) on Q, and indeterminate ratios are defined to be equal to oo. When clear from context; we shall use the notation ,u(F). (xiii) Sets Q, B, and F for which a crossing-module is defined shall be referred to collectively as a crossing-module problem; specifically as the crossing-module problem (Q, 1, F). Remarks. 1. If 1B 0, then the definition of the crossing-module coincides with that of the module. 2. The crossing-module will not be a conformal invariant; we will, however, obtain a useful estimate (see Theorem 3.1) for the change in the area to lengthsquared ratio for a fixed metric under the action of a conformal map. 3. It will also be the case that the area to length-squared ratio will not be homogeneous in the metrics. This is not viewed as a deficiency, but rather as a normalization of the problem (see Theorem 3.3). 3.2. The conformal variance of the crossing-module. Let (Q, B, F) be a crossing-module problem. A conformal homeomorphism f (z) on Q which extends continuously to the crossing-boundaries B E 1Binduces a natural crossing-module problem CARL, H. FITZGERALD 494 AND FREDERICK WEENING (Qf Sf, rFf) where Qf - f (Q), 3f = f{f(B): B c B3}, and n Tt pf J{5f~=fQyj): :(,yjE }, L ji=' j=l The crossing-modules 1u(Ff) and t(F) are clearly equal when.f (z) is a translation or rotation, bnt in general they need not be equal. The following theorem provides an estimate for the difference APf(Qf ,_) L f(pf)2 AP(Q, B) L (r) 2 where p(z) is any metric on Q and pf(w) is the induced metric on f(Q) defined by ) (6) pf(w) - p(f -- (w) ) f' (f ' M(w) Theorem 341I. Let (Q, B, F) be a crossing-moduleproblem, and f (z) be a conformal homeomorphism on Q which extends continuously to UB. Assume that there exists an integer N such that each a CiF has crossing-number at most N. If there exists e > 0 such that for each B c3B Z1,Z2 C B (7) If(Zl) - f(z2)1 - IZ1-xZ211 < ?, then for each metric p(z) on Q, eN . |Lpf(Ff) -- Lp(F) I (8) If additionally there exists e' > 0 such that (9) - Ab(B) I<<' |Ab(Bf) then for each metric p(z) on Q such that Lp(I) > eN, (10) _ Apf(Qf,B1) Lpf(rf )2 AP(Q,B) < '-Lp(r)2 1'- e) 1 (Lp (F) -N)2 + _ Ap Q + 2 LL (-) Proof. Assume that (7) holds for some e > 0 and each B c3B. Let p be an arbitrary metric on Q. For a given u I cjiC F, denote the initial and terminal points of each -yj by aj and bj respectively. Since ff( ) pf(w) Idwl -j p(z) ldzl for each j, it follows from the definition of p-length that n--i (11) 19f(af) - l-p() E ( If(aj+I) - f (b3) I - laj+j - b3 ) jlI Thus n-- Lpf(f) < lpfy(of) < Ip(a) + E ( If(aj+i) -- f (bj) j=l and the assumption (7) yields that Lp1(P) < lp(oT) +- eN . - aj+1 - bj ) AND UNIQUENESS EXISTENCE OF RECTILINEARt 495 SLIT MAPS Since this is true for any a E F, it follows that Lpf(Ff) - Lp(F) < (N Similarly, starting from equation (11), one can show that Lp(F) - Lpf(Ff) < cN Hence (8) holds. Now assume additionally that (9) holds for some 6' > 0. To simplify calculations define A Jpf(u, -- v)2 du dv JJp(x, y)2 dx dy . f (Q) The definition of p-area and elementary algebra implies that Apf(Qf, F'f)Ap _ (Q, B3) Lp(r)2 Lpf(rf )2 A + Ab(3f) A + Ab(3) Lpf(f f)2 Lp(-)2 L=f(Ff )2 [A + Ab(,f) f L_ (1 )_L L,f(Ff)2 [Ab(1f) - - (A + Ab(3)) + 1- Lf Ff ))(2 (A + Ab (3))] r Ab(1) F (Lp(F) - tLpf(Ff)) (Lp(r) + Lpf(Ff)) ? Lp((r))2 1 AP(Q,23)] Inequality (10) follows from this equation, under the assumption that Lp(F)-N 0, by taking absolute values and using inequalities (8) and (9). > LII Remarks. 1. The important feature of estimate) (10) to note is that the right hand side depends only on the original crossing-module problem and on e and C'. Moreover it tends to zero as c and (E'tend to zero. 2. Theorem 3.1 can be used to obtain a lower bound for p(F) even when there is no bound to the crossing-numbers of chains in F. One considers the subfamily fN _{ E F C#(u) < N}; since Fr C F it follows that p(F) > II(pN). The most natural setting in which to apply Theorem 3.1 is when the conformal map f(z) is close to the identity on the crossing-boundaries. This indeed will be the case in our application in Section 4. In this case, the choice of c in (7) is clear. The choice of C'in (9) is less obvious. We now state a lemma which estimates how small 6' may be taken in (9) under the assumption that there are only finite many crossing-boundaries each of which is a rectifiable Jordan curve. Lemma 3.2. Let Q be a domain and suppose that 23 C I3(Q) is a finite collection {BI, B2, ... ,B13 of rectifiable Jordan curves. Suppose that f(z) is a conformal homeomorphism on Q which extends continuously to U 3. If If(z) - zI < on U B and 6 < Lk= arclength(Bk) for each k = 1, 2,... , n, then (f IAbS where L - Z=1 Lk )- AbS(B)I < 81L 6 CARIL l1. FITZGER11ALD AND FREDERICK 496 WEENING Proof. It suffices to assume that n = 1. Let in(t) parameterize B1 by arc length on [0, L] and extend io(t) periodically. Consider, for each rn = 1, 2,. .., rL/l1 the disk A,, of radius 26 and center to(rnm). Since any point within e of Bt is within 26 of one of these centers, f (Bt) is contained in the union of these disks. Hence it follows that Ab(lf area(Ak) Ab (B)l <? < (-+ of a punctured 3.3. The crossing-module I) < 8wrL 6 . r(2c)2 = 4(L + >)wFE rectangular domain. Recall that the module of a rectangle (i.e., of the arcs joining a pair of opposite sides of a rectangular domain) is equal to the ratio of the length of the sides not being joined to the length of the joined sides. Further recall that this result still holds if the rectangular domain is replaced by a rectangular domain minus a collection of parallel slits, whose projection onto a line parallel to the sides joined has linear measure zero. These results are generalized by allowing the rectangular domain to have complementary components over which arcs are allowed to cross. Theorem 3.3 will show that the resulting crossing-module is equal to the appropriate ratio of the side 1. lengths of the rectangle and that the only extremal metric is p(z) in which the decase of the At least as important to our application is an analysis and a is not crossing-boundary scribed domain has some boundary component that constructed is metric An explicit which is also not a slit in the preferred direction. to show that the crossing-module in this case is strictly less than the relevant ratio of the side lengths of the rectangle, see Theorem 3.6. We begin by making some definitions. Since the crossing-module is invariant under translations and rotations, we may restrict our consideration to rectangular domains whose boundary sides are parallel and symmetric to the axes. Definitions. Let Ra,b = {z: IRe zl < a/2, IIm zl < b/2} for a, b > O. (i) A domain Q is said to be a punctured rectangular domain if there exists a domain D such that Q= Ra,b n D and Dc C Ra.b for some a, b > 0; see Figure 3. The numbers a, b are called respectively the length and height of Q. (ii) For a fixed a and b, let Q be a punctured rectangular domain of length a and height b and suppose that (Q, B, F) is a crossing-module problem. If the initial and terminal points of every CT E F lie on opposite vertical sides of &Ra,b) then F is said to join the vertical sides of Q. (iii) In the same situation, the crossing-module problem is said to be horizontally sectionable if for almost every y C (-b/2, b/2) there exists a chain (T, E F joining the vertical sides of Q, whose image is Q n {z Imz = y}. Such a chain at is called a horizontal chain. Note that if Q is a punctured rectangular domain of length a and height b that is horizontally sectionable, then the linear measure of the projection of &Q' (U B U &Ja.b) onto the imaginary axis is zero. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 497 V 4L. FIUR 3. A pucue Theorem E 3. LeA ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ retnua doai of legt a,; 4 and heightb bpunctured rectangular domain of length a and height b. Suppose that (Q~, B, F) is a crossing-module problem with F joining the vertical sides of Q. If (Q, B, F) is horizontally sectionable, then H(F) =b/a. Fusrtherp* (z)-1 is the only extremal metric provided that B #&0. Proof. First note that A_*(Q, B) < ab and Lp (F) > a. Thus kt(F) < b/a, and p*(z) will be shown to be extremal if the reverse inequality is shown. Let CB denote the complementary component corresponding to a boulndarycomponent B E B(2). Let p(z) be any metric on Q~,and define p(z) on Q= U (U{CB B E B}) by {1Xi Z E (U{CB: B e B}). Consider the family r consisting of all arcs oyin Q joining the vertical sides of Q such that zyfl Q is the imageof some chaina E F. In other words,each chainaf E F is extended in all possible ways into the complementary components corresponding to the boundaries it crosses. The definition of the metric p(z), and of area and length in a crossing-module problemimply that Ap(Z, B) = Ap() and that Lp(F) < Lp(F) Hence Since (Q, B3,F) is horizontally sectionable, the horizontal segment from -a/2 ? iy to a/2 ? iy belongs to r for almost every y E (-b/2, b/2). Thus it follows from the classical theorem on the module that (13) AP( Z) > b/a. CARL 1i. FITZGERALD 498 AND FREDERICK WEENIN-G By combining (12) and (13), and taking the infirnumover all metrics p(z) C P one obtains that b(F) > b/a as desired. Since it is known that the only extremal metrics in the module problem are the constants, it follows from the above extension procedure that no metric except lI p*(z) can be extremal. If, with the notation of Theorem 3.3, some B* C 3(Q) x (3 U {&Ra,b}) is not a horizontal slit, then one might expect that the crossing-module would be less than b/a. The intuitive reason for this is that the boundary component B* would serve as a barrier, impeding chains from joining the vertical sides of Q. We shall show in Theorem 3.6 that this intuition is correct, under the additional assumption that the distance from B* to B is strictly positive. This theorem will then provide a test to see if a particular group of boundary components in an arbitrary domain consists of parallel slits. A boundary component B* as just described can be characterized as a connected set which contains two points whose imaginary parts are different. The following lemma allows this global characterization to be transformed into a local property. Roughly speaking, the local property obtained is that there exists a square region S with sides parallel to the axes and of arbitrary small length, such that within S the boundary component B* separates a point on the left side of S from all points on the right side of S. Additionally, this geometric property is then used to produce an inequality involving a specific metric suitable for a crossinlg-moduleproblem. By way of notation, if S is the square region S b<Imz<b+s}, {z:a<Rez<a+-s, then the left and right sides of S are defined by (&S)i {z: Rez = a} nOS and (OS)r -{z: Rez-a + s} n OS. Lemma 3.4. Let D :&-C be a simply connected domain containing oo such that AD is not a horizontal slit. Then for any so > 0, (14) (there exists a closed square region S with sides parallel to the axes and length less than so, such that there exists a point z1 C (OS), n 1, and such that any rectifiable arc from z1 to any point Z2 E (&S)r n D which is contained in S necessarily intersects OD. J of Moreover, for any fixed so > 0 and square region S as described in (14), there exists a disk A* C S such that, if W1, W2 C OS and ay is a rectifiable arc in D n S joining w1 to W2 then (15) Jp*(z) Idz > I Rew, -- Rew21 where (16) P* (z) {ob z E -D n,, A*. So as not to interrupt the proof of Lemma 3.4 we first state the following simple result, whose proof is left to the reader, regarding the replacement of a rectifiable curve with a Jordan curve. AND UNIQUENESS EXISTENCE OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAP'S 499 Lemma 3.5. Suppose that D is a domain, K is a convex region, and y is a rectifiable arc in D 0 K joining points z1 to Z2. Then there exists a Jordan arc in D n K jointng z1 to Z2- Proof of Lemma 3.4. The first assertion will be proven by contradiction. Suppose that there exists so > 0 such that for every closed square region S with sides parallel to the axes and fof length less than so and every z1 C (aS), n D, there exists a point {Z2 C (OS), n D and a rectifiable arc -y from z1 to Z2 with -y C S and -yrnhD 0. (14') Choose points (1, (2 E OD with Im((4 - (2) > 0. We construcl, an infinite row of square regions of side length s min{so,Im((4 - ?2)}/4 which will separate (I from ?2 Define b = Im((1 + (2)/2 -s/2, and let Sk {z: ks <Rez < (k+ )s, b < Imz < b+s} for all integers k. Since D contains oo, there exists an integer jo such that OD C {z: lzl < jo}. Hence we may choose a point w_jo C (0s-jo)l n D. By repeatedly applying the supposition (14') for k =-jo, -jo + 1, .. . , jo - 1, we find points Wk e (OSk) n D(9Sk+I)l n D and rectifiable arcs -k in Sk joining Wk to Wk+l. It follows that -k iS Ek=-io a rectifiablearcin D -jo Sk) =(U By Lemma3.5 joiningw_ jotowj we may replace this arc with a Jordan arc F, having the same properties. The points w-jo andwjo can clearly be connected by a Jordan arc F2 in D - {z: IzI < jo}. But then F = Fl U F2 is a Jordan curve separating the points (I and (2; this contradicts the fact that OD is connected. Therefore the first assertion of the lemma is shown. To show the second claim, let so be given and assume that S = {z: a < Re z < a +s, b < Im z < b+ s} is as described in (14). Choose a point z1 E (OS)1n D such that for any point Z2 C (aS) n D, there does not exist a rectifiable arc in D n s joining z1 to Z2. We now construct the disk A*. Choose r > 0 such that A1 = {z: z- zil < r} c D, and choose a point z* C A1 n S. Choose r* > 0 so small that * 2r* < = {z :z min {[(x xE[a,a?s] -- zfl < r*} C A1 nS - Rez*)2 + dist(z*,S)2]L/2 and _ x-Rez*} J Define p*(z) as in (16). Let w1, w2 C OS and suppose that -y is a rectifiable arc in D n S joining w1 to w2. It may be assumed that -yn A* 7? 0. By construction, any point in A* can be joined to z, by a rectifiable arc in D n s, thus it follows that neither w1 nor w2 can belong to (&S)r. Inequality (15) is trivial if both w1 and w2 belong to (OS)1, CAIRL H. FITZGERALD 500 AND FREDERICK WEENING hence assume that w2 X (&S)1. In this case we have Jp*(z) > ldzl ?w1-z -- *-r + Jw2 z*I -- r* I Re Z*)2 + (Im w2 + [(Re w2 - Z*| > Re wI-Re > Rewi-Rez* > Rewi-Rew21 z* + [(Re W2-Re + Rew2 - Imz*)21l/2 Z*)2 + dist(z*,&S)2]1/2 - 2* - 2r * Rez* which shows that (15) holds and finiishes the proof of the lemma. D: Theorem 3.6. Let Q be a punctured rectangular domain of length a and height b, and suppose that (Q, B, r) is a crossing-module problem with F joining the vertical stides of Q. If there exists B* CE 3(Q) K (3 U {&Rab}) that is not a horizontal slit (* C B*, ( C (U B)} > 0, then and such that dist(B*,13) = inf{ (*p(F) Proof. Suppose that B* C B(Q) x < b/a. (X3U {0Ra,b}) is not a horizontal slit and that so 1 dist(B, 13) > 0. Apply Lemma 3.4 with the domain D equal to the unbounded component of B*C, to obtain a square region S satisfying (14) and a disk A* c S such that (15) holds where p*(z) is defined by (16). Since Q c D, p*(z) restricts to a metric on Q. In order for (14) to hold it must be the case that B* n S 7 , thus (~C S ?? dist((,,B*) < 2so < dist(B ,B) This shows that S does not contain any points on any crossing-boundaries, thus that and Ap*(Q, 13)< ab - area(A*) We shall use inequality (15) of Lemma 3.4 to obtain a lower bound for LP*(F). Let o = E= IYj C F be given. Since each -yj is rectifiable we may break -yj into finitely many subarcs which alternately avoid A* and enter A*. For each j, choose m3 ? 0 and collections {j,k}jIo and {/j,k}ijlm of arcs such that mi -Yj =aj() + (/3j,k + aj,k) k=1 where for each k: ?2> (i) aj,k is an arc in Q (ii) /3j,k contains a point of A*, (iii) the endpoints of /j,k belong to AS, and (iv) the interior of /3j,k is contained in S. EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 501 Let aj,k and bj,k denote respectively the initial and terminal points of each cj,k, and note that bjk-l and ajk are the initial and terminal points of ,j,k. By inequality (15) and definitions, we have that n n-i lp* (or) =E dzl + E Jp*(Z) j aj+i,o ,I,Yj n bj,mj min-1,m ! >z[J + Idz+ Idzl + (p*(z) k--l Ij k, O, j=l O n > E - jlI laj+i,o--bj,TbI ldz)+ZE j=l k rnf [ Rebj,o - Reaj,ol + j--l >3(I Reaj,k - Reebj,k I + IRe bj,k - Rea,kl)] kl1 n-I +3I Reaj+i,o-Rebj,mj2. j=1 Hence, by repeated use of the triangle inequality, we find that ip*(a) > a. Since a C F was arbitrary we have that Lp<(F) > a. Therefore, AP*(Q, B) ab - area(AZ*) Lp*(]F)2 a2 _ b area(A*) b a a2 a which shows u(F) < b/a and completes the proof. 1 4. EXISTENCE OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS In this section the existence of rectilinear slit maps achieving continuous angle assignments with finite ranges will be shown for arbitrary domains. Additionally it will be shown that the image of the rectilinear slit maps satisfy a certain crossingmodule condition called (NP9) (see Theorem 4.4) which generalizes Jenkins' (Po) condition. The combination of Theorem 4.4 with the uniqueness result of Maitani and Minda [MM]provides a complete generalization of Grotzsch and Jenkins' Theorem (Theorem 1.1) for the case of rectilinear slit maps achieving continuous angle assignments with finite ranges. In order to facilitate the statement and proof of Theorem 4.4 we introduce some notation and give some approximation lemmas. Definition. If Q is a domain containing oo and -yis a Jordan curve in Q then the open subset {C C C(Q): C C In [y]} of C(Q) shall be denoted by K(Qy). Proofs of the following lemmas may be found in [W]. Lemma 4.1. Let Q be a domain containing oo. If {Ck}Vn_,is a collection of disjoint closed subsets of C(Q) which partition C(Q), then there exists disjoint Jordan curves 1, 7Y2,* -Yn inQ such that Ck = JJ(k) for k-1, 2,..,n, Lemma 4.2. Let Q be an n-connected domain containing oo with boundary comnponents BI B2, ... , Bn. If e > O, then (i) There exists disjoint piecewise linear Jordan curves Ji, J2,... , Jn in Q such that Bfor 1, 2i ...c n a n, Bk C In [Jl] if and onlxy if k = l, and CARL ff. FITZGERALD 502 ANI) FREDERICK WEENING (ii) Moreover, if B1, B2,, B,, are known to be rectifiable Jordan curves, then J1, J2, *. , Jn can be chosen to additionally satisfy n area(In [Jk] 'N, In [Bkl) < ' for any e' > 0. Lemma 4.3. Suppose that Q is a bounded domain such that the unbounded complementary component, CO, is an isolated component. Then there exists a piecewise linear Jordan curve J in Q which encloses every complementary component of Q except for C0. The condition (NP(0) involves a collection of crossing-module problems. To de- scribe such a collectioni, we first show how a conitinuous angle assignment with finite range can induce a set of crossing-boundaries on a domain. Consider a domain D containing HO, and suppose that 1 is a continuous angle 1, 2,... n, ,... 7, ,n}. For each j assignment on C(D) which has range {$i, (17) is a closed su'bset of C(D), and the collection {Cj}>8=1 forms a partition of C(D). Hence Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 imply the existence of disjoinit, rectifiable Jordan curves B1, B2,... , Brt in D satisfying C (18) forj A((B1) 1, 2,..., n. If D is a domain containing oc and '1 is a continuous angle assignment . ,Bn I} of {B1,B2,. {qS1l,q2.... IqnSI} then, any collection B3 disjoint rectifiable Jordan curves in D satisfying (18) where Cj is defined by (17) is said to be a '1-induced crossing-boundary collection in D. Definition. on D with range Theorem 4.4. Suppose that Q is a domain containing oo, and that 3 is a conThen there exists a map tinuous angle assignment of finite range {fO0,0 I, O,}. I2,... f (z) achieving 0 with the expansion nearoo f (z) = z + a--t+ z that satisfies the following condition which will be referred to as (NP). crossing-boundary collection Bn} is any 00 (f-)C-induced If 3 {Bl,7 B2,... in f (Q), and s is sufficiently large so that (f (Q)cU (J (19) r))C Ss for b all q$E {O1, 02, . n} where S,,4 {ei'z:z Rezl < s, Imzl < s}, then for each j crossing-Tnodule problemn (Dj, l3;, Fj) defined by (f (Q) n Ssj)j rD} (20) 1 2. In, the Uk#a In [Bkl, L B j {Bj}, and LFj = {o- C CDj (L3j) uf joins the sides of SS,o at inclination Oj + 7r/2}, has crossing-module -- 1 . A((Se) (See Figure 4 for an iilus'tration of SUch a crossing-module problem.) EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 503 / B3 /-AX FIGURE 4. Illustration of a crossing-module problem (D2, 12, 172). Proof. It suffices to assume that n > 2, for in the case of t- 1 (i.e., a parallel assignment) the crossing-module may be replaced with the module and then the statement of the theorem coincides with part of an established theorem (Theorem 1.1) proven in [J, pp. 81-84] (see specifically Lemma 5.8 on p. 82). We first construct a candidate map f (z). Since 0 is a continuous angle assignment with finite range, Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 imply the existence of disjoint Jordan curves JI,J2,... Since ,J, in Q such that &'1(0k) = JV(Jk)for k - 11,2,...,n. C:\ Ut1 In [Jk] is a compact subset of Q, we may choose an exhaustion {Qm} such that n C (21) U In [Jk]C Qrm k=1 for all m. Now fix m and consider a component C of Q' . The inclusion (21) shows that C is enclosed by precisely one of the curves J, .J2...., Jn. Thus we may define an angle assignment Om on C(Qm) by requiring that for each C E C(Qrn), O3m(C) =64k where k is the unique integer such that C C In [Jk]. Since Qm is finitely connected, Koebe's Theorem (Theorem 1.2) gives the existence of a map fm(z) achieving the angle assignment OJmand having expansion X (z) _ + al,m + z near c. 504 CARL. H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK WEENING B2 _ _ FIGURE 5. A crossing-module problem (D. L3n, PrtF) It is easy to show (see [W, p. 671) that {frn(z)} forms a normal family and has a subsequential limit f(z) that is univalent on Q with expansion f(z)z=z+ - + z near o. By passing to the subsequence, it may be assumed that the entire sequence {ffn(z)} converges to f(z). Now we verify that (NP0) is satisfied for this f(z). Let B ={Bt1, B2, -, B.} be any Oo(fl-')C-induced crossing-boundary collection in f(Q), and let s be sufficiently large so that (19) holds. Consider the crossing-module problem (Dj, 3j, Fj) defined by (20) for some fixed j E {1, 2, ... , n}. For simplicity of notation it may be assumed that j n; further, since the crossing-module is invariant under rotation we may assume that On- 0 (see the illustration in Figure 5). We shall also use the notation S= S8,o, and denote the left and right sides of the square OS, by (OS,)> and (3S,), respectively. For the metric p*(z) - 1 on D. it is clear that A* (Dn, 23n)< 82 and that Lp*(Fn) > s, hence the inequality F(rn) < 1 is immediate. Showing the reverse inequality shall require much more work. A succession of five crossing-module problems will be constructed. The value of crossingmodule of the final problem will be found by using the theorem giving the crossingmodule of a horizontally sectionable, punctured rectangular domain (Theorem 3.3). While the necessary chain of inequalities relating the crossing-module problems will follow from various estimates and the theorem on the conformal variance of the crossing-module (Theorem 3.1). AND UNIQUENESS EXISTENCE OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 505 In order to apply Theorem 3.1 the crossing-number of all chains in the crossingmodule problem under consideration must be uniformly bounded. For each positive integer N, let FN -{ t E F>: c#(u) < N}. The inclusion1N C Fn impliesthat LP(FN) > Lp(F72)for any metric p(z) on Dn, and hence that M (Fn) - H(n)- Therefore, in order to prove that b(Fn) > 1, it suffices to show that for each 3 > 0 there exists N such that I_(FN) > 1- Let a > 0 be given. The choice of N will be determined by approximating the curves Bk from the inside and outside by piecewise linear curves. The inner curves shall serve as the crossing-boundaries in a yet to be specified crossing-module problem. By choosing N sufficiently large this problem will be assured to be horizontally sectionable. For each k -1, 2, ... , n, apply Lemma 4.3 to the domain In [Bk] n f (Q) to obtain a piecewise linear Jordan curve Ik in f(Q) that satisfies C In [Bk] Ik Af(Ik) = and (Bk)- Next apply Lemma 4.2 to the domain f (Q) \. Un IIn [Bk] and dist(U 13,Ss), to obtain a collection {OkI}n., of disjoint piecewise linear Jordan curves in f(Q) Uk=1In [Bk] each contained in S8 that satisfies Bk c In [0j] for k -1, if and only if j-k, 2, ... , n, and also the condition n (22) 2, area(In [0k] -. In [Bkl) < -Ab(Sn) k~1 This construction is illustrated in Figure 6. Define N to be the total number of segments comprising all of the curves Ok for k -1, 2, .. ., n. We shall show the crossing-module problem (Dn,Bn, 1N) has crossing-module greater than or equal to 1 - 3. Since n > 2 the area bounded by the crossingboundaries Ab(Sn) is strictly positive. This observation allows one to limit the class of metrics for which analysis must be performed; in particular we note that for any metric p(z) on Dr, (23) Lp(TFN) n < - Ab(l3n) l/2 Ap(Dn, l3n) > Ab(Bn) LP(FN)2~~~ Ab(Bn) Thus it suffices to consider a metric p(z) on Dn such that LP(PnN) > Ab(Bn)1/2. Let p(z) be such a metric and let (TN be a chain in ijN such that I((TN) < 2LO(1jN). Since {Qm} exhausts Q and f(z) is a homeomorphism onto f(Q), the sequence of domains {f(Qm) } exhausts f(Q). Hence a compactness argument shows that there In [Ik] are contained in f(Q,r) for exists M such that aN and the domain C . UkV1 each m > M. Consider, for each mrr 1, 2 ... ., the map g9 f(Qm) -f> fm(Qm) defined by gm(z) = fm o f l (z) CARL H. FITZGERALD 506 AND FREDERICK WEENING 12 / //02 13 0 ?13 1 w_ FIGURE 6. The curves Ok and Ik Since {frn (z) } converges normnallyto f (z), the sequence {grn(z) } conivergesnormrally to g(z) -z on f(Q). Let c > 0 be less than min{1 60 C):2, where 3,64}, 6062 min dist (Ik, Bk) and the minimums 61 = mil arclength(Bk) A6([3,)1/2/(4N) C3 -- , dlst (Bk7 Ok) 6, xthin are taken over k 1 2, < C on o. T Choose 4 -_ min dist (0 k, 9q) rno > iM stuch that rn grno(Z)-Z C LJIn [1kj k=1 By choice of M, each of the crossing-boundaries in Bn is a boundary component of Dn, n f(Qmo) Thus -we may consider the crossing-module problem (Dr,B3F3), illustrated in Figuire 7, where the domain f (Q) is replaced by f (Qrn);that is where Do? = Dnrl fl Pin?o ) I o -- B, and r? --- ta E 1N o07 CDO)(BO)} Let po be the metric on Do defined by restricting p(z), P PO(z) -/(Z) )D Since Do c Dn and Bo-t Bn it is clear that AP (])0 B0) < A4(Dr,,Br,), while the inclusion F0 C F,N implies that LPO(Fr)> L6,(F') Hence (24) Ap (.Dn Bn) > APO(D, BT 3) L p (rnN )2 Lp (] ) 2 Also, since mo > M, the chain aN belongs to FPnwhich imnpliesthat ? 2Lp(1TN) (25) L6P0(Fo<) EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 507 B2 B FIGURE 7. A crossing-module i3 5F). problem (Do}, B, Consider next the crossing-mod-uleproblem (DX, B, Frl) induced by-the mapping Ymo (z) on the crossing-module problem (DO, B?, P)F, that is where D = grno (Do)) .,gm0 (Bn- i)}, and 13= {gmo (Bi),gSmo (B2),. 1n = :o {grn0(() n}. This problem is illustrated. in F'igtire 8. Sinrceg,no (z) is a homneomnorphism of Do} onto DX, the set Fl consists of all chains a E CDI(Al) joining grmo((&Ss)i) to gYio((aS,),) whose crossing-numbers are bounded by N. Let p1(z) = pogno(z) be the induced metric on DX defined as in equation (6). We shall use Theorem 3.1 to obtain a lower bound for Ap (D2 130)/L (0 )2 in terms of A,1 (DX,BX)/Lp1(P1)2 The choice of mo implies that (26) gm((ZI) for z1, Z2 e Bk, and k = 1, 2,... (27) Since c < indeed, (28) -gmo , Ab(Qn)1/2/(4N) - > Lp(rN), this inequality is:lontrivial; 2cN > 1Ab(b )12 Also observe that c < cl and Lemmaa3.2 imply that (29) 2c > Lt0(I7)-2cN and Lpo(Fr) LPO(F) Z211 < n. Hence inequality (8) implies that LPI(F') co - Z - (Z2)1 |Ab(B,) --- Ab(B3)1 < fi CARL H. FITZGERALD 508 AND FREDERICK WEENING - 1 g~~~mO(B2) gm B 1) FIGURE 8. A crossing-moduleproblem(D', 83X, Fr). is a constant independent of C. Now estiwhere KI = En= I arclength(Bk)/(8w7) mate (10), the fact that c < 1, and inequalities (24) through (29) yield that Ap0(D?,L3?) L,(FO)2 > - A n1(Dn,L3S) _ L 1(Fj)2 4 rL+ 2N(4L(F) n r Ab(nLn) N Ap(D BTn)1 Lp(N)2j6 Hence (30) A (D(,L3) > A2(DC,L3) 2) where K2 > 0 is a constant independent of c. We now examine the geometry of DX. The outer boundary component is a Jordan curve which is close to the square OS, in the sense that Ss-e gi0 (aSs) C In[gmo(0SS)] C S,+c. Further note that gmo (OS,) encloses all of the curves Ok, since 6 < 64. Also, since c is less than 62 and 63, each of the crossing-boundaries gmo (Bk) E L3 is a perturbed version of Bk which lies in the region between the curves 'k and Ok. In other words, we have the inclusions (31) Ik c In [gmo(Bk)] c In[Ok] for k = 2,S,... , n- 1. Finally, it follows from the definition of fmo (z), that all the remaining boundary components of Dn are horizontal slits enclosed by On and that there are only finitely many of these slits. Consider next the crossing-module problem (D2, L32,F2), illustrated in Figure 9, obtained by replacing the outer boundary component gmo (OS,) by a (nearly square) EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR :~~~~~~ SLIT MAPS 509 ,B 4B i) g~~~~~~~g X FIGURE 9. A crossing-module problem (D2, L32, T2). rectangle. Define U SC-ev s ) n R3 D2 3n = 7, and a joins the vertical sides of &R8su6}, whereRs+e,s- is the rectangulardomain T2 {u E CD2 (B2) c#(u) < N, Ilmzl < s-e}. Rs+c,s-e --{z: IRezl < s+E, Let P2(z) be the metric on D' defined by z E P2(Z) JpI(z), Di1 It is clear that Ap2(D2,132) < Ap1(Di, L3l). On the other hand, for each thereexists a al E Fl, containedin U2 n DX.Sincep1(z)= of IPI(a) over a E FT is less than that of 1p2 (a) P2 (z) U2 C p2 on a1, the infimum over a C F2. Thus LP2(F2) > Lp1(Fl) (32) and therefore Api (D 1,,61 ) L (Fl )2 Ap (D2,, 62l) - L (]p2 ) 2 One final modificationof the crossing-moduleproblemmust be made beforethe area to length-squaredratio can be estimated by Theorem3.3. The need for this last modificationis due to the fact that the problem (D2, 32, F2) m-ightnot be horizontallysectionablesince n2 only containschainswhose crossing-numbersare less or equalto N whilethe crossing-boundaries gno (Bk) may oscillateup and down CARL H. FITZGERALD 510 AND F'REDERICK k) III 0 FIGURE WEENING 10. Illustration of the possible oscillation of thle curves gin0 (Bk) frequently (see Figure 10).- To avoid this possibility we shall enlarge the domain - 1). In the new D 2 by expanding up to the boundary curves Ik (k _ 1, 2,. . chains. hor-izontal the it be sufficient to consider shall only crossing-module problem Let (D L33 B~ F) betecosn-modu-le problem defined by D3 D2 U (In[gmo (Bk)V"-,,Inl{1)k B3 {c3rto D and __}, {Il,If2,...,I 3 a (I3~) is a horizontal chain joining the vertical sides of D 31. Consider the metric p3 (z) defined oni D 3 by z E Dn P2(z) {3() max{tP2(Z), 1.7 ~ I z 0 - 9 Bg K-I, where 72-1 0 U' I 0ko]1 Bg - ~~~~n-1 n-1 In[gmo(Bk)1 and I2: UmInKk.k It follows from the definition Of P3(z) and p-area that A 3(D ,3"6) <?A (D2,L32) + area(O_,B-9) is small; indeed the inclusions (31), the condition (22), and The term areaP(0".B) the inequality (29), show that area(O- -, BY9) < ~-Ab(13n)+ tlc-. Therefore 4 EXISTl5ENCE AN'D UNIQUENESS OF RECTILINEAR SLIT MAPS 511 shall now estimate Lp2(Fr2) in terms of Lp3(Fn). It is useful to keep Figure 10 AWe in mind during the construction involved in the estimate. Let the horizontal chain a3 C F3 be given. Consider the horizontal chain U4 with the same imaginary 0. In other words, a4 is a subchain part as a , but whose image lies in Dn of ao3 which crosses the curves Ok. Since N is greater than the total number of 1,2,.. ,n - 1, the segments comprising the piecewise linear curves Ok for k crossing-nurnberof aJ4is less than N. Thus for some I < N a4 _ Zya j-l where each 'yj joins boundary components of D 3 0. Now, successively, extend the ends of all segments ?yjhorizontally to the left and right until either they first intersect a crossing-boundary in B2 or otherwise until they meet the next segment rYj+1.Let a2 denote the resulting chain and note that a 2 C F2. It follows from the definition of p3(Z) that IP2l(2) < IP3(a3). Since L 2(F2) < l12( 2) and o3 C F3 was arbitrary, we have that L (35) j(F) 2 L 3(J) We now consider the area to length-squared ratio. The combination of the inequalities (34) and (35) yields that (D 2,5 Ap L (F2 Ap (D3,i33) > ) L -2 + /<I6 -6Ab(13n) )(LF(22)2 (3 2 Since inequalities (32), (27), and (28) imply L 2(Fn) 6 Ab(3n (13n ) + KI-C 6aAb LP (F2 ) 2 > 2Ab(I3)n/2, we have I ) + /'s1 (Ab(13n ) I/2 /2) 2 3 where K3 > 0 is a constant independent of c. Therefore (36) ~ A L ~~~~(Fa2)2)> 3 ( (83)2)d We now apply Theorem 3.3 to the crossing-module problem (D3, 133,F3). We need only remark that application of this theorem is permissible since there are only finitely many horizontal slit components in OD3 and all other boundary components, except the outer coinponent, are crossing-boundaries which do not oscillate arbitrarily. The theorem gives that By the definition of crossing-module we thus have that (37) (37) AP3 1nv LL3(F3)2 > - s + C Putting together the inequalities (24), (30), (33), (36), and (37), we obtain the following estimate on the original crossing-module ratio: Ap(Dn,Bn) B?)> L_FN+2 8 -S- - - K3C - d-26e 512 CARL H. FITZGERALD AND FREDERICK for any positive number e less than min{1, that WEENING 60, 61, 62, 63, 64}. Lp(FnT7Un) Therefore we have shown >-d holds for an arbitrary metric p(z) on Dn satisfying Lp(F4N) > Ab(3n)I/2. The combination of this inequality and implication (23) yields the desired result that ,(pN) > 1 - 6, and hence that n(Un-1. Finally, we show that f(z) achieves e. Suppose to the contrary that some component B* C 13(f(Q)) were not a slit at the desired inclination 0J. Choose o (f-1)C-induced crossing-boundary collection 13 and sufficiently large s. any Define (Dj,Bj,B, F) by (20), and consider the crossing-module problem (D', 139, V) e induced by the map z " c-iSjz. The set B*' - e-'OjB* is a boundary component of Y. which is not a horizontal slit, and satisfies dist(B*', 1) > 0. Thus, by Theorem 3.6, p(F) < 1. On the other hand, since the crossing-module is invariant 1. This contradiction shows that f(z) must under rotations, Pt(F) = p(F) LZ achieve 0. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful for communications from Zheng Xu He, Fumio Maitani, David Minda, Burt Rodin, and Oded Schramm. REFERENCES [ABB] J. M. Anderson, K. F. Barth, and D. A. Brannon, Research problems in complex analysis, Bull. London Math. Soc. 9 (1977), 129-162. MR 55:12899 [AS] L. V. Ahlfors and L. Sario, Riemann Surfaces, 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey 1960. MR 22:5729 [Go] G. M. Goluzin, Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, 2nd ed., English Translation, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, Rhode Island, 1969. MR 40:308 [Grl] H. Grotzsch, Uber das Parallelschlitztheorem der konformen Abbildung schlichter Bereiche, Ber. Verh. sachs Akad. Wiss. 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