Sweet relief - Private Health News

e a s i n g t h e p re s s ure
o f s pi nal s t e nos i s .
page 3
In this issue
g i rl Frie nd’s C l u b J oi nt
ready to Pa r-te e P re se rvatio n
In this issue
da Vinci
save your
A good
excuse to
visit the spa
cancer hurts
the heart
On the
way: A new
TIME OUT FOR WOMEN is published as a community service for the friends and patrons of:
Holy Cross Hospital
4725 North Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Patrick Taylor, MD, President and CEO
Luisa Gutman, Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Christine Moncrieffe, Director,
Marketing and Public Relations
Carmina Zamora, Editor
Vanessa Molina, Contributing Writer
Information in TIME OUT FOR WOMEN comes
from a wide range of medical experts. If you have
any concerns or questions about specific content
that may affect your health, please contact your
healthcare provider. Models may be used in photos
and illustrations.
Copyright © 2013
Coffey Communications, Inc.
Time Out for Women
From the
Patrick taylor, Md, holy
Cross hospital President
and Ceo
To the women in our community,
The holiday season is upon us
again, and we have so much to be
thankful for here at the Dorothy
Mangurian Comprehensive Women’s
Once more, our annual “This
One’s for the Girls” luncheon
presented by Morgan Stanley and
benefiting Women Owning Wellness
(WOW!) for the Partners in Breast
Health program was a great success!
See pictures from the event and read
more about it on pages 10 and 11.
And speaking of WOW!, they
are celebrating their second year
raising funds for women’s health
at Holy Cross and have installed a
new board. Libby West is serving
as President, Valerie Harvey is Vice
President, Pat Doering is Treasurer
and Trudy Norton is Secretary. They
are doing such a fantastic job!
Our annual Girlfriend’s Club
Ladies’ Golf Day is also coming
soon, and we are so excited to spend
the morning learning from the best
at Coral Ridge Country Club and
then enjoying a delicious meal by
Chef Udo. Learn more about this
event and the upcoming fourth
annual Holy Cross Hospital Golf
doreen Koenig, dorothy
Mangurian Comprehensive
Women’s Center Community
leadership Chair
Classic on Feb. 5 on page 13.
In this edition, you’ll also read
more about:
✓ A new revolutionary treatment
for spinal stenosis (page 3)
✓ Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion art
gallery reception for the Gold
Coast Watercolor Society exhibition (page 4)
✓ Robotic-assisted, minimally invasive treatments for gynecologic
problems (page 5)
✓ Orthopedic manual physical
therapy (page 6)
✓ Medical Spa at the Women’s
Center (page 7)
✓ Joint preservation (pages 8–9)
✓ Cardiac oncology (page 12)
✓ Holy Cross Auxiliary’s second
annual Epicurean Escapade
(page 13)
✓ Maternity Unit upgrade (page 14)
✓ Patient room service dining
(page 15)
✓ Girlfriend’s Club events (page 16)
We wish a happy and healthy
holiday season for you and your
loved ones. Have a fabulous new
Patrick A. Taylor, MD
Doreen Koenig
Spinal health
the pressure
a revolutionary treatMent For sPinal stenosis
By W. Porter McRoberts, MD, Interventional Spine and Pain Medicine Specialist, Holy Cross Medical Group
sPinal sTenosis
is caused by a
narrowing of the
spine (worsened
with standing or
walking), causing
pressure on your
spinal cord or spinal nerves. This
may cause pain, numbness, tingling,
weakness or a burning feeling that
starts in the buttocks and can radiate
down the leg and into the foot. The
primary symptoms are tiredness and/
or pain with walking.
in spinal stenosis, the spine narrows, causing
tissue to put pressure on the spinal cord or
treatment options
Treatment options for spinal
stenosis range from less invasive
methods, such as epidural injections,
to more invasive surgical options.
One of the latest advances in the treatment of spinal stenosis is the Totalis™
Direct Decompression System. The
Totalis system is a set of specialized, minimally invasive instruments
designed to safely remove the tissue
and bone that are putting pressure on
the nerves of your lower back.
This procedure is performed through
a very small incision and requires only
local anesthesia and mild sedation.
the minimally invasive totalis system allows a
surgeon to safely remove tissue and relieve pain
and pressure.
how totalis works
Patients are given medication to
help them relax and to minimize
discomfort during the procedure. To
begin the procedure, a small tube
called a cannula, which is about the
diameter of a dime, is placed through
a small incision (less than 1 inch)
in the middle of the lower back.
Then, a stabilizing platform holds
the cannula, which can be rotated
to treat both sides of the spine, in
place. Specialized instruments are
then placed through the cannula and
used to remove the tissue and bone
that are putting pressure on the spinal
nerves. The doctor uses x-ray images
to help precisely guide the Totalis
instruments during the procedure.
After the procedure, the cannula is
removed, the small incision is closed
and patients recover until they are
ready to go home.
If you think you would benefit
from this procedure, talk with your
physician. ❧
dr. Mcroberts practices at
holy Cross Medical group
interventional spine and Pain Medicine
office, 5601 n. dixie highway, #209, Fort
lauderdale, Fl 33334. Call 954-229-7962
to learn more.
The gallery
Gold Coast Watercolor Society
exhibition opens
Celebrating the Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion’s second art gallery installation
Time Out for Women
The Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion at
the Dorothy Mangurian Comprehensive
Women’s Center held a celebration of
its second art gallery exhibition featuring
works from the Gold Coast Watercolor
Society on Wednesday, Oct. 2.
“Tonight we celebrate the opening of
the second exhibition in the Gallery of the
Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion,” said Patrick
Taylor, MD, President and CEO, at the
event. “We are most grateful to the signature women of the Gold Coast Watercolor
Society for sharing their artwork with
us. The gallery has proven to be a great
Guests enjoyed delicious hors d’oeuvres
and cocktails while viewing 19 juried pieces
on display. The Gold Coast Watercolor
Society is a resource for artists, incorporated in February 1976. Not only does the
organization offer artists many opportunities to learn, paint and sketch, but it also
informs the public through exhibitions,
lectures and painting demonstrations. It is
the only organization in Broward County
dedicated to watercolor art media.
These paintings will be on display
through December 2013. The gallery
is located in the Patricia R. Guerrieri
Pavilion at the Women’s Center at Holy
Cross HealthPlex, 1000 NE 56th St. in Fort
Lauderdale. Gallery hours are Monday to
Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For more information please call
954-351-7800. ❧
1. John Johnson, Sr. Claudia Steger,
Sr. Marilyn Canning, Alan Guerrieri
and Janeen Sarlin 2. Marie Hansen
and Liz Langsenkamp 3. Brenda
Johnson and Sr. Margaret Crowley
4. Gordon Latz, Doreen Koenig,
Sheri Whittington and Steve Mehallis
5. Luisa Gutman, featured artist
Marilyn Johansen, Linda Wilford
and Patrick Taylor, MD 6. Featured
artists Rowena Smith and Georgia
McGraw 7. Sheri Whittington,
Doreen Koenig and Monica Maroone
Advanced surgery
many cases, results in lower patient
costs, to say nothing of saving vacation time.
Nowadays, robotic or laparoscopic
surgery is replacing traditional open
Introducing da Vinci
The da Vinci Si Surgical System can
help shorten your hospital stay
Don’t waste your
Gynecologic procedures are getting
faster and less invasive
By Ronald M. Tuttelman, MD, FACOG,
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Holy
Cross Physician Partners
fibroids, coagulation defects, ovarian
cysts and abnormal
uterine bleeding
account for more
than 35 percent of
visits to the gynecologist. Abnormal
uterine bleeding alone represents
more than 70 percent of all gynecological visits in the perimenopausal
and postmenopausal years.
Traditionally, the evaluation
and treatment of these problems
called for extended time away from
personal and professional activities.
This included choosing between
sacrificing vacation time, energy and
financial resources. This has come to
be known as the “I don’t have time to
take six weeks off ” syndrome.
A clearer view
Fortunately, evaluation of gynecological problems can now be initiated
using available diagnostic or other
imaging tools, including transvaginal
ultrasonography, magnetic resonance
imaging, saline infusion sonohysterography, hysteroscopy and endometrial aspiration. Evaluation will
often lead to medical treatment as
opposed to surgical intervention.
It won’t take long
Whether facing ablation of the
endometrial lining or minimally invasive surgery, the ease of recuperation
and consequences of surgery have
changed dramatically.
Procedures are often performed on
an outpatient basis in less than a day,
and you can be back at work within
two days to two weeks. This includes
some procedures that traditionally
required six weeks of recuperation.
Outpatient or 23-hour admission, in
Using state-of-the-art technology,
the da Vinci robotic surgery only
requires a few tiny incisions. The
enhanced vision, precision, dexterity
and control of the da Vinci system
allow your surgeon to perform a
more thorough removal of deeply
penetrated or widespread endometriosis implants. Potential benefits
over traditional surgery include:
✓✓Less blood loss
✓✓Low conversion rate to open
✓✓Low rate of complications
✓✓Short hospital stay and
✓✓Minimal scarring
The da Vinci Surgical System
provides surgeons with enhanced
capabilities, including magnified
view and high-definition 3-D vision.
During the procedure, your surgeon
controls the da Vinci system. This
transforms hand movements into
more precise movements of tiny
instruments inside your body. (While
it is called a robot, da Vinci cannot act
independent of the surgeon.)
Da Vinci technology allows
complex procedures to be performed
through tiny openings. This allows
patients to get back to their lives
without the long recovery periods
associated with traditional surgery.
Listen to your body, and regardless
of your age, seek consultation with
a qualified gynecologist. Through
medical therapy and enabling technology, the “six weeks syndrome” is
quickly becoming history. ❧
Dr. Tuttelman practices at
1880 E. Commercial Blvd.,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308. To learn
more, call 954-776-4395 or visit
Physical therapy
Orthopedic manual physical therapy
Rehab, relax, restore
By Rafael Gutierrez, DPT, COMT, Holy Cross Hospital Rehabilitation Institute
Orthopedic manual physical therapy is a hands-on
approach to treating musculoskeletal and neuromuscular
dysfunction. Physical therapists trained in manual therapy
use specific techniques, such as joint mobilizations, manipulations, soft tissue techniques and therapeutic exercises for
improving mobility and function throughout the body.
Conditions treated
Manual therapy is effective for a wide range of ages and can be used to treat
many conditions, including:
✓✓Orthopedic and sports ✓✓Radiculopathy
✓✓Ligament sprains
✓✓Sacroiliac dysfunction ✓✓Muscle strains
✓✓Postural dysfunction ✓✓Tendinopathies
✓✓Postsurgical issues
✓✓Neck and back pain
How it works
Manual therapy is effective because it helps restore normal mobility to
affected joints and muscles.
Joint mobilizations and manipulations help reduce stiffness, increase circulation, decrease pain, and restore mobility in joints to improve biomechanical
Soft tissue techniques also increase circulation and relax muscles so they can
move through the normal range of motion without restrictions.
Therapeutic exercise
Therapists who have undergone advanced training in orthopedic manual
therapy have also received training in therapeutic exercise geared specifically
toward rehabilitation. These exercises may differ from your typical exercise
routine because they are dosed and targeted specifically toward the problem
areas. Therapists will also address other areas in the body that may be adding
to the problematic site during the therapy sessions. Through manual therapy
and therapeutic exercise, physical therapists can help patients reduce pain and
restore normal function to help patients return to their daily activities. ❧
Rafael Gutierrez, DPT, COMT, is a staff Physical Therapist at Holy Cross
Hospital’s outpatient physical therapy clinic in Boca Raton. He may be
reached at 561-483-6924. Meet our other therapists and learn how we can help
you get moving again at www.HolyCrossOrthoRehab.com.
Where to find us
The Holy Cross Hospital
Rehabilitation Institute
currently offers outpatient
physical therapy services at
the following locations:
Time Out for Women
➜➜Holy Cross Orthopedic
Institute at Holy Cross
5597 N. Dixie Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334
➜➜Holy Cross Orthopedic
Institute at Lighthouse
Orthopedics–Boca Raton
9970 Central Park Blvd.
Boca Raton, FL 33428
➜➜Holy Cross Hospital
Main Campus
6th Floor
4725 N. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Medical spa
Indulge yourself
Enhance your mind, body and spirit in our Medical
Spa. Located inside the Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion, the
Medical Spa offers massage and acupuncture as well as
manicures, pedicures and facials.
Massage therapy
Massage therapy is a natural, soothing method of
relieving the stresses your body normally experiences
during pregnancy, after sports or anytime during the
course of your busy day. Massage relieves tension and
helps to alleviate common aches, pains and stresses. It
enhances the flow of nutrients to the body’s cells, keeps
tissues pliable as they age and prevents tension from escalating into chronic patterns of discomfort. Our licensed,
highly experienced massage therapists offer a variety of
massage techniques, including:
✓✓Therapeutic treatment—incorporates Swedish and
deep touch massage
✓✓LaStone therapy—uses heat and stone for a deep
tissue feeling with less pressure
✓✓Manual lymphatic drainage massage—a slow,
rhythmic calming and relaxing technique designed to
boost the immune system and remove excess fluids
✓✓Aroma touch technique—uses essential oils for therapeutic results
✓✓Pregnancy massage—can improve relaxation, mobility
and overall well-being during pregnancy
We also offer reflexology, Hawaiian lomilomi massage,
and Jin Shin Jyutsu.
Acupuncture has been around for over 4,000 years, yet
many people think of it as something new. It has stood the
test of time and is being used to help people in more and
more ways every day. Acupuncture involves the insertion
of very thin needles through the skin at various strategic
points on the body. By inserting needles into specific
points, one’s energy can be adjusted and overall health can
be improved. Acupuncture is recognized by the National
Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization
to be effective in the treatment of a variety of medical
problems including but not limited to: pain management,
weight loss, smoking cessation, insomnia and anxiety.
Our acupuncture practitioners are licensed and highly
Aesthetics and nail services
The Dorothy Mangurian Comprehensive Women’s
Center aims to be a healing place where women come for
education; medical services; lunch with a mother, sister
or girlfriend; relaxation; and other services to achieve
overall health and wellness. Our licensed estheticians
and nail specialists offer a delightful variety of skin and
nail services. Competitively priced and located inside the
Patricia R. Guerrieri Pavilion, we invite you to schedule a
spa manicure, pedicure or facial on your next visit or stop
in for a tour. While appointments are encouraged, walkins are welcome. ❧
The Medical Spa is open Monday through Friday
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with additional hours by
appointment only. (And, yes, men are welcome too!)
For more information or to schedule an appointment,
call 954-229-8657. Learn more about our services at
Joint health
A novel
dr. McCormick
practices at holy
Cross orthopedic
institute, 5597 n. dixie
highway, Fort lauderdale,
Fl 33334. to learn more,
call 954-958-4800.
For more information
on services available
at the Holy Cross
Orthopedic Institute, visit
Time Out for Women
approach to
joint preservation
orthoPediC sPorts MediCine at the holy Cross orthoPediC institute
conTinuinG iTs tradition of
innovation, the Holy Cross Orthopedic Institute introduces Frank
McCormick, MD, Orthopedic Sports
Medicine Surgeon, who specializes in
orthopedic sports medicine injuries;
joint preservation and cartilage
transplantation; orthopedic
biologics; and arthroscopic
surgery of the hip, shoulder
and knee. He is a Harvard
Combined Orthopedic
Residency Program
graduate and served
as a chief resident at
Massachusetts General
Hospital. He completed
an orthopedic sports
medicine fellowship
at world-renowned
Rush Sports Medicine
under the guidance
of Bernard Bach Jr.,
MD. He also recently
completed the prestigious International
Cartilage Repair
Society (ICRS) Sanofi
traveling fellowship in joint preservation and cartilage regeneration.
What sets him apart
Dr. McCormick brings a novel
treatment perspective to the Orthopedic Institute. “Americans can no
longer afford to endure early and
moderate osteoarthritis pain and
disability only to wait until their
joint has deteriorated to the point
of needing a joint replacement,” he
Osteoarthritis is the second
leading cause of disability in the
United States, and the average age
of diagnosis for knee arthritis is now
50 years old. This change is attributed to increasing obesity, sports
injuries and recreational activities.
“Through the use of state-of-theart techniques, coupled with proven
orthopedic surgical principles, we
are now able to address early joint
wear and pain, while at the same
time minimizing the recovery time
patients are off from work and the
playing field,” Dr. McCormick says.
An arthroscopic image of a
large osteochondral defect
of the medial femoral
condyle in a 35-year-old
recreational athlete who was
experiencing progressive pain
with activities of daily living.
Once the lesion was identified and
the knee evaluated for any concurrent
injuries or damage, a small piece of cartilage from a
non-weight-bearing portion of the knee was biopsied
and sent to a laboratory for cartilage cell expansion.
a new approach
Behind the advancing surgical techniques is the concept of the joint as
an organ requiring biological homeostasis. While treatments have traditionally focused on the biomechanical
factors of the joint (joint replacement
using metal), new research into the
biological integration of the catabolic
and anabolic contributions of the
muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage
and bones shows that they all play
an integral role in maintaining the
joint’s health.
Cartilage and meniscal transplantation procedures are now demonstrating 20- to 30-year outcomes that
are equivalent to those of total joint
Cellular interventions, stem
cells and orthopedic biologics are
ushering in new surgical and early
intervention approaches to orthopedic surgical care, and the Holy
Cross Orthopedic Institute
will be integral in bringing this
advanced care to the South Florida
community. ❧
The expanded cartilage
cells are now placed on
a collagen scaffold for
implantation into the
defect. Over a few months,
these cells will fill the cartilage defect with nearly optimal
integration to the surrounding
tissue. As techniques evolve, this minimally invasive procedure can now be done on an
outpatient basis.
Community giving
Sixth annual
“This One’s for the Girls”
luncheon a success!
WoMen oWning Wellness
Fundraising event raises More than $60,000
Women oWninG Wellness’ “This
One’s for the Girls” Luncheon presented
by Morgan Stanley and benefiting the
Partners in Breast Health program at
the Dorothy Mangurian Comprehensive
Women’s Center was held on Thursday,
Oct. 17, at the Hyatt Pier 66 in Fort
In addition to presenting sponsor
Morgan Stanley, major sponsors included
AutoNation, City Furniture/Ashley
Furniture, Nova Southeastern University
and Serta.
“We are so proud that this luncheon
is a fun, exciting event that our guests
look forward to year after year,” says
Carrie Stiles Tidwell, who chaired the
Time Out for Women
event along with Libby West and Laura
Minor. Community Leadership Chairs
Doreen Koenig, Monica Maroone and
Sheri Whittington served as chairs
Guests enjoyed a fabulous lunch
and shopping opportunities for unique
gifts, fashions and accessories at select
specialty boutiques on-site. Portions of
the proceeds from the shopping will also
benefit the Center. Boutiques included
Ann’s Florist, Casbah Spa, Cathi’s,
Country Squire, GRAAL Distribution,
Junior League of Greater Fort Lauderdale, Lorelei’s Gift Shop, QBS Designs,
Salon Bark Lifestyle Boutique, Stella and
Dot, and Sun Bead Bracelets. ❧
The cardiology-cancer connection
By Jorge Arturo Flores, MD, FACC,
Cardiologist, Holy Cross Medical Group
cancer is the
second leading
cause of death in
the United States
after cardiovascular disease; the
survival rate of all
types of cancer has improved in the
last 25 years from 50 percent to 68
percent as a result of more successful
anticancer therapies by oncologists.
There are currently over 12 million
cancer survivors. This, however,
comes with a price, as cardiac toxicity
stemming from oncology treatments
is a common adverse effect. It has
resulted in more interaction between
cardiologists and oncologists. There
is a trend in this country of hospitals
developing oncology-cardiology
clinics. Holy Cross Bienes Cancer
Center opened its Cardio-Oncology
clinic on Nov. 14 of this year.
Cardiac toxicity
Adverse effects include direct
toxicity to the cardiac muscle cells
(myocytes) from chemotherapy,
resulting in defects in contractility of
the heart and ultimately leading to
congestive heart failure of varying
degrees. Another source of toxicity
is radiation therapy, which can cause
valvular problems and pericarditis.
Other drugs used in cancer treatment can also cause blood pressure
and lipid abnormalities. There are
situations in which more than one
agent is used, therefore increasing the
possibility of cardiac toxicity.
two types of
cardiac toxicity
One type of cardiac toxicity is
caused by direct action on the heart’s
left ventricle, causing heart failure as a
final result. This is a direct effect from
Jorge arturo Flores, Md, FaCC, practices at holy Cross Medical group,
gallagher adult Practice, 1900 e. Commercial blvd., #101, Fort lauderdale,
Fl 33308. to learn more, call 954-351-5838.
Time Out for Women
drugs of the anthracycline type, like
doxorubicin, and its effect is nonreversible and generally dose-related.
A mediated cardiac toxicity is
caused by monoclonal antibodies,
such as protein kinase inhibitors (KI)
like Herceptin. This adverse effect is
reversible and not dose-dependent;
outcomes are more favorable than in
the other type.
An integration between clinical
oncology and cardiology is essential to detect early signs of toxicity.
This collaboration involves cardiac
testing, such as echocardiography or
nuclear cardiology, which facilitates
the decision to delay or modify treatments as needed. The use of cardiac
protecting agents (i.e., beta blockers,
ACE inhibitors or ARBs, or diuretics)
becomes necessary as soon as any
cardiac dysfunction is detected. These
therapies are also useful once heart
abnormalities are present.
Direct communication between
oncologists and cardiologists is vital
in reaching a common goal: a cancerfree, heart-healthy patient. Be sure
to discuss cardiac toxicity with your
physician. For more information on
Holy Cross Hospital’s CardioOncology Clinic, visit
www.holycrossheart.com. ❧
Holy Cross news
Holy Cross
gets ready to
Fourth annual golF
ClassiC Will onCe again
beneFit WoMen’s health
for Three years, the Holy Cross
Hospital Golf Classic has been a
great success, raising nearly $400,000
for the Dorothy Mangurian Comprehensive Women’s Center. This year’s
committee has begun preparations
for the fourth annual tournament on
Feb. 5, which will once again be held
at Coral Ridge Country Club.
This year the funds raised at the
event will benefit the Partners in
Breast Health (PIBH) program at the
Women’s Center. The PIBH community outreach program provides
women with mammograms in hope
of reducing late stage breast cancer
gordon latz, sheri Whittington, doreen Koenig and steve Mehallis during last year’s holy Cross
hospital golf Classic
diagnosis and cancer mortality in
underserved communities in Broward
County through early detection—
ultimately saving lives.
Doreen Koenig and Sheri Whittington are co-chairing the event,
and the Harry T. Mangurian, Jr.
Foundation will present the Holy
Cross Hospital Golf Classic for
the fourth year in a row. Stiles will
once again be our title sponsor,
and Goldman Sachs will be our
champion sponsor. Koenig and
Whittington, along with Monica
Maroone, also spearhead the
Community Leadership Committee
for the Dorothy Mangurian Comprehensive Women’s Center.
On January 9, the Girlfriend’s
Club will hold their third annual
Golf Clinic at Coral Ridge Country
Club, which allows the Girlfriends
to brush up on their golf skills with
Coral Ridge professionals while
enjoying refreshments followed by
lunch. ❧
Second annual Epicurean Escapade
holy Cross hosPital auXiliary’s Fundraising event Will be held at an eXCiting neW loCation
Mike and alice Jackson and doreen and Keith Koenig at last year’s epicurean escapade
earlier This year, Holy Cross
Hospital Auxiliary held its first annual
Epicurean Escapade: A Food & Wine
Experience, raising more than $200,000.
And you will want to save the date for its
second year, as the event is taking place
on March 8, 2014, at a new location: the
Design Center of the Americas in Dania
The Auxiliary is absolutely delighted
that Alice and Mike Jackson have agreed
to serve as Honorary Chairs. Serving
as physician chairs will be Vicki and
Dr. Kenneth Homer. Like last year,
guests will be able to dance and feast
on culinary fare from around the world
through four themed food stations and
unlimited wine pairings that complement each course. The food stations will
feature Argentinean, Greek, Italian and
New Orleans cuisine. ❧
Blessed Beginnings
neW WoMen’s health FoCus Will be an uPgraded Maternity Center
holy cross hosPiTal is proud
to announce the start of construction
to upgrade the current Maternity
Unit. The project will tentatively
be called Blessed Beginnings. It will
welcome new life into the world
and celebrate the miracle of
birth in a fully renovated,
beautiful and sophisticated
atmosphere. Like at the
Dorothy Mangurian
Women’s Center, Holy Cross always
treats the body, spirit and mind, and
we know how important surroundings are for both a newborn child and
their parents. In addition to aesthetic
improvements, the unit will feature
the latest technology in obstetrics.
naming opportunities
This project will be heavily funded
through philanthropy, so there will be
several naming opportunities available
for the community to get involved
and help make a difference in the lives
of the children born at Holy Cross
and their parents. Currently, naming
opportunities include: the Blessed
Beginnings Center title name, which
will be highly visible on a large donor
wall; the family waiting area; labor
and delivery; two nurses’ stations;
neonatal intensive care unit (NICU);
well-baby nursery; mother and baby
nursery; and two suites.
the best in care
There will be innovative initiatives
and best practices offered, such as
our Skin to Skin program allowing
moms and their babies to bond from
the very first moment. Holy Cross
was the first hospital in Broward
County to not separate babies from
their mothers, a technique that
promotes bonding.
Our level 2 NICU can accommodate
95 percent of all births and supports
babies born at 32 weeks, so it is
rare to ever have to transfer a
premature baby. Most of the
rooms will be able to accommodate fathers, and arrangements can be made for other
family members to stay as well.
New moms will receive special
Best of all, there will be
birthday parties every day! For
more information on Blessed
Beginnings and how you can
support this project, please email
donations@holy-cross.com or call
954-229-8569. ❧
The excitement is building, and
the construction has begun on our
new Blessed Beginnings floor at Holy
Cross Hospital. A huge area of the hospital
is being fully renovated to bring the latest
technology and methodology to Fort Lauderdale.
Time Out for Women
Holy Cross News
Just what the patient ordered
holy Cross hosPital introduCes rooM serviCe dining
holy cross Hospital focuses on
providing a patient-centered experience. In keeping with this focus, we
are offering At Your Request—Room
Service Dining by Sodexo, which
allows patients to order a variety of
freshly prepared meals from an extensive menu and have them delivered
to their rooms within 45 minutes of
“By ordering what patients feel like
eating when they feel like eating it,
they eat more, which improves their
nutritional intake and supports the
healing process,” says Ann Thomas,
Sodexo’s General Manager at Holy
Cross Hospital. “Similarly, since meals
are prepared only after an order
has been received, they are always
fresh, tasty and have high nutritional
value. Experience has proven that
the At Your Request—Room Service
Dining by Sodexo program enhances
the patients’ overall experience and
Patients may order their own selections starting with the first meal after
admission. Operators are available to
guide patients through their choices
and confirm that the meals comply
with any physician-prescribed diet.
Examples of menu items that may
be ordered under the new program
include classic meatloaf, Tuscan herb
salmon and a popular Asian stir fry.
At Your Request—Room Service
Dining by Sodexo is currently used
in approximately 350 hospitals
throughout North America and,
in addition to meals, is designed to
ensure patients also receive necessary
snacks and hydration as needed. ❧
Meals are always
fresh and tasty,
and they have high
nutritional value.
We wish to honor the physicians and Associates of the Holy Cross Medical
Group for your two decades of service. Since 1993, you’ve provided
unbeatable expertise in a wide range of specialties along with true
compassion. You’ve remained true to Holy Cross’ mission of putting our
patients first. And our community is better – and healthier – because of you.
Our mission is you.
To find a Holy Cross Medical Group Physician,
call 1-866-988-DOCS | HolyCrossMedicalGroup.com
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Follow holy Cross on:
4725 North Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Jacksonville, FL
Permit No. 1176
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➜ www.twitter.com/holycrossfl
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For a holy Cross Medical
group Physician referral,
call 866-988-DOCS
Girlfriend’s Club
events and happenings
Jan. 9, 2014: Girlfriend’s club
ladies’ Golf day at coral
ridge country club
Feb. 5, 2014: The harry
T. mangurian, Jr. foundation
presents the fourth annual
holy cross hospital Golf
classic at coral ridge
country club
March 8, 2014: The holy
cross hospital auxiliary
presents the second annual
epicurean escapade: a food &
Wine experience at the design
center of the americas