Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University at Rangsit School of Information, Computer and Communication Technology ____________________________________________________________________________ COURSE : ECS 204 Basic Electrical Engineering Lab INSTRUCTOR : Asst. Prof. Dr. Prapun Suksompong ( WEB SITE : EXPERIMENT : 01 DC Measurements ____________________________________________________________________________ I. OBJECTIVES 1. To measure dc voltage and current in electrical circuits. 2. To verify Ohm’s law. 3. To study voltage-divider and current-divider circuits. 4. To verify Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws. II. BASIC INFORMATION 1. The amount of current in a circuit depends on the amount of voltage applied to the circuit and the nature of the conductive path. Ammeters and voltmeters are used to measure current and voltage, respectively. Recall from Experiment 00 that, to measure a current, the ammeter terminals must be connected in series with the current to be measured. In measuring a voltage, the voltmeter terminals must be connected in parallel with the voltage to be measured. Connecting either an ammeter or a voltmeter into a circuit may disturb the circuit in which the measurement is being made. It is therefore important to be aware of these possible meter-loading effects. 2. The voltage across many types (not all) of conducting materials is directly proportional to the current flowing through the material. The constant of the proportionality is called resistance. This fact was discovered by George Simon Ohm, a German physicist, and it is thus referred to as Ohm’s law. Resistors are one of the most commonly used elements in electrical and electronic circuits. Materials often used in fabricating resistors are metallic alloys and carbon compounds. 3. Practical resistors are specified by their nominal resistance value and tolerance value. The most common type of resistors is the carbon composition or carbon film resistor. Resistors are limited in their ability to dissipate heat. Their power ratings commercially available are 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, and 2 W. Since heat-dissipation capability is related to the surface area, resistors with larger power ratings are physically larger than those with smaller ratings. Ohmmeters are used to measure resistance. It should be noted that the resistor must not be connected to any circuit at the time its resistance is being measured by an ohmmeter. Otherwise, the resistance value read by the ohmmeter will be incorrect. 4. By definition, an electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical elements. The interconnection of the elements, however, imposes constraints on the relationships between the terminal voltages and currents. The two laws that state the constraints in mathematical form are known as Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL). These two laws are named after Gustav Kirchhoff, a German physicist, and can be stated as follows. KCL: For any electric circuits, the algebraic sum of all branch currents at any node is zero. KVL: For any electric circuits, the algebraic sum of all voltages around any loop is zero. 5. Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws find immediate applications in designing voltagedivider and current-divider circuits. A simple voltage-divider circuit consists of two resistors connected in series with a voltage source. The voltage divides between the two resistors in series such that the voltage across either resistor equals the source voltage multiplied by the resistance of that resistor and divided by the sum of the resistances. A simple current-divider circuit, on the other hand, consists of two resistors connected in parallel across a current source. The current divides between two resistors in parallel such that the current in either resistor equals the source current multiplied by the resistance of the other branch and divided by the sum of the resistances. We now elaborate the concepts mentioned above. 2 II.1 Ohm’s law + i v R _ Figure 1-1: The representation of voltage and current of a resistor. Ohm’s law states that the voltage (v) across and current (i) through a resistor (R) as shown in Figure 1-1 can be represented by v = i R, where v is the voltage across the resistor in volts, i is the current flowing through the resistor in amperes, and R is the resistance in ohms. II.2. Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL) For any electric circuits, the algebraic sum of all branch currents at any node is zero. Let’s consider the circuit in Figure 1-2. The total current IT flows from the source into node A. At this node, the current splits into three branches as indicated in the figure. Each of the three branch currents, I1 , I 2 , and I 3 , flows out of node A. KCL states that the total current into node A is equal to the total current out node A, that is, IT = I1 + I2 + I3 I1 I2 IT A I3 IT B Vps Figure 1-2: Total current into node A is equal to the sum of currents out of node A. The sum of currents into node B equals the total current out of node B. 3 Following the currents through the three branches, we can see that they come back together at node B, where the current IT flows out. KCL applied at this node, therefore, gives the same equation as that at node A. II.3 Kirchhoff’s voltage law (KVL) For any electric circuits, the algebraic sum of the branch voltages around any loop is zero. For example, in the circuit shown in Figure 1-3, there are three voltage drops (denoted by V1, V2, and V3) and one voltage source (Vs). By KVL, we can algebraically sum all of the voltages around the circuit to obtain V1+V2 + V3 - Vs = 0 + V1 + Vs - + V2 - V3 + Figure 1-3: The sum of the voltage drops equals the source voltage, Vs. Alternatively, the above equation can be expressed by moving the voltage drop terms to the right side of the equation, i.e. Vs = V1 + V2 + V3 In other words, the source voltage is equal to the sum of all voltage drops. II.4. Voltage-divider circuit Figure 1-4 shows an example of a voltage divider circuit. Applying KVL around the closed loop yields Vs =i(R1 +R 2 ) , which implies i= Vs (R1 R 2 ) 4 i R1 + V1 _ R2 + V2 _ Vs Figure 1-4: The voltage-divider circuit. By using the Ohm’s law, V1 can be found, i.e. V1 = iR1 = Vs R1 (R1 +R 2 ) Observe that V1 is a fraction of Vs, where the fraction is equal to the ratio of R1 to R1+R2. Similarly, V2 can be found via V2 = iR 2 = Vs R2 . (R 1 +R 2 ) II.5. The current-divider circuit An example of a current-divider circuit is shown in Figure 1-5. It consists of two resistors connected in parallel across a current source. The source current is in Figure 1-5 is divided between into two branches. + is i1 R 2 R1 i2 V - Figure 1-5: The current-divider circuit. We find the relationship between is and the current through each resistor (i1 and i2) by directly applying Ohm’s law and KCL. First, the voltage across the parallel resistors is v = i1 R 1 =i 2 R 2 5 By KCL, is =i1 +i 2 . Therefore is = 1 v v 1 + v + R1 R 2 R1 R 2 , which gives v is 1 1 + R1 R 2 Thus, we have i1 = i2 = 1 R1 R2 v = is = is 1 1 R1 (R 1 +R 2 ) + R1 R 2 1 R2 R1 v = is = is . 1 1 R2 (R +R ) 1 2 + R1 R 2 III. MATERIALS REQUIRED - DC power supply - Multi-meter - Resistors (1/2-W): 330-, 470-, 820-, 1-k, 1.2-k, 2-k, 2.2-k, 3.3-k, 4.7-k, and 10-k. IV. PROCEDURE When you finish each part of the experiment, make sure that both you and your lab partner have completed the corresponding table. You will need signature from the TAs or the lab instructor for each part of the experiment. The signatures are required for both your sheet and your lab partner sheet. Include these sheets in the lab report. 6 Part A: Verification of Ohm's law 1. Turn on the dc power supply. 2. Use a DMM (in voltmeter mode) to measure the output voltage (Vps) of the power supply, and adjust the voltage until the meter reads 10 V. Note that getting exactly 10.00 is not easy. Try to get as close to 10.00 as possible. Record the exact (measured) value of the voltage in Table 1-1. 3. Measure the resistance of a resistor R = 2 k, and record the result in Table 1-1. 4. Connect the circuit as in Figure 1-6. (Simply connect the power supply across the resistor R. The “V” and “A” are there to demonstrate how to connect the DMM for voltage and current measurement.) Measure the current I flowing through the resistor (using the DMM in ammeter mode shown as “A” in Figure 1-6, and record the result in Table 1-1. ammeter A I + Vps + - voltmeter V R = 2k _ Figure 1-6: The circuit for verifying Ohm's law. The “V” is the DMM in its voltmeter mode. The “A” is the DMM in its ammeter mode. Note that with only one DMM, we cannot connect both “V” and “A” simultaneously. 5. Change the DMM to its voltmeter mode. Connect it across the power supply, as shown in Figure 1-6 as “V”, to get an accurate reading of Vps. Vary Vps to 15 V, 20 V, and 25V. Record the actual output voltage from the power supply and the corresponding currents in Table 1-1. 6. Use Ohm’s law to calculate the value of I (from the measured values of Vps and R) in each of the above cases, and record the results in Table 1-1. 7 Part B: Voltage-divider circuit 1. Use R1 = 10 k and R2 = 2 k. Measure the resistance of R1 and R2, and record the results in Table 1-2. 2. Turn on the power supply. 3. Connect a voltmeter across the power supply, and adjust the output voltage Vps of the supply so that Vps = 12V. Record the exact value of Vps in Table 1-2. 4. Connect the circuit in Figure 1-7. A R1 Vps = 12 V R2 + V1 _ + V2 _ C Figure 1-7: A voltage-divider circuit. 5. Measure the voltage across R1; this is the voltage V1 in the figure. Record the result in “measured value” of V1 in Table 1-2. 6. Similarly, measure V2 in the figure, and record the value in “measured value” of V2 in Table 1-2. 7. Use the measured values of Vps, R1, and R2 to calculate V1 and V2 by voltage-divider rules: V1 =Vps R1 , RT V2 =Vps R2 , RT where RT is the total resistance R1+R2. Record the values in "calculated value" in Table 1-2. 8 Part C: Current-divider circuit 1. Let R1 = 2.2 k, R2 = 3.3 k, and R3 = 4.7 k. Measure the resistance of each resistor, and record the values in Table 1-3. 2. Turn on the power supply, and adjust the supply so that the output voltage Vps = 15 V. Record the value of Vps in Table 1-3. 3. Connect the circuit as in Figure 1-8. The figure also shows how to connect the ammeter and voltmeter to measure Vps, IT, I1, I2, and I3. Because you have only one DMM, you can only measure the values one at a time. IT A + R1 R2 V Vps R3 I1 _ A I3 I2 A A Figure 1-8: A current-divider circuit. 4. Measure IT, I1, I2, and I3 using the DMM. Record the values in Table 1-3. 5. Calculate I1, I2, and I3 by current-divider rules: I1 = IT RT /R1 I2 = IT RT /R2 I3 = IT RT /R3 where RT is the total resistance R1 // R2 // R3. Record the results in “calculated value” in Table 1-3. Use the measured values of IT, R1, R2, and R3 in your calculation. 6. Calculate the value of IT again by adding the calculated values of I1, I2, and I3 from the previous step. Record the values in Table 1-3. This should be exactly equal to the measured value of IT that you have recorded before. 9 Part D: Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws 1. Turn on the dc power supply, and adjust the power supply (with the help of a DMM) so that the output voltage Vps = 15 V. Record the measured value of Vps in Table 1-4. 2. Measure and record the resistance values of all resistors. Then, connect the circuit shown in Figure 1-9. + V1 _ + V2 _ + V3 Vps R1 + 330 ohms V V4 _ + + V5 _ R5 1200 ohms R2 I1 _ R4 470 ohms R3 1000 ohms R6 2200 ohms R8 4700 ohms R7 3300 ohms I8 820 ohms _ Figure 1-9: The circuit for verifying Kirchhoff’s laws. 3. Calculate V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5 by using the measured value of Vps and all the measured resistance values. Record your results in Table 1-4. 4. Measure the voltages V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5, and record the values in Table 1-4. 5. Calculate Vps (= V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5), and record the result in Vps (calculated) in Table 1-4. Use the measured values of V1, V2, …, V5 in your calculation. 6. Measure I1, which is the current flowing through R1, and record the value in Table 1-4. 7. Measure the currents I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, and I8, which are currents flowing through R2 R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, and R8, respectively. Record the values in Table 1-4. 8. Turn off the power supply. 9. Calculate the sum of I2 and I3, and record the result in the table. Check your result by comparing the value with I4. 10. Calculate the sum of I5, I6, and I7, and record the values in Table 1-4. Check your result by comparing it with I8. 10 TABLE 1-1: Verification of Ohm’s law R = __________ V (volts) 10 15 20 25 I (amps) Calculated I (amps) TA Signature: ________________________ TABLE 1-2: Voltage-divider circuit R1 = _______________ R2 = _______________ Vps V1 V2 Measured value Calculated value N/A TA Signature: ________________________ TABLE 1-3: Current-divider circuit R1 = _____________ R2 = _____________ R3 = _____________ Vps I1 I2 I3 IT Measured value Calculated value N/A TA Signature: ________________________ TABLE 1-4: Verification of Kirchhoff’s laws VPS = _____________ (measured). R1 = R2 = R3 = VPS = ___________ (calculated in part D.5). Measured value V1 V2 V3 V4 Calculated value V5 V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 R4 = R5 = R6 = Measured value I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 Calculated value I6 I7 I8 I2 + I3 R7 = R8 = TA Signature: 11 ________________________ I5+I6+I7 QUESTIONS: Choose a correct answer for each question. 1. When an additional resistor is connected across an existing parallel connection of resistors, the total resistance ____________. (a) decreases. (b) increases. (c) remains the same. (d) increases by the value of the added resistor. 2. In a series connection of resistors, each resistor has ___________. (a) the same current. (b) the same voltage. (c) the same power. (d) all of the above. Fill in the blanks. 1. Loop equations are written by applying __________________ to each loop in a circuit. 2. When a 1.2 k resistor and a 2100 resistor are connected in parallel, the total resistance is ___________. When they are connected in series, the total resistance is ____________. 3. A good ammeter should have (value) internal resistance. 4. To calculate the current flowing through a resistor, a voltmeter is connected in __________ with that resistor, and the relationship between the measured voltage and __________ can be used to determine the current value. 5. A good voltmeter should have _____________(value) internal resistance. True or False. 1. _______ A constant voltage is provided by a constant current source across its terminals under all load conditions. 2. ______ The total resistance of a parallel connection of R1 and R2 is greater than R1 + R2. 12 Analyze the circuit. I R2 Vps R1 I1 load 1 0.2 A 5V A load 2 0.4 A 20 V Figure 1-10: The circuit used in the analysis. A voltage-divider circuit in Figure 1-10, with Vps = 20 V, can supply two loads: load 1 is 0.2 A at 5 V, and load 2 is 0.4 A at 20 V. Assume that the current I1 is 0.1 A. The value of R1 and R2 must be R1 = __________ , R2 = __________ . The resistance of each load is: load 1’s resistance = __________ , load 2’s resistance = __________ . The current I = __________ A. Show the detail of your analysis in the report. 13