REVIEWS TIBS 24 – FEBRUARY 1999 Non-mitochondrial ATP transport Herbert H. Winkler and H. Ekkehard Neuhaus Exchange of organelle ATP with cytosolic ADP through the ADP/ATP carrier is a well-characterized feature of mitochondrial metabolism. Obligate intracellular bacteria, such as Rickettsia prowazekii, and higher-plant plastids possess another type of adenylate transporter, which exchanges bacterial or plastidic ADP for ATP from the eukaryotic (host cell) cytoplasm. The bacterial and plastidic transporters are similar but do not share significant sequence similarities with the mitochondrial carrier. Recent molecular and biochemical studies are providing deeper insight into the functional and evolutionary relationships between the bacterial and the plant transport proteins. THE CONCENTRATION OF ATP within cells is orders of magnitude higher than we would predict from the equilibrium constant for ATP hydrolysis. The synthesis of ATP at such a high concentration and the use of this ATP as the common energy currency are a large part of cellular metabolism. The size and charge of ATP prevents its crossing biological membranes without a carrier protein. Because ATP is essentially absent from the extracellular environment, and the precious ATP pool within the cytoplasm would be put at risk if an ATP carrier was present in the cell membrane, plasma-membrane ATP transporters have not evolved. Thus, conventional wisdom supports the generalization that the cell membrane is impermeant to ATP. However, the internal membranes of the cell, organelle membranes, are not included in this generalization, and the cell membranes of strange creatures that inhabit the cytoplasm of other cells are also an exception. These membranes, in contrast to the typical cell membrane, separate an external compartment where ATP is an available substrate from an internal compartment where ATP would be beneficial. of plastids – can exchange ATP for ADP. Mitochondria must transport the ATP they synthesize from their matrix to the cytosol (see Fig. 1). The mitochondrial ADP/ATP transport system was discovered in the 1960s as a result of investigations stemming from the poisoning of children who ate certain Sicilian thistles containing atractyloside, which inhibits this transport system1–3. This inhibitor, as well as another inhibitor, bongkrekic acid, continues to play an important role in the elucidation of the properties of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP transport system4. The mitochondrial transporter is a dimer. The monomer contains three (a) (b) 100-residue repeating units, and each repeating unit contains two transmembrane helices and a connecting hydrophilic loop. In 1969, Heldt5 found that spinach-leaf chloroplasts possess a carrier protein for ATP/ADP transport. Subsequently, ATP import was also observed in isolated chromoplasts, leucoplasts and amyloplasts, which confirmed the general presence of ATP/ADP transporters in plastids6. (All types of plastids are derived from undifferentiated proplastids. Chloroplasts harbor the photosynthetic machinery; amyloplasts store starch; chromoplasts contain pigments, and leucoplasts are located in roots.) Studies of isolated plastids and proteoliposomes demonstrated that these ATP/ADP transporters are specific for ATP and ADP, and exhibit Km values for both substrates in the range 15–40 mM7,8. However, in contrast to mitochondrial adenylate transporters, all non-mitochondrial ATP/ ADP transporters appear to be insensitive to atractyloside or bongkrekic acid. In eukaryotic cells, microsomal vesicles include the Golgi complex and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Several reactions in these organelles depend on energy in the form of ATP. For example, protein phosphorylation in the Golgi and ER, and protein import and folding in ER, require ATP at the luminal side. Vesicles from both types of organelle possess transport proteins that allow uptake of ATP from the cytosol9,10, but the characteristics of ATP transport have been determined in detail only for enriched ER vesicles. (c) Atractyloside Bongkrekic acid ADP ATP ADP ATP ADP ATP F1-ATPase + Proton H extrusion + H + H Organelle adenylate transport Membrane-bound organelles – mitochondria, chloroplasts and other types Thylakoid Rickettsia H. H. Winkler is at the Dept of Microbiology and Immunology, University of South Alabama College of Medicine, Mobile, AL 36688, USA; and H. E. Neuhaus is at the Dept of Plant Physiology, University of Osnabrück, Osnabrück, D-49069, Germany. Email: 64 Mitochondrion Chloroplast Figure 1 Examples of adenylate-transport systems. (a) Rickettsia. (b) Mitochondrion. (c) Chloroplast. The preferential directions of transport are indicated, as are the directions of proton extrusion and the proton-driven ATPase. The outer membranes are shown as blue lines and the inner membranes as red lines. 0968 – 0004/99/$ – See front matter © 1999, Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S0968-0004(98)01334-6 REVIEWS TIBS 24 – FEBRUARY 1999 Uptake of ATP into enriched ER vesicles from rat liver and bakers’ yeast is protein mediated and exhibits micromolar apparent-affinity constants10,11. As observed for mitochondrial adenylate transport, movement of adenylates into the lumen of enriched ER is associated with counterexchange11,12. However, unlike the mitochondrial ADP/ATP transporter, the ER ATP/ADP-transport system was not inhibited by carboxyatractylate10,11. This suggests that the two transporters exhibit substantial structural differences. ER vesicles enriched from a bakers’-yeast mutant that lacks the ERmembrane-bound Sac1p protein exhibit strongly reduced rates of ATP import12. From this observation, it was logical to assume that Sac1p is an adenylate transporter. However, because Sac1p possesses only one putative transmembrane domain13, one would have to assume a rather unusual topology for this to be a solute transporter. Indeed, a detailed alignment of the amino acid sequence of Sac1p with those of other proteins suggested that Sac1p performs a function similar to an inositol-5phosphate phosphatase14; no connection between such a function and the ER ATP transporter has been reported. Bacterial adenylate transport In 1976, Winkler15 reported that the bacterium Rickettsia prowazekii, a pathogenic invader of eukaryotic cell cytoplasm and the etiologic agent of louse-borne typhus, transports ATP – the first report of a strange intracytoplasmic creature’s benefiting from an adenylate-transport system. There is no net transport of adenylates into rickettsiae by this system; rather, these bacteria obtain energy through the obligate exchange of ATP for ADP. The transport system exhibits a halfmaximal velocity at a substrate concentration of ~75 mM and is highly specific in that deoxyribonucleotides, AMP and nonadenine-based ribonucleotides are not substrates; specificity resides in the base, the number of phosphates and the sugar. In 1982, Hatch and co-workers16 showed that the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci possesses a similar ATP/ADP transport system. Both of these bacterial species are obligate intracellular parasites. R. prowazekii can grow only within the cytoplasm of a eukaryotic host cell, and chlamydiae can grow only within special intracytoplasmic vacuoles. Thus, the evolutionary acquisition of such a transport system in these bacteria allowed them to parasitize the energy reserves of their host. None of the genomic sequences currently available encode a protein that is homologous to that in mitochondria, rickettsiae, chlamydiae or plastids (see below). Differences in preferred directions of exchange Mitochondrial transporters differ from plastidic and rickettsial transporters in their preferred direction of ATP transport (see Fig. 1). In the test tube, all possible directions of exchange of ATP and ADP are observed. However, in situ there is a single preferred and productive direction. Rickettsiae and chlamydiae take ATP from the host cell cytoplasm, use the ‘high-energy phosphate’ and return ADP, which the host cell recharges to ATP. By contrast, mitochondria provide the cytoplasm with ATP17. Unlike mitochondrial ATP, the ATP generated in chloroplasts through photosynthesis is not available to the cytoplasm but is totally consumed by CO2 fixation and other anabolic processes that take place within the interior of the chloroplast. Transport studies on isolated chloroplasts revealed that ATP import occurs twice as fast as ADP uptake7. In the case of heterotrophic pea-root plastids, uptake of ATP and ADP occurs at similar rates7, which indicates that the cytosolic ATP:ADP ratio is important for control of anabolic reactions in storage plastids. Although strict control of adenylatetransport polarity might be limited to mitochondria, in both rickettsiae and plastids the ATP influx appears to be the favoured direction, because cytosolic ATP:ADP ratios are high. Sequences of bacterial and plastidic transporters The gene that encodes the rickettsial adenylate transporter (tlc) was sequenced in 1989; on the basis of the deduced amino acid sequence, we can predict that the rickettsial protein is twice as large as (56.7 kDa), and shares no meaningful sequence homology with, its mitochondrial analogues, although both are typical membrane proteins18. The rickettsial transporter has 12 predicted transmembrane domains and, unlike the mitochondrial transporter, has no repeating elements. Peptide-specific-antibodyaccessibility experiments place the C-terminus in the rickettsial cytoplasm19. In 1995, Kampfenkel et al.20 identified an Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA that encodes a protein that shares .66% similarity with the rickettsial ATP/ADP transporter but lacks any sequence relationship with mitochondrial adenylate transporters. The surprisingly high degree of similarity to a prokaryotic protein indicated that this was a new type of eukaryotic adenylate transporter; the transporter was termed ATP/ADP transport protein (A. thaliana) [AATP(At)]. AATP(At) has an N-terminal amino acid extension that is not present in the bacterial homologues. This extension has a structure typical of four other proteins that reside in the inner membrane of the plastid envelope, which suggests that AATP(At) is also a plastidic protein20. As predicted, the gene product of in-vitro-translated AATP cDNA is incorporated into the inner membrane of chloroplasts21. Similar cDNAs for plastidic ATP/ADP transporters are present in maize and potato, and partial sequences from several other plant cDNA libraries have been identified. Southern-blot analysis of genomic DNA extracted from two A. thaliana ecotypes revealed another isoform of the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter, AATP2(At) (Ref. 20). We have cloned and sequenced AATP2(At), which is very similar to AATP1(At) (Ref. 22). Sequencing of the complete genomes of rickettsia and chlamydia has revealed that there are four homologues of the tlc gene in rickettsiae and two in chlamydiae. Figure 2 shows the homologies in a selected region of all the currently identified nonmitochondrial ATP/ADP transporters. The rickettsial and plastidic genes are known to be expressed, because they were discovered through cDNAs from plastids, and mRNAs for all five homologous genes are found in rickettsiae (S. G. E. Andersson et al., unpublished). However, these homologues may well exhibit different biochemical properties and might have different substrate specificities. Expression in heterologous systems A plant transporter, AATP(At), was recently expressed and inserted into the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane for the first time23 (in an E. coli strain24 suitable for the heterologous expression of membrane-bound proteins). The two heterologously expressed plastidic ATP/ADP transporters, AATP1(At) and AATP2(At), mediate the counterexchange mode of transport and exhibit similar affinities for ATP and ADP22,23. The difficulty of growing and purifying obligate intracellular bacteria also makes heterologous expression of their genes in E. coli highly desirable. We have functionally expressed the rickettsial tlc gene25,26 and both chlamydial genes (H. E. Neuhaus and H. H. Winkler, unpublished) in E. coli cytoplasmic membranes. We have 65 REVIEWS TIBS 24 – FEBRUARY 1999 Figure 2 Similarity of non-mitochondrial adenylate-transport systems and their homologues. The aligned fragments include the transmembrane helix 4, cytoplasmic loop 5, and part of transmembrane helix 5 in Rickettsia prowazekii (Rp). Vertical bars indicate residues that are identical. The bottom three rows indicate residues that are identical in the rickettsial, chlamydial or plastidic groups. Ct, Chlamydia trachomatis; Ma, maize plastid; Po, potato plastid; Rr, Rickettsia rickettsii. also functionally reconstituted both the plant AATP and the rickettsial tlc gene products in proteoliposomes. Regulation and the ATP/ADP transporter Anabolic metabolism in heterotrophic plastids depends upon a supply of cytosolic ATP. An analysis of fatty acid and starch biosynthesis in enriched cauliflowerbud amyloplasts indicated that both metabolic pathways compete for stromal ATP27. The rate of end-product synthesis is dependent on the activity of the ATP/ ADP transporter, is inhibited when other ATP-consuming reactions are active at the same time, and does not occur if ATP is absent from the incubation medium. The plastidic ATP/ADP transporter has a high affinity for both ATP and ADP7,22,23; both metabolites should therefore compete for binding to the transporter in vivo. Indeed, an increase in the ADP:ATP ratio in the incubation medium strongly reduces the rate of starch biosynthesis in isolated cauliflower-bud amyloplasts8. Hence, the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter might help to regulate the rate of end-product synthesis in storage tissues. Moreover, supply of high levels of carbohydrates to storage tissues correlates with elevated rates of respiration and thus a high cytosolic ATP:ADP ratio28. The increased energy charge in the cytosol is reflected in the amyloplast, where it stimulates the incorporation of carbon into starch. It is generally assumed that the ATP required for photosynthetic CO2 fixation derives from the ATP synthase driven by 66 the pH gradient across the thylakoid membrane. However, there are several indications that, at least under certain conditions or in certain types of chloroplast, the uptake of cytosolic ATP supplements anabolic reactions. Such an ATP uptake would be required when photosynthesis does not deliver sufficient ATP for CO2 fixation and other anabolic reactions. The plastidic ATP/ADP transporter should be responsible for translocating ATP generated in the mitochondria from cytosol to stroma in these circumstances (see Fig. 3). Depending on the rate of ATP uptake, the transport of ATP might contribute to carbon fixation either by only a few percent or substantially. Import of ATP ranges from 5 micromoles per milligram of chlorophyll per hour (in spinach chloroplasts)5 to .40 micromoles per milligram of chlorophyll per hour (in Digitaria sanguinalis chloroplasts)29. Finally, in isolated chloroplasts from sweet-pepper fruits, the addition of ATP results in the highest observed rates of starch biosynthesis in the light30. In conclusion, photosynthetic carbon metabolism in several organisms is obviously positively influenced by exogenous ATP; the plastidic ATP/ADP transporter is thus important in both heterotrophic plastids (i.e. amyloplasts) and photoautotrophic plastids (i.e. chloroplasts). Transcriptional regulation of the ATP/ADP transporter is seen in R. prowazekii31,32. Transcription of mRNA from the tlc gene is downregulated when rickettsiae accumulate in large numbers in the host cell and when rickettsiae are grown in respiratory-deficient host cells in low-glucose medium. We suggest that, as the energy charge in the host cells falls, fewer ATP/ADP transporters are synthesized by rickettsiae. Rickettsiae not only import ATP but also synthesize ATP by oxidative phosphorylation. In this sense, they are more like the photoautotrophic chloroplasts than the heterotrophic plastids. Thus, if rickettsiae have a higher energy charge than their, damaged, host cells, there will be an efflux of ATP from the parasite. Downregulation of tlc transcription would therefore be a reasonable way for rickettsiae to minimize this adverse exchange of adenylates. Evolution Perhaps the most exciting, but speculative, conclusion that can be drawn from these studies involves the endosymbiotic origins of organelles. According to the endosymbiont hypothesis, mitochondria evolved from a primitive eubacterium that exhibited oxidative metabolism and invaded, and remained within, a primitive nucleated, nonoxidative cell. This particular symbiotic relationship gave rise to the modern eukaryotic cell. (See Martin and Müller33 for an alternative view, in which the host cell was even more primitive.) What kind of bacterium became a mitochondrion? Because present-day mitochondria have retained a small part of their original bacterial genome, the sequences and organization of these retained genes in modern mitochondrial DNA can be compared with a variety of modern bacteria. Such comparisons suggest that mitochondria are most closely related to the rickettsial branch of the a division of the proteobacteria34–38. We speculate that this obligate-intracytoplasmic precursor of both mitochondria and modern rickettsiae carried out oxidative phosphorylation, was a dangerous intracytoplasmic parasite because it could grow faster than its host cell, and was more useful to its host than are contemporary rickettsiae. These rickettsiae could have supplied a nutrient to the host and/or detoxified the host’s cytosol by feeding on the host’s metabolic end products. Although a non-oxidative host cell would have been inefficient at converting foodstuffs to energy, such a cell would still have had a high energy charge and could have supplied rickettsiae with ATP. REVIEWS TIBS 24 – FEBRUARY 1999 These primitive rickettsiae might have had an ATP/ADP transporter that preferentially took ATP from the host cytosol, or a transporter that had no preference for ADP or ATP. Alternatively, they could have lacked an ATP/ADP transporter: the transporter might have appeared later. However, the lack of an ATP/ADP transporter must be reconciled with the observation that chlamydiae, which diverged from the proteobacteria early on, have a homologous transport system. In any case, we can be sure that the primitive rickettsia would not have had a mitochondrial-type transporter that supplied ATP to the host cytosol. As protomitochondria evolved from these rickettsiae, there would have been a shift from parasitism to symbiosis. Many genes would have become nonessential and been lost from, or modified within, the rickettsial genome. Rickettsial genes would have been placed under host-cell control by being moved to the nucleus, and leader sequences would have evolved in some products of nuclear genes, both of rickettsial and of non-rickettsial origin, so that these proteins could be translocated correctly from cytosolic ribosomes to the protomitochondria. Changes in the rickettsial genome that made it grow more slowly and less independently could have allowed the modified rickettsiae to remain in the cell without causing host-cell lysis. The origin of the nuclear gene that encodes the mitochondrial ADP/ATP transporter is unknown. We can assume that it did not evolve from a rickettsial transporter, because the two transporters lack homology. Subsequent evolution of the animal mitochondrion required only a massive transfer of genes to the nucleus and a loss of genes that were redundant or useless, such as the rickettsial ATP/ADP transporter. But the plant cell was just beginning its unique endosymbiotic relationship39. Analysis of the residual genome of the modern chloroplast suggests that the ancestors of cyanobacteria formed the primordial chloroplast. Cyanobacteria, if we take Synechocystis sp. as representative, do not have a homologue of the ATP/ADP transporter. This is as predicted, because they are not intracellular bacteria and, thus, no external ATP would be available to them. However, even without an ATP/ADP transporter, the eukaryotic cell that acquired a protochloroplast would have had a great advantage because it would have been able to fix CO2. Oxygen Water Light CO2 ATP ADP + Fuel Triose phosphate H H + Metabolites Mitochondrion Cytosol Chloroplast Figure 3 Flow of ATP (through ATP/ADP transporters) and nutrients between mitochondrion and cytosol, and between cytosol and chloroplast in a plant cell. However, as discussed above, if the only ATP available was derived from photophosphorylation, such plastids would have had limited synthetic ability. The plastid that acquired a rickettsia-like ATP/ADP transporter had an advantage. How do we account for the homology of the rickettsial and the plastidic transporters? One possible answer is that the ATP/ADP transporter gene of the primitive rickettsia was unused and extraneous in the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell, and was the perfect gene to be commandeered by the primitive plastid. (Indeed, there are several suggestions that genes that were previously in the early mitochondrion were transferred to the nucleus and that the gene products encoded by these genes were then targeted to plastids39.) Alternatively, the rickettsial gene might by this time have been lost from the eukaryotic cell, or such a gene might never have existed in primitive rickettsiae. If so, then there must have been a second rickettsiae interaction, an interaction between a more evolved rickettsiae and a eukaryotic cell that already had mitochondria, to make this gene available to the plastid. In either case, the formerly rickettsial gene would have been modified to code for a product that functioned optimally as a plastidic protein and could be targeted for insertion into the inner membrane of the chloroplast. Such scenarios perhaps explain the curious fact that, across kingdoms, the plant and the rickettsial genomes share, with each other but not with animal genomes, descendants of a gene that encodes an ATP/ADP transporter. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Public Health Service grant AI-15035 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. References 1 Bruni, A., Contessa, A. R. and Luciani, S. (1962) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 60, 301–311 2 Vignais, P. V., Vignais, P. M. and Stanislas, E. (1962) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 60, 284 3 Klingenberg, M. and Pfaff, E. (1966) in Regulation of Metabolic Processes in Mitochondria (Vol. 7) (Tager, J. M. et al., eds), p. 180, Elsevier 4 Klingenberg, M. (1989) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 270, 1–14 5 Heldt, H. W. (1969) FEBS Lett. 5, 11–14 6 Emes, M. J. and Neuhaus, H. E. (1998) J. Exp. Bot. 48, 1995–2005 7 Schünemann, D., Borchert, S., Flügge, U. I. and Heldt, H. W. (1993) Plant Physiol. 103, 131–137 8 Neuhaus, H. 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Semenza Over seven decades ago, classical biochemical studies showed that tumors have altered metabolic profiles and display high rates of glucose uptake and glycolysis. Although these metabolic changes are not the fundamental defects that cause cancer, they might confer a common advantage on many different types of cancers, which allows the cells to survive and invade. Recent molecular studies have revealed that several of the multiple genetic alterations that cause tumor development directly affect glycolysis, the cellular response to hypoxia and the ability of tumor cells to recruit new blood vessels. A GENETICALLY ALTERED neoplastic cell has special metabolic requirements for its development into a three-dimensional tumor mass. Monolayer cultures do not reflect the three-dimensional cellular growth of an avascular tumor, which can be mimicked in soft-agar anchorage-independent-growth assays. When a tumor has grown to a detectable size, the local environment of the cancer cells often becomes heterogeneous1. Small (,1 mm diameter) tumor nodules, as well as microregions of larger tumors, often have microecological niches that display significant gradients of critical metabolites such as oxygen, glucose and other nutrients or growth factors (Fig. 1a). Tumors, in contrast to normal tissue, exist in acidic environments that result from production C. V. Dang is at the Depts of Medicine, Oncology, Pathology, and Molecular Biology and Genetics, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA; and G. L. Semenza is at the Depts of Pediatrics and Medicine, and the Institute of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA. Email: 68 of lactate and other acids. The cytosolic pH of tumor cells, however, is maintained as it is in normal cells. Hypoxia occurs in tumor tissue that is .100–200 mm away from a functional blood supply2. Thus, tumor survival depends, in part, on the ability to recruit new blood microvessels through angiogenic factors (Fig. 1b). Hypoxia tends to be widespread in solid tumors, however, because cancer cells are more prolific than the invading, recruited endothelial cells, which commonly form a new, disorganized blood supply. Human tumors endure profound hypoxia, which indicates that adaptation to hypoxic conditions is a crucial step in tumor progression. The anaerobic use of glucose as an energy source through glycolysis (Fig. 2a) is, therefore, a feature common to most solid tumors. A better understanding of cancers at the molecular level has provided insights into the causes of altered metabolism in oncogenesis. Various metabolic changes have been observed in tumors. Here, however, we emphasize changes in glucose metabolism and cellular responses to hypoxia, and discuss three specific areas: (1) physiological 35 Gray, M. W. (1995) in Molecular Biology of Plant Mitochondria (Sevings, C. S., III and Vasil, I. K., eds), pp. 635–659, Kluwer Academic Publishers BV 36 Olsen, G. J., Woese, C. R. and Overbeek, R. (1994) J. Bacteriol. 176, 1–6 37 Viale, A. and Arakaki, A. K. (1994) FEBS Lett. 341, 146–151 38 Andersson, S. G. E. et al. (1998) Nature 396, 133–143 39 Martin, W. and Schnarrenberger, C. (1997) Curr. Genet. 32, 1–18 responses used by tumor cells to adapt to hypoxia; (2) oncogenic changes that affect glucose metabolism; and (3) tumor metabolism and apoptosis. Hypoxia in tumors and normal tissues: activation of genes that encode glycolytic enzymes and vascular endothelial growth factor Normal tissue displays an oxygen gradient across a distance of 400 mm from a blood supply. By contrast, in situ measurements of oxygen tension in human tumors and tumor xenografts revealed significant hypoxia: cells adjacent to capillaries displayed a mean oxygen concentration of 2%, and cells located 200 mm from the nearest capillary displayed a mean oxygen concentration of 0.2% (Ref. 2). The profoundly hostile environment selects for cells that are adapted to chronic hypoxia. In normal cells, a critical response to hypoxia is the induction of the hypoxiainducible transcription factor HIF-1, a basic–helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor that consists of two subunits, HIF-1a and HIF-1b (Ref. 3). HIF-1b is also known as the arylhydrocarbon-receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT)3. HIF-1 binds to the DNA sequence 59-RCGTG-39 and increases the expression of genes that encode glycolytic enzymes, including aldolase A, enolase 1, lactate dehydrogenase A (Fig. 2b), phosphofructokinase L, phosphoglycerate kinase 1 and pyruvate kinase M, as well as the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene, which is important for angiogenesis4–8 (Fig. 3). In addition to alterations in oxygen tension, changes in glucose concentration also activate many glycolytic enzyme genes through the carbohydrate-response element (ChoRE; 59CACGTG-39), which matches the consensus binding-site sequences for MYC and HIF-1 (Fig. 2b)9,10. Studies of knockout mice have implicated HIF-1 and the HLH–leucine-zipper transcription factor USF2, which also binds to the 59CACGTG-39 sequence, in the regulation 0968 – 0004/99/$ – See front matter © 1999, Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S0968-0004(98)01344-9