Forms of Energy in everyday technology All forms of energy used in everyday technology can be grouped into two main types: potential energy or kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. Fireworks transform potential chemical energy into three different forms of kinetic energy – heat, light and sound energies. Forms of potential energy and kinetic energy Forms of potential energy include chemical and electrical energies. Forms of kinetic energy include electrical, heat, light and sound energies. Potential energy is stored energy that can make something work later on. Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object. The faster an object moves or the more mass it has, the more kinetic energy it has. Electrical energy Electrical energy can be potential energy or kinetic energy. It involves electrical charges. Potential electrical energy can be carried along wires as kinetic energy to provide power to electrical appliances. Heat energy Heat energy is a form of kinetic energy. It is the movement of the tiny particles within matter. When matter is heated, its particles bump into each other and move faster. Heat energy is used to cook meals. Refrigerators transfer heat energy from food to keep it cool. Light energy Try this Tie a 50-centimetre length of string to a fork and wind the other end around one finger. Put the finger in your ear, lean forward so the fork hangs freely and hit the fork with a pen. The fork will vibrate and the vibrations will travel through the string to your ear. Light energy is a form of kinetic energy. Most of the light energy on Earth comes from the Sun, but light globes, lasers and fireworks also produce light energy. Sound energy Sound energy is a form of kinetic energy. It travels through matter as waves when a force causes matter’s particles to vibrate. All musical instruments use vibrations to produce sound. All uses of everyday technology involve the transfer of energy from one place to another, and the transformation of energy from one form into another. For example, a drumstick being held up in the air contains potential energy. As the drummer hits the drum, potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy. The higher the drumstick is held before it hits the drum, the more kinetic energy it gains as it falls. When the stick hits the drum, most of the kinetic energy is transformed into sound energy. Chemical energy Chemical energy is a form of potential energy. It is stored in the chemical bonds that hold atoms in matter together. When groups of atoms are held together, they are called molecules. The chemical energy stored in the molecules of fireworks is used to create colourful explosions. 10 A television uses electrical energy to produce light energy in the form of pictures on the screen and sound energy in the form of voices and music. 11 forms of energy in everyday technology Motors transform electrical energy into kinetic energy Household technology Almost every type of everyday technology found in our homes works by transforming electrical energy into other forms, most often heat, kinetic and light energies. Even the simple act of making toast for breakfast relies on several forms of energy. Try this How many appliances can you find around the house that have vents or holes to let the heat out? If an appliance is operating, hold your hand above the vents to feel the hot air. Electrical appliances produce heat energy When an electrical appliance is connected to a power point and switched on, electrons are forced to move through thin, metal wires in a circuit, creating an electric current. As the electrons move, they bump into the atoms of the wire, making them vibrate. The more the particles in the wire vibrate, the hotter the wire gets. As electrical energy transforms into heat energy, the appliance heats up. If appliances are left switched on for a long time, they can get very warm. Many appliances contain vents or holes to let the hot air escape into the surrounding air to stop the appliance from overheating. Many household appliances contain electric motors. A simple electric motor is made up of magnets placed near a coil of copper wire mounted on an axle. When electrons flow through the coil, a magnetic force spins the coil and the axle. The blades of an electric fan, for example, are connected to the axle of a motor. As the axle turns the blades, electrical energy is transformed into the kinetic energy of the fan and the moving air. Hair dryers transform electrical energy into three other forms 12 (1791–1867) English scientist Michael Faraday discovered that when electricity flows through a wire in a magnetic field, the magnetic field pushes on the wire. His discovery led to the invention of electric motors and loudspeakers. The motor of a hair dryer transforms electrical energy into the rotating kinetic energy of a fan. The turning fan pushes air across a wire heating element, which transfers heat energy to the air. The fan also produces sound energy as it turns. 1. Wires carry electrical energy from the power point to the motor. 2. When electricity flows through the coil, the magnets force the motor to spin. magnet Fans, televisions and lights are examples of appliances that are connected to electric circuits and transform electrical energy into other forms, including heat energy. Michael Faraday Electric motors transform electrical energy into other forms of energy in many appliances, such as washing machines, refrigerators, fans and power tools, such as this drill. Scientist Snapshot axle The element in a hair dryer transforms electrical energy into heat energy and transfers heat energy to the air as it blows across the element. 13 household technology Cooking with heat energy Keeping food cool by removing heat energy Try this Listen to your refrigerator. Does the motor run all the time or just sometimes? When the motor is running, heat energy is being transferred from the food inside the refrigerator to the room it is in. When the motor is not running, heat energy is slowly being transferred back to the food from the room through the refrigerator’s insulated walls. If you open the refrigerator door, heat energy is transferred back in much more quickly. A refrigerator is an electrical appliance that keeps food at a low temperature by removing heat energy from it. A refrigerator has a closed system of pipes filled with a liquid called a refrigerant. The pipes carry the refrigerant from the outside of the refrigerator to the inside and back again. The pipes get wider where they enter the refrigerator. As the refrigerant enters the wider pipe, it expands and evaporates. As it evaporates into a gas, it absorbs heat energy, which cools the food down. The gas then travels to a motor-driven compressor, which is a machine that squashes the gas and turns it back into a liquid. The liquid refrigerant gets hot and travels through a thin pipe at the back of the refrigerator, where it releases the heat energy it took from the food into the room. 1. The refrigerant evaporates inside the blue pipes, turning into a gas and absorbing heat energy. Heat energy can be transferred easily through some materials, called conductors, but is not easily transferred through other materials, called insulators. When we cook, we use metal pots, which are conductors, to transfer heat energy from the stove to our food. To avoid burning ourselves, we use oven mitts and pot handles, which are insulators, to pick up hot pots and pans. Conductors Conductors are usually made of metal. Electrons in metal atoms can break away and travel through the material, and bump into other atoms. This allows the heat to travel quickly through the material. Try this Bring a small pot of water on the stove to the boil with the lid on. Watch and listen as heat energy is conducted from the stove to the pot and the water. What do you see and hear? Insulators Insulators are made of non-metal materials. These materials do not conduct heat energy very well because electrons cannot break away from their atoms. Oven mitts, for example, are made of fabrics, such as cotton, which also trap air. The trapped air makes them better insulators. This baking tray is made of metal, which conducts heat energy to cook the buns. The oven mitts are insulators, which slow down the transfer of heat energy from the tray to the hands. 2. The refrigerant turns back into a liquid inside the orange pipes. Refrigerators cool food by removing heat energy from it. This slows down the action of microscopic living things called bacteria, which cause food to break down and rot at warmer temperatures. compressor 14 15