HOLLY SPRINGS HIGH SCHOOL | Student Handbook, 2015‐16 Message from the Administration Welcome to Holly Springs High School for the 2015‐16 school year! We are very excited about the start of another school year and the journey toward graduation for all of our students. We firmly believe that we are a learning community where all students can learn when provided with the appropriate tools and resources in a supportive environment. We look forward to partnering with parents and the community as we support our students in being successful in a safe and academically challenging environment. We are very proud of our students and the work they have accomplished in the past. We are confident that our students will reach even greater excellence and success this year! The hope is that the information in this handbook will provide information that will support that success. Please note that updates to this document will be made available as necessary during the school year via the school website and through written notices to students and families. Best wishes on a successful year! Go Hawks! The Holly Springs High School Administrative Team Student Groups 9th Grade Students, Last Names A‐Z 10th‐12th Graders, Last Names A‐E 10th‐12th Graders, Last Names F‐K 10th‐12th Graders, Last Names L‐R 10th‐12th Graders, Last Names S‐Z Important Phone Numbers Main Office .................................................. Athletic Director ........................................... Attendance Office ........................................ Band Program .............................................. Cafeteria ....................................................... Chorus Program ........................................... Assistant Principal Doug Poppe Catherine Trudell Bruce Page Melissa Hurst Eric Burleson (919) 577‐1444 (919) 577‐1438 (919) 577‐1441 (919) 577‐1766 (919) 577‐1442 (919) 577‐1779 Counselor Alan Ellington Belinda Burch Corina Murray Matt O’Connor Kristie Jones Drivers Education .......................................... (919) 567‐4142 Fax ................................................................. (919) 577‐1742 Media Center ................................................ (919) 577‐1749 School Resource Officers .............................. (919) 577‐1777 Student Services / Counseling ...................... (919) 577‐1443 Transportation .............................................. (919) 805‐3030 Academics Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). This program allows students to use their personal electronic devices for teacher directed classroom activities. Students may use any device that is Wi‐Fi enabled. To participate, students will be required to access content through the WCPSS wireless network. Students should be connected to the WAKE‐BYOD wireless network. No student is required to bring a device. Those who opt to do this must keep their device in their possession at all times. HSHS will not be held responsible for lost or stolen devices. Students who use their devices for purposes other than those approved by the teacher and in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy may be subject to consequences as defined by the student code of conduct and WCPSS Board Policy. Class Rank. To determine class rank, final course grades are used. The total number of quality points earned is divided by the total number of units of credits attempted. The results are rounded to the third decimal place. Class rank for senior honors is calculated through the third nine weeks of the senior year. State Required Assessments. Continuing in 2015‐16, End‐of‐ Course (EOC) tests will be administered in the following courses: Biology, English II, and Math I. North Carolina Final Exams (NCFEs) will be administered in accordance with the state testing program. All sophomores will take the PSAT and Plan assessments. All juniors will take the ACT. All seniors who are identified as CTE Concentrators are required to complete the WorkKeys assessment. Additional details on each of these assessments can be found on the school’s website. Exams. Tentative exam dates for 2015‐16 are: Fall Semester ................................. January 11‐15, 2016 Spring Semester ...................................... June 3‐9, 2016 A specific exam schedule for each semester will be communicated as soon as possible each semester. Please note that dates are tentative and can change due to a number of factors. Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 1 Exam Exemptions for Seniors. Seniors will be exempt from non‐state exams under the following parameters: All courses at HSHS operate on a semester block. For these courses: o 3 or fewer excused absences with an A average o 2 or fewer excused absences with a B average o 1 or fewer excused absences with a C average A student with an unexcused absence in a course will not be exempt regardless of the number of absences or the course average. The class average is defined as the numerical average of the two grading periods (ie – what the final course grade would be if the student was exempt from the exam). Any senior taking an Advanced Placement (AP) course who (1) takes the AP exam, and (2) has an average of C or higher in the course will be exempt from the exam. Any student who meets the requirements for an exemption may choose to take the exam to improve their overall average in the course. If a student opts to do this, the exam will be factored into the grade regardless of its effect on the overall course average. The final decision on whether a student is exempt from the exam is made by the teacher. GPA Calculations. Wake County determine official GPA based on cumulative final grades. The GPA is figured and reported on the transcript in both weighted and unweighted form. To calculate an unweighted GPA, use the standard class scale only. Students are ranked from highest to lowest GPA using cumulative weighted grades. Additionally, a seventh semester GPA is calculated for seniors. To calculate the GPA, use the following steps: 1. Use of scale to assign quality points to each grade. 2. Add up all of the quality points to get the total. 3. Divide total quality points by the total number of credits. changed from an “F” to a “D” (60). The course teacher makes the final determination of whether a student has met the requirements of the contract. For more information, please contact the Intervention Coordinator. Graduation Guidelines. Graduation from Holly Spring High School requires completion of a minimum number of credits and completion of graduation requirements outlined in state and district policy. For more information, please view the specific requirements in the High School Planning Guide or seek out your school counselor. Homework Policy. This homework plan is designed to implement WCPSS Board Policy 5510. Homework should enrich and extend school experiences and reinforce or preview learning. In general, homework in high school should not extend beyond 120 minutes per night. Students who routinely experience a heavier homework load than this should seek a parent‐teacher conference. Where students choose to challenge themselves with more rigorous college‐ level courses, homework may exceed this amount at times. Integrity. All students are expected to show integrity in their academic work. Students should not engage in cheating, plagiarism, falsification of work, or other activities outlined in WCPSS Board Policy 6445 and/or teacher directions for assignments and classroom activities. Student behaviors in violation of this policy will be addressed through appropriate discipline as outlined by the student code of conduct. Current scales for weighting depend on 9th grade entry date and can be found in the WCPSS High School Planning Guide. Interim Progress Reports. Students will be issued interim progress reports in each class twice per grading period. All teachers are required to issue these interim reports to each student. Dates for interims for the 2015‐16 school year are outlined below. Quarter 1: September 16, October 7 Quarter 2: November 18, December 16 Quarter 3: February 10, March 2 Quarter 4: April 27, May 18 Grading Scale. Grades issued by HSHS are recorded as a letter. Letter grades are determined by the following scale. A = 90 – 100 WP = Withdrawal/no penalty B = 80 – 89 WF = withdrawal with an F C = 70 – 79 I = incomplete D = 60 – 69 FF = Failed for Violation of F = Less than 60 Attendance Policy Media Center. The Media Center will be open from 6:55am – 3:30pm on Monday – Thursday and from 6:55am – 3:00pm on Fridays. During class time, students must either be with a teacher or have a pass from a teacher to use the Media Center. Students with a pass must sign in and out of the Media Center at the circulation desk. This includes students coming to the Media Center during HOT Lunch. Grade Recovery Contracts. Holly Springs High School offers Grade Recovery Contracts to any student whose Quarter 1 or Quarter 3 average is below a 60 (D). The contract requires students to maintain regular attendance in HOT Lunch tutorials during the following grading period (quarter 2 or 4). Students may also be required to re‐submit work relevant to essential course objectives in order to demonstrate understanding of course material. Students who honor their contracts will have their 1st or 3rd quarter letter grade The Media Center offers printing options for students for $.10 per page. A self‐service copier is also available for the same cost per page. An atmosphere conducive to student learning will be maintained in the Media Center at all times. Students who disrupt this environment and/or violate proper use of the internet and devices will be subject to appropriate Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 2 disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Report Cards. Report cards will be issued upon the conclusion of each nine week grading period. Report cards for Quarters 1‐3 will be distributed to students at school. Quarter 4 report cards will be mailed to student homes. Textbooks. Students are responsible for the textbooks issued to them by their teacher. Any damages other than normal wear and tear will be billed to the student. Students will be charged for textbooks that they do not return at the end of each semester. HOT Lunch Tutorials & Study Halls. Students are expected to work toward success in each course and should attend tutorials as needed to meet this expectation. Each teacher will schedule tutorial sessions with at least two tutorials during HOT Lunch each week. Students failing a course or who have late work to make up are mandated to attend these tutorials during HOT lunch. Non‐attendance will result in appropriate consequences from administration. Students who establish a pattern of non‐attendance at tutorials or show an ongoing lack of progress may be assigned to daily HOT Lunch study hall sessions. Administrative & General Information Arrival to School. Students should not arrive on campus prior to 6:45am. Upon arrival to school, students should either (1) have a seat in the cafeteria, or (2) move to their first period classroom / lockerbay. Students are not permitted to stand and loiter in the front commons or any other open area / walkway. Students are expected to enter the building in an orderly manner. Excessive noise or other inappropriate behavior will be addressed by school staff / administration. By the 7:15am bell, all students should be moving toward their first period class. Cafeteria. Students wishing to purchase a lunch or breakfast can find prices and menus on the HSHS and WCPSS websites. Applications for free and reduced lunch are available in the Student Services Office or on the WCPSS website. Please note the following: Students are expected to comply with all rules and regulations as established by Child Nutrition Services (CNS) and Holly Springs High. Failure to comply with school/CNS policies may result in loss of cafeteria privileges and/or other disciplinary action. Students are expected to walk quickly and quietly to the appropriate lunch line. Horseplay and line breaking of any type will not be tolerated and will be addressed with disciplinary consequence. All students must line up in an orderly manner as they are waiting to be served. Examples of inappropriate behaviors include but are not limited to yelling, loud talking, running, food throwing, horseplay or other activities that do or are likely to draw a crowd or cause disruption. Students are expected to leave their table and eating area clean and trash‐free. Carpool. All students should be dropped off in designated areas by the school’s administration. Students should not be dropped off in student or faculty parking lots. Deliveries & Messages. Holly Springs High believes in maximizing the instructional day and minimizing class disruptions. Therefore, we will be unable to accept deliveries for students. Classes will not be interrupted to deliver messages / items to students or teachers. Only deliveries that are crucial for classroom instruction or afterschool events/practices will be accepted. Students are responsible for picking up these items. In no situation will the school accept deliveries of balloons, flowers, or other items not critical to the operation of the school day. Departure from School. Students should report directly to their bus pick up area, to carpool, or to their vehicle. No student should be on campus after 2:35pm unless under the direct supervision of a staff member. Students who remain on campus after this time will be required to report to a silent study hall to await their transportation from campus. Students who are repeatedly on campus after school without specific purpose will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Fundraisers. Any fundraiser must be approved by the principal or his designee. No fundraisers that require the use of instructional time will be approved. Please refer to Board Policy 6820 in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook for more information. Gym Lockers. Students will have a locker accessible to them during physical education. It is recommended that students purchase a lock to secure their items during class time. Students are to remove his/her lock at the end of each class period. Holly Springs High School is not responsible for items lost or stolen from the gym locker. Hall Passes. Students must obtain a written, signed, and dated hall pass from their teacher in order to be out of their assigned classroom or area. Students without a pass will be directed back to their classroom. Students should move quickly and directly to their destination. Lockers. Lockers are provided to students upon request. If the number of requests exceeds the number of lockers, students may be asked to share lockers. To avoid theft and loss of property, students should avoid giving their locker Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 3 combination to anyone. The lock issued at the beginning of the school year is to be left on the locker at all times. If removed, a new lock will be placed on the locker and the student will be assessed a $5 fee until the original lock is returned. Non‐school locks are not permitted and will be removed by school staff. HSHS is not responsible for items lost or stolen from your locker. School lockers are the possession of the Wake County Board of Education and may be entered at any time by the administration of Holly Springs High School. Lost & Found. The lost and found will be located in the front office. Items in the lost and found will be disposed of monthly on the 15th day of the month. The administration strongly encourages that students refrain from bringing expensive or irreplaceable items to school. The school maintains no responsibility for items lost or damaged. Office Hours. The main office is open Monday – Friday from 7am to 3:30pm. Please contact the front office (919‐577‐ 1444) to schedule appointments with administrators. Please contact Student Services (919‐577‐1443) to schedule appointments with counselors. Posters, Banners, & Signs. All posters and printed materials must first be approved by the club / activity sponsor. Once this approval is obtained, it must also be approved by the assistant principal working with Student Activities. All printed material must be initialed by the club sponsor or it will be removed. Posters, signs, and any other printed materials may be hung only on the painted brick wall surfaces in locker bays, in stairwell landings, on brick columns in the cafeteria area, and on approved bulletin boards. Items may not be posted on other surfaces, on academic hallways, windows, columns, or on walls in the front commons. All handouts must be removed within three days of a specific event. Tardy Policy. Students are expected to report to school and class on time each day. A tardy is defined as not being in the classroom at the sounding of the tardy bell. Failure to do so will result in implementation of the tardy policy. The tardy policy will take effect after the third day of each semester or after the third day of enrollment. Unexcused tardies to school or class will result in: Tardies 1‐4: Written Warning. The tardy pass will serve as the written warning. Tardy 5: Referral to administrator resulting in lunch detention for 2 days. Tardy 7: Referral to administrator resulting in lunch detention for 3 days. Tardy 9: Referral to administrator resulting in 5 days lunch detention and revocation of lunch pass for 10 days (if applicable). Please note the following: Excessive tardies can result in in‐school suspension, out‐ of‐school suspension, restriction of school privileges, after school detention, and/or altered school schedule for the student. Accumulation of tardies will begin each quarter / grading period. The total number of tardies to school / class accumulates together. For example, a student who is tardy to school and then tardy to third period has accumulated two tardies. Skateboards / Bicycles / Rollerblades. Skateboarding and roller skating are not permitted on our campus at any time. Skateboards should be stored during the school day. They will not be stored in the front office. All bicycles should be parked in the area designated for that purpose. Students are strongly encouraged to lock their bicycles to the bike rack. The school is not responsible for stolen and/or damaged bicycles or bicycle locks. Transportation. Students are expected to comply with all rules and regulations as established by the Wake County Public School System Transportation Services and Holly Springs High School. Failure to comply with school/transportation policies may result in loss of bus privileges and other disciplinary action. Vending Machines. Snack machines are located in the cafeteria. They are available to students during lunch and after school. Machines are unavailable to students during instructional class periods and class transitions. Students who use the vending machines during these “off limits” time periods are subject to disciplinary action. Visitors. All visitors are required to report directly to the main office upon entering the school building. Furthermore, they will be required to receive a visitor’s badge in the front office and wear the badge (provided by the school) during their entire time on our campus Students from other WCPSS schools and or other student guests are not permitted on campus between the hours of 7am and 2:30pm. All students and staff are required to report any suspected unauthorized visitor(s) to the administration immediately. Any student found on the campus of another school without administrative approval may be suspended from school and charged with trespassing. Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 4 Athletics Passes/Prices. Admission to athletic events is $5 for every sport but football. Football games are $6 admission. Golden Hawks Club memberships will be available to students for $50. This membership entitles students under the age of 18 to enter HSHS home games, excluding playoffs. Please speak with a member of the athletic booster club or visit their website for membership and pass information. General Information. Holly Springs High School athletics information includes: Mascot: Golden Hawks Colors: Royal Purple, Vegas Gold Conference: SWAC League: 4A Athletic Director: Andy Wheeler Athletic Trainer: Molly Arey Co‐Athletic Trainer: Jill Munchick Athletic Participation Form. This form must be completed and filed with the school’s athletic trainer prior to a student’s participation in any practice sessions and/or athletic contests. A current physical examination is required and must be recorded on this form. Please note that physical examinations are valid for only 365 days. Eligibility. Please refer to Board Policy 6860 in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook. School Spirit & Sportsmanship. Holly Springs High students are encouraged to attend sporting events and support our teams. Good sportsmanship is essential. Spectators are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful way toward visiting fans, coaches, and referees/officials. HSHS cheers should be positive and of an appropriate nature. There should be no booing or taunting of visiting teams, fans, or referees/officials. Failure to abide by these expectations may result in disciplinary action, revocation of privileges, and/or removal from the game. Attendance Absence Notification. Parents are notified of student absences daily via the automated phone messenger. Letters will be mailed home when students have 3, 6, and 9 unexcused absences in a course. Letters will also be sent home at 5, 7, 10, 15, and 20 total absences in a course. These letters are sent on the first and 15th day of the month. Absences from School. Absences are defined by the class period, not the school day. A student must be present at least half of the class/block in order to be counted present for that class period. Early Dismissal from School. Any student who needs to leave school before the end of the school day should present a note from a parent/guardian to the Attendance Office prior to the 7:25am bell. The note must include the student’s name, reason for leaving, and phone number of a parent/guardian that will be contacted for verification. Students must checkout through the Attendance Office prior to leaving campus. Please note that if a parent/guardian cannot be reached to verify the note, the student will not be permitted to check out. Excused vs. Unexcused Absences. All absences are marked as unexcused until a valid note for absences is turned in to the Attendance Office. Students have two days upon return to school from an absence to deliver this note to the attendance office. Notes can be dropped off before or after school or during lunch. They can also be emailed by the parent directly to hshs‐attendance@wcpss.net. Absences can be excused under a specific set of circumstances outlined in WCPSS Board Policy 6000. FF Policy for Excessive Absences. According to WCPSS Board Policy 6000.8, if any student is absent more than 10 days during a semester long course is subject to failure for that course. At HSHS, the following process will be followed: 1. The teacher will have the right to waive the grade of FF or failure due to excessive absences based on their knowledge of the student’s mastery of course material and the student’s diligence in making up the missed material in an appropriate time frame as defined by the teacher and relevant HSHS procedures. 2. If the student is to receive a grade of “FF,” they will be presented with a waiver form by the teacher. With this form, the student can request a waiver to allow their original grade to stand. The student will receive a decision in writing from the school by no later than 10 days after the conclusion of the semester. 3. Where a student’s original grade is an F, that grade will post on the report card instead of the “FF.” Make‐Up Work for Student Absences. For students who have excused absences: All work can be made up for FULL credit provided it is turned in within the allotted time for submitting work. If the absences is approved in advance and the work is assigned in advance, all work is due on the day the student returns to school. If the absence is not known in advance and work is not assigned in advance, students will be provided at least Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 5 two days for every day absent to complete missing work. Students and families are directed to WCPSS Board Policy 6000 for additional details on this. Out‐of‐school suspension days count as unexcused absences however students will be able to make up all work under the same policy as excused absences. For students who have unexcused absences, they will be permitted to make up work for full credit provided they meet all guidelines for submitting the work. Special Note: Students are allowed to make up their work for unexcused absences, but they are not able to make‐up time for courses where they exceed 10 absences. In this situation, the student is subject to the FF policy as outlined in this document. Student Services, Student Activities & Parent Organizations Appointments with Counselors. Students and parents may call or see Ms. Traversi in the Student Services reception area, Room 1102, to make an appointment to meet with a counselor or other members of the Student Services staff. Students may come before or after school, or during their lunch period to make appointments. Assemblies. Assemblies at Holly Springs High are extensions of classroom instruction. For assemblies to be positive experiences, students must behave in an appropriate manner. The following standards will be applied to all assemblies at HSHS: Students are required to follow instructions for entering and leaving all assemblies. Students are required to sit quickly and as directed by the administration and/or teachers. Student are required to listen attentively to any speakers, instructions, or presentations without causing any interruption or disruption to the activity. Clubs & Student Activities. Holly Springs High School offers a wide variety of clubs and student organizations. Please visit school website for a current list of clubs, honor societies, and interest groups. Any student wishing to start a new club should talk with the assistant principal supervising student activities to receive information about the approval process. Drivers Education / License Eligibility. WCPSS contracts with a provider of drivers education. Information on that service is available from Ms. Regina Cheek (hshsdriversed@gmail.com). Students are also required by the NCDMV and dropout prevention services to pass at least 3 of 4 classes at HSHS to obtain or maintain a learner’s permit or a driver’s license. You may take driver education without meeting the 3 of 4 passing requirement; however, you will not satisfy the driver eligibility rules until you pass 3 of 4 classes. Early Release / Late Arrival. Seniors who are on track to graduate on time are eligible to apply to have an abbreviated schedule their senior year. An AP class may not be dropped to facilitate early release. Approval is contingent on course availability. Student‐athletes are responsible for checking with their coach prior to turning in their application to assess any impact an abbreviated schedule may have on their athletic eligibility. Students are also responsible for contacting their counselor concerning graduation requirements. Credits needed toward graduation will be considered in approving, partially approving, and/or denying student requests. After approval, students will be issued an identification card indicating that they have permission to leave early or arrive late. Elevators. Students must have permission to use the elevators. Students should see Ms. Mattox with a written explanation of their need for an elevator pass. Students who are caught riding the elevator without administrative approval will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Mid‐Year Graduation. Seniors may request mid‐year graduation if they meet graduation requirements by the end of 1st semester. It may not be possible to move courses from 2nd semester to 1st semester for mid‐year graduation purposes due to course availability. Seniors interested in mid‐ year graduation need to meet with their counselor and complete an application available in Student Services. A deadline for this request will be communicated through the school website and announcements. Seniors considering this option should be cautioned that many colleges and universities prefer that students remain in high school for four complete years to better prepare for the rigors of college. Off Campus Lunch. Authorized junior and seniors will be permitted to leave campus during HOT Lunch. This privilege can be revoked by the parent or the administration at any point. Specific regulations are included as an addendum located at the end of this document. Parent Organizations & Booster Groups. Holly Springs High School parents are vital supporters of our students’ athletic, artistic and academic pursuits. Parents are encouraged to join the PTSA and respective booster organizations. Please visit the school website for more information including contact information for PTSA and booster groups. Parking. Authorized juniors and seniors will be permitted to park on the campus of Holly Springs High School during the school day. All authorized student cars must be parked in the assigned space with the corresponding parking pass displayed in the front window at all times. Students are responsible for Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 6 promptly replacing lost parking tags. Replacement tags can be purchased in the main office for $10. Any student parking on campus without a tag, for any reason, will be subject to a $10 fine and other in‐school disciplinary actions. Repeat violations may result in towing of vehicle at owner’s expense. Students must adhere to the tardy policy in order to maintain their lunch and parking privileges. Parking regulations are included in an addendum located at the end of this document. Schedule Changes. Schedules are generated based on each student’s course selections. Once finalized, student schedules will only be adjusted for the following reasons: To balance course loads between 1st and 2nd semester (where possible) An increase in rigor Prerequisite not met Credit already received for the course Incomplete schedule (less than 8 courses) Elective changes will not be made provided that the student requested the elective as a primary or alternate in their original course selections. Elective changes will not be made for students who failed to make course selections. School Functions & Events. School functions such as dances, concerts, and athletic events are extensions of the school day. All school rules must be followed at all school events that occur after the regular instructional day. Students must be in good standing to attend and/or participate in these events. Dances are planned and produced for HSHS students and their guests that have been pre‐approved by the school administration only. Transcripts. Students should visit the Student Services website for links to order electronic transcripts. Electronic Transcript Requests – In State – CFNC. This transcript can be sent electronically by the student to any college, university or community college in North Carolina via CFNC. This is free of charge. The final transcript is also sent automatically to colleges or universities in NC after graduation (mid‐year transcript is not included. You will need your PowerSchool Student ID to request the transcript. Transcript Requests – Out‐of‐State, Scholarships, etc. Transcripts can be requested through an online site to be delivered to any college or university in the country. The cost per transcript is $5. Transcripts that are mailed usually arrive within 7 days. Remember that SAT and ACT scores must be sent directly to those colleges from www.collegeboard.com or www.act.org. In addition, there is no charge for the following paper transcript requests: Mid‐year senior year transcript Final transcript after graduation to the college or university that you will attend Transcripts for any scholarship or award requested by the high school scholarship committee. Discipline & Safety Code of Conduct. All students are expected to review the Holly Springs High School and Wake County Public School guidelines. School rules apply on campus, on the bus, at the bus stop, on field trips, and at school sponsored events. If behaviors off campus disrupt the orderly operation of the school, school consequence can apply. WCPSS guidelines are located in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook. The WCPSS Board Policy 6410 includes many of the items in the district’s Code of Conduct. This code of conduct addresses but is not limited to: Level 1: In School Suspension / Possible Short Term Suspension I‐1. Noncompliance I‐2. Disrespect I‐3. School/Class Attendance I‐4. Inappropriate Language I‐5. Inappropriate Dress I‐6. Electronic Devices I‐7. Trespassing I‐8. Tobacco I‐9. Gambling Level 2: Short Term Suspension / Possible Long Term Suspension II‐1. Integrity (Cheating, Plagiarism, Falsificatin, Violation of Software Copyright Laws) II‐2. Inappropriate Literature, Illustrations, & Images II‐3. Violation of Computer Access II‐4. Class/Activity Disturbance II‐5. School Disturbance II‐6. School Transportation Disturbance II‐7. Disruptive Protest II‐8. False Fire Alarm II‐9. Fire Setting / Incendiary Material II‐10. Property Damage II‐11. Theft II‐12. Extortion II‐13. Indecent Exposure/Sexual Behavior II‐14. Harassment/Bullying II‐15. Sexual Harassment II‐16. Threat/False Threat II‐17. Physical Aggression / Fighting Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 7 II‐18. II‐19. II‐20. II‐21. Failure to Report a Firearm Hazing Search & Seizure Aiding & Abetting Level 3: Long Term Suspension III‐1. Narcotics, Alcoholic Beverages, Controlled Substances, Chemicals & Drug Paraphernalia III‐2. Gang & Gang Related Activity III‐3. Weapons / Dangerous Instruments / Substances III‐4. Assault on a Student III‐5. Assault on School Personnel or Other Adult III‐6. Assault Involving Weapon / Dangerous Instrument / Substances III‐7. Bomb Threat III‐8. Bomb Threat: Aiding/Abetting III‐9. Acts of Terror Level 4: Suspensions Required Under State Law IV‐1. Firarm / Destructive Device – 365 Days Suspsension The school will consider mitigating and aggravating factors as appropriate in applying appropriate disciplinary consequence in alignment with this policy. Disclaimer for WCPSS Handbook. All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school board policies governing student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment in WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this handbook / agenda / planner and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence. Todas las políticas del Código de Conducta Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos los padres y estudiantes al principio de cada año escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS. Si hay un conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual de Estudiantes/Padres y el manual/agenda/planificador de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas en este manual deben tomar prioridad. For our discipline process to be successful, it is essential that students and parents report to the school’s administration any violation of policy that they are aware of. It is also important that this is reported in a timely manner. Bullying, Harassment, & Sexual Harassment. It is a priority for Holly Springs High School to provide every student with a safe and orderly learning environment. To this end, bullying and harassment of any form are prohibited. Students and parents should review WCPSS Board Policy 6414 in the Student/Parent Handbook for a specific definition of bullying and harassment. Sexual harassment is also prohibited including unwelcome sexual advances, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, etc. Students should review WCPSS Board Policy 6415 in the Student/Parent Handbook for a specific definition of sexual harassment. Students are encouraged to report any act of bullying or harassment to their teacher, counselor, or administrator to seek support. Students are also encouraged to report any act that they witness so that appropriate steps can be taken to ensure a safe, orderly learning environment. Interventions and consequences will be applied as appropriate within the Student Code of Conduct as it relates to this policy. Violations of these policies can result in out‐of‐school suspension on the first offense. Dress Code. The following items listed below are some of the most common violations of the dress code policy: Exposed undergarments Attire that exposes cleavage Bare midriff shirts Backless shirts, halter tops, net shirts, strapless/shoulderless shirts, or shirts that expose the torso on the sides. Shirts/tops with spaghetti straps Excessively tight, revealing, and/or short garments Skirts and shorts not at mid‐thigh length Belt chains outside of clothing Hats, hoods, and headgear are permitted in the hallways during transition and during lunch. They are not permitted in the classroom during instructional time. Any hats or attire that obscures the face is not permitted at any time. Attire cannot advertise materials that are inappropriate for students to have at school. The HSHS faculty and staff will enforce the dress code starting with the first day of school. Students who violate the dress code will be subject to consequence from the school administration and/or removal from the classroom setting until they are in compliance with the dress code. Drugs / Alcohol. WCPSS Board Policy 6410 defines details of the possession, use, distribution, sale, etc. of narcotics, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, chemicals or drug paraphernalia. Students should review this policy in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook. Any violation of this policy will result in a recommendation for long‐term suspension. Electronic Devices. Students are expected to follow school procedures for use of electronic devices during the school day. All students are expected to read and follow the Acceptable Use document. Specifically, students should observe expectations according to the following zones: Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 8 Green Zones: Usage is permitted in these areas for personal reasons. Yellow Zones: Usage is permitted for teacher‐ monitored activities. Red Zones: Usage is prohibited. Devices should not be visible or audible. Students who are using their device in an unauthorized way will be asked to put their device away and/or their device will be confiscated by the teacher. In this case, an appropriate consequence will be applied by the school administration that is aligned with the Student Code of Conduct. Where devices are confiscated, they will only be returned to the parent / guardian. Fighting / Physical Aggression. Physical aggression or fighting toward others is prohibited. It is important to note: Students who engage in horseplay or taking actions that could reasonably lead to a fight have violated this policy. Self defense is defined in district policy as “reasonable force … but only to the extent necessary to get free from the attack and notify proper school authorities.” Students who engage in fighting will be suspended for a minimum of 5 days of out‐of‐school suspension. Long‐term suspension is a possibility on the first violation of this policy. Noncompliance with Staff Directives. All students are expected to comply with directions of school personnel or volunteers who are authorized to give such direction. All students are expected to identify themselves when asked. Failure to do so can result in in‐school suspension on the first occurance. Off Limits Areas. The administration has determined the following areas to be off limits for students during the identified times unless under direct supervision of a staff member: Students are not permitted on another school campus without permission. Doing so is considered trespassing and subject to school and legal consequence. Students are not permitted in faculty parking areas or the bus parking lot at any time. Athletic practice fields. All wooded areas of campus at any time including the nature trail During class time: hallways without a pass, bathrooms without a pass, commons area without a pass, and unsupervised outside and inside areas. Safety Drills. Fire drills and lockdown drills are required safety precautions. Thus, at the time of the drill, all student should follow directions of staff. Procedures will be reviewed with students. School Resource Officers (SRO). The Town of Holly Springs provides two school resource officers from the Holly Springs Police Department. The officers are available to students and parents as a resource to support a safe and orderly learning environment. Searches. HSHS administration has the authority to search a student, student belongings, student locker, or student automobile whenever a school authority has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal or unauthorized materials. Failure to permit the search can result in disciplinary consequences aligned with the WCPSS Student Code of Conduct. Skipping / Leaving Campus Without Permission. Students are expected to be in their assigned location. Student who are not in their assigned space or are more than five minutes late to class are considered skipping. Students who leave campus without checking out of school are considered to be skipping. When students leave campus during the school day, that will be considered an aggravating factor in assigning a consequence given the additional safety concerns with students leaving campus without permission. This includes a student who does not return from HOT Lunch as well as a student who leaves campus but does not have off campus privileges. Any of these infractions can result in out‐of‐school suspension on the first offense. Trespassing. No student shall be on the campus of any other WCPSS school during the day without the knowledge and consent of the officials of the school that he/she is visiting. Students who loiter at any school after the close of the school day without a specific reason or adult supervision will be considered trespassers. Students who do not leave the campus when instructed will be referred to law enforcement for further legal action. Any student suspended from school is prohibited by law from being on any school campus during the suspension period without permission of the principal. Further, students who bring unauthorized individuals onto campus and/or have knowledge of those on campus who should not be present are subject to disciplinary action up to and including out‐of‐school suspension. Parking Regulations 1. Students must clear all other fees and fines, including class dues, prior to purchasing a parking permit. Permits will not be issued to students with outstanding fines or fees owed to Holly Springs High School. You can view your outstanding fees and fines in HomeBase. Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 9 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The parking fee established by the Wake County Board of Education for the 2015‐2016 school year is $170.00. Payments can be made via the OSP online site at: http://osp.osmsinc.com/wakenc/. Please upload a copy of the receipt with your online application. Fee will be reduced by $17 per month; however this is subject to change, per Wake County School Board. Parking permit applications will be available to students who have a valid North Carolina Driver’s License. Vehicles must be parked in assigned spaces. All students who park on campus must display a current year parking tag. The tag must be hung from the inside rear view mirror, facing the front of the vehicle. Students who park on campus without a tag, for any reason, will be subject to in‐school consequences as well as a $10 fine (1st and 2nd offense). Students who receive their third violation will be subject to in‐school consequences and may be subject to towing. Vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense. Vehicles should be parked front‐end first. Backing into spaces is not permitted. The safe operation of motor vehicles is required. Vehicles must not travel in excess of 10 miles per hour. Seat belts are required for driver and all passengers. Speeding and reckless driving are prohibited. Exiting from student lots in the afternoon will be held until buses clear the area. Unsafe operation of vehicles on campus may warrant suspension of parking privileges as outlined in the HSHS Student Handbook. Supervision is provided for parking lots; however, the school system is not responsible for damages to or theft from vehicles. Students are cautioned NOT to leave valuables in their vehicles. Parked vehicles should be left with windows closed and doors locked. Student vehicles are subject to search and seizure per Wake County School Board Policy 6600. Disabled vehicles may not be left on campus overnight. If necessary, towing should be arranged by the student. If a student holding an assigned parking space transfers within the WCPSS during the year, he or she will be assigned a space at the new school with no further payment of fees, assuming the original parking tag has been returned to the office of the previous school. If no space is available at the new school, the originating school will make the refund. Refunds for parking fees will be made only if the student moves away from the Wake County Public School System. Parking fees will NOT be refunded for: 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 1. • Voluntary withdrawal from school (dropping out); • Long‐term suspension from school; • School‐based disciplinary action related to loss of parking privilege; • Loss of driving privilege due to revocation of operator’s license • All other refund requests are at the discretion of the Principal Only one tag will be issued per student. Students may register up to two of their family vehicles. The tag may be moved one registered family vehicle to another but may NOT be sold, given, or loaned to another student for his or her use. The penalty for doing so is revocation of parking privileges. Spaces may NOT be shared by students. Students shall inform the office immediately of any changes in vehicle or license plate. Bring a copy of the registration for the vehicle you are adding to your application file at that time. Lost parking tags will be replaced for a $10 fee. Lost passes should be promptly reported to the main office. School Board Policy prohibits the possession and /or use of tobacco products on campus. Students may not possess tobacco products or smoke in cars at any time while on the school campus. Loitering in the parking lot is prohibited. Students should lock their cars and leave the parking lot immediately upon arriving at school. Students need written permission from an administrator to be in student lots during school hours. Students who operate a motor vehicle on campus should fully understand their duties and responsibilities. Under School Board Policy 7180, students who violate parking regulations are subject to any or all of the following consequences: • Revocation of parking privilege • Ticketing • Towing and storage of the vehicle, at the owner’s expense • Disciplinary action • Criminal charges as prescribed by law Handicapped parking is available as needed on an assigned basis only. Students and Parents must read the “R U Buckled” agreement form available for viewing at: www.hollyspringshigh.org Students who park in the South lot will enter/exit the building via the 1600 hallway. Parking a vehicle on school property is a privilege, not a right. Please review all parking regulations with your parents and call the school for clarification of any matter about which there are questions. Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 10 Off Campus Lunch Guidelines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The student will not take students off campus who are not authorized to leave. The student will return to school for the remainder of the school day. Note: If a student becomes ill while off campus, a parent/guardian must call the Attendance Office to check the student out. The student must present a parent’s note to the Attendance Office upon return to school. Failure to check out properly will be treated as skipping. The student will maintain an acceptable conduct record in accordance with the policies of the Wake County Board of Education and Holly Springs High School. The student will return to class on time. Failure to return to class on time will result in the suspension of off campus lunch privileges as defined by the HSHS Student Handbook. Students must exit campus in a vehicle via the Main Entrance or South Lot lunch pass checkpoints. The student and parent/guardian are responsible for where the student goes for lunch and for transportation. Students are only allowed to leave campus with other current HSHS students. Students may not bring outside food into the cafeteria nor may they purchase food to be brought back to school for underclassman students. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. No food, drink, or litter is to be brought into the building or left in the parking lot. Students who do not show their off‐campus permit will not be allowed to leave campus. The school assumes no extra liability for any accident or injury incurred in the exercise of this permit. The student has earned the required credits to be classified as a junior or senior for the 2015‐16 school year. Current year Junior/Senior class dues must be paid at the time of, or prior to, the purchase of an Off‐Campus Lunch Permit. Student dues can be paid via the OSP site listed below. **In addition, all prior year fines and must be cleared. The charge for an original lunch pass is $5.00 (payable by Cash, Check, Money Order, and the OSP online site: http://osp.osmsinc.com/wakenc/.) If payment is made via the OSP site, a copy of the receipt must accompany the notarized permit application. If the lunch pass is misplaced, the charge for a replacement pass is $10.00. Students exercising off‐campus lunch privileges are subject to rules of student conduct applicable during the regular school day. The abuse of any of these provisions may result in a suspended or terminated off‐campus lunch permit and/or other disciplinary consequences. Have a question or need to share an issue? It is important for all students to take an active role in their experience. If you have a question, need to report an issue, have a suggestion for improvement, or just want to share a celebration, we encourage you to do one of the followings: Ask to see your counselor or administrator. Use the online form to submit feedback (bit.ly/hshsfeedback). Leave a message in the front office for the principal. Holly Springs High School | 2015‐16 Student Handbook | Page 11