the tth heE Edition. Ed diittiio on. n. Issue No.2 IIssssu ue No N o..22 1 HPDA st 21 Century Human Capital Solutions WE Solve HR Challenges Recruitment & Selection -Psychometric Assessments -Assessment Centres Organizational Effectiveness Consulting -Organizational Re-Structures -Organizational Audits & Culture Assessments -Talent Management & Succession Planning Performance Management -Performance Management Systems & Processes -Coaching & Mentoring HR Capability Building -HR Business Partner Training -Interim HR Management Training & Development Interventions T - Team Building -Leadership Development -Advancing Women -Personal & Career Branding & -More Human Performance Dynamics Africa 2 theEdition. Issue No.2 Po Box 1516 - 00621 Nairobi ; Cell: +254 716 624 932 | +254 716 584 611 Email: contents Y] Patricia Ithau IN THIS ISSUE // W`G XXG WX current XYG Editors Letter Stand up! Stand out! In this second issue, The Editor warns us about the perils of ignoring personal branding in the 21st Century XZG Your take on THE EDITION We welcome all your comments! Battling Middle Class Materialism Speculating on our increased purchasing power and its effect on a public self Franchising in Kenya Is Franchising the preferred model for Kenyan business models? X[G Entrepreneurship: Ng’ang’a Wanjohi of Kaskazi Network speaks about the joys and challenges of running a retail distribution service theEdition. Issue No.2 3 contents Cover \WG Liz Ogumbo Illumination See the light. Realize. Open your eyes. Wake up. WY career WZ culture X^G [_G X_G Y[G ZYG ZZG Meetings The do’s and don’ts for a successful meeting Define Yourself Take the personal branding quiz How Civil is Your Brand Derek Bbanga on the ABCs of personal branding Professional Dress Sense Janet Adetu articulates how dressing can enhance your overall appearance Feature Article: Creating A Personal Brand brand manife [`G \WG \YG \ZG Musings Joy Odera on Aunt Keziah’s wisdom despite never having seen chalk and blackboard! Planning Big for 2012 John Sibi-Okumu presents the case for the Kenya program at the 2014 Smithsonian Folklife Festival Festival Liz Ogumbo The creative entity tells us about her commitment to use her music and fashion to connect people Travel Two days in Johannesburg Reviews On movies, The Edition salutes Oscar winners ‘The Iron Lady’ and ‘The Help’ W[ features Y]G ZWG theEdition. Issue No.2 Designed by Max Ngari (bigbrands@brand2d. Fiscal Fitness John Orapa zeroes in on the planning factor as the key to becoming a good financial steward X`TYZG 4 “The Lightbulb man”, represents realization that the 21’st Century is different. Patricia Ithau Confirms that by opening a Kenyan subsidiary, the L’Oréal Group is confident about the Region’s growth potential HR Leader Susan Maingi talks about her passion for people and her strategic HR work as at Bamburi Cement Ltd. com) X[G Ng’anga Wanjohi Making moves two wheels at a time. editorial Susan Wakhungu-Githuku Founder, Publisher, Editor in Chief Editorial Director Publications Manager Alexandra Remsen Lucy Mwangi Hickok Smith Administrative Coordinator Lillian Nandwah Photography Bobby Pall James Ochweri (Reumac) Design and Layout Max Ngari Olivia Ambani Kevin Mapesa Edition Team Christine Njambi Steve Wakhungu George Muiruri Ruth Njuguna Sellah Nyongesa Location Photograher James Ochweri Head of Advertising Arnolda Shiundu contributors Janet Adetu John Orapa Derek Bbanga John Sibi-Okumu Joy Odera Ekapreta Sarapay THE EDITION is a COPYRIGHTED FOOTPRINTS PRESS PUBLICATION and HPDA INNOVATION. Issue 02. Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. See us online at: PRINTED BY ATLAS PRINTING All advertising enquiries to: All enquiries theEdition. Issue No.2 7 p ro f essio na l d r e ss sense. janet adetu 7 Tips for dressing professionally Present Your Line of Duty When choosing what to wear in the morning, remember to dress the part that represents your profession. Have a Respectful Disposition If you are a professional that meets clients on a regular basis, your disposition, countenance and demeanour are key. Ensure that what you wear shows that you are knowledgeable, approachable, sincere, trustworthy and honest. Respect will be an immediate reaction. Accentuate Your Personality Choose clothes that identify you and your personality. Be unique to yourself and no one else. Dress to conquer the world and be noticed positively. Have Class Distinction and Status In choosing your outfits consider the garment quality. The way you coordinate your clothing depicts a sense of class and identifies your status. Fitter than Fit Size does matter. Clothing that is too tight lessens people’s impression of your value, while baggy clothing gives people the impression you don’t care. Always try pieces in different sizes on before you buy and tailor them if need be. Your Image is everything good image is determined by your overall appearance, general behaviour and the level of your communication skills. As a professional your choice of attire, the way you carry it and your overall body language determines your threshold effect. In a room full of professionals and your peers will you be considered to have poise and polish or not? A Identifying Professional Dress Sense and Productivity When dressed in a complete suit, including a tie for men, you are dressed for Formal Professional. Releasing the tie for men or the jacket for women is Essential Professional. Business Casual/ Informal Professional may include a short sleeved or polo shirt under a jacket for men or a shirt dress for women. Whatever you decide to wear will have a direct influence on your level of productivity. Dressing too casually can impair your image and productivity. The Power of Colour What is your favourite colour? Identify those colours that blend with your complexion best, pronounce your facial features and resonate well with who you are. As a professional you cannot go wrong with neutral dark shades, mixed with vibrant colours and patterns that match your skin complexion, figure and personality. Consistent Dressing The best strategy to boost, maintain and nurture your personal brand and image is by dressing in your own signature style. theEdition. Issue No.2 33