Amended Schedule Open Tender No. S&T/Works/5-2012 For : Provision of Panel Interlocking at junction of Noapara Carshed of Metro Railway, Kolkata. Sl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description of Materials Supply, Installation and wiring of 3 Aspect Colour Light Signal Unit Complete with pole base, pole, ladder, No. Plate/Marker board etc. as per RDSO Drg. No. SA23002/A/M/ADV, Spec. No. IRS/S-26/64 or latest without lense, lamp and lamp holder. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply b) Installation Fabrication, Supply and Installation of Main Signal Foundation Base over Via-duct including ladder base for erection of Main Signal and Ladder as per Drg. No.MRC/SG/SW/ME/1-08(R1). Inspection By Consignee. a) Casting, Concreting & Curing of foundation for Main Signal including cost of all materials required for casting and concreting as per Drawing of M.Rly. All materials required for execution will be supplied by the contractor including cement, sand, Chips and foundation bolt. b) Fabrication, supply and installation of signal mounting fixture as per Drg no. MRC/SG/SW/ME/ 112. Inspection by Consignee (Required Drawings will be available in CSTE’s office) Supply, Installation and wiring of 3 Aspect Colour Light Signal Unit miniature type complete with lamp, lamp holder, lense and fixing arrangement with suitable ladder as per drg. No. MRC/SG/MISC/S/382. Inspection by consignee. Unit a) Supply b) Installation Transportation & installation of LEDs for 2 aspect Signal with current regulator, HMU and connection of tail Cable etc. Transportation & installation of LEDs for 3 aspect Signal with current regulator, HMU and connection of tail Cable etc. Supply & Installation of Calling ON Signal unit Colour Light Type, Complete set with C marker board as per RDSO Drg. No. SA-23451/Adv without lense, lamp, lamp-holder. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply b) Installation 1 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012 Qty Rate Total Set Set Set 12 12 9 31330 1950 14573 375960 23400 131157 Set 2 4953 9906 Set 1 15000 15000 Set Set Set 1 1 4 17290 1950 1091 17290 1950 4364 Set 8 1371 10968 No. No. 4 4 4290 390 17160 1560 Sl Description of Materials 8 Supply & Installation of illuminated "A" Marker Signal unit Colour Light Type (Similar to Calling ON Signal). Material to be taken from RDSO approved Source as per RDSO Drg no. SA-23455(A), Spec. no. IRS-S7. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply b) Installation LED for Calling On Signal aspect. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply b) Installation LED for "A" marker. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply b) Installation Supply & Installation of Position Light Shunt Signal Unit Complete as per RDSO Drg no. SA-23840. Inspection by Consignee a) Supply b) Installation Transportation & Installation of LED for Position Light Shunt Signal including route indicator (3 Lamp for one set), Railway will supply the LED. Supply & Installation of Domino type Control Cum Indication Panel (Deltron make) as per Spec. No RDSO/SPN/186/2004 with latest amendment. Size (54±10) mm X (34±7) mm. This includes supply of multi core cable (1sq. mm) from Relay Rack to Panel with termination and other works. Inspection by Consignee. Supply 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Unit Qty Rate Total No. No. 6 6 4290 390 25740 2340 Set Set 4 4 8181 1300 32724 5200 Set Set 6 6 8181 1300 49086 7800 Set Set Set 6 6 9 4550 5200 1300 27300 31200 11700 No. 1 156000 156000 Installation Supply & Installation of Route Indicator 2 Way Junction Type as per latest RDSO Spec and RDSO Drg no. SA-23402(Adv) ALT- 2 or latest. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply No. 1 13000 13000 No. 3 19177 57531 b) Installation Transportation & Installation of Electric Point Operating Machine, non-trailable, IRS type. Machine will be supplied by Railways. Supply of Ground Connection for IRS type Point Machine. Inspection by consignee. Supply of Point Junction Box as per site requirement. Inspection by consignee. Location Box Half. (GKP Type) including 'E' Type lock fitted on the door. Inspection by Consignee. No. No. 3 12 676 6900 2028 82800 Set 12 6000 72000 No. 12 3000 36000 a) Supply b) Installation No. No. 12 12 10166 1950 121992 23400 2 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012 Sl Description of Materials Unit 19 Location Box Full. (GKP Type) including 'E' type lock fitted on the door. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply No. 8 12766 102128 b) Installation Supply of 6 -Way ARA Terminal. Inspection by Consignee Supply of Bakelite Sheet (950X75X12). Inspection by Consignee. Prewired Relay Rack to accommodate 100 Nos. of relays with all fittings (wiring materials like fuse, Fuse base, Copper busbar, backelite strips, Condenser, resistance etc. to be inspected by consignee before wiring) Wire should be taken from RDSO approved Source & Wired should be Tinned Copper. (16/02) a) Supply b) Installation Supply & Installation of CTR Complete with all fittings including 6way ARA terminal, Hylum sheets (6mm thick) inspection by RDSO. Complete indoor Laddering between relay rack to CTR and other places where required for laying of Cables/wires etc. a) Supply b) Installation Transportation, Installation and Commissioning of Integrated Power Supply System with all accessories like distribution Board, ladder, power wires etc. to be supplied by the contractor. Supply, Installation, testing & Commissioning of Data logger 512 Digital & 32 Analog input with power supply unit. (Works includes supply of multicore cable from Relay Rack to Data logger, Wire/Cable for wiring should be taken from RDSO approved source). Spec. no. IRS-S-99/2006 or latest amendment. Inspection by RDSO. a) Supply No. No. 8 300 1950 299 15600 89700 No. 75 260 19500 No. No. 5 5 19500 65000 97500 325000 No. No. Set. 3 3 1 26000 10400 71846 78000 31200 71846 Set 1 305111 305111 b) Installation, testing & commissioning with all necessary wires/ Cables supplied by the Contractor. Transportation, Installation & Commissioning of Equipment for Train Detection device with all necessary materials. Rly. will supply the materials. Supply of Latch Relays, plug in type, style QLI, Magnetically latched neutral line, 24V DC, 8F-6B contact. Front & Back contact Metal to carbon, complete with plug Board, retaining clip & connectors conforming to BRS:935A, IRS : S-34 & IRS : S-23 (as applicable). The interlocking code for this unit shall be ABCEG. Inspection by RDSO. Supply of Flasher Relays, Electronic flasher Relay type FR 101 – AM to operate on 24V DC with over voltage protection. Inspection by RDSO. Set 1 4489 4489 Set 2 363033 726066 No. 4 4760 19040 No. 4 1888 7552 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012 Qty Rate Total Sl Description of Materials 29 Supply of ECR relay for LED Signals. Spec. No. BRS 941A,STS/E/Relays/AC Lit LEDSignal/09-2002. Inspection by RDSO. Supply of Electronics Fail safe Timer, Relay, failsafe electronic time delay device mounted on ‘Q’ series relay base & covered with fixed timing of 60 second conforming to IRS : S61, IRS : S34 & IRS : S23 (as applicable). The interlocking code for this unit shall be AFHKY. Inspection by RDSO. a) 120 Sec. b) 60 Sec. No. 20 3375 67500 No. No. 4 6 3220 3220 12880 19320 Supply of Point Contactor Relays, AC Immune, plugin-type, style ‘QBCAI : DC based point contactor, 24V 2F(HD)/4B contacts, front contacts (heavy duty) and back contacts metal to carbon, complete with plug-board, retaining clip and connectors conforming to BRS : 943, IRS : S34 & IRS : S23 (as applicable). The interlocking code for this unit shall be BCEJK. Inspection by RDSO. Earth Electrode GI and accessories. Inspection by Consignee. No. 20 4879 97580 a) Supply. b) Installation EKT for Crank Handle. Spec. no. IRS-S-21/2001 or latest and IRS-S-23(latest). Drg no. SA-22601 (Adv) ALT – 4 Key combination will be intimated by the site engineer. Inspection by Consignee. All materials required for installation like wooden Board, fastner, Screw etc will be supplied by the firm. a) Supply b) Installation Magneto Telephone. Inspection by consignee. Set Set 20 20 1200 600 24000 12000 Set Set 5 5 5000 500 25000 2500 No. No. Mtr. 10 10 2000 3000 300 52 30000 3000 104000 Mtr. Mtr. 250 250 220 22 55000 5500 Mtr. 200 200 40000 Mtr. 200 20 4000 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Unit a) Supply b) Installation Excavation of Cable trench in soil at a depth of 1.2 Mtrs., 300 mm width and back filling of the same after cable laying covering the cable with bricks ( 8 bricks per Mtr.) including supply of bricks and Cable marker if required. Supply of fire retardant DWC Pipe 103 mm inner dia and 120 mm outer dia carrying out track/road crossing as per decision of Rly Engineers. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply b) Installation Cable ladder. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply b) Installation 4 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012 Qty Rate Total Sl Description of Materials Unit 38 Modification of Control cum indication panel face plate to suit New Stn. connectivity including indoor wiring alteration if any. This includes supplies of Switches, LED, wires etc. as required. Transformer Rectifier Unit 220V AC/ 24 V DC for LVR. Spec. No. IRS:S-91 Amd. 1 or latest. Inspection by Consignee. a) Supply b) Installation Dismantling of Location Box including all its accessories and return to stores. Dismantling of Main Signal along with Signal Post, Signal Unit, CI base without damage and return to store Casting, Concreting and curing of concrete foundation for shunt Signal. All required materials like Nuts & Bolts, Cement, sand and stone chips etc. Installation as per direction of Railway Engineer at site. Casting, Concreting and curing of concrete foundation & erection of full location Box. All required materials like Nuts & Bolts, Cement, sand, bitumen compound and stone chips etc. Installation as per direction of Railway Engineer at site. Filling of bottom of the location Box with sand and outside finishing with net cement. Dismantling of Point machine with ground connection including point JB and return to store without damage and return to store. Dismantling of Impedence bond including Nuts & Bolt return to store without damage. Dismantling of SSDAC indoor and out door equipment without damage and return to store. Design and Supply of Related Drawing in Auto CAD including IP as per approved EP, RCC, Panel Face Plate, Cable route plan, Tag Block chart, CTR chart, indoor wiring diagram, power supply wiring diagram, location box chart with subsequent alteration and submit two print for execution. Completion drawing to be supplied in soft copy along with three hard copy with proper binding (A3) size with tracing paper. Stn. 2 29254 58508 No. No. No. 1 1 4 5820 580 343 5820 580 1372 Set 2 3000 6000 No. 3 2860 8580 No. 2 2860 5720 No. 2 121 242 No. 2 611 1222 No. 5 611 3055 Set 2 3500 7000 Job 1 46800 46800 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 5 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012 Qty Rate Total Sl Description of Materials Unit 49 Marking of all circuit particular near terminals on terminal board/ rack in apparatus cases, junction boxes and nomenclature relays, fuses, equipments as per approved drawing. Note:(i) Before painting cleanliness to be checked by the site Engineer. (ii) Scrapping, cleaning, painting and lettering of all new and existing gears. This includes supply of all paint synthetic enamel, red lead, Berger or similar. (iii) All the materials will be supplied by the contractor. Painting of all equipment such as Signals, Shunt Signal/ Calling on Signal, Electric Point Machine, Apparatus Case etc. Painting shall consist "2 coats" of Primer and "3 Coats" of Final Paint as per Railway practice. Transportation and Laying of Signalling Cable of Different sizes as per cable route plan & meggering of all main and tail cable and Termination of all. Cable marker also to be provided by Contractor where required. Railway will supply cables. Testing and Commissioning of station as a whole. Job 51 52 53 54 55 56 Expansion Fastner 16mm BSW threaded complete with GI plain and spring washer and 16 mm GI bolt similar to Dash Fastner. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply b) Installation A3 bracket as per drg. of Metro Railway. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply Rate Total 1 11842 11842 1 25699 25699 Km. 30 6500 195000 Job 1 43500 43500 No. No. 200 200 360 84 72000 16800 100 200 20000 100 100 10000 Station 50 Qty b) Installation No. No. Operating desk of panel for operator asper Railway practice. Inspection by consignee. a) Supply No. 1 10000 10000 No. 1 997 997 Mtr. 50 50 900 15 45000 750 b) Installation GI pipe with threaded colars of 100 mm nominal bore. Specn. No. IS-1239 medium grade. Inspection consignee a) Supply b) Execution with remaining miscellaneous materials. Total Mtr. 4358055 Tenderers are required to quote on percentage basis (above/below) on the total amount of ` 43,58,055.00 as under – Rate quoted ……..% (……………….. percent) above the total amount of ` 43,58,055.00. Rate quoted ….....% (……………….. percent) below the total amount of ` 43,58,055.00. 6 of 6 S&T/Works/5-2012