EASTERN RAILWAY # HOWRAH DIVISION STATEMENT SHOWING SCHEDULE OF THE ITEMS No: SDSTE-TNDR-UP GRADE-L. C. GATS.) NAME OF WORK: DETAIL ESTIMATE IN CONNECTION WITH THE UPGRADATION OF L.C.GATES (3 NOS LC GATE / MACLS SECTION) GATE NO: 1 1/2/B/T at 7/19-21 - BEQ - BLY UPGRADE FROM B to SPL, 14/B/E at 15/12-13 - SIU - NKL UP GRADE FROM B to SPL AND GATE NO. 10/C/T at 42/9-10 - SAME - ABKA UP GRADE FROM B TO SPL IN HOWRAH DIVISION SL. NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT (A) SUPPLY PORTION: 1 2 3 4 5 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE Lifting barrier Gate complete (RDSO type) Including Pedastal, Winch Machine, Stop Post, & Boom of 8 Mtrs. Long Including Boom Locking as per RDSO DRG. NO. SA-8843-46 & SA8843A-46A(ADV), SA8839-42 & SA8839A-42A(ADV), SA-8157A(ADV) & SA8158/M/ADV. Materials to be procured from RDSO Approved Firm. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Boom Locking Arrangement Complete as per DRG. NO. SI-06678 for L.B. Including Rod Run Support, Plunger, Crank Adjustable, Rod Joint, Eye Lug Joint, Point Adjusting Screw, Etc.This include Transmission of Boom Locking by Rod Run as per Site Instruction. All materials are to be procured from RDSO Approved Firm. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Electrical Key Transmitter Crank Handle interlocking arrangement, Siding Control of L. C. Gate Control as per Yard Diagram & Approved Circuit Diagram. INSPECTION : RDSO CLS Post 5.5 Mtr. And Ladder 5.5 Mtr. With Bases as per RDSO NO. SA-5533/ADV and RDSO Spec. S6-81.This includes Signal post Signal Base , ladder, Ladder Base, Platform, Rail Guard & Blanking Off. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE CLS Unit 3 Aspect Complete as per DRG. No. SA-23003/A/M/ADV Alt-8 as per Spec. No. IRS-S-26/64 Note: 3 Pole , 3Pin lamp (SL-35A as per IRS-S57/93 along with Holder as per Drg. No. SA-24832(Latest)to be provided. INSPECTION:RDSO SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES 3 Set 3 Set 6 Nos 14 Nos 14 Nos IN WORDS SL. NO. 6 DESCRIPTION 8 9 10 11 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE G- Marker with Enamelled Number plate of Size 8" dia(Letter in Black on white back ground) with complete clamping arrangement as per DRG. NO. SGW/MGS/S5/91 & RDSO SA-23476(ADV) a) Supply Portion. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 14 Nos 14 Nos a) Supply portion 30 Nos b) Installation Portion. 30 Nos Circuit Controller 4 Way as per DG. No. S20266/6/ADV (Latest). INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Cable Jointing Kits for Jointing Complete up to 30 Core Cable suitable for Straight Through Joints of Railway Signalling Cable Insulated with as per Spen No: IS-5438/77. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Rope Wheel Horizantal -3 Way as per Drg No.SA-3092 INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Vertical rope wheel 20mm.Dia as per Drg. No. SA-3008/M/ADV (Latest). INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 6 Nos 50 Nos 30 Nos 30 Nos b) Installation Portion. 7 QTY. UNIT SUPPLY & INSTALLATION OF ENAMELLED NUMBER PLATE OF SIZE 300 MM X 200 MM WITH FIXING CLAMP WITH 10 TO 20 ALPHA NUMERIC LETTER OF HEIGHT 40 MM TO 80 MM AS INSTRUCTED BY RAILWAY OFFICIAL. LETTER SHALL BE BLACK COLOUR IN THE WHITE BACK GROUND. DETAIL OF DESCRIPTION SHALL BE GIVE BY SITE ENGINEER OF RAILWAY OFFICIAL . INSPECTION: CONSIGNEE SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE Sleeves wire rope 7/22X7 as per DRG No. S5900/M(latest). Inspection: Authorise representative of Sr.DSTE/DSTE/HWH. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Thimble open type forged galvanised to suit 3.15mm (10 SWG) DIA solid wires as per DRG. No. SA-3084 (latest). INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE SUPPLY OF EARTH ELECTRODE MATERIALS TO BE PROCURED AS PER ER'S SKETCH NO. SGW/T/3/G/8/89. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE SUPPLY OF EARTH ELECTRODE INCLUDING EARTH WIRE AS PER DRG. NO.S&T/C-41( NKG) FOR APARATUS CASES, SIGNAL POST AND OTHER EQUIPMENT. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE SUPPLY OF EARTH LEAD WIRE AND SOLDERING OF LEAD WIRE TO EARTH ELECTRODE AND APPARATUS CASE/ SIGNAL POST. CEMENT ENCLOSURES FOR EARTH ELECTRODE AS PER DRG. NO.S&T/C-36(NKG). SUPPLY OF ALL MATERIALS BY THE CONTRACTORS. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Arc. Lever complete as per DRG. No. SA922/M(Latest) materials to be procured from RDSO Approved Firms. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Rivets bifarcated as per Drg.No.S353/M(Latest). INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 18 Nos 18 Nos 75 Nos 75 Nos 75 Nos 3 Nos. 30 Nos Pully Stake Galvanised as per Drg. No. S3065/M . INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Wire Insulator as per spen. No. IRS:S4774(Latest) INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Wire adjusting screw (Galvanised) long range (12mm DIA) with screw eyes and socket as per Drg.No.SA-6066/M (latest). INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Wire steel galvanised for signalling purpose(10 SWG) 3. 15mm Dia tensile strength 95-110 KG. Per SQ. mm. each coil weighing approximately 46 to 50 KG. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 30 Nos 30 Nos 30 Nos 100 Kg. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 23 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT 5 Nos 5 Nos 300 Mtr. 15 Nos 30 Nos b) Key for "E" Type Lock INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 30 Nos 28 Bakelite Strip/Sheet of Size ( 950 x 75 x 12) mm For fixing of ARA Terminals /Fuse base. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 30 Nos 29 Supply of Slotted Angle 40 x 40 x 2 mm with Nuts & bolts to suit the fixing of Bakelite Strip with requird spacing for Inside the Location Box as per instruction o Site Engineer. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE a) Supply Portion INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 200 Mtrs b) Installation Portion. 200 Mtrs 225 Nos 24 25 26 27 30 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE CT Rack Complete with all fitings including 8 way PBT Terminals as per Spec. No. 79/92. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Relay Rack to Accumulate 100 Relays Complete with all fittings. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE GI pipe with threaded collar with 100mm. Normal bore as per specification No.IS-1239 medium grade. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Steel apparatus case GKP Type Full Size with complete fitting and accessories. INSPECTION: CONSIGNEE E' Type lock with Key (Ward No. of Key Lock & Key will be decided by Site Engg.) a) Key Lock "E" Type INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Supply of PBT ARA terminal as per IRS specification No. S-75-91. a) 6 Way 25 mm Inspection: RDSO SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 31 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT Supply of PBT fuse block with inserts cartridge type to be mounted inside location box/relay rack. Inspection: RDSO a) Fuses ( 2A, IRS-S-78/92) 140 Nos b) Fuse Base (DRG.NO. SA-23748, IRS:S75/91) Electric Gate Warning Bell as per Spec. No. GWB-01 INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Transformer 220/110v as per spec. no. IRS:S:72/88 or (LATEST) 1 KVA INSPECTION: RDSO 140 Nos 3 Nos 3 NOS 34 SECONDARY CELLS 80 AH CAPACITY TO IS 1651 AND RDSO LETER NO. . STS/E/CELLS/SECONDARY WITH INTER CELL CONNECTORS, LEVEL INDICATOR PORCELAIN INSULATOR FOR MOUNTING AND CERAMIC VENT PLUG. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 253 CEL L 35 Wooden Battery Rack/Power Equipment rack(Two Tier) as per Site Requirement. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Single Phase Battery Charger 230V AC / 24V DC 10A for Internal Supply as per Spen. No.IRS-S- 86/2000 with Ammd.-3 or Latest. Inspection: RDSO Single Phase Battery Charger 230V AC / 28V DC 5A for External Supply as per Spec. No.IRS-S- 86/2000 with Ammd.-3 or Latest. Inspection: RDSO Supply of Lightening and surge arresters of Class B & C suitable for Single phase Power supply in TT Network as per Amendment 5 of RDSO specification RDSO/SPN/165/2004 or latest and as recommended by RDSO vide letter no. STS/E/IPS/GENL dated 27.01.06 with insulated cadmium bronze cable of 3/16" as per site requirement to RDSO spec. RDSO/SPN/178/2003 to connect equipotent Buss bar in Realy Room and Surge arrester Box. Materials as per RDSO specification will be procured from RDSO Approved Firm for the said materials. 6 Nos 6 Nos 6 Nos 3 Sets 32 33 36 37 38 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE Inspection: Consignee SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 39 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT Supply of D Class Surge Protection arrangement for S&T Equipments at field 110 Volt AC/ 24V DC/48V between Phase Natural - Earth as per Specification no. RDSO/SPN/144/2004, Latest if any. Materials as per RDSO specification will be procured from RDSO Approved Firm for the said materials. 3 Sets 2 Nos. 200 Kg. Inspection: Consignee 40 41 Supply & Installation of LED(10 mm) Type Table Mounting Gate Control Cum Indication Panel of Approximate Size (600 x 300) mm as per Signalling Plan. Wooden Table (Hard Wood) of Size (900 x 600)mm of Standard Height for Mounting Panel is to be supplied by the contractor. Panel should be suitable for 2/3/4 lines as per site condition. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Nuts & Bolts(40 mm x 5 mm) INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 42 Nuts & Bolts(40 mm x 7 mm) INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 200 Kg. 43 Foundation "A" type as per DRG. NO. S3529/M/ADV(Latest) INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Signal Lamp Fixed Type with Lenses to S2479/M as per Drg. No. SA5766/M/ADV(Latest) with Signal Lamp wick 9 mm Flat and 2.23 mm thick . INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Solid joints 32 mm as per DRG. NO. SA6050/M/ADV(Latest) INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Wire Rope galvanized for signalling purpose 19mm x 7/22 SWG ie Consisting of 7 Stand for 7 Wires each 0.70 mm Dia each Coil weighting App. 46 to 50 KG. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE Signalling Cable 3/029 or 3/0.80 CORE. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 40 Nos. 3 Nos 30 Nos. 400 Mtr. 35 Coil 44 45 46 47 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE 48 Signalling Cable 16/020 or 16/0.50 CORE. INSPECTION : CONSIGNEE 30 Coil 49 MAGNETO TELEPHONE, DESK TYPE, SPECN. NO. IRS-TC-38/97. INSPECTION: CONSIGNEE 12 Nos SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 50 DESCRIPTION 52 53 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE 2 Aspect ( RED & YELLOW) LED Based (61 Nos. LED as per aspect, high intensity) Signal Unit for Road traffic at the L. C. Gate along with Flasher unit for RED Lamp. (Flashing Light Unit 60 Flash per Minute, Visible from a distance of 150/200 Mtrs).Flasher is Solid State Electronics Module and should have high Operational life (Warranty of 1 Year), hooter ( 100 Ohms , 25/60 Watt Speaker) alarm and fiberglass housing. System should work on Operating voltage 220V AC/110 AC/ 12V DC any one as per site condition with feed back indicator. a) Supply Portion. INSPECTION :CONSIGNEE 6 Nos 6 Nos 12 Nos. b) Installation Portion. 12 Nos. LED Signal Lighting Unit (Yellow Aspect) & Current Regulator 110V(Universal Type) for YELLOW Aspect as per RDSO Specification No.RDSO/SPN/153/2002/AMDT-1(LATEST) with health Monitoring Unit. Material to be procured from RDSO Approved Firm. a) Supply Portion: (Inspection : RDSO) 32 Nos. b) Installation Portion. 32 Nos. b) Installation Portion. 51 QTY. UNIT LED Signal Lighting Unit (Red Aspect) & Current Regulator 110V(Universal Type) for RED Aspect as per RDSO Specification No.RDSO/SPN/153/2002/AMDT-1(LATEST) with health Monitoring Unit. Material to be procured from RDSO Approved Firm. a) Supply Portion: (Inspection : RDSO) LED Signal Lighting Unit (Green Aspect) & Current Regulator 110V(Universal Type) for GREEN Aspect as per RDSO Specification No.RDSO/SPN/153/2002/AMDT-1(LATEST) with health Monitoring Unit. Material to be procured from RDSO Approved Firm. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. DESCRIPTION 55 56 57 58 59 60 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE a) Supply Portion: 54 QTY. UNIT (Inspection : RDSO) 20 Nos. b) Installation Portion. 20 Nos. Digital Multimeter Clamp Type for measure Current both DC & AC from 0 to 10 Amp. Corrected upto 2 Decimal place with Measurement of AC & DC Voltage 0 to 1000V. Measurement of Power frequency 0 to 100 Hz. Measurements of Resistance, Capacitance, Diode Etc. INSPECTION :CONSIGNEE Cable Fault Localizer (ELECTRONS DEVICES MAKE OR SIMILAR) suitable for all types of LT & HT, Armored & unarmored Cable upto 33kV of all classes like PVC, PLCC, PILC, & XLPE Cable etc. either buried, underground , wound on drums or Arial for open circuit, short circuit, indication high resistance & earth faults. Works on potential comparison Technique for short & resistive faults capacitance comparison technique for open circuit faults. INSPECTION :CONSIGNEE Choke "B" Type coil having annealed enameled copper wire for DC track ckt. as per Spec. No. IRS: S-65/83(Latest) Inspection : RDSO Track Feed Battery Charger of input 110V AC 50Hz, to charge 40AH Lead acid cell with Boost and Flote Mode. As per IRS Specification No. IRS-S-89-93 Inspection : RDSO Track Feed Resistance type adjustable from 0 to 25 ohms Spec. No. RE/S&T/ALD/Store/SPS/12-B Inspection : RDSO Track Lead Junction Box Complete with bush and ARA terminals confirming to IRS:S-75/91. Angle Iron of Size 1500 x 50 x 50 mm to hold the junction box and for fixing cable entry pipe 40 x 500 mm INSPECTION ; CONSIGNEE HIGH INTENCITY GRADE RETRO REFLECTIVE FILM YELLOW INSPECTION ; CONSIGNEE 3 Nos 3 Nos 44 Nos 44 Nos 44 Nos 100 Nos 50 Sq. Mtr. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. DESCRIPTION 61 HIGH INTENCITY GRADE RETRO REFLECTIVE FILM BLACK INSPECTION ; CONSIGNEE Supply of Stop Board ogf L.C. gate Boom of 686 mm dia (0.369 sq. mtr) size made of with aluminum of hard & Corrosion resistance aluminum alloy confirming to IS-737 and shall have uniform thickness of 2 mm with sheeting consisting of flexible white or colored Polycarbonate lenses elements with distinctive interlocking seal pattern & orientation marks visible from the face of smooth surface, the reverse of the board is gray power coated. he rate includes lettering & making design to give geometrical configuration & aesthetic look. INSPECTION :CONSIGNEE 62 QTY. UNIT 50 Sq. Mtr. 6 Nos 45 KM 45 KM 1000 Mtr. 150 MTR 1000 Mtr. 50 KM (B) INSTALLATION PORTION: 1 2 3 4 5 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE (A) EXCAVATION OF TRENCH IN ALL KINDS OF SOIL AND REFILLING OF TRENCHES (1.2 MTR. DEPTH 300 MM WIDTH) (PAYMENT WILL BE MADE AS PRORATE BASIC IN CASE OF LESSER DEPTH) LAYING OF BRICKS OF LENGTH WISE 2ND CLASS (4 BRICKS PER MTR),.THIS INCLUDES COST OF BRICKS. BRICKS WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. REPAIRING TO ORIGINAL STATE /REPAIRING OF PUCCA ROAD TO ORIGINAL STATE IN L. C. GATE AREA FTER CABLE WORKS. LAYING THROUGH GI PIPES OF 100 BORE SPEC. NO. IS-1239 MIDIUM GRADE JOINTING WITH THREADED COLLERS IF REQUIRED. REINSTATEMENT OF PLATFORM AND REPAIR OF ORIGINAL STATE AFTER CABLE LAYING EXCAVATION , TRENCHING, (1 MTR. DEPTH 300 MM WIDTH) EARTH WORK AND REINSTATEMENT OF TRACK WHILE TRACK CROSSING LAYING OF UNDERGROUND SIGNALLING CABLE / QUAD CABLE OF DIFFERNET CORES ) AS PER APPROVED CABLE ROUTE PLAN AND MEGGERING OF ALL MAIN & TAIL CABLES. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 6 7 8 9 10 11 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE INSTALLATION OF SUPPROTING ARRANGEMENT FOR HOLDING TRACK JUMPERS WITH CONCREET SLEEPER USING TRACK CIRCUIT BONDING KITS COMPRISING OF IRON CLAMPS (3 NOS) OF ADEQUATE DIA AND STRENGTH TO CARRY 2 CORE INTO 25 SQ. MM JUMPER CABLE, RESIN AND HARDNER TO FIX 3 CLAMPS IN ONE SLEEPER AS PER INSTRUCTION OF SITE ENGINEER. ALL MATERIALS ARE TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR EXCEPT CABLE. INSPECTION: CONSIGNEE FIXING OF G.I PIPE WITH THREADED COLLER OF 100 MM NOMINAL BORE SPEC. NO. IS: 1239 MIDIU GRADE OF REQUIRED LENGTH ON BRIDGE/TRACK CROSSING/ BELOW THE GATE. CASTING, CONCREETING & CURING OF FOUNDTATION FOR MAIN SIGNAL AS PER DRG. NO. SGW/MGS/S1/91 INCLUDING COST OF ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR CASTING, CONCREETING AND PROVISION OF HOLDING DOWN BOLTS & NUTS INSTALLATION, ERECTION& WIRING OF CLS UNIT INCLUDING PAYING OUT OF TAIL CABLE FROM LOCATION BOX AND EARTHING OF CLS AS PER SIT ENGG. CASTING, CONCREETING & CURING OF FOUNDTATION AND ERECTION OF FULL SIZE LOCATION BOX AS PER DRG. NO. SGW/MGS/L1/91 INCLUDING COST OF ALL MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR FIXING , HOLDING DOWN BOLTS, CASTING, CONCREETING & PROVISION OF 'E' TYPE LOCK. Fixing, Wiring, of Terminal strips, Bakelite Strip, Relays fuses with base and supply & fixing of sleeves for Full Size Apparatus case with terminal earthing of cables and wiring with lettering as required including supply of wires and miscellaneous materials per Location( All materials except Relay are to be supplied by the contractors and necessary Relays will be supplied by the Railway). SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES 176 NOS 300 MTR 14 NO 14 NO 15 NO 15 NO IN WORDS SL. NO. 12 13 14 15 16 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE CHARGING OF LEAD ACID CELLS OF AVRIOUS CAPACITY AS PER MFG. INSTRUCTION/RLY. ENGG.. ACID & DISTILLED WATER WILL BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. FIXING OF EARTH ELECTRODE INCLUDING EARTH WIRE AS PER DRG. NO.S&T/C-41(NKG) FOR APARATUS CASES, SIGNAL POST AND OTHER EQUIPMENT AS PER INSTRUCTION OF SITE ENGINEER. LAYING OF EARTH LEAD WIRE AND SOLDERING OF LEAD WIRE TO EARTH ELECTRODE AND APPARATUS CASE/ SIGNAL POST AS PER INSTRUCTION ON EARTHING AND PROVIDING CEMENT ENCLOSURES FOR EARTH ELECTRODE AS PER DRG. NO.S&T/C-36(NKG). INSTALLATION, WIRING & TESTING OF EKT FOR CRANK HANDLE ARRANGEMENT, SIDING CONTROL OF L.C.GATE AS PER DIAGRAM & APPROVED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM. CASTING, CONCREETING, CURING OF FOUNDTATIONS (MIXURE OF CEMENT, SAND AND STONE CHIPS IS 1:3:6) AND INSTALLATION OF LIFTING BARRIER, ARC LEVER, WINCH MACHINE, PEDASTAL, CRANKS, COMPESATORS, "A" TYPE FOUNDTATION, STOP POST, "B" TYPE FOUNDTATION, DIVERTION WHEEL INCLUDING POSITIVE BOOM LOCKING, THIS ALSO INCLUDES ROD RUN COMPLETE WITH FORGE WELDING FOR SOLID JOINTS, FLUSH JOINT, SCREW JOINT, LUG JOINT, & WIRE RUN COMPLETE. FIXING OF 'E' TYPE LOCK, ROD INSULATOR, AND WIRE INSULATOR, AS PER STANDARD PRACTICE OF L.C.GATE AND AS PER SITE ENGG. ALL MATERIALS FOR FIXING & CONCREET FOUNDTATION INCLUDING NUTS & BOLTS OF DIFFERENT SIZES ARE TO BE SUPPLIED BY THE CONTRACTOR. ALSO THIS INCLUDING TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF L.C.GATE. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES 253 NO 75 Nos 75 Nos 6 NO 3 JOB IN WORDS SL. NO. 17 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT 5 JOB 14 No b) FULL APPARATUS CASE 15 No c) LIFTING BARRIER AND POST 3 No 14 No b) Dismantling of existing Location Box 15 No 20 FIXING & COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRONIC HOOTER AT GATE. THIS INCLUDES SUPPLY OF ALL FIXING & OTHER MATERIALS FOR THE WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR. 3 No 21 Casting & Concreting of Foundation as per Drg. No. SGW/MGS/S1/91 for Installation of Signal Lamp Pole. All materials required for Casting & Concreting foundation will be supplied by the Contractor. 6 No 18 19 RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE INSTALLATION OF RELAY RACK, WIRING OF PLUG IN TYPE RELAYS AS PER APPROVED CIRCUIT DIAGRAM, WIRING OF POWER EQUIPMENT AS PER INSTRUCTION OF SITE ENGG.. TESTING & COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL PORTION OF L.C.GATE. THIS INCLUDES INTER WIRING OF CONTROL CUM INDICATION PANEL & CT RACK. CLEANING, SCRAPING, AND PAINTING OF FOLLOWING EQUIPMENTS. ALL MATERIALS TO BE SUPPLIED BY CONTRACTOR. THE COLOUR OF THE GEAR ARE TO BE PROVIDED AS PER SIGNAL ENGINEER MANUAL a) SIGNAL POST INCLUDING BASE AND UNIT. Releasing & Dismantling of the following S&T Items with complete fittings and transportation of the same to store of SSE/SIG/STORE/HWH a) Dismantling of existing Main Signal along with complete fittings SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 22 23 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE Installation & Commissioning of Above Class B & C Arrester : These din Rail Mountable device along with a 63 Amp HRC input fuse and fuse base shall be fixed in a wall mountable cabinet of minimum size of 250 mm (Width) X 450 mm (Height) X 150 mm (Depth). These box shall be made using MS sheet steel of 20 Gauge or better width 1P31 protection and power coating. A door knob shall be provided to open the front door to asses the fuse. Provision shall also be provided to view the working condition of Class C arrester from front side of the cabinet. All the internal Power wiring shall be made using a minimum of 10 Sq. mm PVC cable and termination shall be suitable for connecting a 16 Sq. mm Copper cable. The PF Contacts of Class C Arrester shall also be wired using a minimum cable 2.5 Sq. mm & terminated on a suitable terminal block. As per Diagram. The earth cable shall to be connected to the Equipotent Buss bar using an insulated cadmium bronze cable of 3/16 " as per RDSO Specification, IRS/S/103/2004. All materials for installation will be supplied by the contractor except cable 2.5 sq. mm. 3 SET S Installation & Commissioning of D Class Surge Protection arrangement for S&T Equipments at field 110 Volt AC/ 24V DC / 48V between Phase - Natural - Earth as per Specification no. RDSO/SPN/144/2004, Latest if any. 3 SET S SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES IN WORDS SL. NO. 24 DESCRIPTION QTY. UNIT RATE PER UNIT IN Rs. IN FIGURE Installation Wiring, Testing and Commissioning of DC Track Circuit as per Approved track Circuiting Plan. The work Includes Track Battery Charging and installation of Track bonding(Double) with 8 SGW GI Wire, Laying of Tail Cables with Track lead junction box, Rail Connectors with Galvanized iron wire track jumper with supporting arrangement for holding as per IYD Plan. It also includes installation and wiring of Track feed chargers, track Relays, Track Circuit equipment in the location box including Fuses and ARA Terminals. This includes Drilling of Holes of 9/32" on Rails, Where required. Fixing of Track lead junction Boxes. Provision of Tail cable Terminations Etc. 44 IN WORDS NOS Signature of the Tenderer. SDSTE-TNDR-UPGRADE-L.C.GATES