ANGLIA EXAMINATION SYNDICATE JUNIOR LEVEL 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme Section A (20 marks – TWO marks for each correct answer. ONE mark for words that have been copied incorrectly. It doesn't matter whether the article is there or not.) 01 5 a salad a bicycle a mouse a hand a glass a watch a lemon an egg a pen an octopus r2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. pl e pa February April July October November m 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. pe Section B (10 marks – 1 mark for each correctly inserted letter) gl ia four eight ten fifteen twenty An 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. sa Section C (10 marks – 2 marks for each correct answer, do not accept misspelling) Section D (10 marks – 2 marks for each correct answer, either letter or word) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C C B A D are his It are am 1 e ANGLIA EXAMINATION SYNDICATE JUNIOR LEVEL 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme Section E (10 marks – 2 marks for each correct answer) Car 2 Car 3 Car 4 Car 5 Car 6 in under behind on in front of the bag. the chair. the cake. the table. the vase. An gl ia sa m pl e pa pe r2 01 5 Section F (20 marks – 2 marks for each correct answer, 1 mark if the right answer is spelt incorrectly) Section G (10 marks – 2 marks for each correctly filled line on the form) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (name) 1 mark for an illegible or messily written name, 2 marks for a neat, legible name. (age) as above – a number, a written number, a number plus exact months, weeks, fraction etc all acceptable. (birthday) day and month necessary, ignore presence or absence of year. any sport acceptable, 1 for recognisable sport, there may be misspelling, messy writing, 2 for perfect sport word. any food acceptable, as above. 2 ANGLIA EXAMINATION SYNDICATE JUNIOR LEVEL 4 skills 2014 Key and Mark Scheme Section H (10 marks – 2 marks for each correct answer) gl ia sa m pl e pa pe r2 01 5 6 2 5 3 1 An A. B. C. D. E. 3