DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Policy: School - Safety Arrangements Author: Service: Donna Adam/Lorraine Fox Strategic Resource Manager/ Health & Safety Adviser Last Updated: April 2015 SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS BOOKLET Education Services (INSERT NAME OF SCHOOL/ AREA ) 1 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL CONTENTS Part 1 Health and Safety Statement Part 2 Safety Arrangements Part 3 Health and Safety Responsibilities Chart Part 4 List of Documents Appendix 1 Summary 2 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL PART 1 HEALTH & SAFETY STATEMENT In conjunction with the West Lothian Council’s Health and Safety Policy Statement and Education Services Supplementary Policy we recognise our responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our employees and others who may be affected by what we do. This document sets out the arrangements to secure the health, safety and welfare of everyone involved in the Service’s activities and to ensure that equal care is taken of the public who visit our premises. Educational Services will: Comply with Health and Safety legislation. Monitor activities in relation to health and safety. Provide necessary training and instruction for employees. Require contractors undertaking work for the service area to apply appropriate standards of health and safety. Aim to make improvements in safety management. Ensure staff are aware of their obligations and duties relating to health and safety. Monitor the effectiveness of its health and safety arrangements in consultation with appointed Trade Union Representatives and/or Representatives of Employee Safety. Encourage staff to set high standards of safety by personal example in order that employees gain an attitude of mind which accepts good health and safety practice as normal. It is equally a duty for employees to be responsible for the health and safety of themselves and others who may be affected by what they do. Individuals are required to comply with any rules or requirements made under these arrangements Signed: James Cameron, Head of Service – Schools (with Education Support) Date: April 2015 3 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL PART 2 This document sets out the arrangements to secure the health, safety and welfare of all those who may be affected by the activities carried out within Education Services. 1. POLICY A copy of the West Lothian Council Health and Safety Policy and Education ‘Supplementary’ Policy Statement is available on the Council’s MyToolkit site and on Edweb respectively. A summary of the Education Services Policy Statement is attached to this booklet - Appendix 1. Copies will be made available within the Health and Safety Manual located within the school. 2. SAFETY CULTURE The Head of Service and Head Teachers will ensure that ‘Health and Safety’ is at the forefront of the Service Delivery. This will be achieved by: Communication - ‘two way’ with employees, via team meetings, meeting minutes circulated/displayed on notice board. The Head of Service and Head Teachers also are an ‘open door’ policy and employees are encouraged to raise issues or concerns as they arise. Parent Councils, parents, carers and others will be advised of health and safety arrangements as appropriate. All areas of Education will be represented at the Education Services, Health and Safety Committee which meets on a quarterly basis. This is a valuable tool in the ‘two way’ communication process. Minutes of the committee will be forwarded to Head Teachers who will make them available to members of staff. Training - both induction and ongoing as relevant to the job/person. Training needs are identified by way of a variety of means including: Identification of training needs for all posts. Training Needs Analysis will match skills required within posts with the required training course. At individual staff review meetings. By Head Teachers/ Line Managers/Area BSMs. Records to be held for all staff. Consultation – with employees is required in terms of the Health and Safety (Consultation with Employee) Regulations 1996 and is achieved within the ‘communication process’ see above. 3. PLANNING The Senior Management Team will identify health and safety objectives for the year ahead in their health and safety plan. The objectives will be developed by consultation with staff and the corporate Health and Safety Unit. Education Services will have plan which details time-bound actions to be taken. 4. MONITORING The effectiveness of the Management of Safety will be monitored to ensure it is effective and relevant. This will be carried out by the supervision of the business operations by the Head Teacher/Area Business Support Manager and in addition audits by the corporate Health and Safety Unit. Accidents, incidents and near misses will be reviewed and investigated by Head Teachers or nominated officer within the establishment and where necessary by the corporate Health and Safety Unit. Where appropriate Head Teachers should feedback information to the person involved regarding any investigation outcomes. 4 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Risk assessment/controls are amended as necessary by Head Teachers or nominated employees within the establishment. The revised controls are communicated to employees in addition to being stored in the Risk Assessment Manual. 5. RISK MANAGEMENT Education Services involves a range of tasks including classroom based, office in addition to a range of others including sports events, excursions etc. Risk Assessments have been carried out and nominated persons within the school update these as necessary. All risk assessments are held in the manual noted above. Assessments are reviewed at least on an annual basis or where appropriate e.g. following an accident/incident/near miss. The persons responsible for assessment and review are noted above. The ‘master’ copy is held in the Head Teacher’s or School Office. You should read these assessments and make sure you know the control measures you need to follow to help ensure your safety at work. If you don’t understand or disagree with the assessments/controls you should raise this with your Head Teacher. 6. FIRE SAFETY AWARENESS & PROCEDURES West Lothian Council Fire Safety Awareness and Procedures document can be downloaded from My Toolkit ( This outlines what is necessary in order to fulfil responsibilities under current fire safety legislation. Each building has had an assessment of the fire precaution provisions to ensure that suitable arrangements are in place. Arrangements include: Ensuring procedures for the safe evacuation of all employees and visitors to the designated assembly point in each buildings. Personal evacuation plans will be created where identified as necessary. Training will be provided for all staff identified as having to use the evacuation equipment provided (e.g. Evac chairs). Fire Extinguishers – are available throughout the school and safety signs displayed to inform on type, use etc. Staff in ‘low fire risk’ premises/occupations such as schools are not routinely trained in use of fire extinguishers and the appliance should only be used as a last resort to help you to exit the premises in the event of emergency. An authorised/competent person tests extinguishers on an annual basis arranged by Property Services/PPP Contractor. Where an extinguisher has been used/tampered with/or a defect noted this must be reported to Property Services/PPP Contractor who will notify the authorised contractors to uplift and rectify as appropriate. A maintenance log records the inspection/test. Appropriate safety signs are displayed throughout the school and include emergency exit routes, emergency action notices i.e. action to take in event of emergency and the location of the assembly point. Fire Risk - Arrangements are in place to control fire risk. Where flammable substances are used, you must ensure that they are used in accordance with the suppliers guidance ie stored in 5 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL appropriate sealed and labelled containers. Re-capped and returned to the designated storage after use. All ‘empty’ containers are to be disposed of in accordance with specific ‘duty of care’ requirements. Regular fire drills are carried out and detailed records of drills are made and where appropriate reminders issued regarding closure of doors etc. Weekly testing of the alarm is carried out. Strict adherence to the Councils Tobacco Policy is mandatory i.e. the entire building is a ‘NO SMOKING’ area. 7. SUSPICIOUS PACKAGES AND LETTERS Staff involved in receipt and sorting of mail must be aware of the guidance in respect of action to take regarding ‘suspicious’ mail. This guidance is available on My Toolkit. 8. ACCIDENTS/INCIDENTS/NEAR MISSES AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES All incidents including all accidents, violent incidents and near misses, must be reported in accordance with the agreed Council procedures. Incident Books are available in the school office. Full and detailed information must be given. Head teachers will investigate all incidents and provide feedback to relevant staff and where necessary incidents will be investigated by Health and safety. Recommendations should be made on the form to prevent recurrence of similar incidents. The employee concerned is responsible for giving full and detailed information and will sign the form at Section 8 and the Head Teacher will complete other sections as appropriate. Forms are forwarded to the corporate Health and Safety Unit based in the Civic Centre, Livingston. Full information on what is an accident, violent incident, near miss and occupational disease can be found in the Incident Reporting Guidance for Education. 9. FIRST AID First aid needs assessments have been carried out and first aiders and appointed persons are available within the school. Lists identifying first aiders are displayed on the H&S notice board in the staffroom and within the school and these lists are updated as necessary by the Headteacher. First aid equipment is available in accordance with the first aid needs assessment. The main 'kit’ is available in the (ADD LOCATION) and ‘Travel First Aid Kits’ are provided in Council vehicles and for staff who travel away to carry out site visits e.g. trips. Employees must request ‘top up’ of materials as appropriate. 10. TOBACCO POLICY 6 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Strict adherence to the Council’s Policy is expected of all employees. All ‘Council’ premises and vehicles are designated ‘No Smoking’. By controlling exposure to tobacco smoke the Council are reducing the likelihood of effects of passive smoking to non-smokers and in addition reducing fire risk. Where an employee fails to comply they are likely to be dealt with under the Council’s Disciplinary Procedure. A copy of the Tobacco Policy is available on My Toolkit. 11. ALCOHOL/DRUGS All employees must report for work in a ‘fit condition’ and not under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Such substances constitute a health hazard for the employee and others who could be affected by what that person does or does not do. All employees must remember that substances remain in their systems for some considerable time and can have effects the day following consumption. Effects can have serious consequences in particular where vehicles, plant and equipment are used. Where employees are found to be under the influences they will be subject to disciplinary process. A copy of the Council’s guidance is available on the My Toolkit 12. WORK EQUIPMENT (INCLUDING ELECTRICAL) A range of work equipment is used throughout the offices and schools including display screen, photocopiers, shredders, guillotines, access equipment, lifting equipment etc. Each piece of equipment (or groups of the same types of equipment) will be risk assessed and the findings recorded on the Work Equipment Checklists. All equipment should be visually inspected before use and concerns about equipment suitability, condition etc must be communicated to the Line Manager. Certain equipment may require specific operator training prior to use e.g. electrically operated power tools, access equipment over 3 treads high etc. All equipment will comply with the PUWER Regulations (Provision and Use of Work Equipment) and tested on an annual basis. Equipment users/operators will be trained as appropriate in its use and where necessary refresher training will be given. Access equipment for work at height Where equipment such as ladders and stepladders is provided, the equipment must be listed on a register and a programme of inspection (at least annually). All equipment must comply with the Council’s ‘Work at Height ‘ procedures, and persons using the equipment must be ‘competent ‘and trained in it’s use.. THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS SHOULD BE DELETED AS APPROPRIATE FOR EACH PREMISE: Wheelchair lifts/ Hoist This equipment is installed in some premises and is maintained under contract as specified by Property Services. Nominated persons are trained in safe operation of the equipment. Lift Where a premise has a lift installed; it will be inspected, tested and maintained in accordance with insurance and other legislation. A procedure is in place in the buildings to ensure the lifts are not used during emergency evacuation situations. 7 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL EMPLOYEES MUST NOT USE ANY EQUIPMENT WHERE YOU ARE CONCERNED AS TO ITS SAFETY. FAULTY EQUIPMENT MUST BE ‘QUARANTINED’ AND/OR OTHER MEASURES TAKEN TO PREVENT ITS USE UNTIL IT IS REPAIRED OR REPLACED. 8 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL 13. HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES Office and school based tasks do not as a rule involve significant risk arising from exposure to hazardous substances. You should however be aware that such substances would be stored in eg Cleaners cupboards and science department storerooms. These agents are not to be used by persons who are not authorised or trained to use them ie only cleaning or science department staff. Bacterial and viral infection risks are also assessed and guidance is given in the ‘Infection Control Policy Guidance’ on My Toolkit Staff are not permitted to bring in hazardous substances from home. You should remain vigilant for substances which may present hazards to health and any concerns you may have must be notified to your Head Teacher immediately, not BSM. 14. INFECTION – BACTERIA, VIRUSES The basic rules of hygiene apply – ie strict adherence to personal hygiene, in school and during excursions in brief – hand washing before eating and after visiting WC. This is particularly important where visits to animal petting centres, zoos etc are undertaken. In addition all employees must adopt ‘good housekeeping’ practices at work. All waste products must be disposed of safely and promptly. There is little/no perceived risk arising from ‘needle stick injury’ for school based employees. All staff should however remain vigilant and report to their Head Teacher concerns arising in respect of this. A copy of the Infection Control Policy Guidance can be found on My Toolkit. 15. WORKPLACE FACILITIES All items must be stored safely in designated areas – not in the floor around or beneath desks. Welfare facilities (toilets, working facilities, staff room) are provided and are kept clean and in good order. It is also your responsibility to ensure you use them appropriately. If you notice any defects in respect of the facilities you should report this to your line manager. 16. ELECTRICITY All portable electrical equipment is checked annually by an authorised electrician. This is coordinated by Property Services. This will ensure it is ‘safe’ to use. The findings are recorded and held on an inventory of equipment. Where equipment is found to be unsafe it is labelled ‘do not use’ and either repaired or replaced. As with other equipment or workplace if you identify a defect or have a concern you must report this to your Head Teacher who will take appropriate action e.g. request test/repair or replacement. No unauthorised portable electrical equipment should be brought in without permission of the Head Teacher. Where authorisation is permitted the equipment should be under guarantee or PAT tested before use. 17. LONE WORKING Where staff are ‘working alone’ e.g. early mornings, evenings, lunch breaks weekend etc adequate arrangements must be in place to ensure safety. This includes cleaning staff and arrangements must be in place to ensure all emergency exits are unlocked and accessible whilst persons are in the school. The risks and controls are documented in the risk assessment and include: tell other person where you are and when you will return persons who have health problems should not work alone 9 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL e.g. where they have a condition, which may leave them ‘at risk’ while lone working such as - diabetes/epilepsy which is at that time unstable/not predictable (or similar). If you think you my have a condition which would leave you ‘at risk’ while working alone you are advised to consult your GP. Ensure you secure entry when you are in the office/premises to prevent unauthorised access. ensure you have access to a) a means of communication – phone b) Access to emergency exits The Head Teacher is responsible for carrying out and communicating safe working procedure for Lone Workers. 18. MANUAL HANDLING A range of manual handling tasks is carried out and these have also been assessed And findings recorded in Manual Handling Risk Assessments. Copies are available in the assessment manual. Identified employees are trained in manual handling techniques. Where storage of items is at ‘high level’ appropriate access equipment must be used and assistance must be requested from colleagues when necessary. Pregnant and nursing mothers will be reminded not to attempt to lift/move loads, which may present risks to them and must never overreach/stretch to retrieve items such as boxed files etc. If you are aware of any health ‘problems’ which may affect your ability to handle (lift, carry push, pull etc) items you must inform the Head Teacher who will make the necessary arrangements to prevent aggravation or worsening of your condition. 19. PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) PPE must be used as required by staff and pupils. PPE assessments and risk assessments will identify where it is required e.g. science, CDT and music. It is the wearers responsbility to ensure the equipment is used correctly and looked after. You must also report equipment defect or request replacement as appropriate. All assessments will be reviewed/revised as necessary by PT(C)/ Business Support Managers. Training will be provided on how to use the PPE correctly. 20. DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT (DSE) Where staff use DSE an on line training and assessment package will be completed by the user (Cardinus).. This will require the user and the designated person to complete an assessment that covers all areas of safe use of equipment and safe workstations. The training and assessment will be completed on an annual basis. Eye test costs are paid by WLC and a monetary sum is available to cover the costs of ‘basic’ spectacles that are required for DSE use (see the guidance document on My Toolkit for specific conditions). 21. VIOLENCE/AGGRESSION AT WORK Whether physical or verbal assault or threats, employees must report all instances on Educations Violent Incident Report form available on Edweb.. Where there is a risk is identified ie where frontline staff are dealing with members of the public who may be aggressive, specific customer care ‘avoiding confrontation training’ will be available. 10 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Head Teachers, not the BSM, will arrange to carry out an investigation of violent incidents and take action as appropriate to ensure your safety at work. The outcome of the investigation will be relayed back to the member of staff concerned. 22. CONTRACTORS When contractors visit School Premises to carry out works they must ensure they comply with the safety rules. This can only be achieved through good communication of ‘what’s expected’. Contractors visiting the school must report to Reception and ‘sign in and out’ in the visitor’s book. The Asbestos register must also be available for inspection. Contractors must ensure they carry out their works with due regard for the safety of ‘other persons’. If you have any concerns in respect of the interface with Contractors you must report this via your Head Teacher. Where works are to be undertaken in areas where or adjacent to ‘asbestos’ the detailed Asbestos procedure must be strictly adhered to. 23. VEHICLE/DRIVING SAFETY Where your job requires you to drive Council vehicles e.g. mini bus, or private vehicle for work use, you should ensure you follow road safety rules in addition to: Suitable vehicles Driver posture Driver health and eyesight Manual handling of loads/in out of the vehicles Mobile phone use. Mobiles, whether hand held or hands free can be distraction for drivers. If you are required to use a mobile at work you should find a safe place to pull over and park to make/receive calls. Employees must comply with West Lothian Councils Mobile phone policy which can be found on My Toolkit. Seat belt wearing for staff and pupils alike is mandatory. You must also ensure you drive with due regard for speed limitations and other traffic management rules in the office car park. Particular care must be taken during adverse weather conditions. Be aware of the risks arising from pedestrian/vehicle interface. 24. NOISE AT WORK The legal standards required by The Control of Noise at Work regulations will be the minimum requirements we will work to. The risk from workplace noise exposure will be assessed and measures put in place to ensure that exposure limits set out in the regulations are not exceeded. Action will be taken to reduce noise exposure and where practicable other controls other than Personal Protective Equipment will be used. Where there is an identified risk to health, health surveillance will be carried out. 11 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL PART 3 HEALTH & SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY CHART – EDUCATION SERVICES DEPUTE CHIEF EXECUTIVE/ HEAD OF SERVICE Overall responsibility for health & safety for Education Services. The Head of Service will be supported by the Education Services SMT to carry out their responsibilities: Senior Education Development Manager Strategic Resource Manager Strategic Customer & Information Manager HEAD TEACHERS/SERVICE MANAGERS AREA BUSINESS SUPPORT MANAGERS/ OTHER NOMINATED OFFICERS / SERVICE HEALTH AND SAFETY OFFICER CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY UNIT Provision of advice and guidance to Head Teachers/Line Managers/employees in relation to health and safety/ completion of Risk Assessments . Provision of advice and guidance to Head Teachers/Area BSMs. Provision of training (as required). Liaison with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in relation to reportable accidents. Investigation of accidents/incidents (where necessary). ALL EMPLOYEES Responsible for the implementation of the health & safety policy in their establishment. Complying with all relevant statutory requirements. Day to day management of health and safety with their establishment. Establishing a health and safety committee for their premises. Ensuring that the senior management team within the premises promote a safety culture. Responsible for their own safety – follow safety ‘rules’. Other persons who may be affected by what they do or don’t do. Report accidents incidents or near misses to their Line Manager. 12 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Report defects/concerns to their Line Manager. Wear PPE as issued. PART 4 LIST OF DOCUMENTS AND WHERE TO ACCESS THEM 1. Health & Safety Manual – Copy Available In The School Office or with the Strategic Resource Manager (Civic Centre). CONTENTS 01. MANAGEMENT OF HEALTH & SAFETY AT WORK 02. WEST LOTHIAN COUNCIL, HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY – Copy also available on the My Toolkit ( 03. EDUCATION & CULTURAL SERVICES, SUPPLEMENTARY HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT - Copy also available on Edweb 04. SCHOOL SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS BOOKLET -Copy also available on the Edweb 05. HEALTH & SAFETY INDUCTION PRESENTATION FOR NEW EMPLOYEES 06. FIRST AID GUIDANCE 07. INCIDENT REPORTING PROCEDURES 08. PERSONAL SAFETY AT WORK POLICY & PROCEDURES – Copy also available on the My Toolkit 09. SUBSTANCE MISUSE POLICY– Copy also available on the My Toolkit 10. NEW & EXPECTANT MOTHERS GUIDANCE 11. MANAGING STRESS AT WORK POLICY – Copy also available on the My Toolkit 12. TOBACCO POLICY – Copy also available on the My Toolkit 13. CONTROL OF ASBESTOS IN THE WORKPLACE GUIDANCE – Copy also available on the My Toolkit 14. DEALING WITH A SUSPICIOUS PACKAGE/BOMB THREAT – GUIDANCE NOTE 11.1 PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING HOAX, CONTAMINATED OR SUSPICIOUS POST – Copy also available on the Intranet 15. USE OF MOBILE TELEPHONES GUIDANCE - Copy also available on the My Toolkit 16. SCHOOL EXCURSIONS POLICY & PROCEDURES 17. PROCEDURE FOR CONTROLLING ACCESS TO SCHOOLS – Copy also available on EdWeb 18. CATERING AT ONE OFF EVENTS GUIDANCE 2. Risk Assessment Manual - Copy Available In The School Office or with the Strategic Resource Manager (Civic Centre). CONTENTS 01. RISK ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW 02. GENERIC RISK ASSESSMENTS – Copy also available on Edweb 02.1. Secondary Only - Subject Specific – Risk Assessments – Separate Manuals issued 03. FIRE RISK ASSESSMENTS – Copy of FRA held in Property Maintenance Log Book 04. DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENT (DSE) 05. WORK EQUIPMENT REGULATIONS GUIDANCE MANUAL HANDLING UPPER LIMB DISORDERS COSHH PPE LOLER SAFETY WITH LADDERS NOISE AT WORK 13 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL 06. 07. 08. RISK REGISTER POLICY GUIDELINES FOR STAFF SUPPORTINGH CHOLDREN WITH PERSONAL CARE NEED WORK AT HEIGHT PROCEDURES APPENDIX 1 SUMMARY OF EDUCATION SERVICES HEALTH & SAFETY POLICY The Education Services Senior Management Team will, so far as reasonably practicable, ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees when at work. All Education Services employees must take reasonable care of themselves and any one they may affect by what they do or do not do. The Head of Service has overall responsibility for the effective implementation of the Education Services Policy and for ensuring that a Health and Safety Plan is produced outlining the objectives and timescales. Head Teachers/Service Managers are responsible for implementing this policy in their area(s) of control and complying with all relevant statutory requirements. They will also assist in preparing the Health and Safety Plan and review it annually as well as developing and implementing a health and safety risk management strategy. Head Teachers/Service Managers are responsible for implementing this policy in their areas of control and ensuring that the Health and Safety Plan’s objectives and timescales are met. The corporate Health and Safety Unit provides advice, guidance and assistance to managers and employees of Education Services. You will receive a copy of or be made aware where you can access the Safety Arrangements Booklet for your area. It will detail the safety arrangements at your workplace and who is responsible for its implementation. The policy will be monitored to establish its effectiveness through analysing reported incidents and inspections. Emergency procedures will be established for situations which present serious and imminent danger. The provision and maintenance of plant will comply with legislative requirements. The use and handling of articles and substances will be assessed to avoid or minimise risk of injury. Storage will be in accordance with legislation. The of use of display screen equipment and stations will be assessed to minimise the risk of injury. 14 DATA LABEL: INTERNAL Employees will receive appropriate information, training and supervision. All workplaces and establishments will be assessed to ensure they comply with legal standards. Employees will be provided with appropriate personal protective equipment as necessary. All incidents and near misses must be reported to your line manager. Investigations will be undertaken as necessary by the corporate Health and Safety Unit. Employees will be informed of First Aid provisions. Arrangements to vet and monitor contractor competency will be implemented. Consultation will take place between management and safety representatives on health and safety matters. All revisions/amendments of the policy will be brought to your attention. Employees who have safety complaints should refer them to their line manager. 15