font 12 pt, bold, capital letters, left alignment

(font 12 pt, bold, capital letters, left alignment)
Talbot,B.1, & Lindroos, O.2 (font 11 pt., italics, left alignment)
Norwegian Forest and Landscape Institute, Norway.
Department of Forest Resource Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden. (font 10 pt., left alignment)
[Note: This abstract will be published in a proceedings of extended abstracts. It should
provide sufficient insight into your research study without jeopardizing subsequent
publication in a peer review journal. For guidance on the publication of results in proceedings
and peer review journals, see the section ‘Publishing in proceedings and IJFE?’]
Section headings like Introduction and Materials and Methods should be bold 12 pt.
The abstract is limited to max 3 pages (preferably 2), including title, authors, figures, etc. The
text shall be in «Times New Roman», (12 pt), with single line spacing. No indenting.
The papers are to be presented in A4 format (210x297 mm, all margins 25 mm) in English.
The abstract should include brief sections including introduction, material and methods,
results, conclusions and references.
Figure 1. The Owren mini 400 (photo:Morten Nitteberg)
Illustrations (pictures, graphs) should be of high quality, and will be printed grey scale.
Illustrations can be placed directly in the text. Please use the picture formatting tool in MSWord to compress any images to ‘print quality’ in order to reduce file size. Illustration and
table captions, as well as column headings should be printed in (10 pt. bold). Tables are
printed with borders, and center aligned - no formatting (styles) should be used.
Table 1 Description of conditions
Corridor length (m)
Yarder 1
Yarder 2
Literature cited
Corridor width (m)
Yield (m3/ ha)
Cited literature should be listed alphabetically at the end of the manuscript. If an author is
repeated, the sequence is single author first, then two authors. References within the text
should be cited in parentheses in chronological order at the appropriate location using the
author-date style. For example, "... (Banks 1997, Adams and Jones 1998, Smith et al. 2000)."
List of cited literature is published of 1 line space, font 11 pt., in alphabetical order.. Alignment is
provided by width.
For journal articles:
Erefur, C., Bergsten, U. & de Chantal, M. 2008. Establishment of direct seeded seedlings of Norway
spruce and Scots pine: Effects of stand conditions, orientation and distance with respect to shelter tree,
and fertilization. Forest Ecology and Management 255:1186-1195
Lieffers, V.J. & Stadt. K.J. 2003. Aging discrepancies of white spruce affect the interpretation of static
age structure in boreal mixedwoods. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 33: 2820-2821.
For book chapters:
Fløistad, I.S., Granhus, A. & Hanssen, K.H. 2009. Norway. In: Willoughby, I. et al. (eds.): Forest
vegetation management in Europe. Current practice and future requirements, pp. 91-98. Cost Office,