TITLE OF PAPER (Times New Roman 12 pt bold, CAPITAL LETTERS, before 60pt, alignment - centered) 12pt, single 1st Author’s Name and Surname1, 2nd Author’s Name and Surname2, …, n Author’s Name and Surname n (Times New Roman 11 pt bold, 11pt, alignment - centered) th 12pt, single 1 Full title of working place, working place full address (street, No, City, Zip-code, Country), E-mail: (Times New Roman 10 pt italic) 2 Full title of working place, working place full address (street, No, City, Zip-code, Country), E-mail: (Times New Roman 10 pt italic) n Full title of working place, working place full address (street, No, City, Zip-code, Country), E-mail: (Times New Roman 10 pt italic) 12pt, single Write different addresses and e-mails. If the same address do not repeat it. Abstract. The volume of abstract cannot be less than 600 typographic sings. (Times New Roman 9 pt), but no more than 250 words. Keywords: The keywords should include 6–10 items (Times New Roman 9 pt) Abstract and keywords write in Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian (if the author can write in Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian) 1. Introduction (Times New Roman 10 pt bold) 10 pt, single interval, 1 line from Keywords The volume of a paper 9–10 pages. The Introduction, the main text and Conclusions should be printed in 10 pt type Single interval at the distance of 1 line from Keywords. The first line of the paragraph not to be shifted from the left margin. All paragrahps – 0.7mm. The headings of introduction, chapters, sub-chapters and References are printed in small letters in 10 pt BoldRegular type and aligned left, spacing before and after 6 pt. The introduction, headings of chapters, sub-chapters numbered by one Arabic numeral and sub-chapters by two numerals. The titles of chapters and sub-chapters should be separated from the text by 6 pt interval. 2. Figures and tables Charts – in *.xls format. All Figs send in different vector (cdr, ai, jpeg, jpg, xls) files. Figs and tables should be put in the place where they are mentioned; and they are centered. Pictures (colored and black-and-white type) should be of good quality, clear and suitable for reproduction. The numbers of figures and tables (for example, Fig. 1, Table 1) and inscriptions below are written in 9 pt of Regular type. Figs and tables are separated from the text by 1 line interval. Table 1. Main characteristics of beams tested by Clark and Speirs (1978) Tensile reinforcement mm Diameter mm Area mm2 Concrete cube strength MPa 412 202 25 1472 34.7 408 203 20 943 33.3 Depth mm Width 1R 2 Beam 3. Mathematical dependences Mathematical dependences (Equations), their notations in the text and other symbols should be written in Equation Editor 3 Italic 10 pt type, the indexes by 7 pt, subindexes by 6 pt (see Fig. 1). a) Fig. 1. Equation Editor options (Times New Roman 9 pt): a – styles; b – sizes b) Matrices are written in square brackets, vectors by Bold-Regular 10 pt type. All the numerals, including index numbers, are presented in Regular type. Formulas are shifted 7 mm from the left margin: a b c (1) They are numbered by Arabic numerals in round brackets and aligned right. Between a formula and a text there should be an interval of 1 line. 4. Numerical values Numerical values are written in main text, figs and tables: For example: 0.5; 1.8 not 0,5; 0,8 one thousand five hundred sixty → 1560 (not 1.560 or 1,560); two million thousand five hundred sixty → 2 001 560 (not 2.001.560 or 2,001,560). 5. Metrication Contributors are encouraged to provide measurements in SI (Le système international d'unités – International System of Units) units (information available from Internet: http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/index.html http://www.sizes.com/units/SI.htm. The measurement unit of the original research should be followed by the equivalent conversion in parentheses. For example: 1 inch (25.40 mm); 1 British barrel (163.5 l). 6. Conclusions 1. 2. 3. ….. (1st conclusion). …...(2nd conclusion). …..(nth conclusion). References (see Instruction to Authors) References should be in alphabetical order by author surname. The list of references is given after Conclusions. The list of references is typed in 9 pt. The references are to be presented in English and original language (if the original language is not English) according to the following patterns. References are mentioned in the text using brackets Received day month year, accepted day month year (Times New Roman 10 pt Italic)