Chapter3: Exercises Silvia Giordano ICA, EPFL exercises e-1 Exercise1 q Suppose client A initiates a Telnet session with server S. AT about the same time, client B also initiates a Telnet session with server S. Provide possible source and destination port number for: a. the segment sent from A to S. b. the segment sent from B to S. c. the segment sent from S to A. d. the segment sent from S to B. e. if A and B are different hosts, is it possible that the source port number in the segments from A to S is the same as that from B to S? f. how about if they are the same host? exercises e-2 Solution of Exercise1 source port numbers a) A -> S 1467 b) B ->S 1513 c) S -> A 23 d) S -> B 23 destination port numbers 23 23 1467 1513 e) yes, there is no relationship between port numbers on different hosts. f) no, a port number identify UNIVOCALLY a process exercises e-3 Exercise2 1) UDP and TCP use 1’s complement for their checksums. Suppose you have the following three 8bit words: 01010101, 01100000, 11001100. a) What is the 1’s complement of the sum of these words? b) With the 1’s complement scheme, how does the receiver detect errors? c) Is it possible that a 1-bit error will go undetected? How about a 2-bit error? exercises e-4 Solution to Exercise2 11000101 +11010001 +10010110 =10010011 One's complement =01 1 0 11 0 0. b) To detect errors, the receiver adds the four words (the three original words and the checksum). If the sum contains a zero, the receiver knows there has been an error. c) All one-bit errors will be detected, but two-bit errors can be undetected (e.g., if the last digit of the first word is converted to a 0 and the last digit of the second word is converted to a 1). exercises e-5 Exercise3 r Consider the Go-Back-N protocol with a sender window size of 3 and a sequence number range of 1,024. Suppose that at time t, the next in-order packet that the receiver is expecting has a sequence number of k. Assume that the medium does not reorder messages. Answer the following questions: a. What are the possible sets of sequence numbers inside the sender’s window at time t? b. What are all possible values of the ACK field in the message currently propagating back to the sender at time t? exercises e-6 Solution to Exercise3 a. Here we have a window size of N=3. Suppose the receiver has received packet k-1, and has ACKed that and all other preceding packets. If all of these ACK's have been received by sender, then sender's window is [k, k+N-1]. Suppose next that none of the ACKs have been received at the sender. In this second case, the sender's window contains k-1 and the N packets up to and including k-1. The sender's window is thus [k-N,k-1]. By these arguments, the senders window is of size 3 and begins somewhere in the range [k-3,k]. exercises e-7 Solution to Exercise3 b. If the receiver is waiting for packet k, then it has received (and ACKed) packet k-1 and the N-1 packets before that. If none of those N ACKs have been yet received by the sender, then ACK messages with values of [k-N,k-1] may still be propagating back. Because the sender has sent packets [k-N, k-1], it must be the case that the sender has already received an ACK for k-N-1. Once the receiver has sent an ACK for k-N-1 it will never send an ACK that is less that k-N-1. Thus the range of in- flight ACK values can range from k-4 to k-1. exercises e-8 Exercise4 Implement in Java a Client-Server pair with a dummy application (that sends non-significant data) that realizes at application layer the GBN scheme. exercises e-9 Solution to Exercise4: GoBack n Tout Window GbnSender GbnRec GbnAckmng exercises e-10 Solution to Exercise4: sender public class GbnSender { public static void main(String[] args){ ………. sliding window timer Window slidingWindow = new Window(wdim); DatagramSocket Sout; Tout tout; try { Sout=new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress IPadd; exercises e-11 Solution to Exercise4: sender try{ IPadd= InetAddress.getByName("localhost"); byte[] sendData = new byte[3]; String Pinfo; ack manager on sender socket GbnAckmng wmng = new GbnAckmng(Sout, slidingWindow); wmng.start(); int currpack = 0; int end = 0; while ((currpack < transmission not completed npack )&&(end == 0)){ System.out.println(currpack + " versus " + npack); exercises e-12 Solution to Exercise4: sender synchronized(slidingWindow){ thread sync if (slidingWindow.getdim() > 0){ mechanism on //System.out.println("window is sliding window " + slidingWindow.getdim()); if sliding window not empty transmission is possible currpack++; slidingWindow.sent(currpack); tout = start timeout on currpack new Tout (slidingWindow, currpack, 3000); tout.start(); Npack = new Integer(currpack); Pinfo = new String(Npack.toString()); sendData = Pinfo.getBytes(); DatagramPacket Spack = new DatagramPacket(sendData,Pinfo.length(),IPadd,60000); exercises e-13 Solution to Exercise4: sender try{ Sout.send(Spack); } catch (IOException a){ } //System.out.println("packet " + currpack + " has been sent"); } else { try { sliding window is empty: GbnSender waits for either an ack or a timeout slidingWindow.wait(); currpack =; exercises e-14 Solution to Exercise4: sender System.out.println("RESTART from " + currpack ); } catch (InterruptedException e){ } } if ((currpack == npack)&&( == npack)){ end = 1; } } } System.out.println("all packets sent"); } catch(UnknownHostException a){ } } catch (SocketException a){ } } } exercises e-15 Solution to Exercise4: ack manager public class GbnAckmng extends Thread { private Window myns; private int ackpack; DatagramSocket LSout; public GbnAckmng (DatagramSocket Sout, Window ws){ initialize the sliding window and the socket myns=ws; ackpack = 0; LSout = Sout; System.out.println("Wmng started"); } exercises e-16 Solution to Exercise4: ack manager public void run() { while (true){ byte[] recData = new byte[1024]; DatagramPacket Rpack = new DatagramPacket(recData,recData.length); try { int lung; LSout.receive(Rpack); ack manager is lung = Rpack.getLength(); in wait for the received acks String Resp = new String(Rpack.getData(),0,lung); Integer NewAck = new Integer(Resp); ack sequence number } ackpack = NewAck.intValue(); exercises e-17 Solution to Exercise4: ack manager } catch (IOException e){ } sync on sliding window synchronized (myns){ if (myns.acked(ackpack)){ System.out.println("Notify Wmng: window is " + myns.getdim()); restarts the } GbnSender myns.notify(); } } } } exercises e-18 Solution to Exercise4: Timeout import Window; public class Tout extends Thread { private int PacketNum; private long timeout; private Window mySlidingWindow; public Tout (Window ws, int Pack, long exttimeout){ Parameters initialization mySlidingWindow=ws; PacketNum=Pack; timeout=exttimeout; } exercises e-19 Solution to Exercise4: Timeout public void run() { System.out.println("Tout started on " + PacketNum); try { this.sleep(timeout); Sync on SlidingWindow PacketNum){ synchronized (mySlidingWindow){ if ( == mySlidingWindow.reset(PacketNum); mySlidingWindow.notify(); } } return;} catch (InterruptedException e){}} exercises e-20 A LAN 1 B 00-00-00-00-00-00 11-11-11-11-11-11 22-22-22-22-22-22 D 66-66-66-66-66-66 C 33-33-33-33-33-33 44-44-44-44-44-44 LAN 2 55-55-55-55-55-55 LAN 3 133.333.333.002 88-88-88-88-88-88 133.333.333.001 77-77-77-77-77-77-77 133.333.333.003 E F 99-99-99-99-99-99 exercises e-21