24 Capacitanceand Dielectrics CHAPTER 794 Tauch $creens Application and Capacitance The touch screenon a mobilephone,an MP3 playeqon [as shown here] a medicaldevice uses the physicsof capacitors.Behindthe screen are two parallellayers,one behindthe other, of thin strips of a transparent conductor such as indiumtin oxide.A voltageis maintained betweenthe two layers.The strips in one layerare orientedperpendicularto those in the other layen;the points where two strips overlapact as a grid of capacitors.When you bring your finger [a conduclorJup to a point on the screen,younfinger and the front conductinglayeract like a secondcapacitor in series at that point.The circuitry attachedto the conductinglayersdetects the locationof the capacitancechange,and so detects where you touchedthe screen. The equivalent capacitanceC"q of'the seriescombinationis definedas the capacitanceof a single capacitorfor which the charge Q is the sameas for the combination,whenthepotentialdifferenceVis the same.In otherwords,thecombinationcanbe replacedby an equivalentcapncitorof capacitanceCeq.For sucha capacitor, shownin Fig.24.8b, O c"q:I or v I a*: a Q4.41 Eqs.(24.3)and(24.4),wefincl Cornbining l _ lI l I C.q C1 C2 We can extend this analysis to any number of capacitors in series.We find the follcrwing result fbr the reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance: ,l ' 1 , ' ', 1 I . , - : :- .Î ' ' - ' t * , " ' rC.q , , C2 ,l C . 3 : t (capacitors in series) "' d' t24.51 llhe reciprocal of the equivalent capacitanceof a series combination equals the sum of the reciprocals of the individual capacitances.In a seriesconnecis alwayslessthan any individualcapacitance. tion the equivalentcapacitance l .ffi c a p a c i turei ngeri ssThemagni tudeofchargei sthesameonal l pl a t esof all of theindividual in a seriescombination; however,thepotentialdifl'erences thecapacitors arethesame.Thepotential capacitors arenofthesameunlesstheirindividualcapacitances acrossthe addto givethetotalpotentialdifference dil'ferences of theindividualcapacitors Vt.x"l: V + V2+ V3+ "' . U series combination: Iag*citars in Y*ralls,l t4.g A parallel connection of two capacitors. (a) Two capacitorsin parallel {.lrrpacitorsin parallel: ,'l'hs)capî(titi)r's lr;wc'fhe sanrepotent.ialV. .'['he chiirgeorl r'fichc;lpilcitordepencls r:n its clrl:tcitrtnce: Q1 " C1V,Q:,. (.':.Y. a Tffi l | l " 1"" l I crff?z vob',: v ctffior *f" | -ù-, II I The arrangementshown in Fig. 24.9a is called a parallel connection. Two capacitorsa.reconnectedin parallelbetweenpoints a andb. In this casethe upper plates of the two capacitorsare connectedby conducting wires to form an equipotentialsurface,and the lower platesform another.Hencein a parallel connection the potenîictldffirence .for aII índividual capacitors is the sameand is equal to Y,u: V. The chargesQ1 and Q2 are not necessarilyequal,however, sincechargescan reacheachcapacitorindependentlyfrom the source(suchas a battery)of the voltageVo6.Thechargesare Qt = CtV and Qz: CzV The totul chargeQ of the combination,and thus the total chargeon the equivalent capacitor,is b (b) fne equivalentsinglecapacitor -'[- II v I I _\z_ Chargeis tlresurnoi the indiviclualcharges: Q * Qr'r tl: l'it1ui vlleut c:rpacítiurr:e: g^".,==1', 1_(.., vrl Q : Q t + Q z : ( C r+ C ù V O i:t, *Cz t24.6) The parallelcombinationis equivalentto a singlecapacitorwith the sametotal chargeQ : Qr + Qz andpotentialdifferenceV as thecombination(Fig. 24.9b). The equivalentcapacitanceof the combinatiofl, C"q, is the sameas the capacitanceQIV of this singleequivalentcapacitor.So from Eq. (24.6), C"q: C1 t C2