pay the quote; pay quote quit quit play play quite heap eap reap leap apes qp qp qu qu que quee qu Lesson 10—Independent Practice 1 qp Type each line one time • Keep your eyes on the copy • Stand copy up on the left side of your screen • Fold along dotted lines • Directions: if we pay for the toy; if we pay pp pad pal pass pad pal Repeat from the beginning as time allows • she parked; he has toys for the trip qa qu quo quad quad qu BONUS: Write the word “keyboard” in cursive. grapes grapes for trip trip toy quad aqua aqua quad qu Lesson 10—Independent Practice 2 qp Alternative Practice: (Internet Access Needed) Click on Internet Explorer From the District Web Page, click on the Hand icon on the right Click on Lesson 10: qp Click on qp Click on Start Follow on screen directions Site is animated and includes sound the door says quite; quite; quip equipped equipped with parts part of the play; part of the play qq qq pp pp play quip play quite trip to pool pool work plaid plate If the above link does not work, students may type the following in the address bar to reach the site: level2.shtml