&&66 AF 1.4*0' Use and$SSO\WKHDUHDDQGSHULPHWHUIRUPXODVIRUUHFWDQJOHVLQUHDOZRUOG interpret formulas (e.g., area ! length " width or DQGPDWKHPDWLFDOSUREOHPV)RUH[DPSOHILQGWKHZLGWKRIDUHFWDQJXODUURRPJLYHQWKH A ! lw) to answer questions about quantities and their DUHDRIWKHIORRULQJDQGWKHOHQJWKE\YLHZLQJWKHDUHDIRUPXODDVDPXOWLSOLFDWLRQ relationships. HTXDWLRQZLWKDQXQNQRZQIDFWRU UNDERLYING SKILLS AND CONCEPTS: basic facts; meaning of variable; multiplication Solve Problems Using Formulas a K ey Ide When you solve problems, use the 4-step Problem-Solving Plan. When you get to Step 3, try using a formula to solve the problem. Perimeter Rectangle: P ! 2 " l # 2 " w Square: P ! 4 " s Area Rectangle: A ! l " w Square: A ! s " s Distance Formula: d ! r " t E x am p l E 1. What do you need to find out? The amount of chicken wire needed for a fence. 2. What information can you use? The garden is 24 feet long and 6 feet wide. 3. How can you solve the problem? Use can use a formula. First choose which formula you need to use. Since they are putting the chicken wire around the garden you want to find perimeter. P!2"l#2"w P ! 2 " 24 # 2 " 6 P ! 48 # 12 P ! 60 They need 60 feet of chicken wire. 4. How can you check your answer? Since you found perimeter, you can check by adding the lengths of the 4 sides. 24 + 24 + 6 + 6 = 60 The answer checks. page 224 Chapter 19 – Lesson 4 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. Kim’s class planted a vegetable garden. The garden is rectangular. It is 24 feet long and 6 feet wide. The want to put a chicken-wire fence around it. How much chicken wire do they need? Name P RAC T I C E Solve each problem using a formula. 1. Judy is putting fringe around a scarf. The scarf is a square. Each side is 18 inches long. How much fringe does she need? 2. Judy’s scarf is a square. Each side is 18 inches long. What is the area of the scarf? 72 inches 3. Judy rode her bike to the store. She rides at a rate of 1 block a minute. She rode for 10 minutes. How far did she ride? 324 square inches 4. Judy’s mother drove to the mall. She drove 25 miles per hour. It took her 2 hours. How far did she drive? 10 blocks D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 50 miles Math Reasoning Problems Using Formulas MR 1.1 5. What formula would you use to find the amount of framing you need to put around a rectangular picture? Explain. I would use P = 2 x l + 2 x w since the frame would go around the picture like a perimeter. Chapter 19 – Lesson 4 page 225 MCX94.HW.CL.G4.FM&Lesson.v211 8/2/04 19:16 Page 152 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Solve each problem using a formula. 1. Helen is putting lace around a collar. The collar is a square. Each side is 16 inches long. How much lace does she need? 2. Jack’s scarf is a rectangle. The scarf is 30 inches long and 8 inches wide. What is the area of the scarf? l 30 in. s 16 in. 3. James rode his scooter to the store. He rides at a rate of 2 blocks a minute. He rode for 5 minutes. How far did he ride? 240 square inches 4. April’s mother drove to the mall. She drove 35 miles per hour. It took her 2 hours. How far did she drive? 10 blocks 70 miles Math Reasoning Problems Using Formulas MR 1.1 5. What formula would you use to find the amount of framing you need to put around a kitchen window? Explain. I would use P 2 l 2 w since the frame would go around the window like a perimeter. page 152 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 19 Lesson 4 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 64 inches MCX94TEG4Ch01_32.v8.5.2 2/26/01 19:03 Page 415 Name P RAC T I C E Solve each problem using a formula. 1. Judy is putting fringe around a scarf. The scarf is a square. Each side is 18 inches long. How much fringe does she need? 2. Judy’s scarf is a square. Each side is 18 inches long. What is the area of the scarf? 72 inches 324 square inches 3. Judy rode her bike to the store. She rides at a rate of 1 block a minute. She rode for 10 minutes. How far did she ride? 4. Judy’s mother drove to the mall. She drove 25 miles per hour. It took her 2 hours. How far did she drive? 10 blocks D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 50 miles Math Reasoning Problems Using Formulas MR 1.1 5. What formula would you use to find the amount of framing you need to put around a rectangular picture? Explain. I would use P = 2 x l + 2 x w since the frame would go around the picture like a perimeter. Chapter 19 – Lesson 4 Student Book Page page 225 Name …at home! P RAC T I C E Solve each problem using a formula. 1. Helen is putting lace around a collar. The collar is a square. Each side is 16 inches long. How much lace does she need? 2. Jack’s scarf is a rectangle. The scarf is 30 inches long and 8 inches wide. What is the area of the scarf? l 30 in. s 16 in. 3. James rode his scooter to the store. He rides at a rate of 2 blocks a minute. He rode for 5 minutes. How far did he ride? 240 square inches 4. April’s mother drove to the mall. She drove 35 miles per hour. It took her 2 hours. How far did she drive? 10 blocks 70 miles Math Reasoning Problems Using Formulas MR 1.1 5. What formula would you use to find the amount of framing you need to put around a kitchen window? Explain. I would use P 2 l 2 w since the frame would go around the window like a perimeter. page 152 Home Resource and Homework Chapter 19 Lesson 4 D – © CSL Associates, Inc. All rights reserved. 64 inches