Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110085
Website: www.esic.nic.in
Tender Notice
Tenders are invited by Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital Sector-15, Rohini-110085
for the supply of medical gases i.e. Oxygen, nitrous oxide & carbon dioxide in this hospital
Interested firms are requested to collect tender form with terms & conditions &
specifications from the office of Dy. Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital, Rohini on any
working day from 10.00 A.M. to 3.00 P.M. (Saturday from 10.00 AM to 12.00 noon) up to
02.08.2012 at the cost of Rs 200/- in the form of demand draft/Banker Cheque(Non Refundable)
in favour of ESIC FUND ACCOUNT No. 1, New Delhi. Tender documents can also be
downloaded from Website- www.esic.nic.in ; in that case DD/Banker Cheque for the cost of
tender document is to be enclosed with tender. Tender form is to be submitted complete in all
respects along with prescribed EMD in favour of ESIC FUND ACCOUNT No.1 New Delhi in
form of DD or Banker cheque only.
Tender complete in all respects must be deposited in tender box kept in DMS room up to
1.00 pm on due date of opening. Tender received after due date & time will not be entertained.
Tender will be opened on 03.08.2012 at 2.30 pm in DMS room, in the presence of
bidders or their authorized representatives. If due date of opening is declared holiday, tender will
be opened on next working day at same time and place.
Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any tender or all without assigning
any reason(s) thereof.
Medical Superintendent
Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110085
Website: www.esic.nic.in
F.No DM(RH)16/19/2003/Med. Store(Refilling of Med. Gas)
Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi-15. invites sealed
bids for the supply of medical gases i,e. Oxygen, nitrous oxide & carbon dioxide in this hospital.
Interested firms are requested to collect tender form with terms &conditions from Dy. Medical
Superintendent office on any working day from 10am to 3pm and on Saturday from 10am to
12pm by 02.08.2012 at a cost of Rs. 200/- in the form of demand draft/Bankers Cheque (Nonrefundable) in favour of ESIC Fund Account no1 New Delhi.
Tender documents can also be downloaded from hospital website www.esic.nic.in, and
DD/Banker’s Cheque for Rs200/- shall have to be enclosed with the tender as the cost of the
tender form. Tender form complete in all respects along with EMD of Rs. 15,000/- in the form of
DD/ Banker’s Cheque in favour of ESI fund A/c no 1 must be dropped in the tender box kept in
Dy. Medical Superintendent room up to 1.00pm by 03.08.2012. The tender will be opened on the
same day i.e. 03.08.2012 at 2.30 pm in Dy. Medical Superintendent room. If any representative
of the tenderer wishes to be present at the time of opening, he can do so. Tender received late
will not be entertained. The tenders should be submitted in sealed envelope addressed to the
Medical Superintendent, ESI Hospital, Rohini, Sector-15. The Envelope should be super
subscribed “Tender for supply of medical gases” and should contain earnest money &
attested copies of documents in support of their eligibility & a certificate that they have seen the
terms & conditions & accepted them. The technical bid & commercial bid should be submitted
separately in separate envelopes within the same envelope superscribing “Technical Bid &
Commercial Bid” The rates should be typed both in words as well as in figures, free from erasing
and over writing and error in typing. Any erasing/error correction must be attested by the bidder
otherwise the rates in r/o that particular item shall not be considered. Each page of the tender
must be signed by the bidder along with seal of the firm. Covering letter should indicate the list
of enclosures. Terms and conditions of the contract is enclosed as annexure A&B specifications
at Annexure-C.
Medical Superintendent reserves the right to reject any tender or all without assigning any reason
Medical Superintendent
Terms and Conditions:
1. The rates shall remain effective for the period for one year, currency of which shall start
from the date of award of the contract.
2. Earnest money amounting to Rs. 15,000/- must be deposited alongwith tender form either
through Banker’s cheque or Demand Draft in favour of ESI Fund Account No. 1 payable
at Delhi.
3. In the event of withdrawal/ revocation of the tender before the date of acceptance the
earnest money will be forfeited.
4. The earnest money will however be returned without interest to the tenderer, where
tender is not accepted.
5. The tenderers are advised to submit pre-receipt along with application for refund of
EMD, which will be released as soon as tender is finalized.
6. Medical Supdt. reserves the right to cancel the tender at any time without assigning any
reason therefor.
7. Tender should be quoted only by the actual manufacturer or their authorized distributors.
8. Failure of delay in supply of life saving medical gases shall result in financial penalty and
any other levies as decided by Medical Supdt.
9. The tenderer should give an undertaking that if he fails to maintain standards of
tank/cylinders, gases and if some mishap occurs, the supplier company shall be
responsible for the same.
10. The rejected supply if any should be taken and replaced by the supplier with in the
specified period, without causing any interruption to the hospital services.
11. The Medical gas manifold room for Oxygen, Nitrous oxide may be inspected by firms on
any working day i.e. 9 AM to 4 PM till the last date of submission of tenders.
12. Supply have to be made available between 10.00 AM to 4.00 PM only.
13. In case supply is not received till 4.00 PM the hospital authorities will have the right to
purchase Medical Gases from the open market and extra money spent due to rate
difference plus cartage charges will be deducted from the performance security and/ or
EMD of the supplier.
14. The place of delivery will be Manifold room (Ground floor) ESI hospital, sector 15
Rohini, Delhi.
15. Any freight and cartage charges will be borne by the contractor for delivering the items.
16. On acceptance of tender, the contractor/supplier shall deposit a sum of Rs. 60,000-(Rs.
Sixty thousand only) as security money for fulfillment of the terms and conditions for the
contract. The security will be deposited in the form of Demand Draft / banker’s cheque in
favour of “ESIC A/c No.1”.
17. On due Satisfactory performance and completion of the contract in all respects, the
security money will be refunded to the contractor without any interest.
Special conditions:1. Should hold valid manufacturing license for medical gases.
2. Should have reputation and experience of over last 5 years as Medical Gas manufacturer
and supplier to Govt. institutions/large private hospital of repute.
3. Should have provision of full facility for testing and logging for impurities in each batch
of manufactured gas & cylinders. The test shop must be approved by the Chief Controller
of Explosives.
4. Should have availability of full time chemist to supervise and conduct and document the
5. Should be able to furnish batch testing reports of preceding 5 years on demand.
6. All cylinders should be tested and specified for filling of medical gases by CCE approved
test shop.
7. In house facility for regular testing & certification of cylinder/LMO for tare weight
Hydraulic pressure tests etc. as per norms for compressed gas cylinders under explosives
Act 1981, expenditure will be borne by company.
8. The firm should have adequate & efficient transport for supplying of Medical gases.
There should not be any interruption in supply.
9. Firm must give an undertaking to the hospital that they will provide uninterrupted
supplies as per demand of the hospital. The hospital reserves right to make alternative
arrangements at risk and cost of the firm if it fails to oblige.
10. Vendor should provide desired medical oxygen bulk ‘D’ type cylinder for the matrix of
the manifold as a standby arrangement for liquid medical oxygen.
11. The firm should take responsibility to maintain color code of all medical gases cylinders
& LMO including those belonging to the hospital.
12. The firm shouldn’t demand security, caution money & rent/ maintenance charge,
transport charges and holding charges on LMO tank & cylinders.
13. The firm should install the LMO tank/vessel & Connect to the manifold pipe line.
14. No installation and uprooting charges will be paid.
15. The firm will be responsible for routine check, maintenance & demonstration of
functioning of LMO & preventive measure to be adopted in case of emergency to
Technical staff of the hospital at their own cost.
16. The firm should ensure for refilling of A, B, D type cylinder for oxygen, A, D, type for
Nitrous Oxide and A, AA, Bottle type for carbon dioxide cylinders.
17. The Tenderer are bound to supply the store/ manifold room during the validity of tender
at the approved rates. The validity of the tender will be for the period of one year from
the date of finalization of the tender. The rates quoted should be certified as the lowest
quoted for any institution in India in the last 2 years. If the price of any item is reduced
due to any reasons during the validity of the tender he will intimate to this office the
reduced rates immediately.
18. The firm has to provide list of atleast five reputed hospitals based in Delhi/ NCR which
should either be govt. hospital and/ or private hospitals having 300 beds or more where
they are supplying the gases. The Performance Certificates on the user’s letterhead
should be provided along with the copies of order received from them.
19. The firm should provide documentary evidence regarding the following:a) Total production capacity of Gases per day in tons.
b) Total storage capacity of Gases at different units.
c) Total No. of Liquid Oxygen Transport Tanks in possession and permission to ply
on Delhi Roads at all times of the day including restricted hours from
Commissioner of Police.
d) The infrastructure regarding quality control and analysis facilities to test the
composition of Gases as per I.P. Standards.
e) The firm have to provide the details of their inhouse testing facility for quality of
medical gases & has to inform regarding facility available with them to test the
sample collected from manifold of the hospital.
20. The tender should provide safety features in line with global standards of safety, as part
of installation.
21. The vessel should be maintained in such a way to keep natural evaporation rate less than
22. MS reserves the right to select different vendors for LMO/CMO
23. The cylinder should have company monogram printed on the cylinder. It should
mention date of last testing & due date of next testing.
24. Successful bidders would be bound to supply the gases even after completion of tenure
on tender rates, terms & conditions till the next tender/fresh arrangement is finalized.
25. For delivery of medical gases at hospital premises: The rates at which the cylinder/ tank
to be quoted in figure & words per cylinder for A,B,D,AA Type or any other type
mentioning with volume, pressure, Kg of gases(Name) in each of cylinder.
a) Cost of gas per Kg.
b) Cost of gas per cmm.
c) Cost of any other chargeable components (if any) per cylinder.
d) Cost of amount of taxes statutorily liable to be shown.
Mode of measurement
1) a) Liquid Oxygen will only be received after weighing the tanker before supply at
Dharam Kanta (Nearest to hospital) along with the receipt. The tanker will be sent again
to the same Dharam Kanta on the same day for weighing after filling the tank in the
hospital campus to be installed by the company & Net weight of the Liquid Medical
Oxygen supplied to the hospital shall be determined by subtracting the “weight after
supply” from the “weight before supply”.
b) Representative from the hospital will visit the Dharam Kanta from time to time for
inspection of gross weight, tare weight and net weight of the ss Oxygen tanker. Firm will
provide necessary cooperation in this matter, no additional charges will be payable from
2) MS shall have the right to change the mode of measurement.
Medical Superintendent
Check List:1) Valid manufacturing license for Medical Oxygen (Liquid & Gas) and nitrous
(Attested copies)
2) Valid license for storage, filling and testing of cylinders (Attested copies )
3) A CCE approval test shop certificate.(Attested copies )
4) Experience certificate of 5 reputed hospitals
5) Lowest rate certificate in last 2 years, certifying that the rate quoted are not higher than
quoted elsewhere.
6) Non black listing certificate. Certificate stating that the firm has not being black listed in
the past and no vigilance or other enquiries pending.
7) Undertaking that uninterrupted supply of gases will be maintained or else alternative
arrangement will be made at own risk of the firm.
8) Certificate mentioning total number of vehicles of liquid oxygen transport tank in
possession and permission to ply on roads all time .
9) Certificate stating that all term and conditions of tender are acceptable
Technical Specifications for Medical Gases
Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO)
Vessel Capacity : Less than 1000 liters
Configuration- Vertical/Horizontal
Operating working pressure 8-12 kg/cm2
Should have compact unit including vessel and vaporizer.
Vessel should be of standard material and technology keep in view of safety.
Dimension of Vessel-Vendors are requested to visit/Inspect the site so that the tank of
requisite dimension can be provided by them to meet our requirement. Consumption
approximately 10-12 D type cylinders.
- Purity-99-1090%.
- Medical grade I.P.
- Certified safe for human use.
- Should not cause any damage to gas pipeline, anesthesia machine and ventilators.
- Should have content indicator and preferably low liquid level alarm with safety system in
case of emergency/un-natural calamities.
2. Compressed Medical Oxygen.
- Medical grade I.P. 1996/Latest IP
- Certified safe for human use.
- Purity 99-100%
- Carbon monoxide less than 5 PPM
- Caron-di-oxide not more than 300 PPM
- Free from halogen, polymer & oxidizing substance & moisture.
- Should not cause any damage to the materials of cylinders, Gas pipeline, Anesthesia
machine and ventilators.
3. Nitrous Oxide.
- Medical grade I.P. 1996/Latest IP
- Certified safe for human use.
- Purity 99-100% in liquefied form.
- Humidity and other impurities zero percent free from hydrogen sulphide. Free of all
forms of reducing and oxidizing substances.
- Should not cause any damage to the materials of cylinders, Gas pipeline, Anesthesia
machine and ventilators.
- Each batch must have passed tests for alkalinity, arsenic, phosphate and ammonia.
4. Carbon dioxide
- Medical grade I.P. 1996/Latest IP
- Certified safe for human use.
- Should not damage any instrument used with it.
Performa for inviting tenders & Rates particulars of medical gases.
A. Liquid Medical Oxygen
S. No.
LMO (Liquid Medical Oxygen) Tank Capacity
Evaporation Rate for Maintenance
Liquid Medical Oxygen Rate/kg
Any Taxes Statutorily Applicable
Number of Cylinders provided as backup arrangement
B. Medical Gas Cylinders
Compressed Medical Gases
Oxygen Cylinders
Nitrous Oxide
Carbon Dioxide
Basic Price
Per Cubic
Any taxes
Unit Cost of
component if
any per
Repairing &
charges of
1. Rates must be written in figures & words.
2. Net rate to be quoted in the grand total inclusive of all charges.
3. Installation and commissioning of Liquid Medical Oxygen clarification regarding
installation of vessels for Liquid oxygen with its capacity with Certificate of the
Name and Signature of Authorized Signatory with Seal