ESI Hospital Rohini e-TENDER ENQUIRY FOR Purchase of Dental Chairs & other equipments CONTENTS: E-Tender Notification Various Formats LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF ONLINE & MANUAL BIDS: 18.04.2016, . For any clarification pertaining to e-tendering and e-Procurement Portal contact at the following Help desk contact No. Ms. Anjali Thombare: 022-66865600/10/11 Mr. Ashish Goel: 0124-4302034 or 9818820646 Mr.Nimesh.Bhardwaj :-0124-4302035 or 9310527400 Mr. Mayank Gupta: 9716528440 e-mail Id for support/helpdesk : EMPLOYEES’ STATE INSURANCE HOSPITAL Rohini, Sector-15, New Delhi – 110085 Website: Phone No. 27860004, Fax No. 27553098 (Notice Inviting E-Tender For Equipments) Dated 28/03/16 E- Tenders under Two Bid system through 'e' procurement solution are invited by Medical Superintendent ESI Hospital Sector-15, Rohini-110085 for the supply of following items required for ESIC Dental College Gulbarga Karnatka: S.No. Name of the equipment 1. Dental Chair 2. IOPA Machine Qty. Department Earnest Money in (Rs.) Bid System 20Pcs Dental College, Gulbarga (Karnataka) 1,50,000/ Two Bid 18/04/16 3,000/ Two bid 18/04/16 X-Ray 01 ---Do---- Date of Opening of bids Tender documents are available on line from29/03/16( Bidders have to deposit the Earnest Money Deposit as detailed above through DD/ Bankers Cheques drawn in favour of “ESIC Fund A/C No. 1” payable at New Delhi. The interested tenderers should upload duly filled tender form and their bids along with scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents, etc. in support of their technical & price bids – all duly signed – on the latest by 18/04/16 upto 01.00 PM. The technical bids will be opened online on 18/04/16 at 02.30 PM. Tender documents is also available for viewing on the websites i.e., & Medical Superintendent IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS FOR VENDRS FOR E-TENDERING 1. All vendors are required to procure Class – IIIB Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) with both DSC Components i.e. Signing & Encryption to participate in the E-Tenders. 2. Vendors should get Registered at by paying Annual Registration charges of Rs.2000/- (non-refundable) in the form of Demand Draft from any scheduled bank, in favour of M/S Uptron Powertronics Ltd. Payable at Ghaziabad. 3. Vendors also needs to submit Bid Processing Fee Charges of Rs. 4500/- (non-refundable) in the form of Demand Draft from any scheduled bank, in favour of M/S Uptron Powertronics Ltd. Payable at Ghaziabad for participating in the Tender. 4.Vendor needs to submit the Demand Draft of Annual Registration and Bid Processing fee at the below mentioned Registered address for approval of Registration and successful submission of Tender, failing which the vender will not be able to participate in the e Tender. Along with the Demand drafts, Vender needs to send a covering Letter mentioning about the payment details, company name, address, payment towards ESIC Registration charges (mention User –Id) and ESIC Bid processing fees (mention Tender ID and Tender Title) at the below mentioned address : UPTRON POWERTRONICS LTD S-53 to 58, Site-IV Sahibabad, Ghaziabad( U.P.)-201010 5. The Vendor also needs to mention his Company name , address ,User ID, Payment towards ESIC Registration Charges at the back side of Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/ and ESIC Bid Processing fee mentioning the Tender ID and Tender Title at the back side of Demand Draft of Rs. 4500/. 6. Vender also need to send the scanned copies of Demand Drafts at mentioning their company name, address and User ID at approval of Registration and Tender ID and Tender Title for approval of Bid Processing Fee. e-TENDER SCHEDULE S.No 1 2 3 4 Details Period of availability of e-Tender document on web sites Last date of online & Manual Bid submission Date of opening Online tenders & Manual Technical Bids (for EMD collection) Date of Opening Financial Bid 5 Validity of offer Dates & time 29/03/16 to 18/04/16 18/04/16 at 1.00PM 18/04/16 at 2.30PM Will be communicated over Phone/E.mail to the technically qualified bidders 1 Year from the Last date of submission of e-tender The contents of Techno Commercial Bid should include following items (Checklist) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Covering letter indicating the list of enclosures. EMD in accordance with instructions as above. Name and detailed specifications of the quoted Equipment with price Blanked Name and detailed specifications of essential accessories if any with price Blanked Name and detailed specifications of optional accessories if any with price Blanked Warranty Offered…..Year/s (Minimum for Two Years or as mentioned in the specification) Confirmation of rates of AMC and CMC minimum for 5 years after expiry of warranty. Statement of deviation parameter wise from tendered commercial conditions, /specifications if any. Copy of PAN & latest I.T.R. Statement of deviation parameter wise from tendered conditions, if any. Authority letter from manufacturer/ authorize distributor/ stockist if applicable. Users List Name and address of nearest authorized service center Catalogue of the equipment showing the make/model no and specifications Declaration/ undertaking on stamp paper as per the proforma enclosed The contents of PRICE Bid should include following items The quotation should be for the same item as depicted in the technical bid. Only Techno-commercial bid (Un-Priced bid) will be opened first and shall be referred for the Technical Evaluation. The price bid of only those tenderers whose technical bid is found acceptable by the competent authority will be opened for further action. In case the price quoted cannot be matched with the item/s quoted in technical bid, the bid shall be liable to be rejected Rates and S.T./ VAT must be quoted separately .The price should be all inclusive lump sum price offered for each item including cost of the equipment, freight, insurance, transit insurance, packing forwarding etc. and including charges for installation and commissioning with all the men and material required for the same and included charges for the quoted warranty period. The price should be on F.O.R.destination i.e ESIC Dental College, Gulbarga Sedam Road Gulbarga-585106 (Karnataka). No other charges in addition will be payable on any account over and above the quoted price in the price bid except taxes as applicable. The rates quoted in ambiguous terms such as “Freight on actual basis” or “Packing forwarding extra” will render the bid liable to rejection. The price should be quoted in INR valid for 1 Year from the date of opening of tender Lowest one will be calculated on the basis of Unit price plus CMC. TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING CONTRACT 1. The Tenderer must enclose a demand draft/banker Cheque only for rupees mentioned against each items as earnest money drawn in the favor of ESIC Fund A/C No.1.A copy of DD must be uploaded with e-tender. 2. EMD Deposited with earlier tender if any or in any other form as given, will not be adjusted/accepted against this tender. Tender without EMD will not be accepted in any case. 3. Tenderer will have to demonstrate the quoted item if required to Technical Evaluation Committee within the stipulated time frame as and when asked for or as has been mentioned in the tender. The tender shall be liable to be cancelled on non-compliance of this clause. 4. EMD will be released after finalization of tender to unsuccessful bidder/s. 5. Successful bidder has to deposit 10% of the total cost of equipment as performance security with the Medical Superintendent in the form of Demand Draft/ Banker’s Cheque/ Bank guarantee else 10% of the payment due (Rounded-up) shall be with-held which will be released on satisfactory performance of the equipment after expiry of warranty period. 6. Either the Indian agent on behalf of the principal/OEM or principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender. 7. If an agent submits bid on behalf of the principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another principal/OEM in the same tender for same item/product. 8. The firm should undertake that the rates quoted are not the higher than quoted for any other govt. Institution / hospital in India. 9. The company will get only one chance for demo. In case the company fails to arrange the demo the tender shall liable to be cancelled. 10. The date for demonstration shall be fixed with mutual consent on telephone the same shall be confirmed in writing and by fax. In any case not more than two weeks time shall be given to arrange for demo. 11. In case demo of the equipment is required the same has to be arranged at Delhi or NCR. 12. Only the item/s of manufacturers or their authorized distributor/stockist would be considered. 13. Tenderer must provide the telephone and fax no & e.mail with tender for all correspondence. 14. The equipment should be guaranteed /warranted for a minimum period of two years or as mentioned in specifications from the date of satisfactory installation and inspection. 15. Delivery schedule: - Within 6 weeks after placement of supply order. 16. Firm should undertake to enter into Annual Maintenance Contract /CMC) for equipment as well as for accessories, for minimum period of five years after completion of warranty period and accordingly quote the rates of AMC/CMC for five years. Firm should undertake to keep the equipment in running order throughout the year and in case of equipment going out of order the fault will be attended within 24 hours of lodging the complaint. 17. Payment of equipment will be made within two weeks after the successful installation, training to user deptt. and satisfactory inspection of the equipment. 18. For the equipment where reagents, cartridge, consumables, etc. are required. The price bid must include: A) Rate list indicating the prices and packing prevalent on date of tendering, B) List indicating cost and life of consumables 19. Photocopy of latest I.T.R./PAN No. Should be enclosed with the completed tender. 20. Tenderer if not a manufacturer, has to submit manufacturer’s authorization certificate 21. No of installations, installations in local area, feed-back from them, proximity of service center, quality of equipment, Duration of Warranty offered, rates of AMC/CMC, modern technology, shall also be a criteria in making the decision. 22. If any accessories like voltage stabilizer, water filtration/ purifier/ soften plant etc. are required with the equipment must be quoted with the equipment. 23. The Medical Superintendent has the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason(s) thereof. 24. The Tenderer is required to submit undertakings as per the Performa enclosed on a nonjudicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- Medical Superintendent UNDERTAKING: (To be submitted in non judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/=) 1 I … (Name of authorized Signatory) the undersigned hereby declare and affirm that I have gone through the terms and conditions governing the tender and undertake to comply with all terms and conditions. 2 That the rates quoted by me are valid and binding upon me for the period validity of tender. 3 The rates quoted are not the higher than quoted for any other govt. Institution / hospital in India. 4 That the earnest money of Rs._________________ deposited by me vide Banker Cheque/Demand Draft no.___________ Dt.___________drawn on………….. (Name of the Bank) is attached herewith. 5 That I/We authorize Medical superintendent to forfeit the earnest money deposited by me/us if any delay or failure to supply the article within the stipulated time and the items of desired/quoted quality. 6 That I will be in the position to provide Annual Maintenance Contract/Comprehensive Maintenance Contract (AMC/CMC), spare parts, accessories attached and its consumables for 5 years from the date of satisfactory installation of the equipment till the AMC/CMC period is over. 7 That there is no vigilance/CBI case or court case pending against the firm, debarring my firm to supply of items quoted. 8 That I hereby undertake to supply the items as per directions given in supply order within stipulated period. 9 That I undertake to maintain the equipment to the satisfaction of user during the period of warranty and guarantee. 10 I have been informed that the Medical Superintendent has the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 11 We (Name of firm) undertake that we will provide 3 (Three) preventive service on quarterly basis during the warranty and AMC/CMC period as offered in our tender and any no. of break down calls shall also be attended within 24 hrs. I also agree that the payment of AMC/CMC shall be made to me on quarterly basis after satisfactory preventive service. 12 I agree to deposit 10% amount of cost of equipment in the form D.D. / Bank guarantee towards performance security for the warranty period. Signature and address of the Tenderer Proforma Quotation S. No. Specifications 1. Name of manufacturer and model quoted 2. Whether the equipment quoted meets all specifications or not 3. Any deviation from tendered specifications 4. Additional features if any 5. Nearest place for availability of after sales service 6. List of the installations provided or not 7. Relevant catalogues enclosed or not 8. Any deviation from terms and conditions of tender 9. Validity of tender minimum 1 Year. 10. Copy of PAN No.& Latest I.T.R. 11. Total cost of equipment including essential accessories 12. 13. 14. Warranty offered (minimum 24 months after successful installation and satisfactory inspection) Rate of AMC year wise minimum for five years after expiry of warranty. Rate of CMC year wise minimum for five years after expiry of warranty. Prices to be blanked in techno commercial bid Prices to be indicated only in price bid DO DO DO DO Proforma of Price Bid S. Name of Qty No. equipment 1. Rate /Unit (A) CMC (5 Years) (B) I II Total cost (A+B) III IV V APPLICANTS DETAILS AND CONTACT INFORMATION (To be attached with Technical bid documents) 1 Name of Tendering Hospital/Institution 2 Name of Owner 3 A) Office Address B) Contact Telephone Nos. C) Fax No D) E-Mail 4 Registration Details:(A) PAN/TAN NO (B) Service Tax Registration No. 5 Details of Earnest Money Deposit (A) Amount(Rs) (B) D.D./P.O. NO,Date (C) Drawn on Bank Name Telephone and Mobile No. Of the authorized signatory Tax as AMC(5Years) aplicable I II III IV V DENTAL EXAMINATION CHAIR (No’s. 20) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. A Dental Examination Chair should have 3 way syringes (Sterilisable) on the unit side. 2 Points for Air Rotor with water controls on couplings and 4 holetubings should be of high quality for long life. It should be a module system with micro-motor with straight and contra-angle hand-piece, two super torque air-rotor hand-piece (one push button mini head and one standard head push Button hand-piece. High quality hand-pieces with Ceramic Bearings). All the handpieces should have guarantee of minimum one year with certificate of guarantee from the original manufacturer. It should have ultra-sonic scaler integrated within the chair to the main module with minimum seven tips It should have infection control system (Bio-system) with Non Retraction Valves. It should have attached both Foot Operated and sensor operated LED Light with cooling fan of up-to 25,000 Lux (Double Intensity). With auto switch off function at zero position. It should have points for medium vacuum suction and high vacuum suction which should be compatible with centralized suction The Dental Chair should have up and down movements and back rest fully electrically operated. Base should be on rubber sleeve for Electrical safety. It should have double articulated Headrest suitable for Pediatric Patients. Spittoon should be connected with suction system through spittoon bowl valve. It should have position selection valve to control the flow of suction It should have instrument tray It should have an attached x-ray viewer and cordless light cure unit(Min. 1200 mW/cm2) It should have overhead delivery system It should have assistant side fitted with 3 way syringe It should have following programmes:a) Auto Return to Zero position. b) Should have two presets and two user-selectable programmes. c) It should have Multifunctional foot control. d) It should be provided along with Doctor’s stool (with up and down movement facility) and with adjustable backrest tilt-The range of up and down movement should be 10-15cms. e) It should have operating Voltage 200V to 240V (specially designed for Indian condition) f) It should have Maximum Height 80 to 100 cm Minimum Height up to 4050cm, compatible with Pediatric & Geriatric Patients. g) Spittoon should be movable so that operator can work from both sides. h) Should be European CE marked / ISO approved. 5 years warranty on Chair Gear motor will have to be provided Various colour combinations shall be available for selection It should be compatible with centralized compressor and suction It should be provided with 2 years warranty on complete unit and CMC / AMC should be provided by the supplier/manufacturer for at least 5 years after the completion of warranty. Specification of IOPA X-Ray Machine Generator Type: High-frequency generator for constant high voltage Supply voltage: 220-240V~ - monophase 50/60Hz X-ray tube: Should be USFDA/CE approved and also have AERB certification High voltage: 60-70kV X-ray tube current: 7-8mA Focal spot: 0.4-0.7 (IEC 336), Adjustable X-ray tube voltage between 60kV and 70 kV Total filtration: Equivalent to 2mm Al at 70kV Tube inherent filtration: Equivalent to 0.8mm Al at 70kV Leakage radiation: Less than 0.25mGy/hour maximum at a distance of 1m from focal spot Long cone: Focus to cylinder tip distance at least 31cm (12”) Timer: Incremental Exposure time can be set from 0.02 to 3.2 seconds X-ray emission control: “Dead man” switch with at least 3m spiral cable Position Indicating Device should be made up high quality material with at least 31cm distance between skin and focal spot for better protection. The x-ray generator should be fitted with a high quality of x-ray tube (monophased autorectifier tube). It should be able to generate 60-70kV voltage at an intensity of 7-8mA. Focal spot diameter should be small and should not be greater than 0.7mm. Filtration should be at least (equivalent to 2mm A1 at 70kV) and leakage radiation should be in a controlled manner (less than 0.25mGy/h at 1m from focal spot). The control panel should have safety system for sleep mode and exposure time control should be pre-defined by microprocessor for ensuring a constant dose to the patient. Selector button for type of patient, the type of films or even special X-rays should be present so that exposure times can be customised and programmed according to need of patient. Control panel should also allow switching from conventional intra-oral x-ray mode to digital sensor mode. Suitable for digital intraoral radiography with CCD, CMOS or phosphor plate sensors. Extension arm should be made available for wall mounting. Length may vary from 82.5cm (32.5") to 110cm (43.5") giving reach not less than 184cm with a long cone. For safety concern a machine should have a high regulatory design with regards to tube head assembly for ensuring proper regulation of operating temperature and high electric insulation. The machine should meet the essential safety norms AERB (certification) and should have optimal tube rating and duty cycle. Servo stabilizer should be provided for voltage stability. It should be CE / USFDA approved. It should be provided with 2 years warranty on complete unit and CMC / AMC should be provided by the supplier/manufacturer for at least 5 years after the completion of warranty.