Booklet School Enrichment A - Oklahoma Cooperative Extension

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
601 E. Robinson
Norman, OK 73071
(405) 321-4774
Fax: (405)360-0319
School Enrichment Program
School Enrichment
School Enrichment Programs are for classroom teachers or
volunteers working with youth. A variety of subjects have been
developed for short-term educational use. The curriculum can
be taught as a unit or used to supplement existing curriculum.
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom lesson plans are online at
School Enrichment Programs provide educators with teachers' guides, visuals and equipment. These programs are available
upon request through the Cleveland County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Office, 601 East Robinson, Norman,
School Enrichment Programs stimulate interest in learning,
aid educators, and acquaint students with a variety of programs
and subjects available through the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service’s 4-H Youth Development program.
Oklahoma 4-H is a total youth development program for ages
5-19. Members learn life skills by doing project work under the
guidance of volunteers. 4-H members develop leadership skills
and participate in community service projects. 4-H provides
opportunities for the entire family.
4-H is the youth development program of the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University. Programming and materials are based on current research based
4-H….making the best better.
Revised and Printed 5/2004
Cleveland County
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................................................................................2
Letter to Educators & Volunteers ..........................................................................................4
Procedure for Ordering............................................................................................................5
3-2-1– Contact Extras...............................................................................................................6
Ag In The Classroom................................................................................................................7
“...And My World”....................................................................................................................8
Aqua Times ................................................................................................................................9
Beginning of Life (Chick Embryo Science)...........................................................................10
Wonderwise ...............................................................................................................................11
Caretakers All .............................................................................................................................12
Caring For Planet Earth ...........................................................................................................13
Color Me Healthy......................................................................................................................14
Coming to America ...................................................................................................................15
Digging For Data.......................................................................................................................16
Global Change Education Resource Guide ..........................................................................17
High School Financial Planning..............................................................................................18
IAM, ICAN! ...............................................................................................................................19
Lickin’ The Bowl .......................................................................................................................20
Going Places, Making Changes ...............................................................................................21
Munchsters Talk About Food .................................................................................................22
Nutrition, Food and Culture....................................................................................................23
Wheat Science ............................................................................................................................24
Operation RISK.........................................................................................................................25
Giant Pumpkin Project.............................................................................................................26
Project LEAD............................................................................................................................27
Talking with TJ ..........................................................................................................................28
Order Form ............................................................................................................................Center
School Enrichment Program
Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
4-H & Youth Development
Oklahoma State University
Cleveland County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
601 East Robinson Norman, OK 73071-6616
405-321-4774 Fax 405-360-0319
Dear Educator or Volunteer,
The 4-H School Enrichment Program offers many educational and
exciting opportunities for young people. These programs have been
developed in an effort to simplify and aid you in educating youth.
The Extension Service has many resource people and contacts that
enjoy sharing their expertise in related fields. Please use our office as a
resource for people and materials.
4-H offers many opportunities for youth and adult development
through leadership opportunities and citizenship activities. Youth 9-19
may participate in the traditional 4-H program. Youth, 5–8 years of
age, participate as Cloverbud members.
If there is a young person interested in joining 4-H or there is an
interest in beginning a club in your school or community, please
contact the Extension Educator at the Oklahoma Cooperative
Extension Service in your county. The Extension Educator will visit
with interested youth, parents and teachers concerning the program.
The Cleveland County Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Center is
located at 601 E. Robinson in Norman. The phone number is 3214774. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Cleveland County
Procedure for Ordering
1. Call the Extension Office at (405)321-4774 to reserve program
2. You may pick up equipment and supplies at the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Center at 601 East Robinson, Norman between 1:00-4:30 p.m.
3. Some programs have a minimal fee. The money is used for
maintenance and upkeep of equipment. Payment is due at the
time the program is picked up. Checks, made payable to the
Cleveland County Extension Service, will be accepted when materials are picked up.
4. Educators or volunteers using School Enrichment Programs
must complete a Program Participation Report. The report is
due when materials are returned.
School Enrichment Program
3-2-1 CONTACT Extras
Special edition videos of the award-winning 3-2-1 CONTACT science and technology TV series for students age 8-12. Viewers go
along with teenage hosts to interview scientists, investigate problems
and take part in experiments. The videos and accompanying teaching materials are designed to let kids experience the excitement of
scientific exploration and the satisfaction of accomplishment; motivate kids to pursue further scientific study; stimulate kids’ thinking
skills so they grow; they can analyze important social issues relating
to science and technology.
1. TEACHER’S GUIDE: Each topic includes a lesson plan, experiments, hands-on activity and list of supplies.
2. VIDEOS: Six videos are available. Each is approx. 30 min.
Bottom of the Barrel Our dependency on oil as an energy
source; products made from oil; pollution problems caused by
the use of transportation of oil; availability of oil; alternative energy sources.
Down the Drain Every living thing needs water; all water on
Earth is constantly being recycled; water pollution threatens our
water supplies.
The Rotten Truth People produce more solid waste than can
safely be disposed of in landfills; reducing volume changes
shape and form but doesn’t eliminate waste; recycling.
You Can’t Grow Home Again Why do people think it’s im-
portant to save the rainforests? Rain forests are notable for their
Brainstorm: The Truth About Your Brain On Drugs The
human brain is an amazingly complex intelligent system, unmatched by the fastest supercomputer.
Get Busy: How Kids Can Save the Planet If we don’t stop
polluting the Earth and using up resources at an alarming rate,
our planet will soon face huge environmental problems.
Cleveland County
Ag In the Classroom
Grades: K-3, 4-6
Curriculum: Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Art
Agriculture is not simply farming! It is the supermarket, the equipment
factory, trucking systems, overseas shipping, scientist’s laboratory, the
house we live in and much more. It has an effect on the air we
breathe, the ground we walk on, the water we drink and the food we
This is not a vocational agriculture program, it deals with Language
Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, Reading and Art, making them fun
The lessons are intended to supplement existing curricula and have
been written to teach one or more of the skills recommended for a
grade level by the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - Lessons and worksheets for K-6 grades.
Work sheet ready for duplication. One set of books available per
2. VIDEO TAPE - "Farm Animals, Close Up and Very Personal", 30
minutes in length.
3. SUPPLY BARN - One Large Red Barn available for each school
using the curriculum. The barn is intended for use in a media
center to hold resource and support materials.
4. SUPPORT MATERIALS - Posters and other materials which will
complement and enhance lesson plans.
5. Ag In The Classroom lessons are available online at the
Oklahoma 4-H website:
School Enrichment Program
“...And My World”
“…And My World” teaches cross-cultural understanding and
international interdependence in our ever developing and changing
TEACHER’S GUIDES - Materials appropriate for grades 3-12.
Unit 1 “The World Around Me”
Unit 2 “People and Customs of the World”
Cleveland County
Aqua Times
Grades: 3-6
Curriculum: Science, Math, Language Arts, Social
Studies, Art
It is much easier to teach good habits than to change bad behavior.
Oklahoma Aqua Times looks at the complexities of preserving one of
our most precious natural resources—water.
Aqua Times is interdisciplinary, involving mathematics, science,
language arts, creative arts, creative thinking, and social studies for
looking at the quantity and quality of our water.
Aqua Times suggests ways to manage our water supply and solicits each
person’s commitment to conserve this natural resource.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - The teacher’s guide includes teaching tips,
background information for specific articles, and answers to
Each unit is supported by hands-on activities to
enhance the concepts introduced in each unit.
Each lesson teaches one or more of the skills recommended by
the Oklahoma Department of Education. Skills are listed at the
back of the teacher’s manual.
VIDEO TAPE - The video is available as part of each unit. It was
developed specifically for your students with youth science
reporters as role models who are interviewing professionals.
STUDENT NEWSPAPER - After viewing the video segment and
whetting your student’s interest in clean water with an activity
each student receives an Oklahoma Aqua Times newspaper.
There are five newspapers, one for each unit.
School Enrichment Program
Beginning of Life
Grades: K-6
Curriculum: Science
The egg is a marvel of nature, and incubating and observing the
emergence of the chick is a fascinating experience for a young person.
Students can study development of the chick embryo, record and
interpret observations, and brood chicks in the classroom or in the
Homeschool classroom. The program may be adapted for various age
INCUBATOR: - A limited number of incubators are available for
this unit. A $4.00 fee will be charged for general maintenance
and upkeep.
FERTILE EGGS: - Chicken eggs will be provided in the spring
semester. Requests must be made by January 10th. Eighteen
eggs will be provided with each incubator. There will be a charge
of $2.50 for the 18 fertile eggs.
DELIVERY DATE: Fertile eggs are available monthly January
through April.. Call the extension to receive the schedule when it
is published in late December 2004.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: General information which explains
incubation, embryo development, care of chicks, lesson plans,
and transparency masters.
5. Online teacher resources are available from Caddo County
Extension 4-H
Cleveland County
Grades: K4-6
Curriculum: Science
Bring Women Scientist into your classroom for the Ultimate Science
Field Trip! This series of learning kits introduces you to women who
have made science their career. The kits are produced by the
University of Nebraska State Museum in Lincoln, Nebraska.
The series contains 9 sets
The African Explorer
Space Geologist
Vet Detective
Parasitic Slueth
Rainforest Ecologist
Sea Otter Biologist
Urban Ecologist
Pollen Detective
Genetic Counselor
The Wonderwise Website shows you how you can use the
Wonderwise experience in your classroom. Free sample workbooks
are available online at::
School Enrichment Program
Caretakers All
Grades: 3-4
Curriculum: Science
Caretakers All is an environmental education program developed to
help teach grades 3-4 the principles of good “care taking.”
The program consists of six lessons, each using a study print to
prompt discussion and to illustrated the principles of care taking. The
back of each study print includes information about the picture, photo
source and list of discussion questions.
Caretakers of Animals
Caretakers of Water
Caretakers of Soil
Caretakers of Plants
Caretakers of Resources
Caretakers of the Community
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Includes six study prints, twelve black-line
masters, and evaluation form.
Cleveland County
Caring for Planet Earth
Grades 3-6
Curriculum: Science, Math, Language Arts
“Caring for Planet Earth” is a program designed for students in grades
Each of the six lessons contains background information,
vocabulary and student activities. It introduces environmental issues,
while reinforcing math, science, language arts,
and creative thinking skills.
support skills recommended by the Oklahoma
Department of Education.
Topics addressed:
• How Big Is Your Trash?
• Bouncing Balls in Bubble Packs
• Don’t Waste the Energy
• Drinking Dinosaur Water
• What Makes Our Forests Grow?
• Breathing Prehistoric Air
The program includes resource lists, glossary of terms and pre-test/
TEACHER’S GUIDE - Packet of educational materials includes
lessons on household and solid waste, water, air, energy, forests
and rainfall.
School Enrichment Program
Color Me Healthy
Grades: 2-3
Curriculum: Science
Color Me Healthy is a nutrition and health unit for lower elementary.
Students will learn about the food pyramid, vitamins and minerals,
health and fitness. Information can be taught in one week through
five lessons.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Teachers notebook with suggested
activities, handouts for duplication and background information.
SUPPORT MATERIALS: Food model cards, pyramid, and vials of
fat (illustrating percentage of fat in a variety of foods), rubber
food models, and apron.
Cleveland County
Coming to America
Grades: 5-8
Curriculum: Social Studies
Coming to America is designed to be used in the middle grades social
studies curriculum and as a supplement to the study of the Pilgrim
voyage and early colonization.
The purpose of the material is to help students:
appreciate the difficulties and hardships the Pilgrims endured
during their voyage to America;
understand how the Pilgrims preserved food for the voyage and
their first year in New Plymouth;
become aware of the agricultural practices that were crucial to the
Pilgrims’ survival in their new land;
become aware of the Pilgrims’ culture or way of life through
studying the clothing they wore, the houses they built, their
recreation and the food they prepared;
become aware of the variety of foods we now enjoy that were
brought to this country by immigrants
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Includes six study prints, 12 reproducible
masters, and evaluation form.
Coming to America
School Enrichment Order Form
Name _________________________________________
School ___________________ Phone _______________
School Address ______________________Zip ________
Grade ___ No. of Students ___
Planning Period________
Please fill out order form and mail or call the extension office
405-321-4774to reserve curriculum.
Spring Semester Only
Beginning of Life
Cost $6.50 Prepaid with order.
Other Programs:
3-2-1 Contact Extras
Ag in the Classroom
“And My World”
Aqua Times
Caretakers All
Caring for Planet Earth
Color Me Healthy
Coming to America
Digging for Data
Global Change Education Resource Guide
High School Financial Planning
Lickin’ the Bowl
Going Places, Making Changes
Munchsters Talk About Food
Nutrition, Food and Culture
Operation RISK
Giant Pumpkin Project
Project LEAD
Talking with TJ
Wheat Science
Mail order to:
4-H School Enrichment Program
Cleveland County Cooperative Extension Service
601 E. Robinson
Norman, OK 73071-6674
Phone 405-321-4774 ● Fax 405-360-0319
Date Ordered & Mailed ________________________
Office Use Only:
Date Received ____________________________
Date Picked Up ___________________________
Date Materials Returned____________________
Evaluation Returned _______________________
School Enrichment Program
Digging for Data
Designed to be used in a 6th grade science class as a unit on nutrition
or as an introduction to the scientific method.
Through viewing a video tape and participating in the activities,
students will become familiar with the careers in archeology, animal
science and food technology.
The students in the video demonstrate how hypotheses can be
developed and tested by doing field research to obtain facts and
TEACHER’S GUIDE: includes six black-line masters, three
reference sheets, post-test based on the video and evaluation
VIDEO TAPE: 22 minutes in length, divided into three short
Cleveland County
Global Change Education Resource Guide
Grades: K-12
Curriculum: Science
Developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) to ensure:
results of scientific research on global environmental issues like
climate change and ozone depletion are effectively applied to
individual and societal decision making;
application of research results in the development of a
scientifically and environmentally literate citizenry;
belief that improving the human partnership with the natural
Earth system is essential to our future.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Materials for grades K-12 are organized by
topic in a three-ring binder for ease in selecting and compiling
presentations and duplicating pages for handouts. 2 videos are
available with support information. Each of the following topics
contain fact sheets, articles and learning activities.
Natural Climate Variability
Greenhouse Effect
Sea-Level Rise
Ozone Depletion
Ecosystem Response
Decision - Making Under
School Enrichment Program
High School Financial Planning
The High School Financial Planning Program has been
developed to educate high school students in financial
The purpose of the program is threefold:
To teach students about the financial planning process — what it
is and what it can do for them.
To give students the opportunity to apply the process through
exercises in each unit.
To encourage students to take control of their finances beginning
The program presents basic concept of personal financial planning. It
can be used effectively in any high school course in which financial
planning is an appropriate topic, including social studies, math,
business, home economics, economics, vocational education, and
distributive education.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: The material is self contained, each unit
having a classroom preparation work sheet, teaching outline,
overview, learning activities, and quizzes/exams. Also included
are transparency masters, student assignments, teachers’ editions
(answer sheets), and puzzles.
Cleveland County
Gtades: K-4
Curriculum: Social Studies
I AM, I CAN! Is a personal development program, designed
specifically for young children, ages 5-8. I AM, I Can! Represents a
lifelong process which begins with self-knowledge (“I Am a good and
worthwhile person”) and continues as the individual begins to realize
his or her potential (“I CAN express my thoughts and feelings with
my family and friends and making sound decisions for myself.”}
The teaching philosophy is hands-on and learn-by-doing.
Experienced-based, action-oriented learning allows you to tailor a
program or activity to meet the individual needs of each child.
CURRICULUM GUIDE: Program presented in ten lessons which
have been grouped into six units. Each lesson plan is designed
to last from 45-75 minutes. Lessons include activities, songs,
games or exercises, puppet plays, and family activities.
School Enrichment Program
Lickin’ the Bowl
Nutrition education begins with
encouragement to try a variety of foods.
Young children should be given opportunities
to discover, explore, and enjoy different
Lickin’ the Bowl will provide learning experiences for children that will
help their language, math, science, reading and motor skills.
Lickin’ the Bowl is an excellent way to provide a family educational
experience. Each unit has a parent newsletter ready for duplication.
Curriculum appropriate for grades K-2.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - Eight units contain activities and a parent’s
newsletter. ACTIVITY SHEETS and newsletters are ready for
duplication. If you choose to keep the teacher’s guide there will
be a charge of $1.50.
DELIVERY DATE - Provide two weeks notice.
Supplemental materials available upon request:
Rubber Food Models
Pyramid Guide
Portion Sizes
Cleveland County
Going Places Making Choices
Grades: 9—12
This innovative curriculum developed by the National 4-H Council
focuses on raising the awareness of high school age youth about
transportation, personal mobility choices now and in the future, and
how those choices impact the environment. Going Places, Making
Choices challenges youth to understand the interdependency
between economic, environmental, social, and political concerns
through five units that cover: the history of transportation, natural
resources and energy use, global climate change, land use, and
personal choices and community action.
You can view the curriculum at
School Enrichment Program
Munchsters Talk About Food
The Munchsters Talk About Food is intended to be used with
preschool children. You, the teacher, are the best judge of the
capabilities of your children and the activities and recipes should be
adjusted to meet the needs of children in your center.
Nutrition concepts are taught indirectly through a variety of activities
rather than as a distinct subject matter. These activities vary in
complexity to accommodate the abilities of the children.
Includes eight parent handouts which
include questions parents ask about nutrition, suggestions for
cooking with children, recipes and nutrition information.
SUPPORT MATERIALS: Five full-color, 14” x 22” posters with a
lesson plan, language and cooking activities on the reverse side.
Cleveland County
Nutrition, Food and Culture
Food habits and patterns differ from group
to group because of the physical
environment each group lives in and, given
a choice, people eat as their culture has
taught them.
Our culture helps determine the kind of
food we eat, how our food is prepared,
how often we eat, what time of day we eat,
the utensils we use, who we eat meals with
and how important food will be in
celebrating holidays, transacting business
and even relieving tension.
It is the purpose of this curriculum to help
students in the middle grades to
understand principles of nutrition,
using the diets and food habits of people around the world as
identify the factors which affect agricultural production around
the world;
recognize how physical and social environments account for
similarities and differences between individuals, cultures and
regions, especially in food patterns;
make inferences about climate, agriculture and culture from
information found on a map and in a picture.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Ten 11” x 14” full-color study prints with a
lesson plan printed on the back of each print, nine reference
sheets, four activity sheets.
School Enrichment Program
Wheat Science
Oklahoma is the second largest producer of wheat in the
nation. Children in Oklahoma often do not realize the impact and
economical importance of this crop. The Wheat Science unit teaches
grades 4-12 the story of wheat from seed to bread. At the end of the
unit, the young people will make two clover leaf rolls.
Teacher’s Guide: General information, lesson guides, handout
masters and transparencies. The unit will take approximately 2-4 days
to teach.
Video: A 15 minute program addresses wheat production from farm
to table.
Wheat Grinder: Mill and wheat will be provided for classroom use.
Bread in a Bag: Guidelines and instruction for teaching the unit are
provided. Students actually mix and knead bread in a plastic bag. This
activity takes 2-3 hours of class time.
Guest Speakers: Upon special request the Cleveland County OCES
Office will contact wheat producers or persons connected with the
wheat industry. Allow at least four weeks notice.
Cost: The unit will cost $ .50 per child.
Cleveland County
Operation RISK
The Operation RISK (Reducing the
Incidence of Sick Kids) curriculum is
designed to assist in teaching the
how’s and why’s of safe food
Food-borne illness affects millions
of children each year but is almost
100% preventable.
Kids explore
ways to ensure their own health by
learning what they can do to prevent
food-borne illness.
Kids earn the title Detective First
Class by working through the
multimedia program, complete with fun-to-solve cases, take home
missions and a variety of learning activities designed to challenge
young sleuths. For grades 3-5.
TEACHER’S GUIDE: Camera-ready copies of posters, games and
charts to use in the classroom and “take-home missions” for the
learner to use with an adult at home. Four lessons
• Risky Business
• Just the Facts
• Hands-On Solutions
• Detect It
VIDEO TAPE: "What You Can’t See Can Hurt You” 10 minutes
in length.
AUDIO TAPE: “The Hand Washing Rap”
School Enrichment Program
Giant Pumpkin Project
Grades K-4
Curriculum: Science
The pumpkin is a magical plant. Children will enjoy growing this plant
in milk cartons saved from the cafeteria. The large seeds are easy to
handle for younger hands. Students can take their transplants home in
the spring, care for the plants during the summer, then have a
pumpkin show next fall. As a project extension, consider roasting
seeds, carving a Jack-o-lantern or making a pumpkin pie.
Increase students’ understanding of plant propagation and plant
reproduction. Students plant and sprout seeds as part of the program.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - General information, lesson plans,
transparency masters and other experiments.
PLANTS - Peat pellets and seeds will be provided.
Online Fact sheet:
Cleveland County
Project LEAD
“Leagal Education Against Deliquency” or Project LEAD targets 6th grade
students. The program educates students on the problems associated
with delinquency. A variety of topics are addressed. They include
law making, police enforcement and situations surrounding arrest.
LEAD utilizes a series of 14 “Teacher Directed” learning experiences
that, as the subtitle says, help young people “Put Themselves in the
Other Person’s Shoes”.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - Fourteen educational lessons. Materials
can be copied for student handout/work sheets or the booklets
could be used as a workbook for each student.
WORKBOOK - If you wish to use the 42 page activity book for
each student the cost is $.10 each.
School Enrichment Program
Talking with TJ
Talking with TJ is an exciting new educational program to improve
the teamwork skills of grades 2-4. The program uses a creative mix of
videos and hands-on activities to teach important skills of planning,
cooperating, appreciating differences and conflict resolution.
encourages children to work and play together in more caring and
cooperative ways, a critical goal in today’s culturally diverse society.
TEACHER’S GUIDE - Talking with TJ Leader Guide which
includes a step-by-step plan for each session...two on each of the
important skills of planning, cooperating, appreciating differences
and conflict resolution.
VIDEO TAPE - Stories are used to teach these skills.
COMIC BOOKS - 45 comic books (three different comics for up
to 15 children).
POSTERS - 1 set of laminated posters.
TRAINING - For those situations where a formal training session
or face-to-face training is not feasible, a self-instruction training
video must be completed before implementing the program.
The video includes general introduction to the program and
teaching tips for each session
Cleveland County
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service
Cleveland County
601 E. Robinson
Norman, OK 73071-6616
Phone: 405.321.4774
Fax: 405.360.0319
Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom online at
The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an
equal opportunity employer.