Using LabView III

Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
LabView Exercises: Part III
The working VIs should be handed in to the TA at the end of the lab.
This is a lab under development so we may experience some “glitches” the first time through. Please bear
with us.
Initializing the NI 6251 and SCC68s
The NI 6251 Multifunction I/O allows rapid analog to digital conversion and input to the computer as well
as rapid Digital to Analog conversion and output from the computer via the USB port. It also provides
digital I/O capabilities as well as some timer functions. We have interfaced this device to an SCC68 box
containing analog and digital buffers to protect the sensitive inputs and outputs of the 6251. These two
devices are connected by a 37 pin cable. The banana plugs and BNC connectors which we have added to
the SCC68 provide a convenient interface to the student’s experiments.
Exercise 1: Using MAX to initialize the NI 6251
The first time this hardware is used on any given computer it must be initialized. The Measurement and
Automation Explorer (MAX) software provides an easy way to identify the NI hardware connected to the
computer. Follow the following steps:
1) Once you are sure that the NI 6251 and SCC68 are correctly connected and powered on, launch MAX
by double clicking on its icon on the desk-top.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
2) On the left side of the window which MAX opens you will see a column entitled “Configuration”.
Double-click on “Devices and Interfaces” to expand the sub-category (or click on the ‘+’ box). Doubleclick on NI-DAQmx Devices. The expanded sub-category should show an NI USB-6251 (Mass Termination): “Dev xx” (there will only be one such entry for your computer).
3) Click on the NI USB 6251 entry (it should be showing a green circuit board on the left to indicate that
it is connected).
4) Click on the Properties tab at the centre top of the window. This will open a “Device Properties”
dialog box. On the Accessory tab which is displayed there will be a check-list. Scroll down the list to
find SCC-68 as shown. Click on SCC-68 and on “OK”.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
5) Now click on the tab “Test Panels..” at the top of the window to display the test panel dialog box.
This panel will allow you to test the functioning of your NI 6251 and the SCC 68 which is connected
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
to it.
6) Begin by testing the Analog Input channels (the first tab). The channels which are connected via the
SCC 68 are Dev*/ai4 and Dev*/ai12. First select Channel Name Dev*/ai4 and set up the test
for Continuous Mode, and the RSE Input Configuration, as shown below.
If there is no signal source connected to the BNC connector labelled AI0 on the SCC 68 the display
chart should show noise similar to that displayed on the figure when you press Start.
6) Connect the output from your function generator to the input AI0 BNC connector. Since the acquisition
rate specified in the test panel is 1000 Hz (see figure above) your function generator frequency should
be set to a frequency which is less than 500 Hz. (You must sample at least twice as fast as the
highest frequency of interest..this is the sampling theorem). Choose a suitably low frequency. Also,
the input should have an amplitude less than 10 volts. If the output displayed on the panel is as you’d
expect, click on STOP and perform the same test on Channel Name Dev*/ai12 using the same set
up parameters. If both channels pass this test, move on to the Analog Output test by clicking on the
Analog Output tab at the top of the window.
7) Connect the Dev*/ao0 output from BNC AO0 on the SCC 68 to your oscilloscope. Set up channel 0
as shown below
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
You should see a sine wave on your oscilloscope. Change the amplitude and frequency to verify that
everything is working correctly then repeat the test using Dev*/ao0 and the AO1 BNC connector.
8) Finally, click on the “Digital I/O” tab at the top of the window and test the 4 output and 4 input digital
lines. These are connected to the coloured banana jacks and are labelled DO0 through DO3 and DI0
through DI3. Set up the test panel as shown below, using port1 and click on “Start”. Lines 0 through
3 are assigned as inputs while those from 4 through 7 are outputs. All 8 lines are connected internally
to pull-up resistors so the 4 input lines )bits 0 through 3) show up as “high” unless something pulls
them down. Connect any of the 4 lines DI0 through DI3 to ground using a wire with banana plugs
and the corresponding circular green “light” on the test panel should go dark.. Next, connect one of
the output lines DO0 through DO3 to an LED (use a 1 kΩ series resistor). Then using the test panel’s
slide switches you should be able to turn the LED on and off. This demonstrates that the digital I/O
is working. After you have completed these tests you may continue with the next exercise.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
Exercise 2: Data Acquisition Using the NI USB-6251
plus SCC 68
The National Instruments USB-6251 provides 16 single-ended or 8 differential channels of analog input. It
does this using a single 16-bit analog to digital converter capable of digitizing at a maximum rate of 1.25
MHz. The 16 channels are provided by multiplexing the input to this A/D converter. If more than one
channel is used the maximum aggregate sampling rate is 1.0 MHz (i.e., 500 kHz per channel for 2 channels,
etc). It also provides two separate 16 bit analog output channels which can operate at up to 2.86 MHz for a
single channel or 2.0 MHz aggregate for two channels. See the attached data sheet for detailed specifications.
The NI SCC 68 provides the interface between the NI 6251 and the user’s experiment. We have enabled
two analog input channels, channel ai4 and ai12 each of which is buffered by an Analog Devices OP249
op-amp to provide operation over the full range of specifications of the NI 6251. The two digital outputs
are also buffered by OP249’s operating with a series 51 Ω resistor to protect against short-circuits on the
outputs. Finally, we provide 4 digital input lines (port 1, bits 0 to 3) and 4 digital output lines (port 1, bits
4 to 7) which are buffered by a 74LS244. There is a 560 Ω pull-up resistor on each digital input and output.
The NI USB 6251/SCC 68 combination is a flexible and powerful data acquisition and control system
and the exercise described below is an introduction to using such a system.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
Exercise 2: Data Acquisition using the A/D Converter
In this exercise you will build a LabView VI for acquiring data from the two analog input channels ai4 and
ai12. The VI allows you to change the sampling rate and to save the data to an “.lvf” file. (This is LabView’s
text formatted data file format.)
Launch LabView and, under “New”, click on “Blank VI”. Decorate your front panel as shown below.
The corresponding block diagram should be as shown in the next figure.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
You will notice that the block diagram contains three loop structures: the outermost loop is a while loop
which terminates only when the “STOP” button is pushed, the large inner loop is a “Case” structure which
executes every time you press the “READY” button. The small inner loop executes when you push the
“Save?” button and saves the data to a file.
When you place the “DAQ Assistant” on the block diagram you will need to configure the physical channel
being used (dev*/ai4). The configuration dialog box should open when you place it on the block diagram. If
it doesn’t, right click on the icon and, from the menu displayed, select “Properties”. Set up channel dev*/ai4
as shown.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
This VI allows you to collect “# of samples” data points at “Sampling Rate”. If you connect a sine wave
to the AI0 input channel. The sampled data is displayed on the front panel graph. If you like the look of
the data you can save it by pressing “Save?”.
Save a set of data and open the .lvm file with Windows NotePad to see the organization of the data file.
Once your VI is working, save it to give to the TA. Then, click on “Save As” and choose “Substitute Copy
for Original” and give it a new name so that you can modify the VI for the next exercise.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
Exercise 3: Generating a Square Wave Output using the D/A Converter
If you modify the VI as shown by the Front Panel and Block Diagrams below, you will be able to generate
and output a waveform which you can use to excite some external circuit. The A/D converter can then be
use to view the excitation and the response.
Physics 3100 Electronics, Fall 2008, Digital Circuits
As an example we suggest using a “square wave” excitation of an RLC circuit. Set up the D/A converter
to provide a 50 Hz square wave, amplitude of 4 v. using a size of 1024 samples. This output should be
configured to appear at Physical Channel Dev*/ao0. Build an RLC resonant circuit as shown
Use the output of the D/A (from BNC AO0) as Vi . Connect AI0 to the input side of the RLC circuit and
connect AI1 to the output side of the circuit.
When you click on the READY button, the VI generates roughly a single cycle of the square wave which
results in a 4 volt√step at the input to the resonance circuit. The circuit then rings at its characteristic
frequency ω0 = 1/ LC. The ringing decays rapidly with time because of the internal resistance of the wire
used to make L1. Measure the frequency of the ringing and estimate the decay time.
Save the VI and give the results to the TA.
Technical Sales
(866) 531-6285
Requirements and Compatibility | Ordering Information | Detailed Specifications | Pinouts/Front Panel Connections
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With recent bandwidth improvements and new innovations from National Instruments, USB has evolved into a core bus of choice for measurement and automation applications. NI
M Series high-speed devices for USB deliver high-performance data acquisition in an easy-to-use and portable form factor through USB ports on laptop computers and other
portable computing platforms. NI created NI signal streaming, an innovative patent-pending technology that enables sustained bidirectional high-speed data streams on USB. The
new technology, combined with advanced external synchronization and isolation, helps engineers and scientists achieve high-performance applications on USB.
M Series high-speed multifunction data acquisition (DAQ) modules for USB are optimized for superior accuracy at fast sampling rates. They provide an onboard NI-PGIA 2
amplifier designed for fast settling times at high scanning rates, ensuring 16-bit accuracy even when measuring all available channels at maximum speed. All high-speed devices
have a minimum of 16 analog inputs, 24 digital I/O lines, seven programmable input ranges, analog and digital triggering, and two counter/timers. USB M Series devices are ideal
for test, control, and design applications including portable data logging, field monitoring, embedded OEM, in-vehicle data acquisition, and academic. High-speed NI USB-625x M
Series devices have an extended two-year calibration interval.
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For a complete list of accessories, visit the product page on
Signal conditioning is required for sensor measurements or voltage inputs greater than 10 V. NI SCC products, which are designed to increase the performance and reliability of
your data acquisition system, are up to 10 times more accurate than using terminal blocks alone. For more information, visit
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M Series devices are compatible with the following versions (or later) of NI application software – LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, or Measurement Studio versions 7.x or LabVIEW
SignalExpress 2.x.
National Instruments measurement services software, built around NI-DAQmx driver software, includes intuitive application programming interfaces, configuration tools, I/O
assistants, and other tools designed to reduce system setup, configuration, and development time. National Instruments recommends using the latest version of NI-DAQmx driver
software for application development in NI LabVIEW, LabVIEW SignalExpress, LabWindows™/CVI, and Measurement Studio. To obtain the latest version of NI-DAQmx, visit NI measurement services software speeds up your development with features including:
* ,, Shorten your time to market by integrating National Instruments OEM products in your design. Board-only versions of USB M Series DAQ devices are available for OEM
applications, with competitive quantity pricing and software customization. The NI OEM Elite Program offers free 30-day trial kits for qualified customers. Visit for more
For design applications, you can use a wide range of I/O – from 80 analog inputs to 48 digital lines – to measure and verify prototype designs. USB M Series devices and NI
LabVIEW SignalExpress interactive measurement software deliver benchtop measurements to the PC. With LabVIEW SignalExpress, you can quickly create design verification
tests. The fast acquisition and generation rates of high-performance USB M Series high-speed devices along with LabVIEW SignalExpress provide fast design analysis. You can
convert your tested and verified LabVIEW SignalExpress projects to LabVIEW applications for immediate M Series DAQ use, and bridge the gap between test, control, and design
You can also create a complete custom motion controller by combining USB M Series devices with the NI SoftMotion Development Module.
USB M Series digital lines can drive 24 mA for relay and actuator control. By clocking the digital lines as fast as 10 MHz (with onboard regeneration), you can use these lines for
pulse-width modulation (PWM) to control valves, motors, fans, lamps, and pumps. With four waveform analog outputs, two 80 MHz counter/timers, and four high-speed data
streams on USB, M Series devices can execute multiple control loops simultaneously. High-speed USB-625x M Series devices also offer direct support for encoder measurements,
protected digital lines, and digital debounce filters. With up to 80 analog inputs, 32 clocked digital lines, and four analog outputs, you can execute multiple control loops with a
single device.
For test, you can use the M Series high-speed analog inputs and 10 MHz digital lines with NI signal conditioning for applications including test, component characterization, and
sensor measurement. High-speed USB-625x M Series devices are compatible with the NI SCC signal conditioning platform, providing amplification filtering and power for virtually
every type of sensor. This platform is also compliant with IEEE 1451.4 smart transducer electronic data sheet (TEDS) sensors, which offer digital storage for sensor data sheet
information. USB M Series multifunction DAQ devices also complement existing test systems that need additional measurement channels. For higher-channel-count signal
conditioning on USB, consider the NI CompactDAQ or NI SCXI platform.
Unlike typical multifunction USB data acquisition devices, NI USB M Series DAQ devices incorporate NI signal streaming, a patent-pending technology that combines three
innovative hardware- and software-level design elements to enable sustained high-speed and bidirectional data streams over USB. NI signal streaming, along with the error
correction, noise rejection, power management, and power distribution inherent in the USB protocol, yields a robust, secure, and reliable bus. Without NI signal streaming, a
multifunction data acquisition device could sustain only a single high-speed data stream, effectively making it a single-function device. For more information, visit
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Support - Visit to access the NI KnowledgeBase, example programs, and tutorials or to contact our applications engineers who are located in NI sales offices
around the world and speak the local language.
Discussion Forums - Visit for a diverse set of discussion boards on topics you care about.
Online Community - Visit to find, contribute, or collaborate on customer-contributed technical content with users like you.
Get answers to your technical questions using the following National Instruments resources.
0 % NI measurement hardware is calibrated to ensure measurement accuracy and verify that the device meets its published specifications. To ensure the ongoing accuracy of your
measurement hardware, NI offers basic or detailed recalibration service that provides ongoing ISO 9001 audit compliance and confidence in your measurements. To learn more
about NI calibration services or to locate a qualified service center near you, contact your local sales office or visit
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NI offers design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you need NI products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and services for OEM
customers, visit
NI offers options for extending the standard product warranty to meet the life-cycle requirements of your project. In addition, because NI understands that your requirements may
change, the extended warranty is flexible in length and easily renewed. For more information, visit
42 Visit for more information.
The NI training and certification program delivers the fastest, most certain route to increased proficiency and productivity using NI software and hardware. Training builds the skills
to more efficiently develop robust, maintainable applications, while certification validates your knowledge and ability.
Classroom training in cities worldwide - the most comprehensive hands-on training taught by engineers.
On-site training at your facility - an excellent option to train multiple employees at the same time.
Online instructor-led training - lower-cost, remote training if classroom or on-site courses are not possible.
Course kits - lowest-cost, self-paced training that you can use as reference guides.
Training memberships and training credits - to buy now and schedule training later.
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While you may never need your hardware repaired, NI understands that unexpected events may lead to necessary repairs. NI offers repair services performed by highly trained
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