Following is the proposed IEEE Constitution restated without edits. IEEE Constitution ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE I – NAME, PURPOSE AND TERRITORY II – BYLAWS III – MEMBERSHIP IV – IEEE ASSEMBLY V – IEEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARTICLE I – NAME, PURPOSE AND TERRITORY Sec. 1. The name of the corporation is The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Incorporated, hereinafter called IEEE. Sec. 2. IEEE is a volunteer-led international scientific and educational organization directed toward the advancement of the theory and practice of electrical, electronics, communications and computer engineering, as well as computer science, the allied branches of engineering and the related arts and sciences. The means to this end include, but are not limited to, the holding of scientific meetings, the publication and circulation of works of literature, and any other activities proper for the fulfillment of such objectives. IEEE is also dedicated to serve both professional and public interests as anticipated and limited by the Certificate of Incorporation, and the advancement of the standing and ethical conduct of the members of the professions it serves. IEEE shall strive to enhance the quality of life for all people through the constructive application of technology in its fields of competence. It shall endeavor to promote understanding of the influence of such technology on the public welfare. Sec. 3. The character of its scope is global and the territory in which it ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE ARTICLE VI – CORPORATE OFFICERS VII – VACANCIES VIII – NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS IX – AMENDMENTS operates is the entire world. IEEE may engage in activities directed to the interests and needs of members residing in a particular country or area of the world. The procedure for undertaking these activities shall be specified in the Bylaws, policies and operating manuals of IEEE. ARTICLE II – BYLAWS Sec. 1. Bylaws shall be established as hereinafter set forth, for the regulation and management of the affairs of IEEE. The term "Bylaws" as used in this Constitution refers only to the IEEE Bylaws. Sec. 2. Proposed Bylaw changes and reasons therefor shall be sent to all Directors in advance of the stipulated meeting of the Board of Directors at which the vote shall be taken. The votes of twothirds of the Directors present and entitled to vote, at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present, shall be required to approve any new Bylaw, amendment or revocation. ARTICLE III – MEMBERSHIP Sec. 1. The organization shall have members who wish to associate with one another and IEEE to promote and embrace the purposes of the organization. The Bylaws shall further define membership. Sec. 2. The term "member" where used in this Constitution includes all grades of membership. Sec. 3. The term "voting member" as used in this Constitution means those members holding grades of membership having voting privileges as specified in the Bylaws. Voting privileges shall include but shall not be limited to the right to elect Delegates to the Assembly, Directors to the Board of Directors, and Corporate Officers as defined in Article VI. Sec. 4. The Board of Directors may authorize the establishment of groups of members for promoting the objectives and interests of IEEE. The Board of Directors may terminate the existence of any such group. The Bylaws shall provide specifications and operating rules for any group that may be established. ARTICLE IV – IEEE ASSEMBLY Sec. 1. The Assembly shall be the body that represents, and shall act on behalf of, the members. It shall be composed of Delegates who shall receive reports and perform such functions as required by law or as specified in the Bylaws, including the election of those Corporate Officers who are not elected directly by the members. Sec. 2. There shall be a minimum of nine Delegates, all of whom shall be members in good standing, and all of whom shall be elected directly by the voting members. The number of Delegates, term of office, the method of election, and additional eligibility requirements shall be specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 3. The President shall preside at meetings of the Assembly. ARTICLE V – IEEE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sec. 1. The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of IEEE. Sec. 2. The President shall preside at meetings of the Board. Sec. 3. The number of Directors, term of office, and the method of election or appointment, and eligibility requirements, shall be specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 4. The Board of Directors may designate or appoint one or more Committees and Boards, which shall have such powers as the Board of Directors may confer upon them from time to time. Sec. 5. Stewardship and fiduciary duty for IEEE shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI – CORPORATE OFFICERS Sec. 1. The Corporate Officers of IEEE shall be the President, the President-Elect, the Past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and other officers designated as Corporate Officers as specified in the Bylaws. The Corporate Officers shall be elected in accordance with the procedures as specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 2. The voting members shall elect the President. By virtue of such election, the President shall also be a Delegate and a Director for a period of three years. Following the term of one year as President-Elect, the holder of that office shall serve as President and, in the third year, shall serve as Past President. After completion of the term of service as President, individuals shall be ineligible to serve again as President except to fill a vacancy as specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 3. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of IEEE, shall be an ex officio member of every Board and Committee, and shall perform such tasks as may be specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 4. Additional duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Officers shall be specified in the Bylaws or by resolution of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VII – VACANCIES Sec. 1. The existence of a vacancy on the Board of Directors, on the Assembly, or among the Corporate Officers shall be determined by the Board of Directors or in accordance with the Bylaws. Sec. 2. Vacancies on the Board of Directors, on the Assembly, or among the Corporate Officers shall be filled in accordance with the Bylaws. ARTICLE VIII – NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Sec. 1. The Board of Directors shall publish annually to all voting members a list of nominees for Directors, Delegates, the President-Elect, and such other Officers as may be specified in the Bylaws to be elected by the voting members for the coming term. Sec. 2. The method of making nominations, the schedule for elections, including alternate means of nomination by individual voting members, and related procedures shall be specified in the Bylaws. Sec. 3. For elective offices of IEEE other than those named in Section 1 of this Article, methods of nomination and election, including alternate means of nomination by individual voting members, shall be specified in the Bylaws. Sec 4. If Officers and Officers-elect are changed in status or the number of Delegates or Directors is reduced, each Officer, Officer-elect, Delegate, Delegateelect, Director, and Director-elect shall continue to serve until the term to which that person was elected or appointed expires. ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS Sec. 1. Amendments to this Constitution shall only be made by approval of voting members. Details of the conduct of voting shall be in the Bylaws. The number of affirmative votes required to approve such an amendment shall be no less than twothirds of the total number of votes cast on the amendment. Members shall be notified of the outcome as soon as practical after the vote. Sec. 2. Amendments may be proposed by the Board of Directors or by petition. A resolution adopted by vote of at least twothirds of those present at a regularly constituted meeting of the Board of Directors is necessary to submit a proposed amendment to the voting members. A petition must be signed by at least one-third percent of the total number of voting members as listed in the official membership records of the IEEE at the end of the previous year. A copy of such proposed amendment or amendments, if lawful, shall be distributed to each voting member at least forty-five days before the date designated for counting the votes. Sec. 3. Unless specified otherwise in an approved amendment or required by statute, amendments to this Constitution shall take effect as soon as practical but no later than thirty days after adoption.