Franklin’s Folly? The flow of electrical current It is generally accepted that electrical current flows from the positive side of the circuit to the negative side. However, in the “Human Circuit” article we learned that electrons generally conduct the current. We also know that opposite charges attract and like charges repel. So, if electrons provide the charge, and repel from the negative end, how can the current be moving from the positive side to the negative side? Something does not seem to make sense here. DISCUSSION: When Ben Franklin started experimenting with electricity, he assumed that the electrical current must be “positive.” How did Ben reach this assumption? He hypothesized that there were two types of charges that could be generated, and the charges were dependent upon the types of materials he rubbed together. One type of charge, he surmised was produced from an excess of “electrical fluid,” which he called positive, and the other type of charge resulted from a deficiency, which he called negative. Ben’s assumptions were made long before electricity was correlated with the electron. In fact, electrons had not even been discovered yet. According to Ben’s assumptions it seems logical that the excess “fluid” would flow to the area that is deficient in “fluid.” His assumptions became widely accepted. Today we talk about electric current as flowing from positive to negative. However, we now understand that electrons have a negative charge, and the flow of electrons is actually in the opposite direction as the flow of electricity. So let’s stop and think about this for a moment. If something has a negative charge we know that it must have an excess of electrons as compared the number of protons, and if it has a positive charge then that same substance must be deficient in electrons, again as compared to the number of protons. Isn’t this exactly opposite of Ben’s assumptions? Ok, well what about protons? Protons have a positive charge, exactly opposite of the electron. Can protons carry electrical current? The answer is YES they can. This phenomenon has been observed in particle accelerators. Indeed, after all these years, we are finally able to observe that electric charge carried by protons flows in the direction that Ben Franklin assumed many years ago. It is also true that current can be carried by both electrons and protons at the same time (this happens in electrolytes and semi-conductors). So it may be helpful to think of electric current this way: It is not electrons or protons per se moving through a conductor, instead, it is the vibrational energy of an electron or a proton that is passed from one atom to the next through the conductor that creates an electrical current. So, to understand electricity, do these details make any difference? It turns out that for a basic understanding of how electricity behaves these details do not matter much. They don’t really impact how we use it in our daily lives. Most electric circuits cannot distinguish whether the charge is associated with electrons or protons. In fact for general household appliances, the direction of current flow is insignificant. However for a pure theoretical discussion of what electricity really is, and how it really works, our understanding of charged particles is important. So, in looking back to the late 1700s at the beginning of the human understanding of electricity: “Was Benjamin Franklin correct or not?” Fun Fact: Ben Franklin did not actually fly a kite that was struck by lightning. If he would have, he would most likely have died. By the best accounts, what actually happened was that he flew a kite during a storm, and what was produced was a charge differential between the clouds and the Leyden Jar (a primitive battery). This charge is a larger version of static shock produced by rubbing your feet on the carpet and then touching a grounded metal object, but much smaller than the charge generated by lightning. Franklin’s experiments lead to inventions such as the Franklin Bell and lightning rods. Show What You Know Show what you know at the Phenomenal Physics Fair. Use one of the topics covered in the previous Phenomenal Physics or come up with an experiment on your own. Local top projects will receive a free trip to Physics Day at Lagoon in May and get a chance to compete for great prizes including scholarships. Visit: for more information and to register 354NIE0208 Sponsored by: