The Detroit Edison Company Summary of Plant-In-Service - 2004 ($000) Case No.: Exhibit No.: Page: Witness: (a) Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Description Utility Plant Plant-in-Service (b) (c) 2004 Total Electric (2) 2004 Jurisdictional Electric 11/23/04 Order U-13808 (3) 12,362,424 12,157,207 397,345 386,382 Production Fossil - Plant Improvement Projects Fossil - Environmental Nuclear Hydro Peakers Total Production 4,759,092 530,464 102,854 195,662 267,189 5,855,261 4,627,787 515,828 100,016 190,264 259,817 5,693,712 Transmission Distribution General MERC 34,568 5,135,554 873,010 66,687 33,614 5,129,729 848,924 64,847 12,362,424 12,157,207 Functional Classification Intangible Plant Total Utility Plant-in-Service (1) U-14399 A-2 Revised 1 of 1 R. S. Sadagopan M. L. Heiser (1) Workpaper WP-RSS-3 -- MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04, Exhibit S-119 (WGA-2), Schedule B-1, Line 1, Columns (d) and (e), adjusted by MPSC Staff to reflect Order (2) Workpaper WP-RSS-15 Revised -- Utility Plant Analysis, MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04 (3) Exhibit A-16, page 1 of 2 The Detroit Edison Company Summary of Depreciation Reserve - 2004 ($000) Case No.: Exhibit No.: Page: Witness: (a) Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 U-14399 A-3 Revised 1 of 1 R. S. Sadagopan M. L. Heiser (b) (c) (d) 2004 Total Electric (2) 2004 Jurisdictional Electric 11/23/04 Order U-13808 (3) Jurisdictional Electric Including Reconciling Adjustment (3) 5,501,625 5,401,495 5,401,495 314,990 306,148 306,068 Production Fossil - Plant Improvement Projects Fossil - Environmental Nuclear Hydro Peakers Total Production 2,512,994 21,894 2,472 116,718 83,361 2,737,439 2,442,451 21,281 2,403 113,441 81,021 2,660,597 2,441,817 21,272 2,402 113,412 80,999 2,659,902 Transmission Distribution General MERC 30,973 2,016,043 367,624 36,007 30,103 2,013,757 357,305 34,996 30,096 2,013,231 357,212 34,987 5,503,075 5,402,906 5,401,495 Description Utility Plant Depreciation Reserve Functional Classification Intangible Plant Total Utility Depreciation Reserve Adjustment to Reconcile to Order in U-13808 Total Utility Depreciation Reserve (1) (1,450) 5,501,625 (1,411) 5,401,495 5,401,495 (1) Workpaper WP-RSS-3 -- MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04, Exhibit S-119 (WGA-2), Schedule B-1, Line 5, Columns (d) and (e), adjusted by MPSC Staff to reflect Order (2) Workpaper WP-RSS-15 Revised -- Utility Plant Analysis, MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04 (3) Exhibit A-17, page 1 of 2; Allocates the $1.411 million adjustment to the various plant functions to reconcile to the Order in U-13808 The Detroit Edison Company Summary of Depreciation & Amortization Expense - 2004 ($000) (a) Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Description Case No.: Exhibit No.: Page: Witness: (b) (c) (d) 2004 Total Electric (2) 2004 Jurisdictional Electric 11/23/04 Order U-13808 (3) Jurisdictional Electric Including Reconciling Adjustment (6) Total Depreciation & Amortization Expense -- U-13808 Order Functional Classification Intangible Plant 457,689 457,689 (1) 31,930 31,154 30,719 Production Fossil - Plant Improvement Projects Fossil - Environmental Nuclear Hydro Peakers Total Production 122,876 13,739 3,363 6,023 6,493 152,494 119,888 13,405 3,282 5,876 6,335 148,786 118,214 13,218 3,236 5,794 6,246 146,708 Transmission Distribution General MERC 785 201,574 48,665 1,874 766 201,346 47,481 1,828 755 198,535 46,818 1,803 437,321 431,360 425,337 Nuclear Decommissoning Expense 39,304 38,902 38,902 (4) (Less) Net Gains from Disp of Utility Plant and Allowances (6,749) (6,550) (6,550) (5) Total Utility Plant-in-Service 2004 Depreciation and Amortization Expense 469,876 Adjustment to Reconcile to Order in U-13808 463,712 (6,022) 2004 Adjusted Jurisdictional Depreciation and Amortization Expense 457,689 (1) Workpaper WP-RSS-5 -- MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04, Exhibit S-120 (WGA-3), Schedule C-1, Line 20, Column (e) adjusted by MPSC Staff to reflect Order (2) Workpaper WP-RSS-15 Revised -- MPSC Case No. U-13808 Order dated 11/23/04, Utility Plant Analysis (3) Exhibit A-18 page 1 of 2 (4) Workpaper Schedule WP - C1 for Exhibit A-15, Schedule No.: WPC1, Page 2 of 10 in Case U-13808 (5) 2002 Form P-521, Page 115, Lines 19 thru 22, Column (e) (Less) Gains from Disp of Utility Plant Losses from Disp of Utility Plant (Less) Gains from Disp of Allowances Losses from Disp of Allowances Net Gains from Disp of Utility Plant and Allowances (6) U-14399 A-7 Revised 1 of 1 R. S. Sadagopan M. L. Heiser (6,857) 842 (734) 0 (6,749) Allocates the ($6.022) million adjustment to the various plant functions to reconcile to the Order in U-13808 (6,655) 817 (712) 0 (6,550) 457,689 457,689 Case No.: U-14399 . Exhibit No.: A-14 Revised Page: 1 of 3 . Witness: M. L. Heiser The Detroit Edison Company 2004 U-13808 Unbundled Cost of Service Summary 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Class Function Generation Fuel & Purchased Power Non-Fuel Total 5 Transmission 6 Total Power Supply 7 8 9 10 11 Distribution/ Other Distribution Securitization Nuclear Decommissioning Total Distribution/ Other 12 Grand Total (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Allocated Juris Electric D-1/Other Residentl Service D-2 Residentl Space Ht 0.00 Total Residentl D-3/Other General Service D-4 Lg Genl Service Total Commercial Secondary 739,869 1,114,292 1,854,161 267,335 440,575 707,910 5,600 8,648 14,248 272,935 449,223 722,157 105,466 170,209 275,675 25,594 38,068 63,662 131,060 208,277 339,337 128,914 1,983,075 53,501 761,411 1,016 15,263 54,517 776,674 20,292 295,967 4,335 67,997 24,627 363,964 1,330,809 219,781 38,902 1,589,492 798,005 63,439 11,893 873,336 16,010 1,349 277 17,635 64,788 12,169 76,957 273,312 36,706 7,295 317,313 49,434 10,579 1,969 61,982 322,746 47,285 9,264 379,294 3,572,567 1,634,747 32,898 853,631 613,280 129,979 743,258 Case No.: U-14399 . Exhibit No.: A-14 Revised Page: 2 of 3 . Witness: M. L. Heiser The Detroit Edison Company 2004 U-13808 Unbundled Cost of Service Summary 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Class Function Generation Fuel & Purchased Power Non-Fuel Total 5 Transmission 6 Total Power Supply 7 8 9 10 11 Distribution/ Other Distribution Securitization Nuclear Decommissioning Total Distribution/ Other 12 Grand Total (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) D-6/Other 0.00 Primary D-7 Transitional Firm D-8 Interrupt Supply R-1.1/R1.2 Metal Melt Process Heat R-10 Interrupt Supply 0.00 Total Primary 145,538 213,197 358,735 108,516 151,348 259,864 4,573 5,088 9,661 9,509 10,032 19,541 26,263 17,229 43,492 294,399 396,894 691,293 23,976 382,711 16,265 276,129 470 10,131 894 20,435 1,520 45,012 43,126 734,419 105,915 60,015 10,157 176,087 14,059 28,810 4,746 47,615 2,104 1,208 179 3,491 8,934 2,506 269 11,709 3,806 4,701 442 8,950 134,819 97,240 15,794 247,852 558,799 323,744 13,623 32,144 53,962 982,271 Case No.: U-14399 . Exhibit No.: A-14 Revised Page: 3 of 3 . Witness: M. L. Heiser The Detroit Edison Company 2004 U-13808 Unbundled Cost of Service Summary 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 Class Function Generation Fuel & Purchased Power Non-Fuel Total 5 Transmission 6 Total Power Supply 7 8 9 10 11 Distribution/ Other Distribution Securitization Nuclear Decommissioning Total Distribution/ Other 12 Grand Total (n) (o) (p) (q) LCC E-2 Traffic Signals OPL/ Street Lighting Total Other 35,495 52,195 87,691 1,405 1,941 3,346 4,575 5,762 10,336 41,475 59,898 101,373 5,812 93,502 209 3,555 625 10,961 6,645 108,018 14,940 8,979 1,479 25,398 767 348 56 1,170 43,523 1,142 140 44,805 59,230 10,469 1,675 71,373 118,901 4,725 55,766 179,392 The Detroit Edison Company Reclassification of Nuclear Decommissioning Revenue (a) Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 33.5 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 51.5 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 (1) (b) (c) (d) (e) Case No.: Exhibit No.: Page No.: Witness: (f) Nuclear Decomm rates Nuclear Decomm Revenue ($000's) Choice Nuclear Decomm revenue(1) ($000's) Reclass Decomm Revenue ($000's) Residential (a) D1 Residential D1a Farm D1.1 Int. Space Cond. D1.2 Time-of-Day D1.3 Senior Citizen D1.4 Time-of-Day D1.5 Supp. Space Ht. D1.7 Time-of-Day D2 Space Heating D2a Farm D5 Res. Water Heating D9 Res. Outdoor Ltg. Total Residential Sales (MWH) (b) 13,554,540 34,979 452,268 1,156 473,547 104,122 1,275 34,191 315,985 2,203 305,870 9,863 15,289,999 Commercial D1.1 Int. Space Cond. D1.7 Time-of-Day D3 Gen.Serv. (<15ke) D3 Gen. Serv. (15ke+) D3.1 Unmetered D3.3 Interruptible D3.4 Time-of-Day 8,654 16 1,362,256 4,204,706 75,798 70,438 841 0.0850 0.0850 0.0893 0.0893 0.848% 0.0893 0.0893 7 0 1,217 3,756 70 63 1 D4 Lg. General Service D5 Comm. Water Htg. D9 Comm. Outdoor Ltg. R7 Greenhouse Ltg. R8 Space Conditioning Total Commercial 1,468,420 11,371 28,467 1,483 101,350 7,333,800 0.0818 0.0204 0.331% 0.0504 0.0706 1,201 2 14 1 72 7,518,802 1,052,093 741 0.0699 0.0699 0.0699 5,252 735 1 284,806 39,371 70,376 520,650 0.0630 0.0772 0.0455 0.0455 179 30 32 237 37,125 932,341 10,456,305 0.0699 0.0342 26 319 0.265% 0.05035 1.43% 0.08803 0.07086 107 13 56 0 73 Primary D6 Primary Supply D6.1 Alt. Primary D6.2 Space Cond. Total D6 D8 Interruptible Primary D10 Electric Schools R1.1 Alt. Metal Melting R1.2 Elec. Process Htg. R1.1/R1.2 R3 Standby R10 Interruptible Supply Total Industrial 10,944 28 365 1 382 84 1 28 275 2 59 6 204,601 26,399 82,000 0 103,000 416,000 Special Contracts Large Cust. Contracts SMC non-firm Special Mfg. Contracts Total Contracts 2,117,713 176,474 6,794,809 9,088,996 EC1/EC2 Retail Access 9,250,000 0 51,835,100 Choice Excludes Nuclear Site Security Source Line Numbers 11,893 1-8,11 277 9,10 $12,169 2,033 768 7,295 1,969 16-22,24,26,27,62 23 $9,264 4,114 Governmental E1 Street Lighting E1.1 Energy Only St. Ltg. E2 Traffic Lights E4 Primary Pumping E5 Secondary Pumping Total Governmental Misc. Revenues Total All Classes 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.08074 0.0869 0.0869 0.01936 0.331% U-14399 A-23 Revised Page 1 of 1 M. L. Heiser (g) 10,157 179 31-33,33.5,35,38 269 36,37 442 $11,048 39,51.5 140 12,25,43,44 $56 45 $196 0.0699 0.0699 0.0699 0.0748 1,479 123 4,746 $1,390 51 4,746 6,225 52 6,919 - 38,907 38,902 Case No.: U-14399 Exhibit No. A-24 Revised Page 1 of 1 Witness: E. L. Falletich The Detroit Edison Company 2006 & 2011 Unbundling Impact by Rate Class (a.) Line No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 (%'s Rounded) Full-Service Residential D1 Residential D1a Farm D1.1 Int. Air D1.2 TOD D1.3 Senior Cit. D1.4 TOD D1.5 Supp Ht. D1.7 TOD D2 Space Htg. D2a Farm D5 Water Htg. Total (b.) 2006 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% (c.) PostSubsidy Removal 2011 13% 13% 14% 18% 13% 18% 18% 18% 13% 13% 18% 13% Full-Service C&I Primary D6 Primary D6.1 Alt. Primary D6.2 Sp. Cond. D7 (SMC Firm) D8 Interruptible D10 Elect.Sch. R1.1 Met. Melt. R1.2 Proc. Htg. R3 Standby R10 (+SMC Int.) Total (7%) 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% (3%) (16%) (18%) (15%) 2% (21%) (16%) (10%) (27%) (14%) (14%) (10%) Electric Choice Total Choice 18% 8% (d.) (e.) 2006 (f.) PostSubsidy Removal 2011 Full-Service C&I Secondary D1.1 Int. Air D1.7 TOD D3 Gen.Serv. D3.1 Unmetered D3.3 Interruptible D3.4 TOD D4 Lg. Gen. Serv. D5 Water Htg. E5 Sec. Pump. R7 Grnhs. Ltg. R8 Space Cond. Total 0% 0% (10%) 0% 0% 0% (13%) 0% 0% 0% 0% (10%) (4%) 15% (17%) (11%) (10%) (10%) (25%) (0%) (5%) 4% (10%) (18%) Full-Service LCC/Other D9 Res. OPL D9 Comm. OPL E1 Street Lighting E1.1 Eng St. Ltg. E2 Traffic Lights LCC's Total LCC/Other 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 17% 17% 17% 21% (9%) (1%) Notes: • Percentages represent average % change in rate class revenues from revenues adopted by the Commission in Case No. U-13808. • Choice stated as a percentage of current estimated total choice bill (power supply and delivery). • Post-Subsidy removal % change represents cumulative change from 2006-2011. Case No.: U-14399 Exhibit No. A-30 Witness: E. L. Falletich The Detroit Edison Company Proposed Tariff Sheets Revised Sheets Description B4-10 B4.8 Surcharges and Credits Applicable to Power Supply Service B4-11b B4.9 Surcharges and Credits Applicable to Delivery Charges D2 Residential Space Heating Rate D7 Transitional Primary Supply Rate D8a Interruptible Supply Rate Revised 4/27/05 M.P.S.C. No. 9 - Electric The Detroit Edison Company Fourth Revised Sheet No. B4-10 Cancels Third Revised Sheet No. B4-10 Changes made to reflect Order No. U-14399 (Continued From Sheet No. B4-9) B-4.8 SURCHARGES AND CREDITS APPLICABLE TO POWER SUPPLY SERVICE: (1) POWER SUPPLY COST RECOVERY (PSCR) CLAUSE: (a) This Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause permits the monthly adjustment of rates for power supply to allow recovery of the booked costs of fuel and purchased and net interchanged power transactions incurred under reasonable and prudent policies and practices in accordance with 1982 PA 304. All rates for electric service, unless otherwise provided in the applicable rate schedule, shall include a Power Supply Cost Recovery factor. (b) The Power Supply Cost Recovery factor is that element of the rates to be charged for electric service to reflect power supply costs incurred by the company and made pursuant to the Power Supply Cost Recovery Clause. (c) Effective November 24, 2004, the Power Supply Cost Recovery Factor shall consist of an increase or decrease of .01072 mills per kWh for each full .01 mill increase or decrease in the projected average booked cost of fuel burned for electric generation and purchased and net interchange power incurred above or below a base of 17.32 mills per kWh. Average booked cost of fuel burned and purchased and net interchange power shall be equal to the booked costs in that period divided by that period's net system kWh requirements. Net system kWh requirements shall be the sum of the net kWh generation and net kWh purchased and interchange power. The following factor(s) were applied to bills rendered during the billing months as indicated below for the calendar year 2005: Month January ¢/kWh (0.200) (2) REGULATORY ASSET RECOVERY SURCHARGE (RARS): On November 23, 2004, in its Order in Case No. U-13808, the MPSC authorized the Regulatory Asset Recovery Surcharge. This surcharge is to recover regulatory assets that were based on legislative authority provided by 2000 PA 141, Sections 10d(3) and 10d(4) or prior Commission orders. RARS will be implemented on a service rendered basis. Class RARS Effective Period D7 & Large Cust. Contracts Comm. & Ind. >=15 kW Comm. & Ind. <15 kW Residential $0.000543/kWh or 1.24% $0.000898/kWh or 1.26% $0.001034/kWh or 1.08% $0.002274/kWh or 2.62% 2005 - 2009 2005 - 2009 2005 - 2009 2006 - 2010 (Continued on Sheet No. B4-11) ISSUED __________, 2005 M.E. CHAMPLEY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS DETROIT, MICHIGAN EFFECTIVE FOR SERVICE RENDERED ON AND AFTER __________________, 2005 UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORDER OF THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DATED ______________, 2005 IN CASE NO. U-14399 Revised 4/27/05 M.P.S.C. No. 9 - Electric The Detroit Edison Company Seventh Revised Sheet No. B4-11b Cancels Sixth Revised Sheet No. B4-11b Changes made to reflect Order No. U-14399 Continued From Sheet No. B4-11a) B-4.9 (5) Notes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) SURCHARGES AND CREDITS APPLICABLE TO DELIVERY CHARGES: (Continued) SUMMARY OF SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: Summary of surcharges and credits, pursuant to sub-rules (1), (2), (3), and (4) of this rule. (Cents per kilowatthour or percent of base bill) REPS (per-meter per- billing-cycle) NDS (1) (3) SBC (5) SBTC (5) Residential D1 Residential D1a Farm D1.1 Int. Space Conditioning D1.2 Time-of-Day D1.3 Senior Citizen D1.4 Time-of-Day D1.5 Supp. Space Heating D1.7 Time-of-Day D2 Space Heating D2a Farm D5 Water Heating D9 Outdoor Lighting .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ 0.331% .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ see note (4) .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ see note (4) Commercial D1.1 Int. Space Conditioning D1.7 Space Conditioning D3 General Service D3.1 Unmetered D3.3 Interruptible D3.4 Time-of-Day D4 Large General Service D5 Water Heating D9 Outdoor Lighting D10 Schools R3 Standby (Secondary) R7 Greenhouse Lighting R8 Space Conditioning .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ 0.331% .12340¢ see note (2) .12340¢ .12340¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ see note (4) .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ see note (4) .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ see note (4) .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ see note (4) .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ N/A 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ N/A 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ Industrial D6 Primary Supply D6.1 Alternative Primary D6.2 Space Conditioning D7 Transitional Primary D8 Interruptible Primary R1.1 Metal Melting R1.2 Electric Process Heating R3 Standby (Primary) R10 Interruptible Supply .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ .12340¢ see note (2) .12340¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .374¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ .099¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ 5¢ Governmental E1 Streetlighting E1.1 Energy Only E2 Traffic Lights E4 Primary Pumping E5 Secondary Pumping 0.265% .12340¢ 1.427% .12340¢ .12340¢ see note (4) .374¢ see note (4) .374¢ .374¢ see note (4) .099¢ see note (4) .099¢ .099¢ N/A 5¢ N/A 5¢ 5¢ Electric Choice EC2 Retail Access .12340¢ .374¢ .099¢ 5¢ Special Contracts LCC Per LCC .374¢ .099¢ 5¢ % applied to $ amount of base bill. NDS for standby energy based upon customer’s supplemental rate. Includes provision for nuclear site security and also includes nuclear decommissioning charges pursuant to MPSC Order No. U-12464. The SBC and SBTC are included in this tariff’s base rates and will be separately accounted for by Detroit Edison for remittance to the Detroit Edison Securitization Funding L.L.C. Pursuant to MPSC Order No. U-12478 (Continued on Sheet No. B4-12) ISSUED __________, 2005 M.E. CHAMPLEY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS DETROIT, MICHIGAN EFFECTIVE FOR SERVICE RENDERED ON AND AFTER __________________, 2005 UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORDER OF THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DATED ______________, 2005 IN CASE NO. U-14399 M.P.S.C. No. 9 - Electric The Detroit Edison Company Revised 4/27/05 Twenty-Third Revised Sheet No. D2 Cancels Twenty-Second Revised Sheet No. D2 Changes made to reflect Order No. U-14399 Rate Schedule No. D2 Residential Space Heating Rate AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Available on an optional basis to customers desiring service for all residential purposes to a single or double occupancy dwelling unit including farm dwellings. All of the space heating must be total electric installed on a permanent basis and served through one meter. This rate also available to customers with add-on heat pumps and fossil fuel furnaces served on this rate prior to July 16, 1985. The design and method of installation and control of equipment as adopted to this service are subject to approval by the Company. This rate is also available to customers with electric heat assisted with a renewable heat source. HOURS OF SERVICE: 24 hours. CURRENT, PHASE AND VOLTAGE: Alternating current, single-phase, nominally at 120/240 volts, three-wire. Where available, and the demand justifies, three-phase four-wire, Y connected service may be had at 208Y/120 volts nominally. In certain city districts, alternating current is supplied from a Y connected secondary network from which 120/208 volt three-wire service may be taken. RATE PER DAY: Power Supply Charges: Energy Charge (June through October): Energy Charge (November through May): 5.181¢ per kWh for all kWh 4.615¢ per kWh for all kWh SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.8. Applies only to actual consumption and not to the minimum charge Delivery Charges: System Charge (June through October): System Charge (June through October): System Charge (November through May): System Charge( November through May): 4.938¢ per kWh for the first 17 kWh per day 6.348¢ per kWh for over 17 kWh per day 5.504¢ per kWh for the first 20 kWh per day 3.146¢ per kWh for over 20 kWh per day SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.9. Applies only to actual consumption and not to the minimum charge. BILLING FREQUENCY: Based on a nominal 30-day month. See Schedule Designation B-4.2(1). MINIMUM CHARGE: The applicable per kWh charges listed above for 60 kWh.. CONTRACT TERM: Open order, terminable on three days' notice by either party. Where special services are required, the term will be as specified in the applicable contract rider. WATER HEATING SERVICE: Water heating service is available on an optional basis. See Schedule Designation No. D5. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE: See Schedule Designation B-2.10. INTERRUPTIBLE SPACE-CONDITIONING PROVISION: Rate D1.1 is available on an optional basis. INSULATION STANDARDS FOR ELECTRIC HEATING: See Schedule Designation B-2.12. (Continued on Sheet No. D2a) ISSUED _____________________ M.E. CHAMPLEY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS DETROIT, MICHIGAN EFFECTIVE FOR SERVICE RENDERED ON AND AFTER _________________ UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORDER OF THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DATED __________________ IN CASE NO. U-14399 M.P.S.C. No. 9 - Electric The Detroit Edison Company Revised 4/27/05 Tenth Revised Sheet No. D7 Cancels Ninth Revised Sheet No. D7 Changes made to reflect Order No. U-14399 Rate Schedule No. D7 Transitional Primary Supply Rate AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE: Available to customers desiring service at primary, sub-transmission, or transmission voltage who took service under a Special Manufacturing Contract during 2004. HOURS OF SERVICE: 24 hours, subject to interruption by agreement, or by advance notice. CURRENT, PHASE AND VOLTAGE: Alternating current, three-phase, nominally at 4,800, 13,200, 24,000, 41,570 or 120,000 volts at the option of the Company. CONTRACT CAPACITY: Customers shall contract for a specified capacity in kilowatts sufficient to meet normal maximum requirements but not less than 50 kilowatts. The Company undertakes to provide the necessary facilities for a supply of electric power from its primary distribution system at the contract capacity. Any single reading of the demand meter in any month that exceeds the contract capacity then in effect shall become the new contract capacity. The contract capacity for customers served at more than one voltage level shall be the sum of the contract capacities established for each voltage level. RATE PER MONTH: Power Supply Charges: Demand Charge: $10.00 per kW for on-peak billing demand Energy Charge: 2.391¢ per kWh for all kWh Voltage Level Discount: 0.15¢ per kWh at transmission level 0.10¢ per kWh at subtransmission level SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.8. Delivery Charges: Service Charge: $275 per month System Charge: For primary service (less than 24 kV) $3.20 per kW of maximum demand. For service at subtransmission voltage (24 to 41.6 kV) $1.20 per kW of maximum demand. For service at transmission voltage (120 kV and above) $0.80 per kW of maximum demand. The maximum demand shall be the highest 30-minute demand created during the previous 12 billing months, including the current month but not less than 50% of contract capacity. This clause is applicable to each voltage level served. SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.9. SUBSTATION CREDIT: Available to customers where service at sub-transmission voltage level (24 to 41.6 kV) or higher is required, who provide the on-site substation including all necessary transforming, controlling and protective equipment. A credit of $.30 per kW of maximum demand shall be applied to the maximum demand charge. A credit of .040¢ per kWh shall be applied to the energy charge where the service is metered on the primary side of the transformer. . LATE PAYMENT CHARGE: See Schedule Designation B-2.10. (Continued on Sheet No. D7a) ISSUED _____________________ M.E. CHAMPLEY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS DETROIT, MICHIGAN EFFECTIVE FOR SERVICE RENDERED ON AND AFTER _________________ UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORDER OF THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DATED __________________ IN CASE NO. U-14399 M.P.S.C. No. 9 - Electric The Detroit Edison Company Revised 4/27/05 Twenty-Second Revised Sheet No. D8a Cancels Twenty-First Revised Sheet No. D8a Changes made to reflect Order No. U-14399 (Continued From Sheet No. D8) Rate Schedule No. D8 (Continued) Interruptible Supply Rate CURRENT, PHASE AND VOLTAGE: Alternating current, three-phase, nominally at 4,800, 13,200, 24,000, 41,570 or 120,000 volts at the option of the Company. CONTRACT CAPACITY: Customers shall contract for a specified capacity in kilowatts sufficient to meet maximum interruptible requirements, but not less than 50 kilowatts. Any single reading of the demand meter in any month that exceeds the contract capacity then in effect shall become the new contract capacity. The interruptible contract capacity shall not include any firm power capacity, except under Product Protection Provision. RATE PER MONTH: Power Supply Charges: Demand Charge: $5.52 per kW for on-peak billing demand Energy Charges: 2.337¢ per kWh for all on-peak kWh 2.037¢ per kWh for all off-peak kWh Voltage Level Discount: 0.15¢ per kWh at transmission level 0.10¢ per kWh at subtransmission level SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.8. Delivery Charges: Service Charge: $275 per month System Charge: For primary service (less than 24 kV) $3.20 per kW of maximum demand. For service at subtransmission voltage (24 to 41.6 kV) $1.20 per kW of maximum demand. For service at transmission voltage (120 kV and above) $0.80 per kW of maximum demand. The maximum demand shall be the highest 30-minute demand created during the previous 12 billing months, including the current month but not less than 50% of contract capacity. This clause is applicable to each voltage level served. SURCHARGES AND CREDITS: As approved by the Commission. See Schedule Designation B-4.9. SUBSTATION CREDIT: Available to customers where service at subtransmission voltage level (24 to 41.6 kV) or higher is required, who provide the on-site substation including all necessary transforming, controlling and protective equipment. A credit of $.30 per kW of maximum demand shall be applied to the maximum demand charge. A credit of .040¢ per kWh shall be applied to the energy charge where the service is metered on the primary side of the transformer. LATE PAYMENT CHARGE: See Schedule Designation B-2.10. (Continued on Sheet No. D8b) ISSUED _____________________ M.E. CHAMPLEY SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT REGULATORY AFFAIRS DETROIT, MICHIGAN EFFECTIVE FOR SERVICE RENDERED ON AND AFTER _________________ UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORDER OF THE MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DATED __________________ IN CASE NO. U-14399 SERVICE LIST MPSC CASE NO. U-14399 As of March 4, 2005 ADMINISTRATIVE LAW JUDGE Hon. James N. Rigas Michigan Public Service Commission 6545 Mercantile Way P.O. Box 30221 Lansing, Michigan 48911 (517) 241-6060 phone (517) 241-6061 fax ABATE Robert A. W. Strong, Esq. Clark Hill PLC 255 S. Old Woodward Avenue, 3rd Floor Birmingham, Michigan 48009 (248) 988-5861 phone (248) 642-2174 fax James T. Selecky Brubaker & Associates, Inc. 1215 Fern Ridge Parkway, Suite 208 P.O. Box 412000 St. Louis, MO 63141-2000 (314) 275-7007 phone (314) 275-7036 fax CONSTELLATION NEWENERGY, INC. John M. Dempsey, Esq. Jennifer L. Frye, Esq. Dickinson Wright, PLLC 215 S. Washington Square, Suite 200 Lansing, Michigan 48933 (517) 371-1730 phone (517) 487-4700 fax Becky Merola Constellation NewEnergy, Inc. 250 East Broad Street, Suite 1400 Columbus, Ohio 43215 (614) 744-2775 phone THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY Bruce R. Maters, Esq. Jon P. Christinidis, Esq. Richard P. Middleton, Esq. Michael J. Solocinski, Esq. 2000 Second Avenue, 688 WCB Detroit, Michigan 48226 (313) 235-7706 phone (313) 235-8500 fax ENERGY MICHIGAN Eric J. Schneidewind, Esq. Varnum, Riddering, Schmidt & Howlett, LLP 201 North Washington Square, Suite 810 Lansing, Michigan 48933 (517) 482-6237 phone (517) 482-6937 fax Richard Polich Energy Options and Solutions P.O. Box 3522 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106-3522 THE KROGER CO. Michael L. Kurtz, Esq. Boehm, Kurtz & Lowry 36 E. Seventh Street, Suite 1510 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (513) 421-2255 phone (513) 421-2764 fax The Kroger Co. 1014 Vine Street, G-07 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 (513) 762-4538 phone (513) 762-4012 MICHIGAN ATTORNEY GENERAL Donald E. Erickson, Esq. Assistant Attorney General Special Litigation Division G. Mennen Williams Building 525 West Ottawa Street, Floor 6 P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, Michigan 48909 (517) 373-1123 phone (517) 373-9860 fax MICHIGAN PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION STAFF Michael J. Orris, Esq. Kristin M. Smith, Esq. Rita Lagrone Assistant Attorneys General Public Service Division 6545 Mercantile Way, Suite 15 Lansing, Michigan 48911 (517) 241-6680 phone (517) 241-6678 fax WAL-MART STORES EAST, LP; SAM’S EAST, INC.; KOHL’S DEPARTMENT STORES, INC. William J. Wolter Wolter & Associates, P.C. 192 E. Main Street Northville, Michigan 48167 (248) 347-9927 phone (248) 347-9902 fax