User-defined blocks in Xcos

User-defined blocks in Xcos
June 29th 2011
Clément DAVID & Bruno JOFRET
Scilab Consortium
Scilab/Xcos: Modeling dynamical systems
Configurable subsystems use
Conditionally executed
subsystems creation
Signals and blocks parameters
Scilab algorithms and handwritten code integration
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Model Building and Edition:
User-defined palettes,
Configurable subsystems use.
Xcos toolbox skeleton
Future external modules:
User defined blocks enabling Scilab and Modelica algorithms
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Model Building and Edition
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Example to mimic a Simulink® block
Emulate an integrator which triggers a state reset on an input signal
In te g ra to r
Scilab / Xcos
Matlab / Simulink
Simulink is a registered trademark of The Mathworks, Inc.
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The Simulink® diagram
C o n sta n t
P u lse
G e n e ra to r
In te g ra to r
C o n sta n t1
The free and open source software for numerical computation
S cope
The Simulink® diagram results
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The Xcos diagram
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The Xcos diagram results
The free and open source software for numerical computation
With a SuperBlock
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Customize it
The free and open source software for numerical computation
With exact input mapping
The free and open source software for numerical computation
With exact input mapping (2)
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Adding to the palettes
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Using masked SuperBlocks
Define variables in the parent context
Use context on the blocks
Create and customize the mask
Remove variable in the parent context
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The masked SuperBlock
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Xcos toolbox skeleton
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Xcos toolbox skeleton
Included into the Scilab distribution (Development tools) with:
Documentation (how to write your own help pages),
Quick start to deploy an Xcos module through ATOMS.
Interface your own libraries:
Native ones (C, C++, Fortran, …),
Interpreted (Scilab, Modelica).
The free and open source software for numerical computation
External modules distribution
Scilab File Exchange –
Package your business logic
Upload sample files
Forge –
Public or private collaboration platform
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Future External Modules
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
Implement blocks to handle remote data access using the UDP
not yet packaged in ATOMS.
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
UDP Send:
C function to send UDP packet
UDP Receive:
C function to receive UDP packet
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
Example: Scilab ↔ Scilab
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
Example: Scilab ↔ ???
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
Example: ??? ↔ Scilab
The free and open source software for numerical computation
UDP Blocks
UDP Blocks:
Based on ToolBox Skeleton,
C Simulations function,
Available through ATOMS (coming soon),
Encode/Decode your own UDP packet,
Easy communication with hardware devices.
The free and open source software for numerical computation
COSELICA (Modelica)
Standard Modelica Library in Xcos
Use more Modelica features:
Advanced Xcos UI features (port colors, SVG blocks, etc... )
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The free and open source software for numerical computation
The free and open source software for numerical computation
COSELICA (Modelica):
Based on ToolBox Skeleton,
Modelica Equations,
Generated C Simulation functions,
Available through ATOMS (coming soon),
Extends Xcos on other scientific domains.
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Future Functionality
Available with Scilab 5.4.0
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Block wizard
Common UI for user blocks generation
Ease new blocks integration
The free and open source software for numerical computation
Thanks for your attention