201011_LSIP Letter to Sec Schools re release of Full LSIP and CtG

To: Headteachers
chers of Lancashire Secondary Schools
Your ref:
Our ref:
01772 531555
01772 531525
11 January 2012
Dear Colleague
I am writing to inform you that your school's 2010/11
Secondary LSIP has now been updated
to include prior attainment and Key Stage 3 and 4 data in addition to the contextual
information previously published. The LSIP 'gap supplement'' which illustrates attainment
gaps at Key Stage 4 for key groups of pupils (including SEN category, FSM and ethnicity
has also been published.
The reports are available from your LSIP folder on Lancashire ROSE and are accompanied
by updated Interpretation and Technical Guidance notes.
The files are named:
DfENo _201011_LSIP_Secondary_V1.0.pdf
DfENo _201011_Technical_Notes_
_Technical_Notes_ Secondary _V1.0.pdf
DfENo _201011_Interpretation_Notes_
_Interpretation_Notes_ Secondary _V1.0.pdf
The Interpretation Notes provide guidance on using the LSIP to support school review and
the Technical Guidance Notes give information on data definitions.
Paul Dyson-Knight – Lead Adviser Secondary Assessment
Room 301, 3rd Floor,, East Cliff Offices (JDO),
Preston. PR1 3JT
Whilst the 'gap supplement' remains similar to last year a number of improvements have
been made to the main LSIP as follows:
New format
A new colour format has been introduced into the LSIP and accompanying documents to
improve presentation and ease interpretation.
Prior Attainment: Key Stage 2 (LSIP Page 9)
A new page has been added including information on expected progress from Key Stage 1 –
Key Stage 2 and English and maths Level 4+. Note: the 2009/10 results are based on
Teacher Assessment as not all schools administered the tests in this year. All other results
are based on test results. Care should be exercised when comparing test results with
teacher assessment.
Key Stage 3 Results (LSIP Page 15)
Three new gender charts have been added showing information on expected progress from
Key Stage 2 – Key Stage 3 and English and maths Level 5+.
Key Stage 2 – Key Stage 4 Key Indicators Conversion Table (LSIP Page 19)
The prior attainment bands on this conversion table have been renamed to match the
indicators in RAISEonline and the DfE Performance Tables as follows:
Low (Below Level 4) = low attaining (APS<24),
Middle (At Level 4) = middle attaining (24≤ APS <30)
High (Above Level 4 = high attaining (APS ≥ 30)
Note: In FFT the above pupil groups differ, referring to the bottom third, middle third and top
third of pupils.
Key Stage 2 – Key Stage 4 Subject Conversion Table (LSIP Page 21)
This conversion table has been revised to be based on the new 2011 DfE methodology. For
further information on the methodologies used in the LSIP conversion tables see the
Technical Guidance Notes.
School Targets
Following the removal of statutory target setting at Key Stage 3 and 4, these targets are no
longer included in the LSIP.
Key Stage 4 Results (LSIP Pages 22-23)
Two new tables have been added to Page 22 including information on the English
Baccalaureate and 3 new gender charts on Page 23 showing information on expected
progress from Key Stage 2 – 4 and the English Baccalaureate.
As always we welcome comments on the content of the LSIP, particularly any new features,
and are keen to receive suggestions for further development. If you have any feedback
please contact the Professional Support Team Helpdesk Tel: (01772) 531555 or via email to
Please see Section 5 of the Technical Guidance for people to contact with specific queries.
If you have any general queries please do not hesitate to contact the Professional Support
Team Helpdesk on the number above.
Yours sincerely
Paul Dyson-Knight
Senior Adviser, Secondary and Post-16
CC Secondary Advisers, Schools’ Portal, AST website