The VOL. XCIII. N0...36. t Post. Evening WELLINGTON. NEW ZEALAND. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. 1 Registered as a newspaper In the OwerilPort Office In tkt United Kingdom. J 16 PAGES. ONE-PENNY AND CO., CARTER. CUBA-STREET. BLOUSES! FINAL CLEAN-UP SMITH'S SUMMER SALE. FINAL CLEAN-UP MOTHERS!—Behere early on MONAt the BLOUSES! BLOUSES! SUMMER .'. SALE! DAY MORNING for the BIGGEST Up-to-date, Cream Twill Blouses,; tvith ; > our servioes . . aro now showing an early shipIG SUMMER SALE! BARGAINS in BOY'S NAVY SERGE . smart stripes o£ various hues.' UsuTABLE COVERS , ment,, including: TO-MORROW(FRIDAY) AND SHORTS in. Wellington. They're well ally 5s lid. Now 2s lid SPRING CLEANING HAS NOW Pretty Fancy Delainctto Blouses with Less than SATURDAY. made,lined, button or Kelt 'style. CHENILLE HATS, COMMENCED. Sweeping Reductions in the Dress 500 yards of 1 and 2 inch Edgings. Sale: Sizes0 to 6. Usually 3s lid. smell diamond design in many-colourPRE-WAR PRICES. Price 3d yard COLOUREDAND BLACK VELOURS, Department. ings. Usually 5s lid.: Now 2s lid SALE 2s lid YOUR■'DATES GREAT SUMMER PRICE, BOOK IN ADVANCE, 400 yards of 18-inch Allover Embroidery. REMNANTS Dainty White Voile Blouses,with fine r : Also, 7to 12. Usually 5s lid. Reds, Greens, Brown, 6 x 4, 6s lid; RIGHT NOW. Sizes REMNANTS white yard SalePrice 9id raised stripes, very smartly cut. BIRTHS. 8 x 4, 9s lid; 2£ yards x 2 yards, 12s CLEARANCE SALE SALE PRICE, 4s 9d VERY SMART SHAPES IN ' 6s lid. Now 2s lid .Usually SILKS, COTTON and WOOL Carpet 6Collected,Cleaned,and 550 yards of 22-inch Embroidery. Sale Single Sizes14 to 16. Usually 6s lid. the" 10th February, 191". at Xo. Striking CLARK.—On 6d, 13s 6d. DRESSGOODS Dcliiinettc p At, Price Is 3d yard . Blouses,with marker}, ; Returned same day.if required. . 49, Waripori-street, Uerhampore, to Mr. and HATTER'S PLUSH. SALE PRICE, 5s 6d ROBE ENDS coloured diamond pattern, in a variety yards Flouncing d aughter 36-inch Mrs. Eruost Clark—a 520 of EmbroidSEE THE of colours. 5s lid. .Now 2a Usually HALF-PRICE! BIG BLOUSE LTD., L. EVANS & AT BARGAINS! 2s CO., DOUULE.—On the 4th February, at the resilid AT HALF-PRICE! VACUUM GLEANING CO., ery. SalePrice 6d yard. dence of Mrs. W. McColl, 20, Home-street. COLE'S DRAPERY CO., DRAPERS, MILLINERS, & CORSET Smart White Voilo Blousee,with heavy Biggest Snips of the Sale. The & daughter. and Mrs. L. Double—a WHITEHEAD to Mr. PEARS. JAMES SMITH, LTD., " raised white 18,GREY-STREET; SPECIALISTS. ARCHER'S, line; exceptional value. 108,110,112,CUBA-STREET.: Usually 6s lid. Now 23 lid. DAVIDSON.—On the loth February, i9K, at C. SMITH, LTD., "Famous for Low Prices," UPPER CUBA-STREET. CUBA-STREET. "' 'Phones 2333 and 2510A. >'urse Murphy's Private Hospital, Abel 144-146, CARTER AND CUBA-STREET, ; WELLINGTON. CO., CUBA-STREET. CUBA-STREET, 80, WELLINGTON. Smith-street, to Mr. and Mrs. K. J. DavidBrst-class , Fitter, with son—a. daughter. :i HOUSE WANTED. Weekly supply of, guarbetween Pringle's and Evening GROCERYBUSINESS. marine engineer's certificate. Apto Sell, (rood Upright Sowing, by the Children's LOST, .Saddle-bag. Monday, the sth SeU, Suite and containing baby's Eggs. Apply GKiiEXFILXD.—On' Februa Counter Hand; good ply The Golden Bay Cement New Laid WANTED Post, small Parcel, X., day. Apply Neat, Evening Post. T T bideboard. Apply 182, Aro-street, Briivmcad Piano, solid mahogany, Works, Post anteed ary, at Linen Hospital (Nurse Wilding), to .dress. Finder rewarded at Agency, Newtown. perfect tone. Apply 33. Sydncy^st. to Purchase, a 7 or 8 Stores, wages. Lees and Co., V.I.C. ' Ltd., Nathan's Buildings, Wellington. the wife. of William Howard Greenfield, of ANTED to Sell, Sido Car,' coaeh- WA NTED, Mother's Help, other help Bernampbre. 10, Stirling-street, Lower Hutt. . Tuesday, Pendant, containing Hedge Clipping, Scythe f Boy, weight; 225, Adelaide-road. Wellington—a daughter; ROOMED a who can milk ANTED, light HOUSE, Kelburn, and built. £12 10s. L. kept, references.Apply, by letter, LOST, Mowing, Excavating,Gardening, both -well. . child's photo. Reward on returning vr ' ""COLLECTOR ANDCANVASSER. on 30, help Apply good strong farm. William by day or M. Silver, Taranaki-st. Telephono 2627 Mrs. Ernest Hadfield,18, Hill-st.. City. Lad for mill. Thorndon,or Terrace; no Agents. Reply ' by' a leading Life Asjob. Apply -Trusty, Post the 13th January, at St. to No. 7, Jacob's Place.. rOINTOK.—Oh Taita. M'Leod,Weir, and Hopkirk, Warto to Sell, nearly new single Agency, Newtown. Helens Hospital, the wife of Sergt. A. P. surance Office, Collectorand Can- Kilmister, ANTED, five horse-power Boiler ing Taylor-street. . Handbag; fe]i~off Wadestown cylinder 4-h."p. Motor Cycle; 3 \?l7 URGENT BUYER, to Buy, Houses of Furnipresure. Bull 3 Pointon, 13 Company, 23ud Reinforcements— LOST," Applicant .'must be total ab.'"' Simmonds vasser. and OsGarlic, speeds chain drive countershaft gear; Tram, Tuesday, the 6th. Will gen- 1 , a sod. ANTED~Known-Sliallots, to Let, 5-roomed House. ture, any size. Save all expense Evening Post. stainer. Good prospects for right man. :. tleman seen picking up same ring Seed, for picklinfT- £50. L. M. Silver, 30, Taranaki-stroet. borne,_Adelaide-road. . ' Vogoltown. H. C. Luff, 44, Ovorb up and sell outright to Blake and Co., 53, R. A. ajid Mustard' Apply 431. G.P.O. '■..,-. . 'Phono No, 29. THE EMPIRE BOXMAKING CO., "V^ANfEDTTsingle.,. toiin-terraco, Hataitai.Bed-Sitting-room, Nichol, Reliable Seed Store, 79, T_el^2j>27.__-_ Cuba-street.Spot cash paid. ' ; » » Willis-street. suitable -for dressmaking ; must be LTD. TAILORESSES. between VivHan-st. and LambtonCostumesand Millinery,, Women and.Girls; no exSell, Confectionery Busi- central and terms moderate. Apply DressJOST, THANKS. Coat Machinists, Trouscr -t quay, Small Purse, containing key -ANTED, Experienced Hands for Driven for parcel van taken in orivately. ness, clearing £5 weekly; price only maker,Evening Post. Apply 1o perience, light easy work, good Machinists, Improvers, Apprentices. Bookbinding and Boxmaking deH. and Apply (horse). WALTER F. POTTS desires to Thank all and. money;, reward. Apply Wellington Inniss Apply Taylor, £155. Leonard Price Reasonable,Evening Post. Laundry Co., Hanson- Son, 186, Victoria 326, also AND partments; Young sympathy , of and Women .CATHIE SONS,LTD., wages. . rANTED to Paperhanging messages Company, kiml friends for Vivian-st. Learners, Vivian-streat. Soldier's Recommend, Latnbton-quay. . \\ street. . wages 4) 20s a week to start. . Marion-street.. ANTED to Rent, 6 to 8-roomed floral tributes received during his recent sad fe 'boy suitilble Position,cap7i alliJVl,duties ' ANTED to Rent, House, 2 or 3 Special thanks are accorded to LOST, last Sunday night, Kilbirnie, ~~ Wanted also,Young Man, ineligible for (town]. GovernmentLab: Van Dentice, 149, Cuba*- able House,unfurnished,or three Unbereavement. ANTED .Known—On Monday ~c pair gold-rimmed Spectacles, in case. military service. .Would buy furrooms,cure i WANTED, j)r.' J. n. Kemp> for his unremitting " . " furnishedRooms,usa kitchen, etc.; two street, has a new process for razor our, (jhuznee-street. give a handsome Tray Cloth to niture. Apply central. adults; Girl as three ; Evening Cottage, 'and. attention: . . Reward.. Aoply T. Fathers;Seatdun-rd., Smart Boy maid; Post. setting.' Have you tried it? It's Is. wages to'start, 20s no St. Paul's Parish, purchaser Drapery. every, wanted, of 10s worth of adults; an good experienced Kilbirnie. home and overy consideration 'SAT'ANTED, Waiter; preferred" children; Apply Homeless, Evening per week. ANTED.:2 or 3 nice Business Girls ' suitable girl. Mre. Castle, 16, Oriental- Lindberg's, Cuba-street. ANTED—R. J. Shakeswill set your d- a^r°^ Post. ' . T OST, Engagement Ring, 5 diamonds,' share comfortable Furnished tip-top style. Room, Razor in -light , COMPOSITOR WANTED. . terrace. . . .Don't General 'Servant, -Li cross setting, vicinity Newtown; ANTED, sunny,.lovely view, c.1., forget, bring it now to The Cigar to Sell,. Bohm Piatf>; BIRTH, MAKEIAGB, and DEATH family; referencesrequired. private house;.. at once, smart ComposiBox, small reward. Post TO SHIRT MACHINISTS. ANTED Known—That the Turkish Agency, ApplyEvening by NOTICES must be endorsed some Newtown. h. and c. Post. Manners-street. latest, good as new; £40 ca|h. tor, marrted man, or ineligible for Baths are not demolished. Business four experienced Shirt Apply, before8 p.m., at 87, The Terrace. responsible person to ensure their inat Evening Post. s.s. Opawa; on Thursday active service. Apply Wairarapa, Daily Boarders (gents) or ANTED, ANTED—AII Remnants to be clear- as usual at the old spot, 134,Manners-st. Address improvers "Apa-rtsertion. ; LOST,last,from also conANTED fashionable Machinists; Sell, black and tan long-haired News,Carterton. Cadets; good home. 185,Thorned half price; must go; don't miss Apply H. stant work; good wages. ANTED, Boy, about 16 years, for ment House, " Wellington-terrace, don-quay. "ANTED, a single furnishedRoom, Sheep Dog, tail docked;,reward. Apply ~ ~ ~ ■ Morgan's them. our . Taranaki-street Timber Mill; Sale,115,Cuba-street. "DRIVER. for mother and baby, with use of New*Zealand Express Co., Ltd. 113, Taranaki-street, two doors clearing £8 weekly; also smaller Houses good wages. Apply Odlin's Timber Yard, . reliable . Man, , for milk Wade, Sawing mado easy by from Williams's furniture depot. elsewhere. Linga-rd, Grey-street. ANTED, Position, by ineligible, as conveniences. Apply A.C.,'Evening Post. Taranaki-street. TO JEWELLERS. }■ yesterday, fawn-coloured Pug delivery, Kilbirnie district. Apply having your SawsRe-sharpened at storeman; , used .' to furniture, ' LOST, b y Carting man,: for Dog; reward. Apply New Zealand Staveley and Weight; 1, Minerva-street. CUSTOMS AND SHIPPING CLERK. ANTED, Warehouse Work, evenings^ off, Manners-st. ' .crockery: or as salesman. Apply 1717, :TX7*ANTED,ANTED to Buy, pair White. Fer» » . of any kind. Apply Any,' Evening 1 rpENDERS will be' received by the Express "at once, a Junior Customs one or two vans; will personally M'Millan's, Herbert-st., Ltd. '"" Evening- Post. rets. Full particulars F. Akh'urst, , MONEY! ■■ MONEY! Post. MONEY! and Shipping Clerk. Apply to J. work at and. supervise it; fidelity bond Cabinetmakers; constant ' V JL undersigned up to 5 p.m. of.MON- T OST,Co., Petono. Tuesday, Upper last between Gear, employment. Apply by girl, necessary. Known Walter Smart. J. Curtis and Co., Ltd.,. 11, Johnston-et. if S. S. Wilbusiness Board and Apply Independent Carf DAY, 12th instant, for the Purchase of ■A-/Hutt and Wallaceville,-a gold Curb 'ANTED to Sell, 14J Acres, Waika~ rier, Evening Post. Willis street! Taranaki-street. Apply Cosy, Evening Pawnbroker, 97, liams Residence. ANTED to Irish-Setter Co.,Ltd., 117, 2 Sell, Bitch, nae, ) the.Stock,Plant, and Tools of a Whole- Bracelet; from station; 2 acres TO BOYS. keepsake. -Finder kindly return advances sums froui Is to £1000.Estab, . ; :___ young orchard;miles }■' Bale and Manufacturing Jeweller,con to Mr. Jonoa, Boys; good wages. A. ANTED Known—Bedsteads,Bed"ANTED to; Sell, Express, Carts, Post. well sheltered with native Petonc. well-bred. F: Akhurst, Gear,, Fruiterer, Upper Hutt. lished 30 years. 5 eisting of . anby -place tenant, : Horse and in careful with no ideal for 117, Levy, ding, Customhouse-quay. Bedroom Suites, Couches, Collars,' Harness, bush'; small mixed Particulars C. G. Bowker, I ' DIAMOND RINGS, PENDANTS Reward. Brooch, largo topaz, gold TAILORESSES. children, 5, 6, or 7-roomed; House. farm. ANTED to Sell,best built Residence, Sideboards,Linoleums,' Carpets, Tables, good order. Apply N. Jenkins, Cam90, ELECTRIC MOTOR. Wellington. ' Trousers Finishers,Tablo Month's- rent in advance. Apply House Coromandel-street,' ■! EARRINGS/BROOCHES LOST, Hataita:, 6 rooms, tpecially de3, 4, or 5-h.p. A.C. Motor, Chairs. Te Aro Furnishing Co.,'Cuba-st. bridge-terrace. ■'■.'.■ appended. small chain Urgent, Evening mounted, Post. Improvers. LOOSEGEMS Excelsior i Hands, and TT7"ANTED to Buy, House, 5 or 6 signed and lurnishecl. large section,good 80" cycles. Price and details to VSTANTED,; young Ladies, for light in all conditions 'Phone 1856. Reward. Pianos. Clothing Co., Old Customhouse-street. Principal, Evening view £1275. Miller and Rutter, 35, ; Ap price ! GOLD AND PLATINUM Man.Boarder. T ANTED, rooms, » Young all must repair completely Post. ii .of overhauled conveniences, be ' " employment. Young's Chemical gold-rimmed Pince-ne7, ply 16, Queen-street, between off Brougham- within 2d section' G.P.0.-, no agents. I'iinauia-street. I MACHINERY AND TOOLS PTANO. and renovated; qualified experts only on , LOST, Kelburn and Lambton Station AdORAZIN« LAND FOR SHEEP AND Co., .14, Egmont-street. Apply .Cash,Evening.Post. strect. . ANTED, Bujei our staff. Nimmo and ANTED to Let, two doublo furSons, English for Kent-ter. \\7 Piano, CATTLE. Private Hotel, 80 i» price £15 10s. Address £15 j Tha Jewellery is separately scheduled dress Evening Post. progas Sell, nished Bed-Sitting-rooms; 10s, ANTED Sell, Singer, latest 66,- £7 to Lease, for 2 years, 30 Sell, Fruit Business, ANTED, UnfurnishedHouse,5 or 6 rooms, low rent, long lease,every in convenient lots, and the Machinery 'from M'drthy Building, brown Evening Post. minent stand,large turnover, lease, , .- -10s.,oak Drophead. Hand Ma- eouker, conveniences; central.' Address rooms; no children. Apply Toacres Land, at Lower Hutt; rent convenience; price for everything as a ~ WANTED and Tools may bo tendered for in sepa- LOST, leather Lunch Box, Purse, and Rintr. : price £150. Apply Leonard Taylor,: 326,. chines from 17s 6d. Globe,GrandOpera at Evening Post. TO SELL, 10s per week. Apply Grazing, Evening gojrtg concern, £1250,easy term's. Apply day, Evening Post. rate itema; or alternative tenders may Proceedings will bo taken. Reward if Larnbton-quay. House. Manners-street. Grain Ciusher complete, in good Post. . ANTED to Rent, 4 or 5-rooiicd Leonard Taylor, 326,.Lambton-quay. j be given for tho whole of the Stock or returned.,Apply Evoning_Post Housemaid-Waitress. Apworking order, with hoist attached. to Sell, Motor and Push House,handy to train or car, With and Tools. ANTED, Board,,by young lady in all ■.ply immediately,. Leviathan Pri- ; -SSTANTED TO BOOTMAKERS (female); I! theForPlant Boxmakera ANTED, would purchase whola cheap. Evening family Coal Co.j IT Address Post.. conveniences; private Bike, Stock-li6t6, Conditions,and Forms LOST, Evening Scarf, in paicel. Finder For particulars The Westport Hotel,. preferred, a- Fir^t class Boot RepairManners-street.' business, good wages for experienced hands. vate ■ Ltd., kindly Evening part (near wharf). leave same at Post. Taranaki-street or furniture. Addroas Purchase, Anplv j of Tender, and Inspection o£ Goods,apterms moderate;contral. er; good wages,or Man to take Young's CKemical Co., 14, Egmont-et. ANTED to Purchase,<■ for cash',Dr. musical; by lady- in. business,one ..Evening: Post. ANTED, No Trouble, Evening. Post. , telephone tenth; works, ply morning, Young's poetical. to in over Levin. 'E. 8., workshop. Apply ■! OUND," this Ires* Furnished Room, Thorndon, ceumtTANTBD to Soil, cheap,- Baco CiKnown .Large shipment to Let, 2-roomed Whare, slot machine box, Lamblon Station, vol.; "National Cyclopedia., Paino's "Age of j THE COMMERCIAL AGENCY, LTD. to Sell, American Reed FURNISHED HOUSR Honeycomb and Mar- . tral. ApplyQuietness,Evening Post. Write Post now SummerSuitings and Serges ."■ fains, Plimmorton,sheltered;by beach. Organs,. 10. to 18 stops; first-class Purse, containing mency. Reason," "Tales in the Cabin or Nights ' ] Wellington, sth February, 1917. superior Furnished celhi Quilts,White' small Coloured ' ANTED, styles. largeApply Evoriing ; latest T Quilts, to 2 Front the Post:' Apply Evening ■_ arrived; Shields,Tailor, .Let, Ocean." Post. W.H;, OUice,Porirua. on instruments";wholesale' prices. Write or House, by busines man and wife; etc. Lindberg's, Cuba-street. Towels, Willis -street. fireplace, c.1., Rooms,verandah, "ANTED to Sell, two pair of Drake?, to Sell. 9 Golf Clubs, with see H-. M.; Hay ward,: 22, Old Customis prepared to lease for 3 We still purchase 21. must bo handy town. Address Furnished, I /~|WNER. OUND, Pianos. use, conveniences, gas-stove, two minutes .Wellington.. Buy, MAUHIXISTS to Household Furni3 months old; also two young [{veiling Pot. and give the highest prices; no de"case. Apply Evening Post. ''.-■ house-street, ! V-' or 5 years, to an approved tenant, singing Canaries. Apply Birds, Evening Coat and Trousers Macliinture, any quantity, spot cash; big tram;, ideal view. Separate entrance. ' for_ auctioneer's commission or at'Lyall.Bay, carefulTen- XC7"ANTED to Soil, Tip Dray, h_6lds Post. EMPTY HOUSE. A MODERN SIX-ROOMED HOUSE, duction price, paid for clean,goods. : Blake and Apply. Select, Evening Post. / cartage. Ninimo and Sons,42, Kent-ter. ibts, male orI. female; also Improv■»».. about ono yard; good condition ;■ from ant, bungalow, 4-roomed built furnished Sell, Houso, for, Apprentices. , Hudson's : ers, ' Solomons, Lower Cuba-etrost. ANTED to -Sell, Ruby and DiaHay Co.,53, £8. H.M. widow wolarge by energetic olose to the sea, and within two tram Black Silk 7 section 40 x all conveniWhite's Line February: \oars, rooms,' ward," East, person who found Building, Blair-street. 100,Kelburn .Engagement Ring. Apply 21st sections of Cuba-street Will be vacant man, with one child, Officesto Extension ; £295,terras £50 deposit. Adfor- clients,-modern one- Clieap,.mond ences, splendid view, near tram terminus.! Lower . Hutt. Scarf on Lyall Bay beach please -" Evening Post. . Lyall early in March. Highbury, Evening apply Apply Evening every CABINETMAKERS., dress 6-rd. with consea -For address clean. Post. Evening story AddressPost. Post. House, and hot baths. Widow, Exchange, roturn? ' ANTED:to Sell or' Hutt ■". by .;' three*young gentle- Bay Poat Office. Men; permanent omploy. ,: venience,-good' section,,Newtown,-vic, . :'■. Property,- consisting 4 rooms,', all ANTED,"~two young Ladies to share ACCOMMODATIONHOUSE largo unfurnished Rooms, fireFor particulars apply ment. S. E, Williams Co., Ltd., men, engaged in clerical work, good orchard, etc., for. Welling-: your Suits, Costumes dry conve-nionces, double bed-room, use dining room, concern, ' inity Roy-street, Rintoul-street,or ConANTED, \\7"ANTEO to Soil, as a Koinualwajs place u&o conveniences,ground- Furnishers,'117,Taranaki-streot. ' homely J.D.,:Evening Post. stable-street.' Send Idotails to H. Ernest Board and .with quiot tailor-pressed by T> well-furnished,26 bods, let. Residence, ton or suburban" property. Apply Ex-, gas, morning tea, with homely people; cleanedand the, preferred; or would share house. floor family; central*locality for preference. American Dry Cleaning Process,+s 6d. change, Evening Post. easy terms. Address at Evening Post. ' £2 BONUS! Closeto wharf, main strept; rent £3 ; pro- Leighton, 182,Featherston-stre'ot. SALE, RESIDENCE, LOWER HUTT. Reply Rent, Evening Post /. . '.'. a five or. six-roomed House, fit £6 per week clear;price £150. Address l_^___l__l: to:Let,..-Sirigle-.and:Double: ' Reply, stating terms, to H.G.W., G.P.0., to Sell, Indian Motor Bike ANTED to Sell, £50 deposit, 4-rd. , 'Ph-otfe^S^^b^address. .276. . .-' . -■':■■■ Property Evening Post. 5-roomed House, within Id section of Courtenay-place; Accommodation, near Box ANTED—Special .reductions on' all city; prico £450. Orchard, Rooms; all conveniences; and Coach-BiurtSideCar. Perfect separate* washhouse, drainage, oil open till end of the month. ' Apply Sell, 6-roomed Cottage, children. ;, Apply, Plainly Basin Reserve no Furnished Bed- ' Goodsto wind up soa- running order, 1914 model; latest kick agent, House, WANTED TO LEASE. 10,, ANTED,Wash Dross 276,Lambton-quay. Post, scullery, Evening copper, gift £425 Potone. bathroom, tubs, conveniences, i-acre freehold; Genuine, | ' Sitting-room,■ for .woman w;ith girl, son. Desperate prices'at Morgan's, 115,: start; ■■ bargain-; £70; ■■/Apply;-. .Hendoe, House; '..;■■Pambridg'e-terrace'.': Lower 4 or 5-roomed Ilutt, gas, who will w.c, all modern conveniences, level Apply 1, Petherick-crescent, Johnson villo. ' " Apply!. stating .terms, 'to motobTbargain ANTED, House-owners 'phono Evening Post. nO children. Apply Loase,Evening . "'.. ' ' Cuba-street. 180. ANTED,to Sell, Cycle; and Motor-;.: .school' age: Evening' dry section,' sun all day, nice garden, ■exchange for Farms; Post. '■-. ■'■■■ Sell, four-cylinder, five-seat- POS^ Moderation, COUA LEE, Chieroeophist ■as a- going.,conhedges, land about J acre, within 10 minCycle Business, ANTfiD to Let, 7-roomed House, Orchard, agont, 276, Lambton-quay. ANTED. Sell, old-established Groer, Maxwell 1915 umi»cd m«y ■ bo Car, model, Buy, immediately, and Character Reader, 'for WANTED, FURNISHED, cern, in rising North .towni; For 'SrarANTED to cery. Business, turnover exceeds.£Bo utes station; a' bargain at £575; cash few deposit, ,.;;,furnished, /for months;'rent 110 months, Sell, uphol.~i.ered, for 12 solid ' ANTED to £300 p.m., leather, Ii cash,Mt. Victoria, or central,7-rd. , weekly, dwelling,attached to. shop, -low £2 week. Apply "Mrs.- Barton, Grass27, first>ciass Ilouso or Flat, two-throo particulars' apply to'-?-Motorist,Evening required £175; balance arranged. An consulted daily, 10. a.m. to' 9 order, good ures, any trial, £225 Acres, Manawatu; carry 40 cows Constablosfcreefc. ' icfor- Post.''"" House. Apply 8.X., Evening Post. price' for quick sale. Apply Leonard Tay- street, OrientalBay. ideal home. -.'. I.'..''"" '. ' ' cash. Very Powerful,G.P.0., Wellington. pnees. months; handy City; good Lambtonsheep. and 200 Orchard,276, | Apply Genteel,Evening Post, ADAME AZUCENA, Phrenologist, ,Lot r .,large Jlurnished or: quay. to;Sellfev.eryt!iing Required ANTEKto'SelJ,'Oriental:Bay, 6-rd. lor, ,325;,Lambton: quay..',,... . Apply CONSIGNEE WANTED, ■"Boy, for inotor;parcel,van. und Clairvoyante, 208,LambtonVilla, centre of,bay; easy terms. Complete. Houso Furnishing. : unfurnished'!.-Koom,;;.good locality; BOX S, B and C in diamond,1 case Dolls X N O W N. Specialfordiscount to SeU, easy terms, 15 (upstairs), opposite Kirkcaldie and i young '. ladies preferPost. , Evening Apply."H.,'jlnniss people -.easy or terms without Address and or quay Oriental,. Son, 186, business... Fancy Post Office,Petono. and Goods,ex s.a. Corinthic,. CROWN TEA ROOMS, Acres, Manawatu; good land, all : : '; ; ■.-■■> Stains, Aldous'. Buildings. interest.' Te.. Aro./ Furnishing -Co., 91, ■..'' -■ ■■ "'■' red.' . Apply Mrs. :<Davies's Store, NewAugust, 1916. " Shippers, Under Crown strong l-eiiablo Girl,"must Vivian-street. from Mo'.psworth-street. London, ' ■■ , . .:» ■■- ,:, .' '"■ras* half acre orchard; 5-roomed house, to Theatre, .towh ..Parlc. Sell, GENERAL OTOR and Side-car—o-8-h.p 2-speod Messrs. H. W. Winter and Co. If not Cuba-street.. See windows for Bargains. ■bo able to.cook. Apply, after 6,:-2; ANTED, lior cash purchaser, Good etc.; £1600. Orchard,276, Lambton-q.T. Open 11 a.m " to 11.30 p.m. STORE, in country township: ■■ , '■■.. ■■ "■'.-.■: ,1-lairdressing -and Tobacconist's and Coach-built Side- claimed before 17th February, 1917,vtill , " . to Let,- in superior home, £325 for comfortable4-rd. Kensipgton-street. ■' -■ * good class of trade; full equipment of car, in.Metchless " all ANTED, Sectionsin exchange for perfect order, for Sale; airy trial; be;sold to defray expenses for wharfage, mangle! Apply Bcd-Sitting-room, return. H. Furnished , Business, good'section, deposit, showing good £25 ", Housei We still purchase ' Ernes'; plant, horses, etc.; low rent. Owner ANTED—Pianos.. 2 new Bungalows, up to £1850Apply Matchless,Box 1527. storage, etc. Levin and Co., Ltd. a Mangle. Price and par- balance rent";'also for Sale, several other 'Leigntoh, 182, Fcatherstou-street; conveniences;handr; position. , Apply and "no deduc; , anxious to enlist, but owing to financial £60 cash. givo' Highest prices; tieulars to Flatten, K\ ening Post. 278. Upper Willis-street." ;' '■:.-. . : Orchard,276,Lambton-quay. cheap: Houses.' Lingard, Grey-street. . : tions Consult Madame ANTED to Sell, one of Wellingor cartto Let, sunny..furnished obligations must sell first; terms cash; PERPLEXED} for.auctionecr,s'.commission ' ANTED to Sell, Private Hotel, -47 King, Gifted Clairvoyante. Advice ton's leading Restaurants,in centre '. balcony Room;* glorious view; TKTANTED to Sell,,House,Island Bay; amount about £2500. Further particuFURNITURE. VKTANTED- to Let, Furnished Bed- age. ' Nimmb and Sons,42,Kent-terrace. ' boarders;splendid position; £1200. all subjects. ' 87, Vivian-6trect, opposite of city, would suit married couplo or good locality. 20, Tbrraco' Gardens,off : ■TT 5 large rooms, land 48 x 130,perlars apply " of a . . T-T,.. Sitting-room, also Bedrooms,suit-1o tho Contents Second-hand M otor-Cycle^ Sell, ANTED,, fectly' ' lady daughters, garden, .hedges, Salvation Array. with comfortable home, "..'.■ , Boulcott-street. level, lawn";enamel Orchard,276,Lambtpn-qua,T. 7-roomed House,with option of able for,2 friends,^.electric light, bath, engine, Triumph, preferred. COUNTRY STORE,frba " geyser, gas cooker,--'etc.:; £700. Apto Exchang<v Farm. BQO 72, .OrientalBay, nextstore. lease,reasonable rent, good turn- renting, vicinity Wellington-terrace. Ap- oonveniencee, Care of.Evening Post. wanted for private motor- long Private Board and Lodging, bath, Particulars to Spot, Cash,'Evening Post. ; ANTED, ply Ownership, Evening Post- -.- . sheep and cattle as" over; a genuino business;no reasonable ply 'M.11.,Keening Post. young, man. Adacre?, with ' ' car; ono outside military sfirvico Factory ".:Hands7~r 'AppTy for.a respectable privately, 6-roomed ANTED to for Shop or Hunso proconcern, Going Sell, Post.'.-,. to.'Buy/ good -Pig Dog, ' ago.. Apply I.A:, P.O.Box 136,Wolling- offer refused. Apply E.M.C, Evening MUST BE SOLD! '.-,".,.' : \"; Evening: Lewis and Co., Tory-st. -. PIANO. . House, in good locality, lovely'view, dres3 S.S., Thomson, perty;" equity Post. . £3050. Orchard b" Excheap.'. prico, . ..must.beEvening. Statebreea', ton. -reliable etc.,. to Sell, in good condition. ANTED; iby thoroughly change Agency, 276, Lambton-quay. and Cutlery of all 'no-agents;- Apply Sincere,Evening Post. ATT Post. , ';■,:, OWNER GOING" TO FRONT. Finder, Costumiere, best ANTED, Storeman, for wholesale off VY Dressmaker and ' with cash- or 6, Sieverston-terrace, Apply KEYS, the Lancashire Psychic, ,business by girl, kinds' and Carriers, knowledge re-ground polished \«7"ANTED,.; like Board, references, engagement by day. Akarana, produce store, one with" may be consulted at Boulcott presidents all JohnsonviU© vrith a private-family!. -Reply,'stat- Evening Post. buttermaking preferred; only marrie,d man Wellington-terrace. owning property to about ±4000 Sell, PAINTING, DECO-' Chambers;,hours. new. i'll'Millans, Herbert-gt," off Man- ,-T'T '„''■-' 10. a.m. to 9 p.m. attend first-class SacredConcert. value (lew ing terms, A.R-, Evening Post. may do) to take up 900 acres. LYALL BAY. nors-st. -''■--■'. .--"■'. or one'ineligible for military duties conRATING, AND SIGNWRITING Sunday evening, Man Moore's. Young in °Hall, 8.15. Residence, ANTED, Furnishings—Write URNITURE and to Purchase, Boarder, sidered. Apply Meadows,Ltd., Stout-st.\\f Income from carting and royalty ±.4»yu Sell,cheap, Apply ANTED to Ladies' to a Motor Shed.' homely ' BUSINESS; good connection;established, family, "SITANTED Let, " ' : modprivate or call for free estimates of requireand beach. Full partis','terms single thing for someone. Orchard, tram ,'TT; ANTED to: two . furGood near Let, . year. over 40 years; for quick sale",plant and ments. To Aro Furnishing ANTED to Purchase, Section at culars to Emo, Evening Post. Corsets,'I^ingclotb. Un-derclothing, T;T 525. The-Terrace. erate. 40, Aro-street. Co.,91,Cuba:. nished Rooms,;hot and cold, water; 276, .Lambton-quay. . Lyall Bay, near beach and tram Hosiery, , White Honeycomb Shawls,etc; stock; estimated at £1200to : £1400,at street, Complete :H6use. Furnishers. ANTED to Sell, quiet bay pouy, working girls. 76,' Ellico-street. ideal for furnished suit, per £1 with PICK AND SHOVEL MEN. ~\\T Tenant, to Sell, 6-drawer Treadle or, Lihdborg'e, years, stop; £10 down and week, TO Cuba-streetl ',' ■**," eheaip ; will go in harness. valuation. Goodwilllease 2{ with Apply to share, Flat of 5 rooms, or Lady Let,, smgle furnished Sewing' Machine; price 50s; perRS. SINCLAIR, Palmist and Crys- bach on, £25down and 30s week; option of Pick and ShovelMen, for right renewal,free. : 5-seater Yule-street and SeaBuy, good to Ford C.L..Browne, corner . ... , ..Room,suit young lady ' " 'Phone 4146. drainhiying. Apply Casey Bros, tal Reader. Interviews,13, Jessie- clearing within 2 years; no agents. Apply fect guaranteed. Harrison, 33, Mico-st. ,-'■' . ' , OrientalBay.'- to'-.S^l, (- toun-road. SHORT& FRASER, Car, good oondition; caeh on destreet. Readings from photo, flowers,or Mac, Eveninjr_Post Disc GrapKophone during- day or soldier's wife and child; 241, Willis-street. ANTED to Borrow, Six Pounds livery. Price and particulars to N., 6-roomed House,Orienhair. ANTED homely; Petone. Sell, and also "Wheelbarrow. 63 week. Address Drum' 50 records, 19, , (£6); good interest. Apply Prifir.'tcksa Canvasser,for BOARD AND RESIDENCE. , Evening Post. tal Bay, all conveniences;.price Apply 50,.Norway-street.. ' , ; mond-street.: wants good< Board and two friends,Comfortable selling, novelty. Apply Evening Post electrical vate, npRADESMAN "\T7ANTED, b> ChamKing's " Apply ■_ up IDEAL HOME, KELBURN-SNIP. £950. Johnßrodie and Co., If selling out, ring X Residence in private family. Cen- M. ' Manthel, ' Electrical Engineer, 98, IT Board and Residence,with private ANTED Sell, Boardinghouse, 15 a good Waslierwornan, for 88, '...■..: a Ladyhelp. Sell, 6-rd. .Villa, close cable .Blake and Co., and save expense hers. family-; preferably. ,no other., boarders, furnished througtiout, -Mondays.- Apply 96, Dixon-street. well rooms, car, and only 8 minutes from heart tral, permanent. Apply Jack, Evening Courtenay-place. Walkca-street. big prices, spot terms to Friends, Evening Post. of auction. We pay cash, ANTED to Sell, Spring Cart, Keg piano, now full, £230,or approved offer. Constantwork to good washer ' .' city, nicely appointed house, replete with Post. a Cleaner,one able to work State ' Furniture. respectable ANTED, for Pica womwi, L'ambton-quay. by -2i-inch Nails. Venetian.Blind, : ■' Taylor, WADESTOWN SECTION" . 326, ANTED to Sell,40 White,Leghorns, hot, cold water, electric light, gas cooker, electric elevator preferred. Apply M'HERRON, Midwife, is pre■ tu're Frames,Handcart, Ladies" Bicycle, by the day. Apply «T. M., to Sell, full-size Tennis pared to go out nursing, town or Manager, .Hotel Windsor. tiled roof, leadlights, linen press, pantry, ANTED, a" reliable Broad Carter. cheap ANTED to Buy, Push Bike, must bo second season birds. Apply Te liveningWork, -7flllis.Tory-street, Post. Court, (50 x 100),' splendid building porcelain. enamel bath, shower,only best country. 56, Elizabeth-street. Apply \V. H. James,Baker, Ta-ra'cheap. Apply Hiwi, Island'Bay. Tel. 3709, 2 rings. and good in order " 2d, Pears, , , ANTED Sell, Peaches (corner) section. Price £210. Apply R., naki-street. Married Couples, daughter Good Order,Eyening Post. heart timber used; level section, 40ft x ANTED, Strong Boy. for message*. Let, superior double BedApples 3d and 4d lb, Grapes la lb, Evening Post. AIRDRESSER,first-class,wants situHouseApply Read and Fenwick, Ltd., 120ft. Price £1300,worth £1450; only Laundresses,' oompcteat General; no < maida, no objection, Chappie's late a House, city; rejected. Apopp. Sitting-room. to Furnished Dr. Rent, Pickling ution, married, Onions lb. Kitchen ANTED 355,, l£d Boolieris's, Cooksi maids,Nurses, ■ *> £200 deposit required GenuineBargain. ply Face Massage, Evening Post. bungalow"house. washing. Apply Mrs. Bradshaw, Ladyhelps. Staveley, 208, Quay. or 5 weeks from 22nd April, residence,..Willis and Dixon streets, Quiii-street. Kilig's. for-4 ' .y\TED Must sell, owing to military reasons. Imto or 6-roomed to Sell, charming Family 21, Buy, Brougham-street. 5, , VST ANTED tenant, one' in family. Ad- Dix'on-street entrance. to Let, 7 rooms, Apply t » Bungalow, with 4, good section, city * Residence, mediate possession. M'lntyre and Co., URSTsHED~"7-roornld~llouse KitcheiToTrT to Let, furnished, Single ; next; good ANTED, ' Mt. Victoria, Stationery dress Business, jsjuntryj_Evening^Post_^_^___: ANTED, good Machinist; also having every convenience; price £1200, to 215. La,mbton-quay. 5e11,.. Post, Ofiice* Hotel, immediately. Bedroom, lady or gent. Apply 42, tramline, Thorndon; two to three or suburbs. Apply Wliaro-Koa,Evening Hedger, 206, close estate. Miller and Ruter, 3a, -ranaexheart city, clearing £8 weekly;. Aro-street. ." , months to careful tenant. References ANTED to Rent, 4 or 5 roomed Girls.; Apply A. C. |_ 4 ROOMS, li ACRES, £520. ANTED to Soil Roll Top Desk,in Post. " ■'■ also several other Businesses, well worth changed. Apply.F.S., Evening Post. 'House, between 5 and 20 miles Lambton-quay.' : " a Push Cart. Reply, statma-strcet. good order. At Kodak, Dixon-st. Sell, 4-roomed House, LYALL BAY. ■' inspecting. Lingard,..Grey-street. town^ Lloyd, from A.S.C.;Buckle-street, to water, requires Cottage, hot Man Post ANTED M.8.P., employment ing price, Evening acres, facing Lower Hutt, -1£ to Sell, would 'for. reCottage, Furnished to Purchase, B.S.A. .22 General; Wellington., competent a 3 . Porirua; Light Help, days Generalor be suitweek; good bookkeeper. 4 moval,'at { February. Reply 2 bay windows,workshop, orchard. Price of sea, gentleman, particu, the end Board and Rifle. Price and Apply by Repeater cheap. Ap27, Grioif-at., good wagjs. '"\TSrANTED, adults, in family. Apply 26, Cen£520; Govt mortgage thereon; absolute Apply First Division,'Evening Post. UnfurnishedRoom, with able for seaside; would sell M.X.M., 69, Tainui-terrace,Lyall Bay. T"» Residence,, private family, central. Northland. lars to Target, Evening Post. snip. M'lntyre and Co., 215, Lambtonfireplace, by working woman, ' 'in ply T. Pont; .Porirua. '■ . : tral-terrace,Kelburn. Telephone 1861." ; . engaged during the day, reApply W R.R..' Bvening Post. POSITION WANTED. ANTED, at onco, Waitress, assist Te Aro. Apply E.M., Evening Post. . q"ay. '. Furnished or Unfurnished to Rent, small',House,not ;, ANTED, ANTED ANTED to Sell, 4-roomed House, quires Board; must bo central. FIRST-CLASS Deto Let, furnished,2-roomed Draftsman, ANTED hot in pantry. Apply Central Dinius Room, conveniences, homely use EvaSs vicinity Bay, above 30s week, Kelburn. eeiitre Kilbirnie, Sell, Berhampore, House, signer posiCottage, CHEAP VILLA, HATAITAI. . Apply .3.P., Evening Post. and Tradesman wants GarrettANTED 9, Apply central. . engaged day. Apply Post.,. , : people, by lady . ; street, off Cuba-street. let 20s water, ga9,:' c.l.', concrete paths, shed; Rooms, 58, Lower Cuba-street. 5' rooms, all conveniences, Sell, 6-rd. House,onefloor. SL*/t(\(\fi TO LEND, on mortgage; F.L., Evening Po3t. tion as foremanin CabinetFactory. Ap- Reply Two,Evening Address land 115 x filOO'.cash.' Apply Evening 30; £625, to Sell.' Junior Tourist ply T.A., Evening Post. Hataitai, lovely sea view, about Bristol, AXTANTED, a Housemaid,for Hawkes ■"\\TANTED, a Companion-Help, good week, £625. on second mortgage or at Evening-Post.' ANTED, by refined young lady, 5 minutes from tram, contains hot-cold <Mt:\J\J\j£2Qo, VT Bay;. £1. Apply Mia.. Carlyon, IV ". Push Cart (folding), with hood,also on furniture. G. S. Hill and Co., 189, light duties. Apply 58, Cen-; Post BUSINESS. : faume, Push water, electric light, bay verandah. Price day Employment; shop Folding haLC-day, p.m., or ' to Sell, Ladies' Free Chair, in good order. 127, Featherston-strect. , 114,Terrace. References tral-terrace,Kelburri. Unfurnished Room, fireto Buj, "small Business or 2 or 6.30 preferred. 'Apply P., Evening'Post. ■:'..-■"■ Wheel Bicycle, in good running Constable-street£725; £100deposit; snip. M'lntyre and . -place, use of conveniences, Brougwould consider Partnership; must required. . Wife, section, Apply (9 months), Cottage, Child AOTED'to Id Sell, 43, Lambton-quay. Waterlop/ ENTLEMAN, order:. £3 cash. Apply.ReCo., 215, 2 Labourers. Apply at show good returns. Write Push, Evenor Majoribanks streets'- " Unfurnished "SLANTED to Let, 2apply require Board Retidence, privato ANTEIiT city, good order. Apply Going, ham Evening 2 good Firewood Cutters, . avenue, 'Newtown.; spectable, Evening Post. VT Rooms. For address building next Terminus Hotel, Cour- 'ing Post CHEAP HOUSE,ORIENTAL BAY. preferred. Particulars 'to Ajax, Evening to stump and, split;" 10s per cord 'Evening Post. modern Sell, Hataitai, tenay-place. .5- Post.' Sell, 4-rd. House, with Post. as a Sell, Nursing-Home,per. cord for straight wood. ApANTED LYALL BAY. and 7sBicycle, to Sell, Roadster knowledge roomed House, 2 bays, h. and c. usual conveniences,tram passes going concern, good .connection,ANTED to Rent, 4or 5-rd. House, Purchaser, for best availply, to Taucher Bros., Wood Dealers, ANTED, by young Lady, in office* Eadie coaster hub, pood order and dior, no climb. House easily remodelled. AGITII., wishes to meet another Girl, water, c.1.,etc.; price £675. Manley and of bookkeeping, Position with conveniences. State vihen can able section, Apu-erescent; size 'Mafiterton. furnished throughout, £200. Leonwith a view to improving speed in wp-to-date; price £3 10s. H. Corrick, 80, well Timber quite sound. Pree £785, £200 A.M.P. Buildings. Apply 8.R., Evening Post. Meadows, Apply Taylor, La'mbton-quay. Careful from J. ard get possession. particulars Tenant, 40ft. x 132ffc. Full ■■-■■--■ .326, Apply Evening shorthand. Post. Pitmans, deposit. M'lntyro and Co., 215,LambANTED, a competent Man, to drive -Manners-street. . -. T. Horn, Ltd., Panama-street. to Purchase,5 to 6-roomed' Strong Man, for fencing■■ . dray.' Apply 55,'Hall-street, NewLL-ROUNDShorthandTyp>te desires E\ening Poat. ANTED, SchoolBags for boys, or ton-quay. ~\ ANI'ED, a good Woman, for kitchen, Hou9e,Mount .Victoria or any-: , girls, from Is each. Best value Apply Laory and Co., Ltd., Allen. "ANTED, a Boy, to -learn tiade; -LJL- position legal office; kindly btalo LYALL BAY. town.' -knowledge of cooking. Apply Apply Evening City with handy CONFECTIONERY-TEAROOMS. where Pen, ApPurchaser, tor new and 69, Willis-st. street, Wellington. !' good wages to suitable boy. Post. 53, Boulcott-street (new offered. Call at Osborne's, . Sell, Confectionery-Tea biikry. Apply Lex, Evening ANTED to. Sell, cheap, Remnants . Mrs.' P. Revell, Post. ...,■"■ ... up-to-ddte Cottage of 4 looms; :'■\TR7\ANT_D a Boy. Wallace,' Chemist, -house). ANTED to Sell, the Furniture.and. Rooms Business,good stand, city, Treadle7£l 7s 6d; OakDrop- ply Foglia and Copp, Wireworkers, handy position; i of Pique, Muslins,Prints, Sateens, price £600. Apply J. T. by younglady, Board and >V "\J|7"ANTED, Effects of 9-roomcd on Experienced new fittings, everything up to date, 2 hedds,from £2 17s 6d ; terms ar- Vivian-street for .a house, Willis-street.. an Nurse, Parmma-strcpt. Cretonnes,Drills, Galataas,etc. LindANTED, Yt Residence, single room. Reply 3'children, berg's, Cuba-street. .-'-.age 1, 3, and 4 'Phono The Terrace, with option of renting Civil 'Servant;.. Evening Post. cash registers, milk shake machine,2 gas ranged. New. Singers £5 10s. Globe, ANTED, young Pupils for the Horn, Ltd., to Sell, Confectionery md ' particulars write to ISLAND BAY. house. . For full Piano; 21» quarter. Full partieu(2 . . stoves, stock, plant, and everything as Opera_House, Manners-street. rings) . 3763 Drink Business,Hying rooms atto Let, almost .new 5-rd. Departure, Evening Cottage, (cash to modern of Post. or Eva, Evening terms),,6going concern; price £650. M'lntyre lan Post. Sell, to Sell with good home in conveniont Apply Sure Living, Evening Bungalow, overy modern convenito Buy, Secondhand Piano, TXTANTTCD roomed House, every modern con- tached. 5 ronrns, every possible conveniand Co.. 215,Lambton-quay. ' . ANTED, 3 or 4 unfurnishedRooms, .suburb, wishes for Gentleman to Sell, new double oak ence; handy position ; "a. bargain at £S9O. ence; hot and cold water, electric light V* ' inu«t morning be in good order Apply by ANTED venience; good view; near tram; just Posb. or would share 11, Evening couplo, boy Evening leaving. Apply Boarder. Adtlrcsa . and to Suburban, Wardrobe, gas copper; owner stove air- Wednesday ERMIL-E, Genuine Clairand radiators, Piano, J. T. Horn, 'Ltd., Panama-street. ' ANTED, Woman,for washing and houso;,any. locality. Reply Canterbury, completed. Apply C. H. Pulsford,owner, voyante, visiting N.Z. Hours, 10 Po-it. pit fireplaces, shaddock range, Kelburn Post, Wellington. day weekly or O"o . cleaning, ' 332,The Terrace. Telephone 2809. Hataitai. half Evening Post. Hinau-road, SHIRT MACHINISTS. near viaduct. Particulars ring day a fortnight. 77, Tainui-terrace, JLiyall a.m. to 9 p.m. 119,Lambton-quay (upClerks(two) want single Rooms, ANTED, Single Horse Plough extension, ' to Purchase, , young Cow, two good Shirt Machin2087. : \ Purchaser, old-established WANTED, capable Ladyhelp, for Bay. with Board as paying guests, near stairs), near OccidentalHotel. Pi ice, etc., to Plough, Post. Agency, to calve or" just calved. Apply family; handy to City. Apists; also Improvers Good wages. small 'showing moderate terms. Cash Anglican, Butchery City; EvenLower Business,, ' Evening-Post. (2nd mortgage), Hutt. Lend nnO RENT or Lease, 5 or more Acres ing Post. £200, Calve, Apply C. E., 138,Adelaide-road. _■ in Kclburn, 2 Rooms,fursplendid return, books open, bona fide ply Evening Post. ■*. Land and House,or small TTarm, after GovernmentIst preferred; smart woman, Position purchaser, ANTED, Young Woman, assist in by Apnished or unfurnished,or Bed-Sitgood second-hand Bacon BUTTONHOLEMACHINIST cash required only £200. sunis of from £500 to £5000on apright of purchase, Hutt or near Welling- /CAMERA, i-plate, for Sale;cost £14 14s. liou«p ; no objection soldiers' wife in Tea Rooms,any capacity. Keply ply H. Ernest Leighton, 182, Fea-therButtonhole Machinist,top also Cutter. Roply ' Bacon, Post .tingroom, with or without board; harproved Ist security; Lingard, Grey-st. ton rail. Write D. Rne, City Clothing \J What offers? ApplyE. Jones,c/o A. without children. Apply Reliable, Post to Urgent,_Pj3St_Ageney,^etone: ■_ ston-street. Agency, Newtown. bour -»icw preferred. Apply S.H., Evenwages, constant work; also ImL Co , Cuba-street,Wellington. M anners-street. ing Ross,130, Agency, Lower Ilutt. ANTED Sell, Private' Hotel, 25 Post. ' 1 Trap and Harness, Diew, M'Corrie, 2, "ANTED'to Sell,price piovers Üble. to Let. well-furnished suburbs, Married rooms, well -furnished throughout, welfrecommended, ANTED, for cook-general, LOTHINO and Mercery Salesmanre£8 lot. Apply ANTED to Let, 2 Rooms no clnl- Herhort-stroi't. suit hawker; small double Bed-Sitting-room, use conANTED to Rent, Furnished Whare, Couple, wife HOUSEKEEPER, open re-engagement, good plain £350 asked for. everything as going con- 130, Nelson-street, Petone. drou, Main-road, Ilutt. Apply ciuires position immediately. Apply .___._ Lyall Kent-terrace. or Island Bays, rooms, vegetfamily, BAK FOR SALE man.milk 2 attend n o children. 3 or 4 LOUNGE cows single veniences; 31, Taylo.', 326, Lambton-quay. Married, Evening Post. cook Reply Waiting, Evening Post. Rooms,Post Agency, Ilult 6 months. State terms Whare, Evenman, I!I) Sell, high-clasj SodaFoun- cern. to Buy. " a Tinsmith's Jennie, able garden, drive par; or ANTED to Sell, Zeiss Minimum for good Purchaser,"Thorning Post. capable of Faking VV also Tools, Roller, Stakes, etc. same duties, comfortable home; good by liirly at buMtn^s, Board TJAINTERS—Price ~vanted lo paint ANTED tain Business, all necustary equipquarter-plate, Focal Plane, Palmos, don vicinity, modern 7-roomcd charge of workroom, is open for en"*. new house. Apply on job, Tiraniriand Residence, handy LumbtonPrice to Spot Cash,Evening Post Agency, wages. W.F., Labour Bureau,18, Grey- Camera, ment, .heavy trade, very prominent posidirect view finder, Ross "Homoto Sell, New Bungalow. Hi' gagement. Apply Auckland,Evening Post. level approach Petone. , : road, South Kilbirnie. Apply Haste, tion. Taylor, 326, Lambton-quay. House, all conveniences, ' .' street quay; tenii3 moderate. centric" Lens, sin., f-6.3 in focussing taitai, 5 good rooms, thoroughly up> for car, good section! Send details to Evening ■ ' ,'. desires Post. 3 Purchase, Lady capable middle-aged Apply ,, Board and Resi; oi INGERS, Dropheads, finest stock of mount; £10 10s., good Quick Sale, OUNG WANTED. to Ronv ot to-dato; will bear inspection ; price £950; ' ' Leighton, Expert Property H. l£rn«t elderly couple, Evening Post. and Ruter, 35 Pan* Woman, look after cheap Machines ever offered; pruaunfurnished3 0r.4-roomed a certificated School . easy terms. ' Miller dence,handy to city. Reply 4-rd. Cottage, Te Aro or Mt. VicFeathcrston-street. . lona, v city ' ranteed ten years. Hand Machines,255. Evening PcM:. Whare or House,conveniences, Teacher for the Salvation Army Salesman,182,"f'oTcity toria. Apply Full Cash,Evening Post. gentleman's home (City). Star, 200, Quay ANTED Sell, two Sections,Morn- ma-street. Wellington Machine C0.,41, Kent-terrace. -Couple, Cookby a capable House, South WellingANTED, office,l-:smart~mteUiWashing Cleaning ington; or Room. vacant, North- or suburbs,good locality. Reply 73, Ha- Girls'" Home, Owen-street, anil Married £75 reasonable ANTED— each, jrent Girl; must be fairly well edu205, WANTED, H odder, Apply elderly couple <» taitai-road' ■■ ton. Commissioner ' Waitterms. ■_ 2, Housemaids, lady, weekly weekly. Uptogether; keeper, "wishes to correspond with 10s offer for two done, 3 half days land, suitable for Laundressos, Stubbs, Situation, ADY,, 30", cated ; previous experience preferred, but land-road, Mental' Nurses,' Ladyhelps, Mornington. . institution preferred. Apply A.B,C Kelburn, close to car. geiitleman, view to matrimony. in advance,use of gas and electric light. to Sell, 2J h.p. Motor-bike, Cuba-street. ' resies, not■ imperative. Reply in own handwritPantrymaids. Porters, Reply to Quiet,Evening Post.. Evening cheap; owner leaving for the front. ~~~ CLYNO MOTOR BIKE. Write Genuine,Evening Post. Post. Kitchenmaids, ' ' ANTED Sell, good 5-room Cottage, ing-, stilting age, particulars, and salary ANTED, SmallFarm, near Welling- ' Star, 200, Quay. by Gontlo to Sell, 5-6 Clyno, free required, with references, X.Y., c/o G.P.O. Newtown; bargain at £395. J. Tailoring Lessons given, Cutand Residence wanted by Apply J.A.P., Evening Post. ton, in exchange . for '675 acres ANTED, Private Board " enginej 3-speed, fitted with speedoa Youth, to assist on Milk- Fanning a.nd Co., 74, Manners-street. during the day; con young man, in homely family, single to Buy, Boy's Bicycle. State ting, Fitting, 25s 12 lessons, evenvirgin bush. Manawatu, unencumbered. ma.n. engaged EveningANTED new up-to-date guaSell, 4-" etc.; wages good good home. to W., Poet Agency, Petone. meter, lamp, horn iind tools, \XT and Post. cart, price -Wellington. Apply State particulars Miller t.ia.l. J. T., ings, also Suits cleaned,pressed, and re- I room, soft washing. Rutter, and' ' Bungalow; good every ' li roomed modern two or three aVbnce, , suitable de-. ranteed first-class Elizabeth-street. . 18, Evening Apply Post. . / . condition; Meredith, 231, Thorndon-quoy. novated E.H., Brass Finishers, constant employ-Sell, 1.00 acre Dairy Farm, ANTED Sell, select pTivate Board- livery or side-car. Ownerenlisted. Ap- appliance, within smin-Lyall Bay. Apply ANTED to Sell, Established an< ANTED, . Returned Soldier, or ment to suitable men; highest wages Growing Business, in good Norll NGINEER'S and "ArcliitectV~experT-. . inghouse, 14 rooms, fully furnish- ply F. Skinner, Stanlon and Evans's Well Built, Evening Post, Manawatu: take small deposit and T7ACANCY for Married Couple, -73~ Youth, for farm work; good home. given. Apply, stating experience, to W. Island town, making £500per year; n. Miller and Rutter, enced Draughtsman, or Assista,nt, ed, 12 guests, Vicst position Terrace; Garage, -Molesworth-street." ■' hou*e part payment. » Abel Smith-street (next Nurses' -to ' Green Canvns Sell, and Son,.Ltd., Engineers and stock to keep; lishfc occupation, suit el Apply, J. Frffe, Miramar. . H. Price disengaged. Apply Square, Evening £300 for everything. V.Apply Bruce and ' " ~ ~~~ ~~ Panama-street." . Club). OHEApr"CAR~ Spring Chesterfield.£3 10s: Phes: rlerly gent, or' wounded soldier; pria Post. . Lush,. 27, Panama-street. Sell, Boardinshouse,nice Founders,Chrirtchurch. ANTED, at once, 2 experienced Sell, 5-sealer, 1-eylinder,' 'tarfield Suite, £10 10s;. Dining-High-back wanted, Distribute Pamphlets. through- TTTANTED, detached Room or Batoh, £150 cash. Address Retiring, _voni_t Course on Hypnotism, Feretmal .Co U7ild Apply Kempthorne 7* txl . Wail.vesscs. good wascs to good " out, . locality, full, well furnished Good wages vT^ntstl, HttKiobakei- Car,*plmvdid eonditipni Suite, S6 7s-6d; Cup* mid Simcfl'i-s, Apply Leonard Post. pvet-ything, by. Monday Ch'imusy*. Lamb£150 YT 15S, morning, Magnetism, .'Apply job, Auply Apply Any a, ISelultjue' £2on nith. C»f»i etc,, for S»le, Truu, I'los. s. KwiiiitHra, lkid», etc, 'i'irungi. now tlrao, «i,f,. til\A f&sJi. working tn^ft. :' Prosser's side door, 9, 4.8..A,, " .V..CiS. 'Bxeniag r>Taylojr, 326, L^btou-qm^! . , Jeiikinfti %_w ■?«_» ("CoA{inafid..(yi.,l?i>ga 24. Apply wad, SsMth KilfeiroJS."- ".;" :;' Piart. " ' ' Willeston-street. t G.Piy.,Wellkßtott,. CauibiitlKC-terraoc. ■..■■;■ " URGENT NOTICE. NEW ZEALAND'S ROLL OF HONOUR. December, killed in tation in France, Austin Quick, aged 31 years, only and.unspeakably beloved .son of the late W. H. Quick, Esq. Wellington, Kuw Zealand, and of Mrs Quick, 7, Albany Mansions, ISattersea Park, London, and brother of Mrs. H. Kemp-Welch. gIG QUICK.—On the 10th T^MBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. LINE JUDGING by the present demand upon LADIES! AUTUMN MILLINERY.: BOUGHT AT A GREAT REDUCTION. AUCKLAND WAREHOUSE OVERSTOCKED. T^OR WE ■'"■ JAMES BIG ... REAL GENUINE' BARGAINS In DRAPERY GOODS ' " " ' Visit ■ ■'■ ■ _ ■ WANTED, WANTED ■ WANTED, WANTED, WANTED, WANTED, _ ' WANTED W~~ ■ WANTED, WANTED, WANTED, WANTED ■ 1 ■ W WANTED WANTED. - WANTED WANTED, WANTED WANTED. 1 ■ "■ WANTED— ■ YOUNG oakHoti:^i^tor ■ WANTED, WANTED, . - W~ ■ - WANTED, WANTED, — WANTED - WANTED, ■ WANTED, ■ WANTED, . WANTED, WANTED, WANTBU, WANTED— ■ ■ WANTED WANTED WANTED ONE — WANTED WILL TWO WANTED, WANTED WANTED ■ WANTED WANTED, WANTED, WANTED- 1 AT WANTED MADAME 1 SMALL "■ ... WANTED ■■' - WANTED/:. WANTED-'TScissors ■ 1 MRS. WANTED WANTED, LADY, WANTED W~ W' WANTED, WANTED - WANTED, WANTED. . __ WANTED ■ ■ WANTED, ■ __ WANTED ■ WANTED WANTED, WANTED, ■ WANTED WANTED. ■ . ■ WANTED, SINGER WANTED WANTED, ■ ___ *■ LADY, WANTED LADY WANTED, . D~~RESSMAKER] -- WANTED WANTED ~~WANTED. WANTED WANT W"~"~ANTEI)',"for - ■ WANTED, ■ ■ 17IUHN1SHED - ■ -_ WANTED WANTED _ WANTED 1 ■ WANTED ■ ■ WANTED, t WANTED, WANTED ■ WANTED, 1 WANTED, WANTED. WANTED. WANTED 1 WANTED, WANTED, ■ W' BrTCKLAYEK^ WANTED, - WANTED WANTED, WANTED WANTED W' ■ VC.S. WANTED; WANTED," ■ WANTED' ■ WANTED, WANTED, LADS .-- -1 ■ BOARD ■ A WANTED LADIES' WANTED ■ ■ MADAME W~~ANTED~~to WANTED, ■ WANTED ■ WANTED. ■ WANTED WANTED, WANTED WANTED— WANTED, BUSINESS WANTED., - WANTED, WANTED . WA2JTI3D WANTED 1 WANTED, '' WANTED WANTED, i - - ■ WANTED, WANTED . ■ ■ WANTED WANTED:.;,to ■ ■ WANTED W ■ - WANTED. ■ 1 WANTED W~ MRS. ■ ! WANTED DRIVER ■ W~ - 1 WANTED, _ WANTED, W"* ■ WANTED WANTED; WANTED — ■ WANTED WANTED FOR - ■ - ■- WANTED,-- - - W" W~ f ■ ■ WANTED', WANTED, — CHEAP - ■ WANTED, 1 ._ WAN'rED WANTED 1 ■ "■■ WANTED - WANTED, WANTED, WANTED ■ WANTED, F~ WANTED WANTED W W ■ WANTED — ■ WANTED "■■ -- ____.._. THE EVENING POST. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1917. OPERA HOUSE. LET, 2 largo unfurnishedfront "/"IUAND THEATRE. TO HIS MAJESTY'S Rooms,fireplaces; adults; good loPICTURE | SoleLessee cality ; references. Reply Protestent, J. C. Williamson, Ltd. TO-NIGHT At .8. TO-NIGHT ■ 2 WAIPAWA COUNTY COUNCIL. JXT A N T E D, WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. FIRE BRIGADE. "TTACANCIESfor a few PERMANENT Evening Fast. V FIREMEN. Apply Superintendent, 0 LET, double Bed-Sitting-room, Central Firo Station, Cuba-streetExtenfurnished,two beds,with or without sion. conveniences. 39, Aro-street. JNO. B. PALMER, Town Clerk. 0 IjET7~£urnShed,~Bed~Sittme.roonr, o£ conveniences; suit business 10th February, 1917. J ladies.use 16, Kensington-street. PERSONAL ASSISTANT TO npo LET, Offices, Adelphi~Chambers, MANAGER, iL 102. Willis-street,7s 6d to 255. Apply Edward Ree-ves Co. (on premises). T EADING Mercantile House requires LET, a front furnished Bedroom; JLJ experienced CommercialMan, with for a gentleman. Apply Evening selling knowledge; excellent opportunity Post. for tho right man; salary to. commence £216 per_ annum Applicant must be in LET, Flat over shop, 205, Willisstreet. Only references.No children. ■second division or ineligible for military service. 0 LET, Double Bedroom and Sitting Stateage, experience, and enclose copies Room, furnished, hot and cold water, of referencesto suit two business ladies, 255. Apply BOX 288, G.P.0., Evening Post. Wellington. LET, 3-roomed Cottage, copper, tubs, 3, Alfred-street, close Basin Keys, 12, College-street. Reserve. days, for 14 EXPRESS, T^STANTED or MOTOR,for Grand Furnished LET, 2-roomed separate "Apply Hotel, nnO *to v VAN, -1 44, Flat, gas stove, c.l. meet boats and trains and deliver lug- Konini-road, Hataitai. gage to same. Apply 0 LET, Kelburn, Flat,. with separate E. PAGE, entrance and conveniences,good "--.-■■ Grand Hotel. view; rent 17s 6d. Key at Priestly's Store, SPECIALS ! the sinking of unarmed passengerships! without notice or warning; of:, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Last Presentation of the Current the murder of Captain Fryatt, the de-[: MONDAY EVENING NEXT. :EXCELSIOR VAUDEVILLE BILL, '. portations of Belgians and French mtoj Including slavery: of the German connivance. aih MONDAY EVENING NEXT. A PPLICATIONS, in writing, accomThe Queen Regnant of Fascination, i. C. WILLIAMSON, LTD., announce " -Ci. panied by testimonials, avo invited Armenian massacres; and yet he is off: ; VIOLET TREVENYON! .- CONTINUOUS SCREENINGS. opinion that the nations who are leagued) R..C, The Famous Propagandist Play, for tho position of County Clerk at a Last .of WALTER Night EMERSON J Evening- Post. to salary of £300 per annum, and must be "DAMAGED GOODS!" KITTY disarm this evil demoniac of. national! QUEENLY QUEENLY GORDON, KITTY GORDON Last Night of GWEN HASTO, received by the undersigned not later QUEENLY KITTY GORDON, QUEENLY KITTY GORDON; militarism have the same aim i:i view| "DAMAGED. GOODS!" Last Night of TSUDA, THE JAP. than Monday, 19th February, 1917. And the Bj Eugene perpetrators of these crimes. Pre-f. (member Brieux of the' Final Appearance of as The Most Superbly GownedWoman on the Film, ANTED, SMART CANVASSER, ALVERNA AND JEAN LAERTE, j sident Wilson has either, ma ofjApplications from those eligible for French Academy). work good line throughout DoIn the Bewildering Fashion Drama, * to * Distinguished service will not be entertained. Musical Stare. active Miss J. Bell, Lady Superintendent, mental aberration, sent the wrong Nota minion,capable of showing splendidreturn Melbourne Hospital:—"l consider the Then comes the Carnivalof Laughter: or he has entirely misapprehended thef' N. V. WOTTON, "AS IN A LOOKING- GLASS." good man. Goodopportunity for Rolesson of 'Damaged Goods'cannot bo too BERT LA BLANC'S TRAVBSTIANS, European situation. Does anyone sup-!, County Clerk, to In their j forcibly driven home. One has only to turricd Soldier. Apply, in first instance, Telling pose set that peace will be honourable which;:: trap by scheming of tho a beautiful adventuress for the man whom work in hospitals to realise what a great Frivolous,Frolicky, Musical Oddity. Waipawa, Hawkes Bay, too late, she realises she loves with a burning passion that stops at nothing. ' regards the assailants and the defenders , BOX 118, G.P.O. part of 6th February, 1917. world's,misery would bo done SameGreat Chorus, Big New Show, the^ of humanity as having in view the same away with if something drastic were clone Prices—D.C. and all Stalls2s, F. Circle A DRAMA OF FASHION. A DRAMA OF . ■, . ■■■.■: . .'" Is. Reserves 6d extra. ends?" "SCIENCE MASTER REQUIRED. to lessen-thia horrible evil." Special Music on the Organ every afternoon and .evening all next week. . CHRISTIANITY CANNOT PARLEY TXTANTED, GIRL, for Insurance A TERRIFIC INDICTMENT j NOTA BENE: by Morgan Dr.: Campbell at WestA PPLICATIONS will be received AGAINST Office; not essential to have knowMonday's Incoming Attractions— I -CjL the undersigned, until 10th March, .-■".minster Chapel :— THE ELMARS, SECRECY AND HYPOCRISY! for tho Position of temporary Science ledge- of typewriter. level of international reii-j---"On the New York I Athletic Sensations. Wanganui Master at the GO! SEE IT! AND SPREAD ITS Technical. Col- Apply EACH EVENING AT S. . we, ---tionships ought ' as a nation, to sigh!, WINIFRED AND LUMLEY, ; MESSAGE! lege during tho war. Subjects: ElectriUNDERWRITER, In Cheery Chatter and a Song or So. I Dorothy Kelly is the dainty and too-trusting young wife with a- reckless admirer, lor peace? The most subtle perils are! | "DAMAGED GOODS" city and Magnetism, and Mathematics by ! created the] threatening now, LE CAIN AND us Evening Post. MASON, to Senior Public Service Standard. MONDAY, 12th FEBRUARY. In Hurricano American Comediennes. astuteness of Germany and ithe good in- , Salary £250per annum, which can proj APPROVEDBY . tentions President of the AmeriComedy Juggler, extent MERLYN, of the supplemented to the of babiy be RELIGION, SCIENCE, GOVERN-j "THE LAW DECIDES." can Republic. The good intentions of ' | Assisted by the Intelligent 'Arch," £40 by taking Evening Classes. MENT . ~\ . CLERK. The Venerable Archdeacon John Ward,] President Wilson are sadly marred by : Further particulars may be obtained on A Divorce Problem Play. VIOLET Senior Captain-Chaplain of the TREVENYON; ■the most tragic mistake that he has M.A., application. "Thou shalt thy neighbour's quotes. not covet tho madderied husband Kelburn. New South Wales Military Forces—''This In New Dress Confectionsand Latest wife," declined to express any opinion as to There's dire trouble before virtue wins out in this splendid Vitagraph Play. Song Successes. W. H. SWANGER, CLERK. -<orf ANTED, RELIABLE is play Bay, the best moral have ever Flat, Furnished lesson I the moral issues. I am bound to ask LET, Oriental Secretary, '.- . SPECIAL SUPPORTS. rooms, kitchenette,gas stove, c. seen. »It warns young people of the myself again, as a Christina .man, . 2 Education Board. j IMMEDIATELY, an ex light. Address at Evening Post. CJI-lORTT'S THEATRE. References required. serious pitfalls in life that they may T^T"ANTED Also, at THE STAR, NEWTOWN.. teacher, and preacher: /where do you Wanganui, Bth February, 1917. innocently fall into. Every man, school perienced BREAD CARTER; gooc" stand? For what did Britain enter 1-ho Cottage, 5-roomed Lyall Bay, J. ROD AND CO. LET, and father 6hould witness it— war? TTor-the sanctity of treaties, for WELLINGTON CORPORATION c.1., gas, c. bath, all conveniences. teacher, MONDAY. they are sure to benefit. I 6aw nothing MONDAY. wages. Apply TRAMWAYS. the- rights o£ small, nations,for the safeApply 180, Onepu-road, LyallBay. in the play to take exception to—none guarding of freedom. Now I urn terG. M. WILLIAMS, METRO PRODUCTIONS LET, first floor above Hart's, 35, but fanaticswould. I truthfullywish the Now Making Thousands Laugh. ribly afraid least, in the process of the) : TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT. Baker, Lower Hutfc. Willis-street, 20ft x 30; Basement, actors and management the success they Tell real stories in a real way, and are -J .UNCLE CHARLIE CHAPLIN, UNCLE CHARLIE CHAPLIN. Manners-street; also, 5-roomed House,59, deserve." yearn we should be in_ danger of for-: notable for all that is great. UNCLE CHARLIE CHAPLIN, UNCLE-CHARLIE getting that for these tilings v«e entered 1 Radfordand Co. .VACANCIES FOR CONDUCTORS. Searboro'-terrace. Dr. W. Maloney, M.H.R., Melbourne CHAPLIN, ' " LADY CLERK. I In the war. I say. to you deliberately 'to glory consider the D, T E of France has LET, at Karori, 5-roomed House, AH "MAN AND HIS SOUL!" consent now to any peace that falls by its great son, Eugene nnHBRE ai9 vacancies for Six Smart throughout, all conveni- been enhanced furnished AND "MAN HIS SOUL!" giving '-'.X. Men as Conductorsin the Traffic to great h. and mm. Bneus, the his short of the realisation of these high water, c.1., c 7 from world "THE PAWNBROKER." experienced LADY CLERK ences, "MAN AND HIS SOUL!" ■ Department of tho Tramways. Appliideals is to admit we were wrong"- a.t large commercial office; salary tram, 2 sections. Apply154,Sydney-street, drama, 'Damaged Goods;'and I hope its BOILERMAKERS. in cants- must bo between tho age of 18 and lesson will not be loet on the press, the p.m., 1 or by you'll helpless laughter. says own to 5 letter. You won't be able to watch be with the first. I declare to-, you that the prospects Apply and excellent. in' him, Charlie In Five Extraordinary Acts. pulpit, and the Parliament. I hope it 40 years, not less than sft 6in in height, Apply the three-ball sign means 2 to 1 he does yer. Come along and handwriting,stating age and experience, to Christian Churchmust not utter a- word LET, Double Bed-sittingroom, con- will be played in every city in Aus-' and ineligible for military service. Apsuggests that there can be .any that Apply Incomparable veniences. The RECIPROCITY, 35, Aurora-terrace. traha. PAWN YOUR GLOOM. plications to be inado to the Traffic ManaEvening Post. such admission made to-day. I say 'J^one_2266. BOX PLANS at Tho Bristol. ger at tho Tramway Traffic Office,LambKeenan and Enid Markoy, in the SterlingTriangle Play, Day Also, Frank PATENT SLIP CO., solemnity far- better defeatand WELLINGTON FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN with all LET, Double Furnished Bedroom, bales obtainable at the Grand" Opera ton. WANTED. "JIM GRIMSBY'S BOY." Evans Bay. FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN death for righteousness than ease and W. H. MORTON, also Furnished Room, 2 single beds; House Confectionery. Scalesand Weighing Maquietness by compromise, with false of aa Manager. handy The-.story only kept General to town. Address man who durned femalebecause he wanted a son. PRICES—D.C. and R.S., 6s; Stalls,3s; chines and Weighbridges to repair gas,conveniences, And Gallery. Is. Early Doors : attempting to force. themselves He gets a daughter, and—"l ain't a-, he and yer can't make me one." and_ adjust, by A; O. Franklin, Scale and Evening Post. 7th February, 1917. Stalls and Gal ideals lery, Is extra. the world by brutality and the upon Weighing Expert. Address, Machine 63, LET, a small Shed, suitable for ADVERTISING MANAGER. , BEVERLEY BAYNE. negation of all morality." workshop. Apply A. Milligan, 4, Dixon-street,City. All work guaranteed. BEVERLEY BAYNE. (off Kent-terrace). to new. THEATRE, equal Old machines made' Esti- Homo-street THEATRE. P<ROWN OUR OLD ENEMIES. MotropoliA Zealand Now INSURANCE CLERK. UEEN'S THEATRE. THERE IS NO PEACE Dean Inge, at: St. Paul's:— 'Xjl LEADING mates free. v^ROWN THEATRE, A Glorious Title. A Magnificent) tun Nowspaper requires the services THORNDON MOLESWORTH-STREET, , Cuba-street Central. SALEJ THORNDON, WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. Production. of' an experienced and capable manDe-to 'VyANTED, by a Fire and Accident € "We are met together in sorrow, for ONLY £300 CASH. of tlio Advertisement chargo take Company, a reliable CLERK, with Modern'and well-built, 2-story, 9-roomed NOTICE TO PRIVATE MOTORISTS. the third time, to celebrate Christinas in j. TO-DAY AND NIGHT. TO-NIGHT At 8. TO-NIGHT THE CHRISTMAS SERMONS The GreatestPicture Ever Filmed. | partmoat; must bo, of "good address,a * Thorndon; all a world reeking with carnage.' It was j ; successfulcanvasser, with modem ideas previous experience, who can undertake HOUSE,situated best part Continuous from 11 a.m. Last Appearance of the Charming | including c.L, gas, mHE WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL modern conveniences, . Actress, a bitter disappointment. We had. all; inspections when, required. and methods. etc. First-class order,both inside and out. THEATRE. A FALSE CRY. ■*places hoped that before this Christmaspeace i has established in the folApplicants aro required to stato age, Apply A BIG PICTURE EVENT! DOROTHYDONNELLY RITANNIA THEATRE. For quick and immediate sale; prico lowing streets where private Motor-Cars —a righteous peace—might have been previous experience, and salary expected, DOROTHY DONNELLY . £1250.Terras £300cash,balance arranged. may bo "Parked" under the conditions Showing UNDERWRITER, Now (FROM -restored. It was very rash to prophesy, CORRESPONDENT.) OCR OWN find cncloso copies of testimonials,to Evening Post. i In , Greatbargain. For full particulars apply set out hereunder: . Masterpiece, MARGUERITE A Five-act Mutual but he did not think that we should CLARK, & 1076, BOX H. F. M'NEILL CO., 29th December. ' "THE'THIEF!" LONDON, " GIRLS WANTED. by BOWEN-STREET—North between Tho Produced another " side, Universal Favourite, see war when this was over. Sole Agents. P.0., Wellington. 155,Featherston-st., "THE THIEF!" Following are some of the most note- The nations were all bleeding very Museum-street and entrance to Par. "SILKS In THOS. H. INCE— | OF mo LET. T O L E T. liament Buildings. 6d and Is. Reserves Is 6d. SOCIETY Admission .UNION INSURANCE SMART for AND SATINS!" to worthy nearly GIRLS "ON'THE NIGHT STAGE!"' Christmasreferences in London death, and they would be TETANTED, a few CANTON, LTD. MERCEB-STREET—Northside between Plan at Begg's, or 'Phono 3470. "SILKS AND SATINS!" , "ON THE NIGHT STAGE!" churches to the peace move in Germany too much exhansted to risk Teopening Rooms: Rooms: i Working Men's Club and Electric The prettiest, most dainty, factory; good wages and bonus. BRITISH TRADERS' INSURANCE during our lifetime. The "ON their wounds picture refined THE NIGHT STAGE!" 8 Roseneath,35a Light Department Building. 3 (Flat) Kelburn CO., LTD. NEXT MONDAY— and America :— Apply coming -danger" threatened' us from ever screened. 8 Kelburn, 40a j "ON THE NIGHT STAGE!") 5 Roseneath, 26s A PPLICATIONS, in writing, invited side between HUNTER-STREET—North "EAST LYNNE." p.m.— (Dr.. Master o! the within. exceptional Temple position Manager Bay, XtSi. for of 10s 8 Terrace, 80s Also, until 7 . With an The Could we recover from, these I caste, for Now THE EMPIRE MANUFACTURING 4 Evans a. point 20 feet east of F/eatherstonA powerful modernised version by the ! Barnes) :— frightful losses? After the war "the | 5 Ngaio, 23s 6d 9 Major'b's-st, 55s Headed by Zealand,with, chiof offico at Wellington, CO., LTD., street and an elongation of the western "PEG 0' THE RING" SERIAL. WILLIAM FOX f rom tho 5 Karaka Bay 40s of WM. PRODUCERS, "Peace is nations control of good taJary and excellent prospects for Broadway-terrace. junction 10 Karori, Victoria-street. I S. HART., our destinies would pare into] impossible unless / Fourth Episode. capable, energetic man; good training 6 Island Bay 11 Bolton-st, 80a !The plot is strongly dramatic, with big immortal story by Mrs. Henry Wood.' hands of that class which seemed | WILLESTON-STREET-:North side " bewhich distort and the renounce'false' ideals, Featuring . ,, and experience in firo and marine business FURNISHED. tween Victoria-street and Jervois- wves6£L c y°ur.seatat Theatre, 'phono scenes and stirring incidents. ;' pervert true, and laudable aims. Between to Jiim—he hoped he was not unjusti otoo- lne booking is already a record. LEGAL. :■ j essential. Supported by quay. Rooms: Rooms: THEDA BARA. nations the only basis of permanent to them—to be at present not the most i 7 The Terr'ce, 70s Prioes as usual. E. W. G. DE GYULAY, 2 Cambridge-ay. WHITMOR.E-STREET—Northside beEmsodo 13 of ; peace is to be found in Chris- fully educated in those moral qualities j Genera! Manager for Australasia; 8 Brough'm-st, 70s "THE MYSTERIES OF MEYRA," T AW STUDENT (21), exempt, second 4 (Flat) Terrace tween Lainbton-quay and featherACE TH EAT RE, tian, idealism. Is therea common great, and united,! Specials. Box 1466,G.P-O. any sign -.that which made a nation Bay 5 Island 9 70s ston-street. And other Moana-road, PETONE. half Law n o office exProfessional, such a lofty ■- idealism can ever be .and happy—he meant, the class of the "*-* Wellington. 5 Muritai, 17s 6d 10Kelburn-parado MARION-STREET—In, the centre of organised lalour. It was they who perience, desires position in office. of , .by 6 Tinakori-rd, 60s cherished in common the nations 12 Terrace, 110s the street ■, PICTURE PALACE. decide whether we were to sink WEDNESDAY, 14th FEB., 1917. Europe? I am sufficiently optimistic to would. . LABOURERS. Grass-street,50s 13 Terrace, 110 a AITKEN-STREET—North side; cars to EOPLE'S PICTURE PALACE. Address REMAINDER.vEvening Post. 77 Kelburn, or swim. It was useless to scold, and beyond 60s 14 Lower Hutt . , bo backed at an angle of 45 degrees, GRAND CONCERT "'Yes.' We look answer must TO-DAY. TO-NIGHT. than Useless to flatter them. 7 Goldie'sBr'e, 50s . and not placed opposite private house. By Leading Wellington Performers, the bitter passions 'of war to its lessons; much woreonly f trust in the good qualA Five-act' Drama, full of human emoANTED, LABOURERS, at Potono lessons which are being so painfully We could .'"■ycr WANTED. To Let, Willis-street—4 Riooms (proThe- following regulations are to be In Aid of the 1I » » Railwcy'Workshops; married men ities which were shaxed by all classes genuine pathos— tion and fessional), 25s enforced in connection with the proEETONE CONVENT SCHOOLS: learned. This war is no mechanically- of our people^—what Edmund Burke : Also, Shops, posal only. Apply and Warehouse "THE PILLORY." splendid destroying T ABOURERS, for new Freezing Offioes,, civilisation itself. Tickets 2s and Is. '*he ancient and inbred integrity, Accommodation in central business posiJLJ Works, Kakariki, near Marton. "THE PILLORY.!' (a) All cars to bo backed into the kerb Behind ilie material struggle lays'a called good nature, and good humour of ASSOCIATION BAND * WORKSHOPMANAGER. tions. Apply . "THE PILLORY." line (except in Marion-street). spiritual conflict wherein. Europe is piety, English Long job for good men. WOMEN'S NATIONAL RESERVE. ATIVES' ASSOCIATION BAND the J, H. BETHUNE AND CO. Featuring people'—to carry. us graceful (b) A spaco of not less than five feet to (Hataitai and North Kilbirnie Branch.) being reborn, finding redemption ma through, the difficult period of reconFLORENCE LA BADIE. (Late Band), be left between Garrison Apply MITCHELL AND cars. KING, full "and awful experience of the miseries struction. JD'RAFERY,AND MERCERY BUSIil) > mo let. let. not to FLORENCE LA BADIE. Our old enemies in this placed opposite (c) Cars be enContractors, Winners of 17 Championship Prizes. that evil passions and desires beget. NESS. The eocial_ pillory is more cruel than the trances to buildings or crossings Kakariki, via Haloombe. of above are notified that Such redemption cannot be made com- country, apart from those moral evils pilory of ancient times. 2 rooms, Mortimer-terrace, 12s private property. into NEWTOWN which all flesh was heir to, were clapMeetings PARK, the of the Red Cross 3 rooms (Flat), Hadfield-terrace "T'SE PILLORY." NEWTOWN PARK, Sewing Guild (Wednesday Afternoons) plete by misery and suffering; years of trap—political and clerical claptrap to Sell, a'small up-to-date JNO. R. PALMER, WANTED, LABOURERS. rooms, llose«eath, 15s agonising memory, will be contented ignorance, and intellectual in3 "THE PILLORY." of Town ' the of .;' reflection, Clerk. havo . recommenced at -residence p.m., DRAPERY AND 'MERCERY ', 4 3 Khandallah, 22s 6d Judge not people by what they have done, Mrs. C. .1-1. 10th February, 1917. BUSINESS in Groytown North; present jXXTANTED, several good Labourers, : 6 rooms, Seville,118,Hataitai-road. ". {'necessary*;tb'finish arid perfect the work. sincerity. Mignt X3od grant us the gift TO-MORROW(SUNDAY), ' rooms, Moxham-ayenue, 45s / but by WHAT THEY ARE DOING. Caii we'yet say that the''horrors'.of; war of wisdom ana understanding."Helpers are urgently needed. owner going in for pastoral pursuits. Ap" good wages, with overtime; six 7 rooms, Khandallah, 25s p.w. TO-MORROW(SUNDAY), LATEST GAZETTE.. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. have done their part in this process? ply to Messsre. Bing, Harris and Co., or j 8 rooms, Franeie-place, 35s RIVAL IDEALS. / i months' work. And Big Supporting Features. 11th FEBRUARY, God forbid that we should think of the Abbott, Omm and Co., Wellington. NO. 5 COMPANY, N.Z.G.A. 8 rooms, Palliser-road,35s Mr. Hall Came,in Eeynolds's NewsTHORNDON BATHS. Apply present carnageas a game; yet hope is paper:— PROMENADE CONCERT. 8 rooms, The Terrace, £200p.a. , '"'■ PORIRUA MENTAL HOSPITAL. (MACMAHON'S) THEATRE. CAMPBELL AND BURKE. PROMENADE CONCERT. NOTICE OF PARADE. the keynote of the morn of the Nativity, ■9 rooms, Hill-street, £3 p.w. . . "What is it to. us that Germanstates- j SPECIAL NOTICE. 10 rooms, Karori, 45s p.w. Members' of No. 5 'Company, andMt is good to feel that neutrals are p.m. TBTHE 11 a.m.—NOWSHOWING—IO.3O say they are, fighting against ag- j Splendid Programme. JL N.Z.G.A., will parade at Fort Bal- right hr seeing such changes in the men Probationer Attendants; WANTED. 10 rooms, Khandallah, £120p.a. on the part of the Allies, ,when j Public are advised that on MonEDNA GOODRICH, npHE 12 rooms, Fitzherbert-terrace lanoe. on Tuesday next, 13th February. temper and : ideals of our foes as herald gression salary to commence £120per annum know ithat for fifty years they had I day Ferry p.m. afternoon the 12th leaves Wharf at 7.40 we aiext, GOODRICH, instant, EDNA Boat single men and £140 for married y.AED '■ LABOURERS, -*" 2 Collectionin Aid of Band' Funds. the prospect of a permanent peace. Out been preparing ' for, FURNISHED. at the- Annual Sports of the for war, . o'clock, our j Distinguished Major, ! The American in A. H. men, with a deduction of £30 for board X Star, HOLLIS, of also Rooms: Rooms: waste and carnagea better Europe Allies were not? What is itwhich boys of the New Zealand Training Ship to ns that lodging. Apply personally and to the Urgently Need Your Help." Commanding No. 5 Company,' N.Z.G.A. I \yill assuredly soon 4 Owen-street , 8 Tinakori-road . "We BOY FOR MILL. Amokura will be held in the Thorndon "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE." better because they " arise; Germanstatesmen should that 5 Hataitai, 35s 9 Dover-street MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT. Apply Baths. "ARMSTRONG'S WIFE."/ I false ideals will be less potent and true are fighting for the libertiessay WELLINGTONCITY COUNCIL. of ihe .little 5 Kelburn, 45s 9 Fitzherbert-ter. Conductor: Lieut. T. Herd. ARMSTRONG'S WIFE." spiritual aims more earnestly sought." Unless members of the publio are clad MILLAR'S WEST AUSTRALIAN know that they denations, when we 6 Tinakori-rd, £3 9 Island Bay BOOKKEEPER. in neck to knee costumes, they will not ARMSTRONG'S WIFE." POSTPONEMENT. H. DAVIS, Secretary. i HARDWOODSCO.,LTD., 6 Kelburn 9 Hobson:streot THE DISCOVERY OF ENGLAND. liberately betrayed Servia and violated be allowed in the water during the time | 85, Taranaki-street. 6 Grafton-road 10 Rawhiti-terraee A Thrilling Drama of Urban and BAND. the integrity of Belgium? What is it to of these sports. to the indisposition of the City Father Bernard Vaughan, at the- us NT E .D, Country Life. \V& ■■& that the German people should pro7. OrientalBay, £3 12 The Terrace Organist, there will be NO ORGAN Clrarchof the Holy Name:— JNO. R. p.w. ." 14 Tinakori-road PALMER, test that their sole desire 'to nrofm^t A Powerful Drama of a Woman who RECITAL at the Town Hall To-night. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT to Sell, VERTE-GRAND mRAMWAYS MILITARY BAND, We of England have discovered our- the interests of humanity,is when Wrong 9 Kelburn Extension ' Town Clerk. Chose the Man. R. we x JNO. PALMER, 3th February, 1917. STEINWAY PIANO, beautifulin. At selves through this war. Men of oppo- know that they \have publicly, rejoiced BOOKKEPER, Also Shops, Offices,eta, in various Could You Love a Man Who Cheated 'Town Clerk. in religion, in. politics, in at the drowning of a thousand innocent site views strument, practically new, latest model. parts of City. Apply JBor wholesale house. Apply BACK AGAIN. 1917. Marriage February, IQtli You Into '! LYALL BAY, HARCOURT AND CO., life, have sunk their differencesand people, who went down with the LusiCost £133. Must be sold, owner leaving. BOOKS, c TO-MORROW(SUNDAY), m. a. joined : 195, Lambton-quay. M. COHEN, formerly proprietor EXCELLENT SUPPORTING ITEMS. hands; women have picked up tania, and take pleasure in. the enslaveReply Evening Post. Tailoring of the American Ladies' the tools dropped by men in exchange ment of Belgium? Our guarantees we | p.m. At 3 STEINWAY, Evening Post. TO-NIGHT (Saturday), at B—Prayer for the Manners-street,'has re■ ' ■ rifle; colonists from all parts of cannot stat«, because we cannot -lieve t, Establishment, m o L E years Meetinff. after several in America, turned, ' "THE REWARD!" Features ■ e'' TO-MORROW\(Sunday), at 4 p.m.— our vast Empire, hearing the trumpet- that any. such as could be obtained for and Canada, and intends starting in busi- " [T^ ANTED, SMART GIRLS, for 1 8 ROOMS, li ACRES; SNIP. /Vfr j "THE REWARD !" BESSIE rail Speaker—Rev. Only. arms, have leaped like swords the protection of a peace to be promulLARGE FRONT for Men to partiMeeting ROOM, again Wellington. nesse in Full Confectionery and. Chocolate DeSell, 8-roomed House, one "THE REWARD!" BARRISCALE. W. Shirer. Subject—"The Saviour jf from scabbards to rally to the flag, gated now would .have mcure stability' j duly advertised. S floor, and li acres land, Island Bay, In the Evening Post Building. Suitable culars of which will be Strangers' Tea 5 p.m. Soldiers symbol to the civilised world of fair than the broken ones, whose breach has i partment. Body." the 5 I minutes tram; house insured £1000; Visitors to the City most cordially play and freedom. But a yet greater plunged us into the present war. There- j I electric light, hot-cold water, 2 conservaInnocence,Sorrow, and Joy blended into and . for Officeor ShowRoom. ' Apply a big heart-stirring story, produced unner invited. benefitcame to us by .this war. It has fore, until 'our->eji«my is where we^cauI | tories,coachhouse, stable,large lawn and HAVE A personal supervision .WINDSOR MANUFACTURING CO., fountain. Price £1900;£300cash; owner YOU GRAMOthe of Directorloosened England's_ arms from the neck trust her better than : we can trust her BLUNDELL BROS., LTD. GeneralInco. of jrefused £2350for above" property; proQuin-stroet. to which for three centuries to-day, let us. tell our friends across the PHONE? A MEETING of the Wellington Boot- andGermany, M'lntyre and perly equipped home. LOYAL BRITANNIA. LODGE, she has clung in" a. most hug- ocean ithat, sincerely and passionately makers' Union will be held in ging more Lambton-quay. Co.,215, BESSIE BARRISCALE -^*" worship. England is coming back as we love peace, we must ask them ± t d~; b^ M.U. TO LET. ITrades Hall, Cuba-street,on MONDAY, to her own, and there is good reason in- with all respect to, stand aside,for the | \SITANTED Sell, 4-rd. Villa, Newto^n, so, the following popular Songs on Dainty Reels of At her Best in Four Thoroughly experienced 1 IT good posiMeeting p.m. closo Constable-street, SPECIAL Summoned . of 12th at 8 deed thank "Zonophone" appeal ' Records will FEB., to God for having opened present and .permit us to' go on with the tho Sweetness. land QUITE OF the Lodge will be held on MONher eyesto see the abyss of Prussianism war. In doing so, we i shall know only tion, contains all usual convenience, ROOMS, to you: —Voting away of funds. LADY INVOICE CLERK; Business 32£tx 100ft; price £475; terms, arranged ; too well how deep ajid terrible is our DAY, 12th FEBRUARY, 1917. Business England ' in which has been well-nigh responsibility, THE LATEST AND BJSST. —Election of four deputies to the Disbargain. M'lntyro and,: Co., 215, LambSuitable for professional men or dentist. not only to our own engulfed. There is no need to J., HUTCHISON, Secretary. knowledge*, of typing. State ton-quay. .©no with trict Meeting at Maeterton on Tuesday, TO-NIGHT at go to people, but to the neutral .nations also. /^URS, NEWTOWN. "A Broken Doll," "Back Homo in 27th .salary and qualifications. Germany in order to discover what is our And NEWTOWN. and MONDAY at Lambton-quay. general. and l/ORS, 66, instant, if the. United States should feel ANTED Soil, 5-roomed Villa .off "The Home Bells are RingTennessee," duty at home. Our first business after ing," "The Only Way;" "They Didn't ~BOX 1533, T. PALMER, Secretary. winning the war will be to put our own that wo have no right to imperil their Tasman-street,gas-cooker, bopk\ PIANOFORTE TUITION. ■ Believe Me," "There's a Long, Long national interests by prolonging ■ the SHOP TO LET. SUPERIOR Wellington. I case, newly papered and painted*, imthoroughly . STAR THEATRE. house in English order, on TjiULLER'S ACCLIMATISATION war, we must answer that neither have mediate possession can be obtained. Price LET, superior Shop in Manners-st. Trail," "When the Joy Bells Ring," and WELLINGTONSOCIETY. lines, to remember that if we can they a righit TO BODYMAKERS. to endeavour to bring' it £575; £75 deposit; handy property; no Apply A. Levy, 117, Customhouse-others. WHITTLE. afford and TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT! ' -to pay nearly £6,000,000a day climb. M'lntyro and Co., 215, Lambton- quay. A R OL D . WHITTLE. a close before it has achieved the Vitagraph Blue Ribbon Feature,'. PRICE EACH. A in warfare'-against a foe we mustY be to. quay. WANTED, spiritual ends which are now sealed to WORSERBAY. GeneralMeeting of Mem"THE LAW DECIDES!" A SPECIAL Studio: BEGG'SMUSIC WAREHOUSE prepared to spend much in the welfare us by the blood of .our ■£*■ FIRST-CLASS BODYMAKER. 5 ROOMS,MODERN, 5575-SNIP. of the above Society will bo children.". LET, partly furnished,House,three "THE LAW DECIDES!" All "Zonophone" Records are Double held bcrs of our people .at . home, making their gas range, elecin DECIDES!" rooms, Must bo good draughtsman and tho Chamber of "THE LAW Villa, Commerce, one kitchenette, Sull, 5-roomed sided. Gramophonists should call and ' Private 'Phono .880A. patriotism' worth while, and their homes j capablo taking charge of wood shop. Starring '» minute from»station, Ngaio, con- tric light, two hot points. Apply FJax, hear the above Records,as they are tho National Mutual Buildings, Customhouse(Good wages. Apply quay, Wellington, on and environments worth'maintaining, a AUCTION AND PROPERTY SALES Dorothy KeJly and Bobby Conolly. tains hot-cold water, electric light, ;bath- Evening Post. TUESDAY, 13th latest and most successful of the popular FEBRUARY, room; land 43ft x 120ft (about); nicely We start at 7.30 p.m. We chow 10,000 ft. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR family worth rearing, and' religion worth ROUSE, BLACK AND SON, 0 LET, York Bay, Furnished Cottage, style of song. 1917,at 8 p.m, practising." '/. long term. Kent-terrace. kept home; price £575,£75 deposit; absqMiss short or . OF Apply TRANSFER /LICENSE. Busiaoas: George Thomas and Co. -will "in 6nip, owner leaving. Apply quickly, Richmond, 1, .Gladstone-terrace. Phone We can supply all the above Songsper , onMessrs. Under the Auspices of the Wellington -TO MONUMENTAL WORKERS. " luto PACIFICISM Wednesday next, at 10.30 a.m., sell M'lntyro and Co.,215,Lambton-quay. Form (words and music), at 2s 307. Sheet To Adopt Revised Rules. . SocialDemocratic Party.' Carnegie,' Canon St. Margaret's, the grocery stock of Mr. \V. Beattie, CAMPBELL, copy. MARGARET at SIX ROOMS, , ANTHONY , ' OGDEN I-ET, two or three Unfurnished for W. E. Jones and Co., KELBURN-£925.' License holders are requested to attend. widow, and JAMES CAMPBELL, Westminster:;— . kte of Cuba-street.' The .sale will be Palmerston North, a FIRSTSell, 6-rd-. Villa, Kelburn, R. OGDEN and CAMPBELL Rooms,in good locality, references. ANTHONY Draft of Rules may bo seen at office, j (Ex-M.P. YOUNG, executors o£ " Pacificismis inconsistent,with, the held at the Fruit Exchange, AUcn10 minutes' walk cable car, con- Apply Thermos,Evening Post: Queensland), CLAS PLASTERER AND CONCRETE Townsville, 205, Lam.bton-qu.ay, Campbell, the will of John , ' 'Wellington. experience. Gospel deceased, facts of moral The street. : ': 0. . hot, light, LTD., preference gas cold water, electric CHAS. BEGG & CO., "WORKER; given to ono who tains ' Will deliver an address on "Industrial. being the holdor of a Publican's License, LET, two Front Rooms, splendid Messrs. A. L. Wilson and Co. advercan mason; first-classwages and constant cooker; land 33ft x 150ft (about);" bay, A. F. LOWE, Organisation in Australia," in the Alex- in respect, of the premises', situate at narrative lends small support to the view, 'Daniel-st. reasonable. Address MANNERS-STREET, WELLINGTON. doctrine. It omploymont to a suitable man. Apply verandah,trees. Price £925. £ Evening pacificist Gospel' carpets, etc., at is-to the "Hon. Soc, W.A.S. andra Hall, Abel Smith-etrect,on SUN- Courtenay-placo and Tory-street, Wellingtise a sale,of furniture, Poet. first instance,787,care of J. Uott, Ltd., \ posit, balanco easytorms. Absolute snip. Distributing Agents for the Famous' DAY EVENING, at 3. ton, <lo hereby,give notico that- I desire story taken as a whole that we must their rooms, 151-3, Lambton-quay, ou M'lntyro and Co., 215,. Lambton-quay. large, BedAdvertising Agency, Wellington. LET, double, f urnished, TJ\O to obtain, and will at the next Licensing look if we' are to learn how: Christ re- i Monday next., at 1.30 p.m. WOMEN'S NATIONAL RESERVE OF A Sitting-room) all conveniences, mod"HIS MASTER'S VOICE" : Sell, 6-rd. House,' close NEW ZEALAND. Messrs. E. Johnston and Co. will sell CIVIC RECEPTION TO SIR ERNEST Meeting, to be held at tho i Magistrate's garded and dealt with this question of rent. 8, Terrace Gardens,off BoulGramophones. ■'■ Wellington, on tho sth day of peace and war. ■SXTANTED, TEMPORARY JUNIOR] Basin Reserve,contains hot -water, erate requested 'Phono 1565. Merabors SHACKLETON AND PARTY. Court, And, as we look, there fumed oak iuniittire on Wednesday, at earnestly cottstreet. are CLERIC (Male or Female); also electric light, porcelain bath, interior a of tho before our 1917, apply up picture p.m. Furniture will be sold at to March. for transfer rises the of 1 present be at the -War Lecture eyes "suitable for man with rflO LET, furnished, best part large decorated; said Liconso from myself to LAWRENCE a strong, determined, purposeful man, ';' Wharekoa," No. 91, EUice-street, on SMART BOY, ono just left school pre- sweetly and Rally on WEDNESDAY, 14th FEBPrice JL House, 4 bodrooms,'dining-room, VOICE PRODUCTION and CIVIC RECEPTION* will be ten- HOSSACKHERDMAN, my appointee. motor-car; ample room at sido p.m. Hall, compassionate Thursday, RUARY, at Town at 8 All indeed to Apply drawing-room, forred. billiard room; all modern SINGING. weakness,symat 1.30 p.m. dered to SIR ERNEST, SHACKLE£795; £125deposit; snip. M'lntyro and are asked to wear the W.N.R. Badge. Messrs. Harcourt and Co., at their including telephone, largo -day' of pathetic with sorrow, " indulgent to Bth Lambton-quay. ! conveniences, Dated at Wellington,the ' ' TON, and the Members-of the Rescued (Signed) garden, lawn, motor shod,etc., handy to BRITISH DOMINIONS GENERAL Co.,215, but quite intolerant of pride and rooms yesterday afternoon, conducted the frailty, Party from' Antarctica, in' the Council February, 1917. FIVE ROOMS, WADESTQWN-£650. Lower Hutt Railway Station. For rent INSURANCE COMPANY, LTD., D. E. PLATTS-MILLS, and injustice and humanity, auction' sale of the unsold sections of MINA CALDOW has resumed Chamber,Town Hall, on MONDAY, tho President. MARGARET ANN CAMPBELL. selfishness, Sell, 5-rd. Villa, best part and full particulars apply M'Neill and Co., hurling HimsUf against their agents the Dominion Estate, Upper Hutt. There 12th instant, at 12 o'clock^ noon. Wndeatown, close tram, contains JAMES CAMPBELL. 25, Panama-street. Featherston-stre'et. 155, Teaching passionat.s indignation, displaying was a fair attendance,and the following at Clifton-terwith publio frontFairlie, The bathroom; light, present. electric land 70ft are invited to be C YOUNG. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE, . LET, partly furnished,4-roomed CotHis resentment by word and deed,flout- lots were disposed of either■■',at auction Prico £550,£100deposit. Absolute OVERSEASWELLINGTON CORPS. JOHN P. LUKE, Blayor. Willing and Energetic age. tage, situated SeatounHeights, Sea- race. 'Phone 2365. ing opposition, scorning their or immediately after the sale:—Section their snip. M'lntyre and Co., 215, LambtonNurSing of the Divisions moderate rent to 9th February, 1917. toun; all conveniences; YOUTHS, for Tea Department; quay. '___ power. No' pacificist picture this, but 85, at the corner of Royal-street and are requested to Parade in Uniform SOLWAY SHOW good tenant. Apply M'Neill and Co., good wages. Majestic Personage passing Alexander-street, CITY. at the Town to attend the that a and sections 86 to 88, CHEAPEST PROPERTY, Hall, National 155,Featherston-street. Reserve Rally and Lecture, by Mr. T. !'-. ' WELLINGTON TECHNICAL across the stage of life's drama, of a Alexander-street,to the Upper Hutt Soil, 6-roomed House,closo ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE. ELLIS AND MANTON, 0 LET, tho 9-rd. Residence of Mr. M. Wilford," M.P., on WEDNESDAY, ; COLLEGE. The annual show of the Masterton Warrior King Wallace-street tram, contains hotforth sections 36 and 57, Kinggoing conquering Convent; at Belmont Station. ApLombard Buildings, cold water, gas-OTokor, bathroom, con- ply onSpeedy, 14th inst. A. and B. Association is to be held on and to conquer. We English Christians street, Gibbons-road,to Mrs. Mary Morpremises. . Ist QUARTER, 1917, WILL BEGIN— the beautiful showgrounds at Solway on believe ' QT. PATRICK'S COLLEGE WILL H. H. SEED, fealty Old Customhouse-street.oreto-paths, real choice little property; that to Christ has forced rison ; and sections 70 to 73, Victoria O LET, at Titahi Bay, 5 and 6-rd. DAY CLASSES: MONDAY, 12th FEB- Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 21st Asst. Commissioner in Charge. price £725; £200deposit; absolute snip. REOPEN on MONDAY -NFXT, us into the arena of this world war, and street, section 151, Poplar-grove, and RUARY. Furnished Houses. Apply Mrs. 12th inst. M Inlyre and Co., 215, Lambton-quay. | February, 1917. The Solway Showground that the same fealty makes compromise section 164, Willow-grove, to Mr. E. C. . "" WANTED TO SELL. EVENING CLASSES: THURSDAY, is Bay. Titahi Thornley, convincing,ground of 'the great impossible with regard to the issues Coooper. The total amount ANTED Sell, 5-roomed House,one a OFFICE 15th FEBRUARY. realised for LABOUR-SAVING DEVICES. (near Classeswill be resumed on Tuesday. breeders of the Dominion, and the asso- which are being decided there." , floor, Vogeltown, 10 minutes tram, "ri'i NICF- 5-ROOMED DWELLING, LET, first floor, Edward-street, the 12 lots sold was-£430. The remainManners-street), recently occupied J&L with bathroom and soullery, hot John-street, electric light, patent drainare available in Art and ciation is specialising this year in a ing together Courses with 4-roomiid sections, the by Factory; rent £2 SENT THE WRONG NOTE? Solomon'sClothing ivater, etc., situated of the choicest age, splendid section,i-acre,hedges, garT\EPLETION of Office Staffs Art Crafts, Commerce,Domestic number of the sections. Late entries for MAKARA COUNTY COUNCIL. Bishop E-yle, at Westminster Abbey : house on section 38, corner of Eoyal and sections in Island,Bay. This house has a den; price £500, £150deposit; bargain. 10s. W. B Reeves, 102, Willis-street. ■^ through Economy (Dressmaking, Cooking, etc.), the show will close with the secretary the War necessiAlexander private streets, A are now for perfect Lambton-quay. gift M'lntyre and is in order. Kood view Terms. and Co., 215, ' O~ LET, furnished or unfurnished, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, (Mr. J. B. Emmett, box 40, Mastei'ton) "It is true that the President of the sale at the upset prices as advertised in : Apply to illness of County Clerk, tates tho employment of Office Carpentry and Joinery, Cabinet-making to-night at 9 «t £650. 7 ROOMS,ONEFLOOR, £900. Flat 2 or 3 rooms, c.1.,h. and c. bath,, annual ram United States, after two years' study of to-day^s Post. The Offices of the above will be CLOSED o'clock.. A section containing an Labour-saving Devices. splendid view, 'phone. FERKINS :& GAMBLE, LTD., and Designing. Soil, 7-roomed Residence, 1 all conveniences, FOR THREE WEEKS from date, 10th Notes, area hi 1 acre being part of the Golf 113, Customhouse-quay. Evening Classesare available in tho and ewe fair will be held at'Solway on the question and innumerable floor, Newtown, about 5 minutes Apply 13, Austin-st. (smin Courtonay- February, 1917. object of the Links Estate, Heretaunga, was also ofFebruary. and 23rd seems to believe that the 22nd above and also Building placc). in Construction, John-street;contains hot cold water, elecCall and Inspect Our Stock. two groups of belligerents-is the same. fered, but was, and is now for ; Plumbing, Plastering, Sign-painting and JNO. H. HAGGERTY, SMART BOY, for Office; tric light, bathroom;best side of street; LET, Karaka. Bay, for term., 8 that. Germany refused arbi- piivate sale. The firm Mill sell by aucland 47ft x 132ft (about), house built under Chairman. Decorating, English, Latin, French, Messrs. Bruce and Lush (late W. 11. He knows large, section, also SMART YOUTH, for our supervision leading architect; Govt. valuaRooms, furnished; LTD., CO.j Chemistry, Botany, PhysiTUt. OFFICE APPLIANCE tration, declined conference, and reat theii rooms on 23rd February a f Mathematics, Apply J. B. motor garage, low vent. Turnbull and Co.), 27, Panama-street, jected every overture to prevent the tion Drapery Department,, one just leaving tion £980; price £900, terms arranged; Finlay, ology, Hygiene, Geography, . GLEN MIRAMAR: Commercial DAIRY, No. 95, Majoribanks- I Evening Buildings. Opposite Town Hall, Post insert an amended list of homes,also war;-he knows that. his own country- 4-roonied dwelling, 'closing deceased estate, absolute bargain. Shorthand, Typing, and Accountancy. street; school preferred. Apply on 6th March, :it 2.30 p.m., a 7- f Garagn Apply quickly, M'lntyre and Co., 215, Special Matriculation. Course,/ Mr. shop property and sections. LET, Motor and Stable. A LTHOUGH there is a Shortage of j water poured CUBA-ST., WELLINGTON. men have out like money dwelling, roomed No. 47, Austin-street; ! j.3l Milk 'in Wellington I hare plenty. Lambton-quay. Apply 241, Riddjford-streot, NewGEORGE,DOUGHTY, & CO., Rentier, FRIDAY EVENINGS. destitute and outraged reui- a 6-roomed "■ Victoria-straet. Messrs. J. H. Bethime and Co. insert to assistofthe No. 32, Maaraina- I, ; Customerscon -;et any quantity they Feos paid strictly in advance. the little Belgian people; he crescent, andhouse, Sell, level Section,50ffcx town. list of business and resi- nants two vacant sections- ia \. an.amended require. application. Syllabus on Expediknqws with outhouse thereon, 5 fTIO LET, Konini-street, Muritai, ssth of the infraction of the,'-Hague Alexandra-street,.Mirsmar. they f t, CARENE, 8/2412, sale; properties private 110 dential for On 9th ! TROBE, M.A., next to W. Lease, magniDairy M'FarlanoW Store, ScaS: LA ANTED to Sell or minutes Khandallah station; coat owner ■*- roomed (furnished) House),' bath, " tionury Force. —Will anybody who f%%T Director. also advevtiao to let houses,both fur- Conventions,which the.American people March, at 2.30 p.m., the ivrin will .offer j '.l* ficeut 9-rd. Residence, at iNiunai, 4 £120. Price £75. Owner left and <& copper, tubi; jont 365-psr. >ycsk, Applj toun, Open dsiiy from 3 p.m. to 5,30 wm iiequiiititcd with tho abovo kindly ; he knowe all a business site with frontages to Vie- \{ studiously promoted had F. and Rarpa-rcscl, P.iti, SHAW',, nished and unfurnished, oflicea, Jlanager, M'lntyro Town tmcrificing. communicate with CO., .30, , and C0,., 21.5, ■or more acres. Apply. ' the details .ol .organised atrocities;\.of toria-strect- and Old Customhouse-street, ,1- XV ..EYJLE,. ' K"alhuriv. '; fitoreroom Mcommodaiioa. sT.^,-nVif^».wi|3t?. *tvJßi.Jß.etliua6^SiiJ;A.. IMl...Lower:'..Hjitfe. COUNTY CLERK. By RefinedYoung- Lady (accustomed to sewing) POSITION as Companion-Help. PLAY THE EMPRESS:, ■ ■ ' TO TO PASSION? THE KING'S: TO TO TO TO ■ yy '■ - - ■ ■ - EVERYBODY'S: - ■ - — TO WANTED, ■ - TO "■ TO WANTED, ■ TO QUEEN'S —— FOR ' ■ _ ■ ■ . 1 BRITANNIA — - ■ , ' _ - ■ ■ ■ ' ■ - PAL ■ PEOPLE'S — NATIVES' MEMBERS WANTED — i i "R^EW ■' ■ WANTED, 1 ! _ WANTED - "" OWING " y.. .. MR. ' WANTED "■ ■ ■ n~ jyjf Jb' - ___ A — ■ 1 , . A TO - ' * —- 9/Q TO "S^TANTED HAROLD ■ ■ WANTED, ** 1 WE, MR. TO TO WANTED NOT?'"CHRISTIAN. ■ .: ■- t _ WANTED J J ALL ■ ■ A WANTED MISS TO WANTED, ■ MEMBERS WANTED ■ - ■ TO WANTED DAY - WANTED, OWING ■ TO ■ WANTED fl __ TO RH. THE ETENING POST. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1917. ENTERTAINMENTS 3 ST. PAUL'S PRO-CATHEDRAL* ■OERHAMPOKE BAPTIST CHURCH. SALVATION ARMY CITADEI} Mulgravc-street. 11 a.m.—Mr Morgan. SHIP COMPANY TTUDDART "DARKER ,T INK. 7 p.m.—Mr. Townshend. Vivian-street.7 a.m. and 8 a.m.—Holy Communion, END- OF CONFEEENOE. - -1 "SILKS AND SATINS" AT THE Newtown Park to-morrow afternoon, at OF MEW ZEALAND, LTD. Seatsfree. AH are welcome. 11 a.m.—Matins. Preacher: The Right 3 o'clock. An exceptionally,good proQUEEN'S. fYTsalher and circumstances permitting). | Sailings (circumstance* perrniviing.) BAPTIST CHURCH. Bishop Wellington. of TSLAND BAY GOODDISPLAY AND RECORDATthe New Rev. the The annual of prepared. lias been The band conference X Dainty Marguerite Clark appeared in gramme Subject to Alteration Without Notice. [ 7 p.m.—Evensong. SUNDAY SERVICES. TO-MORROW. TENDANCE, FOR SYDNEY AND HOBART. Morning, 11—Mr. 0. M. Luke, Zealand Federation of Master Plumbers Rivorina* Thursday Silks and Satins" for the first time at has recently added to its membership ' Feb. 22 5 p.m. TINAKORI-ROAD CHURCHROOM. I Evening. 7—Mr H. Hart. liYTTELTON. several very fine instrumentalists. As yesterday. I Theatre concluded to-day. Queen's the The and district a was story proclaimed Pahiatua 11 a.m.—Children's S ervice. ' p.m. FOR MELBOURNE, Via SOUTHERN is a I Prayer'Meeting—Wednesday, at 8. Ma.ra.roa Saturday Feb. 10 7.45 charming one, charmingly told, and tho band is much in need of funds, a holiday yesterday, the occasion PORTS (Omitting HOBART). It was decided to hold the 1919 conFeb. 12 7.45 p.m. Monday Maori SPECIAL DEDICATORY SERVICES picture is a notable addition to. Mar- collection will be made,and it is hoped special the OT, Invercargill., p.m. Witnmora The executive PETER'S PARISH. p.m. Saturday " 13 Feb. 24 5 ference in TuAday Ma.ra.roa Feb. 7.45 rtHTJECH OF CHRIST guerite Cla-rk's many successes. As that the public will give as liberally as being the eighth annual show held un- will be located in Auckland for the Wednesday Feb.. 14 745 p.m. FOR SYDNEY, VIA Maori (Vivian-stroet.) NAPIER, GIS- Felicite she is found Will bo Conducted by ' der the auspices of the Pahiatua-Akitio coming year. The 1918 conferencewill SEXAGESIMa" SUNDAY. ; v> at the opening to possible. Mii.ra.roa Thursday Feb. 15 7.45 p.m. AND AUCKLAND. BORNE, p.m. 7 bo in a sad mood on Fob. 16 45 the eve of her Friday Maori A. and P. Association. There was an be held in. Wanganui. ST. PETER'S CHURCH, Willis-street. 11 a.m.—Worship. Early. Stoamor COMMISSIONERand MRS. HODDERj ;>8 a.m., Holy wedding, for her narrow-minded father is Cargo received till' 3p.m. only. Communion STOCK SALES A resolution was carried that the —7 a.m., Holy excellent attendance of the public, the executive 7 p.m.—Evangelist W. Phillip*, Subject: New Ferry FOR LYTTELTON AND DUNEDIN. forcing her to marry Felix Breton, All Ferry Steamerssail from-■ whom select subjects on matters con- Communion; 11 a.m., Matins; 7 p.m., Early. Wairarapa Stoa-mer and Manawatu 11 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m.' being "Providence or Luck?" speciEvensong. Wharf.' she detests. The only person whom ■____ ' well, represented, both in the mat- cerning sanitary plumbing andatarrange "Carrying Ist, 2nd Saloon,and Steer- her heart covets is Jack Desmond,greatly ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS', Thursday, 7.4-5 p.m.—Devotional Meeting. and Co., Ltd,, report ally of meetDalgety papers NAPIER, GISBORNE, AUCKLAND. Messrs. for thereon to be read attendance and entries. The ings of affiliated unions. Kelburn.—B a.m., Holy Communion; 11 Monowai Thursday Feb. 15 5 p.m. agepassengers. disliked by her father. In a drawer, having held the fortnightly sale in their ter Matins and Holy Communion; 7 'Jqrawera Monday Feb. 19 5 p.m. All fitted with Wireless Telegraphy. carefully concealed,she finds two pack- Upper Hutt yards on Thursday, when weather was fine, although a strong wind a.m.. Evensong:. Tlks Commissioner will Commissionau3 Conference decided to present a medal- p.m., ' prevailed throughout Tickets for stop-over or re the day. available a The enAND and In tho first riHUECH 'OF CHRIST Dedicate Contingent of Officers fot diary. packet president (Mr. DU.NEDIN. ages a they offered to a large attendance of tries exceeded A. Burt, LYTTELTON lion to the first turn by previous U.S.S. Co.'s and ST. PETER'S MISSION, Taranaki-st. steamers or vies bracelet is revealed, the exact duplicate local and outside buyers a heavyyarding any Welcome the Cadetsfor 1911 Feb. .13 5 p.m. year, China.; also Tuesday (Rintoul-street.) Taravvera of It also decided jun., Auckland). was a"~ versa. —11 a.m., Matins; 7 p.m., Mission SerSession. which she lias had presented to her of sheep and a medium entry of cattle. from quality point of view were well that Mr. William Judd, the retiring pre- vice. " Head Officefor New Zealand—Queen's of SYDNEY, HOBART. by Felix Breton. The remaining one con- Competition, especially for sheep; was up to the standard of former years, " 11 a.m.—Evangelist W. Phillips. Moeraki Thursday Feb. 15.- 5 p.m. Chambers,WELLINGTON. sident, be given a medallion. | the MISSION The Chief Secretary and whole National although exceedingly dry spell OF THE GOOD SHEPexlocket, with two miniatures. On keen, and when compared with the preManuka Thursday Mar. 1 5 pjn. New Zealand Ag-enta for th« Hebburn tains a It was resolved that in any decisions Headquarters Staff will assist in thesd close examination she traces in the faces vious sale prices all round showed a perienced for some months past was re- by the Court, or legal opinions refer- HERD, Mitchelltown.—7 p.m., Evensong 7 p.m.-^Supply. Collierj. Wireless Telegraphy. meetings. poor Meetings the Tuesday, p.m.—Devotional flected in condition of some of 7.45 ' ring to caees wherein master plumbers of the couple a distinct likeness to herself hardening tendency.. Out of the large NEW PLYMOUTH-TO ONEHUNGA. OT. MARK'SCHURCH, and Jack. Taking up the diary she reads entry, only one r small pen of wethers the dairy cattle exhibited. engaged, full particulars be sent to *■■' Earaiva leaves New Plymouth on TuesSussex-square. The Holsteins were really splendid are story as it occurred in France genera- went out unsold,all other lots being dis" of Mail a /CHURCHES OF CHRIST—Petone,11 days and Fridays on arrival the federation executive for record, and " SPIRITUALISTS'v a.m., Mr. Vickery; 7 p.m., Mr. CalTrain from Wellington. " tions before, and through doing so she posed of under the hammer. They also specimens of this breed, and although for circulation amongst affiliated unions. CHURCH. FEDERAL AND SHIRE LINES lum. Hutt, 11 a-m., Mr. Krusc; 7 p.m., is enabled to choose a road which leads offeredon account of some local breeders the entries were confined almost entirely The of officersfor 1917 resultSEXAGESIMA SUNDAY. (BLENHEIM) PICTON NELSON. election j Subject, "Lighthouses." i ' 'Mi. Marshall. ' there was lasting-happiness. her-to to local exhibits keen competip..m. ed -.—President,Mr. ■ W. S Fisher, Monday Feb. 12 12.45 a number of Romney rams, the entry ' Patcena* the judge had some difficult Auckland; vice-president, Mr. Thomas Noon REGULAR SAILINGS FOR AVONFREE Mapourika. Tuesday Feb. 13 on account of Messrs. Liddle Bros, tion, and him 8 a.m., Holy Communion. CHURCH, NEW CENTURY HALL, Kent-ten*^ ' in selecting the best from Homing, Auckland; treasurer, Mr. R. "DAMAGED GOODS." Pateena Wednesday Feb. 14 12.45 p.m"Vivian (Ingestre) street. being an especially good one. Two of tasks set, 11 a.m.—Matins.MANMOUTH, LIVERPOOL, good lot. Milton /.'nass secured five Tudehope, Fob. 16 12.45 p.m. Friday p.m.—Evensongl. Pateena' a Mr. T. 7 evening secretary, the and Monday great sheep brought guineas, On next these Auckland; " Pateena 18J CHESTER, and GLASGOW, TAK- propagandist Monday Feb. 19 12.45 p.m. play by Eugene Brieux, the balance of the line of twenty sold firsts, E. L- Harney one first, and H: B. H. Hanson, Auckland j Rev. G. Ernest Hale, B.A. SUNDAY, 7 p.m. executive, ING WOOL, REFRIGERATED "Damaged *Doubtful if can be despatched. one first award. Messrs. F. Hoffman, Robert Allen, and rpHE SAILORS' FRIEND SOCIETY, 11 a.m.—"The ChivrohSpiritual." Goods," .will be produced at from 7to 8£ guineas. Cattle were a Wilton also secured ■ good Special by a Local Worker on AND a Lecture GENERAL CARGO AT the Grand Opera House,under the direc- little slow of sale, but vendors were Jerseys were class, the principal Joseph Spinley, all of Auckland; dis- JL CHURCH AND INSTITUTE, WESTPORT, GREYMOUTH, AND 2.30 p.m.—Sunday School. ■ Whitmore-street. HOKITIKA. LOWEST CURRENT RATES. tion <of J. C. Williamson, Ltd. One more prepared to meet the market, awards going to J. Jensen,Edgar Hard- trict vice-presidents, Messrs. W. Judd 7 p.m.—"DIVINE PROVIDENCE AND "Thirty Years' Experience and Personal " Mapourika. Tuesday Feb. 15 Noon | " critic says:—'.''Damaged Goods' was allowing a, clearance to be made under ing, G. Brown, and W. White Scott. (Wellington), A. Peterson (Invereargill), SUNDAY SERVICES,11 a.m. and 7p.m. TO-DAY." ""■.-. Investigation of Spiritualism." produced in Melbourne before an over- the hammer. The principal sales were The dairy cattle classes filled weD, and 0. S. Jenkins (Dunedin), J. D. Colville Morning-Preacher: Mr. Susses.; " CANADA, AMERICA, LONDON, Via For freight and passage,apply to .:"" VANCOUVER. whelming audience- last, evening, and it as under :—Six-tooth to 4-year ewes, in .the preceding ones competition was (Christchurch),' David Gellatly (TaraEvening: Spiritualist* Mr. J. W. Black. are Specially Invited. Sailings and all ' particulars on appk- THE NEW ZEALAND & /CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETYOF the most thoughtful, bril- 33s 3d ; 4 and 5-year-old ewes, 25s 9d very strong. The principalprize-winnera naki), H. Keesing (Auckland), D. Rait AFRICAN was one ofstartling Soloist: Miss Marjorey Jones. every " \J WELLINGTON holds Services cation. ( plays seen for many to 27s STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., Alpass, Meeting will tafc^ liant, and were Milton G. H. and F. Griffiths A Genoral M embers' (Poverty Bay), 19s Brown, ,C. o'clock, 2d; ewes, broken-mouthed Id also place Song Service,. 8.30 p.m. SUNDAY EVENING, at 7 " ■■' 5Agents, SAN FRANCISCO, years. It pleads with candour for clean to 21s; forward four and six-tooth E. Darley, and J. Jensen. J. Jensen's (Hawkes Bay); Parliamentary Bills comafter service. Important business, a Testimony Meeting EVERY "WEDNEShonesty, i.nd moral living, dairy Baltinger, AND TAHITI,: intellectual two calved Messrs. T. A. July, p.m., RAROTONGA twoheifers, since E. at 8 Boulcott-st. ewes, Union Chambers,Customhouse-quay. 34s 2d; forward mittee, DAY EVENING, 30s; Lyceum, Sunday, 3 p.nv. From Wellington. and a courageousfight against hypocrisy wethers, pronounced fine specimens of Wells, W. Judd, S. L. Russell,H. HanQT. JOHN'S CHURCH, WILLIS-ST. Reading Room,same address,open e»ob Telephone 1780. wethers, 295, 29s 7d, 30s 6d, 1916,were Sailings and all particulars on appli—sensational only in being frank, it is tooth : (Presbyterian).. day o£ week froir. 2 to 4. * 31s 3d; forward woolly lambs, 23s 4d; the true milkingstrain^so popular in the son, and R. Ramsay, all of Wellingtonj cation. and it lies.As cordially never indecent; never Public welcomed. representative on New Zealand Em" medium woolly lambs, 15s to 19s 7d; district. Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Psychomotry Meeting1. " FIJI (Suva), TONGA (Nukualofa, Haaone leaves the theatre after seeing Romney Sheep.—Entries were confined ployers' Federation, Mr. W. Judd, WelCOMPANY'S 'Damaged Goods,' an irresistible feel- cull lambs, 10s. to 12s 4d; two-tooth TO-MORROW. pai, Vavau), SAMOA (Apia). Wednesday, 7,45 p.m. " Comirattea "p AND , A. M'Kay and J. E. lington. 4 to two exhibitors, Romney (medium quality), rams to 5^ r^OSPEL HALL, VIVIAN-STREET. ing of praise asserts itself. Praise that Taluno leaves Auckland sth March. Morning, 11;; Evening, 7* meets 1; Home-efcreet. guineas; 3^-year-old bullocks, £14; 2^- Hewitt. The former obtained four firsts ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS TO man on the had the heroism to stage a Tickets available for etop-over or rewill bo preached (D.V.) on Gospel latter two. The Circle. year-old Thursday, steers, £10 5s to and the. REV. DR. GIBB. 8 £11; bulls, defy a, weak sentimentality, and in terms LONDON.. THE MARKETS turn by Messrs. Huddart, Parker and Lord's Day, at 7 p.m. All invited.. Seats of truth and reality to present .to the £4 155.t0 £9 10s; fat cows, light, £10 ! H. Ei. Wilton, a local exhibitor, was Co.'s steamers. all free. No collection. ' ' public open knowledge of that awful to £11 14s; springing heifers, £7 5s to particularly successful in. the Lincoln t! ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN to A cordial invitation to all. only pauen-' will be allotted FIRST AND SECOND SALOONS A. AND P. ASSO^ securing Berths three firsts with herd of cows offered, ewe classes, ■ ; STONE FRUIT CHEAPER. CHURCH, curse_ which is doing more to sap the £8 15s. Aofsmall gers on production of passagetickets at '■ ..'only. CIATION. Mr. B. Darnell sold' from one first with ram four-tooth mHEOSOPHIOAL account these, and SOCIETY, .Wellington-terrace. physical energyand moral stamina of a on Company's office. '■30th ANNUAL EXHIBITION.. and over. C. Avery. obtained.two firsts Ballance-street (opp. Supreme Court). great people than other known vice £9 15s to £13 2s 6d. The New Zealand Farmers' Co-operaPassengers will only be allowed aboard Twin-screw Steamers,fitted with Wire or crime. In this any in the young ram classes. the stage has outrun tive Distributing Company reports that on production of passageticket. SUNDAY, 11th FEBRUARY. SOLWAY.SHOW! fairly numerous. W. supplies' of potatoes have fallen off to less Telegraph and Eleotrio .Laundries. the pulpitjand we can give it due praise sheep Fat were Latest time for receiving cargo may be Electrio Fans and Reading' Lamps in SOL WAY SHOW! moral accomplishment.'' The SPIRITS IN FRANCE E. C. Tylee,'Simon M'Leod,and L. Jo- some extent, and as there is a good dehad on application at Company's office. every cabin. Round-the-World Tours for its great PUBLIC LECTURE, SUNDAY, 7 p.m. THE LEADING NORTH ISLAN9 tho each Preacher: REV. J. W. M.A. presenting "Damaged Goods" hansen divided honours, securare SHAW, position mand prices firm. The of Railway Tickets from Lyttelton to and Through Bookings to New York. company ing two first awards.' In the five fat Morning, at 1L Evening, at 7-. on Monday night is the same as that By Mr. Short. wheat market is at present very unRates on application. AUTUMN STOCK SHOW. Christchurch and to principal Southern The abolition of all spirituous drinks lambs class, W. D. Taylor's entry was tho has been playing.the drama with certain. Recent prices quoted remain may Fares—New Zealand to London, in- which. Stations, available for one month, in France, in practice, though not in easily first. success in Australia. 20th AND 21st FEBRUABY. cordially invited. Public firm. Maize is dull. Fair business is j be obtained upon application at. tho cluding Saloon passage to Sydney: theory, will shortly be brought about PRESBYTERIAN There were some fine draught horses being done in oats, and prices show a Single, £50 to £90; Return, £81 to Company's office. by a most ingenious method. Tho GoCHURCH. MEETING. ENTRIES CLOSE sth FEBRUARY HIS MAJESTY'S. the ground. Noel Bicknell, A. slight upward tendency. Pollard and iTIHRISTADELPHIAN £135. Return Tickets available for two vernment, by a decree, has forbidden on \J RAM AND EWE FAIR. VICTORIA HALL, Adelaide-road. A, MajM'Kay, years. jVl'Farlane,* at and Single OverseaTickets, or ReThe current programme His all district bran are unchanged. There is a fair LINE OF ROYAL MAIL imports all of alcohol for except Govern'Uth FEBRUARY."SUNDAY, 22nd AND 23rd FEBRUARY. turn, interchangeable with Orient Co. esty's provides several bright and enterfarmers, were the principal winners. demand for dressed pork, recent prices STEAMERSTO ENGLAND. An Address will be delivered (God will'purposes—that, ment is, for munitions was being Open Competition being Eggs turns, scarce, For further information apply to The Hunters' maintained. are very taining chief among them or for medicinal use. The .immediate Preacher,Rev, J. Kennedy Elliott, D.D. ing) in the above Hall, SUNDAY EVEN-.. Splendid Exhibition of Hoisee, Cattt^ JOHNSTON CO., LTD., Agents. that of dainty Violet Trevenyon, who result of this simple measure will be won by Oswald Johansen's,Coronella, and last week's prices remain firm. ING, ai 7 o'clock. Sheep, Pigs, Dogs,- Produce,and 11 a.m. -7 p.m. Full particulars regarding,sailing dates Wellington, AND sings baEads and is a captivating little the total Hunters' Contest by Poultry is in good demand—realising fair Wanganui. Tel, 44. Subject.: and and the Maiden Horticultural Exhibits. application spirituous of drinks suppression and fares on to artiste. Madame Alverna and M. Jean and alcoholised wine in France. At the Walter Scott's Coker'sChestnut. the Present prices. Remedy for "The Divine Distress." UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF Laerte are heard?in instrumental and outbreak of the war all the alcohol lacJUMPING AND JUDGING COMPE* all through, the show and manJAMES'S PRESBYTERIAN Taken First-ciass lines of green peas are in N.Z., I/CD., vocal duets and solos, and contribute tories in France were commandeered for agement reflect distinct credit on Mr. good demand at- high rates. All Welcome.' SeatsFree. No collection. TITIONS. Choice CHURCH, and DOMINION several liigh-class items. Agenta in New Zealand. , The La Blanc war purposes. Since the war the dis- Walsh, the secretary, the other officers, cauliflowers are realising satisfactory Adelaide-road and Riddiford-street LINE, LIMITED. ADVENTIST DAY SHEEP DOG TRIALS. merrily Company Revue frolic through prices. are low in Cabbages price. tillery trade has depended entirely upon and all concerned. Head Office: 9 and 11,Fenchurch-»Tena» the diverting LORD'S SERVICE, SERVICES, ; comedy, "In Watts." There imported spirits, amounting to 800,000 ■VTANCOUVER' ROUTE. French beans are offering freely, and London,E.O. a.m. and 7 p.m. CAFE ROOMS,; Accommodation arranged {or Vistfanj 11 VEGETARIAN pleasure is of be obtainany amount to at fair rates. lettuce imports selling Only good FLEET. hectolitres per annum. These ' Apply .by letter to the Secretary. 83, Willis-street "(upstairs). Deadweight. ed from the present programme. AUSTRALIA-N.Z.-CANADA (Via Fiji "The Savourof the Body." Deadweight. COUNTY COUNCIL meets keen competition. Turnips and Evening: now cease. It follows that the manuand Honolulu). Tous. Tons. Meditation: PHlippians iii., 20-21 (R.V.) ' ShowGroundscomprise 70 Acres of Ideaf parsnips are selling freely at satisfactory 7 p.m. spirituous facture of drinks must cease SUNDAY, Sydney 12,350 Port Alma 10,400 CANADIAN-AUSTRALASIAN R.M. ♦Port Rev. William. Minister. EMPRESS THEATRE. Shirer, prices. Spring onions meet rea-dy sale. Picnio Grounds,Native Bush, Running "Port Melbourne 12,350 Port Campbell 9,650 spirituous drinks including : not ■ Subject: "The World's Harvest." ; LINE. "Port Adelaide "As in a Looking Glass" has been also, Streams,Shady Nooks. Port HackiDg 0,400 At the monthly meeting of the Makara Swedesaro stow. only neat spirit l>ut all so-called ' PRESBYTERIAN Speaker". Meyers. In conjunction with the Canadian-Paciao"Port Napier 12,070 BAY Pastor C. K. Stephens 11,050 Port 9,400 described as a 'triumph in picture draStone fruit from Nelson and,Hawkes Railway. aperatifs, which are almost all alcohol- County Council yesterday, draft plans CHURCH. Hot Water Supplied Gratis for Piondctf Tort Nicholson 11,950 Port Lincoln »,300 mas. Seatsfree: All welcome. IV was at continues to considerable regarding sailing specifications, footpaths Bay Syndicate dates "Port Elliot shown for the first-time ised. The for Poriarrive in Full particulars of Distillers points and 10,950 Port Albany.. 9,300 Railway Siding .and Holding Paddocks "Port Victor FEBRUARY. 10,920 Port Macquarie 9,300 in Wellington at the Empress Theatre out that as the stocks in hand will soon rua were approved, and the dimensions quantities, and prices for ' plums,' necSUNDAY, and fares on application to at ShowGroundGates. "Port Writ, 10,780 Port Curtis 8,200 to-day, and should have a phenomenally be exhausted their, itrade will he wiped and positions of two culverts at the tarines, and peaches are lower. UNION S.S.CO. OF N.Z., LTD., The p.m., Y.W.C.A. 4.15 "Port Chalmers Port Service, 0,860 Kembla.. 8,200 successful run: Kitty Gordon, the fam- out, and it observes at the same tune head of the Wellington, N.Z.. Managing Agents. and KILBIRNIE—IV a.m., Rev. Hugh' ■ Club Rooms, Fowlds's Buildings, Gorge-road were decided apricot season is drawing to a close, Write for Schedule and full partkod 9,860 Port Philip 7,200 "Port Hardy R, English plays Beggs; p.m., Young, the of the few 7 Mr. part competition actress, for "Port Lyttelton 9,775 Port Augusta 7,200 ous that the Treasury will lose upwards of on,, instructions being issued for their !there is keen Herbert-street Address by Mr. E. Her- lars to " ' Despard, the adventuress,and her Lila Port Hunter 7,200 choice are in 5.50 arritssg. MAIL SERVICE in taxation 'on construction in concrete. lines ROSENEATH—II ous. Tea. and Social Hour to follow, J. B. EMMET3; a.m., Greengages annually' ' " OVAL £40,000,000 Mr. F. J. TJ 1 'Denotes twin-screw. \ acting' is wonderful. Her many different spirit. Secretary, Box 40. MaetertMiU X*' .■■■■■ decided to notify (holders of short supply, and bring good prices. Dur- East;. 7 p.m., R-ov. Hugh Beggs. I to 6.30. THURSDAY, at 8-Tho ChrisVia SAN-FRANCISCO. It was Regular despatches from New Zealand dresses are said to be the envy of all _J tian-Worker : Her-Training and Equipproperty who have failed to remove trees ing the week tomatoes have been plenfor London of full-powered high-class womenfolk. "As in a Looking Glass" BAY AND SEATOUNPRES- ment. Leader, Miss Birch. AU. gills DANNEVIRKE SHOW, tiful, and prices realised have been fair, TO ALL AMERICAN POINTS, BRIT- steamers, fitted with wireleee installations ranks among the best of the World JOFFRE S HOUSEBOAT ON THE at the request of the council that further but BYTERIAN welcome to these meetings. to-day improvement.% shows marked CHURCH. ISH ISLES, and CONTINENT. a taken to have the matter and refrigerating machinery, charge of fjjypff. > i steps may be To be Held <m Grapes are in very good demand. SEINE , Full particulars_ regarding sailing dates exporioncod engineers. The,in'Company's attended to. BAY—II a,m., Rev. R. rf^HRISTADELPHIAN WEDNESDAY AND ISLANDp.m., and fareson application to the George H. Reynolds was apsteamers aro noted for the satisfactory MEETINGS. Mr. EVERYBODY'S THEATRE. Douglas. Wood; 7 Mr. 14th and 15tlv February, 1917. permanent ranger and registrar UNION S.S. Co. OF N.Z., LIMITED, condition in which refrigerated : cargo ' SEATOUN—7 p.m., Rev. R. Wood. 'Marsnai then General,Joffre, speaking pointed A laughing boom set in at EveryPRODUCE PRICES N.Z. NATIVES' ASSOCIATION ' \Vellington. by them is delivered at port of (R»m Fair, FRIDAY; 16th Eobraarate ■ dogs. I shipped Subject:. "Our Sea.With Its Sorrowsand HALL, TORY-STREET. body's Theatre to-day, when Charlie to on American correspondent some of Owing to the continued ill-health of destination. a A POPULAR FESTUEB the Land Without Sea." his dearest wish The Company is prepared to carry Chaplin made his first appearance lo- months ago, said that ' ' EVERY SUNDAYEVENING, 7 o'clock". PLYMOUTH ONEHUNGA- frozen and a after tho war had been won. was to Jivo the clerk (Mr. Beech) it was decided' TO-DAY'S QUOTATIONS. All invited., meat, dairy produce, wool, and cally in a Mutual comedy, "The PawnTo-morrow: PINE ANNUAL DISPLAY OPvSTDCq .Subject AUCKLAND SERVICE. closed for three for up in .his barge and peacefully ply cargo at lowest and that the officeshould;be ' current NEW PLYMOUTH TO ONEHUNGA, general ' rates of broker." This,film adds to Charlie's re1 "The Coming o£ tho Jew." February;" down the rivers and weeks as from 12th feituias as wsoil, in-, < 'Co-operafreight. canals of Fnonce. The New Zealand Farmers! /CONGREGATIONAL " A TTBACnVB putation a comedian;it provides one CHURCHES. AUCKLAND. as No Collection. Marshal the All Welcome: -ci. barge Distributing-. report eluding Company is,now, and.has tive Hunters' Eventa, Wjnjf For full particulars, apply to long laugh, and introduces many novel for some Joltre's S.S. RARAWA on tho Seine,,just answered at close of Address. Jumps, Pony Jumps, Driving Questions boon quotations following THE ZEALAND time, *od Tamto-day:— COMPANY'S NEW market situations; Plymouth supporting Breakwater on The Loaves New films ina.m.,' Rev.'' W. H. Competitions, Bareback Biding, jxkX Paris, at Bougival. To look at it Vegetables.—Potatoes,' prime Hutt, 14s THEA. TERRACE—II TUESDAY and FRIDAY, on arrival of OFFICE, clude a Triangle picture, "Jim Grims- below .Vickery; 7 p.m., Rev. W A. TTNITED INTERCESSORYSERVICE ingSheep ANDY MAHONY AT from tho outside (says Dog Trial. Paris correWellington, or to a cwt, others 9s cwt; cabbage, choice, 3s / Evans. Communion, in the evening. 157,J?eatherston-st., Express from Wellington, weather,etc., by's Boy," with Frank Keenan in "the spondent of the London the Daily Telegraph) EMPIRE. W. M. BANNATYNE/AND CO.,'LTD., AUCKLAND In a,U Eoctjons there is wide aoopß SotS sack,medium 2s sack; cauliflower,choice COURTENAY-PLACE Meeting at U FOR OUR KING AND permitting. lead. Agents it is just an ordinary barge, such, as one TOWN HALL competition, and amongst Home liwlniJ COMMITTEE-ROOM, FROM ONEHUNGA, AUCKLAND, 12s sack; carrots, .best, 4s 6d sack; may coo towed up the Seine carrying .^ (Entrance Mercer-street). ' Webb-street Methodist Church, 11 tries Needlework finds a place. ' PLYMOUTH. turnips,white, ton; TO NEW 3s (See Methodist onions, local, £8 a,m. THE KING'S THEATRE. and 7 p.m. TO-MORROW(SUNDAY) , AFTERSAVILL, AND ALBION merchandise,but within Marshal Joffre VALUABLE CHALLENGE CUPS ' S.S. RARAWA LONG.VOYAGE FROM SAN sack; lettuce, choice, Ss to 7s 6d case; Central Mission Notices.) COMPANY, LIMITED. "The Law Decides," a splendid Vita- has had arranged a. comfortable,if exNOON (D.V.), at 3 o'clock. are allocated to practically all obsses olf Leaves at 5 p.m. on MONDAY and '. FRANCISCO. 5d French beans, 2|d lb; beetroot, iguous dwelling-placo, kitchen, eorv&nts' CONSTABLE-STREET (Newtown).—ll GOD AT THE HELM OF EVENTS. stock, and also to the Dairy Prodnca THURSDAY, connecting with Welling- THE DIRECT LINE OF STEAMERS graph Blue Ribbon drama, was the chief cabin, dining- room, drawing bunch; spring onions, Is bundle; green room, two a.m., Rev. W. A. Evans; 7 p.m., Export Butter and Choeeofeature of the new bill screened for the ton Express at Breakwater. Weather, The angels of Mons, said Major Slee-. ,section—for study, 'and library and smok- , One of the most interesting arrivals peas, Is 9d peck; parsnips, 9s sack; ' Mr. Reynolds. (Communion at close TO LONDON. bedrooms, Tho Dog section has been further expermitting. first time at the this etc., King's Theatre man, during ffie, course o£ !a. lecture deing room, _. with a window looking out at the port of Auckland for some months marrows, 3s sack; swedes,2s cwt; Hutt ' morning service). of the gonerous provision made xm Farce Saloon,' 265; Return, 45e; afternoon. Dorothy Kelly is the leading upon tho river.. Marshal Joffro's bftrgc is past was that of tho Andy Mahony, the tomatoes, 3s to 4s tended,and THE LARGECTPASSENGER Nelson toma- TRINITY (Lower Hutt)—ll a.m., Mr. livered at Lyttelton, did not come within trophies and prize money. Steerage, 20s; Return, 32a. STEAMERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND artist in this convincing domestic drama, called the Swan. schooner which came into the toes, 3s -jt-case. his vision in the onrly days of the war, regards American Schedules all information p.m., Furthor information can bo obtained 7 Rev. a nd thing justifies and fully Jacobson; W. H. A. but he could tell of one remarkable rmy b* all that has been said TRADE. harbour on Monday evening (states the from the undersigned. Vickery. j Fruit.—Peaches,choice dessert 6s per from Union S.S. Co., Ltd., and Northin her favour. Bobby Conolly is also in that those present. could i put their own obtained Herald). She left San Fran- i-case, medium 4s per apricots, Auckland ; ern S.S. Co., Ltd., Joint Agenta. J*nu»ry. Entries close on 31st night quarter construction on. Ono at a j Frequent Sailings by the following fine the cast. The play hinges on the ComWANGANUI a cargo choice deasert 9s per days TROTTING HANwith cisco almost 170 ago ; nectarines, LEVIN AND CO..LTD.. Aeenta. Twin-screw Passenger Steamers:— mandment, "Thou : shall not covet thy 12,.when the British were holding F. 0. STUBBS.Secret*tyy .TyrETHODIST CHURCHES. past-. DICAPS of case oil and a deck loading of tim- dessert 5s 6d per,medium 4s; XIX the line near Armentieres,they found ~ Date (Taranaki-street Circuit.) : neighbour's wife," and shows how a ber for Auckland. Severalother sailing apples, choice dessert 12s per full case, very weak. in battalion themselves wife falls to a victim RANG-ITDXEI i>jsP^jtj-i )j! VOE undermentionedsteamjoint port of Final young the A. AND P. ASSOCIA* Steamer Tons Com'ndor left the American on dates medium 7s per full case, cooking Ss per strongth, and all the ammunition had Following are the handicaps for the vessels , ,2§|gisEv -"" ers will leave (circumLeaving Port schemes of a i-eckless lover and an unEcR. .TION. nigh to that of tho Andy Mahony, and full case; greengages, 6s per i-case; rasp- WESLEY CHURCH,'Taranalci-street"been- ordered back. He was the second scrupulous old .woman. Wanganui Trotting Club's Meeting:— stances permitting) as follow: arrived here safely and discharged berries, 7s per bucket; plums, Burbank 11—Rev J. H. White. in command,of .his regiment, and in Maiden Handicap; one mile- and a-half. they SIXTH ANNUAL SHOW. LYTTELTON via KAHKOURA— Athenie she did not put 5s per had they ofj 12345 their When the and loadings. charge ' ammunition, Blue Diamond 5s per 7—Rev. J. G. Chsupman. Anthem: )23<3 —George Akwood scr, Tim Wilkin scr, in an appeaiance after.70 days out some Corinthic PEOPLE'S PICTURE PALACE. The S.S..WAKATU, two boxes,when they should have had fTMIE BEST ._ 12332 "Weary of Earth" (TozerJ. lonic ScottishChild 4sec,Lady Hal 4sec,Jessie little concern was shown by the Do- i-case, others 3s 6d per i'Case; blackSHOW ON THE MAD? There wore no iforty,. and no bombs. On MONDAY, at 5 p.m. Tainui The Pillory," a five-actPathe photo- Dillon 10000 Is TRUNK LINE. per per berries, 2£d lb; lb; Lyon R ed grapes, supports 6sec, 6sec,Whixall 6sec, minion's shipping men, and when the for four miles, and if the GerArawo. 10000 play, with the popular actress Florence Sally Dillon local BROOKLYNpears, W.8.C., choice dessert 5s 6sec,Tofua 6sec,Xavier 6sec,, 80 and 90 days mark passed there' was 6d mans ;broke through they would have RECREATION GROUND. TAIHAPK, 11—Rev. J. G. Chapman. FOR FOXTON— per -i-case,medium 4s 6d per captured Armentieres. Just after midFitted with Wireless Telegraphy. Pas- La Badie in the principal part,, is the Plain Roso 6sec, Morning Light 9sec, * ' WEDNESDAY, 28th FEB., 1917.. that misfortune 7—Rev. J. H. White. good whole fowl 6s The s.s. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, sagesfrom London can be arranged here. star attraction of an excellent programme Montague 9sec, Rejoice 9sec, Rosanna some reason forher.fearing night a message " arrived from General Produc«.:—Wheat, to Proceeds in: aid of British Rod Croaß There was comOn TUESDAY, at 5 p.m. per For full particulars and sailing dates now being screened at the People's Pic- 9sec,Tit Bits 9sec,Inora 9sec,General had overtaken lOd to 7s 5s 9d heavthey going bushel; maize, French that were Funds. ARO-STREETMISSION-. pare with her for length the voyagesof apply, to the Agents— ture Palace. Emotion is the keynote of Botha ily attacked by a, monster. German asoaits, feedis, per bushel, crushComprehensive Scheduleembracing All 9sec, Doc 9sec, Gold Pin 9sec, several yearspast, and none of them ex- bushel; 7—Mr. Thompson. this drama. A supporting programmein- Pukearuhe sembly, 'anc("simultaneously came a reLEVIN AND CO.,LTD. ed 4si 6d per bushel; seed oats (AusFOR BLENHEIM— Bliss 9sec. 9sec, the San FranciscoClasses. days 76 for right cludes A Pair of' Skins ceeded that Germans Algerians port " " DALGETY AND CO.,LTD. from the the". (comedy) and dressed and clipped OHIRO HOME— The s.s. WAIRAU, Morton Memorial Handicap; one mile Auckland run. After 100 days had gone tralian), They had also cut'the OVER £100 WORTH OF TROPHIE* MURRAY. ROBERTS. AND CO.,LTD. the latest Gazette.. were massing. THIS DAY, at 11 p.m. and a-quarter.—Waterfall scr, Gold Drift the Dominion representatives were await- 4s 9d, others 4s 3d, Gantonsand Spar: 10.45—Mr. Chariton. barbed wire along, the whole front of. the In addition to per is Duns 4s 6d row.bills 3d, bushel; Doris Wilkes Neigh They night expectcompany v NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING 2sec, 3sec, waited all. THE BRITANNIA. 4sec, ing any news they could get, and .were LIBERAL PRIZE MONEY., rfIHE seed, 7s Gd per bushel; IVTETHODIST CENTRAL MISSION. ing1,the attack. No reinforcementscould Auriferous ssec, Lucy Wallace ' 6sec, prepared for something in the way of partridge.peas For freight or passage, apply to ■*" COMPANY'S LINE. feed peas, 6s 6d; Russian barley cape XfX To-day's new programmeat the Britan- Master Hal 7sec, Trooper Dillon Bsec, an Rev. G. Knowlos get up till 10,nest day, and there seemed LEVIN AND CO.. LTD.. Agents. MODERNTWIN SCREWPASSENGER nia is headed MAIN TRUNK RAM FAIR. accident. After being 111 days out,, seed. 5s per bushel; barley feed, 4s Gd 10 ».m.—SilverBand, Abel Smith. by a Thomas H.- Ince proSmith-street. to be a .prospect of annihilation. But at lOsec, Comedy lOsec, Princess short of water, and storm-tossed,she per STEAMERS, TAIHAPE SALEYARDS. barley meal, £7 10s per 11 a.m.—Webb-street, duction entitled "On the Night Stage." Kleitos bushel; Rev A. E. Hunt. dawn next morning; for. the first time in JA NCHOR SHIPPING & FOUNDRY FITTED WITH EVERY COMFORT. The story is of a Western flavour, but it Hazel lOsec, Bellfounder lOsec, Lady arrived at Sydney with the chief mate tone; pollard, £7 15s per ton; rice pol"The Poverty of Jesus." was covered with 1917. ground six weeks,the THURSDAY, Ist'MARCH, LA. Sefton lOsec,The Weaver lOsec. CO., LIMITED. and showing evidences of having had lard, £7 per ton; bran, £5 per ton; 6 p.m.—Silver Band, Ghuznee-street. a dense It is intended further notice white mist, and the Germans,not until to is not "Wild West." The ill, Entries Closd 17tS supporting Show Handicap; p.m.—EVERYBODY'S Wangariui Cup PROPOSED SAILINGS., two miles.— a long and adventurous voyage. The linseed oil cake,*,slabs, meal and nuts 7 THEATRE. being able to see their target; could not February, 1917. Ram SATURDAY, despatch a Passenger Steamerfrom time pictures include episode thirteen of " The Fair Enlries Cloea Sceptre scr, Cletic 4sec, Stone Bolden chronometer had developed defects,and £11 10s per ton of FOR NELSON, WESTPORT, GREY- to time to a Port in the United King"The Essential Act." Recital, Miss follow out their usual tactics prior to an THURSDAY, Ist February, 1 00's 1917. Mysteries of which 20001b6, Myra," nearly is 12s, MOUTH and HOKITIKA—The s.s. dom. Fathers. Soloist,Mr.- Frazer Shanghai 6sec,Albert Wallace 6sec, .'.'"■ had 50's 6s 6d; clia.ff, oaten sheaf £5 15s attack..'The mist held until four batSendfor a Scheduleof tho Show aa& combined with heavy weather, a Christie comedy, "His 4sec, Webb-street—Rev,A.' E. Hunt. "The talions ..'had' cpmo up to the.' relief, and particulars KENNEDY, on TUESDAY, 5 p.m. Return. Tickets available by P. and O. ended, alsoElephant." Whist Bsec,Doris Wilkes Bsec,Todd Bells this, The water supply to £6 per ton; straw, £3 10s per ton. of tho ; R-am Fair to upset calculations. Mark of a' Disciple." ■ ' 'For freight or passage,apply to Friend the Line. observing tho reinforceTrix Pointer Parole the Billy Bsec, 9sec, Gei'mans, considerably ''.'-' had been a nd there reduced, A. M. RYAN, Secretary. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AND CO., Also from time to time ss opportunity ments, put" off the attack. "You. may be lOsec,Rexcordium lOsec,St. Leo lOsec, was a lealcage amongthe oil cargo.,From OHUROH. Box 81. Taihape. LIMITED Sleeman, Major" very, offers FIRST-CLASS INSULATED SHORTT'S THEATRE. .said" Olive Palm lOsec, Parole Bells 12sec, this source, however,there was no mis"At the present time there is more WELLINGTONSOUTHCIRCUIT. materialistic," (Late W. and G. Tmnbull and Co.,Ltd.). CARGOSTEAMERS. A trnly delightful story is contained the thing was quite ■■(Newtovra), Harvest Thanksgiving. '!and think thatonly Advance 12sec, Peony 14sec, Agents. .Tel. No. 4030.. , the arrival' at Sydney practi- moneyin the East End of London than Trinity .you...that For particulars as to passages, freight, in the Metro film "The Sunbeam," General and tell two hap, simple. I can p.m., —11 a.m., Rev. A Reader; 3 Good Child Mis 3Havoc 14sec, cally closed the long chapter-of adven- ever there was," said a sub-divisional etc which will be shown for the last time at Tattles Msec,Msec, Flower Service; 7 pirn., Rev. E. Drake. days later, the Germansmoved off toNELSON, MOTUEKA, TAKAKA, FOR Rotomanuka 14sec. inspector at Old-street Police 'Court re- Donald nearly' the " ■-..." M'Lean-street—ll a.m... Rev. J. wards Ypres and wiped : out AND COLLINGWOOD. Shortt's Theatre to-night. It is bright, "Kaitoe—Monday, Kirkwood Handicap; one mile and a- ture. , cently. , THE* NEW ZEALAND / SHIPPING whole of. two, battalions there."; UnTho run across from Sydney, which Richards; 7 p.m., Mr Raine. 12th. Feb., 5 p.m. COMPANY. LTD. clean, and wholesome,and gives Mabel half.—Greywood scr,' Rio Grande scr, (Harvest Thanksgiving)—lla.m., doubtedly, tho besetting sin of the civiKilbirnio January, Bth Nikau—Tuesday, 13th Feb., 5 p:nu did not. commence until RACING CLUtt, unique opportunities Taliaferro which Gladall Red Morn 6sec, Chocolate -'Kaitoa—Wednesday, 14th Feb., 5 p.m. Mr. R. Young; 1 p.m., Rev. J. lised world' has of late been materialism. T\ANNEVIRKE in heavy weather,but'this did A gentle laxative for chilshe makes the most of. Her taming of 'Soldier 6sec, Sol Bsec,Lovebird 9sec, was made Richards. In this, 'all are to blame in various deA. MAIL LINE the 6sec, Nikuu—Thursday, 15th Feb., 5 p.m. Magnesia. add further incident to the dren —Sharland's Fresh; MEETUXG. only. hard-hearted manufactureris cleverly Wild Palm 9sec, Murphy 9sec, Gipsy not any But no AUTUMN Bay—ll a.m., Rev. J. Crevrea;7 grees-and not Germany "„■■■. Kai toe—Friday, 16th Feb., 5 p.m. To I or than the imported. Equal in size; Island ship's story. accomplished, and pathbs and humour are Rose p.m., Mr. C. M. Luke. other nation, at any rate, has extolled a 9sec,Ardroth 12sec,Floval 12sec, , Nikau—Saturday, 17th. Feb., 2 p.m. lower in price. MANILA, CHINA, AND JAPAN, Maranui—ll a.m., Mr. Ibison; 7 p.m., Mr. gross materialism as a lovely and. desirwell intermingled On Monday next Quincelyn 12sec,Black Queen 12sec. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, Both vessels carry a Stewardess. VERY three months £75 in prizes; able thing. They were absorbed in ma' Laurenson. : Via Queensland.' FrancisX. Bushman and Beverley Bayne, 28th FEB. and Ist MARCH. , Gonville Castlocliff Handicap; two W. M. BANNATYNE AND CO., LTD., Under date 29th December,the. LonBerhampore—ll a.m., Mr. Btu-d. terial pursuits and praotices. If_Germany Record,the Daddy of Teas. a pair with many successes to their miles;—Warlock scr, Calmly lOsec,Fair don Aeents. 'Phonn 1540. of The.Poet- writes:— I correspondent Bay—7 Petty. p.m. Chief Officer did not win this war, it was a miracle. effects of Sanagoix, t-ho British WorserWireless. Space for Frozen,Cargo. credit, will appear in "A Man and His Purita,n lOsec,Sol 14sec,Galhpoli 20sec, "A "■wide circle of friends in New Zea- nnHE ■NOMINATIONSfor All Events Clos» Nobody will ever be aBIo to fully exBelt. JL Food, are,lasting. It invigorThrough bookings, via Japan, Canada, Soul." 10th February, at Kate- Zolock 20sec,Lylock 23sec,Bert land, particularly veterans of the Maori ates Nerve N.B.—Harvest Thanksgiving Services,plain how Paris was saved; why .our first i on SATURDAY, ' system. tho entire special with of small Expeditionary Force was' not blotRailway. liquidation offering* p.m. ior the U.S.A., or Trans-Siberian Invictus 24sec,Scottish War, will learn with great regret of"the M'Kinney 24sec, competitor gets a, prize; Circuit Debt, will be held to-morrow at ted out in the retreat from Mons; why NEW (MAOMAHON'S) THEATRE. ROBT. TAKLE, Saloonaccommodation amidships. Large Child 24sec, Pegasus 24sec, Whixall death of Captain. C. Maling, New Zeafollowing vessels are' appointed! cool two-berth cabins,all on the upper Secretary. the Trinity (Newtown) and the Kilbirnie the Germansdid not break through that Record,the Daddy of Teas. Wife," now showing at 24sec,Ringleader 24sec, Bettina, 24sec, land Cross, which occurred at his resi-~ deck, and fitted with Nobody to Sail as under:—electric fans.Linen the"Armstrong's ! terribly thin line near Yprcs P.O.Box 55, Dannovirke. New Theatre, is a thrilling drama Birdwood 24sec,Wild Daisy 24sec,Xavier dence in -Westbonrne-grove on the 18th ' worried business man will find a (Hataitai) Churches. ■■'"■", j of urban grounds, explain,''on purely For WANGANUI—Tho s.s. PUTIKI, washed on board. can human' country Sanagen—the and life. It is a story 2Ssec,' Montague 25sec,Gold Pin 25sec, inst., after a short illness. Captain true friend in British npHORNDON METHODIST CIRCUIT. EARLY. or by any supposed laws of chance,why ' Dates of sailing of steamers and all of a woman who had lived the small Bliss 25sec,Mawhiti Maling, in the early 'sixties, was a Nerve Food that feedstho brain. 25sec,Mora 25sec. raids have been | town life and entered into matrimony For NAPIER (Inner Harbour), GIS- particulars from packet contains a coupon; Molesworth-street—ll a.m., Rev. E.Drake; so many of thoso Zeppelin President's Handicap; two miles.— member' of the Naval 'Volunteers in miraculously small a loss -ivith BORNE WHARF and AKITIO— WRIGHT, STEPHENSON, AND CO., with a visitor who proved to bo a profes- Whist scr, Todd Bells scr, Billy Parole Nelson, and pined the. Colonial Force 3 p.m., Rev. J. Richards (Sunday attended Record,tho Daddy of Teaß. of life, and so comparatively little dam- j LIMITED. ■ 7 A. Anniversary); p.m., Thes.B. RIPPLE, TUESDAY, 6 p.m. School Rev. , age even to property. These and countsional gambler. The'supports are good. 2sec,Don Patch 4sec,Parole. Bells 4sep, in the North Island during the war.; He ordering Fluid Magnesia, be Cargo received as under: Reader. For JOCKEY Pactolus 6sec,Rio Grande lOsec,Cousin was a particularly successfulscout, and sure to ask for Sharland's, best and Karori—ll a.m., Mr. Kerr; 7 p.m., Mr. less other examples,-known and unknown, TV'ELSON CLUB. Napier and Gisborne; Monday and j proclaim to a world that is not blind and -'■^ CROWN THEATRE. " ANNUAL MEETING. , Jenny 12sec,Monsoon 13sec,Fernleigh was selected to' organise and command cheapest. Guaranteedhighest strength. Tuesday. For Akitio, Wairoa, and TjiASTBOUKNE BOROUGHCOUNCIL Burley. shilling. 31i One the devil is and that guides grouj> FERRY SERVICE. small of which did f deaf that chained, p.m., The final screening of the Fox master- 16sec,Gladall 16sec, Red Morn. 16see, the Northland—ll a.m., Mr A. Swift; 7 , Bays North of Gisborne,Tuesday. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Lord', mightier tho is than floods"of BAY AND\ DAY'S BAY. piece, "The Thief," will take place at Royal 16sec,Amberite 16sec,Gold Boy such great service through both camMr. H. Thompson.' 7lh and Bth MARCH, 1917 in mind that Sanagen acts like For HAVELOCK& PELORUSSOUNDS TO RONA waters, and indeed "sitteth as King forTHE .BEST OUTING. j the Crown'Theatre,Thorndon, to-night. 16sec. paigns—on the west coast against TitoKaiwarra—7 p.m., Mr. Cassey. —The s.s. BLENHEIM, on MONmagic on the .jaded constitution ATI Nominations closo on MONDAY, ever.*' But one thing must not bo for-; TIME-TABLE-SUNDAY. and the cast coast against renews life and invigorates the system." Monday Handicap; On that mile and akowaru, on p.m. 19th at 8 No next but Dash one 12th DAY, Fob., ever-green mHORNDON METHODIST CIRCUIT. gotten. If,'as wo are convinced,we are FEBRUARY, at 9 p.m., at the cargo Leave Day's 8ay—9.15, *11.45a.m., 1.15, popular received after 3 p.m. drama. "East Lynne," will be quarter.—Stone Belden scr, Waterfall the Hauhaus. It was while serving in BOON to Housewives —Easy Mon5, 8.15 p.m.. fighting on God's side, it behoves us, as Secretary's Office,Mercer's Rooms,No!JOHNSTON AND CO., LTD.. Agents. Leave Rona 8ay—9.25, *11.55a.m., 1.25, introduced. Tbeda Bara will 'appear in scr, ,Neigh 4sec, Rexcordium ssec, St. this capacity that he was awarded the SUNDAY SCHOOL a nation, very bumbly to recognise His ---son. For full programme eco Refereeof day Laundry Help. Eaves rubbing, MOLESWORTH-ST. | the chief role, and tho version is said Leo Ssec, General Advance 6sec, Lucy coveted New Zealand Cross, which eaves the clothes,saves your work. le ANNIVERSARY, TO-MORROW': Telophono No. 44. ' 5.10, 3.30 p.m. supremacyand follow His Will. ' Thank 3rd January, 1917 11 a.m.—Rev. E Drake. J GLEN, Secretary. Leave Town—lo.3o, *H.Cra.m., 2.30,*3.0, to be up-to-date. Wallace 6sec, Rotomanuka 7sec, Tattles ranlced with the Victoria Cross. After packet lasts eight weeks. God that tho King and our loading ad3 Captain p.m.—Rev. " the saw J. Richards. Waling p.m. war, mirals and generals have in so many 7sec, Good Child 7sec, Mahinga. Bsec, many 5.50,9.15 bo run if VERY packet a lucky packet, each p.m.—Rev A. Reader. years' service on surveys in New Zea7 not been afraid to show by plain only Will weather is fine. cases Daddy Comedy OUR NEWTOWN. Dhan Bellfounder prize; THEATRE, Bsec, lOsec, contain a *(Weather and other circumstances Record,tho Special Singing hv the Children. speech and action what they fool..- The Tho leading item at Our Theatre, lOsec,Princess Hazel lOsec, Gold Girl land, especially in connection with run- o£ Teas. Concert and Prize-Giving on Wednespermitting).' words of Sir David Boatty and Sir Wilis a dramatic featureentitled lOsec,Lady Sefton lOsec, The Weaver ning the telegraph wires in the far A RE your nerves in. a state o£chaos? day evening, 14thFebruary, at 7.30. liam Robertson will surely never be forijTjlOR WANGANUI-The «.e. KAPITI, England TRAMS to connect with the 10.30 a.m. Newtown, North. He came to a few lOsec. -£x. to build Sanagen Then take them Ferry Steameron Sunday morning leave "The Reward." years ago, and lived. quietly in War- up. Procurable all Chemists. BAPTIST CHURCH S°CHRISTtANS _OF WELLINGTON, TXTOODVILLE DISTRICT .JOCKES EARLY. I VSTELLINGTON "; Island Bay 8.50 a.m., Newtown 9.55 a.m., general(Vivian-street). wickshire iiud. in London. H& TT prove your-Christianity,_ your faith in the CLUB. STAR THEATRE, NEWTOWN. Brooklyn 9.50 a.m.. Lyall Bay 9.40 a.m., '»Recently the death at the age of ly, appeared at New Zealand gatherings, ACOLOL, British Lysol, is tho last Minister: Rcy. J. K. Archer. DALGETY AND CO., ud your patriotism, by-uniting Seatoun9 40 a.m., Vivian-street 10.8 a.m., "The Law Decides" was screened for seventy-two took place in a London nurs- but was of a retiring disposkion, and word in medical disinfectants. Pro- Morning, 11—"The Everlasting Arms."' Unseen,aat; Courtenay-placo 10.5 with us tho Throno of Gracefor a.m., Aro-street the first time at the Star Theatre, NewAgents. 'Phone 3018. from our ' curable all Chemists. AUTUMN MEETING. operation, of Mr. C. only a limited, number of New Zeaing home,after an Evening, 7—"God'sJoy Mans' Strength." bravo dofendoraon land and sea. 9.53 a.m. town, ,to-day. D. Rudd, a pioneer of the Kimberley liinders knew much of his past services VERY 28th of February, Record OPEN-DOORGOSPELMISSION, Tory"The Lord sitteth upon thol flood, yea, THURSDAYj WEDNESDAY AND (Deceased). CHARLES TRINGHAM Day Daddy SOCIETY FOIt PROTECTION. OF of Teas. ; Record,'tho diamond fields, and a partner of Mr. to the Dominion. His wife survives stroot—7 p.m., Mr. Penningtou The tho Lord sitteth King for ever PALACE THEATRE, PETONE. WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Cecil Rhodes. him. The funeral, which took place in up to the fact that Sanagen, Wednesday-, 7.30 p.m.—Annual Church Lord will givo strength unto His people; and 15th FEBRUARY. 14th up A concert in aid of the Pctone Con- Oxfordshire (England) Agricultural North West London, was of a military tho Lord will bless. His peoplo with Mooting. persons having Claims against the British Nerve Food, tones /TITHE Secretary wijl be in attendance at peace." character, a detachment of the Now the system and restores perfect health. aho'vo Estate are requested to vent Sphool will be given in the. Palace BAPTIST X' the Rooms,Bridge's Buildings, 119, send tho CHURCH. them to Hio undersigned, beforetho Theatre, Pet-one,next Wednesday, by Society -will not hold a show this year. Zealand Expeditionary Force providing Sanagen, the British Roy. W. S Rollings. by on and test. ANTED-"Tha .Viper-Fly Paper" i GoodFields Engaged in AD Events. TUESDAY FRIWillis-street, and firing party. The High " been subjected to 11 a.m.—"The Middle Yoare of Life." FEBRUARY, day leading Wellington,performers, including 15th of 1917. Six war shrines have been erected in the escort 10 to catches by the million. Made in Special Train from Palmeafcsieach dajt» 12.30. Nerve Food, has DAY MORNINGS, from miniature.Harry Laudcr the to o. Man," Jargo iuccmpuf?'p.t».—"Lordi strictly the and Chathamand o. on© is bo placed Canunissioncrsent wreath on behalf tho eevcrest Wats <uid found Whnt is rolls 2ft long, Id each in dozon lots. Tha confidential, ' CHAS. W. TRINGHAM, All communiontoons faaiou* Russkn dancers.. Obm Aiv. 8,, Ail jvekome.. Sun».EUidwaz*. 'in the uai'teh churchyard.. -phono 1185. SlB, Lambton-ouay. Wellington. UNION STEAM* ! ~ BAND CONCERT. Tjjo Natives' Association Band (late Garrison Band) will give i.irjpncert at PAHIATUA-AKITIO A. & P. SHOW MASTER PLUMBERS SEXAGESIMAL SUNDAY. ' " . . . I . ' ■ . .. - . F. & S. ~~~ ■ ■ ■ WELLINGTON ■ UNITARIAN ■ - . ■ . ■ . . ■ . . MASTERTON j ' _ — . . Q - ■ . . . RENT-TERRACE ■ ORIENT , ST. COMMONWEALTH . _ ■■ MAKARA . EVANS .... lltrT SUNDAY ■ _ - NEW - ■ ISLAND . . SEVENTH DAY" .. . . ■ . - . THURSDA"!^ . ■ ■ . # — . .. SHAW, ■ — ■ ■ ——— . ———— —— .. .. .... .. ■ . . _ - . . " ■ . . . ■ ■ . _ ■ . MDTHODIST ■ . . ■ . ■ ... - FOUND— EAND - . — . . ■ . ■ THE EVERY> WHEN . . » . EVERY THE . . ■ . BEAR A . .. — . . ■ . . LTD.,' . ■ ALL . - 1 WAKE BEST BROOKLYN . rmr-evening-" post, 4 SHIPPING s^tubbxy,; deems her crimes,-she will/leave- behind NEW MODELS IN her, after her inevitable expulsion, OHIO FOOTWEAR. neither gratitude;, nor, regret, nor admiration, nor even respect, nothing but seeing They these. ijiTVO not mies the crushing memoryof unna-meable opJLJ' are something' absolutely new in pression and grinding exploitation." 3>o smart fashionablefootwear—newin design, and material, and all style, stumble across a passagelike this in. a. splendid value. work which tho Professor'of -English. Ladies' All Velvet Black Button Literature at Oxford has vouched for Boots, patent leather, toe cap, leather as a masterly presentation of the case Cubanheels,medium round toes. 27e for the Allies is an interesting experi6d Ladies' All Patent GoloshBoots, ence. " Faithful," says the wise man, light ■with smart fawn gabardinelley "are the wounds of a friend," but the lace, medium round toes, leather utmost licence of friendship conld never Cubanheels,35s woimd as deeply as this. »Though, there Ladies' Button Boots, patent leather golosh, light fawn gabardine are quotation mai'ks to warn the casual leg, medium round toes, leather reader, the passage is really a represents^ Cuban heels, 38s 6d tion of the theories about Britain and Empire which have long been acPEAROE'S BOOT ARCADE her cepted by the countrymen of Ireitschke , and Riddiford-6fcreefc, 106, Cuba-street, and Bernhardi. ."Such," says M Hovelaque at the beginning of bis next COMMERCIAL & FINANCIAL wm greater .importance than Montenegro, and THE WAR they should certainly figure among the substantial units that have fallen to the If* the British Admiralty conld xee- fit brilliance of German leadership and the publish some statistics about the subenemysword. There Temain,in imme- to diato proximity to Germany, three inde- marine campaign, 4bringing the various pendent States whose fate may be said national losses into perspective, and to be at stake even though no blow has showing also the' losses inflicted upon yet been struck in their direction j they Germany's submarine raiders, the world are llolfend, Denmark, and Switzerland, would be able to graspmuch more clearand with them may be bracketed—more ly the real meaning of the enemy's efforts remotely—the two trans-Baltic Kingdoms and the prospect they have of success in and that o£ Greece, Omitting the last- the future. Unfortunately for our curimentioned trio, ii may be said that there osity, this cannot be done, and the only is a distinct possibility that Holland, alternative—not altogether satisfactory, Denmark, and Switzerland may in turn and still not distasteful—isto continue in become the enemy's targets, and it is that faith in the British Navy which is conceivable that one or more of them one of the fundamentalsof British edujmay share Ihe fate of Rumania,Bel- cation and popular conviction. No matter gium, Servia, Montenegro, Poland, what new phase has developed at sea, what political turmoil has disturbed Lithuania,' and Courland. This fact is or the the fighting Navy has " carworth recalling an -an antidote to the ried outlook, on " with the best material at its peace-at-any-prics notion of a settlement disposal. are the latest; nor is it necessary to point The Nikau, from Nelson, to-day ont that every step of Germany rinring 15ronght a quantity of cargo,;of whidi the new campaign is instinct with the only 29 cases of soldiers' gift :goods a?jd same tendency to keep hot the- indigna- several sacks of fish-were,discharged.; ;.. (AUSIR/LIAN-NBW JEAIAND CABLE ASSOCIXTION.) PORT OF WELLINGTON, : tion of civilisation. BANK OF ENGLAND RETURN. A big batch of summonses ia being LONDON, Bth February issued in Christchurch.against yonths for Tlio Bank oi England return issued for the HIGH WATER UNFAILING SATISFACTION week ended Wednesday, 7th February, is as not drill. Over ISO informaTo-day—6h 17m a.m.; 7h 12m p.m. under:— LOCAL AND GENER&L ; tionsattending have already been sworn, and anTo-morrow—7h Sim xm.; fa 53m p.m* Coin, £55,496,000 (£55,270,000); reserve, other lot of 200 is espeAed to be issued (£35,514,000); note circulation, £55,539.000 week.. i?59,i>35,000 (£39,801,000,); public deposits, ! ARRIVALS. '/tIVEN its users is the reason The 22nd , Reinforcements, now in next (£46,764.000); i-12,'262,000 deposits, other why, year after year,-careful February 9—Aurora, s.s. (7.30 p.m.), SSO tons, "X22(i,470,000 (£100,777,000); camp at Featherston, have been granted Fiji's irade returns for fee year 1916 Government seDavte, from the Antarctic regions curities, £212,3>J7.000 (£100,373,000); other sespecial' week-end leave. housewives prefer to use A* a large show that a record has been established, February 10—Wairau, s-s. (2 a.m.), 9S tons, curities, £38,580,00(1 . (£35,727,000); proportion reports 31cnhr.lm number of the the Suva correspondent of the men desire to visit WeliVendore, from of reserve to liabilities, 13.33 (10.03). February 10—Kakapo,s.s. (2.55 a.m.), McDonlington, special troop trains were put New Zealand Herald. The imports and Bank rate, 5! per cent, (oi per cent.). Short ald, from Westporfc per cent. (43 per cent.). Three months' loans, 43 morning exports on this for the purpose. These would easily have exceeded February 10—Nikau, 3.3. (7.25 a.m.), Hay, bills, o 1-lfi per cent. (5 1-10 per cent,.), will arrive this afternoon. from Nelson £3,000,000in valuo, but the Australian GOVERNMENT SECURITIES. February 10—Mararoa, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 2508 strike caused two steamers to miss The following are tbe latest quotations for Interesting details as to the working | coal tons, MawsoQ, from Lyttelton ■■■ a trip. The value of the exports of Government securities in comparison with those of the wireless equipment on the Aurora and bananas also constitute a re-; sugar ruling hist week:— given were, reporter DEPARTURES. to a Post by Mr. T. Copra is below the returns of 2£per cent. Imperial Consols, £51 10s (£sl 1 : JAM. M. Ryan, the wireless operator on the cord. when, February 9—Kaitoa, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 305 tons, 17s 6(1); 4,J per cent.. Imperial War Loan, £09 the value was declared afc Kelson and Motueka 175.6d(£S!) 17s 6d); 31 per cent. Imperial War vessel. . Speaking of the first press mes- 1911, .Wildmas. for9—Pateena, £282,787. s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 1212 Loan, £84 10s (£S6); 4 per cent. New Zeaiund, The total trade—imports and February sage sent -by Sir Ernest Shackleton to exports—was tons, Irwin, for Picton and Nelson £81 17s Gel (£B2 2s Oil); 3i per cent. New £2,356.718in 1914, £2,554,the Bluff Mr. Ryan (7 p.m.), station, stated that February 9—Queen of tho South, s.s. Zealand, £09 15s (£7O 10a) ; 3 per cent. New he picked up the Bluff on Friday night, ---499 in 1915,and £2,985.606m 1916. 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton Zealand, £00 17s 6<l (£OO IBs); 4 per cent. New 'X better jam is impossible'! February 9—Maori, s.s. (7.50 p.m.), 3309 tons, South Wales, £80 (£79); 3J per cent. New South 2nd February, but could not send' his Regarding the price of bread inC&ristUIC Jam is made from the very .Manning, for Lyttelton Wales. £05 12s 6u (£0« 12s Od); 31 per cent. message until Sunday, owing to the fact chapter, "are Germany's idea,9 about. chiirch, it is stated (says the Press) thafc 'February 9—Alexander, s.s. (8.50 p.m.), 377 Now South Wales, £67 los (£G7 15s); 3 per finest fruits—fresh and luscious,, that although he could hear the- Bluff there is a possibility of a slight increase cent. Kew SouthWales',£07 15s (£6B 15s); j based on the tons, Stuart, for Nelson and West Coast England;" having played pai-t war-map. and the a 'sex-oil flavour As Its delicious natural. quite distinctly tne land station -could although nothing. February o—Opawa. s.s. (midnight), 110 tons, i per cent. Victoria, £92 los (£92 15s); 3} per I ! against baa yet been decided of the devil's advocate with unction and ail the enemy holdings of EnUnofficialreports have given occasional not. get him... He had to repeat his mescent. Victoria, £81 (£Bl 12s 6d); 3J per cent, Nicholas,- for BlenheJm proves its purity. Thirty-five upon. It is pointed out that when'the Victoria, 182949, £68 (£09); 3 per cent. Victoria, proceeds to-demolish them tente soil there are only the Rassisn- glimpses of the enormous amount of ma- sage(in-cypher) fourteen times beforeit price was experience eloquence of to -its he by raised (£GO 15s); per £60 15s 3J cent. South Ausyears goes last that increase EXPECTED ARRIVALS. f\A LESSON. The second messagewas did not cover conquered portion of' .Austria-Hungary terial, much of which was not previously was "O.K. in scathrn'g fashion. tralia, £70 (£70); 3 pet- cent. South Australia, making—3s years' reputation is the increased- price of thought of as naval equipment, now used sent on Wednesday. The vessel Monowai, northern ports, lotli £57 (£57); 4 per cent. Queensland, £83 los had the (that is. the Bnkowina but bakers not to guarantee might portion prepared Quality.of It have been supposed that-even and a of at sea. Other hints show that the sub- use of the De Forest flour, were j Siour Wakatu, Lyttelton and Kaikoura, 10th 17s Od); S\ per cent. Queensland, £83 las audien amplifier be, ' (£B3 Echo. Flab I'oint, 10th on the full increase ]iistified by the (£B3 15s); 3 per cent. Queensland, £60 16s j ECONOMYv in Germany this marvellous German G-alicia), the Italian, holding cast of the marines have paid dearly for their suc- longing to the New Zealand Government, put IMPRACTICAL .Haven, Patea, 10th price (£Ol (id); per 2s cent. :\Vest of Australia, hope I Si £7* I flour in the that the posi-; Orepuki, Lyttelton, 10th theory would have been exploded by the Isonzo,the Salonika-Monastir occupation, cesses, and also tend to discount exagger- which is intended for the Chatham Is- fcion would 15s (£74 15s)_; 3 per cent. West Australia, be relieved by the price of Mapourika, West Coast, 10tI* £70 (£70); Z\ per cent. Tasmania, £69 10s facts of the present war. But though and the ex-colonies of' Germany. We ated ideas of the number of these craft lands. The Instrument was of con- flour coming down. Seeing Waverley, Patea, lltli no re(£69 15s); 3 per cent. Tasmania, £63 (£65). to the of The Journal siderable especially' when lief has come in that directionthai Kapiti, Wangauui, 11th " facts, are stubborn things, German do not include French-occupied Alsaco, available for enemy.has itIs ■likely ASK FOR "IT'-i Commerce,, instance, just declared working theassistance^ Awahou, Foxton. 11th wireless in daylight.. AND OTHER PRODUCE. that the price of the 41b loaf, which is COLONIAL Keep tSe standard ot~ living Kaitoa. Nelson and Motueka, 11th theories often, prove themselves more since it is no sefc-ofiagainst the German that Germany, which began the war witii .Sir Ernest Shackloton,at,the close of now 9d, will be increased to 9^d, In LONDON, Bth February Maori, Lyttelton, 11thfifty submarines,has only built his Opawa, Blenheim, 11th stubborn still, and we have had indis- occupations in France and against such about official narrative of the Antarctic other parts of the is stated j Wheat.—No London business reported. Prices INSIST UPON GETTING "E8up iWhile you keep the—cost > unchanged since 30th January. Ripple, Napier and Uisborne, 11th nnconsidered trifles as the Duchy of aboxit two hundred more, and of them Expedition, says:—"l am deeply putable evidence within the last few grate- that bread is not being sold, under 9^d, has lost one hundred; and as at least demand, limited supplies avail-. I able.Flour.—Strong Moeraki, Sydney. 12th Luxembourg. Perhaps, however, we ful to the Imperial, the. Dominion, and and thai) prices rangeas high as lOd and Australian patents, 62s Cd. -, that days thi3 is a particular theory fifty only Queen of the South, Foxton, 12tb I- ■? are continually out ol action, Kamo, .Greymouth, 12th I Oata.—Very firm, La Plata, mixed, ex-quay, the place' Governments for lid. ! "498. case in point. In her last Note to Pre- should gainsin the list the British and one hundred are at any time available for comingCommonwealth Mararoa, Lyttelton. 13th to the assistance of the memPeas and Beans.—Firm, unchanged.^ at the expense of Turkey, the purposes of the blockade-. Wheat is in oxoeHeat,condieion, and Wairau. Blenheim, 13th sident Wilson, Germany hailed him as Rusaan Sugar.—Standard granulated, 41s 7£d. of my expeditions who were left is of good quality,"reports Agrirala," bers Blenheim. Sounds. 18th KIRKPATRICK, NELSON.: (now including Egypt proteca British , Butter.—lnactive, owing to absence of supa man and a brother because the views in the Antarctic, and to Captain Davis, the -writer Tarawera, Auckland, 13th plies, prices'nominal. Steamers carrying cargoes of South Island notes in the. Kennedy, Picton, 13th torate), the Persian river-valleys, Gulf . As -to the means for defeating these the officers,and crew of the Aurora." Farmers' Union which, ha had expressed agreed in the aggregating a quarter of a million boxes are CREAIIOATA Advocate, but I am Defender West Coast, Mth craft, little is allowed to be known. The due. nnd several others will arrive shortly. afraid that many of the yields are going Westralla, Sydney, via northern ports, 19th widest sense with the principles and and Armenia. has Correspondence passing been beCheese.—Very flrm. Canadian, 150s, 1525. regards Qic Continent of .Europe, extensive use of nets is said to have been tween the As be to small indeed. This alludes very .(CREAM 0' THE-OAT), Bradford Wool.—Very slacit market. Busiwishes of Germany vand her allies." Minister of Defence and Mr. PROJECTEDDEPARTURES. the balance is overwhelmingly m th'o highly successful,but as new offensive R. R. IKnt/'secretary of the Auckland more particularly to the : wheat-growing ness practically at a standstill. approve," the Note proceeded, weapons "We are met defensive quickly by along Lyttelton, 10th Mararoa, ai'eas League, METAL MARKETS. the coast, and for some enemy's In that as to the advisability of Nikau, Nelson and Motueka, 10th, the enemymay have found some | Railway " of President Wilson's advocacy of the Entente favour.. grip Continentthe means, employing returned soldiers in the manu- miles inland. It is feared that the Copper.—£l37 os, £133 as; electrolytic, £144 TOHN Wairau, Blenheim. 10thCOTTON trick to evade the playing part TOBACCO, has some on Austria-Hunof a V ii'iii yield 10s. ■ facture of potash from seaweed. right of self-government and equal rights gary, but Kapiti, Wanganui. 10th in this belt:Will be bo Since average el Lead.—£3o 10s, £29 10s. none on Germany, non« on drowned fish. But always a submarine, the- war began the price of caustic greater than it was last season. At any Hawera, Patea, 10th In ilb Tins, 3s 63. to all nations. Eecognising this principle, Spelter.—£ss ss, £52 16s. Monoirai, Dtinedin, 10th potash has gonenp from £77 per ton to rate, paddocks that should tarn out fifty, and none on Bulgaria save in >in spite of its powers of self-concealment, Turkey, Tin.—£2oo 7s 6d, £201 7s 6d. imposed Blenheim, Puponga. 10th has limitations which are Germany would sincerely welcome, its that Monastir portion of Macedonia upon Bar Silver.—37 9-lGd per ounce standard. &LL GOOD STORES. to the acre are not going thirty,'; Corinna, New Plymouth, 10th to it ■, by its very nature; and *he surfaceI £150. The seaweed industry is an im- bushels application to Ireland, and India, who do TEANSVAAL TOBACCO one in 600,000 persons arid thai is the best winter-sown crops. Maori, Lyttelton, 12th _, which Bulgaria aspires. In other words, ships used to hunt.them have scientific i portant. CHRISTCHUKCH MARKETS; being spring-sowp Opawa, Blenheim, 12th (HARTLEY'S), The j employed, large quantities crops are infimtelj; and enjoy blessings independence." not the of of acceptance of the litoopean war-map resources of almost unlimited extent, so gelatinous articles exported to Pateena, Picton and Nelson, 12th <BT TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) China The poorer, being very-thin, short,and rusty. head Seal, It is unfortunatethat Germany's altruis- would mean Oueen of the South. Foxton, 12th if time were not an essential factor, Japanese 'also utilise that, February 12th 9tn the abandonment of the BelThe fault is CHItISTCHURCH, Lytielton, Wakatu. Kaikoura and seaweed in the that'the grain has not mar During the last two days there Las been a tic standard of national liberty and in- gians, the Serbs, the Montenegrins, and the odds of a conflict are in the end manufacture of many other Magaiiesberg, 12th Echo, Tarakohc, articles, m- tured. The hot weather killed the crops, large amount of wheat purchased by millers the submersible vessel. A report | eluding picture-frames, against ' Wayerle'y. Paten, 12th ' even and Bags, Bags, dependence policeheavy 2oz 2a. should be violated and her the Rumanians,to say nothing of the issued to-day in a somewhat authoritative and the rain which fell on Bth at the Government- maximum prices, farmers Is; 4oz Moeraki, Lyttelton, ,18th evidently being anxious to sell before millers INDIGO-DYED Maponrika, West Coast, ISfch delicate sensibilities harrowed by the French Alsatians and the Slav races of garb refers to at least one new device jmen's boots, while in France and South January only Hastened the process. The fill their presentrequirements. The discovery America also the industry is au im- sample is small, in some cases only half Tarawera .Lyttelton and Dunediu, I3th "sufferings capable of indeed which is of all that its in]Stb Happy doing Ripple,/ Napier. price (£ls per '. of the fact that the of flour SERGES FOR SUITS. India. portant one. The New Zealand:Herald its usual size." MASPEROFBBRBS EGYPTIAN Austria-Hungary.. .- With regard to the ton) is the maximum, and not a definitely Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, 13th CIGARETTES (Specials), would that country be—a-nd Ireland, too, Slavs a moat remarkablo position ob- ventor claims for it; and no doubt this states that samples of kelp Lyttelton, 16th fixed figure, has, however, disconcerted millers, from the . The value of nredfeal single reference is only an index to num: west coast of Auckland were recently Lbj-«« Size, examination, as they learn that flour has been quoted from for that matter—if the German ideals tains. The Entente promises for. their appeals, the South to a northern market at £11 10s freedom erons other devices. ; warded to the Board of Agriculture, but prior to the hearing of applied could be Indigo-dyed Serge f.o.b. It is held In of 5s WELL-WOVEN. to them with the to that the full 'Government Tins 50, Austria's Slavs—Czechs, BY TELEGRAPH. Slovaks, etc. I the analysis showed only a very low per- of applicants for exemption from prices cannot be given for milling wheat, and makes the Best Tailored Suit, be- thoroughness of which Belgium, Servia, —and the Central Empires promise freeservice 'was "\ amply ■demonAirtight Tins of 100, His. 9th February ONEffUNGA, thus the object of fixing a stable price to farIt is highly probable that the stra- centage of potash". It is considered, how- military cause the_ fabric wears well, the garments strated at the First Oknterbnry Mili-. (11 a.m.), for Greymouth "Sailed—Kara mers will, it is contended, be defeated. Fowl keep their shape, and the colour never and Poland are enjoying the inexpres- dom to the Slavs of Bussia—the Poles, tegic* centre, as it were, of the German| ever, that seaweed from other parts of tary Service Board's sitting at Ashbur. NEW PLYMOUTH, 9th February wheat i» bringing Id to M per bushel less New the Zealand coast may contain a sible blessings. We are indeed entitled and possibly (later becomes faded. ■ Hailed—Barawa (8.40 p.m ), for Onebunga the Lithuanians submarine campaign is neither in the higher than milling wheat. Abyfew lines of wheat percentage, and it was suggested ton {says the Christchui-ehSun), Some . FOXTON, 9th February have also been purchased merchants. Wheat, 0. ALDOTTS, \ Wo are showing a fine rangeof Indigo-, to add Armenia to the list, for Germany and the Buthenes. on). Each nor the British shipyards, nor by belligoreliT. German Mr. .Hrint recently that if farmers and 69 cases were listed, bet the prior Arrived—Awahon (11.30 a.m.), from Welling- coming forward is generally rather thin, but in the great and to Garman blockade area. dyed ready TOBACCONISTS, Serges, are to take proclaims not only her own adhesion offersindependence examination of the appellants otherwise of good quality, There is a «ood to the other's incor- Every German submarine going to its .others dwelling on other parts of the medical your measurements and make your Suit. demand for oats, but practically none is otterthe Board to go through thai GISBOBNE, February were to gather and forward sam- enabled 206, LAMBTON-QTJATL a.m.), from Wellington ing. Oatsheaf chaff has been p-aicliased at From the time the tailor's tapo is run to the humanitarian principles of Pre- porated races; but .while Germany is in work or returning home for supplies and coast long Est in on© day. In, appeals under Arrived—Monowai (4NELSON, ples to the of .-' 10th February Board it Agriculture, per country you £S to £3 5a ton at stations for over to tho time the last, button is sident Wilson,but also that of her allies. a position to deliver tte goods (and will overhaul and rest has to traverse certain 35 the reports of the Medical would thus be ura position to determina section helped ; Arrived—Kaitoa (0.15 a.m.), from Wellington; early delivery. The grass seed market is quiet, sewn on, every garment is closely superpious Turk is his twin brother no not) Russia would do so but cannot. narrowly-limited area*. To reach a Ger- whether the industry the Military Service■■ as the quantity ottering lias fallen off considerPafceena (6.30 a.m.), from Picton could be established Board TmNJOY THE LUXURY OJ?SUIT- vised, and the finishedEuifc. is a. credit to The to Board port, man the vessels have either to decide which,of the appellants, BLKNHEIM, 10th February ably.gentl-e less than the the' wearer and to us. German. The Although tho Czechs of Moravia look to to Zeebrugge, to the HeligolandgoBight, on a workable basis in the Dominion. Arrived—Opawa (5.5 a.m.), from Wellington should into camp without waitingABLE LYTTELTON, 9th February sufferings of India would be at an end the Tsar for release, the Tsar's armies or through the Skagerrack to the Baltic. In. connection with the civic reception for the go ballot. In. many appeals ironi! : 'Arrived—Jfgakuta (6.55 a.ra.), from . GreyMETEOROLOGICAL if be the light the blessed ballot ifchef-arifc '. that men had aofc '. HOT WEATHER CLOTHESI which these partners have not so far accomplished much more Zeebrugge, though by no means negli- to tendered to Sir Ernest Shackleton, Newcastle; mouth; KoromiUo (6.20 a.m.), from Orepuki (6.35 a.m.), from Timaru; Wootton (3.10 in philanthropy have caused to shine than the re-conquest of Bukowina,which gible, is the least important of the three the Mayor (Mr. J. P. Luke) has forward- passed as fit far active service abroad JAMES BELL, ed an invitation to Captain J. K. Davis saved the timfe trf the Service Board, I> m.), from French Paso areas; determination of WELLINGTON'S and the stern upon February --■■ 10th WEATHER, -.-■"" tho Armenians and the Hereros territory, it seems, was promised in ad- Holland to preserve her neutrality is and his officersto be present. The in- which simply dismissed srach cases withArrived—Maori (7.40 a.m.), from Wellington THE PARTICULAR could dawn upon India also. COOLNESS,COMFORT, and STYLE, vance to the luckless Rumania. And not likely to permit Zeebrugge to be vitation has been accepted with thanks. out hearing them, as provision is to be. POET CHALMERS, 9th February SATUEDAY, 10th FEBRTJAR? TAILOR, ' of the members of the expedition made for separate appeals for home Arrived—Rosamond (6.45 p.m.), from WellingTHE SUN An unfortunate-features of tha position the prospect of their further advance is supplemented by use of the great riveu- Seven SELECTING AT ONCE BY if any, scheme of home' service^ Rose to-day—sh Cm a.m.; set 7h 3m p.m. from the- German standpoint is the gross certainly not enhanced'by the flattening moutiis which traverse Dutch territory are quartered at the GrandHotel as the service, r BLOTF, 9th TebruaTy MANNERS-STREET, WELLINGTON. guests p.m. Rises to-morrow—sh sets of the Municipality. This morn- is brought into operation. a.m.; 8m 7h lm Antwerp (3.30 p.m.), for Melbourne and the sea. The HeliSailed—Winnneia ignorance and perversity of the Indians of the Rumanian salient and the conse- between At BRIGHT SUNSHINE goland Bight communications seem to ing the Mayor (Mr. J. P. Luke) accomreport A by made the Chief Commis-: Yesterday—Morning, Su 23m; afternoon, 4h themselves. Unacquainted with "Kul- quent improvement of-the enemy's defen- have been much hampered by the new panied them to one of the large drapery sioner for Railways TJNCBRTAINTY A CAMEL CAN GO IABOXJK in. MILLIGAjSTS,. 23m; totai, loh 51m tur " and all the other blessings of Ger- sive position on the south-eastern, end of 'British minefields,which were Jaiil down establishments, whew; theit1 immediate New South Wales for and.Tramways the second quarter Tha TJnion Company advises that the Pathe daya TEE MOON without a drink—but who needs in matter of clothing were of the current financialyear—October "fTjIIGHT man liberty, they have a ridiculous idea tha Baltic-Black Sea front for the purpose presenting teena will not leave Wellington for Picton and To of the moveto keleurn-a venue. -h-J wants to be a camel? Drink " say, satisfied. (Oaleniate'd for New Zealand Mean Time.) Nelson on Monday if ' the present labour conthat British oppression is good for them. however, that . the enemy's defensive ment of submarines,- and extensive 1916—shows that whilst there ditions continue D. H. >M. In the course of its report to the Can- December, patrols (to which,the Germanpress has ' "CAMROC" DRY GINGER ALE, has been a decrease of expected Wellingis to leave in p.m. The Corinna Fnll moon 7 2 58 I place all my resources at your dis- position is unproved is not to admit the £30,302 the terbury Education Board'at its meeting working expenses referred) add an active element to, the on ton to-fiay for Nelson and New Plymouth with- Last quarter ..15 1 23 p.m. zealand insurance comof the railways, comunequalled anywhere. posal," telegraphed the Maharajah Scindia existence of "the unbreakable fronts" passive Thursday last the Appointments Com- pared with the same Jfew moon pany, limited. out discharging the balance of her cargo ..22 5 39 a.m. obstacle of the mines. quarter of the iasfc All and Stores. mittee Hotels, Clubs, stated that had to the Viceroy on the outbreak of war. that now form the nucleus of the stories it considered the financial year, there"*nas been a. much, TEMPERATURE IK THE SHADE PRICES FOR SAILERS question of closing IMMESSE Yesterday—Maximum, 64.8deg.; schools with bigger falling-off—£ll7,osß—in the earnminimum, My troops are yours and my personal retailed in America by |3erman agents. barque John 52.2deg.; mean, 58.5deg. There remains the Skaggerrack. We low attendances orseveral 'The w-11 known four-masted transferring the ings. The Tramway .Department's theory, The whole stalemate Bna, 2706 tons, and the ship Dunsyre, 205S tons, MARINE, yours," anything AND ACCIDENT services are he telegraphed in a and the have not heard about a mine- teachers to other positions, and made . FIRE, THOMSON, LEWIS AND CO.; -EAINFAtL year very high figures, sold last for figures, on the other hand, show a still which.were Total lorthe 24'hours preceding 9 a.m. to-toay INSURANCE. Some con- wowe position. The earnings decreased Wellington. second message."Do you want horses?" stopping-power of the German lines both field covering this area, and it is pos- certain recommendations. have again been sold at a very largo proßt, the 'Phone 2627A. siole that, being an international region, siderable discussion ensued. John Bna for £75,000, and the Dunsyre for —Nil. west, a third east and will be nested on was by £7850, while the working expenses ran this year It message. " I have 4000 Accepted at Lowest Rates. Total to date during the month—O.SOin. it has not been extensively mined by pointed out that in some ,650,000 Total rainfall for January—l.7Blii. instances where increased by £34,501. There was an inhere." The deeds of the Maharajah have a scale that will make the Sommeand the the British like the purely German zone it had been decided to close,schools it crease of 343,830passengerscarried on WIND proved as good as his words, and his BrusiloS offensiveslook puny. On the between the Frisian islands and the would not ba ascertained .MOERAKI FROMSYDNEY Velocity the wind tor tbe 24 hoars preced'that there the : railways t over the corresponding " The \JnionCompany has received a cable ing 0 a.m. of to-day—lo.B miles per hour case is bii't one out of hundreds. If effectof great military shock, coming on Danish coast. But it must be patrolled were other schools at hand at which the quarter last year, H. E. KEMPTHORNB, message stating that the Moeraki left Sydney which resulted in an, the children could be accommodated. All fully. Wellington divery These restrictions on pressure, depend BAROMETER of the top ingenuity ," at 1 p.m. on Thursday last for German can an economic win Manager. explanathe increased revenue of £12,333. The deWATSON'S WHISKY tion of this phenomenonfind submarine operations necessarily reduce speakers were agreed that rect. The'vessel is bringing 75 saloon and 36 Yesterday—9 a.m., 29.72 i of and tho fate of all of the'question result the war the crease revenue on the railways was passengers, cargo 750 lor in the hypnotism and tons ol steerage To-day—B a.m., 20.63; noon', 29.58 the effectivenessof the enemy's subOffioei LAMBTON-QUAY and GREYwas a big one. Eventually the therefore all in the carriage of merchanWellington.. (The Moeraki.'is due hero on or terrorism exercised ''by the British racial units to which referenceha-s been marine fleet, which is no doubt forced, to involved . NEW ZEALAND whole report was adopted. Monday morning WELLINGTON. ' dise, which showed a decrease of ■*.... STREET, tyrant upon the native rulers, what will made. If the enemy is defeated,Bel- some extent to. evade the hunters by s SYNOPSIS OF LAST24 HOURS £129,391..: For this big deficit the coal Slow progress has been mads of late strike" Atmospheric pressure has proved unsteady, gium) Servia, and Rumania will b* re- sneaking 'along the- narrow strip of neuit THE HINESTO-i to a case drawn be almost entirely opposite alleged YS O-liD say from the is to AND MELLOWand is 10-w in the South. West to toutli-west BRITISH AND MERCANwith the Otira Tunnel. The Otira cor- to tra-1 territorial waters, especially th& respondent to Wellington last winds, strong to gale,, The Hinemoa returned after end of the social and political scale ? After stored ; if the enemy wins, Dutch and 'Norwegian blame. The total mileage run by.the have prevailed. Clour!) TILE INSURANCE COMPANY, of the Greymouth Star says recharging the Strait coast. To extent.that evening train Cools what predominate many parts skies rain in oJ trains the three during with months was being twice imprisoned for sedition, Danish independence will hardly Lo trick is used in the face of Norway's that in the' bottom heading, Lie.,the adgar. reservoirs at Jackson Ilead and Karori the Dominion LONDON AND EDINBURGH. and -landing stores at The Brothers. The Stock, mili- strong and active opposition there'is no vanced part of the tunnel, the*progress 922,403 miles less than ia the same the Nationalist worth an old But until ths Tilak, leader, within a song. Wellington Monday to leave for vessel is on W-VA T'S WEATHKS of 1915. SubscribedCcpitaJ £4,500,000 the last few weeks has averaged quarter Stephen's Island, Okuri Point, and the Beef From observations tellcen at 9 a.n. month or two after his release from a taiy and'economic. Issue has been tried means of knowing; nor is there a-nv< u> for Paid-up Capital "SELF-STARTER" In Christctrarchthe general opinion is £2,437,500 about 20 feet per week. This seems Barrels, and is dua back in port about next fonr years' term, took/tho platform again right cut, the Entente's mission will dica.tion whether the Norwegians would something will have to be done with, Funds exceed that £23,900,000 poor compared : Thursday. Ther. with that tolerate a British invasion of their strip very progress REMINGTON. Station. 1 Wind Bar. in We'th'r MURRAY, ROBERTSAND CO.,LTD.! in his native town. The war which had be incomplete, and neither honour nor of sea to checkmate of about six months ago, when 50 feet expedition in the way of restricting purthe plan. .-. , Agents. ! V sbado chases of coal, as there is not- nearly THE PAIOOKA was nearer the average.-, nnHE "Self-starting" device is incor- just broken out gave- him a splendid interest will be satisfied. s The reason of 56 0 mHE UNITED INSURANCE CO., .»- porated in the new 1916 IMPROVED the slowness is the bad ground that is enough coal at present in stock to go Paloona is coming from Melbourne direct Cape Maria V.D.Sf b 25T92 and how^did "he use It? This ' chance, Wbr 2087 05 O JL As round, reports the Sun._ Somelegalised, Germany upon . Asto The Dunedin with passengers and general cargo. Russell LIMITED. has stated so. much producground requires ..„ I REMINGTON. Itletter-writing inoreases the met with. This the usual call at the Bluff is. to be omitted Hokiausja Heads SSW f b «9"89 83 CQ restriction is necessaryin order to cope the submarine campaign, it behoves her being by 30 per fanatic of freedom urged tho people to tion of your : to be heavily timbered,and the water is the vessel should reach Dunedin on Monday Kaipara Sig. Sto. STYf b 20'8fi 61 0Q WILL FIGHT IF arisen. Many to reduce the MR-E—MARINE—ACCIDENT. to utmost the naval cant., worthy give oppog m and is of the fullest investi- 3ink their differences and to ths rushing in as if a creek had been tapped. with the situation that has morning Mauukau. Heads S\V 2382 GO C v in'tha habit of sitiop to it. The difficulties Auckland SW 1 OD gation. 2983 85 / of, sinking There are still about 75 chains of solid people who have been Government every possible support. Wellington Branch: quarter-ton Tirltiri KWf b P in half buying 2988 f>B their coal or " a marine Remington quite Tha 1916 Model is the best whole merchant are great rock to "excavate PERSONAX . . Kawhia ..."" SW f b 207!) 64 the bottom Q B.N.S.W. CHAMBERS,324 LAMBTONThe presence of English rulers," said 'At a time when the greatest naval na- enough have been ordering by the truck. Typewriter that has ever been placed -1 without having hostile destroyers, headings of Otira between SW£ b 2876 0i B C and Bealey. About lots Mr. P. Ward has signed on the Pateena tn Taxvranga QUAY. a cruising is in and large supply kept tion has converted to This Teserve, public. finally Taupo Tilak, SW I "was from been , margin joined an 29T.8 61 OG beforethe desirable, even the on the of a vast mine- one mile seventy chains Will have to be -place of Mr. .W. Morris, who has. EDWARD C. ROWE, 2960 65, usual monthly small-lot orders con-s East Cape ' Wbr B point of view of Indian self-interest." oversea vessel as second engineer Manager. crucial land-war, ami the greatest land field "and snapping up every groping lined before the tunnel is completed. the running ont Wbr 2961 68 B Stocks Captain B. B. Irwin has resumed' command Gisborne._ tinued. are.'fast Napier ._ NWm'g 2062 66 0 & RONEO German'liberty'may well despair of a Power to a deadly sea-war (with sub- U-boat. Noinspired doubt.this is the argument A most interesting story of a Christ- Someof the small men's yards are almost of the Pateena in. place of Captain J. Thom2!)'62 CasUsDoint SW 1 67 O which has the American foreson, AGENCY OF N.Z., Cape Palliser Wbv land where even those who preached marines)—at a time when, as Mr. Bonar cast of another great naval the Western front to the "depleted, and there-seems nothing: for 29'6S 60 O Mr. E. Qtrinlan, chief signalman for the WelMAIL NOTICES battle in the mas partyof on Cape Egmont SW £ b 2974 64 B in such Wellington. lington Harbour Board, has resumed duties af20, BRANDON-STREET, sedition the. Law we are at "the crisis of some of our Allies is fur- it but going out of business ignore before war can thus says, very North Sea*. Patc-a, Wf 65 Britain's enormous fleet of children b 2U70 B ter two weeks' holiday by Sergt.-Ma.jor nished GhaiieaCimino, case's.' The small man is hampered, too, Telephone patrol Wanganui Wlb ' 2970 Co 2948. vessels cannot be chased off by EC the blessings which Kultur is preparing onr,fate" —it seems rather heartless for Subject to necesaaTy alterations mails will Mr. Bell, second officer of the Kowhai, has Foston „ to by heavy the book. debts he has carry. formerly,of.Wellington, NWbr 2970 64 B a letter to Ms been temporarily appointed chiefofficer of that Wellington close at the Chief Post Office as under:— for them. On the other hand, the atti- America to joke; but one of the mes- a, mere excursion of German destroyera. mother at . Eastbourne. in.After BO 1 65 For VVanganui, New Plymouth; also Hanavessel, while Mr. Stephens, late third officer of Cape Campbell... N " 2963 describ- There is. a movement on foot to initiate firefcto last, destroyer actions have N1 29'Cl 00 B the Maori, has signed on the same vessel as ANSWERb TO COEKESPOIfDEOTS. of India has had a. striking efi'ect sagescabled from Washington to-day is From Kangitikei, and Taranaki Districts,pei ing how the New Zealand Division sot a purely cash business for all dealers watu, tude Spit " Farewell b been distinctly Wf 29'«8 65 B won by the British, ex- up a- concert and variety party, , Manawatu train (Tuorndon Station), daily, al second officer sections of the community, and Westport ...SI 29'C9 52 OP "K.B.G."—The subject is.a very contentions upon other parts of the Empire, which certainly more like the work of an cept in the case. which itand.all 7,30 a.m.; mail van, 5.20 a.m. Mr. T. Eaddy, late of the Kahu, has joined ! Greymoath of a few. night raids gave a concert on Christmas S 1 O ia likely'that, this will be brought into 2970 60 one. "We aro unable to furnishyou with the Germans believed to be equallyready American humourist than of a serious where " dash In and an oversea vessel now in port as fourth officer Bealey For Wanganui; also Manawatu and Eangi > fio get home again". the winter. As showingthe any , br 29T.2 B information of a reliable nature. at force before length j he writes about the Captain S. Crawshaw, of tac Union Com- Ohristchurch ._ SW per (Thorndon tikei Districts, Manawatu train Notcome -">■ "The has been tho rule, and even then the events of the following day, as follows: difficulty of obtaining. adequate supplies, pany's shore staff at Sydney, will return to : Akaim L.H. ._ S 1 Station),.daily, 3.15 p.m. ""—You are at liberty to search our to renounce the tyrannous restraints oE observer of the -world-tragedy. 29"62 58 O. costly For Wairarapa District, per Wairarapa train flies for September. raids have been Sydney from Auckland tbis -week, after haviuft.Timara „ to the merchant told a Sun reporter that, ... Ei-b 2951 -57 BO British enemy. —"The New one rule. The Dominions,whose in- United States,"says the message,"will Zealand Division had debrought the Kurow across from Newcastle (Lambton Station), daily, 6.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. "X.M."—We havo no information'on [ Oamaru N 1 2f1"40 58 O the ques- terests cided to' give'a Christmas tree to the he had been able to get only three trucks Captain Vint, who came from Sydney, on .' often clashed with those of not fight unless an American ship is yon raise. 29-51 61 Hawkes Bay District, per have Dunedin ..SWbr OP 'I For Napier and tion Ist. December. '.'. In sincO: only |pf Westport Monday, gone has South for The dear little children of the who (Tuorndon Station), daily, district, Manawatutrain is »: serious fleet the Manuka on Calm 2903 5B OR 8.20 Queenstown India, and which once looked askance proved to, have been deliberately tor- action; half alternative aye ordinary coarse of events he would orders Nugffßts ' | a.m. and 5.15 p.m. SW br 2948 46 E likely only to have suffered so much during the past the measures coal at the rate of upon her, can see that the arguments pedoed in circumstances admitting no leave Germany laying For Auckland and District; also New Flyhave been in Bluif ■■■' ... S^y br 'SiVi 48 P two this afternoon, years, and, on the ivorse off ..than ever. But mouth, Wanganui, and Napier, per Main At the last meeting of the Lrttelton Harbour which the war has supplied for the im- extenuation. No American ships are a naval battle is not to be lightly under- orchestral pit was packed. from end to about a trnck a day in crder .to prepare Wind—t, light; br, breeze;fb, fresh breeze; Trunk train (Thorndon Station), daily, 12.20 from four firemen Board letters were receivedseventeen the g, or for winter trade.. piled high g, gale; heavy gale; moderate whole with toys of all dep.m.; Chief Post Office, 12.35 p.m.; late-fee provement of their status in the Empire now on the. high seas. The crisis is taken, by Germany, for it might bo end. and employees m gale of the dredge Canterbury, of exceptional Beveri.ty on reclamation works, and eleven members of w, Weather—B, blue sky, be the atmosphere letter-box, Thorndon Railway Station, 1.5 p.m. disastrous.' She has in her favour, per- scription. General Russell,.I believo, After a retirement 'of four bo-nrs ati . For Palnierston are now equally available for India also. petering out." Once there was a time haps, North, Napier, Wanganui, Hie wharf construction An increase in clear new minefields,certainly a gifted them himself, and a live Daddy the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon heavy; same C, clouds; D, passing per or and Auckland every clouds, i Auckland^ case, and the matter They accordingly rejoice thai India's when the Notes suggested that the big fleet of "wages was asked tn District, Second rain; F, foggy; G, gloomy, dark i Main Trunk train (Thorndon. Station), daily submarines,and probably Christmas,new to French kiddies,stroll- the jury in the charge of indecent assauiv was referred to the Harbour Improvement Com- drizzling service in the field is being recognised United Stateswould fight if an Ameri- some new tactics suited to her inferiority, ed in, covered with sriowflakes,and,'with against Edmond Gilligaa failed to agree* H, hail; L, lightning; M, misty; O, I (except Saturdays). 8 p.m.; late-fee. 8.15 p.m. mittee. I* was suggested that a war bonus weather; overcast, the whole sky, covered with thick aid of our boys., distributed toys to Mr. Justice Chapman asked Dh«%t to SATURDAY, of 12J per cent, bo granted to those1-earning 10thFEBRUARY FEBRUARY 1917. of SATURDAY, representation strength10, for the first time can citizen was illegally killed. The fleet None ; the Jess,and theexcited by her passing showers; Q, squally; R, rain, less than £3 a week, and a. favourable decision clouds; P, rain; S, snow; T, thunder; U, nglv, For Southern Offices of New Zealand, per as a crowd of juveniles as it has consideration jk> the matter, continued at an Imperial Conference, ■was arrived at , and they en- Washington messagenow says"No." If the indecisive battle of Jutland notwith- been my lot to see. A French officer give furtherlater Mararoa, 0.15 p.m. threatening appearance; Z; hazy standing, she must hesitate to throw her a little a verdict of not guilty For Blenheim, Havelock, and Picton, via Viceroy dorse that touching all the a address to the children, and /said in the so, it does not matter whether the Te- whole navy into jeopardy in support of gave returned. was Blenheim, per Wairau, 7.45 p.m. during the course of which he said, that speech reporteji yesterday. MONDAY, 13th FKBRUARY INDIA'S SPLENDID . remarkable cent report of the killing of the Ameri- her present unlawful sea-campaign. &t they had.sufferedmuch and must suffer "Our firm is paying £50 per Treelfc DAVID ANDERSON AND For Picton, Havelock, Blenheim, French Pass, "The conference/ said Lord Chelmsbest the prophecy, of. naval .warfare is can negro sailor by the super-frightful a' thankless still more, but that happy days would more for meat now than it did before the and Nelson; also the undermentioned buys LOYALTY chapter in India's task; and we have always certainly break in the future. The or- war," stated a witness .before the MiliPictou), Briglitlands, SON, Elsie at ford, "mai'ked a new liuhver, (per 7 is true not. the "t*-<j as*-*-' Hun or However, to remember that in the immediate sense ServiceBoard yesterday, hi onflining Bey, Bay, Crail Elaine Hikoekoea, Homehistory. He was confident that they under Lieut : Kenny, gave "The tary disabilities mEA MERCHANTS AND FAMILY States will fight—presumably— battles .nowadays take place at sea at chestra, under which the trade wood, Hqpai, Yncyca Bay, Manaroa, MaMarseillaise, and a chorus of school [ the Tho reader of M. Emile Hovelaque's (India's representatives) would establish United JL GROCERS, hau, Maori Bay. Nydia Bay, Okoha, Pinohia, working the choice of the of was at the present titn'e. weaker, hoc the children then sang three. verses, ■ in if an American ship is torpedoed, proPohuenui Port Ligar, St. Omer. Tamure. Te i book 69-75,MOLESWORTH-STREET. on The Deeper. Causesof the India's claim to retain at the Council vided (1) that the torpedoing was done stronger navy. The strategic power of French, of "The King." In a letter to the Editor of The Post, Rawa, The Portage, Te Puru, lira Ora, WaiA most interestTelephone 331. forcing a, battle may, and probably does, hohonu, Wakataliuri, and Whatahihi, per Wai 1," -which Sir Walter- Baleigh has of the Empire the place won by the of the programme was a. a correspondent, "B.", wggeste thai deliberately; (2) that the circumstances lie ultimately with the stronger force; ing portionIjund Pateena, 11.50 a.m. by Captain something Cleary of ton should be done for the widow the truest and most il- loyalty of the people and the gallantry For Rarotpnga and Tahiti, Norfolk Island, described as but the choice of the hour and the place sleight (Bishop Cleary), who, owing to his ex- of Captain Mackintosh, who died heroiCAN BE LEFT ALONE. New Hebrides Islands, Solomon Islands, and luminative statement anywhere to be of her. soldiers." DRINK The hope expressed admit of "no extenuation." Another ob- liea with the Germansin this instance. per p.m. i MainTrunk Train, that tho lives of sick companions | requirement cally NAPIER woman writes: "Your Banks Islands, 12.20 cellent French, was completely at home to this proposition is For Kaikoura, per' Wakatu, 4.20 p.m. found of the causes which have im- by General Sir Francis Youughusband, vious I with his juvenile audience. .". .At the might be saved. Drinko Powders are doing splendidi that there must be American ships on Nelson, Reef ton, and Westport, per /For already. blessingthey lengthens, What a. are. "that as ] tempest likely present century work of war," is the FORECAST chained this In selecting furnitarß for your home Correspondents are groping vainly to /finish of the entertainment the children Kaitoa. 1.20 p.m. Please send a further supply." Booklet to-day the following forecast At 9 waa For Soutfiern Offices of New Zealand; also to receive a severe shock.. if he opens we shall be able to regard India less and the high seas; and the messagesays find out America's real intentions as to presented General Russell with an ad- there is distinct advantage in purchasing desoribing this wonderful cure for drink issued fora.m. Greymouth, Hokitika, and Eeefton, per Maori, the subsequent 24 hours: that there is none. Also, it is within actual warfare with Germany; and "she dress. I am glad it fell to my lot to wit- at Edward_Collie's, Jutd ,* 167, li-iddifordanxiety, and and Can. it such the less as an envelope. following: Winds—Westerly strong gale p.m. to at 6.15 at a passageas appanage winds, habit, poat- free, in sealed will aiid "she won't" seem to have nesssuch ascene as the above. The dear old street. \vo aw mqunfactrunsrs, and; TUESDAY, 13th FEBRUARY be given secretly. State if Mr., Mrs., or times, and changing to southerly all England's possessions India is more and more as a trusted support and the power of a. prudent Washington about' equal backing. Anxiously enough, kiddies were wild with the e-xciteraent ■consequently^we can save you the ordinBarometer—Unsteady, but rise everywhere I For Picton, Havelock, Blenheim. Nelson, "Of Manager, Drinko Proprieto Mists. LadyLambton-quay, Greymouth, Hokitika, and Eeefton, after about ten to 16 hours most important, and none inspires her i bulwark of the Empire," is being rapidly Government prevent any more Ameriof a most unusual their unsetWestport, the some to reevent in Wellington. speculation sources of seero ary retailer's profits. .in inspectioa tary, 212E, / Seas—Heavy between Castlepoint and Kaialso the Bays, per Elsie at Havelock, per with greater pride. None i can ships reaching the high seas. A"fter gard the aetvial scandalous sinking of a tled lives; for you must know that all places yon uuder no obligation.—Advt. more fully fulfilled. kourn; considerable on all the western coast; Mapourika, 11.20 a.m. about, this occurred within three miles of high .MAKES COAL GO FARTHER! the C available to the only ship possible per that, as the only cause that will Everybody is delighted u-Hh Desert rough elsewhere For Southern Offices of New Zealand, reveals the fundamental weakness of Tides—High on the west coast of the North Moeraki, 4.20 p.m. precipitate a declaration,quite regardless the firing line, where they and 'their Gold Tea at 2s. Those who want tho is doing "in I Island That a handful of THE EUROPEAN WAR-MAP United Stateswill be struck on the Pre- of nriHAT'S what .."Saveo" and southward of Castlepoint; good For Southern Offices of New Zealand, per the Empire. carry on as best they can their host use ifc; economical people will have the cumulative, effect of German parents " typewriter; grand elsewhere sident's and with this -1L hundreds of homes orevery day.willOne civilian Turawera, 4.20 p.m. duties." clerks directing' a few. regiments of solno other.—Advt. past, present, and future,;whether go Warning signals for southerly gales will be For.'Nelson, French Pass, and Havelock, per coke, slack shovelfnl of coal, finale the author *of the Washington crimes, exhibited at Cape Maria Van Diemen, Tiritiri, Nikau, 4.20 diers were thus able to subdue " a condirectly or. only indirectly offensive to Subscriptions in aid of the Returned Travellers recommend our baggaya By the conquest of , nearly all Ruas far as two if "Saveo" is added.-Makes Cape, Castlepoint, Cape Campbell, Stephen For Southern Offices of New Zealand, per be entirely Apropos point, seems to content. the States. of this fcbj message United Club at brighter, cleaner fires. Do not overlook "East Soldiers' were invite's Master cheating system. Wa collect, check, detinent, that a thousand officials should mania, straightening his line between Island, Farewell Spit, Cape Foulwind, and Nug- Mararoa, G. 15 p.m. we may quote from the New York Tri- Plumbers' sooial lasi evening, and the liver ,it once. The "New this economy; get a sixpenny packet of get I'oint Zealand Express suffice to rule and exploit 300,000,000the Baltic and the Black Sea,the enemy THURSDAY, 15th FEBRUARY all Grocers and IronWeather—Unsettled and squally, with heavy to-day. recently expressed At bune, which* itself amount 2s Co., Ltd., 87-Sl, Customhouse-quay.— of £21 was collected. "Savco' For Austtaliau States, 3.30 p.m. shows the easiness of claims his fourth prize amongthe- small ehoot at Morri- upon the strange fatality of. Germany's ". , clearly monthly artillery mongers, or write to Box 655,Wellington. rain following generally natives, The Advt. D. C. BATES. It is annoaneed by Kirkcaldio and tFri<ter): aad Kafcn'duy will Mails for United Kingdom, America, and all their task, and the fragility of the fabric independentStates of the European Con- son's Bush took place yesterday, the ex- course of action in Belgium. ; "The turner, that their great Summer boTomorrow and ponents on this occasion being the :22nd whole world," it says, "is weary of Stiiins, Ltd., winding-up of tbs most successful, oversea countries, except Australia, will be they have raised on a hasty nibble of tha only tinent. The other three, it is. almost Artillery Reinforcements. Goodpractice this war, Sale has despatched from time to time by best route one more week to go. Barristers aud Solicitors. BRAZING LAMPS. there seems a Hundreds to date of 0. Smith, Ltd., Cubaof last-week bargains are, pub- sale Iwithout special notification. insecure foundations. On the needless to recall, ai'o Belgium, Sevvia, was flfcnewith the 18-potmders at ranges chance thatbutthe-whenever Sums up to £2000, at 5£ per cent., Final clearances uro being -raado weariness may lead to lished in pages | Correspondence for all neutral countries is 12 and 13 of this paper. street. awaiting immediate investment, also ;md loyalty rajahs Engof natives in Montenegro. targets departments, censorship. the and To of 3300 and 3750 the Germans all yards, being peace, something Belgium subject saythat, however, do in remnants o£ 219, Lambtonmoney on chattels. Apply SHIPMENT just arrived; all sizes, I Mails tofor Jlnrotonga, and Tahiti close at land Turn to these two full pages now. cotton and wool, dressand goods, silks, etc., Exlonger bespattered shrapnel. produces no do not well with which instant revulsion-of rely. They can is not to list of an ; nearly quay (next Union Bank). Telephone 700. February, exhaust the enemy -Advt '. : . Prices from 20s upwards. at 8.45 will o.; hal£-pnoo. Thore yjiU. ' Auckland on Tuesday, 13th be offered shooting willingness feeling was also done with the and a to sco the war realise the sterling benefits of English conquests amongthe racial units that cellent a.m. also be a clcaivup in the UndorelotluDif 4.5-inch howitzer, the shells landing to Lend, from £10 to £500, Mails for Norfolk Island, New Hebrides Ison until such brutisliness as the Ger- Splendid variety in good material Department. All oddment will bo cloarPoli. upon Furniture, Poland, nicely on the target. ; Capt. Beadley, go Pianos. Life lands Solomon Islands, and Banks Islands rule, and her material power exercises surround the CentralEmpires. manifest is finally crushed." There striped negligee Shirts. Woll-inade shirts ed. These final mans interest; Tuesday, February, 13th offois will be the enipe at Auckland on cies, Shares, etc.; reasonable M'LEAN & ARCHIBALD, close no prestige over their imaginations. Lithuania, and Courla'nAwere not inde- Artillery Instructor, js ki c]UH'SB of 4)xp is no need to quote instances,of which at 3s lid, 4s 6d, 5s 6d at llcp. Fowlds, cf the sdle. Don't at 2,45 P.m. mies thie golden opApply THOMAS e»sy Tepsymenta. opera,tioas,_, .ships . -the,B.eMan.relief Jbtii.MPimex&atieet..— Advt.j .;., . No,,.single, real -benejU^g^ajy^kind^rg;. Advt, 89, .WJLLIfcSTREEZ; MCHARDSQN,.^.IaWiUifcsfc: JS.<>hM&~ (ONITSD PRESS ASSOCIATION.—'JOPYMGHT.) ■ ' % ' J ■ ■ ■ - ■ - ■ . ■ , " " ■ ■ - " " - "i ■ A J G..-& ' 1 ...... .... " new " . ■ | ' . N NORTH "■ ' - _ .. .. .. .. ...... ... ... ...... .... .. .. . . .. i i 1 - " REMINGTON" 1 '" ■ — —■ .-* Ctetteg -Past ■ ■ 1' " " ■ A — .. - albk" . . A MONEY ■ .. ■ THE EVENINGr^OST, SKTTTBMY. FEBHUABT~I!O /1917. " get 6O;00Qwomen, the equivalent of 35,000 men. It might be necessaryto ration animals so as to *save'food" foi'; CONCENTRATIONS ON- ■human beings. WEST FRONT. Tlio Berliner Zeitung saysthat British cruisers-or destroyers are' escorting all-ships entering.the danger zoue. Zeitung saysthat elaborate British patrols'liave-been-estauTlio-V-ossischo ' v lished. GREAT BATTLE IN NORTH SEA EXPECTED ON SERVICE NEW ZEAkANDERS'ABROADi HUGE CREDIT VOTE :i(AUSIBAHAK-NSW ZEALAND CAHLE ASSOCIATION.) THE RIVAL NAVIES 5 GERMAN FORCES . CRISIS PETRING OUT # AMSTERDAM, Bth February. Frontier correspondents report thatth6 Germansare concentrating an enormous amount of artillery in Northern France. of troops are arriving "Fresh contingents in. Flanders, mostly infantry from the old reserve classes. SOME-'PERSONAL "NOTES .WAR- ESTIMATES EXCEEDED. CAUS. AND-N.Z. CABI.B ASSN. AND nEurßll.) (Received February 10, 9.30 a.m.) J386, and the balajice*-<A the- sum wass , ■spent in tobacco. As 'an evidence of the good conduct of New Zealandsoldiers in England, tho lion, secretary of the Soldiers' Club in Russell-square, Mr. R. H. Nolan, states ■that although 24,235 beds, have been booked at the hostel since it was opened, only one occupant lias been arrested for misconduct at the club; THE BALLOT CALL MILITARY SERVICE- APPEALS . (*ROa OUlt- OWN COIiitBSeOHDENT.) MISCELLANEOUS CASES LONDON, 29th December. The Ihinl Wellington Military <SerV LONDON, 9th February.' been several changes recentEAST vice Board continued its sitting to-day, There^have vote to be asked for on Monday is for £550,000,000,of which ly in the personnel of H.M.S. New Zeain the Parliamentary Library wing, The! AFRICA WASHINGTON, 9th"February. is needed for war purposes land, the most interesting of these being Officialsin close touch with the British Embassy believe that there is no ALSACE ROBBED OF FOOD £200,000,000 board comprised Messrs. W. H. S. Mooin to thethe,end of March, making the total the appointment of the.Rev. R. P. Hodquestion that the German fleet will shortly come cvtL and that a great battle house,A. Considine,and M. J. Mack.. for financial year £1,950,000,000,son will occur-in the North Sea. x M.A., to be acting-temporary chap- BRITISH PRISONERS TORTURED Captain Percy in excess of Mr. STOCKS REMOVE© TO GERMANY. which is £350,000,000 Baldwin was-the 'Military;;! lain. Mr. W. C. B Rich becomes actingM'Kenna's Budget estimate. Eepresentative. , PARIS, Bth February. i; gunner and Mr. H. Carter actingBRUTAL DEGRADATION. NOT A RESERVIST, The population of Alaace is hungerRIGHTS OF SMALL NATIONS boatswain. stricken. All foodstuffs have been re■Osborn Lawrence Bose,builder, Rail-* SUBMARINES' VICTIMS AMERICAN' AMBASSADOR moved to the interior of Germany. The many friends of Captain E. T. Reuters Agency with chs way Hotel, Wellington, for whom .Mr., '■NATIONALIST PARTY AND HOME. R. Carlyon, of tbs SherwoodForesters, arrival in England states'that, in December of the Baruett 'appeared, appealed on the ground*', MR, GERARD LEAVING BERLIN. RULE. will SIXTEEN SUNK ON be that glad ' SHIPS to hear he is one of ■ /. RUMANIAN CAMPAIGN the fortunate Swit- j first Englishmen arid Englishwomen who that he\was over age. He produced a;j THURSDAY (ACSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) zerland from Germany for exchange. have been prisoners of the Germansin birth certificate showing that he ;Wasj{ (Received February 10, 9.15 a.m.) i Captain Carlyon was missing in Febru- j East Africa since the outbreak of war, born on 20th March, 1870. The appeal GALATZ OUT OF. DANGER. LONDON, 9fchFebruary. NEW YORK, 9th February. INCLUDING AN AMERICAN At a meeting of the Irish Nationalist ary this year, and was supposed to have and who were released when A United Press Agency messagefrom the Bel- ! was -allowed accordingly. February Party, (Received SCHOONER. it was decided that Mr. Redmond been a.m;) 10, 9.30 killed, but some time later he was j Berlin states that a special train will A GOOD RECORD. should ask for an early opportunity of discovered to have been taken prisoner gians captured Tabora, a picture in PETROGRAD, 9th February. probably leave Berlin to-morrow for by the Germans,in a critical condition, proper perspective is available of the George Meredith Wright, flaundryman.'j The Nord et Sud agency states that discussing Mr. O'Connor's ..motion: (AU3TRAUAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) Berne,carrying Mr. Gerard and Jlis staff, "That for the purpose of strengthening having^ lost an eye and suffered great terrible treatment meted out to them by at the Wellington Hospital, appealed ova the recent Russian successes, resultino- the the Consuls,and ether Americans. LONDON, Bth Febmary hands of the Allies, and achieving hardship from exposure in the snow, the interests and for in the enemy's withdrawal from Braila the recognition Germans. Hitherto (says the Lon- the ground of ; public of the equal rights of the where he had been lying for more than WASHINGTON, 9th February. reasons. He stated that he lived [ Sixteen vessels were reported to have placed Galatz out of and Focsany, have Daily Telegraph), owing to the ab- family don ' small Germa,n Department against prinday The State has been nations the a before with picked not he wns his father, a. widower, nearly 701' up. His been sunk by submarines. to-day. These ■ ciple military domination, and govern- parents live in Hastings, Hawkes advised whether Mr. Gerardhas received danger. Bay. | sence of much information on the! sub- years of'age. He had four ''brothers* One of Germany's latest ruses is to ment ofwithout the include the Swedish' vessel Varing (2107 liis passports, and has sent enquiries consent of the to leave candles in abandoned trenches and the fact- that. communication three of whom were with the forces! ThegovWELLINGTON MAN EARNS : ject, it is essential to confer uponlre- , tons), the British Vedamora (6330 tons), Berlin. for" with the Germancolony was impossible, remaining brother was not eligible had), explode when half-burnt. Many erned, DISTINCTION. land Home Rule without delay." Governmentofficials express the for- which military service. Appellant himself and Saxonian (4855 tons). The unsuspecting Russians have suffered there was a feeling in England tliat, on been A hope,. if war is averted, that when through Wellington boy rejected lorn who has distinin but from the: February camp, (Received a.m.) 9 was 10, schooner Charles it. Schull (884 tons) this. guished himself in the British Army is the whole,.the Germans in East Africa, 18th Reinforcements on -. account off' Count Bernstorff reaches Berlin lie may MELBOURNE, This Day. had accorded better treatment to their medical unfitness. Last Monday he was? left a port in the Gulf of Mexico for assuagethe Kaiser. In the Senate, SenatorHenderson gave Captain J. F.,8. Stevenson, son of Mr. captives the case passed as fit by the Medical Board. Stevenson,' of the Hansard staff. elsewhere.thanItwas known to be doubtless Rotterdam, and was sunk west of TorBULGARIANS TIRED OF notice of motion that a petition be pre- ■J. is true that, Captain ' Stevenson i s The appeal was dismissed. The Chairboy an old of Weltugas ( ?Portugal) on Sunday. sented to the King expressing the hope lington reprisals, fearing tho Germans became man, commented WAR {By Telegraph,—United Press Association.—Copyright.}, and a student of Victoria. GERMAN ADVANCES that the family had*, that a measure of Home Rule: be granted , College.College and even friendly towards the done exceedingly well, Somesmall trawlers were also sunk. considerate, He left New but in appellant's, Zealand with the Association.) (Australian-New Zealand Cable -to Ireland. change only The" British 'steamer Turino (4241 but this of attitude end, Body trooper Main case no undue hardship had been prqv-A as a in the Wel; TROOPS ONLY IN THE DOBRUDJA, " .ON BEHALF OF GERMANtons), the Macarena (Spanish, 1122 tons), came about as the Belgians were at the lington Mounted Rifles, and WASHINGTON, 9th February. was ' two Grimsby trawlers have beenUntil then, AMERICANS. "'■ !■ nominated for an Imperial commission point of reaching Tabora. SERVED IN'SAMOA. (AXIS. AND N.Z. CABLE ASSN. AND EEDTEB.) In spite of theoutrage on the California, the sinking of other vessels,and and early in 1915. He was appointed to the- the record of the degradation to which " An advertising agent, sunk. All the crews w-ere saved. , LONDON, 9th February. Edwaid Oscar? English university men, wealthy planters, tha Gerardincident, it is believed that President Wilson, while of opinion that .(BEHTER'S TELEGRAM.) Lancashire Fusiliers, and served with military prisoners, and others were sub- Withers, claimed that he had already; Wireless per Admiralty Press.—An FRONT war is not far off, will await the clearest breach of international law, so as-to ; the famous29tlt Division through Galli- jected, SAVING THE CREWS Italian semi-official messagestates: The done service with the -Expeditionary/ LONDON, 9th February. and the horrible experiences of Force poli, being both at Helles and Suvla, He secure an indisputable issue. The GermanForeign Office'asked Mr. opposition, in the Bulgarian Sobranje, at Samoa. He was discharged oa ladies, is as revolting as any in his return, has been in France for some time, and English (AM. AND N.Z. CABLE AfISN. AND REUTER.) (Received February 10, 8.20 a,m.) Gerard to sign a proposal affirming the with the view to reducing the Bul- V at his own request. While, the history of German "Kultur." GRIM SALUTE FROM BRITISH was Military awarded the Crossfor his garian and activities in the war, (Received February guaranteeing ;9tli treaties nine months' is increasAmong those who returned home a few away he had an. attack, of feVer, but WASHINGTON, 10, 9.30 a.m.) February, conduct a in raid on the enemytrenches -had now been classed as fit. Appellant protection before internment to Teutons ingly active. Troops were recently withLONDON, 9th February. Ypres.. Captain Stevenson is now on days ago:is the Rev. E. F. Spanton, had lived at home with' his widowedThe Ueited Stateswill not fight unless it is proved that an American ship drawn from Bucharest,and only remain I SALVOS FROM ALL CALIBRES at Principal of St. Andrew's College, ZanziThe Norwegian sailer Songelv (2063 in America. 1 has been deliberately torpedoed in circumstances admitting of no extenuation. SEND MISSILES INTO GERMAN ! short in London. mother—his father had died since hisDobrudja. referring Mr. Gerard Herr in the German pressure been sunk. declined, to who was on tour of intons) has The survivors state a school Captain E. H. Rawson, who had a bar, ' LINES. from Samoa—and another brother, As there are no American ships now on the high seas, the crisis is petering that a German submarine captured an Zimmerman tjo Spanish, bind Swedish combat this attitude is without result. in. the German colony on tht> return aged 18, who also served at Samoa. Becommission in the New Zealand Dental spection intermediaries. that Bulgarians Austria also desired the outbreak of war. After their release placed "unknown Italian vessel and a Corps, and who to fore he before the Medical Boardrecently The arrival of 1917 weltransferred -went ' was should participate on the Italian front. he and Ms companions had to undertake he prize crew on board, who painted out LONDON, Bth February. Army, is now 2nd lieu- a hard journey, assumed that he would be passecf ; involving a walk of 300 The proposition produced a tumult in comed on. the Western front by the Imperial It isrreported from Vienna that conferencesbetween the Austrian Foreign her name and navigated the vessel until AMERICANS IN GERMANY accordingly in invested his Royal Artillery. tenant the Field as and he to Mwanza, on Lake Victoria, by unfit, the Sobranje, the session ending with the British and French soldiers Corporal Q. d. Harle (Milburn, miles route Officeand the United StatesAmbassador continue,in thehope of preventing a the submarine sank the Turino,. Tollingin an advertising business. :S.& an indescribable scuffle. they reached British terri- savings ' side, and Songelv, the crews of which as a beginning of the end of the Otago), who began his service in a field which THEIR FUTURE NOT asked for at least three rupture. Thus far there has been no definiteresult. The effort to delay the months in order* tory, a journey the arduous character of were transferredto the Italian veesel. great world war, saysa despatch from a ambulance,and was afterwards trans- which was accentuated by the condition to train a man to take his place. GUARANTEED. rupture is" based on' the fact that the submarine piracy has been carried on unLater they were transferred to the Mr. Considinestated that,; considering correspondent with the British armies ferred-to the ranks of the Rifle Brigade, of the travellers after two and a-half NEW FRENCH shipping t here is little American in the Mcdi/ THE EFFORT British, flag. der the German Moreover, steamer Penmount and landed. {AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALANDCABLE ASSOCIATION.) in France. There may be varying views was awarded the Military Medal in years of German captivity. In an the service appellant had done, he wass ' ; ■torianean. ! and theories as to how the end is to October,.and has now a commission in interview with Reuters representative, entitled to the time he asked. LONDON, Bth February. «" THE LARS KRUSE MOBILISING ALL LABOUR. be brought about, but there is no ques- the King's Royal Rifle Corps. The board dismissed the xappeal, leav«^ TheAmerican Embassy in London estiMr. Spanton said: tion that throughout the British army Mr. A. N. Field, who was a private mates that there are 2600 Americans re"The real point is that the Germans being granted till 28th Anjil, 1917. ■■';. :' (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) there is conviction that next twelve in the New Zealand Rifle Brigade, and from siding Germany. in The GermanGoverna the first theiv best STORY, destroy SOLE SURVIVOR'S did to A MEDICAL STUDENT, USE MEXICO GERMANY PARIS, Bth February. months will bring a victorious peace to was'wounded at Armentieres,was'recent- Britishthe ment continues to treat American jourThey were brutal and George Edwin .Waterworth, medicnlij The French Minister of .Commercehas the Allies. ly discharged from the New Zealand Ex- cruel inprestige. properly, prosecution nalists but has announced that the of a deliberate student, now in his fourth year, statedjj (PUBLISHED IN THE HUES.) Opinion amongthe British and French peditkmaa-y Force as unfit for further policy, guarantees can not be giv.en for the. introduced a Bill in the Senatefor the this end. They made mobilising of all males from sixteen to fighters as to how the war will end is service. He is now gazetted an. assistant civiliantoand military prisoners do both' LONDON, Bth February. future. the that he was studying at Dunedin, He'j TO STRIKE AT UNITED STATES engineer Belgian chief of the who will be called on for milidivided into two schools. The seventy, paymaster The one bein the R.N.V.R. Mr. Field lowest kind of work in order that, they appealed on the ground of public, in-«j , ■reliefship Lars Kruse (sunk by the Ger-,' J tary or civil duties unless physically lievos that Germany will be willing to was a well-known journalist in Welling- might lose caste before the Africans. terest. GERMAN INTERESTS It was decided' that the appeahskould| mans) has arrived at Copenhagen, the unfit. It is understood that workers will grant extreme, concessions, and the other ton. For great distances,'throughout Africa (Received February 10, 8.30 a.m.) enquiries. \ sols survivor of a crew of eighteen. He s tand for further .'; j only be fully called up in the event of that only military pressure will bring over passed Private C. H. of the the that GerWright, '23/1921, news was we were NEW YORK, 9th .February. says that the vessel was not warned, TAKEN OVER BY SWITZERLAND volunteers being insufficient.The salaries the fruits of victory. Both schools are, Auckland Infantry, has been granted his man slaves. This was drummed into A CASE ADJOURNED.* ': The Providence Journal,says -that Germany will strike at the United and sank in a rough sea. The captain, will be the same as for non-requisition- however, agreed that this is the decisive discharge from the New Zealand Expedi- the people on every opportunity, and by John Charles Statesthrough Mexico. (KEUTEK'S TELEGRAM.) Tew, linotype operator^ knowing not of Germany's decree, ened civilian labour.,; year. Force to take up a commission all kinds of propaganda, and even the tionary declares has information that Count Bernstorff appealed The Journal that it smug- tered the danger zone. on iha? On most sectors of the British front in the R.N.R. BERNE, Bth February. native Germansoldiers referred to us as 53, Coi'omandel-street, gled three hundred officers,some of whom were formerly aboard the interned the new year made its bow with little Switzerlandhas agreed to take charge Bombardier Fitter 4D. J. Aitken, slaves. Carrying out their plan of putting ground of undue 'hardship. He asked!, liners, to Mexico City, and that a party of filibusters(freebooters) shipped large for an extension of time on account of' So flares and vookots of German interests in the United States. BRITAIN'S MAN POWER ceremony. many discharged they actually 2/1534, been from ■white under black, set both THE CALIFORNIA quantities of arms and-ammunition from New York.. are sent up from the trenches on\ these N.Z.E-.F., to take a commission in the illness of his mother. Tha^ the civilian and service prisoners to work,as the severe" adjourned sine long, dark, winter, nights that it was in\- Royal casts was die, appellant^ Naval Reserve. labourers to native masons. ATTACKED BY TWO SUBMARINES. DEFENCES OF NEW YORK COMBING OUT PUBLIC SERVICES. possible to sayhow manyof these on Sun-' Lance-Corporal D. M. Gilray, to have exemption from 'duty in thai, 11/266, " JEERING NATIVES; " day night were in honour of 1917. There Wellington Mounted meantime. ' .! (AUS. AND N.Z. CABLE ASSN. AND KEDTEtt.) Rifles, has been dissector, is one "Their treatment of.lndian officerswho however,where the British (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) [ SIEGE GUNSBROUGHT A BUSINESS MAWS APPEAL. SPAIN'S ATTITUDE artillery followed the practice adopted charged from the N.Z.E.F. to take up were prisoners of war was abominable. FROM WEST LONDON, 9th February. , LONDON, Bth February. j Imperial Army. POINT. The War .Office has called'up for im- last Francis BeresfordYoung, ironmonger;!/ of welcoming Ist January.with a commission in the V Stacker,New"Zea- These,including a near relative of a Details concerning the casualties on mediate "service all employees of the salvosyear against the enemy from guns o£ 2nd Lieutenant partner in the firm off (BEDTER'S TELBGRAH.) land Field Artillery, has been awarded, Maharajah, were treated absolutely as Salamanca-road, conflicting. The the California are still a nd local authorities beGovernment all calibres. Moncrief and Young, asked for two ' Along everything this front low caste natives. In pursuance of a FULL SUPPORT FOR THE GOVERNMENT latest reports state that 170 were on tween the ages of 18 and 22. following from muchine-guns to the biggest of the the Milita'fy Cross. "He remained for definite policy, VANCOUVER, 9th February. months' leave of absence in order toi prisoners in the British in the telephone pit of his butboard, including thirty-two passengers. All the siege guns at West .Point the cancellation of their exemptions. "heavies" joined in firing, first one two days attend to his business. Appellant,stated!' to answer calls "under most intense scantiest of clothing were set to pull a The survivors were an hour in the boats have been shipped to New York for then nine, then one, and finally tery lorry usually voluntarily MADRID, Bth February. round, the that he enlisted soma tima through streets—work although severely wounded, Later, before being rescued,and were almost use in the forts and protecting the six. "We do not know whether the Ger- fire. Spairfs reply to Berlin and Vienna has_ been published. It states that was turned down (as being remained at his post. He has pre- done by oxen—in full view of the jeering ago, but unfit. city. ' destitute of clothes. GREEK SITUATION mans recognised it or not, but we will he he made Spain cannot agreeto the maritime proceedings of the Central Powers,and medically Consequently natives, and one could see an English to hopes these will be withdrawn. Failing this, Spain will take try them again to-night," said an artil- viously done very,fine work." \ip a native further business arrangements. , liasb ' _- all measures The following have been awarded Mili- university graduate hoeingrubber lery captain as he started for a distant planter Tuesday he was passed, as 'Htyibyi? ,i-h&! safeguard her national dignity. gardenpatch, wealthy SHORTAGEOF FLOUR. or a A tary NO WARNING GIVEN. Medals :—9/IOT Sergt. P. H. .AtkinHENRY FORD'S MONEY part of the line to give the necessary in'■ Itis announced in Madrid that all the political leaders met, and decided to latrines. Medical Board, son, Pioneers; 5/105 Farrier 0. G. Dur- clearing out native (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) structions. Eu.pporir4iie Government. Parliament will authorise ample credits. "All this had a great effect on the The board granted leave; '■m3a£ss£>\Ml (REUIER'S TELEGRAM.) ran, A.S.C; 24/144 Sergt. N. E. Fitz- native' sending! greeting fiery A LOAN TO THE GOVERNMENT. In. to the news February. April. this., mind, and the of the de(Renter's Telegram.) ATHENS, Bth gerald, Rifle Brigade; 23/135' L.-Cpl. F. LONDON, Bth February. gradation of British and other European There has been disorder and some riot- Germansthere was a further complicai RESERVED DECISION.' WASHINGTON, Bth February. The second officer of the California (AUSTRALIAN-MEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) ing owing to the lack of flour, caused by tion of difference of time, tho Germans N. Fletcher, Rifle Brigade; 24/432 Pte. men and women was flashedacross Africa. H. The board decided to adjourn iteitasesj Tire Spanish Note adds that Spain, having taken over, American interests Gowers, R ifle Brigade. states that there were thirty-two pasis one observing Continental time, which "We badly protests (Received a.m.) 9 the The bread ration has were and February 10, blockade. very fed, Joseph of Alfred Smyth, secretary o£i in 'Germany, is anxious to keep open communication with Berlin, as the best ahead of the British and French sengersand I^3 of the crew on the CaliLONDON, 2nd January. were overruled. We were told that pribeen reduced to 160 grammes(about 5i hour channel of aegotiation-ibefcween the Central Powers and the Entente Powers. fornia. A terrific shock was felt, and WASHINGTON, 9th February. clocks. To avoid all doubt the British Lance-Sergt. 0. B. Hull, No. 4/518,\ soners of war had no rights whatever, the Public Service Appea] Board, fwjt : ' per daily. head ounces) Mr. Henry Ford announces that if the boats were lowered. The passengers artillery fired signal salvos at both 11 New Zealand Engineers, has been dis- and warned that further complaints two months, granting exemption fromi there is war with Germany ha will loan o'clock and midnight. Low, black clouds charged from the New Zealand Expedi- would involve three days' bread and military service in the meantime. jlhflg behaved splendidly. a hundred million dollars to ITALIAN FRONT the Governscudded over the battle area .the ,'last tionary Forces, and now has a commis- water. For two and a-half months the appeal was heard yesterday. Members of the crew "assert that a ment without interest. night of the old year, and its successor sion in the Russian Squadron of the staple food at one camp was inferior submarine appeared on each side of the ANOTHER SAMOAN .SOLDIER. HOLLAND'S NEUTRALITY was borne in on a howling wind, which Naval Armoured Cars. i impossible. liner. Escape was No warnmillet, grown by the natives, chiefly for ENEMY ATTACKS FAIL. caught up and carried the thunder of tho ing was given, and the liner owing to its injurious effect, Another ex-member of the Samoaauj 2nd Lieut. Valentine Stocker, beer, i and, Force, Leonard Andrew Smith, dis-4 in seven minutes. The captainfoundered AND N.Z. C4BU! ASSN. AND REOTER.3 guns. The grim booming was swept far N.Z.F.A., and Sergt.-Major Eobert only eaten by the African when mixed charged remained fATJS. at his own request, appealed ortj beyond tho battle lines until it mingled Knox, Otago Regiment, Teceived their with other grain. on board until she This brought about the WILL BE DEFENDED BY FORCE OF ARMS sank, and was subseROME, Bth February. of undue hardship. He stated? summoning Military with the church bells the gastric Crosses at all of Buckingham Palace" sorts trouble. Even the thatground An Italian official communique states: people to* quently rescued. The missing include he a butcher by occupation.,. prayer in tho war-bound vil- on Saturday. the chief engineer, the third officer, and ." native soldiers protested. All this time Sincehiswas The enemy attacked on the right bank lages of France.return to Now Zealand he liadl; Petty-Officer (Australian-New Zealand Cable Association.) T. has speciproper only engineer.^ the thirtf Crean been food was available two hours The survivors state of the Brenta, and at Mount Preikoff. and there was one child. Hei married, ally promoted to the rank of acting- away. ' THE HAGUE, Bth February. that four passengersand twenty of the ANOTHER BRITISH The. attacks failed. to the support of his 1! contributed eighty-six Tioatswain for services in the Antarctic. "At .Tabora of of us—men The Dutch Premier, speaking in the SecondChamber,definedHolland's crew were killed.. Thirteen passengers ; widowed motEer. : ADVANCE NOT A FIGHTING MAN Crean lias accompanied a number of ex- all nationalities and stations in life and twenty-eight of the crew are missposition. The Governmenthitherto had maintained a fixed, independent attipeditions both under Scott and Shackle- were herded in a corrugated shed, which .After going'into the financialpositions tude. There was no reason now to act otherwise, though the Government ing. / AUSTRIAN NAVY appellant, of the the board ton. intimated!? GRANDCOURT SUCCESS was so crowded Chat the beds touched had lodged a strong protest against Germany's attitude, which could not be Mr. M'Callum, second officer of the RELIGIOUS OBJECTOR BE.FORE Flight Sub-Lieuts. Fabian P. Reeves one another. Sanitation there was none, that it would give its decision later. ,: considered to be in conformity with the principles of international law. HolCalifornia, states that a- cable from New FOLLOWED UP COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF DEAD. MILITARY BOARD. (son of Mr. " and Mrs. 1 W. Pember and as we were locked "up at seven at land desired to emphasise the principle of the freedomof the seas. "The Gov- York reports that two children, who arcEeeves) and Frederick C. C. Calder night until six the next ■ morning, the ernment will certainly oppose by forceof arms any violation of thfrneutrality of claimed to be American born, are re(PUBLISHED IN THE TIMES.) (ADS. AND'N.Z. CABLE ASSN. AND REUTER.) A religious objector named Robert (Auckland) have both been promoted conditions were awful. As if we had its territory, from whichever side it might come." ported among the missing. There is February. 9th " Sparrow flight-lieutenants. LONDON, Jefferson was before the Third not to endure enough; the GermansperFebruary. LONDON, Bth possibly a third child who is American. Admiral Hansa, Adnriralissinro of tlie Military ServiceBoard to-day. He said The Eev. R, H. Fulford, who was to petrated the outrage _of making native Sir Douglas Haig reports: We attack- Austro -Hungarian FOOD RIOTS AT AMSTERDAM fleet, is dead. that he did not want total exemption, but have gone to New Zealand at the end soldiers with'loadedI'rifles march up and important German positions on tho February 10, 8.30 a.m.) desired to serve only with the ambulance. j of the war to organise the, C.E.M.S., down inside the shed all night. From INTERNED GERMAN SHIPS ed FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ■' highest point of the Sailly-SaOlisel Hill, Captain Baldwin (military representa- has been killed in action, apparently in a military point of view, the sentries , ROTTERDAM, 9th February. SOLDIER FOOTBALLERS tive) : What religions body do you be- j Mesopotamia. lie was chaplain at were .useless —it was only meant as angained the whole of our objectives. Disturbances continue at Amsterdam. Fuel is. practically exhausted,and and army A SETTLEMENT ARRIVED-AT, long to ?—TheBrethren. CREWS ARRESTED AND potatoes are very.scarce.Many greengrocers' shops were plundered. The police | Plymouth before, going' to Galjipoli, other degradation for us, for one could' (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) We vigorously followed up the capRELEASED. How long have you been a 'member where he remained until the end. He nob imagine a greater outrage than to are guarding the dock warehouses. (Received February 10, 9.30 a.m.) (UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPXRIOHT:> guard. * body?—AH ture of Grandecourt both banks life. then invalided on recova in a. white man's place home, on of of that was and native my , (REDTEK'S TELEGRAM.). ering rejoined his old brigade in Meso- bedroom. As a refinementof cruelty, the Ancre, and made considerable furLONDON, 9th February. Your family, too ?—Yes. SCANDINAVIA'S PROTEST TO GERMANY MELBOURNE, 9th February. greatest interest attaches in the potamia. away SEATTLE, 9th February. The at ourboots when Is there authoritative account or He was educated Emmanuel the Germans took The terms of the Federal fusion have The crews of the Saxonia and othev ther progress. We captured Baillescourt forthcoming Rugby match on the 17th at the doctrinesany CHBISTIANIA, Bth February, of the Brethren?—No; only College, Cambridge, and his first curacy they locked us up for the night. As it vessels were arrested on Monday, and Farm, on the Beaucourt-Miraumont- Richmond, between a New Zealand;team the Scriptures. j was not until nine that we were allowed been settled, and remain to be ratified The Norwegian Governmenthas replied to the appeal from America that was St. Barnabas,Birmingham. then released and allowed to return to road, and also a trench between Grande- fromFrance and the unbeaten Army Ser- You simply have Norway cannot adhere to America's action against Germany. The reply adds your own reading of ".Mr.' Massey has just cabled to to-go to bed, and we were locked up by both parties on Tuesday. It'is ben; j their'vessels. Corps' "that the three Scandinaviankingdoms are now discussing their attitude on the vice team. Tho NewZealand Salonika a New ) the Yes. Year's to be at seven, we had to endure tortures Scriptures?— message Ministerialists obtain at At Manila the crew of the Prinzessin court and our old front line, taking fur- team lias been given a few.days' leave. basis of international law. The board has to be satisfied as to read at a dinner which, the New Zea- from scorpions and mosquitoes during lieved that the, * b " prisoners. The joint Scandinavian reply to Germany, protests especially against the Alice was removed. The vessel is on fire. ther the doctrines and tenets of the Bretiiren. landers on service /there intend to hold the period,of their greatest activity. For least five Cabinet seats. It is now coin 'Our ships warning,, attempting gain (o v/ithout and withoutin the Ancre since the New threat to sink save the How is it to get at those ?—-Itis all left withinthe next day or two. A few days four or five months we had to live in sidered certain that Mr. Hughes will 'at^ ■» \ Year represents an advance on an averFEDERAL WAR LOAN ; crews. to individuals. ago Mr. Massey received a letter from this shed,in conditions which quite tend the Imperial Conference. of the Manchester impossible to describe. age of 'three-quarters, of a mile on a Men would not cease to be Plymouth Capt. A. E. W. Regiment, three-mile front. We raided trenches written on behalfof the New, SUBSCRIPTIONS OF A in they engaged FOUR Brethren if combatant TREATMENT OF WOMEN. southward of Bouchevesnes,killing a Zealanders in the Salonika Army, and GOVERNORSHIP OF WESTERN MILLION EACH. service?— No. ' . ENERGETIC CONSTRUCTION number. The dug-outs were bombed. "The treatment of the ladies was; Your own personal feeling is that it informing him of the intended ve-union. AUSTRALIA iThey .required bad. were to especially Wo repulsed two attempted raids in the (Received February 10, 9 ami.) ■is wrong to engage in combatant ser- Mr. Massey, in his reply, said That New i THE STANDARDISED STEAMER. neighbourhood of Gueudecourtand La affection do their own housework, and also six MELBOURNE, This Day. viced—Yes. I am willing to do ambu- Zealand thought with pride and PERTH, 9th February. Bassee. of her soldiers,in whatever part of the hours' work for the Government every Mr. Poynton (Federal Treasurer) ha& lance work. It is understood that Sir W.- G. Elli-: (KEDTKB'S TELEGttAH.) They protested against being set There has been considerable reciprocal announced that the Commonwealth DEVICES Have you any brothers of military age line they might be, and trusted that the day. son-Macartney, B ank, Governor of Tasmania,the to tasks which would assist artillery fighting at Armentieres and LONDON, Bth February. enemy, Bank 6f New South Wales, the Aus- in the Ist Division ?—Yes. One—-mar-New Year might bring to them glad tid- and as Governor, were threatened with bread and succeeds Sir Harry Barron ings of great joy, a decisive victory over In the House of Commons Sir Leo Ypres. A large explosion was caused in the ' tralian Provident and the ried. Society, Mutual underclothing to make of Western Australia. They ChiozzaMoney, speaking for the Ship- the enemy's lines. had the Huns, and an early return to their water. ' " Mutual Life and Citizens'Assurance Com- Is he a Plymotith Brother?—No. of some of | troops. for the In the case' ping Controller, stated that arrangecountry. PROBLEM WILL ULTIMATELY BE SOLVED own Salt left New Captain Has he been called up in the ballot?— pany have subscribed a million each to ments were in progressfor a large new Zealand as a sergeant in the Medical the more elderly and weakly ladies,.perTOTALISATOR IN N.S.W. the war loan. Not yet. was'asked that they might'emconstruction programmeof standardised GERMAN REPORT Captain Baldwin stated that appellant Corps, and received his commission in mission MELBOURNE, 9th February. boys at their own expense. 1 This LONDON, Bth February. merchantmen. Unsparing efforts Thai war loan was oversubscribed,the did not come within the exemption, but the Imperial Army in July, 1916. He ploy While being conveyed SYDNEY, 9th February. Naval circles are retieont regarding the submarine position, though they be made to utilise the nation's would was refused. promoted captain was in a nd shipbeing November, applied for. no doubt the military authorities would LONDON, Bth February. sum of £18,179,580 The Totalisator Act regulations havestate that the latest methods have proved highly effective. Many losses must building capacity to the utmost, comgraded G.S.O. 3. Captain Salt studied from one camp' to another,thirty Engopen regard A' -wireless German official The loan remains for a further have to his desire to serve in be expected, but wa now have in our possession means of destroying sub' at Balliol College, Oxford. lish ladies, nine Englishmen, and about been issued. Two hundred clubs have ; patible with the needs of the Admiralty. states-: The British attacked usmessage north- period. the ambulance section. '.' , forty native prisoners were shut ■up in been notified to instal the machine be-: / marines or rendering them ineffectivewhich will ultimately solve the problem. east of Bouchavesnes,but their initial CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Questioned by the Chairman, Captain The public must not expect a speedy collapse of this menace, on which Germany an iron railway shed (again without the fore the end of March. by x success was. equalised our counterBaldwin said he would use his best enhas staked all. Out of the moneyswhich were,trans- slightest pretence of sanitation) for one GERMANY IN DEFEATING HER PARLIAMENT attack. get appellant deavours to into the ambuAdmiralty destroying has dealt with several new schemes for The Board of mitted to the High Commissionerfor whole night and most of'the next day. OWN ENDS lance. submarines recently, including one of which the details are a closely-guarded entertaining.. New Zealand soldiers at Half-drunken guards were in charge of MEMORIAL TO CAPTAIN SCOTT BILLS Mr. Considine It means that if there experiments have shown that the invention GOVERNMENT ONLY : secret, though it is annonnced that FRENCH NEWS Christmas, £60 was cabled to Meso- them, and for a considerable time 'they is capable of performing all that the inventor claims for it. , was a large population of Plymouth potamia, where it is believed there are were without food or water, and their EFFECT OF RELEASING ha% .Brethren all the others would re to forty or fifty of our men, and a similar sufferings were terrible. On another oc(RT TEIBGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) A prominent trade union official connected with engineering and shipTHE FOOD POSITION. INTERNED VESSELS. 'ARTILLERY ON THE VERDUN fight, to protect them. building said : "Germany lias not altogether caught us napping. If the Adsum to Salonika, where, so far as is casion a. caravan of men and women were CHRISTCHURCH, 9th February. FRONT. Captain Baldwin : That is so. miralty gave some evidence of the results' of the .measures already taken it , (ABSIRAUAN-NEW ZEAIAND OABLB ASSOCIATION,) February. LONDON, Bth known, there were only four men at sent on a long march of ten. days under A marble statue of Captain Scott, Sparrow stated that he had been passed Christmas. It was a difficult matter to escort. It was pointed out that in the would prove to be a great moral for the 'assurance of. the public. "While this i In the House of CommonsMr. Bonar LONDON, Bth-February. erected by the people of dhristchurch, LONDON, Bth February. (Chancellor of the Exchequer) an- as fit by the Medical Board. He had get in touch with all New Zealanders in interests of decency tents must be pro- as a information is.not forthcoming, neople must maintain quiet-confidence." The shipping paper Fan-play says that, Law the Antarctic explorer, memorial communique A French official states : nounced that a credit vote would be bad fonr years' ambulance training with the British Army,' but where tliis could vided for the ladies. Although these was unveiled tothis by forcing neutrals into the arena Gerafternoon by the There has been lively artillery , fighting brought down on Monday. He moved to !be Territorials. be done they were to be treated on a were obtainable, the officer applied tq Governor in tho presence of : a huge many will defeat her own ends.' At at Hill 304, and at Avocourt Wood. confinethe The the board appeal replied footing session to Government B ills. was dismissed, those of the N.Z.E.F. Prirefused and : "What permission, outbreak with the of war 688 German assemblage. The statue, which cost aeroplanes bombed military esSeveralmembers protested, and urged deckling to recommend that appellant soners of war in Germany all had sent have Englishwomen to do with desteamers, aggregating 2,408,450 tons, French tablishments at Lahr, in the Grand that consideration should be given to the should be placed in the ambulance sec- to them parcels of comforts valued at cency?" Once,by direct orders of the £1000,is the work of Lady Scott. HUNDRED took refuge in. neutral ports. Of these, DuchyW and the aerodrome at question, religious Baden, and the state tion in deferenceto his con- £1 each. Gifts to the value of £100 and Chief of Staff, Capt. Willmann, a party women's franchise 72, aggregating 553,689tons, arc in the Mariankei'ke. of Ireland, which, it was alleged, was be- victions and on account of his previous tobacco worth £20 were sent to H.M.S. of us were sent on a railway journey GREYMOUTH PATRIOTIC United States. The entry of Portugal into Philomel. One hundred pounds was of nineteen hours, and deliberately kept coming critical. training. THE MAXIMUM WORKING NUMBER the war reduced the total by 71 (tonnage, COMMITTEE Mr. Bonar Law: "This is the very paid over to the Maoris for Christmas without food. 331,798). If all, or part, of this tonnage BELGIANS DEFEAT AN crisis of our fate. We must not occupy Lieut. Hector Simpson (killed during fare. "As soon as the Germansbegan to is placed on the market it will conLONDON, Bth February, (BITBLBGRAPU.—I'REBS ASSOCIATION.) \ a, see that their colony was going grievr of the House with controversial Zealand was rather the time H.M.S. New siderably undo the work of the subThe Journal of Commerceestimates that at the maximum figure, one hunHEAVY LOSSESINFLICTED. subjects." an engagement with the enemyin South difficult problem to deal with. There ances were redressed. Fearing reprisals, GREYMOUTH;9th February. marines., dred submarines, are now attacking Allied shipping. Germany commenced the The motion was carried without a Africa, last month) was thirty-five years was a sum ■of £125 available for pre- they suddenly ; , yesterday discovered that there Patriotic Committee were The [The Germans in 1915-16 owned. 1897 war with fifty. Sincethen she has built two hundred,while one hundred have LONDON, 9th February. of age,and a son of Mr. J. C. Simpson, sents for fifty-eight officersand 963 men, proper recognised methods of treating passed a motion condemningthe attitude, , division. steamers, with a total tonnage of A wireless Belgian official report Mi1. Bonar Law announced that he of Waipukuran. Ho took part in the and, after considerable discussion, it prisoners, and when the advancing Bel: of Mr. P.- Webb,M.P., for'not attending been destroyed, and fifty must always be refitting in home ports. 4,419,167. Britain's total was' 10,218 states: A strong party of Germansat- would "introduce, a Bill to deprivo enemy Boer War. After visiting Waipukurau was decided to give to each one of pians were fifty miles from Tabora the send-offsto troops, and in regard- to ' ■'" steamers, of 20,030.918 tons.] GEKMAN PRESS DISAPPOINTED tacked our posts southward of Dixmnde, Princes of their British titles. at the close of that struggle, he returned Prince Louis of Battenbei'g's medals German attitude completely changed. patriotic work, also a motion urging the ;'.'■ KERNE, Bth February.. but. were met with riilo and machine-gun Mr. Prothero (Minister of Agriculture), to South Africa, and joined the South commemorating the three great naval The: Belgians behaved splen'ddly to the Government to briug to bear the;clause ■■''" (The cable news in this issue accredited to fire and decimated. The survivors suroutlining production the food Statementsin the Germanpress indicate that the results of the first scheme, African Police. When he met his death battjea of the North Sea,with a special Germans on entering Tabora—a ,great of the .Military ServiceAct to round up , appeared in that Journal, but "The Tiroes" lias expectations. Captain Persius in an said it was proposed to use German he was attached to a Hhodesian' Native inscription recording that the New Zea- contrast to the manner only where expressly stated It suoji news tlw rendered. Numerous corpses were heap\ve«sk's frightfulness have been belowpowers in-which--the tjie bjjbt men who have oiot.a^^wered ' ' " of '-'Tho Times."! i prisoners in agriculture,. He hoped to | Keijiment. of defence asainsfc submarine*. editorial ODiuion ed before our trenches. land was in all three.. This ateorbed latter had behaved to us." ■■"'■"■ ",'""■' :'' ".'. article emphasises the British Navy's call. (Received .February 10, 8.30 a.m.) GERMAN ATTACK ON AMERICAN SHIPS "KULTUR" IN The credit ...... "jWILSON WANTS THE CLEAREST BREACH ■ . 1 - ■ — - . I! ENDEAVOURING TO AVOID A RUPTURE . . ■ ■ 1 . NEW YEAR AT THE . ■ . ■ . ! °" . . ■ ■ WILL ■ . . . ( 1 ■ . I ■ . . . ■ . ■ . ■ . THE SOIME AREA ' ■ . — - ■ GENERAL CABLES . 1 . . . _ ■ NEW BRITISH SHIPS ■ '" DESTRUCTION OF SUBMARINES ■ ■ SUCCESSFUL NEW. . - ■ . ■ ■ A U-BOATS . ■ ■ ~~ .' THE EVENING POST. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1017. ROLL OF HONOUR VIEWS IN GERMANY EXTRA EDITION. A 6 INTOLERABLE THE WATERSIDE LABOUR DEADLOCK Reserve have been asked to" pick fruit and release the growersfor wharf work. The Farmers' Union-is organising voluntary labour. The trawlers are discontinuing owing to the shortage of coal. LATE NEWS NAVAL CIRCLES ANXIOUS NEW ZEALAND ARMY WANGANUI WORKERS TO-DAY'S CASUALTY LIST ORDERS ATTACK ON HOSPITAL SHIP OBITUARY OIL FOR SUBMARINES IN SHOP-T SUPPLY. DRUNKEN CAPTAIN A CITY COMPANY MR. CLUTSAM AGAIN MR. MASSEY AND THE CLOTH WORKERS A SUCCESSFUL OPERA "FLATTERING COMMENT. ON SAFE GROUND A VETERAN CRICKETER. STRUGGLEWITH GUNNER. (from our oivn conREsroNDP.HT*) '■..'■■. ; (AO.S AND N.Z. CABLB ASSN. AND REDTSR.) PRESENTING THE FREEDOM (WHTBD PRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPtRIGHT.) casualty list issued at noon to-day A LONDON, 29th December, 0 (Received p.m.) AT WHARVES 3 February 10, (FROM stated :— (Received CORRESPONDENT.) :; KNEW NEUTRAL VIEWS OUR OWN February a.m.) ENEMY The New Zealand composer, Mr. 10, 9 (BI TELEGRAM.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) AMSTERDAM, 9th February. (PROM OCR CWN H, Day. George CORRESPONDENT.) DIED OF WOUNDS MELBOURNE, This 2nd January. LONDON, Cluten.m,is again before the The German newspapers display ex. WANGANUI, 9th February. Mr. Frank Allan, a member of the An extraordinary charge against a BritLONDON,-22nd December, 'public in a very nattering light as colA. E., 24227,Pte. (Mrs. D, GOVERNMENT'S NEW POWERS. The waterside trouble has ended. The Rogers, BEFORE THE NEW CAMPAIGN travagant joy over the submarine war. First Australian i s dead. Campbell, Shropshire, s.); 2nd Feb. cricket eleven, Na.vnl circles, however, do- not conceal Mr. Massey was on .the. 20th,Decem- laborator with Captain Hubert Batb in ish merchant captain was heard in the workers haveresumed under the old conWAS ANNOUNCED, their anxiety as to England's new deto the Freedom of the tho music of a new light opera., "Young ditions. STATEMENT BY ATTORNEYThe late Frank, Allan was the crack' Police Court at Plymouth. Thomas ber admitted ,at's: Theatre. fensive measures, and the rapid exof the Cloth Workers' Company; England," Livery Lilly captain largo AUSTRALIAN ARMY bowler of Victoria when white's James of a Stayman haustion team was The Daily Mail writes: "The muaio of GENERAL. of the liquid fuel supply, and (UNITED PUESS ASSOCIATION.—COPYRIGHT.) of: 1876-7 toured the colonies. He was British steamer, armed for defence;and one of the oldest of the City companies 'YoungEngland' is a decided advance in demand everything TROUBLE AT GISBORNE -that shall be done (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) to restore the Rumanian wells and to left-handed,and his success was such he was committed for trial on charges of in London. The company originated in the direction of genuine light opera as NEW ZEALANDERS MENTIONED. (Received February 10, 1 p.m.) " distinct from the more or loss musical prevent the frequent attempts made that his fellow-colonists styled him "the inflicting grievous bodily "If Britain and her Allies are to RIPPLE LEAVES FOR. WELharm on the 1528,with the union of the two Guilds entertainments of recent years. -While' bowler of the century." He was a memFebruary. against the few weljs still remaining. 9th BUDAPEST, be victorious troops must be; sent to LINGTON. following casualties'were reported The ber of Dave Gregory's team to England first officer, John Jackson, and attempt- of Fullers and Sheermen,and is one of it is primarily, and rightly, couceived in All tho Berlin regularly oxpediCount Tisza informed the of schools are closed for the battlefield and. members a,t noon to-day to members of the Ausin 1878,but did not live up to his re- ing- to murder John Gifford, a Royal the twelve leading companies of the City a popula>r idiom, it is written with much lack of coal. (BT TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) tiously; the people of England must more musicianly care [ than has hitherto putation. Onewriter described him as Naval Reserve gunner. tralian" Army having next-of-kin in New liis party that, beforesending the Note of London. be provided with food; and; at a time GISBORNE, This-Day. regarding submarining, being very deadly for a few overs but Zealand :— ... ruthless the CenWhen the vessel arrived at Port Said Workers in The interest of the Cloth been the rule. Of the composers, Mr. ■when the mercantile marine is being The watersiders declined to. work the New Hubert has most successfully cappartly THE Zealand. is the OF WAR not possessing sufficientphysique for a on 6thonDecember two naval gunners were interest which tral Powers sounded all the European KILLED IN ACTION. ruthlessly wrecked by the enemy,ships cargoon the steamer Ripple, which was tured the real twang of English tune,, lengthy tour. He had his days of suc- sent board to work the gun. Two many such bodies have ex- while Mr. George Clutsaminclines more cannot be allowed to remain idle at, our loaded with free labour at Napier, and O'Connor,2217. (L. O'Connor, Apploby, neutrals regarding their possible attipressed recently purely Imperial from a cess, but in eleven a-side matches he only days later the captain, who had been towards the hybrid' melody of cosmopoliwharves. Sucha state.of affairs would the vessel this afternoon proceeded to Nelson,f.); Bth January 1917 RESULT OF WOMAN-POWER tude. captured 26 wickets for 565 runs, average drinking, ordered Gifford to fire' fifty point of view. But this is also reinforc- tan origin, but they frequently overlap,be intolerable. The position is much Wellington without discharging. WOUNDED. ■. As the result of these enquiries, the 21.7. He was a fairly useful bat, and rounds at nothing. The gunnerrefused, ed by the fact -that the cloth workers and tho collaboration has proved so suctoo ■serious to- allow any troublesome DAWN OF A NEW ERA OF on this tour made in eleven a-side but, to humour,the captain, fired four have still a considerable field of "activity cessfulthat without the guidance of tho M'Mahon, 5723 (S. M'Mahon, WakaCentralPowers learnt that there was no section of the community to dominate matches 212, with an averageof 10.6. 'rounds for practice. On the evening of in the woollen districts of the North, book of words one would often guess tipu, b.) , PROSPERITY. danger of any European neutral underthe situation and decide for New MATTERS PERSONAL Alexander Bannerman stated a year or tlie same day the captain sighted a Brit- which regularly receives its due propor- wrong. The concerted numbers in parSERIOUSLY ILL. Zealand whether it shall or shall not (Received February 10, 1 p.m.) taking warlike action against Austria two ago that Allan possessed one of the ish hospital ship—illuminated with the tion of the New Zealand wool. When ticular establish the claim of the producbe allowed to do its share of the war Vincent, 544 (T. Vincent, Petone,f.) It then decided Germany. and was to most deceptive swerves of any bowler he Red Crossin red lamps and with, a siring in Leeds the previous week, Mr. Massey tion to rank as opera." February. LONDON, 9th lamps all round the rail—went was very much interested in the technowork." Tho_ Daily News—"All who have the Sir Ernest Shackleton is staying at the Mr. W. F. Massey, in an article in the ever met. His best performances PROGRESSINGFAVOURABLY. tvere of white send the Note. interests of British music at heart That is the essence of an interview Grand Hotel while in Wellington. Pall Mall Guzette,says: "One of the for.his State against New .South Wales, to the bridge, and sent for the chief logical wing of the university, which best Roulston,A., L.-Cpl. (A. Roulston, sa, will hope that 'Young'England' will bo most valuable lessons of the war teaches 'and his fine bowling brought victory to, gunner, to whom he gave the order, was founded and maintained by the a triumphant fhich a Post reporter had this morning A Press .Association telegram from Stafford-street, Wgtn., f.) success, as it deserves to be. ship." "Fire that time Cloth Company THE HOSTAGE STORY his side on At the same Workers' of London. records the death this mornhow the wise utilisation of woman-power more than once. Latterly Allan The music is as good as anything of the .with the Attorney-General (Hon: A. L. Christchurch Viscount Bryce, 0.M., is one of the kind in certain spheres will release a vast has contributed to the prew many in- the captain headed his vessel towards the ing of ex-Police Inspector Robert J. Gilthere has been since the days of ship. limited hospital . SHcrdman), on ,the'subject of-,the War lies, list of freemenof the teresting days amount of man-power for the developcompany, aged 67. He retired in 1911. yarns of the old of cricket. Sullivan. It is freeh, melodious, SICK AND WOUNDED The chief gunner asked: "Don't you and he was requested to support the Arthur MR. LANSING'S DISBELIEF ment of the resources of the Empire and Allan was born on 2nd December, (Regulations issued late last night by and full o£ life, and the workmanship is 1849, Mr. J. J. Boyd, proprietor of the secure its future progressand prosperity." arid for many years wa3 employed in the see, sir, that it is a hospital ship?" 1 toast of the new Freeman's health. Mr. admirable. It is last, not leaet, thorGazetteExtraordinary (reported on page Onehunga Zoo, who formerly lived at (ABSTRALIAN-NEW ASSOCUIION.) TO-DAY'S PROGRESSREPORT. ZEALAND CABLE The captain replied: "I don't care if it Massey'was accompanied by the High oughly English, in the eighteenth cen" Mien will demand and receive a Victorian Lands Department. 9'of this issue), which enable the Govern- Kilbirnie, is a candidate for the Mayoris a hospital ship or not. You are to Commissioner,and was welcomed into tury English spirit, be it understood. (Received February 10, 1 p.m.) larger measure of the products of their of Onehunga. A hospital and progressreport issued obey orders and fire on that ship." the brotherhood by the master (Mr. Wil- Mr. Bath has .supplied the .youthful ment to assume control of the wharves alty while competition toil, the stress of will February. WASHINGTON, 9th Thompson, M.A. (first- at noon to-day stated (the place of resiM. The Rev. J. Gifford refused to obey, and defied,any liam.. Edgar Hprne, M.P.). By virtue of vigour, and Mr. Clutsam the tenderer and shipping if necessary. LATE SPORTING Mr. Lansing has issued an announce- be lessened by the opening of broader lyrics, and each supplements theother."'; a resolution,of the "Master, the wardclass honours) has been appointed first dence of the next-of-kin is given in each ment " " fields man to touch the gun. : opportunity. -of stating that he declined to believe "'.; WAR WORK ESSENTIAL. The Observersays:—"Afteri witnessing ens, and the commonalty of the Freedom assistant in Scots College, Wellington. instance) : There is dawning a new era of in" that Mr. Gerard would be ' detained in "A TEN-SHILLING NOTE." "The regulations," said Mr. Herd- He will also be the college chaplain. of the Art or the Mystery of Cloth- a performance of the new light opera, ; Berlin by the German Government on dustrial prosperity, based on co-opera'Young England,' those of us who have DANGEROUSLY ILL. , AT the of Apparently City " are RACING GISBORNE that inciworkers hi..the of the exceedingly simple. They memory London," inan, ■'! Sir James Wilson,- Chairmanof the tion. The very forceswhich the enemy any pretext whatever. dent caused the captain some uneasiness,master',conferred the Freedom of the for long hoped fora turn of the "tide in can be understood readily, by everyone. Palmerston North Hospital; Board, has Amiel, J. X.', 26526,Southport taste from the ragtime r&vue .and its per-: No Americans are reported to have ar- has' set in motion have enabled the and on Boxing Day, when the vessel ,Livery, on Mr. Massey. In doing so, he petual iWe"are at war, fighting for' our very received advice to. the effect that Dr. Culled, T., 11418,Tauranga (»1 TELES/lAPn.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) to nonsense to the infinitely more' Empire perils rived realise its common and Copenhagen at from Germany this wa3 near home, ho asked Gifford if 'ho referred to the tfts not merely of comexistence,and the Governmentmust firm- Putnam, principal medical officer to the Huki, «., 16/1442, Hastings its powers and possibilities, and have wholesome more truly.humorouslight week. also; GISBORNE, merce, This but of ly and quietly insist that war work board, will return to PalinfirstonNorth Mason,-G., 8/4171,Gore' Day. report patriotism, intended to make a about the hoswhich opera form,andmay, revealed the weak joints in the Empire's indeed,take heart o£ Following are theresults of the second pital ship. Gifford did not reply, and bound New Zealand to England. When grace arid hope for Parr, Ty A., 10/2730.. L.-Cpl., Awakino shall be diligently and speedily per- about the middle of March. y:3, the best. 'Young armour.". ' day's races at the Poverty Bay Club's the captain gavehim a drink and a ten- the Prime Minister and the High Com- England' is very nearly Toomaii, T. S., 26/918, Eemuera formed. This is the' raison d'etre of genuine opera of AN ARGENTINE secretary Mr. D. Hebenton, the Townshend,A..W.', 6/3901, Spreydon PROPOSAL , -. meeting :— went to, the Admiralty or -to oomique. The music is on a shilling note, the latter intended,it was :missioner the new regulations. At such a time as Wairarapa. level far branch of the Farmers' the War he said with they Office, went the present no self-respecting Government Wilson, H: 8., 21364,. Arch Hill THE WAR Stewards' Handicap, of 150 soys; six suggested,s to keep the., gunner quiet. above that in vogue in recent. English LOAN previously rejected by Mastertoii, TO AVERT WAR. furlongs.—Gazique, 9.4, 1; Dpwnham, That night the captain seized Gifford as their heads very high up in the air: musical productions. Mr. Clutaamhas can allow the business^ of a counti-y to Union, > under the the Defence STILL'DANGEROUSLY ILL. They authorities, has, provided were admitted and welcomed behere some of his very best be interrupted by any section oE the new regulations, been' passed as fit by SIR JOSEPH WARD'S MISSION, 8.5,2; Colonnade,6.9,3, Only starters. he was going aft to his gun, and clutchW. 8.,24/484, L.-Cpl., Gore (Received February 10, 2 p.mi) Won by two lengths. Time, lmiri 15sec. ed him by.the throat, carrying him to cause of the deeds which had been done music. The duet, the delicious quartet, community which may. imagine; that it the Medical Board. He will go into Kirk, M'Mullan, W., 23416,Auck. South Africa, in Gallipoli, and in and more especially such ensembles :»s 'in has a. grievance. The State has'already camp on 3rd April. . " Hurdles, of 'mile and 9th.February. ship, (AUSTRALIAN-NEW BUENOS AIRES, 150 soys; one the rail of the where to he tried -I. ; ZEALAND CABLK ASSOCIATION.) the finales,show a real command of all Senor Romula Naon, Argentine- Am.provided a means by which the rights The return of a letter a-half.—Blackheart, 11.10, 1 ;'-Wo6lloo- : throw : him overboard. Fortunately, a Flanders. ILL. (Received February 10, 1 p.m.) Bryce;expressed the pleasure the resources that go to make a comendorsed ■' "Un- Foote, T. SERIOUSLY bassador to the United States, proposes and■ wrongsof.bodiesof persons alleging delivered mooloo, 10.6, 2; Glouria, 9.3, 3. lurch of the ship threw both away from it Viscount poser—variety of rhythm, a gift of fresh K akahi through capitulatiori H., 13433, him to be asked to the support of Kut," 9th gave February. LONDON, Scratched: Bodenham. '.Won by '" four the rail, and Gifford, after a struggle, TJnjiist treatment. can be investigated. an international conferenceat Madrid melody, and a mastery of technical reendorsed "Prisoner of war," indicates Stewart, A., 22128,L.-Cpl., Balfour Sir Joseph Ward made war loan lengths. Time, 3min. 48sec. toast of Mr. Massey's health. He had source -. escaped. , -'."' ,' .' ■' < " ' , .-.-.■ for the purpose of averting war between among them! With two composers '."A FEW MISTAKEN LEADERS." also met speeches Massey (says a Press Association telegram, from country Mr. in own STILL SERIOUSLY ILL. at Wakefield and Grimsby, and his the States and so admirably equipped, it 6eems, and is, Germany. United . thTeats of captain, uttering The Auckland) "I am convinced that . hundreds of that Lieut. Edmund/Mousley, Couling, W. also, the ridiculous will visitsome and Leicester, years ago, he'had; Preston, and Newthat any return shall ever be Bay J., 23523,Colac METROPOLITAN TROTTING murder,made a systematic 6earch of the honour of being connected with the pro[waterside workers and coalminers in New of Auckland, is a prisoner in Turkey. castle on a similar mission next week. T. made in our theatres to the bad old days ship, and finding a gunner asleep, asMEETING Zealand are not in sympathy with what Lieut. Mousley was a member of the ;staff Dawson; E.K., 15509,Dunsandel AMERICAN vince of and with of county SHIPS SAIL Ulster, the imported light opera, save and exc&pt of REMOVED FROM DANGEROUSLY saulted him violently, believing him to Deny, from' which, Ma-ssey came. only when a genuine masterpiece occurs may"be an organised attempt to hold up of King's College. THE FIRST DAY IN LONDON ILL LIST. be Gifford. When he sat up the captain He knew How deeplyMr. the business of the country. I believe was respected from -which something may be learnt." Private advice,has been,received in CHRISTCHURCH, This Day. he. TWO STEAMERS LEAVE FOR The Metropolitan Trotting Meeting'is realised his mistake, and said," "I am in New Zealand, how great was the ' that 'they, are thoroughly loyal to the Auckland that Gun; E. I. Prime, of Burns, A! D,,21403, Paraparaumu The Daily Telegraph: "Between them, ' (ADETRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLB ASSOCIATION.) EUROPE. being held to-day. Results: sorry I made a mistake. Where is your Dominion's confidencein his' tact, his Messrs. Qutsam and Bath fairly divide Crown, and that they are anxious to play Devonport, has been awarded the Mili- Carson,D., 4/1902,Blackball (Received mate ? I catch him I am jtheir part like men. Tue responsibility tary Medal for bravery in. Paraparaumu February going Collingwood, p.m.) E. 2 When the patriotism, 3/2455, W., 10, honours,alike in respect of quantity Addington Handicap, of 135 and perfect up(Received February 10, 1 p.m.) the battle of Sharkey,.F., 21447, two to murder him.". About 11 o'clock that judgment, his for the present discreditable position I the Somme. ''Guru miles.—lmperial Victor, 6sec,soys; rightness. New Zealand was a. country' and quality. Only once or twice has Mr. Ireland LONDON, 9th February. 1; Wild night the captain Prime, who is the NEW YORK, 9th February. the chief Clutsain saw discarded,as it were, the mantle place upon the shoulders .of a few. mis- fourth Day The "War Loan which appreciated the qualities in which of the period, " opened aus- Tree, lsec, 2; Able Boy, lOsec, 3. at the entrance to the engineers'gunner of. Mr: F., Prime, of. Auck- I REMOVED FROM SERIOUSLY ILL The first American vessels sailing for piciously. and with charming grace taken leaders,'andI ex'onei'ate the great land, is,son There was a great and en- j Scratched: Jessies Dream. : LIST. the highest. merit of perfect statesman- he does so. On the other hand the spirit twenty-two years old. He was by Saying,- Here you are, you —:—. mess. Won since, the new submarine zone Europe bulk of the men from blame; Now " two lengths. Time, smin. ship consists—cool,-calm, clear judg- of 'young freshEngland' is reflectedwith in Egypt'for some'months prior tb being Irvine, J., 8/4150,Auck. thusiastic at the Royal Ex". gathering ' the oiltanker was created, Goldshell change. The Lord Mayor ' Spreydon Handicap, of 165 soys; one I am going to murder you," the captain ment ; a sense of what the country needs, a sure touch in his expressively -written urged all to transferred to' France.. ■'" ;.. ■'■. (boundfor R»»en) and tho cargosteamer FLOUTING THE LAW. ;;, M'Millan, A. M., 12449,Wbangarei at Gifford, who caught up a a sense of what the people Orlean (bound for Bordeaux), started to- put their last penny in the war loan cer- mile and »-half.—Dillon Eddy, 6sec,1; rushed wish, and the duet for Betty and Joan, as in the jolly '-"The present difficulty exists because Rilmn. E.-H. Campbell, who was de: , , SEVERE CASES. . Trophies tificates. were exhibited in Icicle, ssec, 2; Pax, scf, 3. Won by a saucepan, and,knocked his assailant on | power of carrying that out in a plain, quartet, 'There Were Two Sailors'. and after a Jfjitile conferencewith the workers corated recently with the Military.Medal Tole, m J. A., 6/2896,Lieut., Remuera day. the head. Trafalgar-square, length may the' composer plume himself and and a-half. 314-ssec. included Time, 3min practical German direct, form. It was also the Tightly the' employers -decided that the dispute !■for: bravery at the'battle of the Somme, Waddell, W.'.L., 22910,Lieut., Wgtn. Other members of the crew, with the one part of the world in which field guns. A contingent of Maoris and Parliamentary Handicap, of 350 soys; the white on his admirable finale to the first act, sh"6'uld bo,settled in accordance with the is twenty-four yearsof age and the) eldest Archer, T. C, 21637, Milton New Zealanders lined behind the guns, ibwo miles.—Soda,llsec, 1; Brown Bell, chief officer, seized the captain, hand- race had been able to treat the Native and on such things as Oxenham'ssong SAFEGUARDING THE praise of England and ' Courtenay's 3&s of the 'country by the Arbitration son of the late Mr. John' Campbell, of Ewart, E. J.,-12622,Blenheim wffich were viewed by huge crowds. 12eec,2;, Sungod lOsec,3. 'Scratched: cuffed him, and put him in his cabin. race with courtesy,. and make them a in CAPITOL gem of a ballad, 'The April of My Court. The watersiders on the other Grey Lynn, Auckland. Two other sons Hearne,J.,,26/814, Newton Admiral Wood, Minston. Wop by two The door was barricaded,and he was happy,and contented community. (Ap- little song that Sullivan .himself Ka'nd havo resolved to sweep the Con- are on active service—one in France and Howai'th,'K. F.j'l2/3687, Cpl., Auck. Heart,'.-.*, through fed a was lengths. porthole. kept and a half 4min 35sec. He Time, plause.) -'..■ have : been proud to. sign." * V: the EXTRA POLICE . would, ciliation Council and Arbitration the other on the hospital :'ship Mara-ma. Johns, A. R., 2/2326,Scotland ON WATCH. until the ship arrived , In his reply, Mr. days there for two FOURTH BALLOT Massey said the Court to one side and insist upon selectAdvice has been received to the effect Maddocks,V. R., 5/108, Essex at Plymouth. ''■■'. exports from New Zealand to-day were WOODVILLE ACCEPTANCES ing a method of settlement which is pleas(Received February 10, 1 p.m.) T., 24054,Auckland " that Mr. Leslie F. King, third son of. Richards, small as compared with what they TO AVOID "J'ACCUSE" ing to. themselves. . . . . Mr. COLLISION. very Taylor, 9th King, February: (BT W. J. L. F. C, 11/2492,New Plymouth ' WASHINGTON, of Whetukura, Hawkes NAMES TO BE PUBLISHED ON TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) be in time to come. The counThe charge of assaulting Jackson,it would . ■ -NO TIME TO WASTE.' Bay," has been' drowned at sea. ' About NOT REPORTED AS SEVERECASES. Only the main doors of the Capitol'will TUESDAY. This Day. try wa-s only partially developed; we had WOODVILLE, open be was a rose out of incident Fifty '. "The Governmentcannot look on in- four months ago the deceased joined the from now onwards. extra an on OF GERMAN GUILT. . Sir Donald's name was omitted from 30th stated,; Humphreys, H. E., 22538,Capt., Gisb. police are November. The chief officer.saw.' only scratched the' surface. Speaking of EVIDENCES guarding the building.. The checking of the names drawn. in the list of acceptances definitely whilst the disputants are Liverpool liner Oloudra, which recently for the Victoria that the course set by the captain was New Zealand's part in the war, Mr. the fourth military, service ballot this Hack Handicap pasting precious days and hours quarrel- struck a rock near. Baltimore,-Cork.'The Gibb, A., 14532,Lieut.; Oamaru Massey at the said we were only sending Woodville Meet- leading the vessel in the track of an ap: not The correspondent of the Paris journal ling, so the , Regulations provide ma- deceased was' born in the Poverty Bay Hollis, E., 1/314,Lieut., Wellington. week is still proceeding. AUSTRIA AND BRAZIL The.names Silvester, :■ M..S., 22/351,S. Nnrse proaching vessel,and therefore'-he gave; the men, but we were paying the ex- L'Humanite on the Swiss frontier lias ■. will not be published before..Tuesday. .- ing,"'.■.' chinery which will enable,it to take district. penses. We were paying for our own had an interview with the German Teinuka . Annals, W., 7/1942, orders to the helmsman to alter the: One of those called up in the last (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALANDCABLE ASSOCIATION.) control and enlist the services of willing L. C, 28316,Gisborne ship's course a quarter of a point, to hospitals, and we were maintaining some author of the book published in French iworkers." ballot was Mr. E. J. ,G. Loader, of the Arthur, PRIMARY EDUCATION (Received February 10, 2 p.m.) Brown, 26986,Christchurch. avoid the risk of a collision. When the stationary hospitals in France, that were and English under the title, "J'Accuse," l;."The Regnlations provide (inter accountants' staff of the Evening Post. Colville,T., MILITARY HOSPITALS captain noticed this, he declared : "I very much more useful to the Imperial dealing with-the question of the respon12102, A., Ashbuvton RIO DE JANEIRO, 9th February. 'alia) :— Mr. Loader enlisted on two previous oc- Couchman.B. iMusselburgh H., don't care about the other .ship. You Forces than to our own men, which had sibilityfor the present war. The German 5/221, Brazil has received a Note from AusTHE COST OF LIVING. AND following "1. That .the. Governmentmay proclaim casions,but did not come up to the re- Dallard,.S. D., 6/2589,Waikare The bulletin to other places. And we .writer mentioned that he will shortly of reinforcement toia identical with that of Germany reare to carry out my orders." The'cap- moved away quireiiierits of the military authorities'." patients in the various military hospitals fe'.wharfa Governmentwharf. Epsom Dawson, J ., tain then asked the chiefofficer why he did not object to that in the silghtest. publish a new work "iri two volumes ' on 13/41, garding submarining. (it ASSOCIATION.) !>2.' That the Government may appoint "He has shice,-beenpassed as. fit by the De Goffe,W,F., 28693,Tuakau as TELEGRAPH. While this to-day at noon —rRESS had altered the course of the vessel,and war lasted every pound of the same subject. was issued this after-* ' Brazil has replied in the exact terms !noon:— Medical Board. " Before leaving the"ser- De Rungs, E. J., 14077,Riccarton ".'"■■. a Controller of a Government wharf. He said he had been, constantly,ocdespatched to Borlin. when the latter -explained that he did meat raised in New Zealand would be 9th February. CHRISTCHURCH, vices Evening to-day, of the Post lie was 3. That the Controller may close a Earl, C. L., 12/3310, L.-Cpl., Greenlane At' a conferenceheld to-day between so to avoid a collision, the captain sent to London—the beef to the Army, cupied onthe question since the publicaj Trentham: Admissions 10, " discharges with . a silver wristlet watch, .Grant, part Army * of the to the and of "J'Accuse," which was written They part iwharf or part of a wharf. I presented A. W aihi ■." at him' and struck him. mutton tion representatives jumped P., 12/354, remaining 40. . tion of the Canterbury Educaengraved, and an autostrop * 4. That the Controller may order vnl- suitably The FIRST WEEK'S SINKINGS 6,: Measles the London market, and the whole of in two montlis (December, 1914; and Ward : Remaining 2. Board and the district school com- closed,and in the struggle-the captain to presentation . was made by Greenfield,J. W., 8/3910,Lake Te Anau razor.: the lamb Nobody January, 1915); Levin tore to the London market. persons flesirable off a Government Mr. Ernest' Blundell, on Hassell,H., 10/2176, the fleshfrom the corner of JackHutt: Admissions' 2, remaining mittees,the following motion was carbehalf of the TOTAL OF FORTY-THREE SHIPS. 3. Upper ' ;wharf. ried:—"That the Government has re- son's eye to his nose, causing a deep in-New Zealand complained about the "Examining the documents then pubfront office, accountants' and publishing Heath, P.. 10/2640,Waiharera prices. complained Riverhead wound. . The first said about they 5. That when a wharf is closed no Jonkers.E. J., 10844, officer that on What lished, without the least prejudice," he " Featherston: Admissions 2, discharges cognised the increased,cost of living in (AUSTRALIAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) .; person excepting those employed by the staffs. Journeaux, W ; , 12049. Hawera voyage most. of the crew was .that Argentine meat -was bring- remarked, "I acquired the conviction' 3, remaining 55 (serious cases—l para all departments of administration of its the outward The February ing p.m.) of E. 1 to 3d than that the so-called defensivewar we arc Kennedy, (Received put captain per Funeral Mr., F. Petherick, G. F., 2/1282,Annat 10, the in irons. about lb more primary schools,such provision remain- asked him Government and others shall he allowed typhoid, 1 concussion). ' who died suddenlyon Thursday Lee, H. J., 23196,Auck.' ing the same as in the pre-war period, Captain Stayman pleaded not guilty, New Zealand, and some people waging is, so far as Germany is. conon. a wharf without the permission of the solicitor, LONDON, 9th February. 3. Greytown Remaining : night, place Livingston, took this afternoon. The. . A. E., 29269,Blenheim The Manchester Guardian states that wondered what New Zealand Govern- cerned,nothing bu,t an Imperialist offen.'Controller. Auckland: Admission 1, discharged 2, for which period it was really insufficient and was committed for trial,. without , was made int. the family plot M'Gregor, 0., 12454,Waitara . ment was doing to allow such a thing to sive- war, intentionally provoked,, and . 6. That persons who interfere with internment the approximate number, of sinkings remaining 11.'.' '.''■' * and is now utterly inadequate. This bail. i ' M'llroy, premeditation, with the: complicity Cemetery.. in the J.. Dun. Sydney-street A ser8/1552, during the first week of unrestricted subexist.. He would just like to suggest that with Wellington: Admission 1,remaining 22. conference,having full knowledge of the .the lading or unlading of goods, or the vice was conducted at the deceased's late M'Lean. R.M., 23594,Chch. the reason for the very warm feeling on aud assistance,of our ally, Austria-. idespatch of vessels,are liable to punishmarining was forty-three merchantmen, Christchurch:Remaining declares matter, it impossible on the sum 6. .-■'"'■ by i n the Rev. v : , England Hungary.:" residence, Willis-street, Mallia, C, 10/3343,Malta the part of towards New Zeatotalling 100,000 tons, in addition to RAILWAY MATTERS ment. Dunedin: Remaining 45. | now .granted to defray the necessaryadDr.. J. Kennedy Elliott, who also officiat- MitcheLl, W.-'J., 31316,Wgtn. land was,'first of all, that the New Zea"It was the indignation I felt regardtrawlers, smacks,and vessels' kiiowii to ministrative ''expenses of the' boards' and Rotorua: 3. Remaining IMPORTANT REGULATIONS NOW ed at the graveside. The late Mr. Peth- Moore,G. V.,-2/2205, the German ing gigantic Rotorua land troops have made good. (Hear, the lie which have been mined. . Palmerston : Admission 1, remaining 3. with the balancftto.maintain the public IN FORCE. ; ■' erick's brothers 'are Major'A. J.'Peth-i Ogie, C. L.. 12531, Mangakura 10 THE EDIIOIt. ! hear.) Of course he was not suggesting people had believed, and unfortunately schools in a . state of ordinary -cleanliHanmer: Remaining 1. > * guidecTmy , "These Regulations become operative crick, and .Messrs. A.- W. and C. G. Parish,A. C, 29067,L.-Cpl., Auck pen. still t hat Since: troops believes, from otherDominions had ness, comfort, and'decency, and therefore Sir,—I am a commercial traveller,; that the Gisborae: Remaining I.' BELGIAN RELIEF discussions .concerning responsibility as soon as a wharf is proclaimed a Petherick (Wellington), and Mr. P. E. Pattison, H. J., 10/2733,L.-Cpl., Te demands,in the. vital, "interests. of the most, of my time I am using the trains. not made good, but he did say that the then Wanganui: Remaining 3. place belligerent Petherick Kuiti have taken between the (Gisborne). 'Government wharf, and' as soon as a. His sisters 'are' children attending them, that the Gov- Meals',conveniences,etc., are necessarypeople of New Zealand were the most Governmentsand the newspapers of the Manganui: Remaining 1. "Controller is appointed. But there is Mesdames W. Nicol and F. J. Pinny and Richards, T., 23/1161,Chch. ernment grant for the above purposes be on the trains; my home is on the purely British of any community of the various Hawera: Remaining 1. TO BE one new regulation which is in force Miss K. Petherick (Wellington)', and Roche, M., 6/1703. L.-Cpl.,- Musselbuigb. NEW ARRANGEMENTS countries; and. an important : increased forthwith, to at least 13s per trains and'at hotels. The Railway De- Empire outside the United Kingdom Remaining Nelson: 2. now and which should be carefully con- Mrs. Frank Stewart (Auckland). For Rowe,L. J., 10/3385,Tauranga MADE capita on the averageattendance." partment receives an annual amount itself. When he heard thePrime Minis- series of documents has come to light Invercargill: Remaining 1. Cpl., Syson, some time before his death H. Toronto " relating sidered arid understood by persons inthe deceased W., 10/2328, to the distant and immediate It was also decided to take steps to con- from me. I pay 2s a meal; I expecf) ter suggest that there .should be ■■ an Cambridge: Remaining 1. ; practised on his own account, having dis-. Watts, S. J., 2/1691, Dunedin origin " of the* war. "; I"-,■"have" "collected terested in waterfront work. > . vene a Dominion Conferenceon the mat- cleanliness; clean IMPORTANT CONFERENCE IN Masterton: Remaining 1. towels, good food. I Imperial Conferenceat the earliest pos- them, and shall incorporate partnership, with Mr. H. L. Ma- AVilliamson,H. J., 25766,India their subduring "It reads as follows:—'Every per- solved ter next sible and that the Dominions PROGRESS, paying ".:. . Wairau: 1. session. mind the meals date, should, Remaining don't more for chel in October, 1915. " stance iri my forthcoming book-. -: ; Wilson, E., 15/153, Glenomaru Napier: Remaining 2. son who conspires with any other peron the trains. The lavatories are neces- be asked to assist in the management of "My new work will probe all the Wise, G. IV, 2/1023,Pukeuri Junction IS'.RAUAN-NEW ZEALAND CABLE ASSOCIATION.) the affairs of the he hospipublic Empire, Total of reinforcements in all ;vson to prevent, delay, or otherwise in-' ! sary; unless clean,are useless. The re- thought that the time and efforts that proofs concerning Germany's guilt; it H., 30032,Kaipara C. N. Worker, rj;terfere with the proper loading, un(Received February 10, 1 p.m.) tals, 208. STOCK & SHARE MARKET freshmentrooms at certain stations are ho and Sir Joseph Ward (his colleague) win refute the replies made to my first MAGISTRATE'S COURT WrigTit, V. A., 13/2969,Mauku /loading, or despatch of, any vessel, PARIS, 9th February. necessary; some are O.K. ; others the had spent in putting these matters and it will, I am convinced, whether lying at a Government wharf before accusation, The Matin stated that the reverse. Now, Sir, the Department has Governconstitute a definite,immovable sentence. SHACRLETON'S DOGS 'i or not, or who does any act or pub- Three inebriates, including a firstofferi-' WELLINGTON BUSINESS complaints as above ; let it act. The the public in the United Kingdom had ments of Belgium France, Britain, and my "The basis of the new book is-broader (whether to any person or perV; lishes der, were dealt with' in the Magistrate's ASSAULTS ON CONSTABLES have discussed the provisioning of the rubbish dished up at", one station not been altogether .wasted... He did not and. deeper than the first. The sentence Only four of some twenty dogs- which sons or to the public at large) any Ut- Court to-day by Mr. L. G. Reid, S.M.\ think he was egotistical in suggesting will 'remain the same; disguise of invaded territories in is Belgium ". .terance and ■ Prices of investment and stock* under the "tea" and mining intended to prevent,.delay, or Eve with >tho Ross Sea party on the Ant- to-day were as follow: a prohibited person, was fined was due to Austria-Hungary are.solely-Germany simply disgraceful. France, and have opened pourparlers left The Depart- that part of the results and exclusiveTO THE EDITOR. otherwise interfere with the proper 10s,Grell, arctic Expedition .have returned. The with the alternative o! three days' their efforts during-. the last" two or ly guilty of having provoked this Eurowith Spain and Holland with a view to survivors inspect forget to Buyers. Investment. S«llor«. ment seems to may loading,, unloading, or despatch of any imprisonment, while Evelyn bo considered veterans ,at believed who Sir,—l think it is about time someone replacing the American control of the S s. d. £ s. d. all the refreshment.rooms. As regards three months. He hoped andthe exploration, as they journeyed no .vessel, whether lying at a Govern- was foundhelplessly drunk in Barr, Do- pean war." ..'-.. ;, Thdrndon- took notieco of the sentences passed in, distribution of food. They have begun Polar less than 1600 miles altogether, * oncounterNational Bank 418 0 ' the . 12-hour run to New, Plymouth, try ■that' the representatives of ment wharf or not, shall be guilty of quay, was ordered to pay 17s 6d:medical our courts. You would get some inter- negotiations in be as useful connection minions would' Bk; (£3 8d) to assure the continuous ar- ing many vicissitudes and much hunger N.Z. 11 1 0 6s some of : the .' first-class 'carriages, Mr. with the management of Imperial af- An industrial dispute in the typoan offence against these regulations, expenses. if you were to employ A prohibition order was issued esting comparisons ships. ' during their travels. They looked in i-Union Bank ......... 51 10 .0 I Editor, and tell me if I speak the minds and shall be liable accordingly.' of your staff in looking up the re- rival of troops of the Dominions graphical trade, concerning the whole of. against the defendant,who was warned one remarkably good condition when inspect- Standard Insurance' 1"19' 0 of others.; Fancy leaving New Plymouth fairs as theuseful cords. Take the case of the. negro sailon the battlefield. the industrial districts of the Dominion, person (ord.) 1 4 3 '"The who commits a breach' that if she offendedagain she would be ed on the relief ship last night, and tho Huddart-Parker by 7 a.m.'mail train, ahead of the slow had been "The constable was knocked down; Speaking for the Do- is in course of negotiation. The conWaapa (Hear, hear.) of this regulation is liable to a fine of sent to an inebriates' institute. "I ask ,ors. BRITISH Coal 0 18 0 relationship PROGRESS affectionate which existed betrain. Why, the mail train is the slow ho was hurt on tho head and leg, his helj did VYestport £100 or 12 months' imprisonment.' Stockton henot think it .would be ferenceof representatives of the emtween thorn and ■■ members of the party your Worship to give me three days, so met was damaged. . .-missiles thrown, at one it stops everywhere. We were,led minions, (ord) ..: 0 6 7 that I can get the drink out of my sys-' him. Sentence, was particularly noticeable. During the all to the disadvantage of the Em- ployers- and workers,held by direction of each lined 40s, in default expect improvements. Where are they, at Leyland-O'Briea :'. APPEAL TO PATRIOTISM. kn sojourn GERMAN OFFICIAL REPORT 13 6 pire in tho south the canine birth-, when the representatives of the the Arbitration Court and recently adtcni," said Isidore Jacobus,charged with, 14 days' imprisonment You will find a unless it is in increased fares?—l am, rate increased,and throe big healthy journed, was resumed at the officeof the, \V "I sincerely hope that the action drunkenness. "You are fined 40s,or 14' case a little while back where a. constable tEx div. Dominions took their places—whatever etc., pups was . brought thewere back.' There also taking ' .which Government is LOSSESOF AEROPLANES. the form the representation might t-a-W Labour Department this morning. Mr.: days to get the drink out of was very badly treated and only a nomiMining— a litter of eight pups whose mother eviHagger, Conciliation Commissioner, ■;'/enable New Zealand to go through will. this tem," replied the Magistrate. your sys- nal fine imposed. Have wo come to this, SMOKE, SULPHUR, AND GRIT. —round the Council Board. He could W.H. dently believed in the full- cradle, and Talisman .....'. (.408. AND N.Z. CABLE ASSN. ANO BEUTEE.) 0 8- 0 ■not say how'long'the war. would take, presided,' and the following represcnta-, ...-"war .to the end with credit. So far she A remand till Monday next was that becauso it is a constable who is aswho jealously guarded her offspring, and Waihi 1 14 6 1 15 3 . (Keceived February 10, 1. p.m.) present:—For the employers: '.; ;has played her part nobly, and her granted in the case of Thomas Albert saulted we measure his life as being worth but he was inclined to think—he would ' ■ tives were any intruders Hauraki Reefs showed white fanga when .o o c Returned soldiers </_ soldier's have won everlasting fame. It Houghton, who was charged with assault-, so many,shillings. Ought it not to be that the Messrs. F.Pirani, T. Jones, L. T. ■LONDON,9th February. taken are being taught riot take a pessimistic view—that camo near. The animals wereto-day. .-.'will be a calamity if# when the war ing Antonio George. Bail was allowed because a constable represents the majesty of-, at and endurance the British and A. Sando; 'for '.the emhand-weaving Geelong, Wireless ovor South Austracourage Watkins, per Admiralty quarantine Press.—A Gerto the station of law and order, whoever maltreats him ' has reached a supremely critical stage, in accused's own surety of £10. lia. After 10 days' training a. man*can people, of British citizens' all" over ■'the' ployees': Messrs. J." W. V. M'Dougal}, states : We r.epulsed shoidd bo dealt with severely.—l am, etc., man official message HEMP GRADINGS ,: and our best help is most urgently Empire, might fully (Wellington), G. at rate be tested before C. Barker produce plain For a disorderly manner worsted tweed the and G. English attack near Serre,but lost JOHNMORGAN. an needed,we are 2^revented from putting while drunk outside a picture theatre in of a yard an,hour. .- Allowing liis>vages the war .was brought to, an end. , But Graham (Auckland), 3?. Y. Wilson INVIGORATING WEATHER ground near Bailescourt Farm: The forth our greatest strength by any un- Manners-street,George Edward Johnwas quite certain that .'the .people (Christchurch),E. Ferguson (Otago), and to be this which is said be he 2s, tweed, to English attacked north of the St. Pierre The total number of bales "of hemp seemly industrial quarrel." ston was fined 20s,or,' in the alternative, can be sold of Great Britain would rise as they H. J. Farrell (Invercaigill). The'mornVaast Wood, and retained a, small front. To-day the atmosphere is crisp anil gradedlast month was 12,123,as com- of a quality,unsurpassable, LATE SHIPPING 7s 6d a yard, including a substantiaJ had already risen (to It-he : occasion,and ing's. proceedings were conducted in an,' to serve three days' imprisonment. During January we lost thirty-four invigorating and the sun smiles down pared with 10,823. corresponding at for the profit. After three months the man can do their part well. When- they took amicable spirit, and some progresswas Phyllis . Ferraro, who possesses a aeroplanes, and the English, French,and from a cloudless sky. Apparently, how- period of last year, an increase of 1300 POSITION TO-DAY For tho twelve months ended 151s make hia own living. When more men the war in hand even more seriously made with the negotiations. * ""record," was charged with loitering in DEPARTURES Russians a total of fifty-five. ever, these almost ideal conditions are bales. January,. 1917, the number of bales grad- are made available and the scheme is in. and more earnestly than in the'past, Courtenay-place for the purpose of pro" February 10—Corinna, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), 1271 not the rule 'throughout* the Dominion, ed was 152,141, A tribute to the value of the Newthey -would do even better...' compared operation, weaving fall other classes of contrary provisions stitution, to the of as with 125,035 ONLY ONE FRESH GANG tons, Elders, for New Plymouth for the Government Meteorologist reports for the previous twelve months, an in- will be undertaken,and even the looms Zealand newspapers was made by a the War Regulations Act. Defendant February 10—Nikau, s.s. (1.45 p.m.), 248 tons, FRENCH FIGHTING that atmospheric pressure, has proved unENGAGED. crease- of 27,046 bales. speaker at a meeting of the Christehiircli . will be "home made" by Anzacs. pleaded not guilty, but the evidence was Hay, for Kelson ami Motueka Cloudy and is low in the South: For the months steady twelve ended 31st Janbranch of the OverseasClub. He had' A special meeting of members of the distinctly against her. She was senBY TELEGRAPH skies predominate, and there has been uary, 1917,the number of bales of tow Although there are no doctors on Pitrepeatedly received letters, from the front ATTACK NEAR THE MEUSE. ';;Very little work -was done on the tenced to three months' imprisonment. was 40,294, as compared with 34,- caum Island, the inhabitants—l6o in Wellington Acclimatisation Society will stating that the writers anxiously await- > graded rain in of the Winds parts country. February lotli most NAPIER, be held in the Chamberof Commerceon ■wharves to-day. A call was made at ---294 for the previous twelve months, an number—are (AtlS. AND N.Z. CADI.E ASSX. AND REUTKIt.) To sail—Ripple (Sunday), for Wellington, via are also reported "strong to gale." increasedescribed by a recent visitor Tuesday evening next. At Pctbne this morning, before Mr. the ed the Dominion papers, as they got the usual time for men to commence on of 6000 bales. coast (Received February 10, 1 "Unsettled and squally, with rain folas a -remarkably healthy and long-lived tjie small vessels from Wanganui, and as J. W. M'Ewah, J.P., Mary Johnson, 10th February St. Patrick's College will reopen on better war news in them than, those NELSON, so, well ordered lowing'generally," is the official weather people. 9th February. and a.m.), for Picton and LONDON," simple (10 Sailed—Pateena So charged with was fined 10s response, Monday there was no the only labour drunkenness, next. Classeswill be resumed they received from across the Channel.Wellington disease is, prac- on Tuesday. Wireless per , Admiralty Press.—A forecast,and it is expected that tho H.M.S. New Zealand sent the follow- are their ]i yes thatA vessel engaged was a gang for the ferry or 48 hours', imprisonment. An estate of 200 dollars was all that Arrived—Alexander (10.50 n.m.), fromWelling- French communique states ". An enemy barometer will be unsteady for some ing called at tically unknown. steamer Mararoa. On three overseas ton Christmas messageto the N.Z.E.IV the island in June last year, and again "To-morrow afternoon,at the V.M.C.A., Pastor CharlesT. Russell,of the Bruokattack in the region east* of the Meuse short time to come. The winds are likely in the to all New LYTTELTOS, 10th February field -.—"Best of luck iy.'i vessels cargo work was continued this speaker at the end of last month, and in the Willis-street,,the at the Men's Tabernacle,left, according to his To sail—Wootton (S p.m.), for Wellington completely failed. Violent artillery lire to change to the South. SUICIDE AT KOROKORO Zealanders from all on board H.M.S. intervening morning-by"men who have been-working will be Rev. W. will, which -was published in the Decemseven months there:had been Meeting, at 4 o'clock, KAIKOUKA, 10th February is in the Woevre. G odley on New Zealand." General sent the subject progress and his will be "The ber days past. (10.15 a.m.), Wellington oil them for some The rest Sailed—Wiikntu lor issue.,of the New. York Watch, tone death,that of a little girl: The Shirer, German aeroplanes bombed the DunZealand Expe- only, The police were informedyesterday that Tower. .The New York Evening Post people do not like beef or pork,' and Saviourof the Boby." of the vessels in port were idle. state that thevo is following' reply :—"New merchants, hearty kirk and Froitard regions, and four per- a ■Dunedin send thank's ditionary a married man named Samuel'Lintern Force for great shortage of supplies of sugar at and alcohol are unknown to them, Members of the Hataitai and North states that the estate is bequeathed to card and cheery message.We wish tobacco had committed suicide at Korokoro, Tenders arc invited for tho supply of sons were killed and four injured. present, and that as a consequence your the only smoker : amongthem ,being an Kilbirnio in Women's National Reserve are his widow. Pastor ' Russell,who was troopships. canteen stores for all on board the best of luck in the New by MATTERS AT NAPIER old sailor from California who joined the reminded this issue that the Wednes- founderof the 'Watch Tower Bible and shooting himself in the head Petone, grocers are restricting their sales to a Year." day .meetings with a revolver. Lintern was seen at of tho Red Cross Sewing Tract Society, spent forty years in. Motor-wagons lor .Immediate Delivery. RUSSIAN FRONT few pounds for each, customer. The presettlement yearsago. Guild have recommenced at tho residence evangelical work. work in his garden at 11.o'clock in the —Bessemer Motor-chassis,to carry from The will stipulates ; serving season is now on, says the Otago Supplies and The Assistant " .WORKING THE .Director of. anniversary LABOUR The of the Moleewortb C. FREE of Mrs. H. Seville,118,Hataifeu-road.that five men appointed, by him as the morning, and it is understood that he 1 to 4 tons. Most popular and simple. Transport,. Wellington Military a Daily greater quantity Times, and as District, street Methodist "Sunday School will be Now members will bo welcomed. SHIPS. STANISLAU SHELLED editorial experience committed' the act during the afternoon. We have learned by staff-of his magazine aro to' that of fruit than usual is being preserved, invites tenders, for the supply of bread, celebrated to-morrow. Services will be ' Members of No. '5, Company N.Z.G.A. receive 10 dollars each every mouth for bad Bessemer' wagons are dependable. If the demand for sugar required for this meat, milk, etc., for troops camped ot conducted by, the Rove. 6. Drake, J. (ACS. AND NX CABLE ASSX. AND KEUTESI.) .'\ NAPIER,.-9th February. The deceased had suffered from ;.■■' arenotified a* current weight Aw'apuni* by parade advertisement of expenses in addition to board, and is stated to have expressed you will tell' us the and nature industry is also quite beyond the supply. (Received'February 10.. 1 p.m.) Richards, and A. Reader. The annual : ''Tree labour, is working the ships in health, . ; Tuesday next. : ; and lodging.' ;, his intention of taking .' "'-■■>' Owing to the indisposition of the City concert and prize distribution will take for life on several of your hauls,and the character of your . A Ijort and the outer harbour. The Ripple occasions. An inquest his meeting Welling9th of members tho February 'LONDON, of is being held this roads, we will bo pleased to place our (Mr. Bernard Page) there'will i.yiltico on the following Wednesday even- I c'anna' leave the old folks now, The Duke of Devonshire,GovernorSociety will bo held Organist lias been added to the.."black list." The afternoon. ton I'd better 'bide a wee, per Admiralty Wireless Press : Acclimatisation experience ing-. . '. and at knowledge accepted organ your disb-i no recital at the Town Hall tothe Canada, has ci'ew and firemenof the lighters and the Dad's got a cold, and Mum's not well, Generalof A Russian official report states : In the in tho ChamberofCustomhouse-quay, Commerce,National posal. Write to Motor-wagon Headoffice of Chief Scout of the Canadian on night. 'Mr.' Anthony Ogden, ex-M.P. for Mutual Buildings, And pipes tho ither e'e. '.freezing operatives struck, as have the quarters, 111-113, Lambtoii-qu;iy, for region of-'Alanoiuva,GeneralKardinalovTuesday next, at 8 p.m., for the purBoy will an Scout Association. ; ;. give Queensland, gang Mr. 15. Horcus will an address at Townsville, deliver I'll doon the store ,■'<'. is that An amended list of residential a to corner . by rifle bullet,, proper- motors to fit- your business, J, E, I'it.x- ski was killed carters asked to assist.. It stated of considering and adopting new the afternoon service at the V.M.C.A, address on "Industrial Organisation in For Woods' GreatPeppermint The Tramways Military' Band will play the railway employees will not, handle ties- forv sale .is advertiser! by Mesai's. -gernld,. Wellington, New JJeiUand Agenti 'JTbii nutmy kimhw'tletl guwsku (in pose fulv.6. All )tokl«tft of Ibstwe* *n fa' club "Kjomei t''owWa'a Buildings, . Msui* AnrtrftUn.,".in tag Alexandra Hall, r» And Mum and Dad will "greet" noCure, Lyall Bay to-morrow after? selections more; at G^lcia). jfcelis, ;_ "black"' cargo, The Women's Sftt-Wflli Thomson.,Brown, &&d East. Ltd. with J.2-bch ijc-Adv.L . .„, yited ta fttteai, . -...,,. -.-. »af*-4tra«'ovr, at 4.15, Sunday" evening. Aye—they'll ba richl for smb.—idvt. noon. SHIPS MUST NOT REMAIN IDLE RESUME UNDER OLD CONDITIONS. ■ 1 LESSON 1 ■" — _ 1 '" ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ — ■ _ ■ ■ -- ■ 1 - 1 . ■ ■ '" 1 . ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ J . ■ - ■" - ... '■ - — '■ ■ ■ ■ j - — 1 1 .. ■ t' ■ ", ■ ■ - : ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■ 1 _ i ■ ■ ■ l THE EVENING POST, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. . m?\ 7 Print. in Women ■The Dress Department r;3iiiilllllillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliililllliiiiiii|iilliii[|iiii!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiilllliiiii!iiiiiiiiiii DAINTY WHITE BLOUSES i Specially Reduced Prices :'-ijok Sister Ida 'Willis, who is at the New All members" of the Women's National Hospital in France, wrote an Reserve arc specially requested by the president, Dr. I'latts-Miils, to bs present ' Day, of Christmas which eviaccount " dently was a very happy one, as fol- at the war lecture and rally on Wedneslows : —The patients had such a happy day next at 8 p.m., at, the Town Hall. day; they were ail keenly interested iii Tlie president desires all to wear the decorating the wards, and made chains, W.K.It, badges. /.Are very good this time, and your inspecbutterflies, aeroplanes, flowers,etc.. out We offer Remarkable Values in tion of of paper. The ward upstairs was green The engagement is announced of Miss including-the following, nice and red, and looked very line; another Mary M'Lellan, eldest daughter of Mr. a large range of Distinctive, Stylish \ 'is cordially invited: M'Lellan, of Wellington, to l.'tc. was pink and blue, and one pink and James Blouses, in White Muslin, Voile only James 22nd had iron two Orr, Reinforcements, All three bars in green. Mil, and Linen. An will inspection son of Mr. of Martinborough, Orr, rows up tho wards,and these were cov- Wairarapa. Special tine—l 2o yards of WOOLLEN DRESS MATERIALS— , reveal superior quality of materials, ered, with ivy and evergreens and decked Comprising- Silk Striped Taffetas, French Foule, Lustres, a "nli flowers to match each ward. Each the daintiest styles and excellent ■' with Striped Alpacas; in the following- shades: grey, Cashmeres, An original and excellent plan for ward had a Christmastree, covered with raising rose, vieux 'olive, saxe blue, bottle green; 40-42 inches wide toys, candles,and bright things, and all moneyfor the five convalescent who could sat up at table. "They had huts that tho V.M.C.A. arc erecting near Usual prices 2/6 and 2/11 yard Sale Price 1/3 yard plum pudding, jellies, the hospitals for New Zeiilanders in Engvegetables, turkey, (Fancy)—ln ARTIFICIAL SILK AND. COTTON nice shades of outlined ' by Jlrs. J. 11., Gibetc., also nuts, fruit, and beer, etc., to land, atwas Styles to Suit Everyone very line a meeting useful for blouses, dresses, etc.; has the appearin the V.M.C.A. rooms grey; drink. Each man got a stocking with bons ance of a silk, and washes and wears splendidly; 40-42 inches Sketches snow typical examples, -. sweets, fruit, tobacco,writing paper, en- yesterday. Mrs. Gibbonsrequires about *y/ may bags, which be made of any velopes, pencils, and a funny toy. We 20,000 wide Usual prices 2/11, 3/3 yard Sale Prcie 1/6 yard and others are listed below. But a kind of material and varied of sizes. sport buying filling had great and them. visit Blouse Salon Popular highly gift, each contain of to our cotton, COLOURED COTELES—A beautiful fabric, in with will a some ' ' In the afternoon all the conventchildren These will be of considerable value, and »s necessary to appreciate the ""^^^-Jj^f j\ mercerised finish; makes up splendidly for sports coats, cos^TT^ ' and about '50 nuns came over to the hos- which none will be worth less than threepence. Effecuve. WHiTt-' VOILE values offered. etc. ; in a nice range of shades— tumes, wear, dresses, children's and the men the pital, gave kiddies the finally Saturday "i on 'As the D.I.C. Sale ends Pounds notes will be in and-ten-siiillihg champagne, fawn, grey, mole, nigger brown, tomato, red and they were so delighted with some, in others coins of less toys, and .<,, '■".. , value,,and Usual, price 5/11 \ '. ffext,the last week will be devoted to searching ,.;,,- Dainty WHITE MUSLIN them. All the wards hadtgreat bunches a gold ring and other good prizes tan; 40 inches wide Usual price 2/9 yard Sale Price 1/11 yard will A aoice Selecion of SAMPLE BLOUSE Usual price 5/11Special Price 3/11 i everywhere, be given. The price of each bag will be of mistletoe and here, there, Raglan BLOUbLS —with put bargains from every department.. yards Special Price ff/11 riQUb ' BLACK FRENCH LINEN—A good black and pure linen; 25 and I don't think anyoneescaped! In a, shilling, and Mrs. Gibbons and the V-shape neck, ,' and set-in sleeves, ideal for costume or dress wear; 44-45 inches wide ":' tho afternoon the orderlies had their ladies working with her hope to raise j The China Sectionhas many economies to offer high also wonderful s*m&L collars;, value. ' Usual price 2/11 yard Sale Price 1/6 yard dinner, given by the Spinsters' Club, of £1000. Mrs. Leicester was appointed as cc t'l's sPec.|al line Usually 7/11 ' ; .'.'ij in Chinaware that is in demand almost every Wellington, and wo had ths doctors to hon. secretary for the committee,and , Special PTEC& 3/11 <KL^jfe^^Bffl^y EOLIENNE—SiIk and Wool material, in sky blue only; makes up s%^&'&3^A hour of the day. tea. evening vj afternoon In the we dined gifts of all kinds in bags may be sent to WHITE LINEN: price frocks, into smart BLOUSES—With etc.,; 42-43 inches wide Usual 3/11 yard with the officers,and had a 'great feed— the V.M.C.A. marked "Surprise Bag v V-shape neck, and set-in, \^^''*p , Sala Price 2/11 yard It will pay you handsomely to buy now, for (and sleeves, oysters, soup, turkey, etc., mince pies, Day." Promises of .bags have already ' \\? ■&/■: smart rolled collar; a Aery attrac' "* A jelly, pudding and brandy sauce, been received.. Sirs. Gibbous has underafiain) prices will be a state we venture CREAM GABARDINE—SpeciaI value in cotton gabardine; the tive offer Usual price 6/11 to provide 1000,Mrs. Lynch 200, " nuts, etc., and chamtaken '■' savouries,fruit, higher before they are less, yJS. j Special Prices 4/11 and 5/11 most fashionable material for costumes, coatsl skirts and dress Mrs. §\~/. There was much Reid and Miss Arndt 50. Assistspeechifying, 80, pagne. Dainty WHITE VOILE_ BLOUSES wear;. 40 inches wide Usual price 3/6 yard Sale Price 2/9 yard " and everyonewas very jolly. However, ance has also been promised from the —V-shape neck, charming- embroi?flW;>we finished very early, and were home W.N.R. ana the N.Z.N.A. Ladies' Guild. SILK WARP SHANTUNG—A Silk and Wool material; drapes well, *"s~'*~\ Harcourt and Co. have kindly |llk»'\ / A^m V^^n^X'''A--^:~r\l dered collar, Raglan.sleeves, hemagain by 10 p.m. Padre Maiden, who Messrs. ' il\h\'- / and in good shade of heliotrope only; 40-42 inches wide given the stitched }J) j our use of thsir auction handkerchief embroiI i \> joined room as a \mW\f^rWl\/ii^r cufT, ■Jl\iml 7/ was with us in Samoa,has Usual price 4/11 yard Sale Price 1/6 yard d«ed fronts with pearl buttons; '■' /(ftlm^TA^ifirVT /jfl unit. It was so nice to see him again, depot for three days, and a hearty vole "«ie--r of thanks to exceptional quality BLUE DE3IC4NDINNER WAREwas Mr. Harcourt and value /; .PI glad passed, /; he is with us. We i| jf. |. |v and we are /( / ! Plates— Usual prices 9/-, 8/-, 7/-, 6/. dozen All unfilled bags for a mail to-day, but as a for his generosity. hoping were ; SalePrices 8/f , 7/=,6/=, 5/. dozen i large vessel: has been sunk we are great- must be sent to this depot by Wednes'(/ Usual price 5/6 each 28th February, while "filled bags Tfiesa .Rare Values await you in I .Vegetable Dishes— ly afraid our mail has gone down. So day, Blouse Salon. Call at once! ) SalePrice' 4/9 each Christmasparcels have pot Ijmust be there by Ist March, as the sale far our U prices place on 2nd Maicb. * Meat Dishes—Usual 4/6, 3/6, 2/6 eacli up, but they are expected daily. takes turned ~'■;i Sale Prices 3/9,2/9, 1/9 each However, we are all very well, and had Gravy Boats— Very encouraging progresswas report-, Usual price 2/3 each sweets galore given to us. Mr. Fritz ; SalePrice 1/6 each has left us alone for the last six weeks, ed at a meeting of ths Victoria League j. 21-piece TEA SETS— Red Cross Shop Committee yesterday wo We sorry. taking and are not' are Usual prices 63/-, 49/6* 28/6, 17/6 at Miss Coates's residence. over another hospital soon, and our staff afternoon SalePrices 57/6,43/6, 24/6, 15/=. The league increased. in charge of the Bed. largely will be White CUTS AND SAUCERS— Cross MUSLIN shop Plain on Lambton-quay next Fri'} Smart Usual price 9/6 dozen day, ' 1 and a iiLUUbL 7 of the for .number of members have "■ meeting Society At a thc\ promised BLOUSE oj Sale Price 8/= dozen donations ' ' "I cakes arid, proOrdinary price io/6 of Women and Children, Mrs. Protection Usual price 10/31 'tl ": 1 3b r tsr -* orieslady, MAJOLICA JUGS— Usual prices 3/6, 2/9 while a,n presided, expert Atkinson and there were duce, who is' lne Leading price A. E. HoHseror Biooses special Price s/6 spsciai 7/6 SalePrices 2/3, 2/3 present Mesdames G. Ponsonby, A. at making sweets, has kindly -underUsual price 4/6 BEDROOM JUGS— Corrigan, Griffiths, and Winder. taken to provide some specially desirj Hoby, SalePrice 3/9 able one. Fancy pincushions and tape I A large number of cases which had been TEA POTS—Largo variety investigated were reported upon,' and measures of an original pattern, socks, Usual prices 3/3, 2/9, 2/6 others were being attended to. The fol- and infants' garments are being sent in. SalePrice 1/H lowing subscriptions were acknowledged and it is hoped that ;all the members of Brice's Luncheon and Tea Rooms, ." GLASS SPECIMEN VASES— with thanks :—Mrs. V. Riddiford, £2; the league will take an interest in this Brandon-street,next to Kirkcaldie and Usual prices 1/6", 1/3 Briscoa and Co., £1 Is ; Mrs. H.. Gil- effort and help in some way. ! liot meat and fish lunch; also Stains, Sale Prices 1/=, 9t! \\ mar and Miss Coates 10s. each; Storer If you want a good teas, sto 7.30. GLASS SWEET DISHES—Deep and shallow Maudsley, and Miss and Mrs. The death of Mrs. wife meat fish tea try Briou's.—Advt. Meek, Aston, of Mr. or :! Usual prices 9d, 6d, 4£d Frank Aston, of the Post and Telegraph Holmes,3s each. Beautiful Wedding Announcement. SalePrices Cd, 4Vd, 3d Department, took place yesterday, of r\ By Speciil and choicest flowersare used when (GLASS SALAD BOWLS— ~ Usual price 2/6 J^SrJS, ToHis Excellency On Thursday an enjoyable day was heart failure, at her residence,Karaka roses 'f\ bouquets. Packed designing wedding Appointment Price " ' Liverpool Sale O Lord '-j v 1/11 O spent on the Seatonncroquet lawn, when Bay. Mrs. Aston, who will be greatly forwarded through the Dominion. the Ngavoma Croquet Club (Petono) missed by her family and friends,loaves, and 1879 ESTABLISHED Murray, vice-regal floriste', 36, Miss visited Seatoun and played a friendly as well "as her husband,a son and three 1 match with that club. Four gameswere daughters, one of whom is the wife of Willis-street.—Advt. ty; played, and the visitors won three! Captain Henry, of the Anchor Line. Something cool and neat for little lads. Grey Union /Shirts, 3s 9d \I summer to 4s 6d, at Geo. FowJds,Ltd., MannersThe engagement is announced of Miss Savings CommitTlie Wai* National; daughter, of tee (says a writer in an English paper) street.—Advt. ur nal"e >» we" known for the high Nicholas, youngest Dcsiga Standard E.Mrs.Jean J. Nicholas,of Thonidon, to Lieut. wishes us to celebrate all i our weddings standard of our goods, and we solicit Progress*—The Pathe Sapphire is unNairn Le 22nd "quietly and without undue expense," wearable. It's end is not sharp-pointed Petit, Reinforcements, patronage you when require a your son of Mr. G. Le Petit, Manurewa. and warns us that it> is now "uupatri but completely round. It does not get P'ece of Jewellery or Silverware. New AHviinalilp Value VaIUC Attainable otic to Spend money in anything not ne- | blunt, and therefore does not wear out ' addition, by al«o»t every mail. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Navy cessaryto health." Well, there may | the disc. In a. word, the reproduction League acknowledges with thanks have been a few lavishly-conducted war given by tho Pathe Sapphire is as good ■■'■■" ..''.■." of warn) clothing for the lesser When a man on the* Stock Exchange foresees a rise in the price of weddings, but the majority have been ut tho end\as at the beginning, and con2J22-224 LAMBTON QUAY q q auxiliary craft of the fleet from the fol- carried on in quitev sober fashion. One sequently thereallis ho nasal noise which is he buys heavily figures certain shares, while are low. From this we other processes. Tho lowing ladies :—Mrs. E. C. Gaisford of the prettiest and most popular girls inherent to can make a fitting simile concerning our sate: Since the future Sound Box keeps the (Bulls), Mrs. Gorton (Bulls). The trea- in society, who married a famoussoldier Pathe Multione production of the voice, tho o£ purity promises prices, why buy increased not Ml NEEDS NOWi auxiliary, Mrs. C. E.. last year—and both had large family character of the surer of the the full ton« while our phenomenal bargain prices rule? Consider these:— Richardson,acknowledges receipt of the connections—got hardly any presents at of tho orchestra instrument, with its light and shado, following donations :—Proceeds of a all; and when I asked a. friend who had oven the most subtle. Catalogues, etc., girls' tennis tournament at Heretaunga, been at the tiny wedding reception of OscarHewetfctend Co., 56, Cuba-street, MANCHESTER SNAPS- SES TEE WINDOW £3 ss; Mrs. King (Napier), £10; Mr. a brilliant young Anglo-American bride Wellington.—Advt. ' "50 yards Japanese Crepe Cloth—30 inches wide; white;ground with ' " : W, Lawrence (Johnsonville), per Mrs. last month what her presents were like, J « small figured designs Usual price 1/4 yard. Safe Price .7^(l yard the reply was : "Oh, only such as we i Luke, £1. 1547 yards Japanese Crepe Cloth—30in. wide; Eastern designs'; used to givei all our mothers at Christ-' 1 ADVANCE SHOWING OF AUTUMN suitable for kimonos, dressing jackets and curtains It was reported at" a meeting of the .mas." Princess George of BaLtenberg,: MILLINERY. it is Usual price 1/3 yard Sale Price,7-|d. yard Yo.ung true, had as many as two hundred Religious Work Committeeof the ' 500 yards Self-colour Japanese Crepe—3o in. wide;. in shades' of S Women's Christian Association '-.that*the "presents, bub after all she was a Royal' 1 ladies' of Wellington, al6OVisitors : light We have a new shipment of very useful following speakers had given addresses: bride. Had 'it been times of peace she | blue, greys, browns, black only Usual p'rife 1.0-Jd yard to town, are invited to see our ; Sale Price 7ld yard during the months of December arid would have had something like six or!, charming selection ,' of NEW AUTUMN and dainty things from Japan which we Cloth— in: Ij yards wide; Nurse in shade's of 'navy/, saxc, fawn January :—Miss Birch, general secretary;. seven hundred. I do know a bride, " \ 1,000 34 ; MILLINERY. ; only price yard M.A. must who made her fiance i and cream .Usual Sale Price sijd yard give ;; Rev. Dr. G'ibb; Miss admit, 1/M'Lean, : I. would like you to see. I DE CHINE 820 yards Cenoa Shirting—2B in. .wide; light grounds; suitable for j and Mrs DO. M'Clay. It was further i her a hoop all. round of diamonds the j HATS IN CREPE BLACK VELVET pyjamas and blouses Usual price 1/3 Sals Price 11-Jd yard '. that a series of four addresses i other day as a wedding ring instead of i HATS IN TAGEL shirts, arranged STRAW cost you f1 visit to our showrooms should be given on Thursday evenings by j the usual gold one, but she refused at i HATS IN 950 yards Dark Ground Ceylon Shirting—2Bm. wide; in striped and "shapes effects in shades of gTeen with' white stripe, pink and white .stripe, Miss Florence Birch, general secretary tlie same time to have any other pre-i ' j All the new Autumn shades, source nothing and be a absolutely j, to please every taste. of the association. The first of this sents from him. , grey and white stripe only Usual price 2/3. Sale Pr.icc. 1/9 yard series began on Thursday night, and the ' MODERATE PRICES. \ ) of pleasure both to you and ourselves. ,j; subject.taken was: "Work for Christ,"; their apparel to be Miss who is well Heard, known; GRAND' MANTLE" OFjPERINGS}. , the girl as a worker. " For the second throughoutAustralasia as president of the ; : MISS WALSH, Whits Voile Dresses—ln a great variety of styles; some are plain, address next week tlie title will be "The National Y.W.C.A.,hasresigned this posi124, COURTENAY-PLACE, daintily embroidered; finished;-with Val. lace arjd col120, 122, others,are Training Equipment." and Worker,Her tion, which she has held for the past: i creev should not fail Wellington. i oured 1 sashes ' Usual price 45/- Sale Pr/ea 10/6 nine. years. '- She will still continue to Cotton Coats and Skirts —ln every description of piques,, linens, .Under the title, "Are Women Doing act as a member of the same board of all shades and white Usual price 52/6 Sale F'Wce 29/6 etc.; drill, Duty?" Their writer in an so that the association Quay. English a directors, may m "Art Needlework Specialists" :: Lambton Pretty .Evening Dress— ln maize shade of soft satin anc"/ chiffon; paper makes a vigorousl attack on the continue to have her advice.' Mrs. Henry MISS MURIEL REID, embroidery .Usual price .£7/7/- Saio Price 9/11 trimmed with silver only unanimously, Sydney, of has been duty idea that the form of for Pratt, Beautiful Semi-Evening Dress— Of white silk moire and Paris-shade | (Formerly Miss M'Keegan!s) women outside the Red Cross and such- elected .president as successor to Miss lace; three-tier skirt; pinafore bodice of moire; long- sleeves of in design and tone like work is to take up men's work in Heard. Mrs. Pratt is well known on the \^w_ —_. J display price £\2Jxz!- Sale Pries of the Latest net ANNOUNCES a "■■.■ munition,factories, drivers, clerks, and Y.W.C.'A. field as chairman of the secre19/6 j "'< Usual so on. She says: "Unfortunately this tarial department, and in that capacity thoroughly exclusive. does not represent all the work of the has shown great wisdom and proved her I' AUTUMN AND* WINTER GOODS —BARGAINS;'SNDEES). ..DRESS. TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED \ country. Before the war -there were executive ability, as well as her earnest Striped Cotton Voiles —40in. wide; white grounds with white woven MILLINERY, other and most necessary fields of labour faith, which has been a great help to stripes; suitable for dresses or blouses Usual urice 2/3 yard being filled by "women. These are now all those who have worked with her. Sale Price 1/6 yard which has just arrived, and is now showalmost wholly deserted. And the conseDress Muslins— checks wide; in smart and striped effects; 40in. ing at our Showrooms. quence is that the shortage of female Miss Helen P Barnes left Auckland I will wash well suitable for dresses, and Usual price 1/6 yard' labour having become so serious some for Sydney this week. Sale Price 1/2 yard of the country's industries are sufferplain wide; Nurse Cloth—40in. colours in navy, butcher blue, 54, MANNERS-STREET, grey, ing, and, oddly enough, industries which navy, grey in butcher blue and grounds-■ ! i "Where the SmartHats Are" LAMBTON A FAMOUS SOOTHSAYER rose;'also with 1 various 264-266 QUAY, WELLINGTON ought to demand women's special atWellington. Specia! Sale Price 1/2 yard coloured stripes , We K«op Furniture of th« Utest<and most BeautifulDesign. It Is well mad*in —;— ♦ Striped Dress Cords—3Blll. wide; navy and black grounds with tention.. It is a fact that .because of ."_. 8 ■■—-"1 dark rimu, oiled rimu and oak,fay painstaking and diver workmen. this shortage the textile and clothing, The*Paris Temps, in its issua of 26th white stripes; white grounds with black stripes 1 trades— December,quotes an announcementtaken I YOUR DRESSES MADE TO ORDER cotton, boot kc'e, and. Usual price 312 yard : Sale Price 2/8 yard | ■..-■■ to mention but a few—are in -difficulties. price .surprise will " CHEST OF DRAWERS— from a provincial'paper of the'death, at A T a which you. Strong, special value, oblong mirror Women skilled .'at-these 'trades are work- her small property near Meung, of -<n»-You will wonder.'why you 'did not I 37/6 !||l RARE-VALUES IN MEM'S' FWOTWEAR ' .- Beautifully desig-ned, with round and oval mirrors—From 57/8 exing in munition factories or filling jobs Madame de Thebes,the famousBcoth- do this sooner. Have individuality |j Mne's Chrome Calf Lace Boots— Medium pointed toes, welted soles, ! pressed in every line of your Summer men. Everyone can see good quite inspecting by WARDROBES—Very worth 111 left vacant By value, in her 72nd all classes i " snyer, year. '■ ' .sizes 7, S and'o Usual price 23/6 Sale Price 13/9 pair :It gives a distinction unattainable i Prices from £2/15/- II | for themselves theft domestic service of society the prophecies of Madame de Dress. * linen-lined; Men's Box Calf Lace Boots (Marlow's)—Medium round toes, stout From 30/threatens to become an obsolete/ in- Thebes,which were published each year in a ready-to-wear dress. || il -WASHSTANDS—An especially large selection MRS. soles., linen-lined; sizes 9, 10 and 11 workmanship dustry they LEITCH, welted Usual price 31/6 pair ; laundresses complain that about-Christmastime, were eagerly read. if SIDEBOARDS—The acme of beautiful Pf;ijl 252-235, Upper Cuba-street. In dark Rimu— £*/17/6, *6, £7/15/-, £8/5/-, £8/10/-, £10/12/8 can get no helpers; dressmakers have no Shedid not belong to the class of divin«Sale Price 23/G pair " !i!i Men's Tan Willow Calf Lace Eoots— always assistants. And it would be possible to ers of the future who Full round toss, double-deck £9/IC/-, £I*/15/-. see hor1 In .Oak mention other trades now deserted by TOrs and evils ahead, but, being above soles, leather-lined; sizes 5, 6 and 8 Usual price 31/6 pair -■ an experienced GALLOWAY, Saie Price '22/S nair women for what is called "war ■work." a-li patriotic, the future she foretold for CertificatedMaternity Nurse, will Men's Patent Leather Evening Shoes—Lace and,Court styles; pump War work! Why everything which is the enemies of France was invariably a. bo in attendance at Gla:coOffices,Room done in the way of real service is war lurid one. Her fifteenth and last al- 22, Nathan's Buildings, -Grey-street, City, soles; sizes 7 and S only .■Usual prices 11/6 to 14/6 Sale Price 5/11 work now. We d 6not want luxuries, manac-was issued only a few days ago, on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday of course; we -want no one filling useless and in this latest prognostication she pre- Afternoons, for the purpose of giving " CLOTHES;FOE MSN ANI& to Mothers on the uses of jobs, but it is well to bear in mind that dicted that the war would end in the advico .(free) English Tailor-made Boxed Suits—ln Tweeds, Worsteds and Sergesof i GLAXO, and on the Careand Feeding I if all the country's industries are not- spring of 1917. t° show you prices may bo Usual 52/6, 55/-, OV-, 70/-, 75/-, 84/- I Infants generally,or appointments business suits will suffer. Making Bread, Scones, Puddings, kept going our--export trade Sale Prices W/G, 46/6, 55/-, 59/6, 63/6, 72/-" arranged with the following Chemists: For necessarily War not men's OUR Raleigh Raincoats and other well-known makes, including- Dexter, EXTENDING TABLES Mr. Glennio,Brooklyn. ; work. As often as not it is wholly A woman is never quite at her ease Cakes, Pastry, Biirberryj Heptonette, Zambrenc and others Mr. Gastlc,Courtcnay-place. .: From £3/1sj' \ml "" ** | women's work. The women who have if she is troubled with superfluous hair, FURNITURE Galloway may v also bo seen at tho Usual prices 39/6, 49/6, 59/6, 84/-, 95/- to 126/f Mrs. ..■' "' brains to think these matters out must and the .commencement of this dreaded following Chemists': Sale Prices 3«/-, 42/6, 51/6, 72/6, sr/6 to 10S/6 AFTERNOON TEA at once set to work to avert what is complaint is a decided shock to her ;; -&&Q Boys' Pharmacy SHQWRQOKI Norfolk Suits— All large sizes, 12 to 17: in Tweeds, Worsteds Mr. John Newtown Castle, ' undoubtedlya growing danger. .There is vanity. There is no need to suffer if ; m TO BE HAD OFALI^ GRQCFUS p.m. (with shorts) to Usual prices 29/6 to 55/—Tuesday Afternoon, 2 1 plenty of war work to be. done by you try the Rusma treatment, which can p.m. ■-.'■. Sale Prices 15/-, 17/6, 19/6, 25/t 4 ' women within their own spheres of be used with unreserved confidence. riday, Hutt—l< Gibbs, Upper Mr. Boys' Odd Norfolk Jackets—All sizes 16 and I7^in Tweed and has of country complete BOOKSHELVES ..■. From 6/9 labour. The need of them. Itusma is a eradicator 23rd February. Worsted; a good school line Usual prices 19/6 to 35/-. If they want to be patriotic let them superfluous hair, and can'bo used in the ;!i| WRITING DESKS—Beautifully designed. The perfect present Mr. Daw'c,Lower Hutt—Fridays, 10 , Sale Price 12/6 ? WOODEN BEDSTEADS—AII sizes. , Also BABIES' COTS find out how far their present employ- precincts of your own home. /Write a.m. to 11 a.m. : Beautifully Upholstered CHESTERFIELDS—LuxuriousIy ment concerns the trade or well-being now to Mrs. Hullen, toilet specialist Mr. Williamson, Jackeon " street, ji| ' com-' p.m. p.m. to HUNDREDS OF .:,'.: Petonc—Fridays, Nurses), Courtenay2 .4 "FANCY" CHANCES of the country. The main thing for (next Plunket 3, ■i: fortable For immediate advico ring up Glaxo Chiffon Evening Scarves—2* yards long, 22111. wide; quite *j MORRIS CHAIRS—We have a specially good selection every woman to take into consideration place, Wellington.—Adv.t. White Telephono " No. 4083. Nurse. uncrumpled; handsome designs, outlined in gold and aluminium : nowis whether she is'doing useful work. 37/6, 45/-, 60K £5/10/\ Whether she is really needed more where .: From 30/- ;i| A special line of Panama hats, trimUsual price 5/11 each Sale Price - -|'-:; Comfortable ARM CHAIRS each " she is—if she thinks she is—well, and med and untrimmed, to clear at 4s lid 2jin. fancy Hat Ribbon—Good rich colourings and splendid2/6 DINING CHAIRS—High-backed From 8/3 quality,! Any will tell 'PHONE you : Returned Soldier that a 2224, Fighting leading : her work harder at it the at good tagcl designs ■.'■■",' let for each. All untrimmed straws in all the shades in broken check ;!j| New Zealand-Bentwood'Chairs— | | '(^*^VJ " an slfengjh tvould soon fail it his teeth wcr<2 '. nation's sake. But of a certainty if all Is lid. Also a special line of Jap. silk | Usual price 1/-yard Sale Price 4jd yard Wooden seat, 11/6; Leather, 13/6 CHIMNEY, WINDOW, A. defective. To march and fight well a soldier must J"' women's work is deserted by women the blouses,assorted sixes,at 5s lid. All emEmbroidered Voile Ficuncings —Small dainty CLEANING. 45, i n. All-British AND OFFICE eat Proper Digestion we"Mastication and Perfect must suffer."' left, to be cleared scalloped ' If you buy your Furniture from us you can rely on its strength I; country patterns; broidered voile blouses neat ; on very strong- foundations edges >%<*>»«^TT arC pos!'b'e on'y w'l'> 00^Teeth. ": at 5s 11<1 and 7s lid. Cotton widerand durability. Seeour first floor. It will interest you, and there WELLINGTON CLEANING CO., ||| Usual price 7/11 yard Sale Price 5/6 yard k y^ Mrs. Savagft. of Auckland, is visiting vests, at Is, 3d and Is 6d. Misses Page Every man —aoldier or civilian—who wishes to , is no obligation to buy. Frillings— ;■; White Lace *3Jin. New dainty "lace effect; finishes with and Sout'er,10, Woodward-street.—Advt. keep fit and stronc should have his teeth put in order friends in WellingLon. 68, Molcsworth-street. , ? '_,_,, iin. blade velvet ribbon; limited quantity Usual price 1/11 yard | NOW! Let us do this important service for YOU I Our Dental Work I is just Godber's landed a olioioo asSale Price i/- yard noted for Thoroughness. Care and Lasting Qualities. Patients attended to by Mrs. .Butts and Miss Claire Butts have sortment ofhave wedding cake decorations KEEPING UP APPEARANCES. Principals only. Reasonable Fees. Consultation Free. Nurceo in Attendance. returned from a visit to the Wairarcpa. suitable for military and other weddings KEEPING DOWN EXPENSES. See Pages 12 and 13 for Special Bargains for Last Week of Sale Our famous cakes aro carefully packed CosMiss Clarke-Johnsonlias returned to and forwarded to any part of the Docan. make Old SUITS and TO@teitisS3 tumes Now again. Our Special Wellington after a. visit to Christch'urch. minion. Catalogues sent on application. process of Cleaning, Renovating, .Alter69 MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON -Advt. Winder's Comsr, Guija and '-Manners Streets. Housewives jneatlv apnrocia'te eroccrs' HOURS-9a.m. till 6 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 0.30 p.m. "This is the I'irH accident here for it ing, and Pressing 'Men's Suite has deClosed1 p.ra. Satßrftty. ' kindness iit {jivinft the "Thinkef" notr- century," said a witness !>t an inquest lighted many. i hook. irsß with even' Is package "No on a workman who was killed at Meser'. JUDAH AND CO,. (aVr"—;, ,-; B wda■3Usd_Perlsins'_ Brewerj^Lottdon^ .Bnb'bjng'£- L&imdrx_Heiß.jr-;Adyt. i Zealand Last Week of the D-I-C Bargains! v] t § at Stock, our . Great Clearance I of Chinaware! ; ■ .. FOR THREE DAYS 6HY!V -|fiff /V /\'L~^>>^ d&tf^'liski~\ (I iffjh W^Jlluffl \ i'limllllmPn WONDERFUL ASSORTMENTS': ffcijf im.\ . .ML J|^Wj . l^^^k^^^jC^^Wm^^^v t^^^^nwX -,,r", _ Mm- *'' c'- . "^ ■ . F^^—r^i 'S^SE&M iiaSfifii '°* jjfc*l|P 3^*—*^ Jffl^W^&Sk, {F^gMCs*"''^ *° Buy Your China Now! '^T^P M^ *^h \ K^^toSS** a^gf|K '* /^^^m . ,^^®^f, .* igpJW - - ?XX i I ... 1 . / f ?s^>7\V^ l^^m^'-: uHm^ I\ . /A '; 1!■fl \ riIWWA W^^V'fll^J wl«tlMfte|lljS/^ \\\m i'lfllll' i^/7 \|=- -^^^^M'Wf^ IVI - -- aIiT^VOILe" KEESLEY, ITD^' SMART; "WHITE . . ■ Jewellery and Silverware — t^S^i^^ ■ Q-K jiiiipiniiiHiHiiiiiiiiliiiiS W. LSTTLEJOHN & SOU h*^ High Prices later on— but Bargain Prices Now I . ■ Reliable Military Wrist Watches """''. ) ■ ■ ■ Japanese Wares | \ Mathewson's Autumn Millinery reveals the Best Ideas for the New Season... - . ■ jrislsimSfc ! THE 1 ■ PRINGLE'S UTD. ■ . will will A ;' .. j j ',! ■ ■ . | " : ■ /^P^^^^^^^ 'j\ ■ ■ _ *rff'lP^~~ ,-. .■ FURNITURE! 1 1 y I ... ... ... . . ... ... ... ... .... . . . ... . . ■ "' . ■ . MATHEWSONS' LTD. , i~^^~~~^~^lS-.-—-' I MOTHERS GREATEST FHIEND^ |j MRS. ,► I w | ■ {§|} § -*»^ ... ij ... ... 'W -^^ ... ... I i II etc. 11 ■ I ■ - — I f . C^if^Hr *S3f /^|lflilv> . of good Teeth* - / . . — . . '!i ... ... ... ... .. I ■ ■ .'®©¥S . ■ I i Marsdpn £ Chamberlain- " I I . . '■;.. . CARPET, . ========= . — I -—-—- \^ WE THE EVENING POST, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1917. 8 UNR.ESERVEDSALE OF SHEEP, CATTLE, ETC. MONDAY, 'AT MESSRS. MEXTED BROS1 : YARDS, TAWA FLAT. MONDAY, 12th FEBRUARY, 1917. AT OUR ROOMS, 151-3. LAMBTON- At 1.30 SERVICEABLE HOMES p.m. J. H. BETHUNE & CO., COSY HOMES. To MEET ALL WISHES On T> EASONABLY GOOD TERMS. A UCTIONEERS & LAND AGENTS, Feathereton-st. Tel. 64. 354-156, ,;]?OB QUICK SALE. j HARCOURT & CO:, HOUSE, AND ESTATE LAND, AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS,etc. G..S. HILL & CO., ■v, AGENTS AND LAND ' TENDER FOR TROOPSHIPCANTEE) STORES. VALUERS, ,j. : : ■ J:' Baker's Buildings, Featherston-st. Tenders be Opposite Union Bank. Telephone 2456 to 12 oclock (noon).oh'thewceived Ist Marcl OWEN-STREET(off)— Splendid 5-roomed 1917, for supply and delivery at Wellini " water, gas; . hot electric and ton or Port. Chamlersof Canteen Stor<;: , House, balance as for Troopships. Tender forms may t-S' Ss.x-9.0i" £775; '£50 cash, ' ....: rent. obtained at 'Headquarters,- N.Z. " Militat ':" KILBIRNIE—S Rooms,hot water, elec- I^-orces,Wellington, and District HeaJ trio light. £550; £75 deposit. Cost quarters, Auckland," Christehurch, an owner £650. \ ..' ' Dunedin. Tenders must: be addressed {'■■.'■' HAWKER-ST.REET-6 rooms, Villa, up the Quartormaster-Genoral, N.Z. Miiitar to date. £1050;■ easy terms. Wellington, and Forces, endorsed "Tci CAMBRIDGE-TERRACE—9 Rooms, 40 i der for Troopship.' Canteen'Stores." ! x 122; car entrance: £1350.' ' ' H. C. NUTSFORD, Major, j LOWER : HUTT.(2; minutes station)— Assistant. Quartormaster-Genoral !" Charmingmodern Bungalow, 5 rooms, 9th February,; 1917. V '.'.;.. I.- ■', casement windows,,2 years built; | -Tenders will be receive cheapest homo in the Hutt. £800; .by the at undersigned, Palmerstq/ £125 deposit. until 12 , o'clock' (noon), on tti ANTED, KEEN BUYERS to snap North, 23rd instant, for the supply and deliver/.', .the following land bargains: —"of Bread, Fresh Meat,- Milk, Groeerie! 250 ACRES, now, carryings 200 bullocks. Vegetables, Coal, Wood, Straw, Os.ti Chaff ' for use c Price £30 per acre, £600 cash; bal- Hay, and Oaten-sheaf' troops camped at Awapuni Racecourse ance 10 year6, 5i per cent. Copies of tenders may. be. had on' app!|' ":.'. 90 ACRES,; splendid Dairy Farm, Palmercatiori to Defence-Headquarters, Paime! ston .North, £46 per acre, '£700 cash. ston North. The lowest or-any tende / ' not ■;:. BUTCHERING BUSINESS, , Main : necessarily accepted. '. ' J.B. PACKMAN, Lieut, -Trunk, turnover £12,000.Price ' £450 Assistant .■ Director o£-Supplies and .as going concern. ; Transpoi't, " All above owners are enlisting. Must : ' ' Wellington. -Milifeuy District. , be sold at once. Bth February, 1917. ■ > Full particulars from The As6igned~Estate~oe MR, J. HERON' as WM. WADDELL ANlf LAMBERT AND ..CO.," : .:'■;-- , trading C0.,-' Tailors■'. and. Men's Outfitters 7, Rangitikei-street. PalnwTston North. Thames-street,Oamaru. ■ SEAL^ - HAVE been instructed to sell priKELBURN. vately .for Mr. H. A. Fox his a 195,LAMBTON-QUAY. KHANDALLAH a. chance to secure a charmCHARMING HOUSE, containing 7 5-roomed Residence is SUPERIOR DWELLING ing Home in a splendid position. KELBURN and Reception Hall, erected five roora6, all on one floor, comprising Living AND WILLIAMS, LTD., LARGE AND IMPORTANT * SALE of 6 rooms, most ATTRACTIVELY MOUNT VICTORIA—SoIidIy -built 6-rd. Room with folding doors to a large din-,. . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION OF havo received instructions from Mr. The house contains 6 rooms, on one years, two large Oriel bay windows, FINISHED, panelled walls and ceil. House, onposition, HOUSEHOLDFURNITURE, CARreturn verandah,hot and cold water, built of picked timbers,and fitono floor, situated in a ing room; also 4 Bedrooms,Kitchen, P. Crowe(who has sold hi3proporty), to floor, ings, ■electric light, beautifully appointed every convenience installed,'e.l.', PETS, BEDDING, ETC., ETC. ted throughout with every homo com3 minutes from the Scullery and Pantry, enamel bath, 2 Bell as above,at 12 (noon) very fine h. and c. water, well fireplaces, cupcar, with all the latest conveniences,p.w.c.'6, electric light arid gas, 3 radiator light points, superpower home. Built for owner under electric and fort; gas 500 breeding ewes, 2-tooth to (to 3 SECOND-HAND OAK BEDROOM boards stove; and wardrobes, dining room 18ft x 18ft, sitting room points, steel ceilings, coal house,washrange, gas cooker,hot and cold water, vision architect; half-acre SUITES laid drafted) be land, land 40 x 120,very sheltered position. glasshouse, h.c. water to bathroom, nice garden; extra large section with 18ft x 13ft; .section 33ft x 100ft. house, out garden, large trees; motor gar■150 2-tooth wethers SET OF DAYTON SCALES 182 Price only £1230. in front. Price £950; £150 dedouble frontage. The property is in Price £1080; £200 cash balance scullery and washhouee. Dining room 80 4-tooth wethers age COMBINATION LAWN MOWERAND HATAITAI—WELL-BUILT HOUSE of posit. Government Mortgage open on to large conservaand bedroom «,nd price arranged. £450 first-class the is f 3836 order, 420 shorn lambs 5 large rooms, fitted with h. and c. j ROLLER, THEODOLITE at 4a per cent; snip. Large section, 90ft by 176ft (irremarked down to £1150,and we can , VICTORIA 9 Romney rams Ground-Boor tory. at water, c.1., en. bath, gas, 2 veran- MOUNT beautifully laid but in one gular (AXMINback), 3 FIRST-CLASS LIVE IN SELECT KELBURN. fix reasonable terms. INSPECT TOgas garCARPETS House rooms, stove, 14 heifers of 6 with dahs; land 48per; beautiful view. Wellington's best flower gardens, with STER), 17ft x 13ft 6in (about) and BUNGALOW, quaint and modern, 3 DAY. 6433 6 springing heifers den back and front, in an exception- of Price £800.' 100 concrete paths, and stocked with the . . 12ft -t 10ft 6in . . minutes to cable car, 6 rooms, ally locality; the house is good 8 2-year steers and Well-designed LYALL BAY. KILBIRNIE DWELroses, carnations,bulbs,and other artistically arranged. The papers are 2 3-year steers 6 FLOORINGSOF GOODLINO. well worth the money asked—£97s; choicest LING of 6 rooms, 2 bays, h. and c. beautiful, and the interior altogether Within three minutes of beach and tra-m Bowers. The property is .situ. arranged. 1609 beautifulHiropi-street, £20 cash and balance gas; 1 3-year filly, 1 2-yea-r filly, 1 yearling x' water, section, 100; splendid 42 in exceptional; beat hot water service; and is 2 minutes there is a rare opportunity to secure colt, 1 trap mare, 1 hack, 1 good excellent locality, few mm. car. Price HATAITAI (2 minutes ; from the oar ated CROWDEDROOMS OF REALLY electric light radiator points, gas from the car. Rarely is there such i.n a. neat and well-finished Soo-sido sheep dog, sundries. £850; deposit £75. . , 133 Two-story stop) Residence of 7 GOOD FURNITURE. of ■to secure a porcelain opportunity 5 rooms and all convenisuch beautiful cooker, bath, tiled roof. Home 5 springing heifers rooms, with all the latest conveni- garden WN—COMFORT ABLE HOUSE The finishings are quite the latest, ences, 2 tiled hearths, gas cooker, NEWTO so well sheltered and sunnywith 5 weaners ot 5 rooms and conveniences, situated ence, Oregon-finished throughout, good outlook. light, hot and cold water; and the many fittings and accessories Price for quick sale, electric 1 set disc harrows Rooms Crowded. Effects Must be Sold. tram line; good section. finefronting section 34 x feet. This is a 100 outstanding an good level section; under Government are feature of this 1 set 3-leaf tine harrows looking home, and well worth the £1800. Price £395. 113 darling little home. Price £1450. mortgage. Price £750; terms. DO KELBURN KILBIRNIE. 1 mare, with foal at foot. SOUNDLY BUILT .. moneyasked,£1250; £400 cash and WILSON AND CO. have re£250 deposit. IT NOW. 6435 . spacious replete HOUSE 3959 rooms, arranged. of 4 balance On account of other vendors:— oeived instructions to sell by auc- WADESTOWN—S-roomed . YULE-STREET—A 5-roomed ResiVilla, sunny h. c. c.1., water, en., bath; (close beach)—Fourwith and LYALL BAY to the petition, no climb, two bay windows, including tion at their Rooms, as above— with evei-y convenience, 180 4 and 5-year ewes BROOKLYN. dence space built only few years for owner: roomed one-floor House, with gas greenhouse and fowlhouso. Section 24ft ■ hall, electric light and hot point, In excellent position, plenty of sun, and 180 2-tooth wethers A very fine catalogue of all kinds of two rooms; drainage, stove, for moro overlooks CITY enamel light, electric bathroom, lavatory basin, lawn, 100 s.m. ewe 9 x 113ft. Price £570. £100 caeh. Furniture, from drawing room to and HARBOUR; land 42 x 132. A affording a magnificent view of har. bath, 4tc. Price £560; £120 cash 30 wether lambs vegetable and flower garden, hedges. kitchen, including: bargain at £850. 188 and balance arranged. ; This is a. bour and city—A well-built House, 4 3 and 4-year Price £650. GovernmentMortgage, (unbroken) UPRIGHT GRAND PIANO (a. highHATAITAI. BROOKLYN GROUND containing good getting really cheap pro5 and all usual FLOOR of rooms chanco a ty per 1 rubber-tired dogcart £325 cent. Cash over mortporty. ( class instrument,with powerful tone) HOUSE of 6 rooms, gas and usua.l 4091 including electric light, ' conveniences, 4 4-tooth s.d. rams KAINUI-ROAD, HATAITAI—An atconveniences; splendid level section, BROOKLYN power points, wardrobes, large pantry Five-roomed one-Boor tractive 2 SINGER.SEWING MACHINESKILBI°RME NORTH—7-roomedResi5-roomed House,built on most 3 springing heifers close to profit 40 x. 175; good situation. Price (plenty of shelves); kwn, garden, with i copper, 10 18-months heifers,r.w.b. House, bathroom, tubs, lovely CHESTERFIELD SUITE one dence, floor, with sea modern lines, and haying i everyl possible deposit £50. 161 situated a very fine position; sechedges, paths; and concrete land 40 £700; in gig, position, delightful comprising large Living 1 horse, and harness. view, 3 minutes convenience, CHESTERFIELD 4 SIDETWO STORY cheap m ortgage. LOUNGE, x 160; Government Price HAWKER-STREET tion 40 x 109 feet. This is a Stock; 30 2-tooth wethers beautiful x K itchen with Shackare.'invit.ed for the. \ tram; Room, rpENDERS section,66ft 180 ft 3 Bedrooms, BOARDS, 2 OAK HIGH-BACK DWELLING of 6 largo , rooms, h. home on easy, terms. Price £570; lock Range,- and Gas Cooker, Scullery, X.- Plant, and Fitfeing-s in this Estate, j £G00; only £100 cash required, bal(about), nicely planted hedge trees, 50 weaner calves " SUITES, DINING ROOM TABLE ance can be arranged. DON'T MISS <tnd c. water, c.1., fine view, sunny £50 deposit and balance arranged Stock-sheets water service, electric light, . Bath and' Hand and conditions of ■" Bathroom, hot " Porcelain EXTENSION. the ten land two KELBURN . 112, positioin; 33 x front4 D. WOODBEDSTEADS THIS. . . 6372 ages. ' Price £1000. : 3712 der. can-be inspected at the officesof th< verandah two sides, large hall, su- ] LUNCHEON PROVIDED. 108 THORNDON—Finotwo-story Residence Basin, Linen Press,.Washhouse in...baseKaiapoi Wollen.Manufacturing 2 GOOD WOOD COTS, OAK WARDperior home. Insured £700. Prico CENTRAL. and there is plenty of room to put Co.,Ltd] ' ' DAY'S BAY-SEASIDE HOUSE of 4 of 3 rooms, close to the Bowling ment, Wellington, Christchurch,and Dunediri ROBE £1250; deposit; bargain. £350 two or basement. SALE, near-;Plunket-street, beau-' extra, jin three .rooms good WEDNESDAY, 14th, WEDNESDAY, T^OR rooms, matoh-lined throughout, gas stove, ga-s . Green, bathroom, In tho best residential part of the city, ' or on \ the premises,. Thames-streetl The houese is excellently situated, overtiful large 2-story,' WEDNESDAY, 14th, WEDNESDAY, 5 AXMINSTER SQUARES BY THE BEA UTIFUL SEA 6 artistic etove, £975; easy 'Rooms', bathroom, verandah; cooker. Price £350 cash and fur'r. walking and within distance of' Tenders' will be received ud with an uninterWEDNESDAY, 14th, WEDNESDAY, 7-PIECE DRA WING ROOM SUITE land 27.8per, mostly level, and well balance arranged at per cent. 4023 looking Evans Bay, DAY'S BAY, amid the glorious native the G.P.0., a affordedto rupted view, arid has only been erected nishings, large section,.two .gardens, ex- till Noon-on Thursday, the 15th Febru]' WEDNESDAY, 14th, WEDNESDAY, HALL STANDS and TABLES bush for which Day's Bay is noted situated. Price, WITH ' FURNI- KELBURN—Oneof the4ifinestResidences' 10 purchase compact Home of 4 rooms ary, 1917,and to bo addressed; Anyone desiring, can buy the tensive months. to ., present £550. 65 at on all' modern sale, English Quaint Old architecture in which is installed I TURE, the market for view, conveniences. ■'"■." At 10.30 a.m. and conveniences, Duchesso chests, new Vacuum cleaner, for ' comprising 16 rooms, right up-to-date whole of the furniture, which i6new,easy Excellent LEVEL ":"THE TRUSTEES," . . Home 5 rooms, panelled ceilings, electric light, hot nnd cold water, gas BERHAMPORE Price £1125; '\ ' ;. oec. tables, bedroom ware, kerbs,' a very moderate sum.'- Price £1150; near BUILDING situated large cupwindows SITES, and section has two OF rooms; projecand.range, hall, casement and cooker wardrobes and ESTATE J. ;HERON, ; '■ flower bowls,single beds and bedding " AppV car and in sunny position. Price ' ' frontages, and comprises an area of terms. Recommended. 'AT THE FRUIT EXCHANGE, ■ .-.* ":. tions, bathroom, porcelain bath, boards; large section. The owner is : ., , ■ , Thames-etreet, -complete,'overmantels, music cabinet, Oamaru. -"' per '.-■'-. from £6 foot. 52 ; leaving Wellington, and Ims placed copper, tubs, linen press, 54 perches. This property is worth washhouse, ALLEN-STREET 6 h.b. chairs, couches, linoleum,chest . MOLESWORTH-STREET. J. B. ? \: 117.10 x 390 FINLAY, ' LAND, MIRAMAR-CHEAP pantry, scullery. price the property on the market at the has been reduced of drawers, pram, rocker, chiffonier, Prico £650; £100 £3750,but the TENDE,RS^ i to. good street, A BARGAIN at to £3000'to effect a quick' sale ; £100 > Evening Post Buildings. low figure of £760. YOUR fender and irons, screen,. wa-shstands, deposit. LEASR OF FARM. 8-roomed House, on. Section 29fti .. 79 cash £120.'■.■■.,' THOMAS AND. CO. have . shelves., CHANCE. 6432 and the balance ; arranged on .byAnabout ■ mENDERS are invited for kapok, mattresses, MURITAI, and Muritai is prettywire and Price 100 f t. £1550. ... lease' tho. easy terms. . received instructions from Mr. W. pillows,, kitchen tables, stroteh- Dainty 4076 Villa 4 rooms (furnished); for a-term of three or fivo years, oi splendid section,handy to nice beach UPLAND-ROAD—Bungalow, built in Old Beattie, late of Cuba-street,to sell a.*a-"-larm situated on tho Main ero and mattresses, 6 kitchen chairs, BRUCE AND LUSH ROSENEATH. Hutt-road; English style,,and containing 8 rooms, above his extensive GROCERYSTOCK,' Price, including furniture. £450cash. comprising approximately. 12C KILBIRNIE -Taita, blinds, curtains,,quilts, serviettes,lot ESTATE. . (Late W. H. Turnbull and Co.), with large hall, hot and cold water, A modern 5-roomed House and baseAbsolute barpain. The season is acres. Tenders close on 28i.1i February of blankets and rugs, stair rods, QUICK SALE. early leadlight VALUED AT close at hand. Get in before tiled and 1917. BUY NOW WHILE THE PRICES hearth, windows, For further particulars, apply tc every convenience,having framed mirror, and a whole lot of AND ESTATE AGENTS, is in thorough order outside and in. raent, with Vickery> Hav.a.-;den Estate Co.. the rush 6ets in for SeasideHomes ARE LOW. A sweeping reduction has sundries too numerous to detail light, hot and'cold water. Fino I j r. 27, PANAMA-STREET. RAROA-ROAD, KELBURN, made on the prices, and no matter Price £1300; £500cash ond,balance: electrio sunny situation. Price' £700. Mortgage : Ltd., iQO,Customhouse-quay, Wellington' MARTIN M INTT.RE & CO been arra-nged;. you This is probably the largest and most Also, . to bo ,■ 3982 nothing where look there is .: ,j £360 Governments ( ."■ to. complete GROCERYSTOCKever offered 20 LADIES' SPORTSCOATSand COScompared to the prices of these lots. Tho INVESTMENT—2 Shops, with 4 living ORIENTAL BAY—Fine Homo of 8 TO'BRICKLAYERS. ! 215-217,LAMBTON-QUAY, HOUSE OF SLX ROOMS, with sun- ! TUMES, with all faults, if any by Public Auction in Wellington, tho6oln advantages, too, are not to be excelled rooms and all conveniences, in splen- ; . Tooms, 2 hot and cold water, electric Corner Grey-street. WADESTOWN. room, bath, scullery, h. and c. water, nriENDERS ars invited up to noon ol anywhe-iv,, perpetual sunshine,magnificent light, bay windows; good garden reason for selling being that the premises concrete foundations, repair, did splendid and lately occupied by the vendor have been FOUR GOOD CITY RESIDENCES view of the city and This suburb is progressing .rapidly. Get electric light and gas,2 w.c.'e, wash- 'x ,17th February for Brick and Com views; right alongside car line; everj shops match-lined; good business DON'T HESITATE. in " connec\-ion taken over by the Bank of New Zealand. convenience. with the ereeJ FOR PRIVATE SALE. harbour; section 40 x 120 feet. Price it NOW. Secure this snip—Attractive house,etc. Finished in beet style under crete Work position. Price £1450; deposit £300, tion of an 18-stall StaV)les for J. O'Brien £1250; £600 cash and balaneo arbalance -6510 mortgage. Dwelling, The whole of this : FIFTEEN HUN' of 5 on onerooms, supervision LOTS FROM £100 EACH, oil 10 PER New floor, of architect. anff Co. Plans,etc., at 155,Featherstonranged. ." ■' . ' ■ 658 ' light supSEE WELLINGTON-1!.EUR ACE 14-roomed DRED. POUNDS ABSOLUTELY NEW with electrio and town water [ L. WILSON AND CO have restreet. CENT. DEPOSITS. " | Residence, in absolutely sound condi- BERHAMPORE—CornerEection with 6- ply.- Delightfully situated in a nicaly PRICE REDUCED STOCK, in excellent condition, will be ceived instructions to dispose of H. J. JOHNS, light, ' every roomed with electric TO TO I| requiring papering only, House, £1275, garden, by tram) Bold in lots to suit buyers tion, laid-out sheltered nativebush.' . , . privately— T YALL BAY (close to beach and Lot us' show you this Estate. Architect, fras. stove, . bath range. quick J»-J nicely designed Home, containing 5 ...heater, convenience; largo grounds, well Oloseto tram. Price ' -£775for 7-roomed Residence,best part of ThornPrice £725;■ £75' cash and balance sale. planted; make ideal private hospiA LOOK' MEANS A LOT." WIND.UP AN ESTATE. £250 cash. rooms, specially built for owner of ; WITHOUT RESERVE! ' arranged. The owner of this prodon. Only recently built and up-to; W. A. CHOTE, LTD. S picked timbers. A VERY MODtal; no climb. "Price only £2550; perty has been transferred to Wadate, newest style; with every conterms arranged. b537 '.■■'- WADESTOWN. For Keys to View, Ring 'Phone 2896. ; FARISH-STREET.■' 'PHONE 763. ERN HOME..Well laid-out grounds, Make a note of the address,date, and venience. A very choice residence HATAITAI (near Tram)—Very hand- , nfranui, and. the price has been . relawn, and garden, measuring 40ft -c 'fi OLDEN time, and embrace an opportunity 7-roomed House, Thorndon, handy to to effect a. sale. 3970 BAY ' some Residence,containing- all latest I duced to bedrockBungalow CEMENT,'; 160ft. 507 THOMSON, BROWN, AND GoodBuilding Site, 33ft by 213ft. Secwhich will not be offering again for of 6. rooms, tion VTOLDEN appointments, just completed and KELRURN—New CEMENT,^ HAY tram well cultivated with vegetables, orALSO, IN SAME LOCALITY—Very years. gas with electric light, , stove, x radiator 0 R ready to walk into; section 36 220. SALE Milburn Lime, J. J. Craig's Hydraulic' shrubs. Price £150. EAST, LTD., charming Cottage, ' ;containing 5 ' Jp 5-roomed Cottage. Karon. £500 chard, nnd '8A59 points, porcelain section 40 x enip at £1100; deposit bath; An absolute by gas, tiled h. arid 66ft 200 odd feet. Excelrooms, c, roof, c.1., Lime,r MauricevilJe Lime, Brunnerf 8 rooms, Brooklyn, handy to tram, largo 112 feet.: This houee is just com- I Section, £250. : i- ' ■: ' 6-181 IS9, FEATIIERSTON-STREET UPPER HUTT, heart timbers. Price £850;. terms. Goods on View on the MORNING OF Fire Bricks, Fire, Tiles, and Fire" pleted, and is now ready for occupa- lent view of harbour and city. All consection. . Good spac. Room to build SECTIONS—KAKORI (best part on : -""■-.■ _in the, street, such Clay, Chimney Pot6. Drain Pipes. ete.|' 459 Prior, £1250; easy terms can veniences obtainable SALE. two more houses. Low price. tion. (Opp. Bank). Union' Tram Site route)--Idoalgas, for two water, light, KILBIRNIE—A new Houso of 5 rooms, i electric and drainSHOP AND SEVEN ROOMS. bo arranged. , 4097 a3 TO BUILXtBUS. 69 x 133,'eunnv and sheltered. age.' Price £450. Only 10 per cent deHouses, t gas h. and and water, with o. c.1., particulars Further on application.' Price only £150. Two others,50' x !" posit. SALE STARTS . ..-■.■■■.■■. stove, hot point for iron; level site, :.' " :" ! PRICE £575. <it WADESTOWN ■■lower; supplied for Cartingbay. 123, £100 «ich. hutt. close rrto car. Price £775; terms island; : AT 10.30 ON WEDNESDAY 14th tram)—so,x FRIDAY. 9th MARCH, 1916, (near HIGHLAND PARK, 200, at £70; eesy Timber, Bricks, etc., to Day's Bay,r AT 10.30 ON WEDNESDAY. 14th. terms. ONEPUESTATE, Lyall Bay, . , At 2.30 p.m. BUILDING SITE, containAT KELBURN—A . Bungalow to be TIBER-STREET—Convenient 6-room- Owner renovating from top to bottom. Lovvry Bay, Lower Hutt, or Petone. i from £4 10s foot; terms. proud of, with 6 large rooms, Lukm WADESTOWN. ing lj acres rich level.'.knd,fenoed, *d Residence,with scullery, -washhoube, WADESTOWN. 'Phone 3773 (3 rings). GEORGE THOMAS AND CO., I important auction sale ceilings, airpit fires, lead lights, panshelter hedges, .ornamental trees, bathroom, pantry, etc.; built 10. years. Location—Just outside Railway Gate 6. 2 KING BROS., Auctioneers, ceilings, fitted with the etc.; frontage Section66ft x 165ft. and . about 150 ft Good sheltered | valuable elled hall orchards, building SEASIDE SECTIONS. General freehold Carriers, I Allen-street. RHODES ESTATE. Price £1285.', Cash £285. most modern appliances. Good level to Main-road, handy to golf links; situation. Petone. g ' RHODES ESTATE. -■'" ,■ ; passes property,-.. . 3/198 site; motor 'bus which Governmentmortgage. section,with frontages of 40ft. £250 LOWRY BAY. easy payWEDNESDAY, 14th FEBRUARY, 1917, cash down and the. has been, closely held for 20 years by TO BUILDERS. For further information apply on with frontages to \ balance^ appresent At 1 o'clock sharp. ments. Price and key will sacrifice KHANDALLAH. ' "~ owner, to view on who for premises. No agents. Beach Frontages with Native Bush. plication. VICTORIA-STREET AND CUSTOM£525tho lot; terms half cash. Early 513 nnHESE Desirable Sections A SBESTOS ROOFING SLATES,ji application necessary. HATAlTAl—Charming Homo of 7 fine EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE : . 1 MAIN-ROAD—AttractiveResidence of ■£*■ HOUSE-STREET, PRICES EACH. RED AND GREY FOR SELECTION. FROM p ARE OPEN JPKK rooms, lounge'hall WESTERN HUTT 8-roomed House, 7 with conrooms, built for owner; panelled Of and. every CHEAP DAIRY FARM. IN THE VERY CENTRE OF THE (British Manufacture). I hall, diningroom and sittingroom, bathroom, enamel -bath, lavatory venience. Section half-acre; handy to BEAUTIFUL FUMED OAK FURNIVery Ea?y Terms. SPLENDID PANORAMIC VIEWS p.w.c., CITY OF c. station. Government water, ceilings. scullery, mortgage WELLINGTON. beam Land 42ft x 120ft basin, h. and £540. TURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. CALDOW AND CO., 3 Of Harbour and City. copper, tubs,.together Price for quick sale, £1050. AN etc., Mortgage £450 at 4j per -cent. Price washhouse, 5/147 EXCELLENT Cooper's INVESTMENT. i Buildings,' FREE MOTORTRIP EVERY SATUR- ... £1250 Reasonable terms given. .with.jover lj acres of terrace and hill rv BEST QUALITY AXMINSTER ■jtyTESSRS. HARCOURT AND CO.are DAY AFTERNOON. Willis-street, i 1J-U; SUN ALL DAY. THIS IS ONE OF THE NICEST '■> . : .land,','beautifully laid out in flower ' Wellington-' AND MERZAPORE CARPET Xf-8.. favoured ivith instructions to ecll t ACRES> about 40 miles from lIOMFjS IN THIS LOCALITY. SUN ALL DAY. and ''vegetable' gardens, orchard, two OOd. by public auction,at their rooms, 195 SQUARES '. CaJl at Officefor Plans and Card for ~W± Wellington, all in grass; 100 NEW ZEALAND'S GREATEST SASH 48n vineries, summer-house,workshop, " I Trip. HANDSOME CHESTERFIELD Lambton-quay— Return ' TO ONE YEAR'S RENT HOUSE BUYERS. Acre's almost flat, the balance undulating AND DOOR'FACTORY. NEWTOWN—One-floorCottage of 5 fowlhouses,motor-shed. . A eocrilico j LOUNGES WILL BUY A HOUSE SITE. at £1350; terms £650 cash,.'balanceroo'ns, fitted with h. and c, c.1., and : THAT MAGNIFICENT PROPERTY, and hilly; 'carry' 2£ 6heep ; good road ; J. W. Shiirpe'a Motor will meet InAlso, / , ■ ■ Firm that makes the Reliable! >■"/ 5j per cent. Ra6 stove, two bays, lr.rge workshop. tending.Purchasers Railway "" ai Petona railway 6j decide to Buy and Build station miles, post office,store, .'.THE "ENTIRE CONTENTS OF SEVEN'" .Superior. 7rroomed two-story House, h. not decide on a property before Woodwork. .' I ."" Haying.Frontages ofLand 35 x 90ft: ; Price £775; £60 inThen why not ■;,'" Station at 1.40 p.m., returning to meet < . . rooms, this Rising Suburb? The Firm that- makes the Famou3 ■".. . ;. 41 FEET and c., bath, every convenience,in' .'■ you-have"seen these splendid homes:' etc., 4 mile6. down, balance easy terms. 499 tho 4.34 p.m. train. /■"■;: ,41 FEET ORIENTAL (Main-road)—Attractive, well\ KARORI Doors. order; _132 frontage,' Removed from Pine-street. BAY—7-roomed Dwelling,, first-class .road ft BUILDING " SITES handy to railway station.' Price built 6-rd. House,"comprising dining- PRICE, £6 10s PER ACRE. TERMS. on flat, in best part of bay. fitted TO VICTORIA-STREET' Mr. F. J. Field will " meet intending . and To suit all buyers. largo sittingroom,. 2 bedrooms,^ terms only £1000; favourable JOHNSTON AND CO. have rewith . every modern . convenience. THE WANGANUI SASH AND"DOOR: purchasers at Lowry Bay, and show ' arrang- room, "'. ceived instructions to sell at their ■" .' 'cd. .■.■■■"". -■ maid's room, kitchen,' bathroom (porce- N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP.DISTRIBUTcent, per per . Price £1500. . FACTORY AND TIMBER CO., LTD. i And ,515 TERMS: 10 10 cash, them over tho property. Ltumbton-quay, bath), as above WELL-BUILT 6-roomed House, enamel |lain Bft hall, . linen press, motor Rooms,157, 108 FEET cent, in six months,.10. per cent. 108 FEET NOTE.-I have over 1000 PROPER-' ING CO., LTD., workshop. Conveniences i nclude WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. v-|' lavatory water, h. and shed, years. in 12 b alance in five bath, basin, c. '■; 400 lots of high-class furniture, 3 . TO CUSTOMHOUSE-QUAY, TIES FOR SALE in and around .Weimonths, " A. WARBURTON & CO., all conveniences;first-cla6ssection,,electric light and radiators. Section66ft Allen-street,'Wellington. " costly oak bedroom suites, oak lington. Call and 6tate your requirev Interest at 5 per cent. p.a. good locality. Price. £775;. terms x 200ft, laid out nice lawn, garden, conAGENTS AND ' MUNICIPAL ELECTORS' ROLL. I By aI depth of ments. LAND . and terras to. all sideboard, oak high-back euikss, Prices suit crete paths, Govt. mort. £700 at 4£ "per £100cash,balance arranged. FURNITURE BUSINESS. Wans and further particulars from Role SHAREBROKERS, etc., etc. 153 FEET. 138 FEET. cent. Price £1350. .- .' ." . ■;.■;' NOTICE.TO CITIZENS. Agents, SALE, in best town Hawkes Bay| 164, FEATfIERSTON-STREET. good paying Furniture BusiTOTAL AREA, 36.5 PERCHES. FRANK O'STJLLIVAN, NOTE.—Buyers of Property in this K.AINM-ROAD, HATAITAI Practic;. THORNDON—Comfortable, and com- ness;district, Full details later. splendid position, double-frontshop, Municipal Electors' Roll (Main j Home of 5 large rooms, BEST OF. ALL WELLINGTON SUB- modious ally new Dwelling, having drawing-1 8-rd. , \- E, JOHNSTON, Auctioneer. FEATHERSTON-STREET H. BETHUNE & dwelling J. CO., 1 besides scullery, washhouse, and bath- URBS should write, stating their require- room, dining-room, List) is now being prepared, and f " and workshop attached, good " This block of land is situated in the 4 bedrooms,"maid's lease;,terms-cash fopp. G.P.0.), ; owner wishes to enlist. will CLOSE ON 15th FEBRUARYS room, built on up-to-date lines. Con- ments, to the undersigned, who has a room, kitchen. 154. FEATHERSTON-STREET. j All necessaryconveni- Full particulars of the City of Wellington, .THURSDAY, 15th FEBRUARY, 1917, very, centre from -■"" , range, choice selection of Properties, of all sizes, ences, , veniences Shacklock NEXT include 1 including light. to electric Section premises close the of some of the C. AND A. ODLIN, LTD.,At 1.50 o'clock. . and gas cooker, gas copper, porcelain for sale at prices and on terms to suit all 40ft x 112ft. largest businesses. : .P^rice £14,00;cash £50C; ALL PERSONS, Married or Single 1 W. H. MORRAH & CO., HARCOURT & CO., Timber and Hardware Merchants, (nol linen pres6, electric pockets. ,hand basin, at "5J per" cent, 1 This years' bath, balance in 5 age the of | years), AUCTION SALE OF SUPERIOR under 21 resident Wellington. lijjht, h. and c. water; sunny section, I house is situated in a nice quiet locality, 195, LAMBTON-QUAY. .-' AGENTS AND VALUERS HARCOURT AND CO., Twelve Months in the Dominion and ! HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, AL' . with an area of 21.21 porches, com. is close to trams, and very handy to GovThree Months in " Wellington, ARE I . ""■ Auctioneers. LEIGHTON, MOST NEW UPRIGHT GRAND H. ERNEST manding excellent view.' Price BUSINESSES Buildings. I FOR SALE. 63 and ' ernment 65, WILLIS-STREET. ELIGIBLE FOR ENROLMENT. BILLIARD DINING S. GEORGE NATHAN, ! £1150; terms. ' PIANO, 931 : 182, FEATHERSTON-STREET, FRIDAY, 23rd FEBRUARY, 1917, TABLE, INLAID LINOLEUMS, Dwelling of 6 and FANCY GOODS—THIS CONCERNSEVERY CITIZEN. Wellington. . ;. 115. CUSTOMHOUSE QUAY. iIKELBURN—Compact ' nicely fitted AND APPOINTMENTS. Stock £1100; turnover £3000. Cash rooms, up ...-.■..;■ At 2.30 p.m. attractive " FOR A COUNTRY.HOME OR WEEK- required £800. :/ FOR SALE. Call at the Tovrn Hall and satisfy yourOr LOWER HUTT. At the Residence, with every convenience, including I 269 self ' " "Whare Koa," No. 91, that your full namo and address are END COTTAGE, caliphont, SASH and DOOR BUSINESS-Good recorded. . EUice-strcet. LYALL BAY—2 Rooms, section 67ft x c.l;, gas cooker, copper, etc.; ""'■;. ..IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE rising ■■.-■, J. FANNING AND Business in centre; good points, £420. electric radiator level CO., suit'two spot ' 195ft, You could wish for no better, than tradesmen. Price On account of Nurse Cable, who is MANLEY & MEADOWS, es going conoern, ! ■■■'-" Of section. 40ft x 118ft; 7 minutes from £900, Forms may be had on application. leaving for service. i 50ft x: ESTATE, AND FINANCIAL LYALL BAY—7 Rooms,section BUILDINGS, including up-to-date plant and stock. 38C ' A.M.P. tram. Price terms. . 946 £1250; ' 210ft, fiIOOO. AGENTS, BELMONT PARE JNO. R. PALMER, 4-ROOMEDDWELLING, LEWIS AND CO.; Wanffanui. 32, Hunter-st. DAY'S BAY (Sea Front)—s rooms, bathTel. 1107. JOHNSTON AND CO. have re74, MANNERS-STREET. Town Clerk. have been instructed to offer for 6eptic tank, etc. LYALL BAY—6 Rooms, new, 40ft x room and washhouse, (Established 1897.)"I ceive instructions to soil at tho No. 95, MAJORIBANKSSTREET. (WESTERN HUTT). 10th February, 1917. private sale several well-built j a minutes Sunny £SBO. section, few from 165ft, Fanning.] '■ Fanning. Residence,as a-bovcJohn [Frank spIendid,BUILDING Homes as under, some of which have ■' IDIOR a quick wharf. Price for " SALE, sale, £625. KELBURN—A "■ sections of half an acre '■' THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF —Level section, main road, 52ft been built under supervision of leading WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. HARCOURT AND CO. NGAIO modern 5-rd. Residence, at Miramar, and one at High- ! , . 530 . upwards NINE x 154ft, £200; easy terms. "*- SITE WELL-FURNISHED have been instructed- to sell by ; bury; architects. Wo have not space to-cnu- !■DAY'S all the latest. appliances, fine yiew; BAY—New House ' of 5 rooms, prices, and seller prereasonable ROOMS. Auction at their Rooms, 195,Lambton- EASTBOURNE—Good' sections,close to merato tho particulars of each property, tho quarter-acre frontage. land has 45 feet Barbuilk on modern lines; ON EASIEST OF EASY TERMS. ', pared to build to suit" buyer NOTICE OF-IMPOSITION OF 10 PER LOTSquny, as above— ' gain at £1000. Owner going to the but if you are looking for a GOOD i on monthly beach, ,40ft x 165ft,, £120. section. £100 cash. Price £650. This sunny district is quickly reached payments. CENT. PENALTY ON RATES. war ' """■■" 4435 from it will pay you to see us, when 1 955 All that piece or parcel of' land, being ISLAND BAY—SRooms, close to tram, HOME Wellington by cheap Full details later the suburbansupply superior parwo shall bo pleased to full 7-rd. train service—no PRIVATE OWNER, UPLAND-CRESCENT—A ' part of. Town- Acre 'buses ! ' good section,£500. E. JOHNSTON. Auctioneer. / 396, City of ticulars of the properties which wo conall rcodern ' Residence, conveniences; Evening Post. is hereby given'that the WelWellington, with a frontage of 40 SECTIONS,WADESTOWN. j-: . let, at £3 par-week. Price £1150; RATES ARE LOW, the. Estate being ' lington City Council, as empowered (close Newtown- sider most likely to suit your requirefeet, and depth of. 40 feet, and a SUTHERLAND-ROAD i by Section .-."■',." 4435 terms PAHAUTANUI STOCK SALE. jurisdiction Park)—s Rooms, fine view, cheap, ments. Reasonable terms arranged. County the of the Hutt formerly 4 feet entrance from Majoribanksunder 28.0f the Rating Amendment j ' FTJHE balance of the land ■ KELBURN: Dwelling on Council.' . 1910, at their last meeting held on "'■,. .: ': : ftreet, together with tho 4-roomed £580; £230 cash. .A owned by the WOODWARD KENT-TERRACE—6-rd. land 33 x 100 feet. A bargain at cloeo Palmereton North, I Act, 5 rooms, £725, £750, £785 ACRES, ' the Bth instant, resolved that an addiDwelling erected thereon, and ISLAND BAY—Sectionfrom £150. IfRIDAY, 16th FEBRUARY, 1917, ESTATE has been divided into desirable KKft , 4430 j PRICES ARE LOW. Sections from OO\J splendid grass, wharo and yards. j tional " charge of 10 per centum 6 rooms, £890, £1050,£1250 £885; easy terms. Building Sections,which are now opon 1 known as No. be added Majoribanksupwards may be secured on ex- Ownerwill 6bll cheap or Exchange small to At 1 p.m., ' " 95, ' . BROUGHAM-STREET—A good 4rd. half-acre 7 rooms, £93Q. £1250 unpaid at the expiration of KELBURN—7 Rooms,land '33ft x 145ft, all Rates ' ■■-street. for selection;situated on the town side ceptionally easy terms. Cottage, nice level section. Price Blocks of 5 acres Farm or Town_ Property, or give a Lease | sis months and fourteen days from tho HATAITAI: £1300. I of thel Wilton Estate, and 3 minutes from I at 5£ per cent. and upwards from £35 per acre. mortgage years Full £675; £450 5 with or particulars purchasing Z. LOAN AND MERCANTILE from 4 £675 ' for without I rooms, fW demand thereof,,;and shall be payable the Wadestown Tram Terminus. . . 1696 Get plans and full particulars. 1~». AGENCY CO., LTD., will offer LYALL BAY-Good 6-rd! House, good 5 rooms, £675, £870, £950 clause. ' I "':' :"■' '."■;■■ and recoverable accordingly. HARCOURT AND CO., garden and fine sea view, section 61ft J.-A. NASH AND: CO., ' City Water, Drainage, and Electric ! WADESTOWN-An up-to-date 4-rd. Villa for,sale, at 1 p.m., the following:—' 6 rooms, £775, £1050.£1100 x 170ft. cheap, £1000. JNO. R., PALMER, Light are available. Auctioneers. Residence,in perfect 1 order. Section Palmerston North. 480 f.f.m. and f.m. owes (lots) KILBIRNIE: all level and only a few minutes' walk Town "Clerk. 350 m.a. lambs (lino) . 4 rooms, £550,.£650 LYALL BAY—Level sections, 33ft s 132ft, ' " Excellent opportunities for anyone_to February, 1917* ' from the car. Price, for quick sale, "A LOVELY VALLEY OPENING ON 9th TUESDAY, 6th MARCH, 1917, rooms, j 230 m.s. lambs (line) 5 £750 £132. . £575, £625, secure a Home Site from £25 a section . 501691x SOLID MOTOR TIRES. At 2.30 p.m. £590,£150cash. 190 m.s. lambs (lots) 6 rooms, £750. £800, £850 THE! SEA.": > : ,'. per cent, LYALL BAY—A fine level upwards. Ea6y and' terms. 10 TO MANUFACTURERS AND { Section, j220 f.f.m. and f.m owes (line) LYALL BAY: per deposit, 10 cont. in six months, 10 222 feet, with- a beautiful Villa RosiIMPORTANT AUCTION SALE, Of all the naturally favoured spots OTHERS. . '. i 140 6-tooth and f.f.m. ewes (good) SMALL number of Midland «nd 4 rooms, £550, £675 per cent, in twelve months, balance in ■,'. donee 'thereon,-fitted with -all -the around. Wellington; Happy Valley Bay Of Wood Milne Tires to be at less Proprietor of Letters Patent No. 120 2-tooth wethers (good) FERKINS & GAMBLE, 5 rooms, £725, £750. £775 five years at 5 per cent. latest appliances. Price £900, terms. has much to commend it. : ,It has- good than landed cost; guaranteed sold SEVEN-ROOMED RESIDENCE . porfeot February, 1913, relain.31376. of 10th. s plen(best, part)— IPO2 and 4-tooth wethers HATAITA.I Several ■..■■■ ■".'..:.■'. :'.. 1695 roads,a_fine beach,city drainage, and a order and condition. LTD., (47, Austin-street), ting to "Teat Cup 3for Milking MachB0 b.f lambs . r did Building Sections, practically all Don't delay. Inspect at once. Full MAARAJVIA-CRESCENT.-THE .■ . SIX-ROOMEDDWELLING ONLY tonic air that invigorates the townFor sizes and prices apply to 40.3i-year guaranteed empfy heifers 113, CUSTOMHOUSE-QUAY, ines," is desirous of entering into arrangelevel,sun all day, magnificent view, with- particulars from AVAILABLE BUILDING SEC- worker.. . , (32,- Maarama-crescent), . Wellington. ments by way of a License or otherwise, steers : in 3 .minutes of tram. Will build to suit 3-year 16 TION IN THE STREET; land 34 x TIRES, on reasonable terms, for the purpose of 4 fat and ford, cows NATHAN, Opposite Bank of New Zealand. purchasers if desired. Plan of Sections Evening Post. " feet. Magnificent view of the ■ imagine, S. GEORGE Some people 2 VACANT 106 that however, exploiting the abpvo' Patent, and ensurSECTIONS,MIRAMAR. 2 springing cows at our office. " per : i alongside. City : and Harbour Price £17 sections the Straite must be ing its practical'working in New ZeaCUSTOMHOUSE-QUAY. 115, Sale Wo have Houses and Sectionsfor Lhigh-priced. This may be so of some THE WELLINGTON TRUST. LOAN, VILLA, situated in foot. .-. .On account of; Mr. J. 0. Smith— HARCOURTAND CO. have . land. parts of tho City and Suburbs.Call Upland-road, in all AND parts quite Kelburn, elevated of the but it is INVESTMENT LTD. been instructed to sell by public coa6t, untrue CO., § 400 4-year annual draft ewes All enquiries to bo addressed to WE position without on us. CAN SUIT YOUR REmagnificent climb, LABATT & of auction as above— CO., HUGHES, LTD., | .PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE. HENRY : view of tho A DVANCESmade on Approved Froe(Opp. G.P.0.). harbour,hot water, porce- QUIREMENTS. TOCLOSEA DECEASEDESTATE. 14, PANAMA-STREET Agents, Patent, light, lain bath end electric ■'"£*■ Country basin, 7TUIE CHEAPEST HAPPY VALLEY BAY hold Town and HOME IN NORTH Securities Wellington. ,;^--:;, FOR SALE. 157,Featherston-strcet,. bay 1. ALL THAT PIECEORPARCEL OF window and cooker, balcony, l»as at Current Rates of Interest. XX ARRYA. SHEPHERD, X KILBIRNIE—7 fine Rooms,-welldeLAND, being- part-section 359, City of .linen press, all on one floor. Wo RESIDENCE, very adTO MANUFACTURERS AND " ■*" signed, built from heart timbers, h. Apply at the Offices, 219,Lambton-qy. 111 Customhouse-quay. jacent Abel Smith-etreet,for Sale FRONTAGES. . Wellington, and having a fronatge of 36ft recommend this houso as exception' OTHERS. c. water, 'electric light, gas,.etc, DOMINION ESTATE, UPPER HUTT. 4in R.E. RAWNSLEY, ' «md_ to Austin-street by a depth of 110ft, ally. well built. Insurance £550. Secretary HATAITAI LAND CO.,LTD. !on account of owner (absentee). FirstProprietors of Letters Patent No. Price rriHE ]>erfect all in no climb. Already order; sixty-five City every class 7-roomed with of these splendid al£885; terms. together with the 7-roomed Dwelling Application. Secretary. Price Full Particulars Residence, | on , terms. J29226 of 7th ' "A'GIFT. £875'; lotments have been 6iiapped up—so rare March,1911,relating to thereon, and known as No. 47, DUNCAN-TERRACE—Bungalow, seven convenience;level section; 10 minutes HATAITAI—6-ropmed SECTIO N S erected BLUFF ENGINEERING WORKSFOR "Improvements in Liquid Dispensing Do; OL D Home, inf ideal aro tha values they represent. Austin-street. The house is replete with from GovernmentBuildings. Price 'o ' ,: rooms, with all conveniences', electric applievery vices" desirous of entering into arposition, glorious SALE. are. Rooms. Price £3075 view, including scullery, bathall conveniences, close, £800. £200cash deposit is requirlight, gas cooker,hot water, porce- HATAITAT—6 ancefor been called up for active rangements by way of a License or otherFifty-nine desirable.sections are still comfort,etc.; room for motor ' room, large hall, linen press, h. and c. j ed to secure this'property. If not wantAlexandra-street— lain bath, bay windows,conservatory, HATAITAI—S Rooms. Price £950 on reasonable terras, for the purA good grassy car. Price terms." "I offer as wise, water, etc., to £1060; available, and as theso include the service, Business, ing possession speculation, BAY—S Rooms, built suit but a the ' my. balcony and verandah. This vorandali, cupboards, and wardrobes, LYALL 36 and 37 home to be proud of. . , flat on the right-hand.side, going to the above,for Sale, as a. going ' £50 each purchasers. £760 Sections; and paying pose of exploiting the above Patent and " property is situated on the slopes of Mt. present good' tenant, will leaso for 30a etc.; .insurance £700. Price £1075; INVESTMENT-^ Houses on Mount Bay, they will certainly find purchasers concern. Apply R. M. Hankinson,Bluff: ensuring its practical working in NewCorner Main-road and King-street— terms. KKLRURN-6 Rooms,just built. £1300 per week for seven years. Victoria, and gets the sun all day. in "good order, let to very soon. Immediate inspection is Zealand. Slope, . Victoria. " thereON ACCOUNT OF AN ABSENTEE Seven-roomedDWELLING, nicely situ- RVANS BAY-ROAD—SRooms. £700 ' Section9 ' House for any£65 . . All enquiries to bo addressed to good: tenant*-. Get particulars' of this fore advisable. , etc. £17.500I Further details from '.| thing in Cheapest Jewelleryline. Name and OWNER. ated in Hataitai, splendid view of CUBA-STREET—4Shops, HJiNRY HUGHES, LTD., ■' handsome investment. 40 120.: £200. Main-road and x Bay; large engraved Cook Straits Evans HATAITAI—Section, purcha«ed. frontages are easily:reached from date The free article 2. ALL THAT.PIECE.ORPARCEL OF WORTH INSPECTION. any Patent Agents, HOMES E. J. BARNETT, if 352, easily Engraver Sections7 and 8 £60each "ection; renovated could be S. and 157, beingBay, being only City Wellington. of section of to Island 15 minutes' walk ,G. Ross, Jeweller, part LAND, 27, Featherston-srreet, to Railway. Agent, 94, Willis-street. j KELBURN—6 Rooms,one floor, close sold ot £1000. Prioe £800; terms. Lambton-quay. FARM,, close Wellington, and having a frontage of 53ft from the tram terminus. . ■■■car. £1000. King "ANTED—Hugo grass, and Victoria streets— 505 acres, all in fenced and clearance Dress Corner to Maarama-crescent by 130ft deep, toKFXBURN—S Rooms. £575. .Preeorve into 12 ANTED—Brass Pans from Goods: paddocks, wintering divided well Blouses'. Remnants,HosiSection63 £50 P«CKB;raOM gether with tho dwelling of 6 rooms erected NEWTOWN—FineHome,lovely garden. 14s to 355. best English Aluminium ery, CushionCovers, Manchester Z!i sheen; good 4-roomod. house, outGoods. BLAKE & CO., thereon, with usual conveniences, including 11. C. RENNER, do. 25s each, Aluminium Kettles 10s 6d, Morgan's SummerSale. Riverbank £985. iheds, dip, yards, etc.; everything in scullery, bathroom,washhouse, h. and ]2s 6d to 25s each. The Sims Hardware. .c A Bungalow. LAND AND BUSILYALL BAY—4-roomed £700. order; oomplele working ;...........,. .Section85 £150 2 miles from T AND AGENT, 12,. PANAMA-ST. 1 Buy, TERMS VERY EASY FOR. THE \\T ANTED to water, etc. This property is situated about J\.UCTIONEERS, in Houses of Furnivi) every NESS AGENTS, CENTRAL—6Rooms, ' to date town, 4 miles from' railway station, 10 To correct acidity and lure; highest prico given. Richard4 minutes' walk from top of Willis-street, way. £950. ; Main-road (next Wilson-street)— and 53, LOWER CUBA-STREET, chains from school; first-classmetalled ' ABOVE TWO PROPERTIES: flatulency, take Sharland'sFluid con*Bros.. 206. Upper Cuba-street. d0 " gets tho sun all day, and commands an BARGAINS: I you 18 £100 acres acrei Cflllor write if a a ..:.....,:.: 1.i.p., Section roads.' Title 277 228 desire Home,: Magnesia. Keep a bottle in your homo. Wellington. unrivalled view of the Harbour and City. 10 per-cent. cash; 10 per cent, in six Oneshilling. freehold. Price £15: terms very easy. NORTHLAND—Nice 5-roomG(3 Rest- , Section,or an Investment. We have in have a splendid as"ITfANTED— 3. THOSE TWO SECTIONS.. Nos. 78 ♦ » sortment Wo 'Also,— .: and sunny extensive list of properties personally months; 10 per cent, in twelve months; . of English Aluminium —W. L. JOHNSTONE, Licensed Land dence,all modern conveniences, 79, Alexandra-street,Miramar, each Properties, Businesses, ' House and Furspot, Terms ■■■ ANTED Knovn~We Buy Furni- Ware displayed: Saucepans from 6s 6d, ; Agent. Mangawcka. lovely | inspected. years per Price low. balance in 5 at 5 cent. DWELLING OF 4 ROOMS .view. having a frontage of a depth of niture Sold. small large quantities; Pudding " or Basins Is 6d to 2s 6d each. Tho tuic, in . can ba arranged. j of 44ft to 165ft. These two lots are quite level,and AUCTION SALES of Furniture and TO TEAMWATMBN. On section -38, with a frontage Secure n. Homo SHo at Bracing, Pic- highest prices given. Richardson Bros., SimsHardware. > Stocksheld in Mart, Mondays, Wednes- 9OnO ACRBS FREEHOLD, situated KILBIRjS'IE—S-roomed modern Cottage, . Property for Sale, Edinburgh- turesque Happy Valley Bay—and live by 2O6._Cuba.-str«:t. Alexandra-street and 156ffcto Royal-street., are alongside the Miramar tram line. j 'ANTED to Sell, in,tw>- j level town, term-, good days, Fridays. growing any and and Furniture of rJ\'\J\J near 1300 ncres section.' off 3-rd. £700; Russell-terrace; particulars apply Only order, For further terrace,' The house is in the Blue Pacificthis Summer. , " ANTED~~Known Bathe wounds mins. from tram, 4-rd. Cottage, , description bought for cash. House Sales in. grass,600 acres flat, balance ridcable easy. . . " | House. Price £330; deposit £30.balance ' Plans and particulars from HARCOURT AND CO., with Pacoiol. Relieves pain and , bathroom,washhouse, etc., also- 2 Build- : PRICE ONLY £350, only £35 DEPOSIT. of Furniture a special feature. Valua- hi'ls: wintering 1800 owes. 2000 wethers, erect another, house weekly. Auctioneers. 20s Room'to promotes healthy granulation. ing Sections, Island Bay, cheap. Apply ': tions made. Rents collected. 200 head catHo. Price £8 10s per acre. HATAITAI—4 rooms, closo to car; all or enlarge present building, which roTerms.—lo per cent.\cash, 10 per cent.. to Sell, Heavy Draught conveniences;largo section. S. GEOPvGE NATHAN,:. money. Goodsdearer J'jiisy Terms,Evening Post. MOTOR . SALE ROOMS Motors, £5000,balance arranged. Apply a few pounds spent on it in requjres " 3 months,10 per cent. 6 months,balance i&ivo Horse,big Spring Dray, and Har- Motor Bikes. .Engines, Accessories of I'KKnK. HKHUINU. HAY'S EAY-"S»«Uend pairs and pittntintr.. Apply 2 years at 54season. Buy now at greatly 'ANTED to Sell, Wood and Cost AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT, reducednext Apply 46, Mplecworth- ev«ry< description.Bought and Sold.' go. ness, or separate. prices at Morgan's i Summer ' " " N&tiwuJ Bunk Buildings, Paluwfalon and t«nn« rcusonvble, Buy , OJDLINANb CO.. LTD., Wellington. For ! HARQOu;&T ' ---—-"—-■="= I'ricM JOttN Busine&s, near " ; streei. North, C»bje-strs«t, Weyingwm. " V address. aucLv Eveninc Post. »9it iai the comiag Kutotk 115,Cuatomliouße-quay,. Sale,115, Cuba-street. .' ABRAHAM QUAY. — — HERE — I 1 ■ ■ - ■ ■ - . . — — - AL. " "■ WRITTEN - 1 ■ - ■ — ■ — ■ — ■ 1 - '■ ■ 1' ■ — — - 'V-."'■■■ - j GEORGE - - . i - - ■ - -" 1 ■:-; £1500# LAND . . t '■ - 1 ■ — IT~TO-DAY. A." ' JJiOR ■ " ( \ '■"■ ■ ' . .i QUOTATIONS SUPERB > . ■ . ■ - - - ■ ■" ■ - 5. - . ■ "■ : 1 ed. — . ■ _ ■ DO ■ ■ E ■ '■ ■ THE 1 LICENSED FOR THE ■ ■ ■ - - LAND ■ 1 STATIONERY ■ ■ ■ ■ LAND, ■ E" WE MESSRS 340 840 . ■' ■ NOTICE I ■'■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 - . ■* ■ .... ' A - . THE '. MESSRS. FIVE-ROOMED ■ PRIVATE - ,Tj-N.S ■ HAVING ' — ■ ■' | 1 HANDY i — WANTED— "■ ' ■ _ ■ W ..£SQ £50 . - WANTED— ' 1 ■ ■ l CHEAP — — WANTED /£haaa.2sk 1 - ' ' WANTED— ■ ' ■ ■ iyr/. THE EVENING POST. SATURDAY..-FEBRUARY 10, ' 9 LABOUR. tra) selections followed one another in. and Wild for four months''^industriously Evans. The weather was finewhen they A similar course is to be provided at EMPLOYERS & wharf may give such'orders as he thinks quick succession,and encores were fremade clothing and fur boots from ma- started at 1 p.m. with no equipment. "Keatherston,so that instruction in this necessaryas. to.the berthing, loading, quent. They by despatch ship military given were overtaken of latest art can be there by unloading, lying terial which had been left the Scott a sudden or any ' ' ' The proceedings concluded with the as well. expedition. and blizzard at 3 p.m. when they would he at or in .the vicinity of that wharf. DisJack, Rickards, PROBLEMS TO BE FACED Judging from Thursday's and yestersinging of " God Save tho King." Stevens engaged in scientific' work approximately four miles from Hut Point. GOVERNMENT obedience to any such order shall,be an FRANCE PREPARES LATEST FROM day's experience, it is likely to prove On 10th May the remainder of the offence".against these regulations. . RESCUE OF ROSS SEA Cope, Hayward,' and Gaze indulged in TO STEP IN popular One thing 'is certain': No. 3 15. Every person who'conspires with seal hunting. On Ist September, ;as tuen- party at Hut Point, being anxious for SPECIAL OBSTACLE COURSE obstacle will get a name which -will aptly DISCUSSED BY THE PLUMBERS. the safety ol these. two men, followed to person prevent, other or delay, , tioned in Sir Ernest Shackleton's PARTY official any CALLED TO CAMP ' describe its special characteristic. AlMackintosh'? tracks to the and with the proper nortli, ORDERotherwise interfere loadnarrative, sledging was recommenced, POWERS TAKEN BY ready it stands for the acme of the abruptly terminating in open TRENTHAM, ing,. unloading, or despatch of any vesINTRODUCED and five, journeys were made; to Hut found them AT IN-COUNCIL The delegates attending the annual Thaif worst fears were realised strenuous life at" Trentham:. On9th' Octobernine men in three water. sel,,whether lying'at a Government wharf MILITARY SERVICE APPEALS FIGHTING AGAINST DEATH Point. conferenceof the New Zealand Federaor not, .or who. does any act or. publishes units commenced sledging to stock the when on 15th January they arrived at THE MEN IN AGILITY. IMPORTANT TRAINING Cape Evans and found that' Mackintosh REGULATIONS. tion person persons to any or or to of Master Plumbers were tendered (whether Bluff depot. They had four dogs and CASES OF HARDSHIP. had not arrived. to lay. no less than two tons of pro- and Hayward the. public at large). any utterance ina social evening at Godber's rooms, TERRIBLE SLEDGE JOURNEYS had ROLL OF HONOUR After daylight returned,searches -were In pursuance of the policy of keeping ' prevent, delay, or otherwise invisions. Four journeys were made,and conducted A tended,to Extraordinary Gazette W. published ■G'ourtenay-place, night.last Mr. of the missing After The Post went to press yesiter- : afterwards" all the parties 'proceeded men, but for. any traces terfere with the proper, loading, un- the training of the New Zealand reinJudd was in the chair, and there was a day none were found. The loss of last night contains the following import- loading, or despatch of any vessel, Tha first party consisted of AURORA RETURNS WITH SUR- south. NEW ZEALAND CASUALTIES the Third Wellington Military, forcementsup to date another new course ' and Hayward was due to ant. Order-jn-Coundl and Regulations: Mackintosh lying at a Government numerous attendance. and; and the whether w harf '-.'"' ''Mackintosh,-Wild, Smith,' Service Board, heard; several furVIVORS the break-up and driving north of the Wheras by section. 3 of the War Re- or not, shall be guilty of an offence has been introduced into the syllabus at second in charge of Joycehconsisted of The toast of "Parliament" was proLAST NIOHT'S LIST. influence of the gulations Amendment regulations, and shall be Trentham. This takes the form of put''Hayward, Richards, Cope. ' Jack, and young ice under the, posed by Mr. T. Ballinger; and was fol- ther appeals. The Board comprised'; ; ' Act, 1916, it is against these blizzard. ' ■ting officers, n.c.o.'s, and men over-a lowed by a brief address by Mr. W. L. Messrs. W. H. S. Moorhouse (chairA blur of smoke above Point Halswoll Gaze,and the four dogs.' At 80 deenacted that the Gbvernor-in-Council liable accordingly. . UP, casualty, SURVIVORS PICKED issued,last Joyce Cope, sent back' and .A. list renight Jack, Edmanson,president "of the Esperanto man), A. Considine,and M. J. Mack, " course; with a specially could be seen by the', watchers' on . the grees obstacle designed by regulation make provision such Gaze owing to their primus stove, on . The remainder of 1916 was spent may ported 1 man missing believed dead, 1 Society, on "The Language of Com- with Captain Percy Baldwin pilot boat which had gone out to meet which so much depended, as^military]' being worn out. I mainly in sledging stores from my hut as, having regard to the exigencies of POSITION IN WELLINGTON view to improving their agility and died merce," a knowledge of which, he urged, | representative. . of wounds,and 5 men wounded. thereby enabling them when they get the Aurora, and presently the relief ship The. "journey ,wasa 150-mile one, but to Cape Royds in view of a possible de- the present war or the conditions creatwas essential to. the carrying on of postinto the battle line to surmountobstacles The list is as follows, all being pri- war'trade by the Allies. conditions enabled the return- tention for another year. . On 10th JanuEMPLOYERS' ATTITUDE A MOTOR MECHANIC. came into view.- Dusk had come down favourable ; quickly and make the most of the time vates unless otherwise mentioned. The ing party to cover the distance in nine ary, 1917,the Aurora arrived at the fast ed thereby, he thinks advisable for the Replying to the toast, the Hon. G. W. on the waters, but her black.hull and days Herbert George Abel Hayward, motoagiven within Russell (Minister of Public Health) said maintenance of industries essential for names of , The three men reached HutPoint ice five miles from Cnpe Evans and pickavailable. riext-of-kin; are necessity training The for POLICY STATED THEIR L ower aps^saisd. funnel could be plainly seen. Shelooked on 15th'January, 1916. ■; , : itischanic, who «m public parentheses, relationship the Hutt, up being hoped ed the-seven survivors all. well, and welfare: And whereas the men in this direction has been amply the de- he' that after the war the universal the ground of public interest,stated- thati an absurd little craft to battle with the SMITH ATTACKED BY SCURVY. learned of the loss, of Captain Mackin- lading and unlading of ships is an indusThe employers' intentions regarding demonstrated at the-front, and a system noted by m. for mother, f. for father, language would be English, and that it served in the South African ■' War. and Hayward eight months previ- try essential for .the public welfare, and "the. carrying on of work on the Welling- of instruction accordingly was devised w." for wife,'s. for sister "b; for brother, would not bo necessaryfor the peoples he ice in the inhospitable Antarctic, but Two days later Macintosh,Wild, and tosh He married was on 7th August, 1915, the following regulations are, in' the ton, wharves were conveyed to the union which was introduced at " Etaples, the etc.:—.. ■-.■'." 'of the world to study Esperanto. (Ap-J .,..".■' nevertheless she was snug and trim. As' Smith joined up with; Joyce's party, ously had a child' four months of age. Hia plause.) As Minister of Public Health, and Whilst recognising the hopelessness of opinion of the Governor-in-Council, ad- yesterday in a- letter addressed to the big Specialists' Training:Camp, for 'Britkeep MISSING—BELIEVED They which had decided to on.. KILLED wife pilot she drew up to the was very delicate. " Appellant deboat a motley, had to haul 17001b of provisions with success in finding any races, the Aurora visable for the maintenance of that in- secretary" (Mr. J. G. Bruce) by the sec- ish and colonial divisions in France, in OTAGO INFANTRY BATTALION. he had to say that while we are at war until the 19th, and during the dustry having regard to the conditions it is practically impossible to: persuade scribed himself as s> shearing machine, collection of figures could be seeii on her four ' Wellington Employers, the! latter half of last year. A special Smith; R, the dogs as their only help. During remained retary expert. of . . ; ■■■■.' .'■, ', (G. 8/4028 ,■._„■ Smith, Thorn- Parliament to face. ordinary legislation. deck watching with great curiosity the the next few miles Smith showed signs nine days an examination was made of created by the present war. and Citizens' Defence Com- obstacle course was, constructed,and all ' .bury, f.) A., .■ , ,;. , .;...;, the unsearched of M'Murdo Sound Now,.,therefore, I Arthur William de Farmers, pure and . toThe appeal was dismissed,.but! owing;, Last session was a war session, (Mr. W Pryor); Following was reinforcements and new infantry units party on the launch And little, wonder, of scurvy and rapidly, jp'ew worse The as far north as part mittee special, simple, and he believed that next session Granite Harbour. I was Brito Savile, circumstances leave waa' arriving have since been put over this DIED OF WOUNDS. : him, in the legs, as it Gover- the text of the letter :— for some of, them, isolated m the South disease attacked , by Captain Davis with the search nor of the Earl "of. Liverpool, would be the same.. .As the Empire granted until 21st February. . . Dominion of New Zealand, "Owing to the .action of the Wanga- beforebeing sent on to the trenches. generally does, and it was ; decided to landed CANTERBURY INFANTRY BATT. . stood,at. the present parties, but I discovered no traces, nor acting by and only,' Polar Seas, had. seen no strange ';faces "depot" had we, time, NO APPEARANCE. him in order to allow the rest was anything to be found, by the with the advice and con- nui Waterside Workers' Union, in refor two years and a-half They were the T. (Mrs. THE IN Adams, C., 11589 to consider could ship thing—how SAME AS FRANCE. I.: Adams, one best we sent _of the Executive Council'of that fusing to work under the conditions pre: Patrick S. Hickey, telegraphist., Willisof the .party to proceed. At that time whilst ,-. survivors of the Ross Seaparty, and two Belfast, m.); 7th February assist to win the war. (Applause). AH street,' close into the'coast. The new system has been introduced was able to look after himself but Dominion, a'nd> in pursuance of the scribed by the industrial agreement in Wellington, and Charles A'uberbii : or three of them strikingly demonstrated he effortsof the Empire, including New at Trenthanv by Lieut. G. Gallaway, 4th the authority was to . conferred upon, port, unable walk. me said at thatthere CORRECTION. by operation employers the c/o G.P.0., Welling- :. the fact that there is no barber's shop Zealand,were devoted to that end. vWe Goddard,labourer, ton, failed to'answer to their names, and The next depot had'to be laid at Mount Act, do hereby make the'following re- were compelled to secure outside labour Reinforcements, who was attached to the I Rep. Wounded,now not Wounded. fighting" in the vicinity of the South Pole. A Hope. were not but for conquest, for training staff at Staples.and acted as in' gulations,for the maintenance of the said to discharge and load the John, appeals were dismissed. This INCIDENTS IN THE DAILY their the; was extreme limit of ': Breeze, structor to British troops Skilton, P. E,, 6/2346 (T. M. Skilton,'; liberty, and thank God at bundle of newspapers was handed to those industry : party's intended journey, and was from < May, j: Collingwood/ LIFE and Putiki, and other vessels. SOLE SURVIVING SON..- . ;: the head of Imperial affairs who were : f.) aboard by the Harbourmaster (Captain the September, 1916, to. 360 miles from the base. This was and have 1916, . in-trench \ REGULATIONS. "The-John, Breeze, Putiki warcapable of assisting the Allies' finan- Lindsay ChalmersGalbraith applied foi ' Dawson) as the launch made fast alongfare, the new. baypnet fighting, and the same ground over which WOUNDED. 1. The Governor may from time to now arrived at Wellington, but although' other with, munitions and food, and exemption on the ground of undue side, and judging by the avidity with identically "HUT POINT MIXTURE.' hard-; arts. Lieut. Gallaway. brought out WELLINGTON INFANTRY BATT. cially, had travelled, and two of his by Order-inrCouncil published in calls have been made upon the members time, everything that was wanted,so that this | ship. He stated that his only brother« which their contents were scanned were Scott the plans of the Etaples obstacles course sledges were found. On returning to' Union of the Waterside Workers' at might, be brought to a was killed in France. His mother and Gazette, the^ declare -wharf C. conflict (Mrs! acceptable. great As-one scrambled on to 83deg., to or Coles, E., 10/3859 E. E. Coies, very any. ' with him Smith had been left To E. is to to New discharge where H. Wild ascribed the honour .wharves to be a Government wharf Wellington their cargoes, Zealand, and on his righteous conclusion,and that Germany father were dead, and he supported, a Onga .Ongv-i., m.); 22nd January the deck one of the first figures that to have grown oC-inventing and naming the composition within the meaning caught the eye was that of Sir Ernest behind, Smith was found and for the purpose no response has been made, and the joining the Trentham Instructional Staff CANTERBURY INFANTRY BATT. would be brought to her'knees,suing for widowed step-mother and three unmarried worse and was quite helpless. The which peace.. ..After the war. there would be sisters. The board adjourn of these regulations with the distinguish- vessels are . consequently. lying idle at a month agosteps were at once taken to- Skilton," J. J., Shackletonon the bridge. He was in much to members the duty party did of next stretch of ice was looked upon as wards the provision of a similar course '6/2345' (t. M. Skilton, problems, ing name given thereto by such notice, this port. requiring for .settlement the the appeal uutil 27th May,* when theposi-' uniform, and. wore the ribbons of dis- | the most treacherous.. ; Collingwood, f.);. 19th. September party had in lieu of tobacco during many weary and with the I have now to notify; you that a there. . This has been constructed in the best brains the Empire could produce. tion would be reviewed. " tinction which he has so well earned by found this out, and Scott's ■■■'"'■ by 'boundaries defined such supply engineers' park, under the supervision knew from months. When the Joyce very limited these and also ships, Hospital. call for labour for Wounded, Admitted to Iv Zealand Any his deeds in Farthermost South. The such notice maybe in like NewJ .alone we would have to UNDUE- HARDSHIP CLAIMED. -\ in the hut, was exhausted,vari- notice.' revoked. for the Kapiti, will again be made at of Major J. Waite, D.5.0., New Zeaconsider the settlement of from 50,000to deck was clean and tidy, and everything personal experience what to expect. Ac- of weed AUCKLAND manner INFANTRY BATT. Hajvey Watson Ferrer, cashier,Wei-, the party took three day's ous substitutes wera tried' with varying 2. In these regulations men, and while many would go lington, a.m. to-morrow (Saturday), and in land Divisional Engineera, who left with Cunningham, vas stowed with a view to saving as cordingly the term 7.45event E. R., 11419 (Mrs. W. IL 80,000 degrees of satisfactionto the consumer. "wharf" includes appealed on the ground of unof the members of your union the Main Body,: won his D.S.O. on Gal- Cunningham, on the employment, must be found due hardship. much space\ as possible. A couple of extra provisions from the depot as a Tea wharf, quay, pier, the attempted, and so was coffee, m.); 27thJan. in otherland, any Auckland, 'He stated that he was lipoli, measure. Smith was was and p recautionary maintaining engineer might still their attitude of deis now chief directions. It be necesj instruchusky sledge, dogs were to be seen tied placed in a, jetty, or used or capable of inventive, genius,of and then the Wild married in October, 1915. Ho offered bag and lashed sleeping clining engagement to work these vessels tor at Trentham. The obstacles have CANTERBURY INFANTRY BATT. sary to recast our tariff. Millions of hie services to the rail, and looked half suspiciously exquisite care he being used for the lading or unlading of under the terms of the existing asserted itself. at the outbreak of th© w:,' sledge, to and then the terrible task ;With up Bali, Cpl. pounds' being (F. a been for some worth of were imnow, they days goods award, and were W., 6/586, J. Ball, Greyships, at the intruders Had been able to of sledging him to also includes any place besafety was commenced. blended some fresh tea, coffee,sawdust, longingand brought into use on Thursday afterported that could just-as well be manu- but was not required. He had enlisWtmouth) ; 25th January ■ speak they could have told'one'of the ■Forty-nine to or in the possession of or and in view of the circumstances which first as late as July, and a few species of herbs, and called since," miles and. accomplished were over when factured in New Zealand. There.-were 1916,.was, noon, being by loaded the officers and n.c.o.'s of. WELLINGTON INFANTRY BATT. most thrilling tales the world has ever rough under the control of a harbour board ; necessitated the vessels industry from the black sand in turned down as permanently iihfitl'-' ice and then a blizzard came down.' his creation "Hut Point Mixture." -This and the at Wanganui, and of.the fact- the 26th Reinforcements were tried over '■".'" heard. also includes any public highway so .free labour T. G.,24/1972 (Hanna Ed- the iron As a result of ithait decision he undersurvived the gamut of criticism, and beO'Connor, development North and the Wanganui Regular training Watersiders' Union them. Island, just after 7 o'clock the Mayoral party So fierce was it that it was impossible came the over the course wards, Gisborne,s.); 19th January the standard "tobacco." It is far as it intersects or .is contiguous to that to see more than , a yard or two in, of the hydro-electric system of develop- took to assist in the support of hia : is one of the units of the Waterside was; commenced yesterday, wheai theon the Karaka met the Aurora, and front. practically impossible to said that Joyce tried onions, but was any such wharf, quay, pier, jetty, or Workers' Federation, the employers, officersand n.c.o.'s of the 26ths ing power. There were already in sight fatherand mother,both residing in Ade-.: three cheers were given for the ex- make It was were place made to while anokher other aforesaid. . speedily stop; thus-releasing: his brother, who as 3,500,000horse-power from the lakes and laide,going plorers, who returned the compliment. any further progress,and so 'for member of the party met with to the agreement, have set the task of again negotiating the obSICK AND WOUNDED little 3. By the same or any other Order- who are partiesno-., to the front with the Atts-'"' eight days the laid . very party up. rivers, when they had been' fully de- was The visitors then,boardedthe relief, ship, that decided further calls can be stacles. Lieut. Gallaway was in charge, success in to inhale the tralian his-attempt published Appellant said, it vas in-Council in the Gazette thei veloped: State action would,have to throughForces. MACKINTOSH COLLAPSES.: and-conversed with the members of the "smoke" from dried shredded potatoes! Governor may'from time to time appoint made upon your members for any work and among those present were Lieut. fault of his own that ho emno operation LAST NIGHT'S into to ensure the PROGRESS LIST. come expedition, who had many questions to Weakness through lack of food began Although naturally interested to see some any person to be the Controller of such on the Wellington waterfront, except Col. H. R. Potter, Camp Commandant, was ■in New, Zealand at the present o{ war; he did ployment labour after the for essential until the difficulty and Major Waite. ask. About 7:30 p.m. the vessel berthed to overtake them, and it was decided to of the famous.'Hut, Point. Mixture," .a Governmentwharf, and ■-■■■: :..-■■ A hospital and progressreport issued not speak for his colleagues, ' but for time. : ap- with regard services, may alsoas'he, at the ferry wharf, where a vast crowd' take to- the trail again. Then came! the' pressman resolutely declined a cordial into the Wanganui steamers The Wellington Meat Export, Comlast , night stated (the place of resi- himself. (Applause.) As to Parliahad assembled to greet her. , Soonafter next handicap. Mackintosh was so vitation to "have a pipeful—it is real point such other persons (if any) has been adjusted by your union to the OBSTACLE COURSE DESCRIBED. ' dence represented by the: secretary (Mr.:-: the thinks to.'be. the of in each he to be able to pany, ment, given pleased, necessary Assistant next-of-kin is was say employers. lengthcourse, the Vessel had made fast mostV of the weak that a quarter, of an hour after good." ... ' The : which .has a total . ■' . . Controller of that wharf. All persons satisfactionof the instance) :— that parties,had practically disappeared, F. W: Sladden).. as emnloyer, [ also,apr," ' party came ashore. After supper at starting he fell in his traces. After con"Asi however, the trade of the port of 200 yards, presents eight different ob-. :.'.' and he believed that after the war, 'al- plied for exemption on Ferrar's behalf.' "A THREE AVEEKS'DEBATE." '. Iso-appointed.shall .hold officeduring the cannot the Grand Hotel they were entertained sultation the party decided to leave Wild DANGEROUSLY ILL. at, regular intervals o£ 25 up placed held I stacks, indefinitely, bo am pleasure, might again come into Mr. Sladden stated that Ferrar of the Governor.. . " . instructed' to 'inform you' that unless yards. These certainly require some' Collingwood, E.. W.,"3/2455, Paraparaumu though parties people Shrouded 'in 'thick, black, pungent at the Commercial Travellers' Club. ■■_■ in charge of Mackintosh and Smith and .Every 4. such would have learn- siistant accountant. .The company \ras stove "Assistant Controller existence,.our in the hut getting over, and in their numerical or- Coote,H., 26/735,.N0rf01k endeavour to reach the Bluff. The food smoke from the blubber is with in proceeded the-ordinary Work subject THOSE WHO DIED ■ to' the control and direced economy, and,all the other virtues engaged solely in the export of frozen/ was sixteen biscuits and a little during the winter nights, members of the shall, .to-morrow morning (Saturday) der may be described as follows:— Griffiths, A. L., 19099,Cpl., Invercargill which way m'uke great country. The meat, wool, and like'products, and tho Those members of the Boss Sea party [left tion of the have same to a go party engaged spirited in many Controller, the 1; A 2ft jump over a wooden trestle Rushbrooke, T. A., 12/2458,Te Mawahai blubber pemmican, also a little tea. The steps will be taken to secure labour from argu: "who perished on the:ice were :— ' Industrial Efficiency. Board would get to staff had .been seriously depleted as»', y* 2ft high. ■'■.;■ temperature was thirty degrees below ments. "We had some great debates," powers, authorities, and . functions' as other sources." . Stewart, j; C,, 10J3092, Tasmania . ■■'.'., of the war. earnest next the Controller' and work in himself, week, and report result every reCaptain: A. A. Mackintosh, R.N.E., zero and a'frightful hurricane was raging said one of the participants, " and fre2. A sandbag wall sft high by' 3ft REMOVED FROM DANG.' Captain Baldwin stated that the ivew ' in these regulations to the ConILL LIST. to the Government on the question of financial commanding party. ... —one of the worst experienced during/ quently we use"H;tp refer to the Encyclo-. ference ', across. .'.'■■ proposals of the Government ' UNION'S REPLY troller how to utilise to its full the man a, of Governmentwharf, shall ba .best Rev. A. R. Spencer. Smith, 8.A., the journey.: The poor " dogs, pulling pedia to settle some point on which the 3. A wooden wall, closely boarded, Heaven, S., 12/2209,Hamilton affectFerrar's case. power of the Dominion. It would be did,not ,K., 16/1366, Gisborne ' faithfully and well were practically starv- various opinions could not'be reconciled | read as including a reference to' any chaplain and photographer. " Mr.; Sladden 6ft 6in high, with no possible grip any- Para, DEFENCE COMMITTEE ' , NOT ' —and said that; in some cases; for the Government to consider V G Hayward, secretary. SEVERECASES., ing, having been without food for five I am afraid, however,that after a time' Assistant;Controller accordingly. RECOGNISED. where except the top beam,which meaconsider ver.y carefully—the reports that the Board of-Directors of his company,' days. . The party managed to reach;the we got into such a .way.that'we refused 5. The Controller bf a Government about 3in across. , . . , ■made the Armstrong, up military sures " A., 23778, Petone had THE MEN SAVED would from to pay to the payj by be sent in time time Bluff depot, however,three days later. to believe the Encyclopedia,. preferring^ wharf may .from time : to time employ The secretary of the Wellington 4. A,water jump sft {this is Bright, A. W., 6/2076,Ashburton, those able gentlemen- who had been I the soldier would haw received in hisi Following are the names of the seven All the "-. famished explorers had had to oui' own views." Many were the subjects all such wharf; labourers and other per- Waterside Workers' Union (Mr. J. G. a dug ditch at present). across , ordinary Pal. N. He did not know} , employment. 5/652, Burns,,C.-W., a nd selected to advice the Government survivors of the party :-—".' The spoken of, and the rules of debate were sons he considers necessaryfor the Bruce).has forwardedto Mr. Pryor the ! eat was a few : broken i biscuits. 5. A-trench 3ft wide with the pai-apet Hobbs, A. J., 22252,New town the companywould be prepared; the country on this matter. (Applause.) I whether, A. Stevens,M.A., B.Sc, lecturer on blizzard stillvcontiimed,and after strug- not always , adhered to. One argument; loading, unloading, and despatch of following reply to. his letter :— ' to do that .in Ferrar's case, but he high O'Malley, 2ft"6in on J., 23039, A uck; the far side.' coul« ' MUNICIPAL AND LOCAL BODIES. inform the Board on geography in the University of Glasgow, gling, gamely througlj it the explorers on, "Money and Exchange " lasted for vessels at that wharf, and for the'per"In reply to letter of even date 6. A gradually rising parapet with a Smith,,W., 31730,Northcote - ' formance" of any other duties incidental re working the your geologist and .chief of the scientific staff reached Mackintosh's "party in two days' three weeks.. . . "Municipal and Local Bodies" was pro- Tuesday next..' ;. '... steamers Putiki, John, sft jump across a trench on the far side.. Sparrow, A.C,-2/2549, Chch. ■' ' . that . ..'point by' ' operations,; to such S.Doughs, J. L Cope, 8.A., M.8., Cambridge, time. It was then found that Wild was and . Mr. J. who. in the The Kapiti, posed, by appeal adjourned CLOTHING PROBLEMS. any may enter. Breeze, and I have to inform ■". 7. Posts and rails 7ft 'high. was according'iy.' Ward, A, A,, 15052;Spreydon, : . into any such contracts". a able to-gefc about;:but. Mackintosh:'and: 6he thinks',you that,our union has no knowledge of of his remarks referred to: the 8. Single planks 9in wide erected in NOT REPORTED AS SEVERE CASES. course " Someof us are going to spend all day' reasonable .surgeon. A. Keith Jack, M.Sc., "of Brighton, Smith were practically helpless: But . AN INDISPENSABLE. magnificent work being done'for the city on behalf of the Crown for, any /suchorganisation' as the Wellington rows ibuying things," posts high.and to-morrow said one of of 4ft 6in presented by Mr. W H. Morton, the City EnVictoria, physicist and assistant biolo- they were-not so bad' as they^ would, the explorers last evening. "Look at. the payment of, such persons at such Employers, Farmers,'and Citizens' De- end Addis, J. L., 12/4316, Ellerslie The Commissioner of. Stamps, as'emon to the approaching soldier, who: Andre\vs,T., 10/3168. London ''. rates, as may be agreed upon. gist. gineer, particularly, in.regard to water- ployer, appealed on behalf of Hsiwld. have been had they not, had "the indomit; fenceCommittee,of which yousign your- is obliged to cross them at a run, mount- Atkinson, J. V.,' 6/2921, Cawra", R, W. Richards, of BaUarat, Vic- able Wild; with' them to keep their nie,"he added. "I have not got, much formation.", In respect Ennor; clerk of the, Stamp Department, 6. When the of GovernN.S.W. and street supply Controller a ' ,■...„■ secretary. self, got on, and what I have ing by means of a sloping plank of, the BeIL.T., 20740;Te, Kuiti"': ' ' is all borrowed." . wharf is satisfiedthat the conduct to street formation, Dunedin was closely Auckland.' Ennor, he said, was retoria, physicist. spirits up. "We do not .think it .advisable,todeal same width, which To-day some of the members .'of the ment is specially pro- Bezar,F. W., 11154,Wgtn. . copying.Wellington's example. As to tlie garded, as indispensable.if .the work, of Irvino .0. Gaze, of Melbourne, com; TWO'MEN ON SLEDGES. party bear signs of having been to the or character of any person is such that with a committee composed of persons vided. : missariat officer. Bowden, W. H., 11615,-Devon National Efficiency Board, he suggested the Department in 'Auckland was. to his liberty or access to that wharf is who.are unknown to us, have no, legal With a couple of sick men. the diffi- outfitter's..- While in the.Antarctic there Taken,as a whole, the course is far Christoffersen, ' C. 0., 6/2491,'South that it could effect a considerable saving tinue smoothly, and efficiently. The conErnest Joyce, of Sydney, in charge of to the 'effective use, control, standing, and are not parties, to our from lDe-v ■' Norsewood culties .of the others, who ' themselves was at one time a rather grave shortage prejudicial being one, an but it is .impossible places by doing awaywith local partment had lost many men throughlen.-; in dogs .many to supplies having been, or administration thereof, the Controller agreement, nor are in any. way respon- quite difficult enough for all that, and Clifton, A. H., 22488,Reikorangi > H. E. Wild, brother of Frank Wild were in a weakened condition, increased of clothing owing the and placing bodies and administration listments: was now almost fo writing (whether, "bed-, order .in that sible to the by community." may, (who went with the main body), in twofold. The sufferers, lashed to taken,away when, the ship left. In the person has only to be tackled once, four, men Coleman. S. A., 7/1344,Prebbleton of public affairs in the hands of a few; rock. However, it was with the greatis then upon the wharf or not), sledges, were protected from the- ele- hut left by Captain Scott's-expedition, warn him' capable men who could devote the whole est reluctance that an appeal was made in at a time, with others' following close Corbin,F. H.,' 12353,Cpl.; Hastings charge of stores. off that wharf."' Every such C.,4/712, ments by sleeping bags. Of the men however,some canvas and sleeping bags behind and under of .the inCrowther/V. Inver. of their time to the work. (Hear, hear.) Ennor's case. : the eye take effect so soon' as the TRAVELLING EXPENSES structor, for it to earn County Cork who were still able to walk, Hayward, were found,and here again the handiness order shall due Donovan, The Chairmanread ail apology from The board decided to adjourn the caso respect. The J., 24146, brought thereof has been in any making resulted in the Joyce proof Wild and powerful physique, Mayor (Mr. Luke), who of 26th.officers and Field, Tasmania the J. P. who was 28th rate, was in n.c.o.'s, at any. T., 5/223, until ApriJ, at which date the posiA manner to the knowledge of the person DASH a verywasbad state, but stumbled along found it so on Thursday, and again yes- Grell, "H.; 24450,Wgtn. in duction of some useful, if not stylish, against, whom FOR-PUBLIC SERVANTS. unable to be present, owing to the late tion''will be reviewed.. Ennor was grantit is made. ' Every/such of M., apparel. Hayes,: ship-Aurora..',. exemption articles . F. B allar'at of. the Antarctic ed terday, although they already a weak condition. Not long afterwards have 11043, arrival, meani order may be revoked by the Controller New regulations " governing the . from service in." the .-.'■; THE VAGARIES OF OSCAR. : pay- undergone three months' training, and Hughes, DA. A.. H., 3/1820,; Port : CouncillorW. H. Bennett, in replying ■ time. Hayward collapsed, and also had to BLIZZARDS AND FROSTBITE in writing. '.-.'. '■'■. .' travelling point toast; ment of aUowances and exRobinson . to'the stressed the that the The case sledge. pride travel on a The task facing themselves on being fit. Someof in which the Public Truste* one of the few of the dogs 7. If after any. person has been so penses to Oscar, work of a Oity Councillortook up more appealed on.behalf of a correspondenca members of the Public Service the obstacles,of course, are easier than Innes, H. A., 24/3085, New Brighton , Richards, Wild,-and Joyce was a for- which have been brought back in; the warned off a Government wharf, and 390 MILES FROM THE POLE. as under,:—, the others: The most difficult one is Jenkins, E. G., 5/696,Wgtn. time than most businessmen could afford cleric, Norman M. Chesney, was atl midable one. They had 74 miles to Aurora, has had. a strenuous time, and. while the order remains in force, such are(1)gazetted, The allowance shall be for each J to devote to it, but the difficulty was journcd' until next Tuesday.' ;■' : ; ■'"■■' j toslyn the Jewitt, 8/3640, sledges requires strength cover, and with three on third, which both men he shows it. "He was afearful wreck pei-son enters or remains upon that .day of HAULING STRICKEN COMRADES. R, day Lloyd, greatly hours. The relieved by the efficiency of the twenty-four S preydon L., 7/1935, and four dogs to give assistance. The when ,wei started," said one member Tof orVloiters in the vicinity of any shall be deemed to commence at the and agility to get over it. The fifth M'Cormick, staff, which,, however, was working at 8., 11/1732,Napier represents a 3ft wide jump on to ground The fragmentary reports hitherto pub- dogs were also weakening from the the. party,. " and we did not'think he wharf, entrance thereto, he shall be guilty of an high pressure owing to the fact that so departure headquarters, of. from 4ft high,on,the,other aide;:the sixth is, M'Kaue, A. H.,'6/1913,Nowra, N.S.W. lished about.the dash made by the Ross- curse of scurvy, but stuck bravely to was going to do any good, but he pulled offenceagainst these regulations, and hour SUNDAY REFRESHhad gone to the many of its members which for the purposes of this regulation a .trickster, inasmuch as the sft wide M'Kay, A., 26147,Papanifi ' Sea party along Sir Ernest Shackleton's their task.. The weather was atrocious through, well and finished strong." A shall bu liable accordingly. Mangai, front. shall >be considered to be the office at trench below ia concealed from view D., 20631,-HawkesBay frequent. dog surly disposition, and blizzards of a somewhat 8. The Controller of a Government Engineer (Mr. W. H. Morton) The City proposed route from Weddell Sea only the officer ordinarily performs until the man is almost on top of the Mate, T 16/1441. CookIslands ■'Oscar was. inclined, to ,'"be somewhat wharf, if satisfied that ■■■ such a course is which 1100 YARDS IN FIVE HOURS. also replied. In doing- so, he said the , . .' duty. sv: parapet and has to jump; the last, re- O'Keefe,J, 37509,Sergt., Newmarket convey a very faint idea of the hard' question was a matter of one occasion at Hut advisable for the effectiveuse, control, or "■: (2) For hydro-electric a day the rate quires ships and perils which the brave little Ultimately the wind dropped, but un- quarrelsome, and Ponsonby of . portion Pitkethley,' L., 3/617. balancing, especially any ARE THEY A NECESSITY 1 nerve in thereof^ may by order shall be one twenty-fourth of. the full after having band of explorers underwent. The irony fortunately the'party could not proceed Point, after a fight in which he got'the administration very considerable importance to the city. negotiated the preceding Reniiolds, W. J., 28370,Gisborne There was, in. regard' to:the tramways, of the desperate journey was that it did owing to the soft surfacenot being able worst of it, Oscar, coveredinwith blood, close that wharf ox' . any part thereof daily rate for each hour's absence.Rogers. W., 23729,Okoke pace, obstacles at a seventh disappeared. specified Every running to He was ablizzard in the order. such order the room more INTERESTING TEST CASE. generator, Seeing withstand the load. away one. but tlio object heavy ---(3) not attain its In computing the time of absence, of which, is 7ft high. for, of helping ShackleRule, J. A., 10055,Mataura take effect when a notification fraction present system was costly, and they did ton, who was doomed not to make his how hopeless it all was Macintosh bravely for three days, and , was given up for shall 'of an if less than half ' Smith, A., 20576,Cpl., Havelock South up again "as fresh as' thereof has been published in a news- aan hour, shall nothour, they "HOW . know going proABOUT GO not how were to journey across the Antarctic Continent. volunteered to remain,behind at an im- lost, but turned account, be taken into HAVING A Squire", C. H., 6/2758. Ashburton ; . ..; paper circulating in the district in' which but . '. . vide for additional power. He trusted ! :" A case of considerable interest toj Stayt, G. W.-,-7/1143, When the suryiyo'rs did reach safety it provised depot. The men in the traces paint." YOURSELF?" half an hour or more shall be reckGloucestershire or has been publicthe Hon.- G. W. Russell would influence proprietors of refreshment rooms and thai .., ■was to find that' the Aurora on which were growing weaker and the travelling All the men speak feelingly of. the dogs the wharf is situated, .'■. . making one hour. On their first over Takaka Stubbington, oned !as essay them J. H.,:7/1528, upon the wharf or upon the work done by the sur- ly exhibited to enable the city to public generally was heard in the Magis-i the,' Goverameufc (4) When an officer leaves and returns on Thursday not a small proportion of Swp-in, A.H. J.,. 20259,Lower ' Hutt there-lives depended had broken away was soinbad that they only covered 1100 and theof greatof, part Every it so closed. ' pack. develop a hydro-electric scheme at tlie trate's the -There such order yards morning and drifted into the unknown, perhaps five hours. Next the | vivors seems to be headquarters the same day, actual the 26th officersand n.c.o.'s found that" Walker, F., 25/149,Rakaia Court, before Mr. W G. Rid-, ■/' t by the Controller in like to possible moment. earliest expenses only never to return. "When she did return party started off with Smith and Hay- a strong bond between' the.explorers and may be revoked shall be" extremities much L. and reasonable their were heavier than Waters, A., 15266,.Geraldine ■ -.."■ Mr. W. S. La Trobe proposed, the toast dell, S.M., yesterday. Tlie Marble; Bar' ward still on the sledges and proceeded their four-footed.'companions. ..The loes. manner. ■ " " No. 3 "■..', . , it_ was with the bitter news that Shacklepaid. they thought—-that ■■'..' Wilson, CM., 6/3206, M erivale' particularly "long (1.) Company, So as any such order "of":the "Federation of Master" Plumbers," Ltd.,.,and Godtfred Gorgensonj ton's vessel,the Endurance,, hod foun- for.seventeen miles. Then one morning of sixteen dogs on sledging work in 1915 9% (5) An officer travelling by train may required considerable practice ; while as Wilson, F., 33490,Petone closing a Government wharf or any part and in doinecso said he thought that the and Nellie Nightingale, proprietors of! dered, and that the Weddell Sea party Smith,was found to be dead. The tem- was very keenly felt. It is.said that .thereofremains in lieu of .the.ordinary travelling regards the others, there were unquesiri force,'no person shall claim, which was The Grand, Ltd., were- charged with.l .Registration " for ,Plumbers had just escaped-with."their, lives'after perature that night was 30 degrees below the dogs require some considerable time Act, allowance of' 17s 6d allowance, tionably' an to remember. They largely the work of the association, had. keeping their shops open for trading oni passing through- terrible dangers. . ; zero and death was caused through ex- to get acclimatised^ and;'" hard," and enter upon that wharf or ,upon that part the day of departure or return, provid- learned bypoints A TONIC FOR THE NERVES. their spills, and when thereof, as" the case may" be, except in ed he has incurred the cost of a'sleeping done valuable work towards assisting the Sunday, " 17th-December. Both pleaded! more about the fateful haustion and ' sleeping in a web bag. that perhaps they were not quite ready |pursuance , by .the-few specchaffingly . criticised by-the of Consanitation and health of the community.. not guilty. . Mr. A. W. Blair appeared, journey of the Boss Sea'party than Mr. It was a terrible blow a"'permit to the at the time lor the laborious task allotted issued on the train, a receipt for which tatore present ..were not backward in Nervous people who have not yet de- He hoped the federation would long con- for' the Marble Bar Company and Mr.,' tlie wharf or-by his authority, berth Ernest Joyce, one of its leading members,rest of the party that he should suc- .to .-them . .'.. '.■',■ .., .".:.' . trollerno ofperson must be produced. Suchallowance shall answering, How a.bout having a go at veloped tinue in its laudable endeavour to con- E. M. Beechey for Goi^euson and Night-i recognised shall loiter in the. a disease that can be vicinity who was in charge of the dogs. Pro- cumb after being 47 days on the sledge, .and twenty-four hours from of a period yourself?" SEAL MEAT AND cover . :-■ PENGUINS. ". of any entrance to the closed wharf or it and treated by' the 'medical profession serve theheajth of the people. In this ingale. ' ' . bably no man living is more conversant He was reverently-buried; a, cairn wa3 the time of departure or return, or the they . were over the Yesterday put greatest finding ."Privations? .Well, could of the closedhave the iv connection he remarked that at the preIn "the course of his evidence,Ben- ; part. thereof, with the Barrier than he is. He was a made' over him,.'and : a bamboo cross; you. as .the case whole period occupied in travelling if trouble, re' course first without rifles and then with lief. Irritability," headache,sleepless- sent moment skilled labour, was at. a jaminT. Gardner, ." . member of Captain Scott's 1901-04 Ex- made out of two ski shacks,: marks his' hr.rdly say we sufferedany great priva- may be. is less than twenty-four rifles, the managerof the Marble/ period such the latter explained disadvantage, compared tion at order'-for test be as with the labness, Nothing 'regulation dyspepsia,' '(2.) all," one member,in in this : nervous all these disBar Company, stated that his establish-j: shall pedition, also of Shackleton's 1907-1909 last resting place; '■_■'.' '.'■"' :"■-.■ ing that they must not lose hold of their comforts make life miserable but are ourer. That was a position ' that reply to a query. '.' We certainly suffered apply so as to', prohibit, the entrance hours. ' ment open Sundays from 10 a.m... " (6) In was on Expedition, and now he has justcompletarrangements 'BACK, AT HUT POINT. any .case special weapons, the principle that "the sol- endured rather than run a doctor's bill absolutely unfair.-to* the skilled work- to 10 p.m. He estimated last Sunday, his third trip to the treacherous South inconvenience^ but we had'plenty to eat. of:—(a) Airy person'in the employment may be'made by the Commissioner as dier's life on ed fraught with' the. greatest dan- week that 4000 people passed through his " is his "rifle." In'the first exand man, It may be because you have to, but it is of the Crown; (b) any person employed to the allowance hope Polar regions. Evjn now his spirit; of 'The -description of 'the. .last stage of true without definite of recovery. to be made ' to any ercise all but one or two succeeded in ' that you. gefc like, seal,meat. as a member of the permanent stafj of a Evei-y such sufferer should know the ger to the people at large. If unskilled restaurant. , All 'sorts adventure is not satisfied. Ha is a .the journey, as related by Mr.. Joyce, conditions o£, , was getting through,to the .finish, though the danger of such a condition of the nervous labour ' was be, counted . more than people patronised the and. Then we had the penguins, and » ate Harbour Board by which the wharf is person. " (7) Marble. Bar, in-' '.Permanent Head is .majority navy man,'and hopes to bo with the fleet Erneston similar lines to that of Sir both the Whether struggled"not of the' older the Adelie and" the Emperor."- : owned; (c) any seaman or passengerbe- satisfied, that a lower travelling allowmen system. Nervous debility and even para- skilled labour it meant a great degenera- eluding church people witjK.prayer booksi Shackleton,which'reads:—■ in the North' a couple of months' "On 11th -March Hut Point was longing to .any ship lying at or in-the ance than the scale shoidd suffice, ha a little over No. 3. It was in the second lysis may easily result if the tone of the tion hr skilled'labour, and it was more in their hands, ancl occasionally a cleric■ time. than ever necessaryfor "the bodies con- or two. (Laughter.) In reply to the ■test, however,-that all were placed on | nerves is not restored. vicinity of the closed wharf or the closed The story of the party's travels, as reached,and fresh meat and dried vegemay direct accordingly. their mettle: They all tried " goodthe different trades,to conserve Magistrate, 'witness stated that his ANTI-SHOUTING CHARGES AT part thereof, as the' case may be. On the 14th, modestly related to a.Post reporter by tables were procured. The' one big fact that brings hope and trolling (8) Payment for the use of a vehicle humouredlyi but of some them, never- relief is that the nerves can be restored their interests in .opposition to the de- supplied light luncheons apart fromfirm, 10. Every person who incites any owned by an officer (motor-car, etc.) for Mr. Joyce,-is one of the most remark- after- a bad blizzard, Joyce, Richards, FEILDING the of the irresponsibles in the Labour lighter must have,said-things inwardly mands theless, person and Wild back for other to refuse fail pluck able records of and endurance constarted Mackintosh. or to offer journeys on the public service is only formsof beverages arid dainties. building up the blood.. It cannot be world. (Applause.) <■ . those rifles. Again it was 'No.' 3 by or render;serviceor effective service as. allowable where a public conveyanceis aboutproved briefly nected with Polar exploration. The idea By.the 18th all were safeat Hut Point.: too often repeated that only* through the Counsel the (M TSI.EGRArH.~-rRESS ASSOCIATION.) addressed Bench Responding to the toast, the Chairman that the chief obstacle. a "wharf labourer ,on With was to establish depots every degree (60 The lives of Mackintosh and Hayward any Government available, or available only at a some of the men,' particularly the stouter blood can. nourishment and medicine- said the local association had done its concerning" the legal aspect, and quoted, 9th February. , or who' does any act, or publishes not miles) ifrom the base at Cape Evans were saved by the devoted,efforts of A .numberFEILDING, greater cost,, or where it is proved, to and older ones, there was genuine strug- reach the nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink best. to., assist, the .Technical College, of authorities dealing with the qualification of cases of alleged breaches wharf, (whether to any person or persons or to the (Captain Scott's old base) for some 300 theii- comrades and by the endurance Pills make the blood rich and red and which.Mr.. La Trobe is.the head,from " public necessity." It was aTgued that; satisfaction of the Permanent Head, I gling. One man had evidently made the anti-shouting regulations were the public at large) quickly restore vitality and energyto a whom they had always received the the Gates case (concerning -which judgmiles in the interior. The-first skdge and work of four dogs (Gunner,.; Con, of any utterance/ in- that other means of transit would prove study of this formidable barrier; aa a heard to-day before Mr. Kenrick, S.M. tended or calculated a journeys were commenced in January, Towser,and Oscar) under the worst con to interfere with detrimental to the "public -interest on given by Mr. S. B." M'Cafthy, result of his former experience -he weak nervous system. A .nervous per- greatest consideration,; and .frequently ment was 1915. Mackintosh, Wild, and Joyce en- ditions of weather and "temperature.: The first case heard was against Arthur the effectiveuse, control, or administra- the grounds of urgencyor otherwise. differedfrom the case of the precalmly placed his rifle on top, and then son who gives these pills a trial is almost valuable support. The plumbing :trade S.M.) Room,licensee of, the Manchester Hotel. tion of a Governmentwharf, or with the countered furious blizzards and tempera- They were short of foodoften, and some- The sent defendants,inasmuch as thelattei(9) In all casea the least expensive proceeded serious, good certain to what is in condipresent, to told see results, and, was at a Magistrate over—only dismissed the information proper loading, unloading, ior despatch to climb be very tures much below zero, but, despite the times had none' at: all. The party 'had of conveyanceavailable must be I the benefit will be lasting because! tion. It was difficult to get journeymen, provided light meals. In the winter, the ground!that the persons shouting of promptly that he was doing it the more, vessel lying at or in the vicinity means terrible difficulties, a depot was estab- practically been sledging from, Ist Sep- on used,but if Government, transit is avail- very the trouble is attacked at its root. Thin and still more difficult to get. apprentices, time particularlythe latter were in. greatl andi-consuming had not had their names of any, a Government wharf, or to obstruct able it must be utilised.wrong way. In another case there waa blood lished 80deg. south, or 140 miles .from tember, 1915,' to' 18th March, 1916, revealed -..'■. makes weak nerves. Building up owing to the fact that good wages were demand. It was contended that ■»'■■■ de- , by the police. Two strange con- the due adminstration of these regulations sudden parting and a , descent^-the Hut Point. All the dogs perished from covering 1560 statute miles. 'In spite of state definitely a paid to boys in occupations which led cision against the defendants must neces- , who had visited the hot-els made by the Controller of a Government wharf the(10) AH claims must rifle on the one side and the man .on the 'blood restores nerve force." exhaustion and exposure. This trip was abnormal difficultiesthey laid a depot at stables the officer travelduty on which is A useful booklet, " Diseases of the practically to nowhere. '■' It would be 'a sarily affect all tea, rooms in. and 'arouird so severe that Wild sufferedfrom bad Mount Hope, thus carrying out the. observations without calling for the or by any person acting ■in aid of the ling, and be certified as correct by. the the other,!; Three or four n.c.o.'s also '-: ,"" -: ;; ■'. ■ System," will be free failed to surmount the wall, despite their Nervous sent to very serious thing for the Dominion if Wellington.. names of the drinkers. The police with- Controller, shall be guilty of an offence Permanent Head of the Department. frost bite, and the other two members object of the expedition. of registered plumbers, Tlie Magistrate intimated that lie would drew thirteen other charges on account against' these regulations, Herculean struggles. . . any sufferer applying to the' Dr Wil- there wa-s athelack of the little party had a very trying The be 1 and shall health of the take time symptoms community j dis' ' on whom to consider rapidly Wellington.—Advt. scurvy his decision. ' ; : of the ruling. In another case two It was good fun to watch, and both liams' Medicine Co.", time. Open water or thin ice prevent- appeared accordingly. largely depended. (Hear, hear.) ;'■■. under a regime of fresh meat and a barman were fined£5 each. men liable officersand men enjoyed it quite as much ed the party from reaching Cape Evans and vegetables, 11. The Controller of a Government! INVICTA MIXTURE—AN ALLby the end of April and BRITISH SMOKE. as the spectators. Later there was a Messrs. OF PRESIDENT.until Ist June, and then, to their dis- all were we11.,. I consider that wharf, and every person acting in aid In time of peace prepare for Baldwin and Rayward, patent INSTALLATION the scurvy of him, .shall have at all times a right At this stage Mr. W. S. Fisher (Auck- times of health prepare to ward war—in Invicta, Mixture is a better mixture, race over the course between two. re- attorneys and consulting engineers, of appointment, they found that the off the due to the length of time the party MODERN MEDICAL. METHODS. presentatives chosen from-each company. as president, amid Aurora had broken away. A party, con- was of to that wharf to was installed adultery land) access and because it contains none of the Wellington, was without fresh food, combined with every New ZeaUp-to-date medicos discountenance ihe enemy, disease! In summer weather All started together, and a ding-dong go 215,Larnbton-quay, sisting .of Cope, Jack, and Hayward, as loud applause. Responding, he urged most people are susceptible to chills,, abnormally heavy sledging Under- .use of narcotics and harmful soothing part thereof, and to every ship ' lying ants so common to other mixtures. In- resulted. recently they that acted report the land, The balance of the 26th offi- agents in filing the following applications the necessity for thorough organisation. coughs, and colds, thereforea bottle cf . ' which had journeyed in the face of taken without the help of dogs or other syrups for coughs, colds, or catarrh.. For thereat. . victa is a pure and choice blend, of na- cers and n.c.o.'s quickly spread along death from Hut Point to the .Barrier, tractive power. The dearth oi clothing these ailments Fluerizol,Is 6d and 2s 6d, 12. Every person -who does wilful tural Rhodesian-grown B.urt, jun., proposed, the, toast Baxter's Lung Preserver should be kspt " tobaccos, per- the course, mid cheered tjxeir represen- for letters patent of New Zealand :—P. of Mr...A..Wellington;;Master_. ' Plumbers' handy. An occasional dose will do :nuch< gargle damage had arrived back at Evans Bay on 14th | and comfort as a or nasal to a Government or to and tho, fectly skilfully used throat irritant; wharf matured chosen. Lower Hutt, treating flax ; by j caused unexpected the on. An exciting 'finish resulted : MacDcftiaJd, only I tatives No: not as the most or structure commended, only two'dogs. building March with less |breaking away of the Aurora undoubted- ia effec- any situated 'there- Thus it-is pure, .British, wholesome, and Carburettor Syndicate, Melbourne, car- Union, .which he thanked very heartily good—benefit throat and lungs, and tone.iUso, ■as the most herrnJess on, or to any. goods, machinery, " good. Moreover,it has a really distinc- 1, Cpl. O'Sullivan, F Company; 2, Cpl. burettor Office but.. for-the time had pleasant provided the system generally. Large bottles Is than sixteen dogs were lost at the tive, it Appliance Wellingcom; ly upon' had its effect the" health of the Co., method of treatment for young or old.— plant, or other property being thereon or tive fragrance, and an inimitable flavour Burnett, C Company; 3, Cpl. J. Simp- ton, loose-leaf delegates during' its stay in tho " 10d.—Advt. mencement , .'.-.. party. binder; A. lonides, Lon- for the ' ' : Advt. ".-.-■■■ ship lying thereat, or 'in the, —every whiff- is enjoyafcle—it is free- son J Company. ; Empire City. on Appliance ' FRESH MEAT AND BLUBBER., any Office hayward gaseousmixtures; mackintosh and Tho public are notified that they can. ''The toast was responded to by Mr. vicinity thereof, shall be guilty of an. burning, and will not bite the tongue SIMILAR' COURSE FOR FEATHER- don, Co., Wellington, filing device; R. Dun, purchase a Singer macliino over 20 pec When the Aurora had left she had '...-■. disappear: . Glace Kid Boots for summer comfort, offence against these regulations, ■"'■■■. and sour the pipe. Invicta is the light . STON. can, Kew York, talking ~ machine; A. E. Wells, who expressed high, apnor cent cheaper at Globe Depot, Grande taken with her many of the supplies, From 18th March until the end of Easy-fitting, well-made boots, at 19s 6d, shall .be liable accordingly. smoker's tobacco—fullBoz. tins Is, all It is proposed in future to send each W. S, Brown, Knoxville, U.S.A., valve preciation-of the good'work tho master Opera House, Manners-street. No canmostly clothing, but there were ample April the sea-ice was steadily forming 21s, 22s 6d, to 30s, at Geo.Fowlds,Ltd., plumbers trying 13. The Controller of a Dreadnought Navy Wellington, linings especially Government tobacconists. is and H. 0. are to do, and Reinforcement, Cut officers, n.c.o.'s,. gear; Bedell, vassers employed.—Advt. supplies of fiesh meat, and blubber was between Hut Point and Cape Evans, only Manners-street. —Advt, .■ ..,".. may make thereon any struc- fuller flavoured and a stronger Rho- men, .over the. course at least two or of costumes ; G. E. Kind), Quirindi; dis- of the work done, by the'secretary, Mr. Rogain aud maintain health". Mist, used as. fuel to warm the hut The sledg- to be blown out by ;p'ach succeeding Every chemist and store sells Martin's wharf tural or other jiUerations'" which he desian tobacco for seasoned smokers. three times a week. The, exercise will hifectant .appliance ; J. Day, Buiidwick, A., Petherick. : .■""■ , '■ : V , Natural Mineral Water with ing provisions and the kerosene had been | blizzard. Beginning in May, a calm Apiol Pills, in New Zealand. See the deems, for the effective en- Every tin -guaranteed in perfect conditraining, concrete building; C. E. H-ae,Auckland, ■Several other, toasts followed, and tho Wai-Itongoa necessary form of their part physical thus whisky. Adds zest, eparklo, and icsupply of coal was jperiod ensued,and the ice formed,to a signature, Win. Martin, Southampton, forcement of these regulations or the landed, but- the main tion—ls full 2oz.—Advt. but, as it is particularly strenuous, this bridle; E Polil,' New York, fuel burn- eveningwas of the' pleasantest description. your frcshinent, and atouoh of healing.,Loyely' Mused owing by to a wave thickness of four is on each England, proper ivashed away inches. . bottle.—Advt. use, control, or administration i will not be attempted until the final ing; T. Underdown,Auckland, dropping The musical portion was particularly wel- water, delightful blender.—AdYt. '' f a. capsized iceberg. Blizzards were On BthvMiiy, Mackintosh and,Hnyward For Children's Hacking Cough, of the wharf. rctif come, and was greatly, appreciated. stages of » draft's training, when the bombs ; A. Hollobon, For ChronicChest Complaint*, For Bronchial Coughs, tik* yt'uiVei, Peppermint Joyce idecided to cross the sea-ice, to Caoe Cure.—Advt 14. The Controller of a Government! Wood*' Great Peppermint Cttje,--Atht, jnea.otherwise should,ie jjliv.fii.callx.fitu plentiful throughout the Wood*' Great JSsasa.. »«ac4vO»itooKttsai..--«a.d.sidifiSß .^Woods'' Grreil.Pojwerjnjnt ON THE ICE PACK WHARF CONTROL STRENUOUS LIFE ■ 1 ■ . — ■ - ■ 1 "■■■ - ■ " . ■ - , ■ — ■ 1 -" _ ■ - . , i - 1 ■ - ■ ■ ■ . . - ■ ■ - .. - ■ 1 ■ ■ 1 - - _ , ■ ■ ■ . 1 "■ - DESPERATE ■ , ■ ■ ...... MENTS ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .... ■ '" ■ 1 ■ ■ .. ■ ■ " - ■ - - ■ ' ■ ( ■ ■ ■ ■ ' 1 ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ . ! ■ ■ i -¥& THE EVENING POST, SATUBDAY. S^EBBUARY 10, I**7. LABOUR NOTES SHIPS & THE SEA GARDENING NOTES JJF WANTING REALLY GOOD 10 NEWS AND NOTES Life Reel FLOWERING BULBS (By D. O'J.) In our devotion to personal liberty, writes G. R. Parkin in ".The Empire and the. Future/ we have forgotten the value of that discipline which makes individual power most effective, and collective action for great ends possible. In the assertion of individual rights we too often lose the sense of public duty. This general objection to discipline on a national scale,the failure to recognise the equal responsibilities of citizenship, are ambng those aspicts of the national mind which have encouraged our opponents to look upon us as a decadent race, unfit for the government and unequal to the maintenance of a grea.t Empire. Oi (By "Experience.") MASTER SEVERELY CENSURED. Though not a Labour member, not The Shipping Inspector at Townsvillo, ANEMONES even a Radical, the late Hon. Dr. Now South Wales,recently held a proGarden-—Things The Vegetable to CROCUS a\l'.Nab was ouo of those men whom La- liminary enquiry into the circumstances Jjow, spinach, silver beet,turnip, lettuce, of the schooner bour could ill spare. As Minister for attending the stranding DAFFODILS ■' I "■" French beans. To plant, cabradishes, Reef, Bay, Scout on Middle" Cleveland jNatioual Marine in the Government, he on 9th December. Tho Scoutis a wooden bage, cauliflower, broccoli, savoys,BrusFREESIA NEW HYBRIDS "THE PILLORY." is "The Haunting Shadow/ but it to decide- whether.,he will pass a etoryj : first ■was, up to the time of his illness, en- schooner rigged scow of 70 tons, owned sels sprouts, lettuce. The last sowing of probably find another name beforeit from the Bible. It is 'Adam and Eve,'|..., HYACINTHS gaged in work calculated to be of direct by Rooney's, Ltd., of Townsviile; A grimly humorous character in this will and French beans for the season should be is actually born. now being acted in California, with ele-j benefit to seafaring. and waterside work- was in charge of David Scott Elliott, made IXIAS in a sunny spot, well drained, and Kne Pathe Gold Rooster production is old Shipman, the star of " Through phants, boa constrictors, and all the' Nell ers. With that infinite capacity for who holds a coastal master's certificate. in free-soil. The beans will not be ready companion of the heroine's the Wail," has the Deborah, NARCISSI written a first-class "film appurtenances of the Garden of Eden.i taking-1 pains which made him a great After talcing tho evidence of the master, till April, pious aunt. Her face is as hard and drama entitled "A when days are shorter and Sonof Battle." The identity of Eve is not yet revealed,! historian, and that breadth of view leading hand, and two soamon, also n colder. The crop is not likely to be a RANUNCULUS merciless as. her heart, arid she always Chicago got the prize Christmas present but said to be a perfect peach." I. signalman pilot statement from tho at.tho which was his natural gifi^' he set himsupport full finds for her deeds one, but is for. TULIPS uncharitable trying the inspector found that tho Scout well worth the film world. It came in the form self to investigate complaints put before station, in texts from Scripture. When she finds of TRY i cleared Ross River Bar on -a voyago to The late beans are sure to be appre" go-to-movie week," from Christmas THE WAY THEY HAVE IN him regarding anomalies in the ship- Bull that the heroine has been adopted by her of New River for timber. The vessel passed ciated at a time when choice vegetables to Year, and the idea was born in j "OUL.D OIRLAND." ping laws and defectsin harbour endeavouring by good real mother, now regu- the entrance to Townsvillo Harbour at are getting scarce.. Cauliflowersshould the brain of the motion picture editor of The war prevented him from 6.50 p.m. on 9th December,under saiS. halve well-manured ground; it is how deeds to atone for her one sin, Deborah the' Chicago Evening American, How to "get herselfa man was the, It is necessaryto remember that the lations. was wind accomplishing what he desired in the The weather fine arid clear, looks' up a, text: "The ;time of the quite late enough to problem that faced Mac Marsh in " The: and the British Empire is not Nicaragua, and last session of Parliament, is short, and the j«y of the hypoMarriage of Molly-O," and this was the but he effect- N.E., force 4, and, as. the course would plants should have everyplant, that the Yellow Press of London is not ed chance to grow "RELIANCE' SEED STORE wicked and buoys rapidly. administrative reforms. His be "about N.W., and all rharks no crite is but for a moment." The unre- CHARLIE'S PAST. many ceremonywhich is known to every Irfcl. the voice of the London This is the last of the crop clearly apparBritain, says discernible,thero was reception —a "Forget-me-not" Box of ai Star. the old finds a, maid; She goesto the barn at milking get lenting supper party desire to at root of WILLIS-STREET. woman a ,in at complaints, Charlie.Chaplin season; 79, said The hysterical orgy of sensational and his impartiality in administration, ent reason why the Scout should not good if they do well they should give Aulsebrook'a delectable reS neurasthenia wi£h dramatic swift- in New York:— full time with a potato-peeler, and throws th* progress, and, navigated have the West Channel withheads in and April y. which certain news- \yon for him respect even in quarters out Ma Broccoli : Chocolates and Sweets1. climbs g£ papers have into gallery always ness, to the and screams "I didn't make half a million said peelings over the head of the briridirequire p.m. it was noted incident. At 1.10 firm soil of fair richness; growth plunged their unhappy the whole story of the hostess's past to a year. Iremember a season when I was cow, while she chants the following \ in every "Forget-me-not" $$, readers may delight the student of the where his political principles tended to from the signal station that tho vessel should be firm; very light soil is liable the assembled guests. It is from this prompter in an English provincial words:— strongest opposition. excite the was ashore on the middle reef, and the to produce ; Box there is a wide variety— |Tn or the halfpenny flimsy growth,, that penny dreadful schooner remained fast until floated off does not tendrank, incident that the title is drawn, the theatre for 15s a week. some hard, some soft, some ''Holy Mary and Saint Anne, but-is not worthy of the British to the production of good by tho rising tido at 6 p.m. Tho master, i MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. judge's wife tins being placed in the betwix and between—and M comic, "I worked harder thanIdo now, too. Sendme'a man as quickas you can.' heads. Attend people. Let us remember that we are at to the moulding up of -.: each sweet has a taste and //\1 war with Germany, and stated that ho had hand- celery. Much cruel " social pillory." Tn to the actors to publication of the list of potential in his evidence, keeping The VISTOLENE addition^ their "And.if it's all the same to you, send moulding up. is not good that every Labour candidates for the ed over chargo of tho vessel to tho leadj \ spasm of '.. flavour that pleases the most plants Destroys local while all and Biting coining ing asleep Sucking. bo the time the little' Insects panic-stricken insanity yet meit&'e'jarvey," hand, and was. at are young, a says Molly:'- ■■. critical of chocolate con- » (J hailed with exultation in Berlin. will " If wo body elections has not aroused wide- of tho stranding. This, was contradicted is'necessary. When the plants get a and controlsFungi.—Death to Cater\ spread pillars.—Non-Poisonous.—The ' noisscurs. Ask for— (hat enthusiasm. As the by leading good Labour Rethe who stated the start little Berlin, could quote extracts from the hand, a soil be drawn THE LAST STRAW. time—:_i up aroimd the base of should best for, Summer. < press to match the daily bellowings of presentation Committee has decided to master was at tlio wheel at the the each plant, just The jokesmith entered the office and ' evi- sufficient pressed that was bomb oiit by our own Yahoo Press, we should con- nominate eight candidates for the City statement the firmly around dence tho two as the CLIFTS FLUID make his way to the editor's aide; I of deck hands,arid, plants to bring the lower leaves to an nine names have been subclude that Germany was on the verge Council,aand have here," he remarked, "ninety-nine ■' that he did not clearly Kilts the Grass Grub and AH'Seal mitted, selection ballot will be, taken) master admitted "Forget-me~Tjot" handing over chargo to the upright position, and keep them there. j: 35 of anarchy. motion picture jokes." The" editor, in abut for the Harbour Board and Hospital remember Insects. ,'s no*' done the lower leaves get leading band,tho inspector held tho opin.P ■wearymanner, took the batth, and aftosS Mr. J. M. Hoggs, SI.P., holds thai and Charitable Aid Board the list will ion that he had not done so, and was at set Jn a, liorizobtal position from which ALPHA SPRAYERS a hasty glance, said: "I have seen allj. A. H. Hindmarah, as the tho wheel- himself. The inspector ad- it is difficult to get them without Britain ought to be able to : (1) Adjusb stand. Mr.' these before. You should have mads it Automatic, sono continuous pumping reHarborir Board candidate,should ded:—"l am of the opinion that the damage. Bows solitary quired—:most (2) so as to feed be moulded fully distribution everyone; may efficient and eiinple The Old Hundred.' , was caused by_ (1) tho negli- up when the do it in such a way as to improve public retain his seat .without difficulty..' Candi- sfcranding heads have reached usable a oh the Sprayer market. master, ( gence of the David Scott Elliott; size. Turnips sown for the other dates bodies, will establish a, however, will stand (3) health, and bread line of now that everything points to his. being defenceagainst the enemy which could have their work cut out to win the (2) under tho influenceof drink at the tirhe; longer than those sown earlier, there- , Copies of testimonials on application. bo translated into an offensive in the favour of tlie electors. Certainly there and (3) that thb loading hand, Charles lore a larger breadth may be put in, ANSWERS TO CORRESPONPROCURABLEAT ALL STORES. field. Therefore,Jet us look to rationing are some promising candidates in each Fletcher Ross,when he saw the master's but it is too early to sOyr the winter DENTS. ' cheerfully from these different points of list, but they are not so numerous as condition, should have at least kept a crop. Onions are in most places ripenthey might progress, ing have been. Apparently the watch on the ship's off. Ifc is not as a rule good prac, when the , view. ■■".■■ Wholesale Agents— WAGERtrouble is the same as at previous elec- stranding , could havo been avoided. I tice to bend the tops down. The Vitagraph has been reformed,and consider that in cousoquenco of opinJerusalem There can ba no dispute as to the tions—the selection is not the best, be- also J. growing artichokes that are & Milky Way. CO. is as full of stars as the 1.and 2 tho .master is deserving of very tall interest of labour in the question of war cause the best men, when success is near ions may have a foot or two cut off We should sEyy Triangle unquestionably. The Marino Board con114, WAKEFIELD-STREET. of the sovoro censure." aid peace, remarks the Springfield Re- at hand, l have become tired ' with the shipping .inspector's re- their tops with advantage to the crop, curred, " struggle. S bea kale should not be allowed to grow JEAN publican, but it is difficult to see how G., Lower Hutt— port, and severely censured the iriastbr. ' a lot of small side leaves. labour as such can obtain representation We are publishing a picture of Charlie The value of in the peace conferencewhich will end or sea kalo is in accordance with the DILUTION OF LABOUR. really as he looks in this issue.,..Yours AMBITIOUS HUN PLAN. follow the present war. strength of the crowns. Such repredie "was the third request. £120,000 per Proposals for the oE skilled Germany has on foot a, plan to freo more surely got when Fine crowns sentation is said to be aimed at by labour labour were considereddilution and growth huge bonus for signing; annum, waste is also adopted and by German goods from'liability to payment prevented, ' a leaders in this country and Europe; but the Boot and the ground around kept / up. [■ Association at of Dutch duty by building a Rhine-Soa clean, so that they are going about it is not quite its recent Manufacturers' how air ' freely circulates about conference in Christchuch, arid canal to have its outlet at Emdon. (states the growth's. Kitty Gordon at Lila Deipard, tha adventuress in "As in a Looking Glass," the nearest approachto a perfectcheese clear. It is a problem in diplomacy of came K.S., Masterton— Stop strong exchange). an This would cost an ruiiners on ~~' good enoragain prominence into when a is the. one that deserves the some dimensions. vßut ia any event finds' she cannot escape from her jpast. Write to your companydirect. Too Judging engaged mainly with mili- mous sum of money,but it would elimi- marrow and kindred plants; if extra fine ropinions people have of it. Labour's moral weight is bound to Ije riianufactufer much of a war risk for tfo's column. Tjy the over increasing salesof tlio necessity of German shipping fruits are wanted the number must bo tary work , applied for sthe exemption nate l)ut<ih restricted by thinning; also pinch off felt as never before. reaching by passing through the sba I had to make all the outside A BLACK NIGHTDRESS. from military service of two skilled territory, for which satisfactory tariff ar- the point of I!lines, ' ANGRY, City— the shoot beyond the fruit— noises. ;. " "■ "The proposal to put part of our com- operatives. Boot manufacturers have al- rangements have to be entered into with this latter is not ordinarily Kitty Gordon, the beautiful, star in "I thundered, I galloped like, In America people /who feel as deeply necessary, ready, under their iatest mons under the plough has excited appreaward, a mea- Holland. "As in a Looking Glass," wears a sur- I and is rarely done. Check waste growth a woman, I marched like an as you do get together and picket tha of power to dilute skilled labour- by prise garment in the way.of "nighties." sang like hension in certain quarters/ says the sure '■ on tomato plants; —■——w^—^—i these plants Weekly Despatch. \ "At best it is nofc/a engaging returned soldiers in a kind of AMERICAN MERCANTILE MARINE in the open air is watering This is a black armless robe, whose fight only not not. necessary, front pearl-seeded very heroic contribution towards increased "improver" capacity when the unions or name is the robo According to a report of the United biifc is mischievous; it induces attacks of home production, aiid it creates suspicions cannot supply journeymen. The, emde soir." , Department of Commerce,the blight, and sets up soft growth which opinionsthat irasrs have theflood. "^-svitl that the people's land rriay be fifchedfrom ployers wished to obtain greater pbwers, States <sf. a; tBEX" Cbeesa can won claim to ships en- makes work in putting it off,. without number of United Statee-owned them, "be "one ofthe Best" is pigtiant— i remembered that the but the Arbitration Court saw fit to im- gaged in foroign trade ori 30th June benefiting the fruit. It will be beans should I House of Lords insisted on the return pose this. limitation. x According to re- numbered 3135. Their aggregate groea have the growths Runner "THE SHE-STREAK." Uts pleasing flavour is-noticed at first pinched when they ■taste. And itfs a cfaeesa that "will not of common lands on which ihiz Govern- ports, the. power given has not been tonnage was 2,194,470,which is double reach the top of the supports. 1916 Models, embody- J Jim Grimsby, the title rolel in "Jim Gather back" on '.cSka whofind it hard to fto buildings' tonnage ment have erected availed of to extent. is it the at the end irig during preced the Nor conthe Additional Improveany all beans that are fit for use, whether ,<tsgeet ordinary cheese. Grimsby's, Boy," is one of the quaintest For "BEX" war. 1 To repeat the witticism of a sidered probable that it will be, since re- ing fiscal year. The net tonnage,-reckon- all are wanted or :Gbeeso possessos all tas yaloflblo digesments. For a quarter-of- { characters that have ever arrived oil the not. Dwarf beans also j liobbycynic :—'The Lords saved the coiri- turned soldiers^ unless they have been at ed as approximately seven-tenths of the should " tivepropertiesof perfecfly msittirea fnll gathered clean, or the crop is ' be film. His only reason for tolerating a gross, tons. The would be about 1,540,000 The soon Farmers FaYet within a week the announce- the trade previously, are, not likely to 'Vcreameheesa Itis also most economical moris.^ exhausted. woman about the place is his hope of a J a-century -—forit Bpreactoeesils' without the nee of ment is_ made that, common-land is to be seek to enter the boot trade iri large number of American ships passing vourite has satisfaction son; and when it turna given through sanitary Sold uddorloss the Panama Canal in out to be a girl Vtattor. in tins. the fiscal THE FLOWER GARDEN. turned into,allotments.'' "Why not the riuinbers. When the war is over some ended 30th June, 1916,was 236,and to N.Z. Farmers; this pattern his righteous wrath knows no bounds. private-parks first?" asks the Nation. may be found .who wish to do so, but yejf WSIST ON "REX" BRAND planting their Bulb be You knew I wanted aggregate tonnage proceeded net canal should a boy, and you " -~i was "It is clear.that on : grounds alike of then more skilled operatives will be is better than ever before. -~iT$E2" HAH KITE, 737,169. Of these 93, with 350,966net with, dealing first with those that are 08, "BEX" gaveme a gal," he roared at the unfortujustice and poticy the commons must be available. PVBA&.'AHD TONOUBPATE make still in the wide Strong; heavy wheels, toils, were id. the United States coastwise as be startnate ground, they mother, and then declared his intenmay ' dainty taken Jast. The right of the village to and appetising sandwiches. trade, and 145,,with 386,203net tons, iri ing again at any time, particularly if axles, large hoppers, rigidly tion of raising it, ".but it'll be a boy." its common iit- at least, as good as that foreign trade. In the preceding fiscal rain should make thb soil extra moist. the great Mtwtfsctaradby RURAL he makes the mistake ORGANISATION. However; one of the squire to his park." braced angle steel frame. year a much higher proportion of the At the present time we are moving crinof his life,.for'a bundle of fashion papers pFOGGTTT JONES & CO4 ETD. A further step in the direction of American ships passing through the carial ums, brunsvigias, hoes on Spring give z ephranbelladonnas, which gets "boy," into the hands of his and v "The war has revealed the character- organising rural workers has been,taken was in the coastwise trade. thes, and steriibergias, which are with the mischiefis promptly done. All the meeting" an obstruction and istic defects of our political class;" says by the registration of the Agricultural us how iri a more or less dormant state. efforts are useless, woman-hating father's , the Nation. "It nossesses industry and and Pastoral Workers' Union under the Rear levers place. return to EXTENSIVE PILLAGING, That is to say, the tops arc dead, though and. lie is outwitted and beaten by* the Trade Union Act. The terms of regisskill of management; its lack is moral tration which fold out of way, footprimalinstinct of his offspring: The part under this Act are different in The Queensland CustomsDepartment's the roots show signs of activity, so they and intellectual ,It has never risen to staff of searchers last week mado another will soon Be growing again. Crinums, respects from those which the of the a heavy one, and it. is. board, etc. the height of its duties and of the public many and belladonnas are large sought to embody in its Arbitral discovery of cargo alleged to have been, brunsvigias,require questionable if anyonebnt FrankKeeriaii A.P.U. " 21'ofc ovoxjoue "»£l!<jSiSft plantdeep holes for emergency. Ifc wants confage and it tion Act registration, which the Court pilforcd from an oversea- steamer. The bulbs, and * could have handled it. *tti afford to wants ideas. From this have flowed its declared steamer, began her voyagewith five cases ing them in, brurisvigias particularly are irregular. to be The A.P.U. Turnip Bristow Feed fitted large, large special its shortsightedness, -its anti- itself as as a child's head. whisky for Bris- very of a rxoiop tho bOhs, * brand of / secrecy, appear cannot, course, democracy, its assaults ori. liberty, and the Arbitrationo£ Court, but can before only 22 bottles' survived the These require a hole eighteen inches deep, "THE LAW DECIDES." £o.l£ng every if required. enter bano,.butThess its almost total neglect of constructive into were found hidden so that deep tillage is an absolute necesagreements. Component unions, if yoyn-^b. The Love that endured for 2000 year*. See Rider Haggard's novel," She," : morningin lite, This plot is simple, and is based on the iri a part of the 'ship whore it hadaway sity, evifor the roots bo able to thinking Europe." over the future of must go they themselves register under the Ar- dently been supposed they would not deeper than the hole. The variety Joeternal triangle "—the husband,-lovely whose picturUatioh will shortly be here. I<' Tint evinyoae V1 wife, and "the other man." The action Two stylishly-dressed munition girls bitration law, can still inak'e use of the come under the notice of the searchers. sephine is a very noble plant, known as sOAJJTenjoy tt v^^JjPjfi^' machinery. and 'arbitration some I howled like a drink-maddened ofiending theatre. They don't write poignantly, conciliation White calico, lace and th army, plant, handkerchiefs, tlie candelabra it sends up stems is, however, swift, 6 complained to the Willesden Magistrate, There restriction under the Trade curtains, woollen shawls,blankets, and four feet high when growing in good like invigora- Xt^i and I screeched like a 'locomotive- letters under pen-names. crisis of the last scenes aimost unbearably mob, soil, London, that their landlady was detain- Union is,iio Act of the other articles were discovered in a place and bears large heads of pink flowers up all for 15s week. registration beauty £ion Ijy simply classes intense. all a [l Dorothy Kelly has a *"^i««a^** ing their clothes and other belongings. of rural workers which may be em- where they had ho right to be. This dis- to forty_ iri ROB R— her own, and as the young wife whose "1 remember one nightwhen ifcseemed -Four pages, but after all your new a number on one spike. Crinum iirioklng dally In a list of their property the girls iti- braced by the organisation, and this at covery and another- made on another practically as good, the PALMERSTON NORTH indiscretion leads tii such black trouble, that, the last straw had been heaped on didn't work out at much to the aero. Powellii alba is cluded three bottles of whisky, or once removes pillage vessel last show that the b<3forQ breakweek, of obstacle which threatbeing white tinged with pale her girlish»grace is well snited. Shedoes me. I was letting off femaleshrieks of The'vampire is a universal character in other spirits, a costume valued at ten ened to hinderan &,* a glassful whilo ships are at sea' is carried flowers and expansion cargo pink. The sternbergia is known as the oiit on a rather extensive scaib. guineas, boots worth £2 2s a pair, and on constitutionalprogress literature," and so legitimate goods fot ' lines. yellowautumn crocus, these and the pure *>?"" monies. other equally costly article's of wearing \ white are small plants that apparel. SMART PASSAGE BY CONVERTED: are very useful for autumn flowering; ipis' j.— A.W.U. PRESIDENT. STEAMER. lovely and (glory be!) beautiedge name, them the of the border. A. plant near The following is ah extract firorri GerMr. Francis Walter Lundie, who has The smart passage of 35 days mado by At the. present time tlio montbrettias ful writing. In New Tork there are estiman orders found by the French at been elected president of the Australian the barquentino City of, Sydney between amongbulbous plants are showing their riiated to be 9000 picture houses. Donaumont. It applies to German sol- Workers' Union- in succession to- Mr. San Francisco. and Melbourne was the value, these are valuable for decorative diers suspected of malingering:—"Ener- A. W. Spence (whose advocacy of con- general tbp'id of conversation on. 'Change Montbrettias do best in warm getic and merciless action must be taken. scription brought him into disfavour) is O^ays the San Francisco Chronicle). This purposes. places, with full., exposure to the sun. the first time the City of Sydney has Any lurid Make use of arms or take legal, oeasures one of the pioneers of the big organisa- is. '.There's nothing Hte it for of coil seems to suit them, against all those against whom faults tion. Born at Port Adelaide in N 1866; made a voyago lindor sail,' and the ven- piovided it be moderately free.' Among Seeping tiie digestion and have been brought. he started work on a farm at eleven ture was looked, upon with doubt by the really beautiful flowers at' present Specially shall THE KING'S— lowels in good health. shipping mien. For years the ves- out, the swaihsonia must be noticed. characteristic cases shall be made public years of age, arid in what should have nlariy sel as a steamer was engaged "THE LAW DECIDES" {Dorothy in the as a lesson to all that thos guilty of been his golden days of youth was work- Panama, service of the Pacificmail. When Therei are flowering shrubs that make a Kelly). ing at the jobs that bush tracks led to 64 Pull Doses" in Every Bottto cowardice wilt be dealt with, without she became too slow for that service she fine show id the garden, and yet may mercy. Guards in close proximity "to —shearing, bullock-punching, and gen- was laid up in Oakland Creek and her not be very attractive on close examina2/-»" Cbenristaand Stores 2/EVERYBODY'S— the firing line must exercise a sharp sur- eral station work. He~" joined the machinery removed. When the big de'- tion, the bu'ddieias,for instance,one can"SEE PAWNSHOP" (Charlie Chapveillance behind the front.. Patrols of Amalgamated Shearers'Union in 1887, marid for bottoms opened, .owing' to the not say they are lovely, yet they are fine lin): ' gendarmes, horsemen, and cyclists are and becoming at once an activo member, war, she wes fitted as a., barquentineafter garden plants. But the swainsonia .apappointed he the several months of workShe built beautiful the closer it is "JIM GRIMSBY'S' BOY" (Frank organiserby pears was as an was the more to be sent to all fronts to visit the ■. .' Keenaii). Adelaide branch five years later. He in 1875 at Chester,3P0.,is 3016 grossarid approached, the pea-shaped blossoms are camps,' shelters, or canteens where fregood for any purpose. There are at quent appeals are made. I again call continued in that capacity until 1900, 1965 net tons. of THE EMPRESS— unopposed when he was as secleast three varieties the swainsonia, generals, commanding the attention of SPECULATIVE SHIPBUILDING. retary Kitty Gordonin "AS IN A IX)OKthe' branch. He has had the red, or rather rose pink, grey, or ]a,venarmy corps to the importance of these unique,ofexperience of /being elected unA good example of speculative Bhir>- der, and pure white,, the red species is ING GLASS." : WILL measures. (Signed) Yon Ochow, Infantry opposed places bnflding is In favoured the position by to that for sixteen conafforded the Mbtdrtank .the best. General.". secutive years. In 1888 he was vice- Shipping Co. of .ChristAariia, (states the bougainvillea is looking veTy beautiful PEOPLE'S PICTURE PALACE— Sydney Shipping last). This concern orjiis£ now, the variety of glabra known Several large hotels and clubs in president of the branch, and president dered a number of motor ships for. con- as Florence La Badie in "THE PILsanderiana k the finest, being simply London have been taken by the British for the 'two years following, and has struction in the United LOBT." States, b ut it has a represented every "for the branch in annual now sold its building.contracts at a mass of the gorgeousbracts. Ipomoea X win "be finer, softer, smoother, Government but the A.W.U., BABY FORSYTHE, purposes, H war the old perennial convolvulus,is Scurf and Dandruff will disappear, Conferencesince 1895. Outside siderable profit, aid decided to.wind con1 I En THE STAR— up". learii, first private house to be commandeered the gtovy. yoa by using iftake care of it \ H also in its This is one of I A-W.U. he has taken a keen in- The contracts for three motor vessels with is that of the Duke of Buccleoch, Mon- the "THELAW PEQIDES.". blue have been sold finest of climbing plants, the large dark tagu House, Whitehall. No portion of terest in fnunicipal work, and was eight a total value o{ £340,C00 "THE.PAWNSHOP" {Charlie Chapfine contrast to the the house is to be reserved for the duke's years a member,of the Port Adelaide for £545,000,and another of the-, com- bells making aplant dry lin). requires a, rather This personal >usb, and the treasures of this Municipal Council and six. years a mem- pany's vessels has'been sold at a profit of foliage. ber in the Adelaide City Council, where 400,000kronen (about £45j000). The position, it will not tolerate wet ground, mansion been historic " have fenioved.tb represents Grey Ward. J I company,is a new one, and has hardly and if drainage is not good, it will die Gwalia,WesternAustralia. ono of the family's country seate. No shipping operations, : and iri winter, but given a dry and warm Jim Grimiby'* "Boy" ha* been looking at fashion plate*,, and refusing Virol,Ltd., Mr. Lnndie is described by- Australian started regularamount TRIANGLE ANIMALS. other private' residence in London, occuto 4,000,000 yet its profits kronen position there is no apparent limit to its to be a he." ■.:' as a Food Specialists. players "Worker" determined battler ia at pets If'all the of the Tripies such. an interesting site. As early the interests of his class, clean and un- (aboiit £«0,060). Dear Sir, growth, I have in mind a plant which angle studios were ever gathered together I send youaphotograph ofmyson Harold. at 1240 Hubert de Burgh built a large has covefed_ one side'and one erid_ of a in his principles, and When seven. weeks he. was ill with not forget, either,, in all her anguish, terror, and thundering with one hand and at one place it would make the .nucleus dwellinghere,which subsequently became compromising outbuilding, lighter and has even climbed six months oldhe was strictly large gowns.' hailing with the other, while, marasmus-, at honourable in his methods. BRAZIL AS A SHIPBUILDER. to wear spine remarkably pretty 9 right bf a liienagerie- that would put Bafrftm '; by poundsthan at birth, and only a frameof the property of the. Black Friars, of the the leg "was working the moan of my According _to Oscar Corfeia, assistant a post carrying telephone wires, arid the wind to* shame. It would, contain Ford Sterskjn and bone, so thin was he that we used a mass of flowers aaid foliage. is and B Archbishop of York, and finally of whole Etc. and left imitating wrap which w£Hit,Preserve, Honrisl,. to the Brazilian Consul-General to him incotton wool and nurse him "AN OLD DOG," the was crash at New the of ling's bear, Fay Tincher's parrot, Norma TEACHERS AS UNIONISTS. Henry VIII. The present house ■vvas and as it penetrates to m Stren^thea on a pillow for fear he should fall to pieces. York, eight or ten ships of from 5000 *o The plant referred tx> is growing against Enid Markey is, delicious in the in- fallingtrees, wnen.the leading man stuck Talmadge's doves, Mabel. Normand's the loss of the M begun by the fifth duke in 1858.. The the roots.will replace The picture shows him at the age of. IS " The Queensland Teachers' Union, at ip.OOO tonis are beirig rushed to cbrhple an asphalt road. ■■ The asphalt is laid his head found Grimsby's stage. prize Natural O.U in the Hair, the want of H cost eri's at;ine from the months, genious Triangle goat, Bessie Love's rabbits, Louise '■ a winner at the childi ball .film "Jim ofthe building amounted to £100,000. its annual conference, decided to regis- tion in Brazil. He states further thai; th« right up to.the building. A small part which causes Baldness. It is sold ina Si held here thisyear, and everyone who knew\ Boy," but her last scene surpasses all. Ho was.supposed to be pursued by dogs, Glaums cats; Mack-Sennett!s lion, Doiig- , is noted for make Montagu. great asphalt §g House its Golden Colour for Fair Hair, of Stores, an industrial union, and to seek project of building a merchant fleet that of the was broken out to that he was so ill, and sees him to-day, In this she suddenly becomes shy at the and he hissed : ' Bark, :you chump, bark! las Fairbanks' dogs,. Charles Murray's; Rowland's, n| rooms, splendid furniture, exquisite porce- ter as Chemists, fliirdressers.aiid marvels at the change. I cannotexpress my improved conditions through the Arbi- will make Brazil independent of foreiprri room to pitt-the plant, in, and nothing : 67, Hattori-garden, London. Avoid Uj gratitudefor Virol,for it was also the means ardent glances of the young sheriff, and Why don't you bark, you lazy shirker? '" monkeys, William Hart's horses, Torlain, its Vandycks, and its incomparable tration Court. The delegates unanimous- bottoms is being,supported liberally by more was done, it is never watered, it imitetions under the Bj > : cheap wortl,ileßs saving yearand days of his a 10 older sister, then gruff old Jim Grimsby hands out miniatures. Pictures of Rubens, Rem- ly agreed to this course, which would the Government,but details are lacking could not be. This should be an eyesame or eira.ilar name which have, no B than he. Marjorie was a lovely babyborn, imagine plants Properties and do not H 13 that some fine old crusted advice. "Young however, great opener eight Eestorative and other masters probably find little favour in this Do- It when some for those that butat months old she had convulsions. Raphael, brandt, certain, perfume— delightful contain that W The Doctor tried everythingIft knew of to feller, you'd better come round some adorn tlie walls. But the collection of minion it it could be earned into effect. o£ the Latin-American countries Btart in cannot be grown without watering. Many Otto of Bcses—for which Eowland's m no advantage, till at last he decided to try thing they taught to do a do in inme other time when she ain't so derned exunique years' experience and unrivalled even An even more radical proposal was disit, some has practical Hacassar Oil has been so longfamous. || miniatures is Virol, andwe could see a marked improveeven better than ourselves (saye stances given ground began well-trenched and about cited. You can't tell which way she Royal palaces. days. by that, ment in two We a in cussed—affiliation with the Australian an American exchange), arid in many good plants tinydose and increased deep-rooting gradually might jump jest now." very not it to Bobby Conolly tettlej Workers' Union. This did not find fav- ways we. could well take lessons , from only cultivation, the prescribed dose, and ina few weeks she wateringin average requiredo not things in "The Law "Look at. Sweden, look at Norway, our, since there was a, difference,.of them. There is no fear that Brazil will seasons, but they was able to sit up in her little bed. I send actually better are these photos to show thefaith I have in your BOY.", look at Denmark, look at Holland, look opinion ori the question of conscription, enact any such law as the SeamenAct, without it. Such plants DEFINE "SMALL Decides "—the splendid as dahlias for wonderfulVirol. Now, ifthe childrenshow at Belgium—five small kingdoms, every and, further, A. W.U. officials were in- for which we have to thank the late any signs of being out of sorts, 1 just take This is a difficult matter, accordingly Vitagraph drama showinstance root deeply if they have the one of them outraged by Germanpower, clined to reject the teacher's over- Senatorfrom Wisconsin,who, it ia said, them off theirfood and give them Virol for is the father or mother of the boy, cool conditions as one they find ing chance, there then are first-rate at The King's. they ship days they again. nor the salt water until a few and considered, never saw a whose fate, if Germany should,succeed tures. The teachers, or his next-door neighbour. The genuine Faithiully.yours, soil, and sufficient moisture. In such not such good unionists as to ho took jn Congress—a piece of of boy article is really a mixture .of (Mrs.) W. R. Forsythe. in this war, would not be difficult to were without waterconditions are best small they bids fair to drive Amerilegislation that Bosebery in a recent strengthen the big organisation, though imp, cherub, angel, and rogue. Little ing, they are more florifefous, and stur(""'clfl'*^) ' ,'_ Do you want quiofc, foresee,"said Lord would derive strength can shipping off the seven seas. easy.pleaaantshaveaf speech at Edinburgh. "We are fighting they themselves dier. I have long been convinced that Bobbie Conolly is the perfect film small :£»33«—^7"j7"l) Many from the affiliation. 'Ty ■: ©CO outraged V-*. Do this teachers' you-want Norway, cruelly keep to for at mowhich dry boy, 'lf the and in "The Law Decides" he is system of cultivation, S£ff Ib ■*' yonrface in thepink ment with the massacre of her merchant delegates also took the view that they Attention has been drawn of late to thfe includes deep trenching, is 'by far the adorable. He manages in some_ mysfree to have another new type of ship constructed in Norway, S CJ?J b 001 condition, endeavour should not unrelentlessly pursued on the seamen, satisfactory in results. terious way to shed real tear's in the inmost I ff Ir ii«^ from Pirn.P'es, growinghairsoronts? high seas. We are fighting for Sweden, body fight their cause; if they desired it being entirely of concrete, with the scenes where he ought to do so, and "hie improvement, they should strive for it exception of the ribs, which are of stool. Thensetyonrrazorfor THE GREENHOUSE. 73^*7^^*^. troubles are most convincing. The wonoays at our expense on a who> at any rate at any moment may *T^ Two Idrge barees so built wore recently iX themselves. position. yonr Hone. Take herself iri the same on well should find We Primulas that have come derful srhilo which breaks over his elfin >s^^ finest Perforated, launched a-t Moss, a^small town near \~* C4P**v blade oryoarpoorest; give fighting for. eyry neutral nation, Old Street,E.G. face when things come right is'as natural Christiania.. It is claimed that the hull he ready for their last potting. The S.H.E. VIROL,LTD.,182-188, 'J it a few strokes or hone all day; are 'j Bobby will very NOTES. of a free charfighting, compost and we are for one which is not better than should be is the tears, and in this play ' damage will resist stebJ,iron, ri jei« the resalt will be the. same—a perfectshave. The boles prtTtnl weak, the United States,for if we were i! Mr. Justice Edmunds,in whose hands or wood, raid will consequently l>e safer. acteiv-it mnst not bind. be the talk of the town, »"rwlJle .ana antomav4callyprpin the war, which Heaven the Australian coal dispute was placed The first practical <tpnlic.ition of the idea vanquished spring flowering. i ' i.^5«»T Pot bulbs for up duceaperfectkeenahavingedge ,■/ was previously best kriowri of such "stone ships" dates only a. fow If'reesiasare very popular for this pur' --XTw the. Perforated Hone forbid, the United States would bo the for settlement, NEWS MITES. pose, if convenient, after potting place yoa find it next to suffer from the aggressive) and as President. of the New South Wales' months back, wheni thn first barge con"**?3O days FREE. Unless Bmboth'cutting edge o£ this material was launched. them in yonr on For Influenza uois A/leaves a Nonha Talmadgo celebrated the New Necessary Commodities a frame, give a thorough waterCommission,structed like silk in your face,' i unscrupulous power of Prussia." It at once attracted much attention in ing, and " / razor thatfeels till light the with sacks Year by inaffynig Mr. Joseph" Schenk; which, for almost two years conducted Scandinavia,ajid a second barge of_ some cover , / return it at onr expense and get yonr 111 TT-0 > Such pTiiases as Manchester man" price-fixing operations in the State. He hundred tons \Vn.s launched. A similar the bulbs start growth. / money back immediately. A new innovation that has come about 4/i orpost fraafrom and / SoldeverywhereHat Liyefpool gentleman" alVrays has » reputation as. a practical man, and "stone ship" is now to be built for the in America is the doing away of the Box ' The Perforated one Co.. Deptlfi parties the to coal surprised Honey-SavingRemedy, FBSS rise rathel' a of iron ore and ooa.l. Great ]vt oversea, g'rye queries origin. transport fgi to-day to as to their KS| The 618 Wellington. Send word, and arbitrary measurement called expert on tbo_ transport serEEXONA, TUB RAPID HEALER, gpSi Costs21—Mokes 1 pint—Saves 10/- j«j "the reel." The reel has spoiled many 1 Booklet: "The..Sccrjt of...Ea>:y.Shayin/>." According to tea old Liverpool stage dispute at Bulli recently with an illus- A. Swedish the new Swedish is especially designed to meet the needs qualities. A vice has proposed that : '■ a good story through its hard-and-fast coach driver, however, Lancashire ap- tration of his practical m& ore to ; ferry b© built for of sufferersfrom Eczema and other Skin boats,.which pears to bo the home of such expres- matter of £18 was holding up the colliery, length, either through useless padding between. Sweden and England, Diseases. Rcxona is a quick and effecMotor Mail Service. sions, for, when he was asked,as he and both parties were determined not to service \ EVlN—Foxton Cordial of Blackberry for spinningtip.but purposes, or telescoping thereupon paid n'croßS the North Soa, should b«i con- tive remedy, and is sold at Is 6d '-and b ■■■■■■KNNHBHHiHHfiSiEBiHES 9s route to FoxtpP.the last -what His Honour stage, passengive U Quickest an approached Ginger * way. and. Jamaica is o/Tectivo to shorten ' structed of the now material. Bnsirlss leave bxtbn 6.30, arrive .Lovm 7.30; Ibavo remedy for Diarrhoea,Dysentery; Pains ' \ lad's eleiphajii. fteally, tha only attrac- i gers he carried, he replied : " I've gotten (.ho amount himself, remarking, subse- ordinary cargo those- boats coulrl carry 5s.—Advt. Kitty Gordon has 'begun,work .upon her THE CENSOR. evin 10.30, arrive Foxton 11.30; felly Ira Wiggrn, a chap frit, Bowton, quently that an investigation of the Entire railway trains across the sfen, kfl.Vper Prico a in Stomach a.nd Bowels. 2s 4s 6d; .a mott ih. A Sydney par^gvapli writer throws a tioua inissiiig are '>&carded aomw. *ad i~ bxton 2.20 p.m. Faros— Single, Uirco big plays for the World Film, CorUavft.uuiupUitl « ir)*; ft 4isptefie»i4Jg.t;p{,.!s«t.}y^A raaUci;-->vtiuljl. 1 yvobabj^ Sunaajß^. ttdrh.-fe 6d. 'Motor lor Eire JSjJsi..^iucklei."il.ThaL Sydney, wasor will lioi-faccd-|»y3, ;' :>} l^fifiW-.. "llH—^'' iBEBGg.,WBrrKH.KAD--'-ProildfitoV-. ,fe»O4?«SES^F .___ ■-<■■ \.T£srll<gP | ■ ■ . . ■ - ■ 1 ■ R. A. NICOI'S . " I . . . ... ( Insecticides and Sprayers! 1/11 Aulsebrook's I "Chocolates | " . ■ . . ' " : . W. WALLACE ■ w paraphrase m I ■ ■ ■" . ''. . . "REX" WHEQN CHEESE Grain, Turnip and -Fertilizer Drill- _ . ■ ■ ■ _ V^* /^fßffa |fli»^ . 1 " #\i|ffiSP^ ft . Manson & Ban, Ltd. «~^-I|\y\^, Jw' i&^^^^xJ** ''' ■ ■ New . Wli&li - . ' " . ■ nCffliU mint roofs hair LOOH PICTURES WORTH SEEING . , - IIiFT iklß Weighed pounds less than at birth jMA CAS SA R . . " . - . . ■ . . . . . _ ■ . . ■ . . . . . fj§ . " " . ..Jffl . COMPOUND ■ Ala^P^te£^ab»iJ6s&tlsmo4 * ' '* THE EVENING POST, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1917 THE TURF MIMES AND MUSIC (By "Orpheus.") FIXTURES February It and 15—Woodville Jockey Club. THE SHOW.S. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Jf. C. Williamson's "Damaged Goods," 12tli February 14, 16, and 17—Dunedin Jockey Club. February 22 and 2-I—Wauganui Jockey Club. March 15 and 16—Masterton Racing Club. February. FARMERS: start 1917 with the bejsi ACCOUNTBOOKS NOTES AND COMMENTS MAJESTY'S. HIS ner to score at Taranaki. She is now running up to her privatereputation, and Fuller Vaudeville. TUB KING'STHEATEB. (By "Sir Lancelot.") Pictures nightly. CROWN THEATRE. Pictures nightly. STAB THEATRE. Pictures nightly. OUR THEATRE. Pictures nightly. Ownersand trainers should note that nominations for all handicap events at should not be long getting out .of the hack class. Mr. A. W. Rutherford informedme at Blenheim that he had enquired about the half-sister to Encore and Revocation by St. Paul, and was informed that she had been, purchased by a resident of the Thames. The Awapuni-trained King's Armour (King's Guest—Annourex) scored his first win in the Trial Hack Race on the second day of the Marlborough Meeting. Benope (the half-brother to Sir Knox) beat the others. That was his only appearance at the meeting. Metallum, winner of the Maiden Plato on tho opening day of the Poverty Bay Meeting, is a two-year-old filly by All Black—Winning Post. She was bred by her owner, Mr. Rangi Kerehoma, and is the first produce of Winning Post. Lady General was unlucky to be beaten by Excitement for second place in tho Dash Hack on the first day at Blenheim. On the second day she was sent out favourite for the Seymour Welter, an open race, and scored in good style. The Marlborough Racing Clubincreased the stakes by £325 at the recent meeting. The nomination and acceptance fees showed an increase,but the gate receipts and totalisator turnover did nol come up to expectations. About 1300 volunteers have left for the front from the district; and to this an official of the club attributes the falling off in the receipts from the_ sources named. The meeting resulted in p. loss. It is hoped that the stakes offering for the Autumn as in previous Meeting will, be as liberal ' years. " The local contingent was not as strong as usual at Riverlands this year. Mr. J. J. Corry started. Pinono, Heeltap, ImaThe latter ran a ribbon, "and Pariform. good race on the second, day, when he just failed to concede Lady General 71b. The only Riverlands horse to score was Totaranui, who ran' a good race on the second day. He is now owned and trained by- the veteran A. Raynor, who was racing there thirty yearsago,a' nd the win was well received. 11 LADIES' COLUMN FASHION NOTES Here ■ i . .. .. .. ■ ■ .. ■ ■ ■" ■ as jjronze : BRONZE and : [ BRASSWARE It comprises many charming things in Vases, Fern and Palm Pots, etc. We have no hesitation in saying that no more beautiful assortment has ever been shown in Wellington: The Enemy in Your Mouth! : V These will make perfectly delightful WEDDING GIFTS.: The prices run from 6/6 to 66/- As the export of metal goods is now practically prohibited from Britain, we cannot hope to repeat these fine goods till war is over. PEW ■ r t IP'TTLE . IBCTI a c most °f :jßlmyMffti& the Dannevirke Racing Club's Annual Meeting close to-night at nine o'clock with Mr. R. Takle (secretary). NEW THEATIiK Waimatoa, won the Dash Hack (a halfContinuous. Pictures. mils scurry) on the opening day at THE.VInt EMPRESS Continuous Pictures. Blenheim,and on Thursday won in open SUORTT'S THEATRE. company. Daytime took him on at a differenceof two stone, but the Otaki Pictures. Continuous hack led throughout. He was purchasPEOPLE'S PICTURE PALACE. Continuous Pictures. ed alt Mr.. Hira Parata's clearing sale at BRITAXXIA THEATRE. Otaki last winter for 25 guineas, and it I Continuous Pictures. is reported that his owner recently reEVERYBODY'S THEATRE. fused 400 guihe-as for him. Form Up Continuous Pictures. made him look a moderate at Trentham, QUEEN'S THEATRE. and on the second day at Blenheim he Continuous Pictures. are books specially designed to " ";"' was in receipt of a stone and a-half from malco it easy to keep correct . accounts. . he re- Goldstream,who is not a good beginner, and records:— .membered Isabelle D'Arrhond, who will the and has been racing over longer coursesstarring as with first Waimatoa's admirers are-talking about The N.Z. Farmers' Diary & Account Book Tivoli Follies, was on. the bill at the Stewards' Foolscap size, contains t mass of information filfi recently. Handicaps and Great Easters. Colonial Theatre,, New York, helpful to Farmers : ; PRICK U/U : Says Dragonet, in, the London ReJ.. O'Shearode three winners at the Taranaki Meeting, and should soon be feree: I -went to see "Ohu Chin Chow" The Smaller Farmers' Financial Positioit ' the other afternoon. It was. lovely. at the- head of successfulhorsemen.. Planned by a Public Accountant to enable the" the best talent and command it. There ,'"< in our camps only fourteen smaller Farmer to meet the requirements ry Ifi. in ashes is a dream of frightthe Egmont Stakes running as Taking London ia the walking costume in striped cotton of the Finance Act . Pbiob I/V ~* fulness..-.The Asches in London are a a guide it looked as if Bimeter would Assam trimmed on side, belt, and were free of this disease— ■ pockets; pique, delightf illness. add the Taranaki Stakesto Mr. G. D. or a white ■■;■■'■■' 6ports coat dream of for it is a disease ! The N.Z. GeneralFarmers' Account Book ■:■ j to Greenwood'saccount. The black horse , " ' Fred who has returned new roll collar and revere, Bluett, effect, finished Also a Labour Journal. Contains forms for all- ...; with belt and crochet buttons; or a camCaries destroys the teeth, Australia" from England, is to produce was best-backed of the three runners, Accounts. Hegisters ot Stock, Analysis"of ry//v bric semi-fitting back, high roll collar, Wages, etc. . ..PRICE I I\j, "'., .'. poisons food, impairs digesa Revue at Sydney Tivoli. The title but was beaten by Mr. T H. Lowry's military .which belt finished Square," pearl o£ the. Revue is "All front, to side, two-year-old Estland, by Finland—War tion, weakens the system The N.Z. Dairy Farmers' Account Book, ' buttons; or a white poplin, basque effect, '"'.. Mr. Bluett obtained from the English Scare,by Martian—Gossip (dam of BobComprising Beeister and StockBook. Cash fancy cross-over front, double pan collar, Book ami and sets up dangerous' con- . "i ■■'-," comedian,Fred Kitchen. rikoff). The two-year-old had a big pull Journal. Givesinstruction in simple and efll- "1 I)/ft glass trimmed with pipings, buttons; or M: Eugene ; Ossipoff,' the Russian in the weights. He had raced conditions in the body. " ciont Book-keeping. Strongly bound. PRICE i^/U '.' a white muslin—a frock trimmed with who has just completed a con- sistently since the'beginning of the sea■baritone,; embroidery, and one of the best possible. The only way to combat cert toni of the Dominion, has decided son, rnHESE books areprinted and boundin New having been placed at Hawkes Bay, is to consult a thorJ_ Zealand aiid sold direct to T'OCby the Caries to settle iv Wellington for some time. Wellington in. ACCEPTANCES DUNEDIN Eiccarspring twice, oughly competent Dentist. manufacturers. That is -vvliy they are so M.. Ossipoff;will be a welcome and. not- ton, WellingtontheCup Meeting, EgTHE HOUSEKEEPER and moderately priced. ORDER YOUES NOW !. able addition to- the ranks of our mont. Estland has won just on 800 (HI TELEGBAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Hundreds of cases have been .singers. successfully treated by . soys this season. He was ridDUNEDIN, 9th February. my painSEASONABLE RECIPES, A syndicate of four, headed by Miss den in stakes antiseptic methods. Deless, Acceptances for the first day of the Potato Pie.—Mix . together four boiled by G Clarke, who served his apVera Remee and Mr. Clive Farnham, cayed Teeth are repaired and ancf T°mbs :—, R. J. and I Dunedin races are prenticeship potatoes under . Mason, sliced,a tablespoonful of minced have formed a stock company in Bris-. made serviceable,or replaced by IllUfUillUU recently out of his time Sir George i Hurdles Handicap, of 150 soys; one onion, tho sam« quantity of chopped Limited bane, and have taken over the local was natural-looking teeth that mntch won the first Taranaki. Stakes mile and three-quarters.—Kilmeny 11.11, parsley, c little pepper and salt, and half Tivoli Theatre. The opening production, Clifford your sound ones. ExpertBridge11.10,CastIron 11.8,Peerless a pint of new milk. Stir it thoroughly by the new companywas "Romeo and with Flying Start, and: last season Em- Plymouth Over work guaranteed for Ten Years. Glenthorpe Rupee place Golden and it in a dish. this spread 9.6, ' Juliet," which proved an excellent finan- perador and Bimeter ran first and 9.13, a layer of breadcrumbs mixed with the Plat*s. Crowns and Fillings at 9.2, Mount Victoria 9.0. cial draw. "The Last Appeal" (which second yolk egg. Is of an Bake Handicap, soys; 140 the Hvhole thorMostReasonable Charges. of one oughly. Tango was the only, one of six horses ! Gladbrook is the companion play to "The Rosary") LET ME ATTEND TO was nest produced, with "Twol from J. H. Prosser's Porirua stable taken mile.—Palamon 9.9, Vospeil 9.8, Dorian Applo Pickle.—Peel,ewe, and slice 30 Dpwn 8.4, Lion A3, Take YOUR TEETH NOW I apples, and boil them with one quart o! Orphans," "Sign of the Cross," and to Blenheim to score a win. The half- 8.5, Partiun Hot Air Master 7.13, Hamilton 7.13, Cup vinegar "Madam X" to follow in the order in- sister to Pavlova scored in the on and a half pounds of Nuriei in Attendance. . : Ringform 7.11, Camieu 7.11, Pall brown end one j the first- day, with little to spare from 7.13, They, must bo cold before dicated. . . sugar. 7.7, Mall Aaland Baron 7-9, Northbum being mixed with ingredients. the other "Nowadays most people recognise the Daytime, who was m. front throughout. 7.7, .stage Lochiella 7.7, Whipcord 7.7. '-. W. P. SOMMERVIILE Chop .three-quarters of a pound of eeedas a medium for intellectual en- Heeltap met- with some interferencein Champagne Stakes,of 350 soys; sis less raisins and one and a quarter pounds lightenment as well as light entertain- the race, and C. Reed (rider of Tango) furlongs.—Ample The Careful Dentist" garlic, quarter pound of onion,_ and 9.7, Trentham Rose of ment. Times have changed. It is a was fined £5. In: the President's HanMOLESWORTH STREET Kilrush 8.13, Claverhouse 8.10, three-quarter ounce of powdered ginger, matter for thanksgiving, not for regret. dicap, on the second day, Gold .Soult 9.3, (Over teaspoonful dry add half a Birwud 6-Sons, Chemists) Sisyphus Kilmeny 8.10, of mustard In the white light of publicity, vice is carried more than twice the amount in- Gamecock 8.10, and half poundof salt. Mix a-11 together Hours: 9 a-m. to 5.30 p.m.; 7 p.m. to 8.30 Saturday. 9 «.m. to I p.m. being . tracked to. its lair." So spoke vested on Tango. The latter again ran 8.7.Dunedin Cup, of 1000 soys; one mile until they are weir blended. Put. the Chief Justice Stafford, of New York, better than her stable-mate,and beat and a-half—Bee Telephone 39W Rorke's Drift 8.11, piokle into bottles with wide necks, and in endorsement of Brieui's drama, everything excepting Ladify. On the John Barleycorn 9.2, and tie down. BAIXI* 20 ' 8.11, Adjutant 8.10, cork Toasted Cheese.—Cut some slices' of "Damaged Goods," vhich was the first day the latter met with some inter- Ardenvhor '8.6, Snub 8.5, Wishful 8.0, crumb of bread about half an inch in foundation of the world-wide crusade ference at the stai"t, and was knocked GoldenKing 7.13, Margarine 7.8, Ringthickness,and toast thorn lightly on both against "The Red Plague" and' which hack last Tango is engaged in the form 7.8, United Service 6.11, Sister 6ides. Lay on them some slices of rich will tie staged -at the Grand Opera Woodville Cup with 6.12,and will have Resris 6.7,"Rose Pink 6.7. ■■■-■'■ : I!iinill11!l!!!!lilllll!ii!li!iiillll!!iill3[| and put theni in a, cheese-toaster under' the J. C. Williamson's House, Apprentices' Plate, of 100 soys; six. choese, 101b penalty Ladify will ,el< o till the.cheese ia melted.- Spread a little management on Monday next. '"The to put upput up 101b penalty. On the furlongs.—Revolution 8.1, Sir Ta,rka8.1, made mustard and pepper over them, world is no longer afraid to look facts have to serve on: very hot plates. This dish in the face," he continued. "You can- second day at Blenheim Ladify carried Gunshy 8:1, Sailors' Hope 8.1, Lochella and ,be 6ont to the tablo very hot, otherand Tango 8.4. At Woodville Ladify I 8.1, Pelonius 8.1. Pall Mall 8.1, Lady must not fight evil in the dark. You must 8.2 wise it is worthless. Kyle Lady Superior will and Tho. latter Kilkee Tangor7.B. have 8.9 8.1, 7.13, drag it into the light of day beforeyou FOOD IN HOT WEATHER. " turn the tables, as she has much 7.13, Swalo 7.13. can give .it the death-blow. It is well maybest Publicans' Handicap,.of.soo.sovs; six of it. With porcelain gums, Thq following recipe for keeping food that the worst evile that affect society the cool in furlongs.—Oxenhope Bairnsdale was hot weather is.said to be excel9.9, Koesian 9.1; The Trenfcham-trained are no longer unmentionable. It is the only King 8.0, Robert Bell 7.13, lent. A correspondent says:—Peoples in Golden we make a specially of: produced day on the second of the theatre that has sounded the challenge." Westolla 7.12, Palisade 7.12, Miss De the country or elsewhere not in close The first production of "Damaged Blenheim Meeting. Trickery .was the Val Kilboyne 7.2, Disdainful 7.2, proximity to an ice factory should .profriends cannot tell your best he had to beat in the Summer 7.11, Goods" to Australia was largely due cure half a pound of sal ammoniac and to Dr. Richard Arthur, M.L.A., of Hack Handicap, and he paid the small- Sir Malt 7.0, Honesty 6.13, Marsa 6.9, one pound of washing soda, in dissolved them from nature's own. Lady Clynelish .'Trent 6.9, 6.7, Glens-' est, meeting. ,Sydney, who takes great interest dividned at the This was in sowater equal in quantity to the two,'and placed m a metal or earthenware vessel. cial questions. Dr. Arthur asked J. C. Bairnsdale's first start since he went into i ponso 6.7, Miss Finland 6.7 Stewards' -Welter of -175 ▼ -Handicap, M'Laughlin's temperature Williamson. Ltd., whether they did not J stable. This will reduce the almost think it a duty they owed to the J. Olsen, the South Island jockey, soys; one mile.—Sedd-el-Bahr10.5, All to freezing point. This jar oan then be public, which had so heartily patronised rode seven winners at the Marlborough Ready 9.8, Comely 9.8, Briar Patch 9.3, placed in another /receptacle, and any Palamon 8.13, Mohawk 8.11, Jeiniiot article desired to bo' cooled can bo placed " their attractions for many years, to Meeting. Yes 8.9, Ogier 8.5, Thaddeiiß 8.4, on top, or <it the side of the first jar. present a drama such as "Damaged The Tauranga Stakes is a much older- 8.9, Another way to use this simple recipe is Surgeon Dentists Goods"for the public welfare. After established race than Ithe GisborneCup. Vocation 8.0, Zuvinus 8.0. to have a flat tin, one or two Berwick Handicap, of 130 soys; seven depth, incheslidin much consideration, it was decided -to In Thursday's race Cleft met Multifual furlongs.—Ardmore covered with a. tightfitting Matty 119 WILLIS STREET 9.11, ' 9.4, into which give a private performance to medical on nearly a stone better terms than in preparation may the placed' men,; clergymen-, ecienitists, matrons the GisborneCup a week previously, and Vospeil 8.13, Kilbrogan 8.12,Placid 8.9, Butter and such 'goods can bethen be of hospitals, and others, and ask managed to turn the tables. Cleft is a Bore 8.7, Highfield 8.5, lan Hamilton stacked on top, and kept firm If the sal l}niiH!lßS!lilglSSßHiHßilHHlllilii(?lifH Borodino Hot Air 8.3, Benefit ammoniac and soda are them to decide as to the wisdom of a coarsely pulvor-' gelding by Multifid— 8.3, Wingform 8.3, 8.1/ Sylvia 8.0. public production. Opinions were almost four-year-old ised -and folded loosely in a cloth, when Cricium (Phoebns Apollo—Cissy), dam of 8.1, in the affirmative. Hundreds Gaycium, tho cloth is dampened, the. same effect unanimous by was also sired Multifual , secured. of letters were subsequently received j r TROTTING , ■■-.■■: ■' -./ v- ' ■■■■; asking that the drama should be pro- Miilfcifid. Since, the writer, last .visited. Blenheim, ASTnnIA Anil CAiAnnffla :^Sqrt i[gs= duced, and the firm decided to present Mr. Tom Shannon, who was for "forty it throughout Australasia.: MARLBOROUGH MEETING REFUSE stud groom at -Mr., Henry RedHenry Bracy, whose death took place years' (M TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATION.) wood's place ,at Spring Creek: had in.Sydney last week, was. well known passed away;- He! died in the Wairau to New Zealand playgoers, both as an BLENHEIM, 9th February. A is a Camera .. , :, j Hospital at the o f . At the Marlborough Trots the total- " Jones (who has called round to see if age, 77' years. actor,, stage-manager, 'and business maneoery Camera is not a Sunbird,\tlie full sister to Ardenvhor isator handled £4974' : Concluding re- his friend .has recovered from a wild ager' for J. 0/. Williamson. A while night)—"ls Mr. Wuzzy up yet?" Land■."-■■■' back- he.retired from* these activities. and Mascot,showed a- return to. form at sults :— . lady (sternly)—"Yes, he got up an hour Ladies' Bracelet,of 40 soys; one mile ago When-Mr.; Williamson died he left Mr. [ Taranaki on Thursday, when-she scored Be sure and,get the genuine "Kodak." You will thus ' Bracy .five-.hundred shares in-the busi- in the Paul Memorial Handicap. and a-half.—l Peter Mack, 48yds be- bed. drank hia bath, and went back to obtain the most efficient and convenient of all' cameras— i ness/ and when Mr.: Bracy retired the i Mr A. W. Rutherford, the.Canter- hind, 1; 4 Lockwood, 48yds behind, 2; thoroughly dependable under every condition. -The directors o£ "The Firm" granted him a, bury. owner,: just Jailed to ;win .three 3 Tim Wilkin, scr., .3..., Also started: . "Life isn't all beer and skittles," quoted pension, When .notifying his decision to races .with' Samisen;. Purling,- and Day- Desert Gold, Tofua, Ravenslade,Hope- the pessimistic person. Kodak is the only Camera ' fitted with the Autographic guess '.'Woll, I I retire : Sydney, Morning Herald published time on the opening day at; Blenheim. less, Wild Daisy, Luna Bell Norvalette, can get along without »ny feature. whatthe following, notes on his career : "Mr The last-named was'the only member of Cupid Whispers. Time, 3min 57 4-ssec. ever, they are/ replied the skittles, optimist with impressionistic tne nose. j President's Handicap, of 65sovs,two Braey must have" acquired a ffund of the team started on the second day. Prices from 3S to reminiscences of -the. stage, not only in Grey "Guard,winner of the Hurdles on miles.—l Blue Wood, 84yds behind, 1; Prof. Fudge—"What do you mean, Mr. Brownie Camerasfrom 61- to 631this country but in London where, as the second day of the Taranaki Meeting, 8 Imperial Dolly, 24yds behind, 2; 7 Jones, by speaking- of one' of > the Savoyards;' he created the is by Advance from Greygown,^a; Dick Wagner grey Bobby, 8., 120ydis behind, 3. Also PRICE LIST FREE—-—ASK FOR ONE Charlie Gounod, and tenorrole ■of.Prince Hilarioii In the Gil- mare by Petroleum—Lady Grey,, that started:. Blue Duck, Brachycombe, Wel- Fred Handel Jet£0;v?'"e,? Jones—"Well, you told bert and Sullivan opera' "Princess Ida." used to win races in the Wairarapa <lis- come Boy, Cremorne,Plunder, Rapaura, me target familiar with the great, comBorn; in South Wales,-he appeared in trict.for.Mr. Pred. Moore. Mr: Moore Taumata,Jean Dillon, Derrynane, Peggy Australia in 1874 at the Melbourne The- shifted to Wanganui, and took Grey- Wild, Rannerdale, Whisht. Time, smin OF ALL DEALERS, and "Ah/'-sald.Jonlrihs, "itmust be very atre Royal' as Rosericrariz to the Hamlet gown with ;him and bred Grey Guard. 32sec. unpleasant for you of Faircloughj under,the management of Mabel Wood (Wildwood, Jun.—D.1.C.), Dash Handicap, of Americans to be "govsoys; one mile. erned by people whom Harwood, Stewart, Goppin, and Hen- driven_ by A. Hendricksen,was a hot —1 Gold Drift, 12yds 75 behind, 1; 2 Win- to dinner.",. '?oh. I don!tyon wouldn't ask know," aid the nings,; and then'joined W. S. Lyster for favourite for the Awatere Trotting Han- ton M... £cr., 2; 7 Rexcordium, 12yds American girl} "no a series of light operas, producing so than for you Retail Headquarters: for dicap on the opening day of the Marl- behind, 3. Also started: Arcadian, to be governed by more people who wouldn't him "The Princess of Trebizonde," borough Meeting. Sherefused to settle Maude H., Major.: Rothsea, Louis Dil- ask yon to dinner. " Chilperic," ,"The- Grand Duchess," down, and was never prominent. Gold lon, Van Coranado. Time, 3min 26sec. La' Perichole," " Girofle-Girofla," and Drift (ridden ,by A.. Fleming), and.Little Lumsby-«A farm is the best pl»« on Farewell Handicap, of 50 soys; one whidrte Lambton Quay and WillisStreet other operas. Mrs. Bracy (Miss Clara. Hector (a member of J. Bryce's bnng up a boy I was brought Wellington team) and a-quarter.—2 Tim Wilkin,,scr., up it farm myself." Thompson) sang the prinia donna roles. had tho finish to themselves. Mahinga mile 48yds 1 Bitrirs.—"But Hopeless, behind, 2; 8Desert you on loft the very first ohince After a brief visit to SanFrancisco,Mr. (driven by D. Nyhan) did not show up 1; it you got Gold, scr., 3.. Also started: Cremorrte',Lumsby. -"That's just it! Living on, " Bracy returned to Mr. Lyster, and pro-" well. ,Wild Dardanelles, Ravenslade,Tofua, farm gives » boy an incentive to get out duced for him "Les Cloches de Corne- Mr., John M'Mahon, chief stipendiary Daisy, Luna Bell, Admiral Drake, Cupid and hustle for something ville," for the first time in Australia isteward, -will act at the Dunedui Meet- Whispers, Major better!" Rothsea. in 1878. The following year Mr. and ing next week. Mr. Angus Gordon will "Mother,"'-bawled Freddy,, as the usual Mrs. Bracy went to London, and re- act at Woodville. " morning wash was | going ..: POVERTY BAY FIXTURE. on, "do my ears mained there for nine or ten years, tho belong to my faceor my neck?' B. M. Morris returned from Blenheim tenor singing leading roles in opera. It yesterday and went on by the .Auckland temporised. Why, what is the Mother (BI TELEGRAPH.—PRESS ASSOCIATIOS.) was in 1884 that Mr. Bracy found him- |'mail in tie afternoonto Te Kuiti, where rfie asked. ."I want -it decided now. GISBORNE, 9th February. you tell nurse to self at the Savoy under the Gilbert and he is engaged to Tide to-day. The Poverty Bay Trotting Club held ■b-very time wash my mj neck she washes my Sullivan regime. Everything, here was Mr. H. D;. Vavasour (president of the its annual ear/, meeting to-day in good [" <>r : done under. rigid supervision Msrlborough'Racing the who recently Club), of AY. Instantly by large weather. There was a V'| C\wed attendance, S. Gilbert, who prescribed all the busi- lost a son at the front, was not present but, fields. The totalisator poor A very discussion had arisen as to the value ness of every role, and saw with keen "at.the recent meeting, in consequence of handled £4994, as against £5540 last or music m general *nd amateur music eyethat his directions were carried out. the bereavement! Remaining results:— in, particular, and one of the party Just before ." Princess Ida" was proThe Auckland contingent won two year. Poverty Bay Trotting Cup Handicap, manded whether it could seriously deOr ALL STORES bo duced, Gilbert met Bracy in the green- races on the opening day of the Taranaki of 110 soys; two miles.—3 Silverlocks, maintained that .music was of any pracPRICE, E.A., wrtes: "Owlnstoextoii- room. "Mr. Bracy," said RB^AUBREY C. with Meeting, Signo "whatand Housewife. The scr, ' days he, 2 Ao Te Aroa, 1 Strat- tical benefit to anyono. "Well," replied ''ye ecaV i" two double teeth, I suffered for with, 1; 2; C?t^*v)i-i-~-s?>?'w'f'!sSvL ;cruciatiag cynic, ever may be the fate of 'Princess Ida,' latter was among the winners at the egy, 2sec, 3 Only starters. Time, the pain. I was recommended to try Bantar's Nervine. "judging from the photographs T3»; '£^W-iJR.*®"-iVPvifi I am very pleased to have had the benefit same meeting twelve .months ago. it keeps the hair g?.';,^'.y;iU-?wf I*..^■."',f I did bo, andto my joythe .pain quickly and entirely ceased." smin 16 2-ssec. irom falling■"I"sts, F. Higgott, the Otaki trainer, made a of your experience in its production." out! Handicap, oj 40. soys; one frnmTi?" President's The piece, as it happened, turned out good purchase when -he took Kiltess as mile and a-quarter. —2,.5t. Andrew, 24 . "It is not always The best agent for quickly and to make one of the biggest successes of the series. part. payment for Martial Air, She.won yds behind, 1; 3 Jimmy Harden, limit, direct necessary accusation,*'said the lawyer ' who surely raising cakes and scones, and As already stated,. Mr. Bracy created a race each day. On .the opening clay 2; 1 Tim Doolan,216yds behind,3. Only was asking, damages because insinuations lightening puddings and batters, the role of Prince Hilarion; George she defeatedseveral'better fancied can- starters. Time, 2min 25sec. nati been made against his client's good Grossmith and Rutland Barrington were didates .in the Maiden comfortably. On Dardanelles Handicap, of 60 soys; two name. .may. heard of tho is Edmonds Baking Powder. also in the cast, and Charles.Ryley, who the second day she was always going miles.—2 Roe Bell, lOsec,1; 4 All Mine, woman who called tohave the maid-servant. ' Infallible, pure and wholesome; it came to Australia later on, made his first better .than Altercation, who won on the lOsec, 2; 1 Sam Dillon, scr, 3. Also Alary, Mary, come here and take thi is unsurpassed and unsurpassable. appearance as a principal in Ithe part of previous day and was conceding a stone. started: 3 Greylock, 5 Bravo. . Time, parrot downstairs-tho master has drop: ped his collar-stud!'" , a five-year-old ma-re"■ by 'Fin- smin 19 2-ssec. . , . Honest, "sure to rise," and econElorian. Now comes the news of the death Kiltess'.is land—Miss a, JJochiel, and is therefore of one of the old Savoyards, Francois Electric Handicap, of 55 soys; onemile. omical. It is upheld by all cooks, a ' full sister "I to Whits want to look at a. yds pair eyeglasses who Cockadei Chief —2 Ao Te 1 of Cellier,, was conductor,in Henry Locliiel. Aroa, 156 behind, 1; Scotch Plaid, and Takahau. Strategy, 132yds behind, 2;■ 1 Tim of extra magnifying power," said a no Bracy's day. Many of the famous to the salesman in an optician's Toa Tere. who showed remarkable im- Doolan, 60yds behind, 3. Only starters. man brigade have joined the majority; y6S, ; ma'am," replied . the sales snop. during the time he was racing Time, 2min 25 4-ssec. but amongst those still living, in addition provement something very strong?" "Ye* 5J»a; in t a-ppearance Handicap, made his first of 45 County Australia, one mile Bracy^who to Mr. is as vigorous of in the Taranaki Cup since soys; visiting in the While country I made a POWDER, his return. He and a-half.—l Pita Roa, 4sec, 1; 2 St. very painful blunder which mind and clear of eye as ever—are LeoI do not wish have, won with something in Andrew, scr, 2; 3 Forrester, appears to | . repeat." 3. (who KADIUM nora Braham to "Indeed! Mistook a stranDIALS created the title role in from Analogue, who in his last four Also started: 4, Maksyuri Lass,4sec, 5 Prin- ger for an acquaintance■?" "No, not "Princess Ida"), Rutland Barrington, hand of Fluid Magnesia can savo has run one first and threeseconds. cess Mere. Time, 4min3sec. exactly that: I mistook a queen bee for a and Jessie Bond. From the Savoy Mr. starts moneyby getting SharLind's.More blackberry!" J.-O'Shea-, who rode Toa Tere, won the Farewell Handicap, of 45 soys; one . freshly to made Mian the imported. One Empire; went the whore he Bracy Rotheranw, London Q D Guaranteed by on the Auckland-owned Gold Size mile and a-quarter.—2 SamDillon, limit, appeared in The Sultan of Mocha," race three years ago. To illustrate a lesson in Roman history, shilling. 3 Silverlocks,48yds behind,2; 1 Tim 1; Beggar Lady "The and "The does, not react—on the conStudent," The Wairarapa-owned trotter Brachyschoolmaster showed the boys ono or 144yds behind,3. , Only starters. the 15 Jewelled Lever Movements,strong Silver Gases,Bold Dials ,' , SO/trary, of the Locket." In 1888 he and his'wife eombe paid a big dividend when he Doolan, two copies of antique busts and feeds and etrenglliens the 3min 17sec. medals, Nerves and itrestores With Radium Dials that show the time on dark nights Time, vigour. 60/returned to with and bringing sought powers then to test the pupils' scored in the Wairau Trotting Handicap ; : 'v.. ; of application by asking questions based TjWERYBODY satisfied with Also LadieV'at . 35/- 40/- 50/- "The Sultan'Australia, of Mocha and "The at Blenheim. He was the limit, and led ' TOTALISATOR IN NEW SOUTH Record, the Beggar previous extra. Post Free which on lesson. X2i they produced Pointing Daddy to any address Student," to a the of Teas. throughout. The Picton horse Bobbie New Leather Dial Protectors 2/6 WALES. head of Nero, he said, "Now, boys, what here very successfully with their own B. made up his handicap at half-way, BRITISH Nerve Food do you think of Nero ? Do you think ho good Next Mr. Bracy joined Wil- and, more patiently ridden, would liave (UNITED TRESS ASSOCIATION.—COPMIHUT.) every point of view is Saaacompany.Garner, was a good man?1' No ono answered. gcn. from by ' and Musgrove, and won. Blue- Wood, who ran third, is a liamson, test. February.. 9tli Best SYDNEY, Then the teacher singled out a boy from 1389 he was for many yearspro- thvee-yea.r-old by Wild Wood Junior, and The Tolalisator Act regulations have "Thomas,what do you think ? Do you ADAM!—Easy Monday Laundry Contractor to the New Zealand Defence Department ducer of the Gilbert-Sullivanoperas, and was driven by J. Bryce. He showed been issued. Two hundred clubs lin.vo think he tvas good V "Well," returned Help makes clothes spotlessly clean LAMBTON QUAY, WELLINGTON, and «t Colombo St, Chrittchureh nearly all the pieces performed by lha pone in patches, but went unsteadily. Is packets, been notified to instil the jnachinta bo> tho boy, after a. long, without rubbing (hem. "' " "he uoYer done ' KeyocaUon was the. only Esmond, ■fore.the end of. Mai'da., , grocers, "'" [Royal pomio Opera Coninauy,"nutbin to me., l '."1..... ' II 181 . . We have shipment ..and., grassware M±£ .1 Keep your appetite begins "Lingeries -to-day are dainty. to flag or > sour etotnach and coated tongue Dressing jackets are bo pretty and be- warn you, take Carter's jfiSSSte-. -rij^^^T\ coming that they are now called matinee Little Livar Pills jackets, and can be worn to breakfastcr ' ' aad the trouble jms%zsNU&i /* * afternoon tea in one's own home. White won'tcomc> spotted muslin forme a very choice selecGoodfor jJ&lfmiSllSr * tion. It has a powder blue ribbon runing through.large slits cut in the material at the waist and sleeves, a little lace finishing the latter. If made of creamtinted net or 6oftsilk, it would be suitable.for wear at afternoonten. It is cut For yourhealth's sake stick to the old,tried in kimona fashion,very much shorter in and true remedy. Purely vegetable. front than at the back,and the wide ribSmall Pill—SmallBase—Small Price. bon sash is run through long elite cut in GENUINEmust bear signature the coatee itself, and carefully bound* piece with a biaa of the material. over The soft sash ia held in place with a little tack here and there to keep the folds in'perfect order. Colouredmuslin frocks are very much in demand. They are always light and fresh-looking. Blouses in blue, pink, and mauve organdi are a decided novelty. Colouredlawn is also used extensively. It ia lees fragile than muslin, and looks as dressy. We are likely soon to see a fashion which has long been neglected— that. for. embroidered robes Russian, Serbian,Swiss embroideries all of which i 6O admirably." wash. people pass through This is the' age of ready-made-. Condi-, tionally that one haa anything like a life without being atnormal figure, it is, always easy to gst tacked by or Decay Caries, suited. ' The greatest dressmaking estabof the Teeth. lishment nowadays is the factory. Owing to the enormous output they can afford 18,000 Of men examined very IBL- I | "Iran Don't wait to b@ Bilious well. Whenever : [ VISITORS! There are many visitors in Wellington now. \Ve will welcome your visit to our Store, whether you are purchasing or no. It has an individuality all its own which you will , much enjoy. . . ." . . p ■ ■ ■ fhifnnsfihp LambtonQy., WELLINGTON H PRINGLES LTD. n U LJ XCeedlework \h®\ inn-H — "Art Specialists" LAMBTON QUAY. W 1 I 181I .mi JaJ 1 i t , " ■ ■ | Te The New Millinery for autumn wear makes its bow upon the Q threshold of the coming season on Wednesday, pan 14th February. Wl call and inspect this display on the first flooor. You may f~| lj Please confidently accept these advance fashions as authoritative and correct-i-eflections of the most favoured Paris modes. The prices will be found most moderate. The Milan—A model individuaiisill? th.P new Cossack p" green shade'in velvet, with a LI <^wK|BBdS?BS?'^ white ■ corded silk edgre; a p| green and white mount exj W&ZZj^W'Zgr ' □j P/csscs a very smart additionai trimmins Price W6 q f~k r8? sj r-k Wi || rj 1 F~k r^ VJ |Y. p 8? WJ f~\ J^t^m^^'^^W^\ Beautiful Teeth 4 § Aro House rß^ ■ Frost & Frost _ Get the GENUINE _ SUBSTITUTES ■ A distinguished of the sailor shape on black corded silk; the underbrim of panne velvet, finIoJ rh ished with ears and cabachon. Price 37/6 r% of the panne La Scala adaptation Kodak- Q £15/15/. <.■■■' £UJ°J "' Soafi'. l ■ " Jr--nJ^sl ■ ■ TOOTHAGHE AND NEURALGIA j|% I^J* Jff_ .iUHTER'S NERVINE j(sjS[ff\\l£\ matt°r?" . ■ M&M^rWtf^'&ift■ * -\ ' ■ f tvlisl^i^r^s——' fsi **^ secured in anticipation of our Sale,and offers extra big savings on blankets, Towels, and Piece Goods to the economically inclined housekeeper.' Igllli^ " Manchester Department is teeming with good things ' DONT BE SLOW I SECURE THESE BARGAINS! fine linen twill; grand quality j good wearing SHEETINGS—Of Single bed Width— Sale Prices 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/9 yard Double bed width— Sale Prices 1/9, 1/11, 2/3, 2/6 yard WHITE AND UNBLEACHED DAMASKS—RichIy figured Sale Prices 1/6, 1/9, 1/11, 2/3'to 7/11 yard ' HORROCKSES' J6-INCH CALICO—A splendid quality Sale Price 7/6 dozen yards CREWDSON'S 36-INCH CALICO— Sale Price 6/11 dozen yards TOWELS—Good big- plain towels; white or unbleached Sale.Prices 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9 to 6/6 pair ' ROLLER TOWELS— 1/11, 2/6 and 2/9 each quality linen twill; plain; all sizes PILLOW SLIPS—Good Sale Prices 6£d, U4, io|d and 1/- each FRILLED PILLOW SLIPS—SaIe Prices 1/6, 1/9, 1/11 and 2/3 each Sale Prices 10/6, 12/6, 14/6 to 17/6 QUILTS—Single bed size Double bed sizes— Sale Prices 15/6, 17/6 to 30/- , SPECIAL! BLANKETS—Good quality White Blankets to be cleared — Single bed sizes— Double bed size— ■ ■ B jfYl&^| gMill :''«'■!' i-v | ,^v 1\ -- . ". Sale Price 22/6.pair Sale Price 35/6 pair JAMES SMITH'S Limited "Famous Low 80 CUBA STREET (or - WELLINGTON. Prices" "" - EBAKIWG- i ■ ■ ... . . ,Ql Manchester Specials! c /?M ft Kodak Corner" ■ " § NOW FOR HOME NEEDS! Bi|B3||. Siafy'fff KODAK (Australasia) LTD. .. .. Y~\ pj l^J James Smith's Summer Sale 1 - ''^i "' Watfll \\ ! shown from 21/" CUBA STREET ■ !■■ Be -'Mjlifanr' " Q Te Aro House j i /'The \/>X^ T\' ' ]]/ ' adaptations will be Otller \m i /- L v§'j y \y\ /^STV Xf/^^SSfall WIT AND HUMOUR ■ — Kodak — rj~h r^ Jgm " USERS SANAGISN ■ A SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT OP GREENSTONE GOODS J IF INTERESTING SOUVENIRS FOR TOURISTS I UNIQUE GIFTS FOR FRIENDS ABROAD! are seeking a Greenstone Souvenir, to cost anything from zj- to £to. you you should not fail to see our Wonderful Collection—thefinestin the City. The goods are in unusual variety, and article has been every carefully selected on account of superior quality of stone and workmanship (for DAINTY CHARMS Necklet or Watch Chain), TIKIS, BROOCHES, BANGLES, USEFUL ARTICLES FOR THE TABLE OR LIBRARY, etc Goods Packed and _Pos.ted to any Address. G. & T. YOUNG, LTD. 252 Lambton Quay - WELLINGTON THE EVENING POST, SATURDAY. /FEBRUARY 109 1917. 12 ji ' C©ATS AN© SMUTS F@S LESS THAN COST in rose? CHEVIOT SERGE COSTUMES—In light-weight; Wedgwood blue, steel grey and amethyst; very-wide JliXX. pink, skirts, with box pleats at back; medium length coats . with Original French Mode! Dresses—contd. Charming China Blue SHOT SILK DRESS Caught up at sides, showing frills beneath, lace collar and black velvet Usual price £ir/u/ribbon, band, and bows Clearing at £,5/15/6 Very Smart 3-PIECE GOWN— In the tiniest chedc of green, |!r bands round waist, turn-down square collars and revers; these costumes are trimmed with hanging silk ball buttons V a 1■'.-' « Usual prices 79/6 and So/6 Sale Prica S9/S Two only, in amethyst ■Fine FRENCH CLOTH COSTUMES straight-fittingcoats, of. $';'." and nut brown, full circular/skirts, 1 with fine Russian braid in own length, 5v medium trimmed Jap. silk lined white ' I'I colours; small square collars; Usual price £6/6/- Sate Price 69/6 SERGE COSTUMES—In Suiting Serge;-full cirIiljs\ Navy Blue longer at back than front; cular skirts; loose coats, rather edges strapped with serge \ V-" sauare turn-down collars; " prices Usual 50/6 Sale Price 29/fi \\SERGE-COSTUMES—FuII skirts; $>'"Fine Navy ESTAMENE. pleats coats, swing with inverted at the back; lined rich »""■'■ short ' Usual price £6/6/- Sa!e Price 39/6 'i; soft satin I! "N'WY SERGE COSTUMES—In a heavier texture; in various Wj, ' styles; coats of different length, and finished with braid; and circular . III velvet or silk lined; skirt fullUsual price 79/6 Sale Price 49/5 i a Light Grey FLANNEL COSTUMES—Coats arranged in pleats coat collar and revers, narrow loose bands; skirts -at back, HI with wide box pleats at back price £4/10/. ■-UsualSale Price 75/---|l.: " I Smart New GABARDINE COSTUMES—In the greeny khaki fflj. shade; very wide skirts; medium length coats, semi-fitting-, |s§ :' with flare basques, coat 'collar and revers, fasten with 2or 3 Usual price £6/6/- Saie Price 73/6 11 ;"■ buttons fit waist COSTUMES—All perfectly new and fresh goods ; \ S ;. SHANTUNG stylescoats, in different, and sizes;, all very wide cir11'■ smart jij-:- I -cular skirts "\ ' Usual price £5/5/- Sale Prtec 49/G COSTUMES—Very smart and perfectly ?:| X\ CREAM GABARDINE "'■' clean, and just opened; coats in various styles, beauti51! |gj 1- fresh, fully made; all wide circular or gored skirts .: Usual price £6/16/6 . Saie Price 69/6 II and saxe pique, drill, and" If;; COTTON COSTUMES—In navy and wide circular skirts, and in 1!* H''; poplin; all smart shapes, prices Usual 45/- to 59/6 Saie Price' 29/ 1' all sizes y?:- LINENbecoming' COSTUMES—In saxe blue and rose pink; smartly cut styles in coats; all wide, circular skirts; in PS and Usual, prices 67/- and 69/6 Sale' Price. 49/6 ll', all sizes STRIPED PIQUECOSTUMES i I "WHITE.white, PIQUEAND WHITE mauve, pink, and blue, stripes; all wide arII —In skirts.;with coats with bands and patch pockets ilI|I cular Usual prices 47/6 to 52/6 Sale Price 29/6 POSITIVE CLEARING'OF DAINTY .BLOUSES Grey — — l SUITING.COSTUMES—So useful FLANNEL wear; all wide gored skirts, gathered round corswaist with narrow band; coats with straight backs, semifitting fronts, flare basque on hips Usual price £4/19/6 Sate Price 79/6 auttfjnn Clerical SUMMER SUITING COSTUMES—With very wide gored skirts1; semi-fitting; coats, with deep basques and : loose narrow belt, with dog clip buttons closely set in front; lined cream silk polonaise Usual price 87/6 Sale Price 59/6 NAVY GABARDINE COSTyMESy-Medium length coats, with narrow band, pleats on either side "of front, in the basque, flat collar and^revers; very wide skirts, with stitched points on hips; coats lined cream silk polonaise; these are really smart new goods Usual price £6/16/6 Saie Price 79/0 in pale grey, SMART; COSTUMES—In silk and wool armure;very brown., saxe, and terra cotta; full skirts biscmt, mole, and medium length coats, in various styles, some with square tever collars,, others with small sailor collars; all trimmed t-srith self buttons, and lined white Jap. silk Usual price £7/17/6 Sale Price 84/left of Navy Taffeta with Fine White Stripe COST.UMES ---4 —Very full circular skirts, with loose swing jackets, square with strappings of silk, and lined torn-down collars, finished ' Usual price £5/15/6 Sale Price 79/6 .with white Jap. silk 2 Black SILK TAFFETA .COSTUMES—With wide circular skirts and short swing coats; finished with strappings of silk, square collars; all lined with white Jap. silk Usual price £6/16/6 Sate Price £4/19/6 WHITE VOILE DRESSES—In a variety of styles, some plain voile with deep hem/ and tucks, others with embroidered flouncing; all daintily finished with turn-down collars and insertions of Val. lace Usual' prices 33/6 to 40/6 Saie Price 28/WHTTE VOILE DRESSES—MostIy plain voile skirts, with deep hem and tucks; bodices finished with embroidery and Val. lace, piping cords and various ways, some with coloured ribbon waistbands Usual prices 39/6 and 42/- Sals Price 19/3 3 only 3-PIECE COSTUMES—In silky material, in navy "blue, reseda green, and tan brown; all wide skirts, attached to dainty lace or chiffon bodices, finished with touches of | material; smart coats, with basques, and lined white satin \ Usual price £8/18/6 Sale Price 39/e \ | Grey X DRESSING GOWNS FOR LITTLE MONEY J SUMMER DRESSING OR REST GOWNS—In zephyr, in pink, blue, grey, etc.; all trimmed'in various ways, with dainty lace or muslin collars and cuffs Usual price 17/6 Sale Pries 8/11 ■ * Sum. , X JrkJL — In crepe; in all fancy colourings; of fronts and bell sleeves bound with white crepe Usual price 9/11 Sale Price 6/11 All smartly cut and well CREPE ONE-PIECE DRESSES many, . made, in different colours and in striped crepe also; some finished with pipings of contrasting colours Usual price 29/6 Sa!e Price 19/6 ONE-PIECE DRESSES—In zephyr and gingham; all tastefully made, with small turn-down collar, just opening at throat, some with patch pockets; in a great variety of colours and stripes . Usual price 29/6 Sale Price 19/6 KIMONOS JAPANESE edges — SPORTS COATS SPECIALLY REDUCED TUSSORE COATS—For dust or sports coats, three-quarter length, full swing style, large patch pockets, square turndown collar, with hemstitched edge, cuffs on sleeves to match Usual price 42/- Sale Price 35/Cream Gabardine Short THREE-QUARTER LENGTH COATS swing style, square —Full with roll collars that fasten to throat if wished; patch pockets, loose narrow waistband with dog clip, drawn through the under arm seam Usual price 85/- Sale Price 65/In blanket cloth, corduroy, and corded SPORTS COATS silk; some with patch pockets and belts; in green, lime, and Usual prices 39/6 to 69/6 To be cleared at 3/11 tango 1 ■ — ■ ORJCINAL FRENCH MODEL DRESSES. For evening or day wear. To be cleared at half-price, Shot-Brown Chiffon TAFFETA DRESS—With short panniers, small ficKu of Organdi muslin, ninon sleeves , Usual price .£9/9/- Clearing at £4/14/6 Blue with Black Chiffon TAFFETA DRESS— Beautiful\Shot Bodice with deep collar of fine laca Usual price ,£l4/14/Clearing at £7/7/Tiny Check of Blue, Black, and White Shot Taffeta, finifjied tiny frills and fine lace, emerald green belt . Usual price £io[io/- Clearing-at £6/5/with Blue Taffeta, crossover bodice, Beautiful Vieux Rose shot Usual price £14/14/- Clearing at £7/7/chiffon sleeves Apricot Shot Taffeta, with short panniers, trimmed with thick ruches, and fichu bodice Usual price .£9/9/Clearing at £4/14/6 Navy Blue and Black Shot Taffeta, with fine white stripe, long drooping panniers at sides, deep lawn embroidered cape Usual price .£lO/10/- Clearing at £5/5/collar pannier back Very Smart Plain Navy Blue Taffeta, with deep price Usual ,£l2/12/and front, white lawn vest and frills Clearing at £6/6/- -.; — Special Clearing Line of C for let LACE FRILLING— 4 in. wide; fine figured lace, finished with § in. black velvet ribbon; in champagne and white Usual price 1/11 yard Sale Price 1/- yard Fine, SILK DRESS NETS—40in. wide; in demand for dress drapings, blouses, etc.; colours—sky, light and dark saxe, grey, brown, and ivory Usual price "3/6 yard Sale Price 1/3 yard FANCY SHADOW NETS—Wanted for lining blouses and making same; neat, smart designs; all perfect; 33 in. wide; , white Usual prices 3/6, 2/11, 3/3 Sale Prises 1/9, 1/11, 2/3 FLOUNCINGS—Dainty patterns LACE on extra strong- open net; Paris shade; 17m., 22in. Usual prices 1/11,3/6 Sale Prices 1/3, 2/6 SILK FRENCH VEILINGS—CoIoured and black, marked at prices regardless of cost; shown in a-large variety of all designs and meshes : wanted ~" Usual prices 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 yard ' Sale Prices 4M, 6Je!, B£el, 10£ti yard HEMSTITCHED BLOUSE NETS-40U1. wide; smart effects; EVENING GOWNS TO BE TffRQWN AWAY. Moire Coloured Soft Satin EVENING GOWNS—With long tunic of ninon, bodice trimmed with silver beaded net ,■ Usual price £7/7/- Sale Price 9/11 Pale Pink Soft Satin EVENING GOWNS—With ninon tunic and bodice; pale blue sash Usual price 63/---■■".'■■ Sale Pries 9/11 ■ -Clerical SILK CREPE-DE-CHINE BLOUSES—In plain useful styles; these have the set-in sleeve; a roll collar fastened to a small rever, with smart pearl button; colours, ivory, pale pink, Original price 33/6 Sale Price 25/6 navy, and black Original price 19/6 The same in Jap. Silk— Sale Price 14/9 IVORY CREPE GEORGETTE BLOUSES—In various styles; full roomy cut; finished with narrow embroidery beading Original price 31/6 Sale Price 22/3 CHOICE MODEL SHIRT BLOUSES—In silk crepe-de-chine; Raglan pretty turn-over collar, sleeve; a coloured crepe-dechine tie is knotted at neck and drawn through sm*art butOriginal price 37/6 Sale Price 27/6 toned tabs ALL SILK CREPE-DE-CHINE BLOUSES—WeII made,xand finished with very narrow embroidery beading ; in very delicate Original price shades,of flesh pink and ivory white 35/Sa!e Price 27/6 BLOUSES In silk crepe-de-chine; in pretty hemstitched styles; very full roomy cut; in ivory white and pale pink Original price 39/6 Sale Price 31/6 Special Clearing- Line HOUSEMAIDS' WHITE APRONS— Sale Prices 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 — ■ 1 In .striped twill silks, BLOUSES cream delaines with coloured spots, and striped zephyrs; well Original prices g/11 to 13/6 cut shapes in shirt styles Saie Price 5/11 ALL WOOL .DELAINE BLOUSES—In cream; pretty styles, suitable for the autumn'season; absolutely new goods Original prices 9/6, 9/11, n/6 Sale Prices 7/11, 8/1* In embroidered WHITE MUSLIN AND VOILE BLOUSES effects; all g-ood shapes, smart styles Original prices 10/9, 13/6 Sale Prices 7/11, 8/11, 9/11 Effectively trimmed DAINTY FRENCH VOILE BLOUSES embroidery and lace; soft and dainty for wear under a cosOriginal price 10/9 Saie Price 3/6 tume coat TUSSORE SILK BLOUSES—In a smart shirt style; these have a well cut roll-over collar and small rever, and a pretty cuff; fastened with pearl buttons Original price 21/- Sale Price 16/9 The same in ivoiy crepe-de-chine— Original price 33/6 Sale Price 25/6 SMART WELL-CUT BLOUSES—In a good quality ■crepe-dechine ; some have the wide armhole, and others the new Raglan sleeve, with beading let in and a row of beading down front; smart roll-over collar, which may be fastened dose to Original price 37/6 Sale Price 27/6 the throat if desired blue,,and white; dress finished with pipings of navy blue;with this is a smart'eoat of navy blue taffeta Usual price £11/11/- Ciearing at £5/15/6 In white Georgette, with gobelin blue LOVELY MODEL " crepe-de-chine bands Usual price £14/14/Clearing at £7/7/CHARMING MODEL —In champagne Georgette; bodice trimmed with touches of crepe-de-chine and black stitching Usual price £9/19/6 Clearing at £4/10/0 ■ ■ Corsets—contd. The "W.8." CORSET—In white Coutil ana fancy Broche; figures; suitable for average low and meaium bust, four hose supports Usual price 21/- Sale Price 17/6 The "La Vida" CORSET—In white Coutil; medium bust and long over hips, four hose supports; recommend this Corset for hard wear Usual price 25/6 Sale Price 16/6 The "D. and A." CORSET—In strong white Coutil; suitable average for and full figures; medium and high bust, long skirt, six hose supports Usual price 13/6 Sale Price 11/6 TEE FANCY SECITOM ©FFESSS SAVINGS Ladies' KNITTED MOTOR SCARVES ("Cleveland")—l4in. x62 in.; bright silk with fringed ends; shades—ivory, biscuit, navy, rose, saxe, black, brown Usual price 15/6 Sate Price 11/6 No. 221—Fringed ends; 7 in. x45 in.; perfect in every detail; shades—ivory, saxe, grey, navy, purple, black ' Former price Sale Price 3/6 No. 275—Smart well-made SCARF—6J in.4/u x 53 in.; knitted, fringed ends; colours—grey, saxe, black, ivory, purple, brown Usual price 5/11 Sals Price 4/11 No. 289—Handsome SCARF—Good quality mercerised silk, fringe knotted ends; gin. x 48m.; colours—purple, ivory, saxe, sky, grey, black, pink Former price 7/6 Sals Price 5/11 Stylish Striped SCARVES—In a range of smart contrasting colourings; something distinctive; finished with fringed ends Former price 12/6 Sale Price 8/11 Ivory KNITTED SILK SCARVES—The very best value on the market; all weights in hard-wearing- mercerised silk to the highest grade of pure silk Usual prices 3/11, 4/11, 5/11, 6/11, 7/11 to 2t/6 each Sale Prices 3/3, fl/3, 4/11, 5/11, 6/3 to 28/6 Smart ORGANDIE MUSLIN YOKES—Fasten at back; high collar, daintily embroidered . Former prices 4/6, 4/11 each ■ Sale Prices 3/9, 3/11 each Double SKIRT FRlLLS:—Accordeon-pleated, 12 in. wide, moire effect, shaped; colours—navy, black, saxe, brown, grey, peacock Worth 4/11 each Sale Price 2/11 each Heavy Pure SILK BLACK LACES—Spanish designs, rich quality, and jet black; at unheard-of prices Insertions—4in., sin., 12 in. Usual prices 1/6, 2/3/4/6 Saie Prices 6^3,-io-J-(i, 1/11 $ Laces—9^ m., 21 in. Usual prices 4/6, 12/6 Sale Prices 1/9, 5/11 Coloured SATIN SKIRT FRlLLS—Accordeon-pleated, full size, 18 in. wide, in effective French checks Usual price n/6 Sale Price 6/11 — )\ i I 1 | § I — LADIES' ONDEKCL®TffIN6 GIEATLY .REDUCED WHITE MILANESE SKlßT—Trimmed Val. lace and satin ribbon Usual price 42/- Sale Price 14/11 FANCY MILANESE SKIRT—In shell pink, trimmed Val. lace and ribbon beading Usual price 45/6 Sale Price 17/6 " WEDGWOOD BLUE CREPE-DE-CHINE SKIRT With pleated frill Usual price 26/9 Sale Price 16/6 VIOLET MILANESE SKIRT—With pleated satin frill Usual price 31/- Sals Price 15/6 — ■ I .XJwj I jcWJ^Slm \Jl" j /CREPE-DE-CHINE SKIRT — In cream, with fancy pleated satin frill Usual price 38/- Sale Price 19/6 BLACK CREPE-DE-CHINE SKIRT—With frill of black and white lace Usual price 48/- Sale Price 18/6 embroidery frills j IVORY NINON SKIRT—WithUsual price 53/6 Sale Price 18/6 i. only a few lines to be cleared at special prices; these The above ■'■"■' Skirts W. size only BLACK MOIRETTE SKIRT—Wide shape, pleated frill; O.S. size Usual price 7/6 Sale Price 6/6 MOIRETTE SKlßT—Double scalloped frill,'in'black, saxe, navy; W. [ and size Usual price 12/6 Sale Price 10/6 . Ladies' MOIRETTE SKIRTS—W. size only; in saxe, navy, and prices black Usual 5/11, 6/11 Sale Prices 4/11, 5/6 ■ MOIRETTE SKIRTS—With wide pleated frill; O.S. size; in grey, navy, saxe, and brown Usual price 9/11 Sale Price 8/6 Girls' CREAM SERGE COSTUMES—In all sizes; sac and ,■ Norfolk shapes Usual prices 35/- to 45/- To clear at 9/11 Children's JAP. SILK COATS—Raglan and inset sleeves Usual price 21/- Sale Price I*/6 Lot-of Children's and' Maids' COATS AND PALETOTS— To be cleared at 2/11, 3/11, 4/11, 5/11 OUR, CELEBRATED CORSETS COST LESS Worcester" " Royal average figures; CORSETS—Suitable for slender and and low bust models; four hose supports Usual price 6/11 Sale Price 5/11 Our Celebrated Royal .Worcester" CORSET—For average " modelled, medium bust, long over hips, figures; perfectly four hose supports Usual price 9/6 Sale Price 8/3 Specially designed for full j "Royal Worcester" MODEL figures; graduated bust line; cut low under arm, long over hips; six hose supports Usual price 16/6 Sale Price 13/11 The "Bon Ton" CORSET—In white Coutil; suitable for average and full figures,' medium bust and long over hips, six hose supports; can recommend this model for fit and wear Usual price 19(6 Sale Price 16/6 CORSET—In white Coutil; medium bust The "Bon Ton" with long and skirt, elastic insets at front; suitable for full figures Usual price 29/6 Sale Price 25/---. The,"Cygnia" CORSET—In white Batiste; suitable for " average figures; very low bust and medium skirt, six hose , supports Usual prices: 19,25—12/6; 26,28—14/6 Sale Prices: 19, 25—10/9; 26, 23—12/6 Cygnia CORSET—In strong white Coutil; for ii The " figures; " Model high bust and back, long over hips, six hose average supports Usual price 21/- Sale Price 16/6 > medium — Coloured WOOL DRESS SERGES—42 inches wide; in shades of mole, fawn, dark grey, saxe, violet Special Sale Price 3/6 yard „„„__', Summer DRESS 1 WEEDS— 42 inches wide; in various shades of light and dark grey; suitable for costumes or dresses Usual price 4/3 yard Sale Price 3/9 yard AH Wool FLANNEL SUITINGS—S4 inches wide; light and dark grey, light and dark fawn, with white stripes price Usual 6/11 Sa!e Price 5/11 yard 20 Beautiful DRESS LENGTHS, in various materials, have! been still further reduced in price to effect a clearance; these can now be bought for about one quarter of the original CREAM SCOTCH WINCEYS— 42 inches; suitable for underwear, etc Usual prices 1/9, 2/2, 2/6, 2/9, 3/-, 3/6 - ■ CREAM RADIANTA^ SaW prices^/n, "*' C©TTOW DRESS FABRICS MUST GO WHITE COTTON VOILE—40 inches wide; with self pin stripe Usual price 1/6 To clear at 1/-yard PLAIN WHITE COTTON VOILE— 40 inches wide / Usual price i/n Sale Price 1/6 yard FLORAL COTTON VOILES—2B inches wide; in large range of smart designs Usual prices 1/3 and 1/4 yard Sale Price Qiti yard SPOT navy, COTTON VOILES—4O inches wide; white grounds, sky, and black with Usual price 1/4 yard Sale Pries 10-|d yard "' GOLFENE '■' 44 inches wide; in shade of golden brown only; very suitable for sports coat or wraps Usual price 6/11. To'clear 2/» yard ENGLISH CAMBRICS—30 inches wide; white grounds, with various coloured spots and stripes Usual prices 8d and o}d' To'clear at 5-J-d yard COTTON PRINTS—30 inches wide; in butcher and navy (grounds, blue with sprig and stripe designs Usual price g^d Sale Price 6icJ yard COTTON VOILES—2B inches wide; "black and white stripes and spots Usual price 1/2 Sale Price 6|d yard — WHITE COTTON PIQUE 40 inches wide; medium width cord, suitable for washing dresses Usual price u£d yard' Sale Price Sd yard COTTON POPLINS—40 inches wide; dark navy and black grounds, with white spot and stripe Usual price 2/9 yard „ ; WHITE SHEETINGS. A magnificent list of special values in Sheetings, including the famous makes of Finlay's, Horrockses'. and Riga's. 54-inch TWILL SHEETING— Sale Prices 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9, 1/10, 2/-, 2/2 yard 54-inch PLAIN.AND LINEN-FINISH SHEETING— -, . Sala Prices 1/6, 1/10, 2/-, 2/2 yard / 63-inch'TWILL SHEETING— Sale Prices' 2/3, 2/4, 2/6, 2/8. 2/9 yard 63-inch LINEN-FINISH SHEETING—SaIe Prices 2/4, 2/6 yard ■ '" 72-inch TWILL SHEETINGSale Prices 2/-, 2/3, 2/6, 2/8, 2/10, 3/- yard 73-inch LINEN-FINISH SHEETING—SaIe Prices 2/8, 2/10 yard 80-inch TWILL SHEETING— Sale Prices 2/6, 2/8, 2/9, 2/10, 3/-, 3/6 yard 80-inch LINEN-FINISH SHEETING-Sali Priced 2/10, 3/- yard go-inch TWILL SHEETING— . , .Sale Prices 2/9, 3/-, 3/3, 3/6, 3/9 yard go-inch LINEN-FINISH SHEETING—SaIe Prices 3/3, 3/6 yard UWBLEAGHEO SHEETING. , Scinch HERRINGBONE— Usual prices i/6, 1/7, i/8, 1/9, 1/10, 2/- yard Sale Prlceß 1/4J, i/3i, . _..___ 1/5, 1/6. 1/7, i/si yard S4-mch TWILL— Usual prices 1/6, 1/7, 1/8, 1/9 yard ; \ Sale Prices 1/34, 1/H, 1/6, 1/6 yard ' Sale Prices i/«i, 1/6 yard 54-inch PLAIN— Usually 1/7/ 1/9prices Usual yard 2/-, 3/3,"2/4,"2/6 72-inch HERRINGBONE—.Sale Prices VH, 1/11, 2/-, 2/H yard Usual prices i/n, 2/3, 2/6 yard 72-inch TWILL— i Sale Prices 1/7|, 1/11, 2/1^ yard -72-inch PLAIN— Usual price 1/9 Sale Price 1/G yard 80-inch HERRINGBONE— Usual prices 2/3, 2/6, 2/8, 2/11, 3/3 yard Sale Prlces"l/11, 2/1 i, 2/3, 2/6, 2/9 yard Usual price 1/6 yard Sale Price 10£ti yard SPOT HAT RlßßONS—Coloured spots on heavy cord; purple and white, purple and cerise, royal and gold; 2in. wide Former price 1/3 yard Sale Price 2cl yard Fancy Checked and Spotted SILK RIBBONS—6in. wide,; gold and green effects; limited quantity only Usual price 1/11 yard Safe Price 3d yard HAT BAND RIBBONS—24 in. wide; fancy small checks, heavy quality; colours—violet, heliotrope, saxe, cardinal, mole, vieux rose, brown . Usual price 1/9 Sale Price «jd HAND-MADE INDIAN LACES—A beautiful range of dainty patterns, both Laces and Insertions, all first-grade; -also large and small medallions in similar styles. You will save money on these lovely laces if you buy now, because prices are greatly reduced Save 25 to 33J per cent, off usual prices SILK PETAL COLLARS—Finished with narrow smart ribbons; beautiful soft blending shades of rich silk Five-petal collars—Usual price 5/9 Sale Price 1/11 Three-petal collars—Usual price 3/6 Sale Price 1/6 1 . ■ \JL\J\J.UiD Flowing MOTOR VEILS—Made of the best quality dust-proof ninon; colours—navy, browns, mole, pink, sky, saxe, ivory, ■ Usual prices 2/3, 2/8, 2/1 1 yard Sale Prices 1/11, 2/3*, 2/6 yard SHEETS*hEADY WHITE FOR USE. ready for use, with taped comers. Made from Firdays, Rigg's Horrockses', and Famous Sheetings. ' Size ij yards x 2? yards— Twill— Sale Prices 9/6, 9/9, 10/3, 10/9, 11/-, 12/>, 13/« pair "^ LineD Finish— Sale Prices 11/-, 12/- pair Size if yards x 2% yards— .: Twill— Sale Prices 11/6, 13/6, 14/-, 14/9, 15/9, 16/3 pair Linen Finish— Sale Prices 14/-, 14/9 pair Size 2 yards x 3 yards— Twill—l2/9,13/3,14/-, 14/9, 16/9, 17/3, 18/3, 19/3,21/- pair Linen Finish— Sale Prices 17/3, 18/3 pair Size zi yards x 3 yards— Twill— 15/9, 16/3, 17/3, 17/9, 18/6, 19/6, 22/3 pair Linen Finish— Sale Prices 18/6, 19/6 pair SizeaJ yards x 3 yards— Sale Twill— Prices 17/9, 19/6, 21/-, 22/6, 23/9 pair Linen Finish— Sale Prices 21/-, 22/6 pair pieces 100 of 63-inch Best Cotton ENGLISH TICKING—BIue and .white stripe Usual price 2/6 Sale Price 1/11 yard Hemmed . BARGAINS IN SILKS AND BSESS GOODS REGIMENTAL STRIPED SILKS— 19 inches wide; in all the English regimental stripes; suitable for smart blouses Usual price 4/6 Sale Price 1/3 yard FLORAL TAPESTRY SILKS— 19 inches wide; in a range of colourings and designs; suitable for coverings or for trimmings Usual price 6/tj Sale Price 1/11 yard COLOURED BENGALINE SILKS—IB inches wide; in shades of terra cotta and lemon Usual price 3/11 yard Sale Price 1/6 yard NATURAL TUSSORE SILKS— 34 inches wide price Usual 2/- Sale Price 1/6 yard SILK CREPE—2B inches wide; in the followingJAPANESE colours:—Navy, sky, vieux rose, electric, mole, grey, pale pink Usual price 4/11 Sale Price navy 2/11 yard STRIPED TAFFETA SILK and 40 inches wide; in black grounds, with various white stripes Usual price 7/11 Sale Price 4/11 yard STRIPED NOVELTY SILK—40 inches wide; in helio., light navy, electric, violet, and black grounds, with white stripes; will make smart frocks , Usual price 9/11 yard To clear at 4/11 yard Large Our Stock of DAINTY EVENING TUNICS has been specially .reduced in price; can now be had for considerably AJIxLyEjIyJ-iL/ 80-inch TWILL— I black, dark greens, violet, gold, cerise, buttercup Single Veils—Usual price 4/6 Sale Price 3/11 Double Veils—Usual price 7/11 Sale Price 6/11 18 in. Ivory ALLOVER LACE—Richly embroidered in heavy silk designs. At special Sale Prices ' Former prices 17/6, 12/6, 11/6, 12/9 yard Sale Prices 4/9, 2/11, 3/9, 3/9 yard Bottle Green GOSSAMER—For motor and travelling veils; 27 inches wide Usual price 1/11 Sale Price 6d Oddments in SUNSHADES and COLOURED UMBRELLAS— 1 Will be Cleared out at Less than Half-Price Embroidered MUSLIN FLOUNCINGS—Ne\v, smart, dainty patterns, pretty edges 25 in. wide—Former price 2/6 Sale Price 1/11 26 in. wide—Former price 3/3 Sale Price 2/6 26 in. wide—Former price 4/6 Sale Price 3/3 VOILE EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS—In mercerised 45TH. designs on splendid voile; all this season's goods, and the patterns one and all are splendid Former prices 7/6, 7/n, 8/6, 14/6 yard Sale Prices 5/6, 5/11, 6/6, 10/6 yard less than cost price "," SPECIALS IN THE MANCHESTER DEPT. ■ — — Sa|B PHce 1/11 yard ,'■■"' COTTON TWEED 40 inches' wide; in woven black and price, white shepherd check Usual " 1/2 yard Sale Price Hid yard COLOURED DRESS COTELE—3B inches \vide; in shades of light brown, mid brown, champagne, and violet Usual price 3/3 To clear at 1/6 yard joined Val. insertions; washing and hard-wearing; in white only . Usual price 3/11. Saio Price 2/11 Pure' LINEN HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS—Assorted hems, superior Irish linen; marked low prices in the face of a rising., market Usual prices 4/11, 5/11, 8/6, 9/6, 10/11 doz. Sale Prices 3/11, 4/6, 5/11, 6/11, 7/6 doz. iSin. WASHING SHADOW NETS—In Paris only; smart, neat designs for making up capSj fronts and neckwear. ' hJ\J& 1 — " ■ JrkSUuL* * »" 3/3, 4/0, 5/3, 5/9 Usual Sale Prices 2/7, 2/10, 4/3, 4/8, 4/11 CREAM CHEVIOT SERGES—42-50 inches wide , 'Usual prices 3/6, 3/9, 4/6, 5/3. 5/9, 6/6 "yard Sale Prices 3/-, 3/3, 3/11, 4/8,4/11, 5/9 yard Very Handsome Black French ROBE LENGTHS— Usual prices 39/6, 59/6, 69/6, 79/6 Sale Prices 27/e, «2/-, 39/6, 83/- ■ ■ SMART MILLINERY CLEARING AT 5/11 FLORAL HATS—In great variety Usual prices '21/-, 25/9, 29/6. To clear 5/11 SMART TAILORED HATS—In light shades : Usual prices 25/9, 29/6, 35/9 To Clear 5/-11 A Good Selection of READY-TO-WEARS— Usual prices 10/6, 15/9, 21/- Vc vicar 5/11 PANDANS—Trimmed smartly with black ribbon velvet Usual prices 15/9, 18/g To clear 3/11 All Children's MILLINERY MODELS— rB/g, 21/- To clear 5/11 Usual prices .15/9, Children's PANAMAS —Untrimmed, it) great variety Usual price 12/0 To clear 5/11 Coloured Untrimmed TAGEL HATS— Usual prices 10/6, r2/g, 15/9 To clear 5/11 Silks and Dross Coods—contd. H ' 40-INCH PILLOW COTTON. Sale Prices 1/-, 1/3, 1/4?, 1/6 yard Plain,,4o inches wide— Twill, 40 inches wide— Sale Prices 1/4^, 1/6 yard Plain, 40 inches wide, circular— Sale Prices 1/4, 1/7, 1/8 yard Twill, 40 inches wide, circular— Sale Price 1/10 yard 20 X 30; PILLOWCASES,'size 250 dozen, made best calico— 175 dozen, Linen Finish— ' taped. Sale Price 12/- dozen Sale Price 18/- dozen BED QUILTS. WHITE SATIN-FINISHED MARCELLA QUILTS. FOR SINGLE BEDS-Usual prices to/6, 12/6, 16/-, 18/6,21/-, 25/-, 26/6 each Sale Prices 8/11, 10/6, 13/6, 15/6, 17/6, 21/-, 22/6 each FOR THREE-QUARTER BEDS" Usual prices IS/6, 23/6, 26/6, 32/6, 35/-, 47/- each Sale Prices 15/6, 20/-, 22/6, 27/6, 29/6, 39/6 each FOR DOUBLE BEDSUsual prices 25-, 32/6, 36/-, 3S/6, 41/-, 47/-, 60/- each Sale Prices 21/-, 27/6, 30/-, 32/6, 35/-, 40>, 51/- each EXTRA LARGE SIZEUsual prices 32/6, <?S/6, 44/-, 49/6, 70/- each Sale Prices 27/6, 32/6, 37/6, 42/-, 59/6 each CRECIAN QUILTS. FOR SINGLE BEDS— Usual prices 11/3, 13/6, 14/9, 17/6 each S2 llSs^MSe^ $ ___ THREE-QUARTER 17/6 ,FO* Sale Prices 13/6, nnr7rtr FOR DOUBLE BEDS— each Usual prices- 19/6, 24/9 each Sale Prices 16/6, 21/- each EGYPTIAN LONGCLOTH—36 inches wide, at 20 per cenL, or 4/- m the £, off usual prices; 150 pieces only, and cannot be repeated Usual prices g/6, io/g, 12/-, 13/6, 14/6, 15/6, 16/u, 18/- doz. Sale Prices 7/6, 8/6, 9/6, 10/6, 11/6, 12/6, 13/6, i«/ 6dozen TOWELS, IN ALL SIZES. At 3/- En the £ off usual prices WHITE TURKISH TOWELS— Usual prices 1/2, 1/6, r/g, 2/-, 2/3, 2/9, 2/11 each Sale Prices 1/-, 1/3, 1/6, 1/8, 2/3, 2/6 each Usual prices 3/6, 3/9, 4/3, 4/9, 1/11, 5/3, 5/9, each Sale Prlcas 2/11, 3/3, 3/6, 3/11, «/6, 4/11. 6/u 5/11 each UNBLEACHED STRIPED TURKISH TOWELSUsual prices 1/6, i/g, 2/-, 2/3, 2/9, 2/11, 3/6, 4/3 each W' XjfflJZ&'&l&'&llStJ* BROWN «"' W -" P"°" V°> 8/G "/9 "b BATH SHEETS' Size 50 x 70 inches—Usual price 16/- Sale Price' each Size 60 x 80 inches—Usual price 22/6 Sale Price IS/6 13/6 each Hemstitched Linen HUCKABACK TOWELS— prices Usual 2/3, 2/g, 2/11, 3/6, 4/3 each Sale Prices 1/11, 2/3, 2/6, 3/-, 3/6 each " " *"' NEW ZEALAND ALL WOOL BLANKETS. OUR No. 1 SPECIAL— '. For Single Beds— Sale Price 25/- pair Tor Three-quarter Beds—' Sals Price 35/- pair For Double Beds— Sale Frice 55/- aair BUSH RUGS-At 5/- in the £ off usual prices; a real tnip Size 50 x 70— Usual prices 10/6, 12/6, 15/6 each Sale Prices 7/11, 9/6, , each c bize 00 x bo— . . Usual prices 12/6, 15/-, 11/9 17/6 each -. Sale Prices 9/6, 11/3, 13/6 each Size 7<J x 90— Usual prices 15/6, 20/-, 22/6 each ; Sale Prices 11/9, 15/-. 17/6 each 35 Pieces Natural DOCTOR FLANNEL—2B inches, suitable for hard wear, and shrunk Usual prices 2/3, 2/6 yard Sale Prices 1/11, 2/2 yard . A NURSE CLOTH—In shades of cream, -34 indies wide; a real snip fawn, saxe, and navyUsual price i/- yard Sale Price B£d yard i piece each only WHITE BRILLIANT FLOUNCINGTucked, hemstitched edge, also with insertion; at half-jrice Usual prices 2/-, 2/6, 3/-, 3/6 yard Sale Prlce§ 1/-, i/o, 1/6, 1/8 yard WHfTE TUCKED ALfc-OVER MUSLIN AT HALF-PRICE. 21 inches wide— Usual price 2/6 Sale Price 1/3 yard 30 inches wide— Usual price 3/- Sale Price 1/6 yard , Usual price 3/6 Sale Price 1/9 yard 28 inches wide— 54 pieces of WHITE MUSLIN—In small to large check de: signs; also stripes, small to large designs \ Usual price 1/- Sale Price 84d yard pieces designs 150 JAPANESE CREPE—Eastern only; suitable for kimonos or curtains; 30 inches wide ! Usual price 1/3 Sale Price 7^d yard . LAST WEEK'BARGAINS IN AST NEEDLEWORK Special Line of COMMENCED PIECES-^-Table Centres and Cosy Pieces, traced designs on natural Holland, partly worked , Clearing at 1/11 with threads to finish each H.S. POPLIN CUSHION CASES—Square shape, hemstitched y border, made up and traced ready for working; the design is a very dainty arrangement of the rosebud pattern Usual price 4/11 Sale Price 3/11 each ■ — TRACED MADE-UP TEA'COSIES Made up with dejlign's traced for working in cream, green, or fawn I poplin, green or blue linen, and natural oatmeal linen; each piece finished with corded edge Usual prices 3/6, 3/9. 4/11 each Clearing at 2/11 each Duchess Sets— Usual price 6/6 Clearing at 4/6 each j only COMMENCED PIECE in this design A large oval Table Centre, started in shades of yellows, pinks, and mauve, with all threads to finish design Usual price 12/6 % — COMMENCED PIECES—There are one of each of two designs in the above series in cream linen, both square Table Centres, one to work in all white/the other in shades of blue;,each piece is started, and includes threads to finish design Usual prices 14/6, 16/6 Clearing at 8/11, 10/6 each Special Line of TRACED LINENS—A very pretty and simple design, in a conventional bunch of daisies to be worked in loop stitch; each piece is finished off round the edge with lace edging; traced on heavy cream linen Oval or Round Table Centres— , - Usual prices 2/3, zjxi Clearing at Is^ t/11-each IVI JA II D I ■ £ RICHELIEU DESIGNS—On heavy cream linen j Table Centres—Usual prices 1/6, 1/9, i/n, 2/6, 2/9 each * Clearing at 1/-, 1/6 each Runners— Usual price 3/3 Clearing at 1/11 each Duchess Sets— Usual price 3/11 Clearing at 2/6 set Cushion Pieces—Usual price 4/6 Clearing at 2/11 each Table Covers— Usual prices .4/6, 4/9 each PlECES*—M^gya^* shape! CREAM WINCEY NIGHTDRESS full length, dainty designs, traced for working-, round or Vshape necks; in two qualities that will wash and wear well sUsual prices 11/6,-15/6 Clearing at 8/11, 12/6 each CREPE-DE-CHINE NIGHTDRESSES Magyar style, fuil length, made up and traced ,ready far working; a sgleudid quality cloth in a rich ivory shade Usual price 35/- each Clearing at 29/6 each FULL LENGTH NIGHTIES—Dainty eyelet designs, traced for working on fine madapolam; Magyar shape, round, square, or V-shape necks Usual price 4/n each Clearing at 3/11 each ■*'■... '» CAMISOLE PIECES—Open in front, with sleeves and basque, dainty eyelet designs, traced ready for working on fine madapolam ; good shapes and full sizes Usual price 2/3 each Clearing at i/s each EMBROIDERED CUSHION CASES—Finished and made up ready for filling; all very handsome designs on silk poplin and crash Usual prices .18/6,/19/6,26/6, 35/- each Clearing at 12/6 each /-"■■ . — ; ART JEWELLERY BRDUCED FOR THE LAST WEEK — A- novel design, representing *.' slouch hat, as worn by the New Zealand and Australian soldiers : in khaki enamel and gilt, or on sterling silver Usual prices i/6, 3/6 Sahs Prices 1/-, 2/6 *ach DAINTY PENDANTS—With chains; a range of pretty designs, with brilliants or coloured stoties ; complete with" neck chains Usual prices 2/11, 3/3, 3/6. 4/6 Clearing at 2/- eaob Very smart RIBBON WATCH FOBS designs; black suk ' ribbon, with rolled gold fittings Usual price 7/6 each 1 Clearing at 4/J1 each GILT MUFF CHAINS A tmmbcr of differtaii. patterns, in good strong makes; can also be " used for indies'" watch guards or bag bandits Uhutsl price 2/6 Clearing at 1/9 each E.P.N.S. BAGS—Solid metal bags, with chain handles; veryneat shapes, and strongly made Usual prices n/6, 12/6, 13/6 Clearingat 8/TJ, S/6,9 fit each PATRIOTIC BROOCHES. — — THE EVENING POST. SATURDAY. EEBEUARY 10, 19T7. ' LAST WEEK BARGAINS IN HABERDASHERY in jstraigfitFANCY BLACK edge or broken-edge styles; all good silk braids, suitable for costumes or silk coats,' etc. Widths from i to 2 inches Usual prices 7*d. io£d, 1/2, 1/6, 1/0 yard Clearing at 4£d, sld, 6tl, ad, lO^d yard BLACK CREPE BRAID—A crepe effect in black braid, straight edge; in four widths, from I to 3 inches; suitable Usual prices Sd, i/-, 2/9, 4/1.1 -yard for mourning wear BRAIDS—A range of designs Clearing at 3d and 6d yard SLIDES—Very smart oval shape, with FANCY COSTUME three bars"; width 2 inches; in violet Usual price l/n each and navy blue Clearing at 1/3 each "BOOKLESS" FASTENERS—The only perThe Wonderful for skirts and dresses, opened or closed with a fect fastener single pull; easily attached and guaranteed rustless; in for attaching- to black, white, or grey. Full instructions Usual price 2/6 a set garment given with each set ' Clearing at 1/6 a set SANITARY HAIR PUFFER—Puffer and special hair THE pins for making the fashionable little hair puffs or rolls at.«id each Usual price lojd each Clearing protection to the PROTECTORS—Afford proper HAT PIN the pins, and prevent them falling out of the hat; point of Usual prices 2d, 3d, 6d, 1/- each in a variety of patterns Clearing at 4 for 6d and 3 for 6d COLLAR SUPPORTS "—Can be quickly at" ALLINWON to be lost; altached to any'dace, collar band; no loose pins ways ready for use; 3 and 3s-ihch Usual price od pair Clearing at .3 pairs for Gd HOOKS AND EYES—These lie quite flat on the " TRIDENT/ garment, aid "cannot be crushed in the washing; in black or Usual price ijd card white, rustless, and several sizes Clearing at 6d dozen cards trimming evenCOLOURED MARABOUT TRIMMING—For ing coats and wraps; in shades of yellow and gold only Glearing at 3d yard the hair in DOUBLE TURBAN HAIR FRAMES—For dressing Usual price 2/6 each two buns at the back; all hair shades Clearing at 1/- each black heads; strong pins FANCY BLACK HATPINS—Smart at 3d each Usual price 6d Clearing in short lengths '. ROUND SILK HAIR NETS strong; Made of silk, in all colours; 12 on a size, on elastic; card medium very Usual prices 2d, 3d each Clearing at 1/-, 1/6 dozen , SHIRT PEARL BUTTONS—Good size, for men's or boys' shirts, 4-hole, strong make; I2\dozen on a card Clearing at 1/6, 2/3 card ; — LADIES' BOOTS AND .SHOES REDUCED Boys' and Men's Clothing—contd. — , — Size . 9ft. — " ■ " Suits ordered and paid for before Sale closes. GLOVES ARE CHEAPER NOW 2-Button DOESKIN GLOVES—In white or natural Usual prices 4/11, 5/11 pair Safe Prices 4/6, 5/4 pair 2-Button DOESKIN GLOVES—In white only; sizes 5$ to 6i only Usual price 6/11 pair Sale Pricej.6/3 pair 2-Button White FRENCH KID GLOVES—With plain points Usual price 3/11 pair Sale Price 3/6 pair The Carette KID GLOVE—2 dome, -broad-stitched back, black, white, grey, beaver, brown, tan, pastelle V .Usual price 5/6 -pair Sale Pries 4/11 pair Calvat's FRENCH KID GLOVES—With plain backs,' 2 domes, tan, in black, beaver, brown, or pastelle shades Usual prices 6/11, 7/11 Sale Prices 6/3, 7/3 pair With broad stitched backs— Usual prices 7/11, 8/n pair Sale Prices 7/2, 7/11 FRENCH SUEDE GLOVES With broad stitched backs, 2 domes, in black, tan, beaver, gTeys, and brown Usual prices 7/6, 8/6, 9/6 Sale Prices 6/9, 7/8, 8/6 pair 2-Dome NAPPA GLOVES—English make Usual price 6/11 pair Sale Price 6/3 pair 2-Dome Tan NAPPA GLOVESr-Needle-stitched backs prices and Usual 8/11 10/6 pair Sale Prices 7/11 and 9/6 pair 2-D.ome 'ANTELOPE GLOVES—In tan or smoke Usual price '6/n pair Sale Price 6/3 pair 2-DOME MOCHA SUEDE GLOVES—Tan or smoke; English make Usual price 8/11 Sale Price 7/11 pair REAL REINDEER GLOVES—In tans or smoke , Usual price 17/6 Sale Price 15/9 pair Elbow-length KID GLOVES—In black or white 12 Button—Usual price 8/11 pair Sale, Price 6/11 pair 16 Button—Usual price 10/6 pair Sale Price 8/11 pair — HOSIERY BARGAINS FOR THE LAST WEEK Tearer " Black Ribbed COTTON HOSE— Children's " Holey wearing sizes 4 to 8 boots Small sizes only; to fit children Usual prices 1/8 to 1/10 To clear 6d pair ENGLISH HOLE-PROOF HOSE—Guaranteed ash black dye Usual price 1/8 To clear 1/3 pair ' St. Margaret's BLACK LISLE HOSE—Spliced heels and toes ■ Usual price 1/11 Sale Price 1/6 pair spliced HOSE—Soft cotton extra BLACK LISLE soles; wearing parts Usual tfrice 2/3 Sale Price 1/11 WE., PAY | I | k\ 1 I i I I2 || I b I 1 I -« I I LISLE HOSE—Lace fronts, Viyella soles; a very cool wearing stocking, soft to the tread ' , " ' Usual prices 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/1 1 Sale Prices 1/6, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11 WHITE LISLE THREAD HOSE— Usual price 1/11 pair Sale Price 1/6 pair WHITE FIBRE SILK ANKLE HOSE— Usual price 2/11 pair " Sale Price 2/6 pair Tan LISLE HOSE—Lace fronts Usual priqes 2/9, 3/3 pair To clear at 1/6, 1/11 pair BLACK CASHMERE HOSE—Embroidered silk fronts ■■■'■' prices Usual 3/6, 3/11, 4/3, 5/6 pair Sale Prices 2/6, 2/11, 3/6, 3/11 pair SPUN SILK HOSE—With lace fronts, in sky, pink, turquoise, cardinal, bronze Usual price 5/6 pair Sale Price 2/6 pair SILK HOSE—With Lisle tops and feet; in black RADMOQR and white Usual prices 4/3, 8/11, ii/6, 15/6 pair Sale Prices 3/10^8/-, 10/6, 14/, In""'■ colours to match dresses— ' Usual prices 4/11, 8/11 Sale Prices 4/5, 8/' MACHINES ■ ■ | SEWING " " THE IMPROVED GRAND IS REDUCED IN PRICE. the following .essential fea1 When buying a Sewing Machineyou would secure satisfactory I tures should be kept in mind, if work:—results in your I VALUE I DURABILITY! EXECUTION! The "Improved Grand "is the embodiment of all these quali!\ specially to our order in large quantities^ ties. Manufactured are able to buy on the best of terms, and because we do not \ we expenses enable us to give you \j employ canvassers our 'sellingvalue. Every machine is thoroughly tested and perfectly adjusted, and Igj can be relied on to perform the work claimed for it. We give a Ten-year Guarantee with every Machine we sell. ! MODEL "B" Four-drawer, drophead, ball-bearing stand, dak woodwork, complete set of accessories,extra bobbins and I Regular price £7/15/- Sale Price £6/17/8 needles . j MQDEL C "—Automatic four-drawer drophead machine,ballbearings, oak stand, and apron to protect the Idress, extra (i bobbins and needles Regularprice £gj 15/- SalePrice £8/12/6 ! MODEL "D Two-door cabinet, automatic lift, oak wood] work; this machine is very ornamental, and makes a useful Regular price ,612/15/1 writing table when ' not in use Sale Price £11/5/- I 7 I P H ■— " "— I lithium' The following list applies to the whole of our well-assorted stock — " " — CROCKETT AND JONES' HIGH-GRADE BOOTS. DURO " — Men's BoxCalf LACE BOOTS Round " THE toes, stout welted soles; linen lined; open or closed fronts Usual price 37/6 Sale Price 30/OSTEND "—Men's Box Calf LACE BOOTS—Medium round toes, welted soles ;" linen lined Usual price 28/6 Sale Price 24/6 THE ROYAL "—Men's Horse Hide LACE BOOTS—Medium " round toes, stout welted soles ' Usual price 35/6 Sale Price 30/---,"THE VISCOUNT" Men's Box Calf LACE BOOTS light round toes, Medium welted soles; linen lined. Usual price 33/6 Sale Price 27/6 "THE KORRECTO" Men's Box Calf LACE BOOTS— Leather lined, fitted with arch supports, medium toes ■.'',. Usual price 32/6 SaJe Price 26/6 VICTOR "—Men's Black Glace Kid LACE BOOTS— " THE Medium toes, light welted soles ;■ linen lined Usual price 33/6 Sale Price 27/6 — - ■ BOYS'-AND MEN'S CLOTHING BARGAINS — In tweeds, worsteds, suits English Tailor-made BOXED SUITS and serges; really smart fitting Usual prices 52/6, 55/-, 63/-, 7P/-» 75/-. 84/Saie Prices 44/6, 46/6, 55/-, 59/6, 63/6, 72/Gent's SPORTS or GOLF SUITS—With Trousers, in Tweeds, Assorted Grey Flannel, Homespun, Donegal, and Harris Tweed Usual prices 45/-, 49/6, 55/-, 63/Sale Prices 38/6, 42/6, 46/6, 53/6 or SPORTS GOLF JACKETS only—As worn with flannel trousers, in homespun and other tweeds Usual prices 29/6, 35/-, 39/6, 45/Sale Prices 25/-, 30/-, 34/-, 38/6 grounds stripes, medium Sale Price 9/11 Usual price 17/6 Sale Price 14/9 ' 'CEYLON SHIRTS—With bands, coloured stripes in black' and Usual prices 8/6 and 9/6 white, heliotrope, and blue Sale Prices 7/3 and 8/Light ground, with fancy CEYLON FINISH PYJAMAS stripes of blue, helio., grey, and black prices Usual 8/6,,'9/6 Sale Prices 7/3, 8/KHAKI COAT SWEATERS— Usual price 10/6 Sale Price 8/11 Sale Price- 7/-" KHAKI SWEATER—UsuaI price 8/3 Gent's White LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS—Machine-hemmed Usual price 14/- dozen Sale Price 10/6 dozen - following:— "^ iiiHiMMißiMMMMMW'fan' \mwMmww\twmmMwnwTmtPawpam,PH$imir^^ FLANNEL LOUNGE SUITS—In assorted greys,'English tailor made Usual prices 55/-, 59/6, 63/-, 70/Sa!e Prices 46/6, 51/6, 53/6, 59/6 SADDLE TWEED TROUSERS In English and Colonial Usual.prices 16/6, 17/6,119/6, . saddle.tweed 22/6 Sale Prices 14/6, 15/-. 16/9, 19/6 ENGLISH WORSTED AND TWEED TROUSERS In as-' stripes, sorted medium and, dark colours Usual prices 15/-, 16/6, 17/6, 19/6, 22/6 Sale Prices 13/-, 14/6, 15/-, 16/9, 19/6 FLANNEL TROUSERS—In assorted g-reys, as worn with Golf or Sports Coats Usual prices 13/6, 15/-, 16/6, 17/6, 19/6 Sale Prices 11/6, 13/-, 14/6, 15/-, 16/9 * RIDING BREECHES—In Khaki Drill, Canton Gabardine, Bedford Cord,. Whipcord, and Saddle Tweed Usual Prices 17/6, 25/-, 29/6, 35/- to 50/Sale Prices 15/-, 21/6, 25/6, 30/- to 42/6 Men's DRESSING GOWNS—In camel fleece and fleecy tweeds, Oriental designs and plain colours Usual prices 39/6, 4SI; So/-, 55/-, 63/- to 97/6 Sale Prices 34/, 39/-, 42/6, 47/6, 54/- to 85/- , RALEIGH RAINCOATS and other most reliable makes, such — — ■ as Burberry, Dexter, Heptonette, and Zambrene Usual prices 95/-, 105/-, no/-, 120/-, 126/- to ".£B/8/Sale Prices 81/-, 90/-, 9«/-, 102/-, 107/6 to £7/3/quite so expensive, but still useful coats" —Not RAINCOATS by good English manufacturers Usual prices 39/6, 47/6, 55/-, 65/-, 84/Sale Prices 34/-, 41/-, 47/-, 55/6, 72/6 WASHING TUNIC AND FANCY SUITS—In assorted drills, poplins, and cotton mixtures; for boys 2to 6 years Usual prices 7/6, q/6, 12/6, 15/- to 25/Sale"Prices 6/6, 8/3, 10/9, 13/- to 21/6 .WASHING BLOUSES only—ln assorted drills, galateas, and"" other cotton materials; for boys of 2 to g years Usual prices 3/11, 4/6, 4/11, 5/1 1, 6/6, 7/6 Sale Prices 3/3, 3/9, 4/3, 5/3, 5/6, 6/6 VARSITY WASHING TOPS—In drill, tussore silk, poplin, and Galatea; for boys 2 to 12 years Usual prices 4/11, 5/6, 5/1 1, 6/6, 7/6 to 12/6 Sale Prices 4/6, 4/9, 5/3, 5/6, 6/6 to 10/9 Boys' WASHING JACKETS—In white drill and cotton poplins; sports shapes; and all sizes ■Norfolk Usual prices 6/6, 7/6, 8/6, 9/6, 10/6 ' Sale Prices 5/6, 6/G,7/6, 8/3, 9/NAVAL SUITS—In navy serge, with white blouse and reefer jacket, with brass buttons; for boys 5 to 8 years Usual prices ig/6, 22/6, 25/- Sals Prices 16/6, 19/6, 21/6 . I s B SPECIALS IN FOREIGN FANCY '! ART TOILETS to choose from—Royal Doulton and other famous makers 57/6 to is guineas Sale Discount 3/- in the £ DECORATED TOILET JUGS AND BASINS-^-Remnants of expensive sets " Sale Prices 5/6 and 6/6 each 4 DINNER SETS—lncomplete or faulty Usual prices 55/-, 60/-, 84/-, 126/Sa!e Prices 35/6, 49/6, 60/-, 99/6 3 .ONYX MARBLE CLOCKS—" Ansonia make prices 95/-, 115/-, 130/- Sale Prices 70/-, 90/-, 100/Usual Usual, prices o/d, r/6 To clear 3d, 6d 4711 ROSE AND GLYCERINE SOAP— Usual price 3-k^cakc Sale Price 2/6 dozen CARBOLIC TOOTH POWDER— Usual price 1/Sale Price 3d 4711 TOILET WATERS—Lu-xis, Cologne, Opoponax, Violet de Persia, Violet Usual prices 3/6, 5/6 Sale Price-1/Rimmel's ROYAL PERFUMES—EngIish Clover, Royal Shamrock, White Chrysanthemums Usual prices 2/11, 3/6 Sale Prices 1/11) 2/6 4= — - — TRAVELLING G©©J»S — ! — BEDDING BARGAINS. 1" " C©LLAPSI®LE GO-CASSTS ARE CHEAPER soiled AH Bedding is made in our own factory of thoroughlyl sterilised materials, and is guaranteed by; us to-be pure and hygienic. * KAPOC BEDS—Loose r .' Size 2ft. 6in..—-. , Usual prices 21/6, 25/6 Sale Prices 18/e, 21/6 Size 3ft.— iUsual prices 25/6, 29/6 Sale Prices 21/6, 25/6 ■■. , Size 3ft. 6in.: Usual prices 31/6, 35/6 Sale Prices 26/9, 30/6 ' " Size 4ft.— Usual prices 34/6, 38/6 Sale Prices 29/6, 32/9 Size 4ft. 6in.— Usual prices 37/6, 42/6 Sale Peices 31/11, 36/6 KAPOC BEDS—Buttoned-an^toraered Size 2ft. 6in.— Usual prices 23/6, 27/6 Sale Prices 20/-, 23/6 Size 3ft.— Usual prices 27/6, 31/6, Sale Prices 23/6, 26/^ Size 3ft-6in,—*'," Usual prices 33/6, 37/6 Sale Prdces 28/9,s,t'/ii Size 4ft. iUsual prices 36/6, 40/6 Sale Prices 3P,/6,34/6 Size 4ft. 6in.— Usual pnees 39/6, 44/6 Sale Pricea-33/6, 38/9 — - 4711 PERFUME SACHETS— 100 — keep him outTo have baby healthy and happy, it is necessary toyou must have in the open air as much as possible. To do this a good Carriage—one that is strong, roomy, and easy riding. advantage over other cars that Our new Vis-a-Vis Car has the the child can be seen and amused by the person in charge of it,'the child facing the handles.^ Make your selection from the BEDSTEADS. i-inch pillar,, brass rail and Reduced from 52/6 to 30/---4ft. 6in. FRENCH BEDSTEAD—ij-inch pillar, brass rails, spindles and mounts, all slightly shop soiled / Reduced from £5/15/- to £3/15/---4ft. 6in. ITALIAN BEDSTEADS—2-inch pillar, brass, mounts Reduced from £7/15/- to £4/19/6 and rails; splendid value ITALIAN BEDSTEAD—4ft. 6in., all brass fcot, 2-inch massive pillars; handsome bedstead Reduced from £12/10/-to £7/10/knobs ;■ bristles and-beautiful designs -, Usual prices 140/-, 170/-, 210/- Sale Prioes 115/-, 140/-, 180/Ivory-handle DESSERT AND TABLE KNIVES— Usual prices 55/-, 77/6 Sale Prices 45/-, 65/-* 20 CRUMB TRAYS AND BRUSHES—Oxydised and bright Usual price 6/6 Sale Price 4/3 set British Malleable Iron Frame WRINGERS Solid rubber i2iri. 14m. rollers; guarantee with each wringer Usual prices 30/- 35/Sale Prices 26/6 30/i2in. i4in. American High-grade WRINGERS— ' 'a " Usual prices 30/- 37/0 Sale Prices 25/- 32/The whole stock of Antique Copper and Brass HEARTH To bo cleared at 4/- in the £ discount REQUISITES— Special Sale Price for the VITAL SUCTION CLEANER— '"■ ' S5/10/The Wizard HOUSE CLEANING SET Consists of 1 Oil Mop ready packet Carpet use, Polish for 1 bottle Oil Polish, 1 Sale Price 4/6 Cleaner; only 50 sets left The Wizard OIL POLISH MOP—Ready for action 2/11 The Whole stock of Brass RAIL FENDERS, Antique Copper KERBS AND KERB SUITES, FIRE SCREENS, COAL , . VASES, FIRE IRONS,'etc. . To be cleared at 4/- in the £ discount "■ TUSSORE SILK SHIRTS—With bands or collars - ---[RON a~ f to £2/19/6 from £4/19/6 to £3/19/6 3ft., bevelled mirror door and large Reduced from. £8/12/6 to £6/10/- BEDSTEADS 3ft. FRENCH slightlyshop ■' — CEYLON FINISH drawer ■ Usual price 5/6 Sale Price 4/3 Made of all wool colonial flannel; ALL WOOL PYJAMAS grounds stripes fancy medium with Usual price 20/- pair Sale Price 13/6 pair CEYLON PYJAMAS—Light and medium grounds, with fancy stripes; g"ood wear . pricesl Usual 11/6, 13/6, 15/6, 16/6 Sa!e Prices 9/11, 11/6, 13/3, 14/- PYJAMAS-In fancy Usual price 11/6 OAK WARDROBE,— — „ Natural Wool and Cotton UNDERVESTS AND PANTS— ' Usual price 6/6 8a!o Price «/9 Natural MERINO UNDERVESTS AND PANTS— — -- , "LAST WEEK" REDUCTIONS IN MERCEEY ---" THE OAK _ MEN'S THREE-GARMENT SAC SUITS—Hand-tailored to your own measure ' Usual prices £s/S/-> £5/10/-, £6, £6/10/- each Sale Pricos £4/14/6, £fl/19/-, £5/8/-, £6/17/- each SPECIAL OFFER SUITS TO MEASURE—A limited number of odd^ lengths in tweeds and worsteds have been sorted out for quick clearance ' ' Usual prices £5/10/- to £6/6/- each Sale Price 95/- each , ■_-■-_■ BEDSTEADS—4ft. 6in., in stained rimu Reduced from £3/17/6 ;/. BEDSTEADS-4ft. 6in_ Reduced WOOD 3 Silk-lined Cases Ladies' Silver BRUSH SETS—Best quality of Suitings, and the savings are worth noting. '"■ Reduced from 19/6 15/6 from 25/6 to 19/6 Reduced from 28/6 to 21/— — Reduced REDUCES) .- " The strongest trunk on the Two Bird. CABIN TRUNKS market; made of flax and wire interwoven; resists all force; only sizes in two ' Ordinary price £&lsj36m. long x iSin. deep— Sale Price £6/19/Ordinary price long deep— x I3^in. ---36 £7/5/Sale Price £6/2/6 m. ■ , COMPRESSED CANE TRUNKS—Hide and brass bound; one THE "OBSERVATION" —This can be wheeled over the roughof the best trunks made; in two sizes only / est ground without the child being disturbed; all steel enamOrdinary price £7 Sale Price £5/19/elled black; plated safety joints; 12m. wheels, wired on 33-inch Ordinary price Sale Price tyres; in dark green and dark blue Regular price £5/10/---36-inch £& £6/16/---' In brown, green, or black canvas, steel Sale Price £4/15/- ---. CABIN TRUNKS, THE "IDEAL"—This model has three positions, sitting, semiframe, leather bound and well finished; in three sizes j Ordinary price 65/- Sale Price 55/3 reclining, and ffed, with draughtflaps in dark green and,darla 30-inch Ordinary price 71/6 Sale Price 60/9 Regular price £4/15/6 Sale Price £3/19/6 N blue 33-inch Ordinary price 78/6 Sale Price 66/8 THE "GRACEFUL"—Is better than ever, easier frame, and up36-inch high holstered with our new WEEK-END CASES—In green canvas, steel frame, and all side seat; when in the bed position the body is as large as a basinette, 31 Jin. long; a thorSizes 22m. 24m. 26in. 28in. leather bound Ordinary prices 45/oughly strong and useful car Regularly! £4/19/6 Now £4/4/8 So/- 55/- 59/6 Sale Prices 38/3 42/6 THE "IDOL"—Fitted with self-compensating springs, which . 46/9 50/6 enables the car to be pushed 'over rough ground with ease, HAT BOXES —In black.and green canvas, well finished * causing no vibration to the child; upholstered with our . and Sizes 22m. 24m. draught-proof hood and seat, which prevent the child being Ordinary prices 30/35/6 Sale Prices 25/6 disturbed iri windy weather; nickel-plated safety joints and 30/Regular price canvas, steel frame, and brass lock £6/5/HAT BOXES—In green handles, in dark green and blue , Sa!e Price £5/7/- : Sizes 22m. 24m. Ordinary prices 35/6 42/THE "CHAMPION"—A four-position observation car, fitted wheel sprung separately, special Sale Prices 30/- 35/9 with patent springs, each bound; struts preventing the wheel from spreading; nickel-plated HAT BOXES —In black-or green canvas, all leather shape, fitting and handles; uin. and 12k wheels, wired on tyres in the new with handle on side; in three sizes made Regular price £7/5/- Sale Price £6/4/6 only Sizes 2oin. 22m. 24m. . . .Ordinary prices 39/6 43/6 49/COLLAPSIBLE SULKIES—The simplest thing- on earth; can be worked with one hand Reduced from 59/6 to 45/6 Sale Prices 33/6 36/6 41/6 In dark green canvas, with steel frame; all ' SUIT CASES bound and niclde locks Sizes 22m. 24m. 26in. leather SAVINGS IN THE CARPET SECTION' 1 Ordinary prices 22/24/- 26/500 yards of AXMINSTER CARPETS—AII good designs and Sale Prices 18/9 20/6 22/3 colourings; specials for last week of Sale CASES—Light all leather cordurable,, MATTING SUIT and Reduced from 12/11 to 8/11 yard ners and steel bound Sizes 22m. 24m. 26m. CARPET—Special splenprices Ordinary bargains; WILTON STAIR last week 19/- 21/- 22/6 did value Sale Prices 16/3 17/10 19/3 KlTS—Very useful for shopping 22 i inches wide— . Reduced from 6/11 to 5/11 yard MATTING Reduced from 7/11 to 6/6 "yard Sale Prices 6d, 7d, 80, 9d, lOd 27 inches wide— MATTING TABLE MATS—In sets of five have secured a manufacturer's set of CARPET SAMPLES—We Ordinary prices 2/6 and 4/6 set Axminster Carpet Samples; beautiful colours and high-class Sale Prices 2/1f and 3/10 set 'qualities; ii yards long;'suitable for hearth rugs and bedhand-painted silk, in various BASKETS—Lined with carpets Reduced from to WORK side 19/6 12/6 each prices 3/11, 4/11, 5/11 Ordinary colours CARPET SQUARES—SO Brussels Squares; all good designs, Sale Prices 3/4, 4/2, 5/best quality; to be cleared at 25 per cent, or 5/- in the £ off the last week of Stde WORK BOXES—Lined and padded with silk in pink, blue, And usual prices during green Ordinary prices, 10/6, 12/6, 16/6 Size 9ft. x 10ft. 6in.— Reduced from £5/5/- to £3/19/6 Reduced from £6/5/- to £4/17/6 Sale Prices 8/11, 10/9, 14/Size 9ft. x 12ft.— Size 11ft. 3m. x 12ft.— Reduced from £7/10/- to £5/19/6 WORK BASKETS—On stands; lined and padded with silk; Size iif.t. 3m. x 13ft. 6in.—Reduced from £3/5/-to £6/10/pale blue, rose, and scarlet Ordinary prices iS/6, 21/-, 23/11 JAPANESE MATTINGS—2O pieces, in white, blue, and green; special last week prices Reduced from 1/9 to 1/3 yard Sale Prices 15/9, 17/11, 20/6 —— — —— — ■ ! — I \ | g | £ 5 | '. p | X / « § I is I S ® i k II ] U| S | a I NATURAL LAMBSKIN POUCH BAGS— Usual prices 2/6, 3/6 Sale Price 1/6 as IMITATION MOROCCO HANDBAGS Deep shape, gilt frames Usual price 6/6' Sale Price 2/6 Si COTTON MOIRETTE HANDBAGS—NickeI or gilt frames; I in grey, champagne, or black' Usual price 6/11 a - ■ Sale Price a/11 / EMBROIDERED TUSSORE SILK HANDBAGS—With strong $ "nickel frame and tussore silk handles Usual price S/11 S3 Sale Price 7/6 ;i FREIGHT ON DRAPERY TO NEAREST STATION OR WHARF i BLACK good J 70 pairs Oddments in Men's TAN BOOTS —, Made up in willow calf and glace kid; all shapes and styles; size 7 only Usual prices 25/- to 35/- Sale Prices 20/- to 27/8 80 pairs Odds and Ends in. Men's BLACK BOOTS—Made up in box calf, glace kid, and patent leather; sizes 7 and 8 only; all shapes and styles Usual prices 23/6 to 35/Sate Prices 16/6 Jo 27/6 pairs 'f THE SERVICE BOOT" Tan Officers' Boots, 72 extra stout sole; French calf lined throughout; round toes, half tip on heel Usual price 40/6 Sale Price 35/Black and ---36 pairs Florsheim's AMERICAN BOOTS tan;_high American toes; linen lined; sizes 7 and 8 only Usual price 35/- : Sale Price 25/- to 3ft.— All at Half-price , 3-Button LAMBSKIN GLOVES—Broad backs, in tan, beaver, brown shades, and white Usual price 3/11 pair Sale Price 2/3 pair 2-Dome Coloured KID GLOVES—Fancy stitched' backs; Usual price 5/6 pair To clear at 3/11 pair slightly soiled x — WE GUARANTEE CORRECT STYLE AND LATEST CUT; PERFECT FIT, AND FAITHFUL WORKMANSHIP. ■ '"' mirror 2ft'. 6in. x ift. 6in. Reduced from £4/15/- to £3/15/DUCHESS WASHSTANDS~3ft. 6in. ; tile back and marble top Reduced from £5/12/6 to £4/5/DUCHESS WASHSTAND—3ft. 6in.; tile back and marble top, cupboard, etc. Reduced from £3/19/- to £2/12/6 OAK BEDROOM SUITE—Sft. Wardrobe, with mirror, 4ft. x ift. 6m.; Duchess Chest, 3ft. 3m., 3 drawers and Sewel case, mirror; Washstand, 3ft. 3m., tile back and top Reduced from £24/10/- to £19/10/OAK BUREAU—4ft., with leadlight side cupboard and drawers ; handsome piece of furniture Reduced from £7/17/- to £6/tO/OAK SIDEBOARD—6ft., large oval mirror back, 3jdrawers, 3 cupboards and cellarete ■ Reduced from £20/10/-to £15/10/-; WARDROBE—Stained rimu;; 3ft. 6in., mirror door and leadlighfpanel Reduced from £7/17/6 to £6/10/r WARDROBE—3ft., stained rimu, mirror door, large drawer Reduced from £6/5/- to £4/10/- CROCKERY AND HARDWARE Usual prices 8/6, 14/6, 15/-, 21/FRUIT SALAD SETS— Sale Prices 7/-, 12/-, 12/6, 17/6 MORNING TEA SETS—With oak tray Usual prices 8/9, 10/6, 15/6, 26/Sale Prices 7/-, 3/9, 12/6, 16/6 TOILET SETS—Art shades; 6 pieces Usual prices 27/6, 35/-, .38/6, 45/Sale Prices 23/9, 30/-, 33/9, 39/6 TOILET PAILS to match, in various shades 20 dozen PLAIN FOOTED TUMBLERS—SaIe Price 4/11 dozen 20 dozen KEY TUMBLERS— Sale Price 6/-. dozen 20 dozen BARREL-SHAPED TUMBLERS—Cut JJsual price 10/6 Sale Price 8/6 dozen 50 dozen Strong White and Gold BREAKFAST CUPS AND , . Sale Price 6/11 dozen SAUCERS— 30 dozen China White and Gold TEA CUPS AND* SAUCERS— Sale Price 7/6 dozen 6 High-class TEA SETS From Royal Doulton, Royal Wor, cester, and Royal Wedgwood Potteries Usual prices ,£6/16/-, £8/10/-, £9/10/-, £10, '£13, £14 Sale Prices £5/15/-, £6/17/6, £7/17/6, £8/5/-, £10/15/-, £11/10/Usual prices 4/6 to 30/---50 VASES AND ORNAMENTS— TASLOM-MADE SUITS FOR MEN " 9ft. 10ft. 6in. x 3ft. 12ft. x 3ft. 4 A STRAIGHT-OUT SAVING OF 10 PER CENT. OR 2/- IN THE £ DURING SALE PERIOD. The time is nowopportune for you to order that'new Suit, because we are making particularly bright concessions during our Great Summer Sale. We are holding very heavy stocks of Woollens, etc., that were bought before the war, and we" assure you that our prices for these have not advanced. If we had to replace our stock at the present moment we could not buy the materials for anything like the price we are selling them,,so that you will readily see what a saving 10 per cent., or 2/- in the £, off these old prices means to you. ORDER YOUR SUIT NOW! ' Our staff of experts is awaiting your pleasure, and our Cutter just "individuality" that touch of give will so necessary you to the smart dresser. This special saving is available on all . — MYSORE VESTIBULE RUGS—In Oriental designs and colourings ; special last week prices Usual prices 35/- to ss/Now 19/6, 26/-, 29/6 Odd Tweed NORFOLK JACKETS—AH large sizes Usual prices 19/6 to 30/- Now 12/6 each — FURNITURE, BEDSTEADS AND BEDDING MASSIVE KAURI SIDEBOARD One kmg mirror and■."six small ones, 3 drawers, and 3 cupboards Reducedfrom £26/10/-to Sl7/10/« SIDEBOARD— 5 feet; large mirror, 3 drawers and 2 cupboard's*; handsome piece of furniture Rtdutted from £16/10/- to £11/10/SIDEBOARD—Kauri 5 4ft. 6in.; mirror 3ft. 6in. x ift. Sin., 2 cupboards and 2 drawers Reduced from £9/10/- to £6/10/SIDEBOARD—-4ft. 6in., mirror ,-jft. x ift. 6in., 2 drawers and cupboards Reduced from £7/17/- to £5/10/DUCHESS pHEST —Stained riiaru; 3 drawers and mirror Reduced from 55/- to 45/DUCHESS CHEST—3ft. 6in.; 3 drawers and 2 jewel drawers, 9ft. x 10ft. 6in.— Reduced from £7/19/- to £6/15/x 12ft.— Reduced from £8/19/- to £7/10/Size 10ft. 6in. x 12ft.— Reduced from £10/19/- to £8/19/LIN OLEUMS—2OO pieces of Printed Linoleums bought at prewar prices; all good patterns at special last week prices:— Usual price 3/11 Reduced to 3/3 square yard Usual price 4/3 Reduced to 3/9 square yard Usual; price 4/6 Reduced to 3/11 square yard — worsted a^_ — prices Size Usual — -' STRING MATTINGS—In blue, green, and fawn stripes, suitable for stairs and passages; special last \veek»prices 18 inches wide— Reduced from 1/2 to 7^d yard Reduced from 1/6 to 11-jd yard 27 inches wide— ' SEAMLESS AXMINSTER CARPETS Exceptional bargains for last week of Sale;"all new goods; much under pre-war ■ prices 25/-, 27/6, "29/6, 35/-, 39/6 to 55/Sale Prices 21/6, 23/6, 25/-, 30/-, 34/- to 47/Three garments, breeches cut SUITS Youths'. RUGBY knickers; English and Colonial tweeds, serges, and worsteds Usual prices 45/-, '49/6, 55/-, 60/Sale Prices 38/6, 42/6, 47/-, 51/Boys' and Youths' GARBINETTg RAINCOATS Lined, Raglan sleeves and storm collar7'to fit boys from 3 years Usual prices 25/-, 27/6, 29/6, 35/-, 39/6 Sale Prices 21/6, 23/6, 25/-, 30/-, 34/Boys' and Youths' NORFOLK SUlTS—Mostly all large sizes;, and serge Usual prices 29/6 to 55/in tweed, ---v worsted, NOW12/6, 15/-, 17/6, 19/6, 25/.Three garments, in tweed, serge, and RUGBY SUITS ■ Carpet Savings—contd. ■ Little Boys' FANCY SUITS—In serges and fancy tweeds; for f boys 2 to 6 years Usual pnees 12/6, 15/- ,17/6, 19/6, 22/6 to 30/Salo Prices 10/9, 13/-, 15/-, 16/9, 19/6 toJts/jS^ Boys' and Youths' SPORTS SUITS —'"'English tweed, with shorts or breeches cut knickers; all sizes Ladies' Tan Glace Kid LACE BOOTS Medium toes, machine sewn soles, leather Cuban heels; guaranteed price leather Usual Sale Price 8/11 all solid 20/72 pairs Odfls and Ends in Ladies' BLACK BOOTS—Size 4 only; round and medium' toes, machine sewn and welted Usual prices 21/- to 29/6 Sale Prices 13/9 to 20/soles Medium toes, pairs Ladies' WHITE CANVAS SHOES ---'3Opump Usual price 13/6 soles, covered Cuban heels Sale Price 9/11 pairs Odds and-Ends in Ladies' SLIP-ON SHOES—Size 4 'v2ooonly; medium toes, pump soles, wood and leather heels Usual prices 15/6 to 22/6- Sale PriGes 10/9 to 17/6 1.20 pairs 1 Odds and Ends in Ladies' STRAP SHOES—Made up in glace kid and patent leather; all pump soles; size 4 Usual prices 15/6 to 25/- Sale Prices 10/6 to 17/6 only 72 pairs Ladies' BLACK SATIN' SHOES—Court style; selfcovered heels, pump soles; suitable for afternoon slipper wear Usual price 18/6 Sale Price 9/11 24 pairs Ladies' Black Suede ANKLE BAR SHOES—Medium toes, slide ornament, pump soles, self covered Cuban Usual price 21/- Sale Price 11/6 heels Satin BROOCH BAR SHOES—Pump 27 pairs Ladies' Black soles, full round toes, self covered Cuban heels ; suitable for afternoon or evening wear Usual price 25/- Sale Price 14/6 20 pairs Ladies' Black Moirette BROOCH BAR SHOES— Round toes, pump soles, self covered heelsUsual price 21/- Sale Price 14/6 Pump ,33 pairs Ladies' Black-Moirette ONE-BAR SHOES soles, round toes, self-covered heels; suitable for afternoon or evening wear Usual Sale Price price . 14/6 21/150 pairs Ladies' WOOD SHOE TREES—Two shapes » t Usual price 3/6 Sale Price 2/6 100 pairs Ladies' Odds and Ends in TAN SHOES— Size 4 only; made up in all styles. Usual prices 13/6 to 20/Salo Prices 8/11 to 16/6 MEM'S B©©TS AND SIS©E!S CHEAPER OTLL 50 pairs Men's Chrome Calf LACE BOOTS Medium pointed toes, welted soles; linen lined; all leather; sizes 7, 8, and 9 Usual price 23/6 Sale Price 13/9 60 pairs Oddments in Men's SHOES—Made up in black glace patent box and kid, calf, leather; all shapes and styles; mostly size 7 Usual prices 23/6 to 30/Sale Prices 15/6 to 19/6 28 pairs Men's EVENING SHOES—AII patent leather; medium .. toes, pump soles; sizes 7 and 8 only Usual prices 12/6 to 15/6 Sale Price 5/11 125 pairs ■ 13 The "Raleigh" WRITING PAD—IOO sheets of superior writing- paper, with blotting pad Usual price gd eada Sale Price 3 pads for i/1,1 The "News" WRITING PAD—76 sheets of-excellent writingpaper; in white only Usual price Sale Price t-/1 The," Sylvan" CABINET of Stationery—20 1/3 sheets sage'green paper, with 20.envelopes to match; lined emerald'tissue Usual price 1/3 box Sale Price 1/1 box The "Parisienne" CABINET of Boxed Stationery—24 sheets paper, 24 envelopes; linen with coloured tissue; in .cream", grey, or mauve* ; Usual price 1/9 Sale Price 1/S - PICTURES REBUCED F©3S THE LAST WEEK Unframed PICTURES—AII slightly shopworn Usual prices 1/6 to 2"/n To Clear ed each HUMOROUS PlCTUßES—Reproduced in colour and mounted on 16 x 12 flexible .green art mounts Usual prices i/6, 1/11 Sale Price 6d each AUTOTYPE PICTURES Printed in black or sepia; size 28 x 32 Usual price 3/6 each Sale Price 1/- each UNFRAMED LUWOTYPES—These are copies ,of original oil paintings, reproduced■■- in colours identical to original; , size iS xlO Usual price 1/6 Sale. Price 1/A large collection of ' HUMOROUS WAR SUBJECTS, by Bairnsfather, on flexible art mounts Usual prices i/6, 2/6 each Sale Price 1/- each WAR SUBJECTS—Troops Marching, Cavalry Charging, etc.; reproductions in colour Usual price 2/6 each Sale Price 1/- each SEPIA PRINTS—Size 16 x 12, by Old and Modern Masters, such as ""The Laughing Cavalier," "Lady of Shalott," Dante's Dream," " When did you Last See your Father," "." Last Watch of Hero," " Thursday and Friday " Usual price 1/6 each Sale Price 6d each COLOURED PICTURES, by J. W. Dobson, of Scottish home life; size approximately 10 x 12 Usual price i/ir each Sale Price 1/6 each COLOURED PICTURES—By Professor Van Heir . Usual prices 1/11, 2/11 Sale Prices 1/3.'2/6 1 only ARTIST'S PROOF— 40 x 30; Old Story," " The42/-Good by H. Gilbert Glindoni Sate Price Usual price "—By L. J. Rolt; reproduced in sepia;12/6 40 " DISINHERITED x3O Usual price 21/- Sa!e Price 12/6 A Large Collection of FRAMED PICTURES of all kinds of subjects Usual prices 3/11, 5/11, 7/11, 10/6 t0.42/All subject to 15 per cent. Sale Discount An excellent collection of WATER COLOUR PAINTINGS— Framed with gold beading and gold mounts Usual prices S/i 1, g/6, 14/6 Sale Prices 7/11,8/6, 12/6 each 100 — <■" THE EVENING POST.. SATURDAY.,...EEBRTJABY 10,. 1917 14 HOLD OUT! Give your patronage $S=w^ fiflSife |3 Hosiery—made jftKr |LJ^iaQ w°ol ~^£jifl \y f&&Zr I |$ Socks for Ladies, Children & Men fflffl/ I WINTER., *i(M-OLMV if^lls^ IxV'iWj JM | (IX^A\V I /f\ 4km Jf flkj! *£ V? d» M J 11l | f|tk^l||pw N/->\ \\w%^^ /yd^mx^\ villi fAAITH \/^W^\\W| LUUiVLLJ !:S^\V^V\lw IN TWO if\i /y\\\PW » & §5 ;§ K>i t» - R§ ra " Ii I MLii^\1 MINUTES -■ Have a Gyp? The Frankfurter Zeitung, in an article on "Holding Out," concludes a passionate appeal to" the nation as follows: Wholesome | "We know that we must limit ourselves, and we shall do it in the consciousness, that the sacrificeswhich we bring, although demanding etern heroism,are a6 nothing to the sacrificeswhich are being borne in the trenches, on the high seas, under tho seas, or on snow-bound mountains by men .who are giving their lives *s a concentrated for us and for ff" (ff^k g^ Bp% B)B« E»»s )J Closinir data our future. Therefore, S^i ij*SSs. S S must not whimper and complain, 1 j|> «fej 1 gB I *||| ol Competifood made -by a : we because we mast bear privations' Etxr E533 tion t0 bfl Skx Sal viitm Isa ffii^ special process from I merely The enemy ia listening for every utter- m announced BUY THE 2/- GRADE selected sun-ripened | ance and drawe hope from every exagJj» complaint that he will be able cereals, using only | gerated to defeat us. Let us for this reason ob-" servo moderation in criticism, and only I NOT A GERMAN POWDER. criticise where it is °f t^le grain, both the necessary,or when helps to remove abuses." inner and outer I, criticism General yon Tann has issued a husks are discarded. H desperate appealder to the Bavarian people That's why so little H to hold out bravely during the third war- I I KEW MM PCJS3KOU3 POWDS*:. "Gerstena"'. goes, a H , winter. fc»M»aii<.i^»!g^^'g^O» ro f POWDER must not be mistaken for He' tells the agricultural or common insect powders, long way, and why M that they aro only trustees forpopulation tho fruits ■P»a^S|affiKfflJas*^^K/^^^ insectlcide some ofwllich are sold llndel' fancy names, the field, and that they must not with- PlS^#^Ml®Vx»« nutritious and L of for FffS&SSpHBr hold "MUSTDIK" contains an ingredient grain, potatoes, eggs, and fat milk, m palatable. i, from the towns in order to live in com-' l^BmßmW J^'i'f^vCAa Particularly fatal to that common liouse fort themselves. pest aptly termed The Typhoid Fly." "■"■.■■.;.-..-■■ To tho dwellers in towns he says they must fight. against the enemy in 'their FREE SAMPLE midst and m their own hearts. He reWrite to Mustdie," Dept. A, Box 1520, , proaches those, who are accumulating v.l t bydney, post tin, for a trial forwarded free; or send 9d. in stamps for a fullsupplies at tho expense of their fellow""- size .v., tin. "MUSTDIE" is sold everywhere by Chomisti, and others who even now could ---citizens, not forget the pleasures and wastefulness Grocers. Storekeepers. 9d. per tin. of tho bad time beforethe war. And whoever does not listen to reason' and honour would have to give way to .|.force. hold out till arms i havo gained' the victory." — Character wf) 'in^ *t -kjej-o i (mm/ \j t®s\ ■ SI T° °''ier mace has so fine a finish—" Jason has a texturelike silk, and surprising comfort to the skin—yet costo less than many inferior brands. Insist on Jason Stockings and Socks—whicu are alUvool, nml of soft, silky finish. See the JasonTab on every pair. Drapers and Outfitters OACrywhere. la case of difficulty write to Jason Underwear Co., Leicester, Eng. §: ms>jl pWi % §! JsWlik S /Ws3Sk Jfe&tSaiJ , 55 \ " from GERMANS AND THE is Quality Stockings and rsnj|i|| 'Sl^/' lIUm kM British Austra« to v \"' p/l|ftjh« , \' 1 J, 1^ JJ H^ "^ - ___ "JS^S^- \ ■ " "For *Ac Blood is the Life." W Am \ l«H II i*X \ P^-mS#^ used t0 pull out the p hairs on his face to B P^vent the growth fe § Jw^r #^h^w^|h of a beard. Evensuch fe torture is almost t^^^^^m^r^^Mpreferable to the use g W^^m\. \ I wl some shaving "^ fc* ■^ ■ "b fer^^i^ I'^^ll °^ ffltom"\ so? I .«H iiM^M 8 II j psoftodayyour face burns'. ■' after shaving—if the lather dries before you are through, or if you have to soften thebeard by "rubbing in," you are using the wrongshaving preparation. 'J SHAVING CREAM A % £ TUBE) ON COLLAPSIBLE not only softensthe beard, but leaves a cooling effect upon makes a smooth, thick lather which does not dry. I fJO YOU are troubled with <& I Pimples,Boils.Carbuncles,Sores I succeed implies intelligent use of your || energiesat all (imes. Being adoer requires abundant health,and 111 for this reason wiseyoungmen giverecognition to the principles of j Good Teetkkeeping. They visit their dentist at least twice a , ill year—'they, make a habit of the daily night and morning use of or Eruptions of anykind continually bursting through the skin. ltliat constant II? X9U have ..■»&'.itching and inflammation of Piles and Fistula. I—to1 Prepared for nearly half a century by a Doctor of Dental Surgery. A velvety powder, pleasant to use. | Cleanses and preserves teeth the SAFE way—by [I thorough polishing. 11 Ohtaiaable ut all l»dina<chemisU and »tere«. Send 3d. in stamps todayfor a dainty sampla i of either Dr. Lyon'i PerfectToo*1 P2cks&c Powder or Deßtal Cream. j flftf£ prEC7'3g $ 'iStJR 'KS.lQ.tifC. ssnl \yj eS«SS»&v v^f Wvß* '^SSffießj « ;s> "'-I «© The True Value of I CLARKE'SBLOODMIXTURE lis certifiedby a most remarkable I collection of unsolicited testiS monials from grateful patients I of all classes—patients who have 1 I g 1 Hi if^* ii ao* Ink v& sr* io* TRY it To-day and compete in the "Rfatoppo" Limerick Competition Thirty Cash Prizes as under; ~~ : ~& 7. a. ". Ist Prize, S O O 2nd 210 O 3rd 1 O O Here's the Limerick: „ „ ■ - - 2Q ■ — „ „ \ JL lwa"8,^H''lß"sT's*jSk 1 *'**■■»■"**. «' MJL Sut X wWTMim*tii-i-iim h W&T v^ IT If >mi«ht 1^ -». lilC WOrlQ S »» Best rwn wir ■ ~>. BlOOdFnnfier CURES AjLtl* E'^coSZ & i?.!£rlK 12 6. 7 6 2 6 „ „ nessiTL Beaver Sfi^^SJ |p \/% / A Baking Powder" /CL }T {/ Jfl^ " I'll send>'Matoppp* ' Comnet'toTSJmvo to rtjmp -n-ifchthe -rrortl a missing line, the last word of which mvi» insisted. send in as many attempts as they fpi fV,Tntiotitoramav (4) The Judeo'a made AH ontvios mucfc cbo lose. Competition-will bjr 31«t March, 1917, after which date .. thl ..,. Competitors' names and addresses will be publishedin th« dinct Nowspapors throughout New Zealand. {6)i Attampt3 to be posted with full name and address find Lid o/ f» Thp sncfHß^ful le" — "Matoopo" Tobacco Tin to: "MATOPPO," „_. fl This clever housewife dis- \ .'covered that by making one little wish but each attempt by one (1) LID from " Matoppo" Tobacco Tin. mu^t bo accompanied (3) daoifiionwill be final. Box 181. CP.O- WELLINGTON. \■ &ssSks9 change she could,bake at longer intervals and still have in the cupboard an Msi*wofM WsjMsi^ ample supply of fresh bread, scones and cakes. All she did was to abandon ordinary baking powder tor that most healthful and useful leavening agent: N.Z. ?7H .iiij-i^N*fcL ' * 4i#A..^rr RpflK!r> ifJO%K, mf* ¥ .< "--» r f r, ; or - l»*llLs . § j \ | 'J § | Guaranteed only the BEST MATERIALS used, and we offer the best value possible. | .. , , i —————. 'V YOUR GROCER DOES NOT STOCK "BEAVER," CAN EASILY SECURE IT FOR YOU. ■„-, ," , 1 " ' | Wf |1 ' 1I ; ' * .M1.1.M - - 7MISM.Y MP TAKE NOTAKEOTHER LESS AND ' CHEAP ffHISKY ISFALSE ECONOMY-DRIfiK THE BEST iff ' «fe^? fMltil^ aad Glasgow {#°3m&>. MACKIE & CO. DISTILLERS. LTD. Island »f Islay. Unim, By : E»ta!i?» iy^g -||.|,||,||| counties. A'l l^"'t'B<'r J New Zealand. Wholesale and , (toret throughout .< .. __ jWjFMilo^ #$////£$ !^| ■|| i— ; M\ $% _ Money Bring an efficiency expert into your, home by using "Red Seal" Lye* It;«-wil1save the overworked housewife hours MW fflWn ///tie i'ffi' liMfd4w£r^c-is=^-~ S U — " , nI «/ r" .J II111I ' If I f j^M Unn£C' rubbing half Cut h'mg tiT®ri;*mr I I Wh1 S WlfiM^ 10MJ |ll TsfSfirLis3i iI Tfiffl I ./Ii ' iIL. ! SIZE OHE PRICE | ' ■ -Urn II "ill Mfiswqiln^'^massßiS^^^W QNg Distributing Agents, WStIGHT & CO., Chrfatshurch, Dunedin, Wellington, Auckland. SoleProprietors, E. GRU'I'ITHS HUGHES (Kruschen), Ltd,, 63, Deansgate Arcade, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. 2F/.IRBAIRN, j/ „ tablespoonful of Seal" Lye in a-bucket of will work miracles,use "Red Ssal" in the Kitchen— woter Bathraom-oa the flocis- morethan handy. Itisindispensable all over the house, All up to the minute grocers se,rßedSeal"Lye.Directions for manyuses in each can. N & Co' ilO^KttSfrUtV P: CcT°sMSSydn'^N.'s.W! b w "Bed Sealaians-nr" MMWIMB^BWMIiWBMga»S«ExJW«i.WIWW«IW»WWWM«W»M«iIMIIIWIIIWiIIIII'I'IiUJtM.*iJIW«WIiWeiMIxaj^^ f HERE^S AREAL L^OJ)f | ! '_' " | TOMATO SAUCE! SOLDIERS' DEBTS The Secretary of the War Office, who has received many applications from tradesmen and. others in regard to debts of. officersand soldiers, has notified the publio applications continue to be received in tho War Office, and by commanding officors from tradesmen and individuals for assistance in the recovery of debts due to them by officersand soldiers: serving in the Army, it has been found desirable to inform the puMic that the military authorities havo no -power to enforcepayment, and.they are unable to assist in the.recovery of private debts. All persons who . give credit to_ officers and soldiers do so at their own risk. Officersare as amenable to the Civil laitf of the country as any other class of His Majesty's subjects, and in regard to that: soldiers the Army List'provides "A soldier of .His Majesty's Regular Forces ehall not be liable to beitaken out oi His Majesty's service by eny process, execution,or order of any Court of Liw or otherwise,or to be compelled to appear in person beforeany Courtof Law, except on account, of any debt,,damages, or sum of money,when /the amount exceeds £30 ovor and above all costs of ;.-■■-.. suit." I I I8 B Remaikable details concerning the trial trip o£ a new Italian "warship havo been published in the, from which it appears that the vessel,which is fitted with oil engines, is capable of covering over 100 miles an hour when travelling at full speed- The foam of .the huge waves it throws up makes a. track several miles long behind the ship, and the disturbance is so great that it is claimed no submarine could venture within effective radius, or i£ one did, any torpedoes fired would become the sport of tho.waves and be thrown far tiway from their target. Whether that, would happen or no, it would certainly bo a feat for a. submarine to torpedo a vessel moving- a-t 100 miles an hour. | j | If I /^jJwJ Beaver Brand Tomato Sauce adds a genuine delight Its is the rich, inimitable flavour of choices!: Hawkes Bay Tomatoes picked at their best. taste I [fe2kDeaver] I %sauce ds&tHa^mmm. brand L- Made with scrupulous care and perfectly wholesome. CoEixes you to eat when you ought, but don't "feel like it." Enables you to extract greater good from your food. Test it with meat dishes, iiiiiSa-^ 1 /^^^^^^l^S^lllX i»;ixx^Miwl Of\A \-jt&tXo^ Setting fi "Beaver" yH^^^^^^^!^^ y The imprisonment of a Mrs. John est,i ihhmvammm& .Kornieth, of Winnipeg, for refusing to kiss Die crucifix before testifying in a spiritmurder case, recently provoked a jlll ed discussion throughout Manitoba and Ontario. Thft young woman is said to be "' a. German lloman Catholic, but pleaded not to be forced to kiss the ' crucifix, saying slie wanted to swear on -~* ' -^ the Bible like Americans in her old home in Massachusetts. , 'Die Court ordered that she should bo sworn', according' to the rules of her church. But she persisted that she only would swear to tell the truth on the Bible. Alter being committed until she should purge herselfby swearing on tho crucifix, the We have sold for woman did so, but not until she had Thoy have proved been imprisoned four hours. The Toronto Globe reports that the incident created Prices:-i;5 10s. to £14. .1 dramatic scene in Court und provoked y^^^^^sf\'r \j^ r^» *t* nr*r The First ts Taste | Wi^ Win y°U' , m .^, t»^~..,«» i,ui x 1 »| l "^„^-^^ip^bs?==s-^«^^ BEAVER BRAND WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE is a piquant Sauce of concentrated quality. Most popular -- Th« Empire ManufacturingCo Ltd. Weilinsiton. ■ Sauce in New Zealand I "^^^^ " STA^DJIRDthirtySEWK HACHINES toughsui snl.Us 51-^ M years ' TM i 8S F'-< SU REST !!«**■** ■ * ■ Others:-Hands, £3/10/-, GoldenOak Drophead, £5/17/6 satisfactory and— ■F; J. W. FEAB, Willi! St. important part have an in the success of Edison Phonographs | By persistent cxperimentinjj, the Edison Records have been always under a process of improvement, and J I I JZ^? I ' "Tl i S^* | >^^»*;'"" SSrS«%!^S Edison Records I J _** '" . -^y^'*s>^,j|| I Your Grocer can | wiiksweatl feussW ' CT |^fib*%M#y ■ 1 MAKEMeSTAO4.ISHCOIMMANCIIE6Teit.I7S4. O' all good chemists, graeert 0N» SIZE ONB PRICE hens for every acre of cultivated land. On this basis tho. production in East I Anglia alone would bo £3,000,000 a. year than it is to-day. It has already ! greaterbrought been about in three or four Irish j , 111 bvt P^^^i||||^fe 2Jrrytli "me and the and scrubIfflfrr ' \ —1 I I ill square in thereby r za Ii Renins expense. ® II A "Red i|U\ H j^^ ''"WUilli ENTIRELY BRITISH FOR 16Q YEARS CL*^^^ ■ lOT -^ W% g*k W»* Ask Specially for " , \ HE The Empire Manufacturing Co.,Ltd., Wellingten. -. Army Supply Stores Military Outfitters v WELLINGTON QUAY CUSTOMHOUSE Br«B?li«i »t FMltt<irt»a »ad TimUubi critt rgt> 1 I BUY AND PROFIT BY IT NEXT BAKING DAY. I [ Vnfy 24 Hours' Notice Re^ired *S IT*\ T"%^ | $ Warmer Great Coat, Boote, Cape, Woollen Shirts and Collar., Puttees, Glovej, Sleeping Bag and Uniform Trunk— /J» | You Need Not Bake So Often! Tunic, Slacks, Breeche*, British jjj" P We fit you out complete- \t Jy with all necessary i equipment for I Thii will include:— Without constant, every-day health, vigour is impossible— your body must bekept to concert pitch. Yourmind cannot be alert and vigorous if your body is slack, listless and enervated. Every day, as regularly as you wind up your watch, you must wind up your system, in order that, purified and vitalized, it shall run smoothly all day long. Every morning the Kruschen habit—a half teaspoonful of Kruschen Salts taken in hot water when rising—adds to your life the pleasure that comes of a constant sense of good health and abundant vigour. AN ITALIAN SUPERSHIP. flj Made with pure ingredients, scientifically proportioned, this Powder, does wonderful work on baking day. Breaks down the particles of the dough, and gives it a delightfully smooth consistency. Makes scones, pastry, biscuits, buns, or whatever you ba\e, whiter, lighter and more digestible. Saves time, labour and fuel, because ■ '^^p Miracles' .. ■" "MENKEN'S" FOR MEN. TALCUM J bucM ofy^m^^^W3. — iVBAK INSffPOWDE&J Xtiivi* REOSEALLYE and a srY^osro dren). Sendpenny stamped envelopelor freesample'of T.-«d.u=t V CHEMI r.... ~ ~ 7Yi ..." Judge: CHARLES EAINES, Esq., Wellington, N.2, READ THE CONDITIONS: (1) ■ l*l m . /g\ V@/ I TWJ ) A spooiifel of THE EGG TRAIN. BLOOD DISEASES J gj^ theskin- II^B^WMMMMMMBEIMWWaaWIIiriMWriIM^^ *-»w» ""-«-.■*«■ oFA LL N>i*^a§^^^^* | Mr. Edward Brown,the company's lecturer, -thinks the ideal should be three d. t. The Countessof Warwick in : a long plea for the institution of adult suffrage in Britain points out that "our territory (will not be less after tho war. It may be considerably oxtended,ourobligations in the -face of the strugglo for life that-must needs ensue will be of a. kind .hitherto,unknown. ■ It- doos not follow thai the,united effort of tho nation, whethen in the- Old World or the New, whether in Europe, Asia, Africa, or North Amorica, will be equal to tho giant task, in view of. the developments that may follow war, but it is certain that nothing lesa than a united effort will avail to shoulder,our responsibilities in view of the immense losses we have sustained. Thereforeit seems that the field of endeavour must bo enlarged, until it embraces every man and every woman within the Empire, and that due recognition .must be extended,not only to tho man who goes out into the world to play ,his allotted :part, but to the woman who cheerfully risk 3 nor lifo to riiake her cotintry richer in tho greatest of ' all a " . country's assets—tho children. "War has taught women the lessons,of national responsibility, it has given them tho pride of citizenship, it has taught the humblest and most obscuro. of-them how, much they maymean in tho hour o£ trial to-a'country that in-the piping times of peace gave _them no-chance at, all. Citizenship haa in a certain sense been thrust upon them, they havo fulfilled its obligations! in fashion that has justified the dominant position .of Great Britain in the councils of tho world. We know that we havo priceless national assets and immeasurable national liabilities. We must set tho ono against tho other if wo are to endure,if we are to recompense the living ana justify tho dead." The Great Eastern, Railway Company has initiated an egg and poultry demonREKEEPERs stration train to develop home production, nfancy to old-age. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES in the eastern counties of England., In charge of a competent body of experts, this train goes from place to place showing the people how best to look after Mwu*wrmßmw^^a^m^mmaraEßKUKmm^mßmKmcMumßMamm^mKmm^mmm!L'mmumuMUM*ui\miijj<mit j [ their hens 'and ducks and take advantage [ of the present abnormal prices. Mr., W. C. .May; chief traffic manager, said that on its first tour the train visited 36. towns since the beginning of October, and the demonstrations had been attended by 45,796persons (including 12,000chil- Jack, from joining the colour* resisted, Sweetheart coaxed, urged and insisted; She said, "If you go — Saw* I Rb&S 1 His i ""fc'H TS aPa. I! aftk#% #fl M&&%O%J &JJ, ® ■ 2 Prizes of 5 been cured after doctors and hospitals have given-them up as patients who have incurable been cured after trying many other treatments without success v—patients who not only have been cured of the particular Skin or Blood Complaint from which they were suffering, but also have found great improvement in their general health. (See pamphletround bottle.) H^llliTl S|u J& >c|9 &ss3ss g"S2rdwSs,?£K South African Smoking Mixture, 2oz. Tins? not, I I I ■ * Have You Tried If ** All these are.sure signs of olo(,-ging blood impurity, calling for treatment through'the blood, so don't waste.your time and money immediate on lotions and messyointments,which cannot get below the surfaceof theuseless skin. What you want and what you must have is a medicine that, will get right to the root of your trouble, a medicine that will thoroughly free the blood of the poisonous matter, which alone is the true cause of all your suffering. Clarke's Blood Mixture is just such a medicine. It is composed of ingredients which quickly attack, ovorcome, and expel from the blood all impurities (from what- j ever causo arising), and by rendering it clean and pure, can be relied on to ! effecta lasting cure. | I "V^THKI "4t->/ V -Zr ;F^£^j"A-~-'ffiJ LW.LYON& SONS. Inc. sfeagSfe'l 17 Victoria St., " 109 Pitt Street r =s=«s4 g ton, , j__,We)lin N.Z. . Sydney,N.S.W. _^^=^^__U rta Wfji YOU are suffering the «"& aches and pains of Bad Legs, Abscesses, Ulcers, Scrofulous and .Ulcerated Sores, Glandular Swellings, etc. YOU are in the grip of 11? Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout, etc. Eczema, Blotches, Spots, ITo lead—to achieve—to II tiilljlli^ J ■ OBTAINABLE AT ALL LEADING CHEMISTS and STORES G. MEKNEN CHEMICAL CO. 17 VieUria St. ■Sfe, W.llinrton. nS 109Pitt St., Sydney. N. S.W. ADULT SUFFRAGE jjg/ k$ j Once used, always used—"MENNEJN'S" - COUNTESS OF i American " i^S^S^^^^^aaii _ WARWICK'S PLEA; \ If MrJ^^Wm rMOSTDIE".!J "MUSTDIE" \*£ £&ss&± t ,J^^^3^V^ KfT^Wm jßS&rft*'' The I § | I" IH I i j played ! Blue Amberol Records —Mr. Edison's final development of the four-minute record—is the finest cylinder record in the world. i i Besides possessing the sweet tone that has always marked Edison Amberol Records—it has also the important features of great durability, elimination of wear on ihe surface, and for all practical purposes they are unbreakable. They are_ played with the Diamond Reproducer. , c Every month a new, long listof Blue AmberolRecords is issued, Edison Wax Records use on Phonographs equipped with Sapphire Reproducers. They must not be played with Diamond Reproducers. for Those available include Regular Type—Standard (two-minute), W*.*!lW!r—im*"" r. :: — ■^■■■M»aaajHaßaaißgi«Mntw«aßa»g«Maß»waMa^*i^MwMggaß«Bi^ .. r |i \ {j | | h g 364-372 Kent Street, Sydney w«.mj«j.~«jx"u«.«.«»iiiM..ii, <:j. : ......^ i jf S Amberol (four-minute); Grand Opera Type—Standard (iwc-minute), Amberol (four-minute); Concert Type—Amberol (four-minute). Prices of ail these have been considerably reduced. Catalog ofphonographs mailed post free on request. THOS. A. EDISON, LTD. j j § .Mlsg TiEE . EVENING- POST, SATUBDAT, FEBRTD'ABY 10, 1917. FOB, GOOD A COLLEGE ' -.£ PETONE TECHNICAL SCHOOL. WANTED TO SELL, LYALL BAY. ■■; RESULTS. '" :. j parent seeks, for THIShis isboy.what will find in CHOICE ■ i;'|^HE above school will t, ISS MILSOM. Specialist Ha/'r, Face, ami Skin. Highest qualifications Hainyork of every description. Skin preparations ami toilet accessories. Electrolysis, Manicuring-. Miss Milso'ni, Opon on MON- DAY, 18th FEBRUARY. .every Ug ',', Wool Classing a speciality. it Barnett'3 Bldgs., 94, Willis-st. 'Phone 814. ROLLESTUN. iiualiaed London 5-rooinod Bungalow, electric and Paris. All Hair and fade, light, gas, bath heater, and all 'i rciituients, Shampooing. 'Superfluous' conveniences, section 50ft x 160ft, nearly Hair permanently removed. Switches, Transformations,etc.. at English prices. new, and in perfect order. Price £850;J .256, Lambton-quay. Te!. 1599. '■■■ BANKS COLLEGE, MKS. 1 15 . 1 /^^^ I -r X*li ,: I -, "x "■ ■V/l*Sw Slioe Buyers are irresistibly drawn t6 - ",- " Chesterfield Suites— ■' y, 1 The "Apex" Electric Suction Cleaner Reduces the Housework. The Crowds are Coming and the Crowds are Going! V/f/S 1 Wk ■ THE TERRACE, x Prom £10/10/A Classes started iv Art nnj Dios3ir.akin;j cheap. JENKlNS~Li^nseSi~pealer, boys ara onrollod from 5 years and. Where 41, Chairs— From Higli-back 12/6 -vi sufficientpupils available. upwards, and prepared iii primary and j Apply Cambridge-terrace; 'phone 5473. " and ■It eliminates the household drudgery of -? secondary dspr.rtmonts for all public Now Second-hand furniture Bought, Duchess Chests— From 35//hi sweeping-, dusting-, cleaning- and rug and , Exchanged. Houses of Furniture examinations. Soldi or W. H. MORRAH AND CO., JAS. 11. LYNSKEY, bought; cash down. Vehicles for Sale, ,» carpet beating. Duchess Washstands—From 12/6 /f/^jf\\s Last year NINE boys, presented for. »!' ' cheap. . 63, Willis-street. The "Apex" is always ready, for'it can be PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE, NINE Director and Secretary. Sideboards— ,ij From reliable Boots Shoes for and £3/3/Smart, men, were successful. LATEST FASHIONS. and. women attached to the electric light socket by a / -BEAUTIFUL HOME. boy3 were sent up for to Measure from £3 15s; Cos'children are offering- at most decisive savings, and here Hallstands— From £1/5/half turn of the bayonet catch. ■'©COTS COLLEGE, WELLINGTON " FOUR.v tumes to Measure,from £4 4s. SatisH>' ': ENTRANCE UNIVERSITY. charming special necessary .O (Under Controlof the Presbytery 5 are some lines of is to deserving to Sell,attention. is turn the Home, faction'guaranteed.—Josephs and Co.,95, All that then i Palmstands— From 5/C of Wellington) j TWO passed MATRICULATION, minutes from Kelburn car; 6 good button in the handh. and the motor starts. GENERAL KNOW- rooms, nicely appointed 18 x 13 -drawing Cuba-street.'Phone 1441. LADIES' GLACE COURT SHOES-Usually 16/11 .DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOLFOR SOLICITOKS' MEDICAL "Apex" From The and built low to Carpet Squares— PRELIMIN30/nozzle & wide room; dininj level section, Sale Price 14/11 h i' room, 16 x 14 LEDGE, and I BOYS, ATES' ICE CREAM ARY ; and ONE secured partial pass. " places unmr furniture in*i corners and all wardrobes,linen press, several cupboards. f\ VT Is now obtainable PATENT go ] With Preparatory and Secondary LADIES COURT SHOES—Mat kid colour Mattiug Squares— . From 7/6 ii j worth Tlie causa of these results is the indivi- A very choice house. Price £11285 Departments. Usually 16/6 Sale Prico 13/11' i At the leading' RefreshmentRoom*, g previously inaccessible to suction cleaners. l£< dual attention given 'by' teachers of the £1400. Apply Kiosks',etc. Seagrass Squares— From 12/G I BOOTS—Pug toes Usually 21/6 The "Apex" has such a powerful suction Principal—GEO. 11. UTTTJ3Y, Etq., highest\qualilications MEN'S BOX CALF WELTED Evening Post.. and experience. . ... SPECIAL, Look out for ShowCards.: -» 11.A., M.So (N.Z.), F.G.S. (London). Sale Price 16/6 M.A., ■'. WE SELL GATES' Principal: W. T. FOSTER, JAMFRUIT. . ICE CREAM. and Saucers—From doz. Cups ' 6/9 Scots College has been registered .as B.Litt. (sometime Junior and Senior . . To Clear at 12/6 MEN'S. CHROME BALS—Sizes 6 and S Parties, etc., catered. for, pro, Known—Tomatoes, 4s 6d Picnic perjy by the New Zealand Education Scholar arid First-class Honoursman, packed; and delivered. " lofEcient From 3/6 doz. Nobbiers— It will Suck Dust from thefloor 251b case, Blackberries 4d per Ask for."GATES'" Department. Pupils are prepare;! for N.Z. University). the Noted Ico Cream. " lb., Satsuma5s 6d case, Nectarines 5s 6d AMERICAN LOUNGE, 81-85,Willis-st. " ' PublicScholarship Service. University Matriculation, Medium Beers— From 4/0 doz. ajid 6s 6d case, Cooking Apples 401b case TERM COMMENCES TUESDAY, Through the Carpet. Examinations. Factory ; fand ,'Phono-4161. 4162. 6th FEBRUARY. 7s 6d, best Potatcos 3s 3d -JScwt, 6c jewt. The pro«pectu6 may bo obtained on apLong Beers— From doz. city 11. AMOS, Director. or suburbs. 5/6 Delivered free, ■ 'plication to the Principal, Telephone W&LLIftGTON I It will clean rugs, cushions, upholstered Corner 130 CUBA STREET 427, ' Telephone 2098. BULBS. ■'■ portieres, clothing, furs, ~^js*^f&S&%g^K " (Wellington, or to the Secreraiy, Rev. A LEWIS. now from our fine selection of I furniture, bedding,:,may; 147, Manners-street. Tel. 3002. 'C W. Standagc, M A., Kelburn (Teleview in our Choice Gladiola.s,.on I etc. The nozzle be slightly raised or 2015). r. Mercer-street window, the Bulbs you dephone I lowered by a simple "Apex" adjustment, MOTOR-CAR >^,vi> " sire' for the coming season. Prices: | making it perfectly efficient on all kinds of StandardVarieties,Is 6d each, 15s doz.; YOU MUST -JTjnTZHERBERT-TERRACE SCHOOL, ANTED to . Sell, &-cylinder Star newer sorts, 2s 6d each upwa.rd. Anonione' | floor coverings. now at Chassis,with landaujet body; taxi and Freesia Bulbs I The "Apex" motor is very powerful, yet small and light in weight, Wellington. ".' MATRICULATE F. COOPER'S,LTD., No. 120; licensed to carry seven passengers. Price £225. Mercer-street Shop. is trouble-proof, and is guaranteed. By a quarter turn of the cap the, Giving up taxi I you wish a professional, commercial, business. I motor switches on or off as desired—no beating, no stooping-. Ho I Boardins and Day School for Girls. ■OOR LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS■ HANSON, or Public Service career. By enrollI shock. Hopper-street. . 1 And jprincipal ' MISS BABER, M.A. ing at j " "THE PEN DOCTOR," SPECIAL ACCOUNT BOOKS, '1 PRICE £11. Known—Buy your Pen Order Direct from the Manufacturerof ' BANKS COLLEGE, where'you can get it. repaired. , I the Best Books. sprinkled SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS, wlien Sani-Flush is to it. a into LEARN used do Just little Swan," easy recommend "Tho the best % i HUGH DOUGLAS, the boy/l every few days will cleanse it, make it sanitary, keep filler; '£The' Onoto," the best self filler. WOODWARD-STREET, Opposite Public Library, Wellington. |t»OYD SHORTHAND SCHOOLSwill G. Joffery, Lambtor.-quay., it free from odors. ' ' ~~ to ~ "JD undertake teach you to write 'Plione 1833. _-_«»_ STORAGE^ A white bowl does'not al- Yk \ "jShorthand correctly, and with tuffioient Student6receive 7 to 9 hours' instruction jepeed for any business work, in 30 days' per week from graduates with a' Dominmean a cleanbowl unless Lane's Emul\ ELEMENT'S TONIC,3s; ways Jt\>ftjf%>J#n about end of February, ■*J sion, 2s 4d and 4s 3d; Krusehen '; study. ion reputation as" successfulteachers. j Dirly Sani-Flush has been used. Storage' Accommodation equal to Salts, 2s; Fellows's Syrup (largest),.. 6s Simply write for Prospectus (no obliNothing else reaches and about 2000 square feet floor space-; must 3d; sicott's Emulsion 2s 4d and-4s 3d; EVENING GLASSES start on gations) to on the fiat. Sendparticu- Dban's. Backache Pills 2s lOd; Blaud's be central and trap cleans the which causes Writ A L Mill VU'Av/nr f L ; THURSDAY, the Bth FEBRU''■'... Soft Mass Tonic and'.Blobil Pills (latest), BOYD SHORTHAND SCHOOL, lars to uwanitaiy 2s per 100. bad odors and STORAGE, Phyaiciar.s'. Proscriptions a ARY, at 5.30 p.m. 100. Customhouse-quay, Wellington. compounded with extreme ca-re and. absoCareEvening Post. ute; fidelity. C. and H:: V: .EVENS, H. AMOS, Director. , THEODOLITE. .' MISS E. CARR'S 28. Manners-street. ? CJCHOOL by. Chemists. OF SHORTHAND AND to' Sell, .Theodolite; . . Telephone 2093. Troughtoii and Sirain,; siiv transit, . TYPEWRITING, W. CRABTREE AND SONS, in ; tripod, legs,' perfect '. and extra work'; Stewart Dawson's Buildings. Egineers,; Iron and Brass Founders, 1 Principal (late Miss L. Mncdonald), Miss ing order. Price £20 or nearest offer; I FIND THE RIGHT owner is alone in its class,not a general VI \.s X_P Ji_FK_? Boilermakers,etc., C ''-"SSiSLi going to' front. ' Apply On Active j F.C.T.S. (Inc.), WHERE CANSCHOOL? .', I Whitbread-Edwarda, (tts*s~-m "" HAVE ON SALE— cleanser,but meant for cleaning Evening Post.; ... ; 'I F.I.P.S. (Lond.) most Service, question by a asked '~' npHAT'.S toilet bowls easily arid thoroughly. Engines, conditions equal from date of entry. T\'' "*"" , . SALE RESIDENCE. ';' Terms commence I 3 WINDING J- Mothers' and Fathers when their to new; Air Compressor and ReTuition by. correspondence in Shorthand ambitious lads and lassies begin to feel yboir Dealer S6ll, in Ludlam-crescent, "IJ and AsA js"~*~i , ceiver,equal to new,;,. Steel '$)}} s Tippr.sNon-visuaJ Typewriting. 5 Side they large that it is time settled down to Lower "Hutt, 6 rooms',bath- plug Trucks, with steel wEeels;quantity Your dealer has Sani-Flaah or i SchoolReopens sth February, 1917. "We have now opened up our NEW SEASON'SSTOCKOF E.P. WARE from its \{ jaa^\ r paro for. the future. room, detached -vvashhouse, copper' tubs, I '/P~ can get it quickly; or write us acai'd V BEST ENGLISH.MAKERS, which will be lound to bo of theIIIGKEST Right School must I*> a School and shed,gas, h. and p. water, plastered of SteelTram Wheels. . . The s**\ "HEATWELL" i QCHOOLOF SHORTHAND AND with facilities to impart the high know- and papered throughout, land 54ft lOiri'.x ...HARLEY-DAVIDSON ON TOP. giving your dealer's name and we #,. ■ water ~X'\\ QUALITY, comprising— OVEN I] "*» you Supplied. mo £850). will have ledge. only (cost . 154 ft £650 CAKE BISCUIT BARBELS. SUGAR BASINS, ROSE BOWLS,' ' Bin, last BASKETS, twelve months' record has Yfs^-"* " Agency, BOWLS, Apply TYPEWRITING. FOR ENGINEERS Post Petono. HOT-WATER ■| BOWER'SSCHOOL Owner, SALAD CANS, CRUETS, DISH COAMiRS, ENTREE' proved'that the Hafley-Davidson is Sam-Flush should be ucedwhere- can'tclean \; ;j^ Is such a School, as evidenced _by the peachSs! peaches 7 "peaches i positively the beet all-purpose Motor DISHES, EGG FRAMES, etc., ote r*''''jjr ever there arc toilets in Residences, ci?Pis'jl l! M arine arid Education Depresent Government STERLING SILVER GOODS: Frincipal*-MRS. Bottling Cycle E. CARR, MISS Best and Jam at on Business Offices,Hotels,Stores,Fac- -v""-"ai"M\,..f'-^ l-J^^ You have the heat under proper con*| partments' readiness to register it,as'a Call in hero aiid see. the latest models. Peaches", 6s:; Hutt Tomatoes,4s trol all the time and every dish is HAIR BRUSHESAND COMBS, HAND MIRRORS,SALTBOTTLES, IjP"^ nluxabing tories,etc. Fb»»» not Private Technical School. Bower's School 6d; Green &, '.'' Apples, They certainly inspected by Cooking \ ROWNTREE 7s 6d 401b" should be PAPER KNIVES. CARD CASES.EBONY-BACK'fe-' -^^^ SCENT BOTTLES, prepared with a certainty that leaves connections* so.grown that larger premises—third r ;"■ ED CLOTH AND HAIR BRUSHES, MANICURE SETS,ETC., ETC., ■j ClassesResume'Tuesday,'3oth Jan., 1917. has case;"Blackberries, fresh daily, ,4d lb. prospective buyers. chance' floor, Colwill's Chambers, Swansoh-street city' Delivered free suburbs. Edileoii's. varied selection of other articles. large or and a and ' THOS. H. OATES, SEE MY SHOWROOM DISPLAY been secured,thus adding con- 142, Cuba-street. 'Phone 2217. of "H<-atj Caledonian Chambers.; 33. WILLIS-ST. ' -^ha-vo ..' THE PRODUCTS Willis-street (opp. Y.M.C.A.i. Well" Appliances, Water Cir'cuU orj. Tbu'ers. siderably to the comfort of students. Steamer., ANY Urni.etc, prepares tower, School Students Cuba Street, etc. VOLTAGE. LEATHER GOODS. CHEAP SECTIONS. 109 Pitt Street . "j A PROFESSOROF LITERATURE, BOWER'S LEFT-OFF CLOTHING.. Write ti, call up' or «cc the Sole' Manufacturer!, Exams, in Engineerall Government^ Sell, one,, two, or three ' Sydney, N. S. W. .! jnL of London,Eng., now in New Zea- for Wellinston, N. Z. LADIES' HANDBAGS, ATTACHE, DRESSING, ■-- . \ ing, v. . ..: '. Level Sections,each 60fi. frontage; ; land, is forming a up 'Phone 1628,N. JEWEL, RingAND SUIT CASES,BRIEE, GLADSTONE V*ftST right part alongside tram line, best Write for particulars To-day. j CORRESPONDENCECLASS Second-hand AND KIT BAGS. Dealer,Caih V §ffl s FOR ENGINEERS, Karori. Price' £125each (worth double). BuyerSyinona, ELECTRICAL AND ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ■; For the study of BROWNING'S "RING BOWER'SSCHOOL of all kinds' of Clothing, Boots, AUCKLAND. " SANDY ' OCiac: 4lk Lush, Buildings, Apply (late Routh's . Bruce and Skiwrcmus'ad JntlU CASE GOODS. Fltor, Biker's Eoi'cinfe, W, li. etc., in any quantity. Highest prices | : AND THE BOOJK." Frthntn'Strest uJ Umilm Qni)-. 'Phmes 1757 mi3565. and Co*.), 27, Panama-street. | Bona-iide enquirers are invited to send Corner'Featherston and Johnston streets', Turnbull 1I given. Letters promptly attended' to. Soi G5. CARVERS' SETS, AFTERNOON TEA SPOONS. JAM G.P.0., WELLINGTON. ~ Is T> O V A L HOTEL. Works: MirdStreet WELLINGTON. . i R ", for terms to ' HOUSE REPAIRS. BREAD AND CAKE FORKS. FRUIT " Sole theRritrt's Qkcs. SPOONS. N. Hmnfidnrtrs tf "SilacmiJtr" Head Office: SYMONS, i S ENGLISH LITERATURE, ;j Alterations, Renovations, KNIVES AN-D FORKS Under Entirely New Management. Third Floor, 63, Courtenay-place,.. i FAMOUS WHISKY. " Evening Post. Decorations,Jobbing Work, every i !> CUTLERY CABINETS, FISH EATERS, etc. Company's Office. . A Opp. Gas PROPRIETOR. Colwill's Chambers, D. COLLINS, description, ,by. experts. Household .ReAsk for Swansbn-st.,. Auckland. " A. P. COPPEII GOODS. pairs Co.,76, Adelaide-road. 'Phone 4131. . NOTICE.—.tI^T^OfF"~CLOTHINGr'. (Lato ClarendonHotel, Christchurch). j fJ TRUDA, ~ FURNITURE ~~ Schoolof Artistic Flute-playing, i fo I; QIGNOE Tariff _from' 10s 6d per day. SPECTACLES «jS* ' -. SANDY 'HOT-WATER CANS, HOT-WATER.TUGS'; ■""."" A MAN'S VALUE. ' TAMSON, MORRIS,: up 'Phone 2667A. B. "OING GraduatedCoursesin Elementary and ' . .SPECTACLES vXKQ^ to Houses Furni-ftY? ASH . TRAYS. CRUMB Buy, t of u CANDLESTICKS, TRAYS, JCL Second-handDealer, Buys Gents' ' :j Advanced Flute-playing. A uniquo system SPECTACLES O |»^|kV^ BRUSHES AND TRAYS, CLOCKS, JARDINIERES, ture; highest price, cash down. C METROPOLITAN HOTEL, And Suits, Boots, Underwear,Costumes,etc. ! Piubney 148. Torv-Rtre'et. I of daily self-instruction,which develops all SP£CrAU£S FERN ETC. ' POTS, fjL you by Jewellery bought. Bring', I "V"OUR value is limited what Molcsworth-strect. "«JK\Jk*%uir All kinds of Old , branches of fluie-playing. HEADACHES 'nt, YOU GET THE BEST. ftU* A > know. This and. opportunity, are HENDERSON 4-CYLINDER, BIKES. , or send it to the place where the highest' Address—Studio, 220,Lambton-quay. prices'in New Zealand ore paid. tho basis of euccess. The best opportunity BEIRNE, lato of West Con't,i HEADACHES OPTICIAN of' to-day is in the ranks of the Wireless Blenheim,and Nelson,lias assumed pianoforte! of tli'o'abovo Hotel. The best ofE PRESTON & CO., LTD. J( control Known—Only two left at 65, G'OURTENA Profession.. Y-PL'ACE, Wellington. ' 5S MANNERS ST .Spirits and Liquors always stocked. Ex~ ' to"■gallon:"' METALS and HARDWARE MERCHANTS. WILLIS-ST. £87 10s. Over 70 miles CLOTHING. LEFT76JFF cellent Table ;■ reasonable tariff. Tel.-1036. LEARN WIRELESS. STOUT-STREET,WELLINGTON. E. N. TRUEBRIDGE will reWELLINGTON; g?—bpw <aa>—can—awMPiaa—w^MMWiiiaJiiiinuiiiii.jw»iWM ■»>fjwawi " (late Woodward), 121/ PIGGOTT Trial Teaching at run at 220, sume herv Rooms, 'Phono 114. opportunity knocking your : is : (next Skating Rink),' The at "A HOME AWAY FROMHOME." Vivian-street, LAMBTON-QUAY (over Little] ohn's), door. Let us supply you \yitli the knowALEXANDER & CO., CashBuyer of LADIES', GENTS', and: DON'T WEATt A TE.T7SS. on MONDAY, 6th FEBRUARY, and at that wijl bring you' success. We 49, Cuba-street. CHILDREN'S- LEFT-OFF CLOTHING' R L T ON II O T E L, Lower Hutt on TUESDAY, 7th FEB'- ledgeSpecialists UUPTCBE APPLIANCE. teaching in Wireless. No ONLY THE rf^ALL and insDcot th«'BROOKS are and BOOTS,etc. m^^Sb. RUARY. WILLIS-ST., Instantly WELLINGTON. v^ Relieves and Positively C/«es RUPTURE. SuitBLTZIJa other teaching body has either the ap- \7tf ANTED BEST SERVICE KNOWN. Letters receive prompt attention.. Women, and Children. Nsvcl Rupture Appli'Phono 767. CLEANLINESS able for paratus or the staff, of experienced men Men, Distance no objection. t£F\f<iP' IS "GOODENOUGH" FOR Hitl. Siy ances, Uterino acd- Abdominal Supportfjvu. Susponsories. etd that we have. Our pupils qualify for COURTESY INDIANS ! INDIANS ! INDIANS ! 321, VIVIAN-ST, (noxt Skating Rink). Solo Controller in N.Z.—MARK SMITH. PrivateAddres«, CONVENIENCE MfjKß'Bt&i^ 'Phone 2651A... HOME TABLE ALE. mSjMHSmKmaSsim^ ; PIANOFORTE AND HARMONY. good .positions in six months: COUNT tne INDIANS on tho ROAD.. Wink-street; (opp. Shortt's COMFORT, 24, Laurence-st. Office Ad'drc£s,94. YOUR EYES. Theatre). WRITE FOR BOOKLETS. The next shipment of this luxurious LEFT-OFF CLOTHING. WRITE FOR PROSPECTUS. ■HIIHUN&^^I THESE ARE THE CARLTON'S Cycle prox. you you' Motor the 7th it ever occurred to that Teaching N. A. GILES Tesumes arrives.about IDEALS. Book your order now*. ■havo' Clothing, Boots,or Jewellery' sth FEBRUARY, at STUDIO, can help you to obtain EyoMRS. PAULSEN. Proprietress. OF WIRELESS lying about that you can turn into cash? \J*TE SUTHERLAND AND RANKINE, , ROOM 8, 2nd Floor, Hume's Buildings, DOMINION COLLEGE comfort and better vision. descriptions, " .Clothing of all * Buildings, buy Wo A.M.P. .Sole Asents, Mercor-strenfc, Jew-; ALE AND STOUT cilery" of any 'kind, and give' HIGHEST ' Willis-street, also at 284, THE TEESkilful treatment—scientific methods MANSIONS PRIVATE HOTEL, ' Ghuznce-st., Wellington. HUNTER-STREET, WELLINGTON. —no guesswork. ; RACE. Known—If you are contem- PRICES. Letters, promptly attended to. ABE DELIGHTFUL AND SPARKLING. plating Painting, Paperhanging,,or M. NAUSBAUM, MR. FIX has taken over this vyellG.P.O. Box 922. Del vered in T»wn or Su uib;. The Allies Second-Hand Dealer, Decorating, ring up Telephone 2515A_ or known Hotel, And visitors are icminded | Wellington. 127, (hem Tel. 4107. LET US TEST YOUR EYES-FREE ! that it offers E. OGILVIE, Manager. 2516. Our stafl' is the largest in WellingManners-si, a. superior home. VIOLIN. CENTRAL Quito up to date, central, and splendidi ton,, composed entirely of highly-paid exA NSWERS to Correspondents. Yes, pert tradesmen,who enable us to do all j-A. . you will get a bester price for your' accommodation. QUIN STREET, WELLINGTON. 'Phone 571. LAURENA P ANDERSON MOTOR DRIVING TAUGHT BY Tariff bs 6d day, 55?a week. exceptionally work well and at reasonable , Left-ojf e tc., Proprietor has resumed Teaching. EXPERTS. Suits,.Boots,Portmanteaux, J. B. DARRALL prices. Try us stud.- convince yourself. by Ringing Tol. 348. Box "46, Te Aro P.O. 2663A. :Mrs. Hayvice, the' MORRISON & GILBERD, V J ,■■■— MOTORSCHOOLAND All estimates, free.—THOS.A. WELLS, Straight Deal, Shop. 144.. Vivian^treet, W. FIX. Proprietor. Terms on application. 103, CUSTOMHOUSE-QUAY, 25, Hankoy-street, City, and Main-rood,. GARAGE. .; Wellington. , Accommodation in ChristA New Die Stock, ' ' . TALAVEEA TERRACE. Edward-street, off Manners-street (at rear Karori. Address—34, church at "St. Elmo" House,52, (ivest end), t\io minutes fieimejpQgts ssnaM parts. Worcester-street without WORKS. Co.'a WELLINGTON.DYE Telephone 3844. Express Stores). of N.Z: from G.P.O. and tram, central tram terLEADMGHTS Having just secured a further MANUFACTURERSAND IMPORTERS' , 'Phono No. 3506. Dyeing, and Known D. W. VIRTUE & CO. Ltd., minus. large and up-io-dato residence adjoining" OF ALL PLUMBERS' REQUISITES. SINGING. } Cleaning of all descriptions exeCan be Operated on Till Sizes tho up-to-date above, guests will have free use of " THERE'S NOTHING NEW UNDER the. oldest but most AND a splendid tennis and croquet lawn, etc. TTZ" Expes'ienee by CORNWALL, 13 and 15, VICTORIA-STREET, Men of No Dye Works in Dominion— THE -■"'■": SUN, ( ■**■ OLD ITALIAN F. J. MURRAY. Proprietor. 1 'Phone 226. BARBER'S, 125, Cuba-st. METHOD, ' * But Wellington. 147, RiddiforH-si., 64, Lamb1 In Bulldog- Die Stocks there is a positive settingAs taught by tho groat Milan Master SIMS will give you a New ,'Branches: ROTORUA \ X.RMJDA'LE," '" STAINED GLASS ton-quay, 25,- Moleswbrth-st. Digestion under your waistband. Signor Jloretti. produce I ■"" (Near Railway Station). arrangferncnt without the use of any thumb-screws or flour, I /Sbain, Write, 'Phono 1600,or call at Studio: COOPER'SBUILDINGS, clamps. The dies arc controlled by a lever handle. ANT E D KN 6W N. B CHURCH WINDOWS; 135,EIDDIFORD-STREET. And Opp. Evening Post. PRIVATE BOARD and RESIDENCE. By moving this handjc -to the right, the dies arc set 1 jt of.Cemetery Work executed,' All*kinds per per day, DOIT NOW! Tariff 6s 35s week. ' 1 and held in place while cutting. By moving to the \ j Granite, and Marble Curbs, Reinforced COMMISSION AGENTS. I. RICKARD, CIIILCOTT Importer Concrete' W ills. Direct Granite jVJISS MRS. C. D. WILLMOTT, left, the dies arc opened and the stock can be removed 8.8. BRAND. \ Agents for MEDICATED-ELECTRIC BATHS. and Marble Memorials. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. Proprietress. ! Department is under ihe H. GLOVER, without turning- back over the finished . thread. The 6 fT^HIS of all kinds o£ I Feo: Two Guineas. Tl/TANUffACTUEERS and Electrical Treatment MoriumentaJ Sculptor, THE N.Z. FLOUR AND PRODUCE ROTORUA. ItX WAVERLBY, Management Traps, advantages apparent. Kent-terreoe.: of tho BEST HE Lead I arc Syphons; etc., .59, Bends, 'of this i Term commencos 4th Feb. for Rheumatism,Paralysis, Nerves', 'Phone 3243. NOW OPEN. [ otc., and Lead and Coinpo Pipe. ARTIST in Australasia, AGENCY CO,, LTD. At Home: Mondays and Wednesdays. Constipation, Obesity, and Stiff Joints. I 50 Rooms . PRIVATE HOTEL. 50 Rooms ', Traps riiade to' any or | Bulldog Die Stocks have many other improvements; weighty length, % House from Station outside' railAddress: SCRAPMETALS. ■ First angle, to sketch or template, in all sizes, ■- J: W. M. .HARRISON, way gates to right on Main-street. Care of Cliff House, We shall <be pleased to 6(ibmit Call and let us demonstrate. Complete range of {■' | Hon. Masseur Wellington. Hospital, satisfy from'li to''4 inches diameter. Buyers of spared Island Bay. W© are Cash has been expense ' ■ No' k> Eng'inec'rs' . 123,CUBA-STREET. Coloured Sketchesaad Estimates A SPLENDID Plumbers' and Lead Strips, Lead Wire, Lead-head Tools—latest and approved '" . I. the comfort of patrons. Lead, Braes, Zinc; Copper/ Iron, '. 'Phone 3214. > COOKINGCOAL! Free. Rags, Rope, end Rubber. Tariff 37s 6d weekly. Telegrams Waver- Nails. patterns. THILOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART. M Telephone Nob. ley, Rotorua. Tel. 242. :.Warehouse 99, Office . Spring Blossom Ointment 'Phone 725. "ITOUND COAL is «ie finest 3415. P.O.Box 18. MRS. J. F. DWYER. -B- -cures poisoned-; wounds, sore . legs, JONES AND CO., MISS FLORENCE GEORGE Cooking Codl obtainable. Clyde-quay,- Wellington. sore eyes, burns,and all skin coinplainte, WARING TAYLOR-STREET, * Gourtenay Resumes Lessons let FEBRUARY. N. WELLINGTON. 6d .arid Is; Blpomine, the great corn, KNOW (Established 20 years.) Burns to a white ash, loaves co (& I Terms on Application. wart, and bunion cure, 6d, at chemists, .WELLINGTON 0 & and ia oxoeptioually clean. "THE TIFFIN," m LTD., SMITH SMITH, &6ot, stores, . and wholesale druggists; HawAdult and Juveniles Classes.' LUNCHEON. TEA, AND SUPPER BIiACK! BLACK! kins's Instant Relief Asthma P,owderi 16 ROOMS, Manners-street 11, ZOHRAB-ST.,or care of George and 2s, post free. Address— (Two Doors from Grand Opora. House.) and George, Hataitai. Known—For mourning or- OPP. TOWN HALL, WELLINGTON. WAIPA COAL Fish and Oyster Theatre Suppers a . .C. W. HAWKINS,.. . . ders, Estall's SteamDyo Works is ! a fire cquaKto wood, docs George-street, Dunedin. Speciality. Herbalist, Gives quickest cheapest, the arid combined ELOCUTION AND DRAMATIC ART. jiot Meals from 12 (noon) to 11.30 pirn. high-doss "go out." The favourite fuel with work. Mako sure of our MOTOR and GENERAL SHIELDS, Military Tailor, Willis-' TJELIANCE address. ALWARD. Proprietor. good among cooks. Save 2a ton P. H. street, for Artillery Buttons. All ■jMTR. and MRS. CULFORD BELL. ■" BKICKWOBK BONDING, " latest ENGINEERING CO., OPP. SALVATION ARMY EXPANDED METAL cabh'. by pajing tho makes of Futtccs always ill ■BARRACKS. TREVOR STUDIOS, 66, WILLIS-ST. For RAILWAY REFRESHMENT ROOMS, slock; alio Eadsrcs. Brass Buglers' Badges EBOR-STREET, 'Phone 2608A. PALMERSTON NORTH. ■OEINFORCBD CONCRETE CON'Ptioue 1800. Prospectus on- application. For Shafting, Bearings, Hangers, Forg£k> , ings, all kinds of Builders' Ironarrangements havo been STRUGTION. DRAMATIC CLASS NOW FORMING. A REVOLUTION IN BRICKWORK REINFORCEMENT.. AN EXPANDED by Mr. J. 11. Fletcher, the WANTED KNOWN EXPANDED STEEL, LATHING. FOR madfc work. BROWN, LTD., Children'sClasses,Tuesdays 4, SAMUEL convenience of trayT*L 113S< METAL BONDING MADE, IN ROLLS, 2i indies' wide by 270 feot long Est, 1530. Proprietor, FIREPROOF WALLS and CEILINGS.: for Boot Machinery and Tools. Saturdays 10. , oilers and otlicrs.tho Rooms open for All Est. 1530. Any person writing to the EVENING RUBEROIDROOFING, DAMPCOURSB1 Telephone 1737. 31-33, Johnston-street, POSTOFFICE for informationin regard ... I Night and Day Trains. Prompt attenIT HAS PASSED THE SEVERESTTESTS WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS . AND FLOORING. to Advertisements in the paper must aeiid Tory-street Depot, 'Phone 2648A, SINGING GIANT BUILDING PAPERS.. . | iion. First-class Refreshments.Separate By Special Appointment to His AND IS UNIVERSALLY ADOPTED BY LEADING ARCHITECTS*. ' Stamped Addressed Envelope in order to RATNER SAFES, and STRONGROOM (Voice Production and Dramatic Art), THE Excellency the Governor. Willis-street Depot, 'Phone 124, I Room for Ladies. . reply. . ensure . . DOORS. , PIANO AND ELOCUTION. ASTHMA CURE DREADNOUGHTFIREPROOF.DOORS WELLINGTON. FOR A Known—Birley's College,of RANSOME ver. MEHR CONCRETE COPE-DOWSINGhas Re- As prepared by H. BRITTAIN, Chemist, I 48, WILLIS-STREET. . MIXERS. ..'-■.>. BRITISH MADE. reoperis . .■ "-. :. Music, Boulcott Chambers, sumed Teaching in the above. i is having; a bic sale. OODSFOR VTEW EAR January, instead, of 20th as previous- RUBBER GLASS, FOR SKYLIGHTS "VTEW Italian "Belconto" System unequalled. -Its effectsare TRULY MARVELLOUS! 26thairanged. PURE BEER Pupils kindly keep appointAND VERANDAH. ROOFS. GOOD ly LOWEST IN COST. STUDIO: 94, WILLIS-STREET GOLDEN BAY CEMENT. INSPECT OUR FINE STOCK. And. the united testimony 6f grateful ments from that date and oblige; (Opp Shortt's Picture's). LUMINOUS WRISTLET WATCHES. patients pronounces it to bo i .GLASS, ANTED Fufniturd of highest THE STEWART TIMBER,LTD., AND LAMBS. JEWELLERY. FREEZING SHEEP BEAUTIFUL ABSOLUTELY EFFEGTUAi;AND HARDWARE CO.. quality Example—A' Handsome A MIRACULOUS CURE! DRINK ONLY DEEP ENGAGEMENT RINGS A ELOCUTION, DEPORTMENT, ' Morris Chair, in latest Cretonne,£2 2s. COURTENAY-PLACE. WeUinston. SPECIALTY. etc. per 10, Wellington Furnishing post Company, BREATHING, Price, 2s 6d bottle; free, 2s lOd. SILVER AND ELECTROPLATE Rintoulrstroet. 'Phono 205S :. WELLINGTON MEAT EXNOVELTIES. Write for p&iticultfM to tht BRITISH EXPANDED METAL' AGENTS, STAPLES'. MARY BUTLER resumes ANTED .Eiira. Heavy Rubbish MODERN PIREPLACES. PORT COMPANY, LTD., is preLEATHER GOODSand N.Z. GREENH. BRITTAIN, STONE. Teaching 12th FEBRUARY. Bins, household size, etc., with pared to PURCHASE FAT SHEEP and 56. MANNERS^STREET. strong CHEMIST, TOILET SILVER AND EBONY cover, 6s 6d each. The SimsHardQiass, & Co., LAMBS by weight or at per head. waro., . .."; . ARTICLES. A RCHITECTS and Builders are inBY ALL CONStudio: N.B.—lfwillingly no benefit'derived money NUMEROUSCHOICETRIFLES. 80, 82,84, Courtenay Wellington. safe"Company every Known to also offers Place. bring Mothers, vited to tlictr clients inThe Clients ' returned. NOISSEURS TO BE ABSO10, WOODWARD-STREET. guard your children by using spect our now assortment o£ Modern facility for freezing on their own account. V, Pacolbl (British Lysol), th6best iriodicul LUTELY SOCIETY FOR THE disinfectant. Slabbed Tile Fireplaces from £3 10a each Prices can bo obtained on application BANJO, MANDOLINE. VIOLIN, AND WELLINGTON . . ARE CASH BUYERS WATCHMAKER. AND JEWELLER, VCTB ASK YOURGROCER PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO complete. range 6( : GUITAR. A wido colours Tf in at tlio Company's Officesot from . ANTED—"Tho hen that the ! ANIMALS. BEST 01 any of TEE ' "ORESENTS imOR 'J.:.trough Tuition on the above by harmonise) with the latest furnishnpi-IE pays." hen that Pratt's guaran- stock, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE public arc- earnestly requested to country. in the Buyers the ... j J. G. TURNER, M.1.U.M., kindly communicate any. act of teed Egg Producer does tho trick, Is 9d ings and interior finishing's. H/ifR. In Large Lots. cruelty to animals that may ebrrio under packet. The SimsHardware. cacjr- N? other just M good. Cured by JM. 83, KENT-TERRACE. <ra-| "- fkAA T0 LEND, in sums to W. G. FOSTER, 0 Brifcish BdC°R**Ci°TS' PaJjDer^ awlOjUlfU Trams stop at door. Terms commence their notice to A. M. ANDERSON,SecSufferers from heartburn CliliWKliY AND OFFICES: suit, on first-class City RICHARDSON BROS ft Wf.najfinj; Diicctor retary, ;ind pupil Apply Property, per Winder's Buildings, corner Cuba sick headache to t&ko Shaycent. Thorn- 206, UPPER CUBA-STREET (opp«ito with dl b!. & LTD., BRISCOE CO., Manners streets. P.O. Box IS6. land's Fluid Maguesia—tho beat inone.y.MOLESWURIH AND MURPHY SIS." ion, Brown, and East, 189,I'oatberstonHAROLU W. BROWN AND CO.. NOTE.—lnstruments lent to Pupils free andrphone ' ' .~ 1747. o£ for practice at home: ■»n buxt NBlteet-touoeitfi .Union Baflk)^ ' —TeL.2684Al . .1 'Distributiug AgcaK .Wcllmstotu.. "' \ |^V - i Pearson's Stupendous SALE S.UITS WANTED ■ 3 ■ «§prj 411 h ' l\f AY V\;b^}/ fsvS^Spl ll ' (Cif/aLA // VflfsfmV/yj &lfigm/A Mje~w/\\ I 1^ ■ WANTED ' '" ■ - ■ ORDER ■ W' '-! JpP*p§£'" At Radford & Co.'s 1 GREAT It is Easy To Clean Toilet Bowls WANTED Furniture ,Sale I now on. | 43,45,47 MANNERS ST. WANTED, ' _ -1 ■ "/J3 /f"P//^7?S j] \U lA^ fi\r/f{y'sMln DON'T USE the Old M]LtfeS&*i \Mwfl\\l} — 1 WjWl/pk ELECTRO-PLATED WANTED ■ THE WANTED— j . ZhfcnwA\ - 1 HYfcIENIC WANTED— __ ■ _ '"' '"'~~=s=r~''c/ |i COOK WITH ELECTRICITY - TAMSOJS"' ' WANTED MRS. WANTED ■gOfo, JOHN DUTHIE & CO., LTD. ;|S ISMI ': MRS. IaggggICONSULTATIOIB.BBE /^k H CA r TUB WANTED _ \ STENT&^CO/S HAS MISS . § >»-A\tf^ ■ MISS MUSIcf \^mW I*| Roberts'lron, Steel & Oven Works ~ MISS |^jjb^|b " ' 1 WANTED, . '^^^i 7^\ '""" COMPANY «"""■»■■» WANTED E. W.'Mills & Co., Limited. Method^ - WANTED _ W^^^Ss "'-^^^^V^^^^c 1 IF Jpfl JJji j R. PEARSON &> CO. BREWERY, — - - HEATHER'S I ■Bhiumm bros., I SUPERIOR — WANTED adjustable' - \ j I ""' - — GARNET ■ ■ ■ I ■ j \ \* T^T | _ MASSAGE WANTED— H — VVfAIPA * WANTED i /%" A - \ Q T Dl IBVT H 4*4!' OLliii LiO. Place--."6 " WANTED T EX3IET SPECIAL T^^^Pw 1 MADAME GBJEAT WANTED THE THE The Stewart Timber, — W~ WANTED— Y 1 — MISS p . — ( J7RANK d-EADY,. I WANTED — ACKNOWLEDGED Ltd. ]?]IANK G-RAD 1 1 Hardware ' or^Small F^A^Z^rL*^Del' ■ 16 THTC^IWENTNG Has Stoodthe Test of Time. Established 176 jg FOR BODY AND DURABILITY USE WARRANT3BED GENUINE 15J(GLISH - ' Gorernment Laboratories. QobaA HUBBUCK'S WARRANTED GENUINE WHITE LEAD. Heisri. THOMAS HUBBUCK' and SON! Limited,34,Queen-street,, Melbourne. Dear Sirs.-Acting on your instructions. I purchased,in Hobart, a Ulb iron drum unopent* of your Genuine White Lead lor analysis,'tlie'vend&ri-.i:ot beiDg infoimedit was lor tail The , : ■ . ■ keg has been I .. . . eiamliiWd, with the lolovvtng re»ult»:— ■ HU'BBUSk'S GENUINE UHSEED OIL * Hubbuck's Patent White Zinc. LATER BOOKS ON THE WAR. j - ' "■ No. I—Ladies' Lace Lisle Hose—White, black, tan extra fine, super quality Worth 2/9 pair . e.|, Priru ,',, P m o t i-ies i c pl o. k la'm shot and effP fi ■ F'JSfiEl McGliiiton's Snovi;ai Absolutely British. Sister wounded ! jf&L fvf ■ "Sn'aiSef" ft -- .- ' Siberians/French, - and English " " ,ijKp # ® 1 he standard of value and practical % ba^Ttau whole world over. M ' O2r*L y_ Some of the f°r Next Week. y4 - ' "o* \\ 'S^ / .?^ »^ » / i / '\"- passed No. 12 No. 12—Ladies'Dainty Camisoles -.Big lot at clearing prices 1/11,2/6,2/11,3/6, 3/11 to 5/0 ■ j^ s j j I llfllli& I \WW^M &s 8 Baby - _ g " . , ■HfciiamiiaßnaniiliiiiiiiiilMr n | KJT M , ' i I Jsl||i§l^ 6/11,7/9,9/9, 10/9, 12/6 Ctmisolesand Knickers to match /£\\ /// S^^* \ /// \// ' ' >*>*'^^ Mastertonj Queen-street, Wwket-slreet Hastings, CQason. Made of metal, cannot spill.or tip o%cr, will not soil or injureanythinff. Guaranteed effective. Sold by allretail Grocers Druggists and Hard, ware Dealers. Dhtributms fur Auslrxkui*— I j .- JB^k thereyou'resureofgettingthe &sss kindyou'vclearnedtotrust—[ ' k jHf " \tiJkJ IPff lu| Kb — o^_ JsP ■&& n Embroidered Knickers n ne ma^aP°'ani; dainty ' range Bargain Price 2/G _ Nq children^ Wnven Cnnrhs " "' e»CoTS'T,,, and 4/6 //«^P^*/ A 15 Crepe-de= U 'C^tp^ t {\ Chine Camisoles T^H^ji t^* In ivory, sky, pink, and cleam rtyim&^\ 7/11 7/11, s/n 8/II air 9/G (Jf No. 13 — VVTl?^'/ NsJ#fcf 'President ]|iif' Braces VJjl^ 1 ; 4/milalttfiuUiin ■ . j Sunlight for SHIRLEYon the buckles. It's on the red-striped- "satisfaction-or-moneyback" ticket,too. Be safe. . ■ Remember SHIRLEY Sold by all hosiers and outfitters by Manufactured PRESIDENT SUSPENDER CO. SHIRLEY. MASS., U. S. A. : 1 Gmtre Sufferers IE TheFIRSTj^gSWHIFF pf "Told in the Huts: TheY.M.C.A. Gift Book." -Jarrold and Sons,London. The y.M.C:!. book is.dedicated to the' firm friend of the association, Queen Alexandra, and ' contains" autographed contributions from Princess Victoria-, Lady Scatty," General Birdwood, and General Sir .Robert Baden-Powell. It is full, from cover to cover with brightlywritten sketches, manyof tlienr brilliant; and by" men serving .in the trenches. Much of the other- material has been gathered in the Y.M.C.A.^huts, which huts, by -the- way,-are an .inestimable boon to the men. In the management of the huts it is niade quite plain that those who have moulded the policy of the Y. M. C.A. have 'been so very. successful in their work towards the soldiers,because of the breadth-of view which for some, years past. has. characterised the association. Five and twenty'years ago the V.M.C.A.' was not so well equipped as it is to-day' in the human qualities which- have been so admirably displayed m dealing with the problems arising out of ministering temporally 'and spiritually to soldiers at the front: The,late Cyras Ouneofurnishes spirited battle pictures in.colouu ' -The-profits .-from-:the sale of the book go to the. V.M.C.A.-war funds. -J in Braces. x^^ffilßß vice.'and SHIRLEY PresidenU are \^p^' , the original free-shoulder Braces. They leave youfree for work"^ ' I or play, give solid comfortand outlast all others. Imitated now butfar fromequalled— " protect yourself—it's easy. Just loot ' I , I1 ; How to be happy on wash day: use M<l] a 1/\&g& For choice , of three million men who I,^/^gtja 1 want freedom,ease, ser- \PlPfp|j\ stjie 17 y<"»rs the W^^^^^*^^>Ji' If yop. have tried other metliodi without satWnotorT results, ■write for further informalion regarding Doic's Ooitrc Tro.itment. It seldom fails to give prompt:rclicf and to roduoo the moat 'ohalinato swelling, leaving no trace. Many orieinal unsolicited lctt-ers availabls tor inspection Btato that DoiK's Goitre Treatment has ■ncccetled in ease" of many yearsstanding-in some instance.? it hiwoennauontly roclTiecd Hie neck by fiveinchos. ' OTer3COO uncccsses to its credit, A. DOIG, Family Chemist 114 U Avenue ." WANGANUI Victoria ;' h!; I \[; !).' j> I j i j -3 ""guaranteed"] 1 wß\i - I wHߣslJi2££h9 pAfIiBef^OSSRI' BRITISH HM iPOWDERJjIB&^jfBB MADE' ■ \ .^i^l/AHB ■ - «"«"w ■ Vanishing Cream in^MlS^^u"un! ""JuUi,lZ"Jo~,L" .J l^feOlt COid JUpU IlOvOlJ!!^ AYBRS, BAKBR ft C«., ouy tSraces —it it: j ■ *■ lambton-ouay, Wellington; k 0- 5 i ■ Co. lid. £^^|^^ It % ■ COO^.* SiMf. 'l^gk 108-110-112 CUBA STREET "■■ Scoullar B| U__ No- 5 mi F'Q CASH DRAPERY CO. \^ S^ JL/ %Jr ' V^^ \ " JJ »/a . purchase The pseudonyms,used by certain.writers in . tho newspapers 'and periodical press-are affixed to their owners by J. M: Sloan"in '■ To-day. ■ "Claudius Clear" is Sir W. Robertson Nicoll, and."Sub Rosa" is Spencer Leigh Hughes, "Dagonet" is George K. Sims to the.measure "Mustard and' Cress,"John o' LonDaily use of a good toilet ( fttXmt^'^'l gf of THATS WHAT MOTHER USES G don" is Wilfrid Whitten, "Keble Howcream if pf the utmost 'ni-l^Vy \ gur ir ard" is John Kebel Bell, Madox Huefportance if you are to; keep Cjljjy I H fer. is "SamueLPepys .Junior," "Jacob is Arnold Bennett, "An' EnBut, now particularly, you ' B Tonson'! ( glishman" in the Daily Mail is Charles \V must be quiteaure to get the } M Whibley, Mr. A. G. Gardiner is "Alpha 'economical all-British j \ flr H of the Plough," Jack Spire is "Solomon Eagle" of the New Statesman,.H. W. Icilma Cream ii the only \ 'X i Massingham y< is "A Wayfarer" in the Nay^^ Toilet Cream containing tion," Spenser Wilkinson'is "Military ' Icilma Natural Water. That \y .*/ I I Correspondent" the Westminister. Gathin really stimulates the R/v I zette, "S," of of"Letters Softer, ' " to the Antipo skin and complexion has been proved time after time, Complexion? I 3!Sn>\JmSBW is J. A. Spender, dcs," and "Rolando" A 2/. pot will last several weeks. Fragrant »nd non-gre»sy. Use it daily | is J. M. Robertson. -a, Bkin entirely blemish free, o( wr look Veil. I and your velvety tcxtnre und * .^^^m^ If the war robbed the Shakespeare ter" youthful charm centenary of some of the attention it —one that, -will inwould otherwise , have received, the create the attractive. "Toil need,. ■ part played by our gallant navy in ness or your parson- WUJ never have a complex- .the present straggle should (in the opin- '". ality arid' thereby : expedite yonr social Jk (»»' W«»iion of the Athenaeum) lend added signij and commeruial sue■ ish",- . ficance to the tercentenary of another cess—them use GAINSBOROUGH'S" great Elizabethan,Richard Hakhiyt, who died little more than six months after C»i*Cfiiitt /*bP' £j Shakespeare. For Hakluyt in his "Naviper po< everywhere A single toncb improves, but to quickly 2/m gations!" has raised an imperishable develop that luxurious smootlmcss and Icilma Pr«p*rntiont are BRITISH and BEST ' H monument to the fame of tho English dolij?hiifnl transparencyso much admired, seaman. yon shdnid apply it, refularly—every dny., Kon-jreasy—non-hnir crowing—fragrant , Eleven years ago a book of Indian —antiseptic and protective—it i»- the" poems by Sarojini Naidu was issued in ■ream supreme. London, "The GoldenThreshold." Since e 2/-p«r i»r of chcmiiU »T»rrwh«r« l then one other small volume,"The Bird luni[ lroubl" maT 'o!Iow- Tate Eonninston-j ■»«» IS jt once. There i« no remedy so »afeand sure j4&^ **pr Miiiuiiiii of Time," has appeared from her pen., but she has shown the true poetic quality coujh meditirie— Regulating Pills, 5s <tox. ]jg »* 'he itandard proven family of silence- A fresh nosegayof "Poems" Best and niost elficiont on market. is now forthcoming, and, like its predereliable. . SonfcPost Free by Harmless, cessors, it will b» t'ouml to express tho' roturn. nuttt'on'receipt of postal notes. Bridge Drus Stores, Chemist^ Newton. very soil of India. C?*V\ » ijj^p in, J| 3AUCB IS JUST AS DAISY FLY KILLER LITERARY NOTES Youthful % ft __ ■ A,f illii „ Embroidered Nights—Soft ne awn > very daintily embroidered and hemstitched; special London il^ "^"■iii" fl ' \ "r more artistic range ijk , ol «Carpet Sqnuct than those we are now displaying. «r..,9iJarmin ß and Distinctive Designs in TAPESTRY » BRUSSELS,AXMINSTER, INDIAN, HAND-MADE; X . *£="—I811 >nrare, beautiful qualities and patterns, suit9 » «ble tor Dimng-room or Bedroom. «■ Country Clijnttiare i invited to lend a rough ran M room, anu we will be pieasjd to send quotations— 1 of fif H also coloured plates regfeeenting Carpet Squares and B m Samples. OUR CARPET DEPT. is well stocked with s choic«»t be»»on Wl '"? B iplendid example Production!—every one a iy _*ygf J : T^k of therenowned Jp§|fe>v i J||| was g you vowed that ho should have the WrS X best that you could* give him, and you know that the' C best and moat scientific of infants' foods cannol equal "<*3CS2*/^ n A J) your own breast milk. Even if your milk is entirely absent or is insufficientW *A or too poor in quality to satisfy baby, you can ensure an abundant supply B of rich breast milk just by taking Lactagol. Lactagol makes sure that' baby 6 is satisfiedat each feeed. Lactagol will strengthen and invigorate and « A baby through you. Lactagol will enable you to nurse without pain,you fatigue inconvenience. Lactagol means a thriving, cheerful,contented baby and i § orproud fcrfa and happy mother. fj fi LACTAGOL IS IN USE AT ST. HELENS HOSPITALS. V X Write us and we willforsend yon quitefully convincing evidence. A trial tin will prove that S Lactagol Is merit claimed deserved. Lactagol Id sold by all Chemists O Q(I OTery and Stores at 2/6and 4/6. Sole Agents: Salmon and Sprageon, No. 4 Eoyal Insurance X I''eather6ton Q M BuildiiiKS, _. A Street, Wellington. E. T. ,__ M .— . . .^^. X Person &Co , Ltd., Lon- V Q i^l"T' dr^ W^kW 8 don. Sole Manufacturer.. 1 j£f ■"rMN YAM- SHIRLE^or W\k J? | Don't Condemn the Bottle kto When he born f& l&lilililMk. 1 Look for »^SjfS«a=§§Sj!!y this buckle when yoi J^V'|^^ifM%|F* Si^M^fe|i !i'J&^*% !n Two S.Ttu it .everywhere!. ' Pwth. Auckland.- m ably well told. _ \M . plainest Fare! *n*°a dclicious-j KfjolliK^lf// i ' 1 fWj§k cinnamon, and all shades' Worth'4s/arSai" IriCe "°/C jnW. Bargains RAKE SPICE* and the CHOICES! VE6ETABLES( It converts the} I&W E%rS£ /I'M; Sl^ iK* ' V Composed { FRESHFRUITf Sj-dn«Ti ilelbourno,iirubim, &d«l>.id> -1 -pfe%^^^@ " ansi Excluaiv* loli^Bwl IJ* riPARAWrCC vL|jAI\AIiIiJjiJ \V* ■lw^fio&*S jC\<^ jrf3 o*^ SRB^L U/J* m*v/>^ //Jim! hands cleaned I Skirts Good I"111! > lengths and 33 inches Worth 10/6 to 12/6 1111111119 irnrlf^^n^wW WAREHOUSE ill \ if l^V 1 Wg^Bsb ■ Serge Dress - 7/k~/7 % 0 Squares — V^^Xi =r^yjj ENGINEER^ %% excellence the ' a \ mIA % M^j^^= % , 1 t^^^/s^M L&W«*:».5& |jg? f *%^*#Jfo Jpissijnlii DPA HP Ul\l!iAl wV/*l ■ J®T "s*-, V /"* fij nursed Martin-Nicholson in Belgium, Poland and Germans, Poles, Russians, ' through — Produces a rich, crtamy, non-frothy, and non-drying lather,wWich thoroughlysoften* the beard,so that the razor slips cleanly and quickly over the face. Made entirely from pure vegetable oils and plant ash. thQD3itn% S* nr-\r . No. 3—Ladies' Black Silk Ankle Hose—Tested washing her hands. She was 'in V Brussels when the Germans entered v£/*t!li2S9i«!J!j *js!« "DINNEFOKD't" the city, and saw '.from- a disfSfcipJ mCT Safestand most " "^ tance the burning, of Malines and Lou*">*ZSL GentleMedicine for I vaiii. .H«'-meeting .with' the Huns in ! Brussels is described as being extremely distasteful, not to-say perilous The ' McClinton's famous Soaps and Tailtt officers without exception,, were brutal, Requisites are used and recommended by licentious, and"drunken, but she speaks over 200 members *f the British Peerage. Tin late Field Marshal -rather well of some of the German Shaving Sticks soldiers with whom she came in contact; i 9d: & 1/3 ThS bniversal E<!lnc3y for Aeiai 4y of the Stomach,Headache, ShavinjJ Cream but, as a genera! v rule, all, officers and i/. & i/6 | j men, were exceedingly coarse and .brutal -tL?^/ Heartburn, Indigestion. SourEructations. Bilious Ailoctioa*. M=Cl,ni tn -, Colleen S»»p, M rer tiblr. 2/-box Lrtam *J,ich gu.K «and utterly; indifferent 'to' the. suscept; of 3 Übthi MeClmton's "tolfc i Toilet Cieam.IK ptr of a, woman. ; Sweden/ when i«r; Tooih Towd r und Soip. 1/-per in. jidiiural im-rf Xn'M/ont !^ i |: ibiliti'es she passed'-.through: it was-utterly-- hos' Of all and %Z',' Chemists Stores. 4v U~thi M !I tile to. the Allies and .;ihe people J churlish, -and the hotels refused; to take Made by McClinton's, Ltd., tl/;^ u"«'lat"*> j in. even Red Cros*nurses if: they h,i.pDonatflimore, Ireland. - j pened-- to be English. ,■ Sister Martin-' 93 Honour. I Nicholson's .nursing-. activities -were -exI ercised also at Warsaw." where "she came and Awards „ 1 into touch with, the indomitable Siberian ■soldiers and the volatile Poles. -''There' was a great deal-of hospital muddling here which she was to.some extent able XL l r 1 to modify In Trance she worked among both French and English in company as congenial as.that of the Germans was detesfcible Tlie writer-speaks as a would-"be reformer of nursing conditions. She You engineers and mechanics can remove the (f>ifcfJ%%sHSp|j asks; "Oh, why is it that the noble progreasy grime (torn your hjincls, without trouble, fession of-.tending the sick and wounded, making the skin dry by using and without instead of widening the heart and mind, M pf."Clever Mary." the outlook on life, narrows and cramps . and stultifies?'- Is it the terribly long PRICE'S PATENT CANBLE COMPANY UMTTED, hours or is it the scant, salary? , She "Clever Miry" is unrquallrd for cleaning does not know, but she makes- it^ abunInln. liv«rp«»l. Msacissfer. Giiijow. It greasy "overalls, aprons and fiannelj. dantly clear that Women can sometimes removes the worst stains and the hardest r be" "fery severe "anil , unreasonably. petty dirt in quick time, and does not injure the task mistresses over women, and that the fabric. nurse at any. time is .not only often worse paid but worse treated than any domestic She'clearly indicates that her Ccli tin to-djy. If net inilncV at Tout itorelteeptt'i. ijdi) rout name servant I\, "ntl free sample rin will be mailed you by Tho Atnt, F. E. own sex is often responsible for the" hosSi" I « pital nurse being scolded, bullied, found READING. B« 250. VWimoo. fault; with, not allowed to explain, not allowed to'have an idea of her,own ; the tale is the same from the biggest hospital to the.smallest."^---The experiences of Sister Martin-Nicholson are not only interesting und valuable, but are remarkioi^«ii»MM«w«»«a«»»iw«»»iiiiiiiaiiiiiiumaai»iiMaM««aMM»awg«w»w«»w»^^ ioujitsec ' ' | Allen and Unwin. London France, n> ■»/ (jf,/ ,; Z' '1//. »a^_ l&^ljkiW Nn o tNew ,„, v No. fl_r B—Ladies' White "* *" Voile Blouses Thintv "My Experiences on Three Fronts." By -Sister -Martin-Nicholson George ite3^J| tgLjrJ^E^ljfflsfi ; SbavlEgSoap ' sr . st" XT Iso> 7 No- 7— Silk and Crepe=de» Chine s"oris coats- || S *^c exquisit: 11 tt£ comes in handy il^_ OVANOi V^^^iil^PAN V/W^^s^S^^^i " ■■' ■ l!ffiisP»l Kp^^-U1 ll^ and dclicat] I Gora Flout to iac viAME, jlinKjJ—jj**^' RY DISI BaßEjr*w EYf ngjxs£ijs Fffi is *mPr°ved b 1 MsS^elSKiliX t_JTJTa~c~?lr Tfiffljjp Jj Ojd Dutch r"^ ] ---■ Around-./your car, in the garage-a can of >^ iip^vN THE BOOKMAN Broc3n& Poison^ ! White Lead 53.25 per cant. . ■■" Linseed Oil ' "".. 6.75 pir cent. Both Whit*'lead and Linseed Oil were of excellent quality, md were free from »nr a* impurity faithfully. \V F. WARD. Government Ao»ij»k Hixture or whatsoever.—Yours . Summer Fruit } 10, 1917. The Battle of the Somme; First is now in season. Children should be encouraged to eat g .<fi," and Nelson's "History'of hr Light "sweets such as stewed fruit with blancmange the War," Vol. XIV. Both by John jg " or Corn Flour custard are more Huchan. Tlios. Nelson and wholesome than .heavy . Sons, London. I puddings; ■they have the nourishment of milk, made who know Mr. Buchan'e simple delicious and digestible by 3 S mlThose direct writings on.the war, .whether i tilie Nelson History or elsewhere,will ced no recoinmendatioir' to read -his «.lo book on the Battle of the Somme. fc deals with the offensive,up to about "he beginning of September, and consequently does not reach the capture of ■'lers by the New .Ze-alanders or the Uvp.nt of the . " tanks." These events One of the lightest of sweets—natural fruit jellies, without g /ill no doubt give a good start to be made with gelatine—can ' Second Phase." The book under Brown & Poison's Cora Flour. " g :otice, ig. a. concise narrative : of the See recipe in booklet offered below. '. 9 ' ■;ittle, -svith running comments and ' xplanations of that simplicity, .clear- | I ness, -<4 «<rw««</ stewed and, keen judgment which makes | improved serving way fruits.—of " he writer's work . specially valuable to « Strain off the juice from stewed fruit, and to-every k he average reader. It has numerous pint add a heapsd teaspoonful of Brown <sfc m 'Hugi-rations, some good sketch, ■■ jfSs^^^S± i Poison's Corn Flour, which has first of all '.nd one- .excellent ;plan, showing t-he been blended with a little cold water to vholo of the German trench systsm asmooth cream. Boil up again for: minutes1 :aptured up to the time under review. t! The' pour over volume is a capital ' addition to and aud round the fruit. my collection of informative war literaand it seems a pity it. is not turned ture^ )ut in. better,guise; than board " covers. The fourteenth volume of Mr. BuFr«e.— The Brown 6 Pehsn £ $Lt chan's history needs no encomiums. Its book of recipes for dainty sumL f\ Ji chief features arc chapters on the fall i j{\ ■ I mtr dlshtifr*m J. B.GiljiUan & .*■ ' _r-<»i&L of Kut-el-Amara, the' political'situation in ■the belligerent countries, with a referenceto the United States,the Battle of Jutland, the Austrian Trentino offensive, and the Battle of Verdun. is nothingnew/, however,in the Jutland Rattle chapter; Mr. Bnchan has cviI-sntly been content' to accept the con, story, and lei. it go at' that, several valuable appendices (official depatches) are added,as usual. Mention 'iiust also be made of an atlas produced Jy the same publishers, as a companion to tha History. Its characteristic is extreme clearness, both of outline and lettering, and the maps have , been, well selected. It is certainly a much better investment fot everyday war news use than most cheap atlases at present available. It 'const-amis a diary'of the war, really For a easy and <$N with special, maps, up to the end of *s September, 1916. comfortable shave use STACK MADE WHITE LEAD purpose. "".... \-'' ■. HUBBUCK'S POST, SATURDAY. ■ DURAND'S '■ "' - ■ .. '" '": EVERY ONE t — For Respoisible Men jPJji! KILLED » , — | Twr HOWARD WATCHES — The HOWARD appeals to men of orderly mind men in commercc, in the technical indusprofessions, in official tries, in the ; ; life. Here in New Zealand more men arc buying- HOWARD Watches every year. We carry a full line of HOW- . Jr^j^&WeUp -/ is Ihe Friend I^^^©^* of Hie Family IT is the purest are known as Headquarters for these excellent WatchesLet us show you our . Special 17-je'welled Silver Hunting Howard Watch at £5' j spirit known. ARDS—do a big business—and This is the best value ever of" ' own to a pride in the fact that we fercd. STEWART DAWSON & CO., Ltd. Watchmakers, Jewellers and Silversmiths Corner LAMBTON QUAY and WILLIS ST., WELLINGTON Printed ; and,i published for Blokdeli Bhos ..Limited, by John Blundjell, of Nairn-street, Wellington, printer and publisher,:'and Louis Pkoctor Bumof VVoolcorabo-strcet,,-Wellington, ' dell, priutor and publisher,:at tho Registered , OEcq of. :tho "! Company,.'-.Willis-street, ■ WeUingrton. . Saturday. ..-,.'; .... February 10, 19J7. -