Factsheet to accompany the report “Pathways for energy storage in the UK” Supercapacitor (electrochemical double-layer capacitor) Brief description of technology Electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs), often called ‘Supercapacitors’ or ‘Ultracapacitors’, are storage devices that can store or deliver energy at a high rate, but have limited storage capacity when compared with most batteries. They have a high power density (power per unit volume), but a low energy density (energy per unit volume). Traditionally, EDLCs have been installed complementary to a battery storage system to increase the overall power density – the rate at which the system can charge or discharge – of the facility, handling the peak transients in supply or demand while the battery storage system provides the overall energy storage capacity. Figure 1 compares the energy density with the power density for various energy storage devices, including ‘Ultracapacitors’. Technical/economic data 2008 figures for EDLCs put the average cycle life at over half a million cycles, with an overall cycle efficiency range from 75% to 95%. Costs are estimated at $10-20/Wh and $25-50/kW, with a specific energy of 5Wh/kg and specific power 510kW/kg [2] (See table 1). Energy efficiency is current dependent as losses occur in the devices proportional to current, and self-discharge of the EDLC is high, at 6.5% loss after 12 hours at room temperature [3]. Application/markets Until higher energy densities are realised outside of the academic environment, EDLCs can find application in power quality and voltage stabilisation on timescales of seconds, for system operator ancillary services. However, due to their high power handling capability, they can be combined with low power density battery storage systems to improve response times in an otherwise high energy capacity system. This complementary system can have benefits to the battery technology too, where high current can have a detrimental effect on the battery lifetime. Advantages/disadvantages Figure 1: Plot of energy density vs power density for various storage devices [1] EDLCs have been in development since the 1970’s and use a different storage mechanism to conventional capacitors. In most EDLCs, two metal electrodes are coated with a very high surface area type of ‘activated carbon’ and are separated by a thin porous insulator. Depending on whether an aqueous or non-aqueous electrolyte is used, a breakdown voltage of around 1.3 V or 3.7 V respectively can be achieved, with the higher voltage attained at the expense of introducing higher equivalent series resistance (ESR) which is the limiting factor when it comes to the charging or discharging rate of the device. Thus the EDLCs must be connected in series and charge balancing between the devices must be done to achieve high terminal voltages. EDLCs can handle very many charge-discharge cycles and therefore typically have a low cost per cycle when their long lives are accounted for. However, the cost per kWh of energy storage remains high, as they possess very low energy density and require a large volume to store a large amount of energy. This means they are typically only useful for short endurance applications. Lifetimes are measured in hundreds of thousands, to millions, of cycles, as compared to batteries which have lifetimes limited to hundreds or thousands of cycles at deep discharge. However, unlike practical batteries, the voltage across any capacitor, including EDLCs, drops significantly as it discharges. Effective storage and recovery of energy therefore requires complex electronic control and switching converters, with consequent energy loss in the converter electronics, lowering the overall system efficiency. 1 Factsheet to accompany the report “Pathways for energy storage in the UK” Energy Density 2.5-15 Wh/kg, 500-5000 Wkg[4] Typical Rated Capacity (MW) 0-10[5] 0-0.3[4] Nominal Duration Milliseconds1 hour [5, 4] Cycle Efficiency [%] 90[6] 95[7] 84-98[5] <75-95+[2] Energy Cost [$/kWh] 10000[7] 300-2000[4] 1000020000[2] Power Capacity Capital Cost [$/kW] Typical Life 90-510[6] 500[7] 100-300[4] 25-50[2] 8-20+ years[5] 20+ years[4] 1 million cycles[6] 25000 cycles [7] 100,000+ cycles[4] 500,000 cycles[2] Table 1: Technical and economic data for EDLCs Current status In their 2008 paper for the Power Systems Energy 1 Research Center , Smith and Sen reported that research and application of EDLC in large power systems was in its infancy and that the authors were unaware of any large scale installations in the transmission grid [8]. Until cost can be reduced and energy density increased, the authors advise that both simulation and experimental tests have shown EDLCs to be of benefit in large scale battery systems where they reduce battery current and stress, thus extending the life of the battery by reducing the number of cycles. Large systems with energy densities over 20 3 kWh/m are still in the early development stage [4], although there are a large number of potential developers. Time to commercialisation and R&D needs Possible improvements in energy density are being investigated and preliminary results from using nanotubes to increase the surface area of the electrodes are promising and indicate that 100 fold improvements in energy density may be achievable [8]. However, this is yet tocommercialised outside of an academic environment. Three aspects of research have been identified that would facilitate increasing the energy density: • • • 1 Design of carbons with a bespoke pore size to increase capacitance Combination of EDLC with a pseudo-capacitive charge storage mechanism The development of new electrolytes and device architectures to allow increased cell voltage [9]. www.PSerc.org Safety, security, environmental and public perception issues Because of their capacity to deliver very high transient currents, EDLCs are more prone to sparking which can become a safety consideration when used in conjunction with batteries which may produce flammable gasses. However, in general, most EDLCs have a low environmental impact given they do not use heavy metals or toxic electrolytes, although the use and disposal of materials within them will be influenced by legislation [10]. Also, the high cycle life tends towards a storage device which will last the lifetime of the given application. References [1] Supercapacitors chart based on data from Maxwell Technologies. [Online]. Available: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Supercapacitors_chart.svg [2] J. R. Miller and A. F. Burke, “Electrochemical capacitors : Challenges and opportunities for realworld applications,” Electrochemical Society Interface, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 53–57, 2008. [Online]. Available: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&btnG=Search&q=intitle:Electroche mical+Capacitors+:+Challenges+and+Opportunities +for+Real-World+Applications#0 [3] A. Ruddell, “Energy storage in power systems,” in SUPERGEN Wind Training Seminar, March 2011. [4] H. Chen, T. N. Cong, W. Yang, C. Tan, Y. Li, and Y. Ding, “Progress in electrical energy storage system: A critical review,” Progress in Natural Science, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 291 – 312, 2009. [Online]. Available: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S100200710800381X. [5] M. Beaudin, H. Zareipour, A. Schellenberglabe, and W. 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Simon, “Electrochemical capacitors for power grid storage technology: State of the art and next challenges,” in Trans-Atlantic Workshop on Storage Technologies for Power Grids, Washington, 2010. [10] C. Naish, I. McCubbin, O. Edberg, and M. Harfoot, “Outlook of energy storage technologies,” European Parliament’s committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Tech. Rep., February 2008. 3