DNV Certification Explained

DNV Certification Explained
Swire Oilfield Services provides standard, specialised and bespoke products certified to DNV2.7-1
and EN12079 to the worldwide oil and gas market. As more new markets start to demand such high
standards with regards the environment and health and safety we are constantly striving to ensure
that all our equipment meets the highest standards of certification. Of those certificates are the
DNV2.7-1 and BS EN12079-1. In order to gain these certificates, a number of approval and
certification procedures have to be followed.
First of all, a DNV2.7-1 Certification is the Det Norske Veritas certification. The certification process
consists of the following steps:
A review of the design
Inspection of the prototype and the prototype is also tested
Inspection and testing of the production process
After these steps are completed, the certification is then issued. But before this happens, an
application for certification has to be sent to the DNV office that includes the size, function, and
special features of the container, a specification of the standards and regulations that have to be
covered, where the offshore containers are manufactured, and how many containers are to be
If a manufacturer hopes to manufacture just one or a few containers, individual certifications must be
issued. However, a manufacturer that intends on manufacturing many of these containers may be
issued a “Type Approval Certificate,” which enables the manufacturer to manufacture the same type
again and again.
There are also other standards for certification that can be met as well. That is where the BS
EN12079-1 comes into play. There are two types to this certification: type one and type two. And
when an offshore container is used for dangerous goods, it is certified according to what is called the
IMDG code.
What all of these certification requirements shows is that offshore containers used in the oil industry
have to go through some very stringent requirements before they can be used. This is because,
although oil is a natural part of the earth, it can contaminate waterways and be detrimental to the
natural habitats of sea animals and animals that reside on the shore. This can eventually interfere
with the food supply and water supply of people. So you can be rest assured that offshore containers
used in the oil industry are made in a way that is very safe and secure.