JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA:: ROING::LOWER DIBANG VALLEY DIST:: ARUNACHAL PRADESH PHONE NO. 03803-222421 TENDER INVITATION FORM REF. NO. F.1-15/JNVR/2016-17/ DATE: TO, ________________________________ ________________________________ SUB : TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF LAB EQUIPEMTNS 01. Sealed tender for the supply of the articles shown in the attached statement are invited by the undersigned on behalf of NVS upto 1600 Hrs. of 19.07.2016. Tender should be under strong sealed cover marked as tender for the supply of LAB. EQUIPMENTS and dropped in the ``TENDER BOX`` placed at _DC’s OFFICE ,ROING(CONFIDENTIAL CELL) on 19/07/2016 upto 1600 hrs. .The tender will be opened in the office of the ADC, DC’s Office, Roing at 1030 Hrs. of 20.07.2016 02. The tender shall be submitted accordingly to the term and conditions specified in paragraphs 3 to 18 unless specified otherwise in the tender it shall be presumed that the terms and conditions stipulated here under have agreed to. 03. The rate should be F.O.R ,JNV,Roing and should include excise duty, sales tax, freight charges, VAT any other taxes rates or imposition whatever liable in respect of the supply. The Vidyalaya shall not be liable to pay any tax including AP entry tax, freight etc. which has been expressly stipulated in the tender in the event of acceptance of the tender. In no case, payment will be made higher than the MRP of any item. 04. In case after opening of tender, the lowest bidder withdrawing his bids, the Vidyalaya will go for direct procurement through LPC after forfeiting Earnest Money of such bidders without giving opportunity to next lowest bidder. In case of minimum 03 tenders is not getting in a particular item, the re-tender process will be initiated . 05. There should not be any overwriting or corrections in the tender. If a figure is to be amended it should be neatly scored out the revised figure written above and the same attested with the full signature and date. In the absence of the attested signature the tender is liable to be rejected. 06. The undersigned does not bind himself to accept the lowest tender and reserves the right to accept the tender in whole part i.e with respect of all articles mentioned in the attached statement or in respect of any one or more than one articles specified in the attached statement as he may decide. 07. On the acceptance of the tender it will become a contract and shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the tender. 08. The person/persons whose tender is accepted, here in after, call the contractor, shall deposit an earnest money 10% along with tender which shall be refunded in the event of rejection of the tender. The earnest money will be forfeited in the event of failure to comply with the contract. In the event of acceptance of tender the earnest money will be adjusted towards Security Deposits which shall be payable at rate mentioned below : Earnest Money Rs.10,000/- Security Deposit @Rs.10% Contd. Page No.2 Page No.2 09. If the contractor fails to supply the articles within the time stipulated in the letter of acceptance by the undersigned, the undersigned shall be at liberty to purchase the articles from the market to get the rest of the contract completed by any other person or firm and the difference of price, if shall be deducted from the earnest money/security deposits and in case any amount in excess of the security deposit is paid by the undersigned , the contractor shall be liable to pay this amount. 10. The quantity of articles indicated in the attached statement may be increased or decreased at the discretion of the undersigned without any reason. In case an order for any articles is placed for quantity 100 or more sample shall be retailed by the school and no cost will be paid for the same. 11. Prior to acceptance of the tender, the undersigned reserves the right to call for sample or demonstration and the contractor shall be liable to supply the sample or give the demonstration free of cost. 12. In the event of acceptance of a tender and placing of the order for purchase the articles ordered for would be subject to an inspection by the undersigned or his representatives and are liable to be rejected if the articles supplied are not according to approved samples or do not confirm to the specifications prescribed. 13. The rates quoted by the contractor shall hold up to 30.04.2017. No amendment in the rate excepted increase in the rates of sales tax including AP entry tax during the execution of the contract, will be accepted. . 14. The contractor shall be required to fix a tin label on the furniture supplied by him, giving his name and year of manufacture. 15. The amount of security deposit shall be retained by the Vidyalaya for a period of six months from the date of completion of supplies as a safeguard against any defect appearing in the articles supplied within this period. 16. Tender which do not comply with the above conditions are liable to be rejected. 17. These instruction to tenders are to be signed by the tenderes and returned with the tender. 18. The sealed tender should invariably contain a) Copy of Registration of Firm b) Copy of valid dealer ship certificate/Trading License c) Current Income Tax clearance certificate from the competent authority d) Earnest Money of Rs.10,000/- in the form of DD or Cash Deposit for which CS -12(in original) issued by the Vidyalaya must be accompanied. e)Lowest rate as well as term of supply if any. f)Signature of the authorized person on all the pages with date. g) Tender Fees of Rs. 500/- in the form of DD in favor of the Principal,JNV. Roing as the tender papers are down loaded from the Vidyalaya website h) A true-copy of the first page of Pass-Book issued by the Nationalized Bank having the Firm’s own A/c Number. 18. The responsibility for paying AP Entry Tax/VAT will be liable with supplier/contractor. Henceforth, the supplier/Contractor will mention challan No. , Date and amount of Entry Tax/VAT paid against each bill (which will be indicated against the bills) submitted to Vidyalaya for payment. 19.Not withstanding any or all of the above the Vidyalaya at its discretion reserves the right to amend or add fresh terms and conditions as per the need and circumstance in the benefit and interest of the Vidyalaya. Sd/PRINCIPAL Contd. Page N0.3 Page No.03 IMPORTANT NOTE Terms and conditions are mentioned from SL No.3 to 19, if accepted, then signed by the tenderer with two witness and the same is to be submitted with the quoted rate list. All the above conditions are accepted by me/us. Sign. Of the tenderer Address (With seal of the firm) Station : Date : Witness 1. Name ________________ Signature________ Address Occupation Witness 2 Name____________ Address Occupation Signature_____________ JAWAHAR NAVODAYA VIDYALAYA ::ROING ::LOWER DIBANG VALLEY DIST :: AP ********* List of Lab Equipments for the session 2016-17 Total Requirement: Rs. 1,00,000/Sl No. Name of the items Specification A CHEMISTRY LAB 1 Sulpher 250 gm 2 Ethyl Alcohol 250ml 3 Methylated Spirit 250 ml 4 Carbon disulphide 250 gm 5 Glacial Acetic Acid 500 gm 6 Methyl Alcohol 250 ml 7 Cerric ammonium nitrate 250 ml 8 Propene or propylene 250 ml 9 Carbon tetrachloride 250 ml 10 Phenol 250 ml 11 Sodium Nitrite 500 gm 12 Phthalic anhydride 500 gm 13 (2,4)- dinitro-phenyl hydrazine 500 gm 14 Sodium bisulphate 500 gm 15 Benzaldehyde 250 gm 16 Schiff`s reagent 500 gm 17 Salicylic acid 500 gm 18 Stop Watch Mechanical Per Nos 19 Sodium Thosulphate 500 gm 20 Reagent bottles (Plastic) Per Nos 21 Electronic balance Per Nos. 22 Potassium Permanganate 500 gm 23 Aniline 500 gm 24 Chloroform 500 ml 25 Potassium hydroxide 500 gm 26 B- Naphthol 250 ml 27 Different model of atom Crystal and ball stick Per Nos models 28 Sodium hydroxide 29 Chemical garden kit Per Nos 30 Ammonium Phosphate 500 gm 31 Ammonium Oxalate 500 gm 32 Zinc Nitrate 500 gm 33 China Disc. Per Nos 34 Sodium Metal (Na- metal) 250 gm 35 Mercury Metal (Hg- metal) 200 gm 36 Copper Sulphate Crystal 2501 gm 37 Calcium Chloride 500 gm 38 Ammonium Chloride 500 gm 39 Laboratoray Thermometer 10 PCs 40 Barometer 2 Pcs 41 Ammonium Chloride 500 gm 42 Ferric Chloride 500 gm 43 B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C. Iodine BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT Human Skeleton Beaker Glass funnel Beam Balance Human Torso Model with cage Mortar & Pestle Stop Watch Lactometer Forcep Safranine Cotton Fehlings –A Fehlings –B Iodine Benedicts Reagent Ammonium Hydroxide Filter Paper Starch Sucrose Rankleen PHYSICS LAB 1 Zener Diode Appartus 2 LOGIC Gate Apparatus 250 ml. Large Size Borosil-500 ML cap. Borosil 2 inch size Per Nos Per Nos Per Nos Per Nos Per Nos Per Pars Per Nos. Per Nos Per dozen 200 ml Per Roll 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml 500 ml Per Pkts 500 gm 500 gm 500 ml Complete set AND,OR,NOT,NAND ,NOR Complete set AND,OR,NOT,NAN D,NOR Digital MECHANICAL Metallic Body Digital MECHANICAL Metallic Body 10 wires 10 wires Complete set Complete set Range: 0-500mA f=15cm L.C=0.001Cm L.C=0.001Cm Digital Complete set Complete set Range: 0-500mA f=15cm L.C=0.001Cm L.C=0.001Cm Digital Equilateral Equilateral Complete set Complete set 3 N-P-N Transister or P-N-P Transister App. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Stop watches Stop watches Spirit label Spirit lamps Tunning Forks Tangent Galvanometer Potentiometer One Way and Two Way Keys Copper Calori Meter Thermometers Traveling Microscope Laclanche Cell Ammeter Convex Lens screw gauge Spherometers Multimeter Battery Eliminator Prism Vernier Callipers Telescope 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Danniel Cell Resistance Box Spectrometer Concave Mirror Glass Slab Wave Demonstration Spring Magnetic Needle Bar Magnet Meter Bridge Cylindrical Body Pendulum Set Graphite Rod Electronic Balance Potentiometer Digital Vernier Callipers Spirit Level Resonance Tuve App. Hookes Law App. Oscilloscope Rubber Pad Slotted Weight Wooden Slit Box Monochromatic Lamp Double Inclind Plane Battery Eliminator Young's moduluus Apparatus Rheostat Laser Source Drawing Table PN Junction diode apparatus Apparatus to verify Archimedes Principle 56 Screw Driver Set 57 Soldering Machine 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Spectrometer Voltmeter Galvanometers Diffraction Grating Connecting wire Managnine Wire, Constatnan Wire Three Pin Extension Board Working model of Generator Working model of electric motor Convex Mirror Concave lens LED Characteristic Apparatus 2000,5000 Ohm 2000,5000 Ohm f=15cm Small/Large f=15cm Small/Large Wooden Frame d=2cm,1cm Wooden Frame d=2cm,1cm L.C=0.0001gm 4 wirees L.C=0.01Cm L.C=0.0001gm 4 wirees L.C=0.01Cm 1channel/2 channel 1channel/2 channel Range: 0-12V, 2A Complete set 1-2 Ohm Range: 0-12V, 2A Complete set 1-2 Ohm Complete set Complete Set Complete set Complete Set Thaparia Complete Set with Wax Thaparia Complete Set with Wax 0-3V,0-5V MCG 0-3V,0-5V MCG f=15cm f=15cm f=15cm f=15cm 70 71 72 73 Optical Kit Laminated chart of Physics Color Code Guide Ohms Law apparatus Note : 1) Chemicals must be Nice/Glaxo brand 2) Glass wares must be Borosil company Dated:________ Tin No._________________ PAN/TAN No.____________________ Sale Tax No.___________________ List of enclosures: Complete Set Complete Set Sign. of Tender Name:________________ Address