Talking Thermostat Handbook

The Talking Thermostat
How to Increase Service Calls and Profits
Useful Technical and Service Information
Everything You Need To:
• “Get Started Now!” (The Easiest Way to Build a Super
Successful Repair and Replacement Business)
• Rocket Sales Using a Proven Technician Incentive Program
• Handle Customer Calls: CSR Phone Call Scripts
• Take Charge of Your Service Dept’s Scheduling: Projection
• Easy Way for Techs to Set Up “Call For Service” to Increase
Your Service Call Profits
• Save Time by Troubleshooting Over the Phone
• Load / Update Your Custom “HELP” Message: Using the Voice
Recorder Module
• Quickly Solve Thermostat Problems: Technical Service
• Return a Warranty Thermostat: FAQs and How to Process
• Get the Very Best Talking Thermostat Pricing and Lower Your
“Cost of Sales”
Talking Thermostat Handbook
Table of Contents
Welcome Overview
Popular Myths & Misconceptions
How to Increase Profits by Building a Customer
Technician Incentive Program
Customer Phone Call Scripts (for CSRs)
Setting “CFS” to Increase Profits
Troubleshooting Over the Phone
Technical Service Bulletins & Support Contact Info
• Support Contact Information
• How to Check for Low Battery Voltage
• Using VT/VIP 2005/07 on Heat Pump/ Hybrid
• Optional Setting for 2nd Stage Differential
• Dual Fuel Suggested Wiring
• Heat Pump Wiring Charts (Dual Fuel & Elec)
• Understanding the VT2000/05/07 Models
• Fan Runs All the Time
• System Runs after Temp Reaches Set Point
• Temperature Overshoots Set Point
How to Use the Voice Recorder Module (VTR)
How to Replace VTR Speech & Display Chips
How to Make a Custom HELP Message
38 -39
Warranty Returns FAQs
Best Way to Save Money Ordering
Best Way to Lower Your Cost
Price Sheet / Order Form
Projection Schedule Worksheets
1208 VTHB-G
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You’ve taken the first step in securing your most valuable asset… your
customer base! And as you evaluate the features, functions and very
attractive pricing of our revolutionary Talking Thermostat, remember… this is not
a thermostat! It’s a sales generating, profit making, customer retention tool
disguised as a thermostat!
Now, I know the first time you saw an ad for the Talking Thermostat, you probably
thought, “Well, here’s another “gimmick” devise introduced to our industry and it
won’t make it”. Well, guess what, the Talking Thermostat is not fading away! In
fact, with over 400 contractors throughout the United States and Canada using
the Talking Thermostat every day to secure their customer base and create
long term sales and profit opportunities for their company, Talking Thermostat
sales have been booming! Do these contractors know some “secret” you don’t
know? Perhaps they do… so let me ask you this...
“What would you pay to have
your company name and
phone number on the wall of
installed equipment or serviced
over the past 10 years? What
Exclusive to HVAC contractors, The Talking
is the long-term “value” to your
Thermostat™ is protected by two US Patents.
It can’t be copied by other manufacturers so
you won’t see it at your nearest big box store!
customer base? Of course, we
can’t answer that question for
you, but leading industry experts
believe the annual value of a secured customer (either through a service
agreement, a Talking Thermostat, or both) is at least $600 per year!
Major retailers value their customers in terms of something known as a “Lifetime
Income Stream”. When you view your customer base, your most valuable
company asset, in terms of a potential “Lifetime Income Stream”, wouldn’t you do
whatever it takes to keep your company name and phone number immediately
available through a “HELP” button on their thermostat, the place every customer
goes when their HVAC equipment fails?
So what are you presently doing in your business to secure your customer base?
Service agreements clearly provide a higher level of “commitment” from the
customer, but not every customer feels comfortable enrolling in a service
agreement. Marketing letters and tune-up reminder cards are good but really
expensive to send and administer year after year. Even after utilizing the best
marketing efforts, don’t some of your customers move or die, or in some cases,
service agreement customers just never call you back to schedule service.
Doesn’t it make sense to have a Talking Thermostat in every home that tells
customers to call you for service?
There’s a reason why every car
manufacturer puts a “Service Now” or “Service Required” warning light in the cars
they manufacture. They know from years of analysis that unless they can visually
communicate the need for “timely” service to their customers, it won’t be “top of
mind” and won’t get done.
Really, think about this for a moment, if you installed 2,000 Talking Thermostats
in customer homes, you’d be virtually guaranteed an “annuity stream” of yearly
revenue in excess of $1,200,000 (2,000 customers x $600 “average” revenue
generated per customer, per year)!
Let me ask you another question, “How much of your hard earned money do you
spend on Yellow Pages advertising annually?” Paying big money to have your
company name and phone number listed along with all your competitors means
the Yellow Page salesman did a good job. Maybe the salesman gave the same
“great advice” to your competitor that they gave to you! And when does Yellow
Page advertising generate business for you? Isn’t it right when you’re swamped,
and can’t service these new customers anyway? So, how exactly how does that
big, expensive Yellow Page ad help your company grow and be more profitable?
advantages of using a
Talking Thermostat on
every install, on every
service call, every time.
You now own the home,
not just the customer.
You’re guaranteed at
least one, if not two
maintenance calls each
year, and it costs you
nothing each year to
generate those maintenance
printing costs, no mailing
costs and no employee
costs for the endless
phone calls made to
secure a maintenance
Remember… The Talking Thermostat:
Saves your customer energy dollars
Makes your customers more comfortable in their
Makes it easy and convenient for the customer to
call you when they need service
Will generate “timely” calls for maintenance
precisely when you need the work the most
Keeps your customers away from the Yellow
Pages, where all your competitors “lie in wait” to
steal your most valuable asset
Has all the functionally of an “ordinary”
programmable thermostat but is infinitely easier to
Was designed by contractors for contractors
Alerts customer when their filter needs changing
Has easy talk through programming instructions
So with all the advantages
customers, doesn’t it make sense to install a Talking Thermostat in every
customers home? Why continue to fight the peaks and valleys that are “tradition”
in the HVAC industry and continue to spend “ungodly” amounts of money
marketing for “new business” each time your business gets slow?
Getting and keeping customers is Rule 1 in building a successful business.
Why not use the best customer retention tool ever created for the HVAC industry to
build your business? I’d certainly want to use a Talking Thermostat to secure my
customers before my competitor does!
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If you haven’t already started using the Talking Thermostat, what are you waiting
for?! To place your order call BuyMax at 866-512-8255 and begin using the most
revolutionary customer retention tool ever created for the HVAC industry!
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opular Myths and Misconceptions about
the Talking Thermostat
Really? Then you're definitely missing the point. It's not
a thermostat, it’s a service call generating, profit
making, customer retention tool disguised as a
thermostat! Does an "ordinary" thermostat build the
future value of your company? Does it allow you to "own
the home," not just the customer by vocally telling the
homeowner your company name and phone number
each time the HELP button is pushed? Does it have a
an audio reminder (with blinking LED light) to Call For
Service (CFS) to yearly generate planned service (maintenance) calls during
the slow times when you desperately need the work? A cheap thermostat
does nothing to benefit you, your company or your customers. But, it
sure is cheap...
“I can buy a
thermostat that
works just as
We all want to believe that but is it really true? A recent
survey about single family dwellings with HVAC equipment
installed during the previous three to five years revealed
some interesting results. In that survey, 70% of the people
could not remember who installed their equipment and a
staggering 40% of the 70% were new to the home. In less
than five years over 28% of the original customers had
moved and someone new was occupying the home! If you
want to secure your customer base for the long-term, you
need to install the Talking Thermostat so your company name
and phone number is immediately available, right at the
thermostat, no matter who owns the home.
“All my
know who I am
and know to
call me for
“My techs
can’t sell it!”
That's the best part, they don't have to sell sells itself!
All your techs have to do is offer it to customers on every call.
Here's the simple way to present the Talking Thermostat. While
standing at the current thermostat, ask this simple question,.
"Mr./Ms._________, do you ever leave your home without
remembering to adjust your thermostat so you're not cooling (heating) your home
while your away? Well, our new Talking Thermostat so easy to use it can help
you save money on your utility bills. Why don't you take a look at it while I service
your equipment and then you can tell me what you think,. If it's something you'd
like to have in your home, I can install it after I take care of your system. OK?".
Most technicians can handle that "sales pitch" and once the Talking
Thermostat’s installed you own that home for life!
opular Myths and Misconceptions about
the Talking Thermostat
What? The Talking Thermostat is so simple to
program, it doesn't need written instructions (even
though they are included)! Clear audio instructions walk
the customer thorough every step of the program set-up,
patiently waiting until each step is completed before
moving to the next. Even older customers or those
customers with vision problems can program it. They all
(especially the blind) love the Talking Thermostat
because they don't have to see the screen to know when
they're adjusting the temperature. And remember, the
Talking Thermostat runs in program and non-program
mode so it's really easy to satisfy the desires of each
customer with the same thermostat.
“People don’t
like ‘em.
They’re too
Well, get convinced! It's easy to use and customers love it
because it reminds them to change their filters (who ever
remembers to do that!) and to call for service when their
system has reached a required maintenance level (just like
the "Service Now" light in their car or truck). For the
contractor it means years and years of continuing business
and customer revenue.
As previously mentioned, each
customer you secure through service agreements and/or with
a Talking Thermostat will, on average, generate $600 per
year in revenue to your business. Having 2,000 customers with Talking
Thermostat installed will guarantee you $1,200,000 in revenue each year...
without any additional marketing costs! You can’t afford not to embrace the
most powerful revenue generating, profit making, customer retention tool
available today, Talking Thermostat!
“I’m not
it’s right for
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ow to Increase Profits by Building a Cash
Generating Talking Tstat Customer Base
Rule # 1: It must be part of your overall company
marketing plan
Don’t allow your co-workers or yourself to think of this “tool” as just another
thermostat. If you do, you are missing one of the greatest customer retention,
business building and replacement sales tool available.
Rule # 2: Know the Value of Talking Thermostats
“Locks-in” Customers -“Locks-out” Competitors!
Disguised as a thermostat it’s actually a “customer retention tool”
Keeps homeowners out of the Yellow Pages (and competitor’s ads)
Creates tune-up work during slow months (everyone works year round)
It’s an ESA - Electronic Service Agreement – (gets customers that won’t invest
in a Service Agreement or Club Membership to call you)
Creates New Sales
More tune-ups generate more business (repair & replacement, IAQ, etc)
“Own” the home (new homeowners call you for service & replacement work)
Uses Latest Psychological & Communication Techniques
Tune-up message tells customers to call you (even if you forget to call them)
Communication & psychology experts agree - sound messages are
remembered best (stickers just blend in and become invisible after a while)
Customers Win!
Customers save on their utility bills (with skyrocketing energy costs it pays for
World’s easiest thermostat to program (step- by- step audio instructions
eliminates call backs)
Reminds customers when to check their filters (some may call you for filter
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Getting Started!
When your purchase a Talking Thermostat, 50% of its cost should be charged to
advertising and 50% to the job (service call) cost.
Why? Because the Talking Thermostat is as much a salesman as it is a
thermostat. When customers hear your custom message they’re motivated to call
you for repair service which leads to replacement sales. Even better, if you include
a “lifetime thermostat warranty” as part of your message, it activates the
customer’s “greed glands” which virtually guarantees they’ll always call you!
Use the Talking
Thermostat to
Build Repair
The most expensive advertising
is advertising that doesn’t work.
The Talking Thermostat works
every minute of the day to remind
customers to call you precisely
when they’re making a purchase
The “CFS” (Call for Service) alert feature automatically generates additional
maintenance or tune-up calls. This “cost free telemarketing” (marketing without
additional advertising expense) put’s you in the driver’s seat by automatically
directing customers to call you when the thermostat reaches the month or
operating hours programmed by your technicians. (Call SmartWay toll free at
866-743-5663 to have a free “Call For Service Set-Up Kit” mailed to you!)
Losing customers when they move? If your Talking Thermostat is installed in the
house, the new homeowners will press the HELP button and hear your warranty
guarantee message. Who do you think they’ll call?
Owners and technicians need to realize that most customers want a thermostat
that’s simple to use and keeps them comfortable by turning the system ON and
OFF at their selected setting. Although customers may not beat your door down
to buy a Talking Thermostat, they’ll be quickly sold on its ease of use, accurate
comfort control and energy savings. But more importantly you’re installing the
greatest selling system now available to build your business!
Tip! If you have to replace a
“lifetime warranty” thermostat
your cost can be offset by your
trip and level one labor charge.
Sells to your
existing (and most
customer base
without the
advertising cost!
Like any business or marketing plan, it’s up to you to make it happen. The real
challenge is to find a way to get the Talking Thermostat installed on every service
and maintenance call; and new and replacement system. As a contractor you
need replacement equipment
sales and demand repair
“The greatest company building
calls. This is what pays the
system now available…This isn’t
bills. This is how to generate
just an ordinary thermostat; it is a
Thermostat was designed to
marketing tool…”
do just that, i.e. provide a way
to keep your name and
phone number in front of the customer at the exact time they’re taking
action. When and what action? When people get too hot or too cold in the
house what do they do? That’s right, they go to the thermostat. At that moment
they decide if and whom they need to call for service. At the very same moment,
if they have a Talking Thermostat, your name, phone number and message is
instantly heard and seen (with a press the HELP button). Wow! This isn’t just an
ordinary thermostat; it’s the essential marketing tool needed to survive and
conquer the challenges faced in our increasingly competitive industry.
What you must do!
Each owner, service manager, customer service rep and
service & installation technician needs to learn all the features of the Talking
Thermostat. When installed and set up correctly, the Talking Thermostat benefits
customers, technicians and your company. It’s win, win, win for all!
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The Plan for Success!
; Order and Set Up Thermostats
Call BuyMax at 866-512-8255 to order Talking Thermostats and the Recorder
Module used to download your custom message.
Review service records and note your slow months for Service, Tune-Ups and
Manager and/or CSR decide, based on available labor, how many additional
tune-ups can be scheduled during those slow time slots. Make a worksheet
keep it in the dispatch/CSR office (see sample “Projected Service
Maintenance” worksheets attached. Note: this is also available in Excel file
format by emailing Even if you don’t know
you future schedule, a good guess is better than nothing and provides starting
point to measure from going forward.
Select and train one or two people (e.g. service manager, dispatcher, CSR,
etc.) to install your custom message using the Voice Recorder Module into the
thermostats as soon as they arrive. It only takes a minute or so to program
Once programmed, record the model and serial number on a log out sheet and
or on the thermostat box. This helps control which thermostat is being given to
whom (see a sample “Tstat Log Out Sheet” on page 40 of this handbook).
Install the battery isolators between the batteries, return to product box and
give to person in charge of control usage.
; Have a Training Sessions
The following training material should have been received with your first Voice
Recorder Module order. For extra copies call SmartWay at 866-743-5663.
An overview DVD video, “Introduction to the Talking Thermostat”: This video is
great, quick way to introduce the purpose and functions of the Talking
Thermostat to everyone in your company.
PowerPoint Slide Show CD, “Introduction and Overview to the Talking
Thermostat”: An in-depth review of features, operation and troubleshooting
tips. A great way for technicians to individually train and better understand the
technical and marketing aspects of the Talking Thermostat.
“Key Information Guide”: A pocket sized, pictorial pamphlet that explains
thermostat set up, operation and troubleshooting. Easy to use, it’s specifically
designed to help technicians (or any employee) quickly lookup most functions
of the Talking Thermostat. Note: these are not for customers (the “User’s
Guide” instruction sheet included with each box should be left with them).
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Schedule a technical training web presentation with SmartWay. This live
presentation covers most common issues technicians, installers and CSRs
have and gives them an opportunity to ask us questions. All that’s needed is
an internet connection and speaker phone. SmartWay will be glad to schedule
the presentation to coincide with your normal service meeting day and time.
Just call 866-743-5663 or email to set up a web
Key points to cover during training sessions:
Each employee should train “hands on” with an operational thermostat. Because
the “CFS” alert is such a powerful money maker each person should understand:
• How to set the “CFS” and “Check Filter” Alerts (pages 9 -11 in the “Key
Information Guide”* and page 4 in the “User’s Guide” instruction sheet).
• “Reviewing Filter & Service Months (or Hours)” (on page 12 in the “Key
Information Guide”* and page 4 in the “User’s Guide” instruction sheet).
It’s strongly recommended that you review the thermostat’s complete operation
until everyone is proficient. *Additional “Key Information Guides” are available
from BuyMax (866-512-8255) or SmartWay Solutions (866-743-5663).
Although every owner and/or manager runs their business a little differently, it’s
suggested that each service tech be given at least two (2) thermostats for truck
stock. Install crews can be given one as a spare and/or with other job materials.
The Talking Thermostat is
really a “Marketing Tool”
disguised as a thermostat!
Installer “Must Do’s”:
Before leaving for the job, each installer should be told the “CFS” (Call for Service)
and Filter Alert settings to use (the later will depend on type of filter used). A simple
way to let them know the “CFS” setting is by posting a sign that shows the number
(of months) all thermostats should be set for that day (please see section 4, page
9, “Setting CFS to Profit” for an example of this sign).
There are several ways to set “CFS”:
◊ If the installer is only replacing part of the system such as a furnace or
condenser, set “CFS” to alert the homeowner before the start of the next
season (usually in 5 or 6 months – but during your slow period!) so the
older piece of equipment can checked.
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If installing a completely new system, set “CFS” at 11 or 12 months for a
“free” inspection before the first year warranty expires. This gives you a
chance to sell an ESA or Club Membership.
Some contractors prefer to set “CFS” between 14 to 18 months (18 months
is the maximum setting) so customers can call for maintenance service
required to keep their factory warranty in effect.
Service and Maintenance “Must Do’s”
Before going to the job, tell technicians the best “CFS” setting to use. If the
technician is on a service or emergency call he should call the office for the best
CFS setting. When a technician calls in for a “CFS” setting, all the CSR or
dispatcher needs to do is look it up in the Projected Service Maintenance
worksheet (see sample worksheet in section 10, page 41). Some companies
make a list with the number of tune-ups desired in a given month and strike
through each as they are sold.
New! The “Call For Service Set-Up Kit” is now available. This kit provides a
simple way to get installers and technicians to set up “CFS” to appear exactly
when you need the work. Just call 866-743-5663 or email to have a “CFS Kit” mailed to you today!
The Talking Thermostat
A Service Call on the Wall
- a built in “ESA”(Electronic Service Agreement)
On Demand or Emergency Service Call “Must Do’s”
“Reviewing Months or Hours” (see page 12 in the “Key Information Guide” or page
4 of the “User’s Guide” instructions) can really help increase work during slow
times. For example, a technician is on a problem call and, after completing the
repairs, he notices the customer has a Talking Thermostat.
He reviews the
“Check Filter” and “CFS” settings (by simultaneously pressing the NO and
WEEKDAY buttons) and sees that FP (Filter Period) is set to 1 Month and the SP
(Service Period) is set to 6 Months. He then checks to see how much time has
elapsed for each setting (by simultaneously pressing the NO and WEEKEND
buttons). In this example the elapsed times are “FP 0” and “SP 5” which means it’s
almost time for the next tune-up or inspection. Because service is slow, he lets the
customer know it’s almost time for their next inspection and, if approved by his
office, he could go ahead and do it now. By performing the tune-up while on a
demand call the technician saves time for you and your customer (and also saves
the cost of rescheduling, the return trip and the non-use of slow time). It may take
some extra training and reminding but the return on reviewing elapsed time is more
than worth the effort!
; “Check Filter” Tech Tips
Before deciding on the “Check Filter” Alert setting to use, technicians should look
for general home conditions affecting air quality, such as:
Is the house loose or breathy? Is it on a dusty or dirty road?
Are their Indoor pets that might require changing or cleaning the filter more
Do any members of the household have allergy symptoms or problems?
These are things technicians should
be doing anyway, but some are afraid
customers will want to know why they
need this information. Now they have
a reason to ask! “I’m custom setting
the Talking Thermostat to alert you
household conditions, it’s the best
time to change or clean your air filter”.
This is also an excellent opportunity
for him to discuss healthier air filters
and indoor air quality systems.
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echnician Incentive Program
for Talking Thermostats
“Double Dip” Contest
(Spiff + Cash Drawing)
To motivate your technicians to increase your number of Talking Thermostat
customers. It’s a fun and rewarding way for them to increase your profits.
This incentive program hinges on technicians appreciating the value of the Talking
Without believing in its value, a “bonus bucks” program is
meaningless. The following will explain the Talking Thermostat’s importance
to the financial success of their company and themselves.
The Value of the Talking Thermostat:
“Locks-in” Customers -“Locks-out” Competitors!
◊ Disguised as a thermostat it’s actually a “customer retention tool”
◊ Keeps homeowners out of the Yellow Pages (and competitor’s ads)
◊ Creates tune-up work during slow months (everyone works year round)
◊ It’s an ESA - Electronic Service Agreement – (gets customers that won’t
invest in Club Membership)
Creates New Sales
More tune-ups generate more business (repair & replacement, IAQ, etc)
“Own” the home (new homeowners call you for service & replacement
Uses Latest Psychological & Communication Techniques
Tune-up message tells customers to call you (even if you forget to call
Communication & psychology experts agree - sound messages are
remembered best (and don’t you want customers to remember you best?)
Customers Win!
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Constantly Sells for You (without Additional Advertising Expense)
Customers save on their utility bills (with skyrocketing energy costs it pays
for itself)
World’s easiest thermostat to program (step by step audio instructions
eliminate call backs)
Reminds customers when to check their filters (some may call you for filter
Customers always contact you when having problems (with a press of the
button, plays your custom audio message & displays your phone number)
One time cost sells for years to come (try that with the Yellow Pages)
It’s advertising! (Job cost less if part of thermostat cost is expensed to
You set the time for next service (at your best time …”It’s a service call on
the wall!”)
Easiest Thermostat in the World to Sell!
Just ask a customer to try it out on your next call (homeowners love it, it sells
Why it’s Essential to Technicians:
Comfortable customers are happy customers (ease of use and accurate
Audio & display reminders create more work
More work means greater job security and better pay
More work means more and better benefits
More work means more advancement opportunities
And most importantly…The Talking Thermostat is the very best future
business building opportunity available for them at this time.”
temperature control create satisfied, repeat customers = more job
satisfaction & security)
All You Have to Do to Get Started:
Everyone (service manager, service techs, installation techs and even the owners)
has to learn how to set up and operate the Talking Thermostat.
It’s really pretty easy, hey it literally talks you through programming set up! Aside
from the “User’s Guide” instruction sheet included each box, the pocket-sized
pictorial “Key Information Guide” provides a quick answer to most “how to”
questions. If really stumped just call Smartway’s tech support toll free at 866-7435663.
When installed and set up correctly, everyone benefits; customers, technicians,
and company. It’s a win, win, win for all!
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The Incentive$:
“Dip” #1: The Basic Spiff
“Spiff” to technician for selling the Talking Thermostat during a service call:
ƒ If sold for $189 the tech receives $10.00
ƒ If sold for $99 the tech receives $ 5.00
As an extra incentive, pay technicians weekly or monthly (the effect is
greater effect if paid at weekly Service Meeting)
Incentive can’t be used if the Talking Thermostat is offered as free “give
Part 1 is controlled and paid by the individual company.
As an even greater incentive for technicians:
ƒ Sell one thermostat and make an extra $10.00 for that hour or
ƒ Sell one and make an extra $1.25 per hour more for that day or
ƒ Sell 4 per week and make an extra $1.00 per hour for that week
Important Note: each Talking Thermostat sold and installed creates additional
work during slow times (think of the times you’ve gone home early). Set up
Talking Thermostats to “Call for Service” and you’re practically guaranteed
work (and pay) during slow times.
“Dip” # 2: Win the Cash Drawing!
Everyone has a chance to win the pot! Every time a technician sells a
Talking Thermostat his name goes into the hopper for the drawing (the
more he sells the better his chances are of winning).
The pot gets bigger with every sale because BuyMax will contribute $ 5.00
per Talking Thermostat (subject to BuyMax’s prior to contest approval)
sold for that month. Contest will run for a 2-month period (must sell
minimum of 4 Thermostats per Service Tech).
Important Note:
The contest must run for a 2-month period and each
technician must sell a minimum of 4 thermostats to be eligible.
Also, each
company is responsible for running “Part 2: Win Extra Money” contest.
BuyMax is only responsible for rebating $5.00 per thermostat sold during the 2
month contest period.
The Rules
Only current model Talking Thermostats ending with the number “7” are
eligible, i.e. VT1007, VT2007 and VT2207 models.
Only one person can register for each Talking Thermostat installed.
If salesperson sells a Talking Thermostat job, the installing technician is
allowed to register for the drawing (policy to be determined by each
individual company.)
The drawing will be held at the end of the contest period. The first name
drawn will win 40% of the pot. The second name drawn will win 60% or
balance of pot. If your name is pulled both times you can win the whole pot!
Minimum of 1 Talking Thermostat per technician sold every 2 weeks, or a
total sale of at least 4 Talking Thermostats during the 2 month contest
Contest period begins approximately 2 weeks after company receives
their first quantity order or when a start date is approved by BuyMax
(for approval call Dave Benson, BuyMax Member Product and Solutions
Analyst, at 941-962-8872 or
Company will fax /email the results at end of contest to BuyMax with the
winner(s) full name(s).
BuyMax will issue rebate checks within 30 days of the close of contest.
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alking Thermostat
Customer Call Script
How to handle
customer calls!
The CFS (or the “CS5”) (Call For Service) is flashing on my
thermostat display.
OK Sir/Ma’am, may I please have your phone number (address) so
I can look up your customer information?
Our phone number (address) is ____________________________.
OK Mr./Ms _____________, no need to worry, we can help you with
that. The new technology built into the Talking Thermostat is telling
us that your system has run the recommended number of hours
before requiring service. Do you know long have you had the
Talking Thermostat?
About 8 months (or Gee, I don’t know… it’s been awhile now).
When was the last time you had service performed on your cooling
or heating equipment?
Gee, I don’t know. I think you were out here about 8 months ago for
something and that’s when you installed that new Talking
Well Mr./Ms. _____________, the CFS feature is part of the great
new technology in the Talking Thermostat which helps protect your
cooling and heating equipment. It’s kind of like the “Service Now”
light in your car or truck that warns you when it’s time for service.
The CFS is flashing because the computer in the thermostat is
telling us your cooling (heating) unit needs to be serviced. The
system has run the recommended number of hours between
scheduled service visits and to keep your system running worry free
we should schedule a service appointment. We have Wednesday
or Thursday (whatever dates you have) available, which would work
best for you?
You must know the months when service is slow so you can set the CFS (Call For
Service) feature before going into your customer’s home. The CFS feature in the
Talking Thermostat can be customized to go off during your “slow times”; however,
the default setting is 6 months from the date of installation. If you want to generate
planned service visits twice each year, you need to reset the CFS feature during each
planned service visit.
Note! If customer calls in that CFS is flashing and they just had service, have them
press and hold the NO button to reset.
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alking Thermostat
Customer Call Script
How to call
Mr./Ms _____________, our records indicate that it might be time
for us to schedule a planned service call on your cooling and
heating equipment. Can you please do me a favor and go to your
Talking Thermostat to see if the CFS (Call For Service) indicator
has activated.
Why, yes it has. I was wondering why CFS (or the CS5) was
flashing on my thermostat display. So that’s what that flashing CFS
That’s right Mr./Ms. _____________. The CFS feature is part of the
great new technology in the Talking Thermostat which helps protect
your cooling and heating equipment. It’s kind of like the “Service
Now” light in your car or truck that warns you when it’s time for
The CFS is flashing because the computer in the thermostat is
telling us your cooling (heating) unit needs to be serviced. The
system has run the recommended number of hours between
scheduled service visits and to keep your system running worry free
we should schedule a service appointment. We have Wednesday
or Thursday (whatever dates you have) available, which would work
best for you?
Objection Handling
Is it really necessary to have service done on my equipment? It
seems to be running fine.
Well, of course it’s your decision, but keep in mind that most
equipment manufacturers require their product be maintained in
order to honor their (extended) warranties. Plus, a properly
serviced cooling and heating system uses less energy, which stops
you from overpaying the utilities company… you don’t like paying all
those high utility bills, do you?
Gee, no I don’t.
Well OK then, we have Wednesday or Thursday (whatever dates
you have) available, which would work best for you?
You must know the months when service is slow so you can set the CFS (Call For
Service) feature before going into your customer’s home. The CFS feature in the
Talking Thermostat can be customized to go off during your “slow times”; however, the
default setting is at 6 months from the date of installation. If you want to generate
planned service visits twice each year, you need to reset the CFS feature during each
planned service visit.
Note! If customer calls in that CFS is flashing and they just had service, have them press
and hold the NO button to reset
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ow to Set “CFS” (Call for Service)
to Increase Service Call Profits
Different circumstances require using different “Call For Service” Periods:
When Replacing Thermostats for Customers without Service
Determine the slow months when it would be best to have customers “Call
For Service”, e.g. work is needed in October, November, March and April.
Create a poster with the “number” of the next “slow month” (see sample
poster on next page - 19) and then post it where technicians will always see
it (dispatch, lunch room, etc.).
Constantly remind technicians to set “Call For Service” to that number until
you get required number of call-ins for that month.
How to Set “Call For Service” for Service and/or
Demand Calls
Example: It’s currently May and you want to set CFS
alert for October. Count the number of months from
May to October (be sure to include May!). That
number is 6 so set “CFS” to 6.
Once set the
thermostat will begin counting down 180 days (30
days x’s 6). Once 180 days has lapsed the red alert
light on the case will flash 4 times every minute and,
on the display screen, Set Point Temperature will
alternate flashing with “CFS”. Start expecting calls!
As another example, if you want pre-cooling calls
next season (March) count from May to March, 11
months. Set CFS to 10 or 11 (I’m sure you get the
When Installing New Systems or Equipment
“CFS” can be set as far as 18 months ahead. It might be best to add your
next slow month “number” to 12. Here’s an example: the new system is
installed in June and your next slow months are October and November.
Count from June to October (5 months) and then add to12 to equal 17.
Set CFS to 17 and your customer will call you one year and five months
For Service Agreement and or Club Membership Clients technicians should
set CFS to appear according to their existing schedule. When feasible set
CFS to the nearest slow month.
Have Fun!
Start by posting a CFS sheet (like the one on the next page) before kicking off the campaign.
Just think how nice it will be to have customers calling you for work when times are slow.
Remember to update your “CFS” numbers every month. An easy way to do it each month
is by laminating your poster so you change the numbers with a “wet-erase” marker.
“Call For Service”
(Set CFS Number To)
New System
(Set CFS Number To)
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roubleshooting the Talking Thermostat
Over the Telephone
Because the Talking Thermostat is smash
hit with blind and visually impaired people,
as the manufacturer, we’ve gotten a
number of calls from them over the years
(we’re always amazed how well most of
these folks have adapted by maximizing
their other senses). Working with the blind
has taught us a lot about troubleshooting
the Talking Thermostat over the telephone.
Troubleshooting over the phone takes a
little getting used to as you depend on the
user telling you what’s going on. Because blind users can’t see what’s going on,
you’re probably thinking it must be almost impossible to help them. Amazingly it’s
not because the Talking Thermostat “tells” you exactly what it’s doing!
First we ask them hold the phone next to the thermostat (or vice versa) and,
depending on the problem, press certain buttons. By listening to the Talking
Thermostat’s audio playback we usually can tell what’s happening. Sometimes
there’s not really a problem or it’s a simple fix, such as turn “Program Off”, remove
“Call For Service”, perform a “Full Factory Reset”, etc. After working with the
blind, we find it a “piece of cake” to troubleshoot thermostat problems for sighted
It’s been our experience that if a
system isn’t operating, the easiest
thing is to blame is the thermostat.
It’s been our experience that
Below are a few examples of customer
if a system isn’t operating, the
problems and how to determine if
easiest thing is to blame is
they’re caused by the thermostat or the
system (we love talking to customers
the thermostat.
but to shorten this article we eliminated
the small talk!).
Customer Phone Call #1
“I’m cold and my system is not running”.
Technician / CSR:
“Gee Mrs. Jones, I’m sorry you’re having a problem but if you’ll help me check a
few things over the phone, I might be able to get your system running right away.
If you can take your cordless phone over to your thermostat I’ll be able to hear the
Talking Thermostat tell me what’s going on”.
Customer walks over to the thermostat.
“OK, now please press the REPORT button located on the lower left side while I
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Over the phone you should hear the thermostat play back the Indoor
temperature, temperature setting and any alert warnings. Things to consider
while listening: Is the set point temperature higher or lower than the Indoor
Temperature? Should it be calling for heat? Is the program ON or OFF? Did
you hear any alert messages, i.e. Call For Service, Check Filter, or Low
“Please open the door on the thermostat and move the FAN switch up to the ON
position. Can you hear the blower running? Can you feel any air movement?
Note: If yes, you have power to the furnace.
Can you see numbers or letters on the display?
Note: This means the batteries are OK.
Technician / CSR:
“That’s great, now do you see anything flashing on the
display screen?”
Wow! Thank you so much!
“Yes, above the indoor temperature numbers. It shows
‘Eon’ and then some numbers”.
Technician / CSR:
“Mrs. Jones, do you have a heat pump, Gas heat or Electric heat?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Technician / CSR:
“No problem Mrs. Jones, if you’ll just press and hold the RUN button and count to
10 slowly, you should hear a ‘click’ sound. When you do, you can stop holding the
RUN button. Now let’s give it a minute or so and see if you hear or feel the furnace
come on.”
“Yes, yes, I can feel some warm air circulating. Wow! Thank you so much.”
Note: As shown on page 6 of the “User’s Guide” instruction sheet included
with each thermostat, the VT2005 series can be used on heat pumps with
auxiliary heat. Emergency heat can be activated by pressing the RUN button
down for approximately 10 seconds. To take the system out of emergency
heat, press the RUN button again for approximately 10 seconds. Emergency
heat instructions are also printed on label inside the thermostat’s panel door.
Phone troubleshooting
saves time and money
and increases
customer satisfaction
Customer Phone Call # 2
“I have a gas furnace and the thermostat is set to
heat and it just keeps running.”
Technician / CSR:
“Mrs. Brown, I’m sorry you are having a problem but if you’ll help me check a few
things, I might be able to take care of it over the phone. If you can take your
cordless phone over to your thermostat I’ll be able to hear the Talking Thermostat
tell me what’s going on. Please hold the phone close enough to the thermostat’s
speaker so I can what its saying.”
Customer walks over to the thermostat.
“OK, Mrs. Brown the thermostat is saying the Set Point temperature is 72 and the
Indoor temperature is 72, and your concern is the unit is still running, is that
“Yes, and it is getting hot in here.”
Technician / CSR:
“No problem, let’s try a few things. Look on the right side of the display and
approximately in the middle of the screen, do you see the word HEAT?”
Technician / CSR:
“OK, that means the heat is on. Now if you press the DOWN button once does the
Set Point Temperature change to 71 degrees and the word HEAT disappear from
the screen?”
“No problem Mrs.
Smith, I’m sure I can
Technician / CSR:
resolve this over the
“Great, it should start cooling down now. Since
you have a gas furnace, it may take a few
minutes to do so. Mrs. Smith while we’re
waiting for the furnace to shut off let me explain how a number of digital
thermostats operate. Since most digital thermostats do not read in half degrees…
(See Service Bulletin #010505.2 on page 31 of this handbook for a full
Customer Phone Call #3
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“Every time I press the UP or DOWN Button, the thermostat talks to me.”
Technician / CSR:
“No problem Mrs. Smith, I’m sure I can resolve this over the phone. Just go over to
the thermostat and hold the DOWN button for 10 seconds. Just slowly count to 10
then press the UP or DOWN button. This voice should be off.”
“Yes, that worked. Thanks very much.”
Technician / CSR:
“Great. If you ever want to hear the voice when you change the temperature
setting you just press the UP button down for 10 seconds. Visually impaired and
blind users just love this feature because they now hear their thermostat setting. Is
there any thing else I can assist you with today?”
The above are a just a few examples. Practice asking the same questions
you’d ask on the job. You just have to have to ask the customer to have
the Talking Thermostat tell you! Happy troubleshooting!
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echnical Service Bulletins and Support
From time to time Smartway Solutions, Inc. issues technical bulletins regarding
solutions to common Talking Thermostat problems. The following are the technical
bulletins that have been issued as of the publication of this handbook. As new
bulletins are created and distributed please add them to this section of your
handbook to keep it up to date.
If you need assistance beyond what’s covered in the technical bulletins you can
always call SmartWay Solutions, Inc. toll free for assistance as follows:
Hours of Assistance
Assistance is Available by phone, fax or email:
Monday – Friday: 7am to 5 pm CST
Toll Free Technical Assistance
(866) 743-5663 General troubleshooting assistance. Technicians can call us toll free
when experiencing problems at job site.
(866) 655-6610 Toll free number to engineering. Technicians can call for general
troubleshooting assistance.
Contact Persons
Marketing & Technical Assistance: Fred Rhoads
Phone (504) 733-5888
Fax (504) 736-9620
Cell (504) 237-2999
Management & Technical Assistance:
Sonny Knobloch, President
Fred Rhoads, Technical & Marketing Support
Toll Free: (866) 743-5663
Phone: (504) 733-5888
Fax: (504) 736-9620
Engineering Assistance:
Klaus Hoog, EVP Engineering
Toll Free: (866) 655-6610
Phone: (919) 688-6610
Fax: (919) 688-6610
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› Service Bulletin # 021704: All Models
How to Check for Low Battery Voltage
Causes and Effects of Low Voltage
Battery operated thermostats have their plus and minuses; however the
positives more than out weigh the negatives. Because the Talking Thermostat
uses more battery power for audio playback, it’s always a good idea to check
for low battery voltage when erratic thermostat operation occurs.
General Problems With Low Voltage Batteries
They’re prone to battery leakage, which will damage the circuit board
Temperature settings can drift (commonly reported as “won’t hold
temperature”) and the display screen characters start to fade (hard to see).
Thermostat relays incorrectly open and close (causing short cycling and/or
failure to bring on heat or cool)
How to Test Batteries for Low Voltage
Tip! If the audio
playback sounds
“fast”, that’s good
indication the
batteries are low.
Set the voltage meter to DC Voltage and select a scale that reads 4 volts or
greater. If needed refer to the meter’s manual for set up help.
Read the top and bottom rows of batteries together (in pairs) as shown in the
above picture. If total voltage per pair is below 3.00 volts, remove all batteries
from the thermostat and read each battery individually to determine if one or
both are low. . In this example, the top pair of batteries read 3.26 volts. Taking
them out we found each battery read 1.63 volts. If any battery measure less
than 1.5 volts it be should be replaced with a fresh alkaline battery to assure
trouble free operation until next tune-up or service call.
Note: The Talking Thermostat is not an energy-robbing thermostat. It gets it power
solely from the four AA batteries locate on the back of the circuit board.
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› Service Bulletin # 071004: VT(VIP) 2005/2007 Models
Using the VT (VIP) 2005 or 2007 Talking Thermostat
on Heat Pump / Hybrid Systems
When installing a VT2005 or VT2007 Talking Thermostat on
Heat Pump Systems it is important to note the following:
Change the Circuit Board Slide Switch:
Move the slide switch located on the back of the circuit
board to the "E" (Electric) position (see picture on the
right). This is required to energize the fan in 1st Stage.
Attach Jumper:
Attach a jumper wire between the Y and W terminals on the thermostat sub
base (see wiring diagram below).
VT/VIP 2005 & 2007 Wiring Diagram
Heat Pump (No Outdoor Thermostat)
Do not connect
“Common” as it
will damage the
Outdoor Thermostat Caution:
Don’t use the VT2005 or VT2007 on Heat Pump systems with outdoor
thermostats (ODT) that bypass the auxiliary 2nd Stage heat (W2). The
emergency heat won’t work on such systems when the outdoor temperature
is above the ODT’s temperature setting. If you still wish to use the VT2005
or VT2007 on such a system please bypass or disconnect the outdoor
Back-Up Heat Delay:
When the heat pump first cycles on, if demand requires auxiliary (back
up) heat, it will be delayed eight (8) minutes.
Note: To by-pass the time delay during service testing, press the NO &
Light buttons together for 10 seconds. All time delays will be by-passed for
10 minutes.
Note: the delay time can be reduced to one (1) minute. To change from 8minutes to 1-minute slide the HEAT – COOL switch to OFF and then press the
YES and RUN buttons together (if a VT2005 press just the RUN button) 10
seconds. To restore the 8-minute delay, perform a Full Factory Rest (FFr) by
pressing the NO and RESET buttons together until FFr appears and then
disappears. When it reappears, press the RUN button to accept the flashing
Indoor Temperature.
Activating Emergency Heat:
To activate emergency heat press and hold the YES and RUN buttons
together (if a VT2005 press just RUN) for 10 full seconds ("Eon" appears
on the display alternating with the Temperature Set Point). To disengage
emergency heat, again press and hold the YES and RUN buttons
together (if a VT2005 press just the RUN button) for 10 full seconds
("Eof" briefly appears then disappears).
Tip! Consider changing the 2nd stage differential to 2N4 (2 degrees
between 1st & 2nd Stage). See “Service Bulletin 091807: Options Setting
2nd Stage Differential” in this handbook, or refer to “2nd Stage Differential
Setting Table” in the “Key Information Guide” or in the “User’s Guide”
instruction sheet (included in each Talking Thermostat box).
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› Service Bulletin # 091807A: VT(VIP) 2005/2007 and
VT(VIP)2205/2205 Models
Optional Settings for the 2nd Stage Differential
Settings Available on VT2005, VT2007, VT2205 and VT2207
Use to set unit to operate as a single stage thermostat
0.5 degree offset from 1st Stage
1.0 degree offset from 1st Stage (Default Setting)
1.5 degree offset from 1st Stage
2.0 degree offset from 1st Stage
Settings Available Only on VT2007 and VT2207
1.0 degree offset from 1st Stage, 2nd Stage remains active
until 1st Stage setting is satisfied *
2.0 degree offset from 1st Stage, 2nd Stage remains active
until 1st Stage setting is satisfied *
* Important: Use 2N5 and 2N6 when you want 2nd Stage to end with 1st Stage
Settings Available Only on VT2007- For Hybrid / Dual Fuel Systems Only
1.0 degree offset from 1st Stage. Disables Heat Pump on
call for 2nd Stage *
2.0 degree offset from 1st Stage. Disables Heat Pump on
call for 2nd Stage *
* From 1st Stage, 2N7 is offset 1º and 2N8 is offset 2º. Both 2N7 and 2N8 will run
in 2nd Stage (only) until 1st Stage is satisfied (0º OFF).
When 1st Stage calls for heat, the Heat Pump is active unless the outdoor
temperature is less than the Outdoor Thermostat (ODT) setting. The ODT should
be wired to activate the Dual Fuel system (W2).
Note: Delay Time can be reduced to one (1) minute. To change from 8minutes to 1-minute slide the HEAT– OOL switch to OFF and then press the YES
and RUN buttons together (if a VT2005 press just then RUN button) for 10
Note! See Dual Fuel suggested wiring in Service Bulletin # 091807B
(next page 28) and full dual fuel wiring diagram on page 29.
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› Service Bulletin # 091807B: VT(VIP)2007 (Only)
Dual Fuel Suggested Wiring
General Overview
Since there are a number of different brands of equipment and wiring
diagrams, this is a general overview how to use the VT2007 thermostat with
dual fuel systems.
Install the LRD-100-A outdoor thermostat (ODT). Mount in or on the outside of
the heat pump unit control box. If possible pull the three wires of the ODT
inside the control box.
The W/Y wire (usually Yellow from indoor thermostat) should connect (wire
nut) to the Red (common) wire on the ODT.
The Blue wire from the ODT should connect to the wire that energizes the
heat pump compressor.
The remaining ODT Black wire should connect to the wire that activates the
auxiliary heat when unit goes into defrost mode (usually W2).
Suggested Settings
Set your 2nX setting to 2N7 (1 degree differential) or 2N8 (2 degree
differential from first stage. Set the LRD -100-A Outdoor Temperature to 50˚.
Sequence of operation: Outdoor temperature is above ODT set point
The heat pump will run until (A) the indoor temperature is satisfied or (B) the
2nd stage is activated by indoor temperature. When 2nd stage is energized, the
heat pump is disabled and the furnace will operate until 1st stage is satisfied.
Sequence of operation: Outdoor temperature is below ODT set point
When the Indoor thermostat receives a call for 1st stage heat, the ODT
disables the circuit to the heat pump compressor and puts voltage to the W2
circuit. Power to the W2 circuit will operate the furnace until first stage is
satisfied. For detailed heat pump
Return Line to W2 on Tstat
Connect W/Y to Red (Common)
W/Y from Tstat
Red Wire
Black wire on ODT
From Heat Pump Control Board
Aux Heat (W2) (Defrost)
Blue wire to Compress Contactor
Outdoor Thermostat
Columbus Electric LRD-100–A
0 to 100 degrees F
See next page 29 for detailed Heat Pump Dual Fuel & Electric Strip Wiring Diagrams
A note from Sonny Knobloch about the Outdoor Thermostat (ODT) Set
I realize that the ODT set point temperature can vary by contractor and
different parts of the country. Speaking to contractors all over these United
States, I find a large number recommend setting the ODT around 50 degrees.
They call this the Customer Comfort Setting which is higher than the
balance point. At this higher set point the unit hardly ever goes into defrost
and customer complaints are reduced.
If you want to set the ODT to a much lower set point, I recommend that you
consider installing a high temperature thermostat in the supply plenum. This
should be set to cycle the furnace and reduce the possibility of tripping a high
pressure control in the outdoor heat pump unit.
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› Service Bulletin # 090704: VT2000/2005/2007 Models
Understanding the VT2000/2005/2007 Talking
(2 common problems in wiring the 2 stage heat / 1 stage cool / heat pump models)
Problem #1: Bad Internal Jumper and / or “G” Is Energized In Heat
Or Some Combination Thereof.
Likely Solution: Move the Gas / Electric Slide Switch
On electric heat systems that don’t have a relay or sequencer to
activate the blower, move the Gas/Electric slide switch, located on the
circuit board, to the “E” position. When in the “E” position, the blower is
activated on calls for HEAT.”
When using the VT2005 on a heat pump system move the Gas/Electric
slide switch to the “E” position.
When using the VT2005 on a gas furnace, the switch should be in the “G”
(gas) position.
Other Considerations
The G (blower) terminal is activated when calling for 2nd stage heat.
This is to insure that the fan runs in high speed when in emergency
heat. This can be confusing when talking about gas heat, but here goes:
Circuit Board Controlling Heating and Air Conditioning:
You know how the circuit board (CB) controls the fan speed. Move the fan
switch to ON and blower runs in low. Energize cooling and the blower goes
to high speed (Y controls blower speed not G). Well the same is true with
newer gas furnaces. The circuit board really controls blower speeds. Move
the fan switch to ON when the thermostat is not calling for heat or cool and
the blower runs in low speed. When 1st stage heat comes on, the CB sets
the speed. When 2nd stage comes on, the CB sets the blower to a higher
speed. When the thermostat is satisfied, the blower goes back to the lower
speed. In conclusion, G being active is not a problem but is actually
beneficial for heat pumps and or electric heat systems.
Problem #2: No Heat (No Connection Between R and W)
Likely Solution: No heat or connection between R and W1
(Emergency Heat)
The most likely cause of this is the thermostat is in “Emergency Heat” (“Eon”
and Set Point Temperature alternately flash). If the customer doesn’t have a
heat pump, ask them to look at the display and see if “Eon” is flashing at the
set point temperature section of display. If it is, have them press and hold the
RUN button for about 10 seconds or until “Eof” appears then disappears. Heat
will now operate as it should (assuming no other problems with the furnace).
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› Service Bulletin # 100404: VT2005 Model
Problem: Fan Runs All the Time
(Blower Runs continuously after a Tune-Up, Start-Up, or Service Call; and Tech
believes there’s a short between W & G)
Likely Cause: W2 Also Energizes G
Two-stage Talking Thermostats (models VT2005 & VT2205) may operate
differently in 2nd stage than other thermostats that technicians are familiar.
Upon start up 2nd stage heat is delayed for 8 minutes. If after 8 minutes,
demand requires additional heat, the W2 (2nd stage) circuit closes. When W2
closes our thermostat also energizes the fan relay (G). This is a safety
feature to insure fan operation even if the fan circuit board fails.
During a tune-up, service call or even start up of a new installation, technicians
frequently use the Equipment Power Switch (115 or 230 volt power), instead of
the thermostat, to turn off the furnace Often, by the time he’s finished, the 8
minute 2nd stage delay has elapsed and W2 and G are energized. When
power’s turned back on, the fan will continuously run causing the tech to
think there is a problem with the thermostat.
To prove this try turning the thermostat mode slide switch to the OFF position
then back to HEAT. This resets the thermostat to 1st stage and the 8 minute
time delay before 2nd stage is energized. Adjusting the Set Point temperature
below and then back above the Indoor temperature also resets the 8 minute 2nd
stage time delay.
Problem: Indoor blower appears to be running continually in Heat mode.
Solution: Thermostat is in 2nd stage heat (in older models the HEAT icon
flashes and in newer models the HI and HEAT icons are displayed). Turn
thermostat off for 10 seconds, and then turn back to heat.
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› Service Bulletin # 010505.1: All Models
Problem: System Runs after Temp Reaches Set
(Customer complains the unit won’t shut off. Note, the VT1007, VT2007 and
VT2207 models have been revised to shut off system before indoor temperature
equals set point temperature)
Likely Cause: Display doesn’t show tenth of degrees
Example: System is running in Cool Mode and both Indoor Temp and Set
Point display 72º. The Cycle Rate is “Cr1” which means the thermostat
maintains indoor temperature within a 1º range of Set Point, i.e. ½º above
and ½º below Set Point. Because we don’t display tenth degrees the
sensor reading could actually be 72.5º while the display screen shows 72º.
The unit will continue to run until the sensor reading is 72.0º before it cycles
A similar example could be shown while in Heat Mode except the sensor
reading would have to rise to 72.0º before cycling off.
Additionally, the Talking Thermostat’s processor uses a complex algorithm
to calculate radiant heat, wall and air temperatures for the indoor display
temperature. This is why coming into a cold or hot property can make the
unit appear to run longer on the first cycle. This “problem” is not unique to
SmartWay thermostats as you can see from the following statement by a
thermostat industry leader:
Statement from Honeywell
“Honeywell electronic thermostats measure both radiant heat and air
temperature, and will tend to read two to four degrees different than
most other thermometers. Standard thermometers look at only air
temperature. Adjust the temperature setting until you find a setting that
is comfortable.”
Easy Troubleshooting Tip:
If your customer complains their system’s running and won’t shut off even
though Indoor Temp and Set Point are the same, e.g. 72º, ask them to
walk over to the thermostat and:
o If in Heat Mode, press the Down button one time (e.g. Set Point is now
71º). The Heat icon will go out and the system will cycle OFF after the
delay from blower is satisfied.
o If Cooling Mode, press the UP button one time (e.g. Set Point is now
71º), the Cool icon will go out and the system will cycle OFF after the
delay from blower is satisfied.
Likely Cause: Static Discharge is Effecting the Thermostat.
Static discharge affects all brands of digital thermostats including the Talking
Thermostat. Static discharge can cause a “glitch” to the thermostat’s processor
which disrupts its normal operation. Static discharge usually occurs during
installation or when replacing the batteries. When it occurs the thermostat l
operates erratically, e.g.: won’t allow programming / programming buttons
won’t work, heat and cooling relays don’t energize, indoor temperature jumps,
audio playback is lost, etc. In 99% of the cases, a simple “Full Factory Reset”
(FFr) will correct the problem. The following explains how to perform a Full
Factory Reset:
Full Factory Reset (FFr)
With HEAT/OFF/COOL slide switch set to the OFF position and the FAN
ON/AUTO slide switch set to the AUTO position, press the NO button and
RESET buttons together until “FFr” appears on the screen and then all the
characters on the screen disappear. Note: you might need a pen or pencil
to depress the small RESET button. Once the screen disappears you can
release the NO and RESET buttons. When the screen reappears press the
RUN button to accept the flashing indoor temperature. Full Factory Reset is
now complete.
Full Factory Reset restores the thermostat to its original factory settings
and you’ll have to reset the day/time and the customer’s programmable
operation settings. You won’t lose your contractor message or phone
Recap of RESET and NO Buttons
The RESET button has two functions. One is to perform a Full Factory
Reset as explained above. The other purpose is to allow a “quick escape”
when setting up DAY/TIME or programmable operation (WEEKDAY and
WEEKEND buttons). If you get lost or wish to quite during either, press the
RESET button and you’ll exit without making any changes, i.e. the original
settings remain as before.
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› Service Bulletin # 010505.2: All Models
Problem: Temperature Overshoots the Set Point
Likely Cause: Display doesn’t show tenth of degrees
This is really the same problem as the previous service bulletin # 010505.1.
We assume that when a homeowner and or technician says the “temperature
is overshooting” they mean the system is still running when the Set Point and
the Indoor Temp are at the same reading.
The below is taken from slide number 67 of the “Introducing the Talking
Thermostat” PowerPoint presentation (call SmartWay at 866-743-5663 if you
need another copy)
“The temperature is at the Set Point and system is still
Since ½ degrees aren’t displayed, if in HEAT and set point is
68.0 the actual indoor temp could be 67.8, which is displayed
as 68, but the system won’t cycle off until actual temp rises to
Perhaps the following Q&A from White-Rodgers’ web site says it best:
“Why does my system run with set point and room temperature the
In cooling, as the room temperature falls, you will eventually reach the set
point temperature. The system will continue to run until it reaches the low
side of the temperature setting. As an example: If set to 78° with the room
temperature falling the thermostat will continue to call for cool as the
temperature decreases in the following manner. 78.9°, 78.8°, 78.7°, 78.6°,
78.5°, 78.4°, 78.3°, 78.2°. At approximately 78.2° the thermostat will quit
calling for cool.
This is why it is not unusual for the room temperature and set temperature
to read the same but the system continues to run. The amount of time it
takes for the system to shut off is dependent on system sizing, thermostat
location, etc. Note: The thermostat display only displays whole numbers.
Internally the thermostat calculates decimals. In
heating as the room temperature increases the
system will continue to run until the thermostat
The Talking
reaches the high side of the temperature set point.”
Thermostat does
not overshoot the
Set Point
temperature. This
is an education
and training
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ow to use the Voice Recorder Module
(VTR 1001) to Download Your Custom
1. Plug 9 volt power connector into
Voice Recorder Module (VTR)
2. Plug flat cable with RJ45 connector
in VTR socket
4. Press the “Red” button and hold
until you hear the voice start to play
3. Plug other end of flat cable with RJ
45 connector into thermostat socket
5. The letters “REC” will show on the
LCD while you download the message
Notice! When downloading your message, be careful
not to press any other buttons on thermostat.
6. Test by pressing the Help Button.
See and hear Voice & Phone number
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ow to Replace the Speech & Display Chips
for the Voice Recorder Module (VTR 1001)
Changing the Voice Recorder Module audio “HELP” message and the phone number
(displayed on the LCD) is easy. Just follow these steps:
1. Enclosed please find a large chip. This is the Speech Chip to
change the audio HELP message. If you’re changing your phone
number you will also find a smaller chip. This the Phone Display
Chip (to change the LCD phone number).
2. If you have the VTR1001 model, you’ll need to take off the case
by removing the two Phillips head screws located on the bottom
side of the recorder.
3. Replacing the Speech Chip: On the circuit board locate the
(large) chip socket marked “U2” and gently pry out the chip with
a chip puller or small flat head screwdriver. Replace with the
enclosed (large) Speech Chip. Make sure the “notch” end of the
chip faces the same direction as the removed chip (the direction
is also printed on circuit board). Be sure the chip’s pins are
correctly aligned in the slot before inserting the chip.
Slot for
4. Replacing the Display Chip: On the circuit board locate the
(small) chip socket marked “U1” and gently pry out the chip with
a chip puller or small flat head screwdriver. Replace with the
enclosed (small) Display Chip. Make sure the “notch” end of the
chip faces the same direction as the removed chip (the direction
is also printed on circuit board). Be sure the chip’s pins are
correctly aligned in the slot before inserting the chip.
Slot for
5. If you have the VTR1001 model, replace the case and secure
with the two Phillips head screws previously removed (on the
bottom side of the recorder).
That’s it! Now try downloading your new message to a Talking Thermostat. You should
hear the new message during download. When you’re finished press the thermostat’s
“HELP” button and you should hear the new message and see the new phone number on
the LCD screen.
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ow Do I Make a Custom Talking Thermostat
“HELP” Message?
Contractors want their customers to hear their own personal message when the
“HELP” key is pressed. Recording a customized message is easy… just follow
these steps:
Decide on what to say
Decide on the message you want to say. Although everyone has his or her
own idea on what works best, you must include your company name, and
phone number. If you use an area code in your advertising, be sure to include it
in your message. Because the speech chip can only hold a limited amount of
information, your message can’t exceed 15 seconds (approximately 40 words).
Below are some suggested messages:
“This thermostat comes with a free lifetime warranty. For service call (your
company name) at (your company phone number). That’s (your company
phone number).” Note: this is the strongest and most popular message.
“This quality system may have an extended warranty. For additional
information or to schedule service, call (your company name) at (your
company phone number). That’s (your company phone number).”
“This quality heating and air conditioning comfort system was installed by
(your company name). For service or questions, please call (your company
phone number). That’s (your company phone number).”
“If your system is not heating or cooling correctly, follow the instructions
inside the door panel. For technical assistance or to schedule service
please call (your company name) at (your company phone number). That’s
(your company phone number).”
How to have your message recorded
Now that you’ve decided on a great message, you can record it several ways:
Let us (SmartWay Solutions) have a professional record it
This is the easiest and the most common way to have your message
recorded (and there’s no additional charge for it!). Even better the
professional voice we use is the same as the other playback so all the
audio matches. Just send us a copy of your written message and be sure
to phonetically spell out any unusual pronunciations (call us if necessary).
Use your computer:
Sound files can be recorded with the “Sound Recorder” program that
comes with Windows or by using other sound recording programs. A good
one is “Goldwave” (an evaluation version can be downloaded for free at
Because the “Talking Thermostat” plays at 16 bit, 44K sampling rate,
monaural; recording at a higher quality will not enhance its sound. When
completed, save your recording as a wav or mp3 file. Sorry, we can’t
guarantee reproduction of any other sound file format.
You can email it to us at Be sure to include
your name and company.
Record to a cassette tape
Record your message on a standard audiocassette and mail it to us. Make
sure the recording has good audio volume and there is no background
sound or other noise.
Have a professional studio record it
Your advertising agency or local radio station may be able to help you
make the recording. If you don’t like your own voice, they may be able to
provide a professional voice. Just make sure they save the file in a format
referred to above.
Use the Recorder Module
After we receive your recording, it’ll be saved to a “master” voice chip, which is
then shipped to you. You then can use this “master” voice chip with the
“Talking Thermostat Recorder Module” (VTR 1001) to save your custom
message on all your “Talking Thermostats”. The Recorder Module includes an
instruction sheet (see page 32 of this handbook) on how this is done.
Custom Message Cost
The message recoding charge is included in the cost of the Recording Module
(VTR 1001). If you wish to update your VTR’s message (and, if needed, the
phone number displayed) there’s a $35.00 charge to record the message and
burn it into new chip(s). The new chip(s) will then been shipped to you to
replace in your current VTR (which is a very easy to do – see page 37).
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requently Asked Warranty Questions
What’s the warranty on Talking Thermostats?
(Note: see page 8 of the “User’s Guide” instruction sheet for warranty wording)
Thermostats that fail to operate under normal use can be returned under
warranty for up to one year from date of purchase or up to two years from the
manufacture date. All warranty returns will be repaired or replaced at
SmartWay’s option. Please note that the warranty does not cover damage
caused by incorrect use or installation.
How do we know the date of manufacturer to determine if under
On the circuit board is a six-digit number followed by a letter. This “date code”
tells the year, month and day of manufacture. For example the date code
060428C means the thermostat was manufactured on April 28, 2006.
How do we return thermostats under warranty?
Contact BuyMax at 866-512-8255 or (Canadian
customers call SGI Canada at 888-586-7460) for a Warranty Return
Authorization Form to be faxed to you. Sorry, warranty returns can’t be
processed without including this RMA form in the shipping box.
Do we need a new Warranty Form
Yes, each warranty form is good for 15 days.
What happens when warranty thermostats are returned?
We’ll try to repair and upgrade the operating software (if needed). If it’s not
repairable we’ll send you a like model replacement thermostat.
What happens if out of warranty thermostats are returned?
All model VT1000, VT1001 and VT2000 thermostats were manufactured over 2
years ago and are now out of warranty. Most VT1005, 2005 and VT2005 are
also out of warranty. Unless an exception has been granted, if returned they
will not be shipped back to you, whether repairable or not.
Will repaired thermostats be in new condition?
Part of the repair process is cleaning the thermostats to look as close to new
as possible. Sorry, but we will not clean, recondition or replace cases, display
lens, buttons and switches that are damaged by marring, scratching, writing,
burns, dirt, grease, paint, or any other non warranted cause.
Are batteries replaced?
Thermostats should be shipped back with original batteries as it helps us with
troubleshooting. New batteries will be furnished if required.
What if we have other warranty questions?
Call SmartWay Solutions toll free at 866-743-5663.
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he Best Way to Save Money When
Ordering Talking Thermostats
The Talking Thermostat’s cost is
reduced even more for members
of Success Group International®
(AirTime500™, Plumbers’ Success International™ or Electricians Success International™).
By joining you’ll be eligible for
even greater savings, including
the very lowest pricing through
the Frequent Buyers Club. For
more information about joining
call BuyMax at 866-512-8255!
Wake Up!
thermostat that keeps them
comfortable by turning the
temperature setting and is
simple to use.
They don’t
down the hallway, I want to
show you my thermostat”
(OK, a few do if they have a
“talking” thermostat).
why install anything but a
thermostat that’ll guarantee
you more work?
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he Best Way to Lower Your Talking
Thermostat Cost
Charge 50% to Advertising! After all isn’t that really what
the Talking Thermostat does? Doesn’t it advertise you
every time a customer hears your message and calls for
service and repair work?
When you charge half to “Cost of
Sales” and half to “Advertising” it
costs you half the cost of the
generating, profit making, customer
retention tool in every house your
tech visits! A tool that:
Keeps men busy in “slow times”
Keeps cash
Keeps selling your company
without any additional advertising
The $154 Question
In the HVAC business,
where can you buy
something for less
than $35 that can be
sold at $189 MSRP (a
healthy $154 profit)
and it continues to
make you more money
for years to come by
repeatedly selling your
Can you image what your sales
would be if every house you ever
serviced was still your customer?
Wouldn’t it be worth $35 (or less) to
lock in each one? How much are
you paying now to get a “new”
customer? I bet it’s more than $35!
If you know what it is
please let us know!
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For current pricing / order sheet
(and if any specials!) please
BuyMax, LLC
1237 Huntsville Hwy Suite E
Fayetteville, TN 37334
Toll free phone 866.512.8255
Direct phone 931.438.4805
Fax 931.438.4827
Tstat Log Out
Model Thermostat
Serial Number
Charge to Technician
Charge to Job Number
Issued by
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Projected Service Maint.
Month & Year
Total Calls
Avg # calls 1 tech can do per day
Projected Service Maint.
Month & Year
Avg # calls 1 tech can do per day
MEN ON HAND for Demand calls
Total Maint & Demand Men On Hand
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Total Calls
Units Required Per Month
Projected Service Maint.
Month & Year
Units Required Per Month
Projected Service Maint.
Month & Year
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