September 2014
This edition of China
Accounting Alert
provides a summary of
the recent
developments in IFRS,
news about financial
reporting in Mainland
China, and EY
IASB news and updates
IASB issues amendments to IFRS 10 and IAS 28
In September 2014, the IASB issued narrow-scope amendments to IFRS 10
Consolidated Financial Statements and IAS 28 Investments in Associates and
Joint Ventures (2011). The amendments address an acknowledged
inconsistency between the requirements in IFRS 10 and those in IAS 28 (2011),
in dealing with the sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its
associate or joint venture. The main consequence of the amendments is that a
full gain or loss is recognised when a transaction involves a business (whether
it is housed in a subsidiary or not). A partial gain or loss is recognised when a
transaction involves assets that do not constitute a business, even if the assets
are housed in a subsidiary. The amendments will be effective from annual
periods commencing on or after 1 January 2016.
Mainland news and updates
EY publications
CSRC publishes its accounting regulatory report
In September 2014, the CSRC published the
Accounting Regulatory Report on Listed
Companies' 2013 Annual Financial Reports. The
report focuses on common issues identified with
respect to the accounting treatments of business
combinations, revenue recognition, financial
instruments, government grants, impairment of
assets, share-based payment, etc. and the issues in
the audit of financial reports and the evaluation
and audit of internal control. The report reflects
the CSRC’s viewpoints from the perspective of a
regulator on the accounting issues in listed
companies' financial reports.
This edition of Applying IFRS looks at
developments in Venezuela that require entities to
reconsider the exchange rate they use to translate
Venezuelan bolivar-denominated foreign
operations and foreign currency transactions. In
addition, economic conditions in Venezuela,
including the currency exchange mechanisms,
raise a number of other financial reporting issues.
IFRS Developments Issue 89: FASB addresses
sale and leasebacks
At a FASB-only meeting in August 2014, the FASB
made decisions to clarify the proposed guidance
on the accounting for sale and leaseback
transactions. The FASB also addressed some US
GAAP issues, affirming its 2013 proposed
decisions about the discount rate for lessee
entities that are not public business entities, the
accounting for leveraged leases and the
accounting for related party leasing transactions.
Issue 89 of IFRS Developments tells you what you
need to know about these decisions.
MOF released the notice on the implementation
of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
by Central Cultural Enterprises
In September 2014, the MOF released the Notice
on the Relevant Issues regarding the
Implementation of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises by Central Cultural
Enterprises. In accordance with the notice, the
central cultural enterprises (of which the MOF
performs the owner's duties on behalf of the State
Council) and their subsidiaries must fully
implement Accounting Standards of Business
Enterprises starting 1 January 2015, and they
should no longer implement the Accounting
System for Business Enterprises, industry
accounting system, accounting methods for
specialised industries such as Accounting Methods
for the Press and Publishing Industry and the
respective Q&As.
Applying IFRS: Venezuela – translation exchange
Insurance Accounting Alert: August 2014
This Insurance Accounting Alert covers topics
addressed at the July 2014 IASB meeting. The
IASB continued its re-deliberations on the 2013
insurance contracts exposure draft. It held
decision-making discussions on the following
The discount rate to use for the contractual
service margin (CSM) interest accretion and
calculation of the present value of cash flows to
unlock the CSM
Whether requirements beyond IAS 8
Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting
Estimates and Errors would be needed for a
change in accounting for the presentation of
the changes in interest rates
China Accounting Alert is our monthly executive update for Mainland
China and Hong Kong on recent developments in local and
international financial reporting, and related hot topics and emerging
issues. China Accounting Alert is designed to help keep you one step
ahead by providing easy access to the information you need, all in
one place. It is not intended to be a substitute for reading the
financial reporting standards or other appropriate authoritative
guidance, to which reference should be made for a full understanding
of the relevant subject matters.
China Accounting Alert
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