Lighthouse News January 2016 Issue 1, Volume 67 This moment with the Rodriguez Family captured during the 2015 Academy Family Christmas Party. WE BELIEVE ... Building on Faith, HOPE and Excellence! Since 1949 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, …” 1 Peter 1:3 (NKJV) From the Director My Dear Friends, As we start the New Year, I am excited. I am looking forward with joyous expectation, confident that 2016 offers the hope of a fresh start – a new beginning for each and every one of us. Why? Because that’s what God promises: “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.” Lamentations 3:22 (NASB) I understand that many people have a hard time believing this truth. For them, their circumstances might include poor health, financial debt, fractured family relations, or simply feeling alone and tired. How could a new morning change what they have come to expect? Perhaps, at this very moment, this is going through your mind. I’m hoping that as you read this letter, you’ll find the encouragement you need to believe in a new beginning. In the past, before I became a believer, I would dread my tomorrows. I didn’t want to get up and face another day of frustration and pressure. In fact, I wanted to avoid people altogether. I didn’t want to hear about their good fortunes, and I certainly didn’t want to hear about their problems, either. Didn’t they know I had my own issues? That all changed when the Lord met me in my lowest moment. He revealed my sin and my need for Him, leading me to repent - to invite Him into my life. Then I encountered Scripture; understanding His Word with His help for the very first time. The more I read, the more I realized that God’s steadfast love never ceased to be poured out to me throughout my life. He was always merciful to me - longsuffering and patient with me through my weakest moments. Even in my sinful behavior He was letting me know that He was giving me a new day to make things right and to start over. By thanking Him and by being merciful to others who were facing similar difficulties, He was teaching me how to find the hope that once eluded me. Here at the Mission, many folks have given up on life. They burned bridges with family and with society. They have suffered abuse, or have been abandoned and neglected. They feel angry and hard-hearted toward everyone they meet. They lack trust, wishing to lash out when they first come through our doors. I cannot tell you how many times the men in the Academy have told me when they first came to the Mission all they thought about was getting revenge on everyone that disrespected them no matter how insignificant the disrespect was done towards them. Yet, the Lord knows just the right time to enter in. All it takes is one defining moment - a sudden willingness to allow Him to move in their hardened heart. Once they experience His truth for the first time in a fresh way, they can begin to believe, in hope, and walk with confidence in the life God has planned just for them. Then they say, “I know Jesus has changed me. I no longer have hate. Instead, I want to tell people about Jesus.” “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” Ezekiel 36:26 (ESV) Be encouraged. Share the hope you have come to know with someone who needs a word of encouragement and practice being openly thankful and hopeful by loving others, even when your feelings tend to steer you in another direction. God will meet you in these moments. He’ll help you with any hidden sin that is keeping your heart hardened. He will give you a new heart and a fresh start. “And He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also He said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’” Revelation 21:5 (ESV) May you have a joy-filled New Year! “Behold, I AM making all things new.” Rev. Larry J. Arce, CEO Fresno Rescue Mission, Inc. Revelation 21:5 (ESV) Academy Family Christmas Party December 12, 2015 It was a full house during our Christmas Luncheon December 23, 2015 Celebrate the HOPE found in Christ! For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:16-17 Rescue the Children Family Christmas Fun Night December 11, 2015 Experience HOPE ... with a new heart and new eyes. “...may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 It’s Not Like the Movies Jose will graduate the Academy program in early July 2016. Employed as the Academy Receptionist for the Fresno Rescue Mission, he is the first person many people meet when they first come through our front doors. “I know the challenge of lifechange, but I also know that life-change is possible. Even the worst of situations is not impossible with God’s help.” Jose shared a story with us: “One of the Academy disciples was having his first on-campus visit. His mom arrived early and was waiting for him. It had been two months or more since she’d last seen him. When he came around the corner, she whispered, ‘Oh Mijo’ and went silent. She was crying. Her son no longer looked like skin and bones. He was rested, well-fed, and smiling for the first time in a very long time. She thanked me - -ME! - - I suppose because I was the one to see it happen. It was an honor, but it also stirred up a lot of memories in me; some good, some bad. I remember what it was like, to ‘end up here,’ as I used to say. I once thought that going to a Mission for help would be the same as what is shown in movies: A Skid Row soup kitchen. You know the look? A dirty, filthy location filled with ‘lowlifes’ and bums? The truth is, once I arrived here I was shocked. The Mission is warm. It’s inviting. The people (staff and guests) are just ordinary people with similar challenges. The programs are first-rate and I know I learned things about myself I never knew before. That all happened because I came here. I still have lots of issues I’m working through, but that day I could see what God had already done in me. When I enrolled in the Academy program, I was just like that woman’s son. I looked like a skeleton. I also wore an attitude of smug anger on my face. Today, just like his mom saw in him, I am healthy and happy. Mostly, I’m hopeful. My wife is enrolled at Rescue the Children [the Mission’s program for women and women with children.] I know that if we keep practicing what the Mission has taught us, we can become a healthy family. One day, I want my family to see me the same way as that mom saw her son. I also want them to have a chance to experience what I have; that Christ can change their lives, too. This place is more than just food and shelter. It’s a place where you meet Jesus, and then you meet yourself. I trust God will make that possible for the people I love, too. If not at a Rescue Mission, He can work it out somewhere. He knows best.” Responsible Stewardship ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES Rev. Larry J. Arce, Chief Executive Officer I have a friend that I see occasionally. When I ask him how he is doing, he always replies, “I am grateful.” We live in a country and community where we have been greatly blessed and for this we should be grateful. Pastor Rob Cravy, Chief Operating Officer I am daily reminded by the blessing of God on my life and in the lives of my family and friends, and yet, I know we live in a world that is broken. Throughout our community, we see lives brought to ruin; some by their own hand and some by the circumstances of a broken world. When we see this brokenness, what is Don Eskes, our response? Do we have a responsibility to be our Community Partnerships brother’s keeper? The brokenness within community affects us all. We are all touched, either directly or indirectly, by the lives of those who are addicted, homeless, and in need of a Savior. So, what can we do? THE ACADEMY – Rev. Bud Searcy, Director Phone: (559) 268-0839, Ext. 115 - The purpose of the Fresno Rescue Mission is “…to glorify God by meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the least, the last and the lost in our community.” We, at the Mission, can only endeavor to do this with your involvement. Your partnership, consisting of sharing your volunteer time, your talents and abilities, and your financial support, makes this possible. For that we are grateful. We are grateful to God for His consistent provision through you. We are grateful to God for His miraculous work, changing lives each day. We are grateful to God for the opportunity to serve our communities for His glory and His honor. If we can be of any help to you as we start 2016, please contact us. We would invite you to let us know how we can serve you. Again, we are grateful to you for your support and prayers as we enter this New Year. For any questions you might have, or to learn how to be more involved with the Fresno Rescue Mission, contact Don Eskes by phone: (559) 268-0839, Ext 134 or e-mail: SAVE THE DATE 310 G Street, Fresno CA 93706 P. O. Box 1422, Fresno CA 93716-1422 Phone: (559) 268-0839 – Fax: (559) 268-1317 FOOD SERVICES – Dewayne Martin, Director Phone: (559) 268-0839, Ext. 107 - COMMUNITY CARE - Pastor Jay Carroll, Director 315 G Street, Fresno CA 93706 Phone: (559) 268-0839, Ext. 205 - RESCUE THE CHILDREN - Priscilla Robbins, Director 2141 North Parkway Drive, Fresno CA 93705 Phone: (559) 227-2190, Ext. 104 - MISSION AT THE MISSION - Margie Prout, Director Phone: (559) 268-0839, Ext. 102 - FRESNO RESCUE MISSION THRIFT STORE AND CARS Sandra Patel, Director 181 E. Sierra, Fresno CA 93710 Phone (559) 440-0870 - ACCOUNTING - Maria Vargas (559) 268-0839, Ext. 129 - DONOR DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Deborah Torres, Director (559) 268-0839, Ext. 204 - Don Eskes, Community Partnerships (559) 268-0839, Ext. 134 - TOURS/VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES Tina Searcy - Volunteer and Events Coordinator (559) 268-0839, Ext. 202 - LIGHTHOUSE NEWS EDITORS Donna Scully * Deborah Torres ADDRESS CHANGES – Angie Gonzales (559) 268-0839, Ext. 209 - PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF: Ken Scheid - Al Kawasaki - Scott Streble - Scott Streble Photography Ted Morgan - FRM Volunteer FRESNO RESCUE MISSION & FRESNO RESCUE MISSION FOUNDATION & FRESNO WORKS BOARD OF DIRECTORS Daral Kennedy, Chairman Steve Ocheltree, Vice-Chairman Don MacAlpine, Treasurer Jim Mosqueda, Secretary Robert Abrams Leonel Alvarado Vito Brugetti Steve Pearson Lonnie Petty AUDIT COMMITTEE Emil “Butch” Rusconi Vicki Crow, CPA James Sullivan Ben Krikorian, CPA Please remember the Fresno Rescue Mission in your will or trust In Honor Of (November 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) Mom by Nelleke Zentner Kim Anderson by Milton & Joyce Anderson Tom & Lori Anderson by Milton & Joyce Anderson Jane Brooks by Ted Brooks ESL INT, INT L2Q16 CAE by Josefina Beshansky Patricia Carey by Jeri Luppino Gwendolyn Cassidy by Thomas Cassidy Steven Chan by Diane Nedler Van Vleet Family by Joan Van Vleet Anna Fiasca by Crystal Ives Tallman Vincent Garcia by Michael Davila Gordon Gibbs by Timothy & Deborah Riordan Jennifer & Edward Graveline by Edwin Graveline Liz Harrison by Jill Russom Employees of HJ Baker & Bro Inc by HJ Baker & Bro Inc Our Lord Jesus Christ by Mary Peraza Stan & Bobbe Jones by Milton & Joyce Anderson Randy & Lora King by Stanley & Rita King Susan Marino by Riley Marino Troy Matthews by Neil & Cheri Jones Yvonne Miller by Edward & Jeanne Arakelian Cooper Monreal by Ben Monreal Jasper Patteson by Sanjay & Shikha Patteson Roy Patzkowsky by Michael F Vogt Lonnie & Joan Petty by Doug & Lynn Yount Dave & Jerri Plassman by Robert & Jinny Rees John Renna by Cheryl Marshall Janet Setencich by Judy Stahlman Harry and Elsie Tallman by Greg and Patsy Tallman Simeon Torres by Robert & Deborah Torres John Trouy by Rose Trouy Francis H Vogt by Michael F Vogt Francis Weaver by Sharon Weaver Bob Wolf by L Kenneth & Janet Seibert Harold & Esther Lewis by David & Janet Cook Walter Lingo by A Vernon & Marjorie Conrad by Rustin & Christine Moyer by Michael Janzen by Fred Nagata DPM Richard Lockwood by Karen Lockwood Thomas Mascarenaz by Carol & Donald McClannan Frank Maslowski by Stan & Martha Pilegard William (Bill) McCormick by Kathleen McCormick Daniel Mendoza Jr by Erica Mora John & Jasmine Mgrdichian by Rob Saroyan Michael Monohon by Karen Monohon John & Martha Moran by David & Janet Cook Gary Murphy by Adrain & Andrea Carvajal Clarence Newton by Clifford & Janice Newton Dr Louis Pardini by Aram & Barbara Garabedian Louis & Mary Petrella by Ann Howell William Preheim by Charles & Chloe Foster Hugh Puckett by Cynthia Puckett Angelo, Connie & Marie Ramirez by Margo Carrizales Lewis Ray by E & Linda Williams Mary Ray by E & Linda Williams Warren Robinson by Donna Robinson Margarita Rogel by Laura C Jose Sansinena by Scott & Kirsten Markarian John Shahinian by Harry & Marian Eritzian by George & Rose Samuelian John and Hermance Shapazian by Elaine Stamper Ellen Simpson by Jim Simpson Claudio Sotelo by Madeline Sotelo Marge Stevens by Jane Willey Dana Stout by Corben & Erika Whitney Carl Swain by Rosemarie Swain All Our Vietnam Veterans by Kathleen Jenanyan Chad Ware by James Ware Judith L Weaver by Wallace & Judith Weaver Matthew M White by Patricia Matthews Jo Anne Wiggins by Vince Wiggins Patricia Wilkerson by Margaret Tejerian Robert Wolf by Stan & Martha Pilegard By L Kenneth & Janet Seibert Frank Wong by Allen & Bettina Tong Frank Y Wong Jr by Paul & Juliette Snashall Gale Young by Brian Oakes In Memory Of (November 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) Joan by G Ray & Penny Young Aurturo & Mary Balli by Evangelina Balli Francisco Bejarano by Araceli Avina Jason Berry by Maryanne Britten Bruno Bisceglia by J Bisceglia Ronald & Georgie Block by Robert Block Alma Brummels by Pamela Brummels-Wallick Thomas Buckley by Carolyn Hansen Shirley Caouloureanos by Kathleen & Donald Moss Elaine Chang by Philip & Elizabeeth Prasad Joyce and Wiley Cousins by Nancy Skei Tina Cox-Roberts by Cristina Lopez Leona Duerksen by Patricia Duerksen Earleen Dussen by Janice Friesen Rev Jacob Eitzen by Gary & Elizabeth Barsoom Robert “Bud” Ensom by Whitney Ensom Lee Ann Fairless by Charlotte Dean Armando Fernandez by Luz Angela Kanner Vivian Folkers by Lela Folkers by Bonnie Folkers Huebert Leroy Gabrielson by Ralph and Leann Keeler Richard Gauna by Tony & Laura Gauna Louis Grabe by Sharon Grabe Alan Hatcher by Dustin Campbell MK Hayes by Delia Hayes David Hiatt by Jeff & Denise Russell Georgina Hickman by Dorothy Sirman Eva Jean Hicks by E Y & K S Y McGee John Hogendorn by Courtney Hogendorn George Howard by Earl & Shirley Shaeffer Thomas Howard by John Howard George Howder by Robert & Deborah Torres Alan G Hutcheson Jr by Alan & Gabriell Hutcheson Oliver Jensen by Lois Raco Fred Jessup by Sam & Sally Thiessen Greg Johnson by Jerylee Johnson Don Jorgenson by Clifford & Janice Newton Alex Josephian by Harry & Susan Mazgedian Rejevan Kanagaratnam by Prathee Kanagaratnam Shirley A Kroeger by William Kroger Dee Kuykendall by Emil & Maurine DeVries Brian Allen Lauchner by Judy Rae Thomas Church & Auxiliary Supporters (November 1, 2015 - December 31, 2015) AUBERRY Auberry Community Church BIOLA Biola Congregational Church CLOVIS Breaking Free Revival Center Clovis First Assembly of God Clovis Hills Community Church Crossover Church of God New Life Community Church of Clovis Northside Christian Church Mission Acc Northside Christian Church YAH Class Pentecostal Church of God Valley Bible Church of Clovis COALINGA 1st Baptist Church DINUBA London Pentecostal Church of God EASTON Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Easton FIREBAUGH Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Mendota FOWLER The Presbyterian Church of Fowler Worship Centre Church FRESNO 1st Church of God Ashlan Avenue Church of Christ Calvary Chapel of Fresno Calvary Worship Center Church Campus Bible Church Central Community Church City of Refuge A New Beginning Cornelia Avenue Baptist Church Easton Presbyterian Church El Encino Baptist Church Family Community Church First Armenian Presbyterian Church Fresno Christian Reformed Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Lutheran Women’s Missionary League of NEAG-Action Community Church Northeast Assembly of God Northpark Community Church Peoples Church Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church River Valley Church St Paul CME Church Benevolent Fund The Bridge Evangelical Free Church Third Day Fellowship of Fresno Truth Tabernacle United Pentecostal Church University Presbyterian Church Valley Christian Center West Park Baptist Church of Fresno Westminster Presbyterian Church Word Community Church KERMAN 1st Southern Missionary Baptist Church KINGSBURG Evangelical Colony Covenant Church Riverbend Church REEDLEY Community Christian Fellowship RIVERDALE United Methodist Women SPRINGHILL New Song Ministries TOLLHOUSE Church of Tollhouse Sierra Hills Baptist Church TRANQUILLITY 1st Southern Baptist Church