Synchronous machine 1. Construction Synchronous Machines Generator Exciter View of a two-pole round rotor generator and exciter. Synchronous Machines Stator with laminated iron core B A Slots with phase winding CA+ + + N S B- B+ - + + - Rotor with dc winding + - - - A- C+ C Major components of a round rotor two-pole generator Synchronous Machines Cross-section of a large turbo generator. (Courtesy Westinghouse) Synchronous Machines Metal frame Laminated iron core with slots Insulated copper bars are placed in the slots to form the three-phase winding Details of a generator stator. Synchronous Machines Rotor block of a large generator. (Courtesy Westinghouse) Synchronous Machines Generator rotor with conductors placed in the slots. Synchronous Machines Steel retaining ring Shaft Shaft Wedges DCcurrent current DC terminals terminals Large generator rotor completely assembled. (Courtesy Westinghouse) Synchronous Machines Stator with laminated iron core B+ C- A+ Rotor with dc winding N + + + + + A- S B- C+ Two-pole salient pole generator concept. Slots with phase winding Synchronous Machines A- B+ C+ C- N - + + + + - A+ S S + + - A+ - + + B- B- N C+ A- CB+ Four-pole salient pole generator concept. Synchronous Machines Stator of a large salient pole hydro generator; inset shows the insulated conductors and spacers. Synchronous Machines Large hydro generator rotor with view of the vertical poles. Synchronous Machines Slip rings Pole Fan DC excitation winding Rotor of a four-pole salient pole generator. Synchronous Machines Exciter rotor Rotating rectifier Generator Exciter stator Φ Idc Field winding Phase windings Stationary Rotates Concept of the brushless exciter system Operating Concept Synchronous Machines Flux Φf nsy B+ C+ N - A+ B- - - - + + + A+ S C+ Operating concept of a synchronous generator Synchronous Machines Maximum flux linkage with phase A C- No flux linkage with phase A B+ - C- + B+ - + - N N A+ + - + - A- A+ + S - B- - S + + - C+ (a) Flux is perpendicular to phase A B- + C+ (b) Flux is parallel to phase A Rotation produced flux linkage variation. A- Synchronous Machines Φrot Φlink ωt nsy B+ C+ N - A+ - B- - - + + 30 + - S A- + C+ Rotating flux linkage to phase A. Synchronous Machines Main rotating flux f n sy = p 2 ω = 2 π n sy Φ link (t ) = Φ rot cos(ω t ) Es (t ) = N sta d Φ link (t ) dt E s (t ) = − N sta Φ rot ω sin(ω t ) = N sta Φ rot ω cos(ω t + 90°) E sta = N sta Φ rot ω 2 The rotating flux generates the induced voltage Synchronous Machines nsy B+ C+ N - Field flux Φf A+ B- + + - - - 30 + - S A+ Armature flux Φar C+ Field (Φf) and load generated (Φar) rotating fluxes. Synchronous Machines Armature flux I arm (t ) = 2 I sta cos(ω t ) Φ arm (t ) = Φ ar cos(ω t ) E ar (t ) = N sta E arm = dΦ arm (t ) = − N sta Φ ar ω sin (ω t ) dt N sta Φ ar ω 2 Vt = E sta − E arm Load current generates a rotating flux reducing the main flux and induced voltage Synchronous Machines Armature flux E ar (t ) = Larm dI arm (t ) dt = − Larm ω 2 I sta = − X arm X arm = d dt sin(ω t ) = Larm 2 I sta sin(ω t ) N sta Φ ar ω 2 I sta X syn = X arm + X leakage 2 I sta cos(ω t ) Synchronous Machines Single phase equivalent circuit E arm − syn = I sta ( j X syn ) Vt = E sta − E arm − syn = E sta − I sta j X syn Xsyn Flux Esta Rsta Ista Vt DC Single-phase equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator. Synchronous Machines • The generator is loaded • The load current produces a rotating flux • This rotating flux induces a ac three phase voltage in the stator winding. • This voltage is – subtracted from the induced voltage. – represented by a voltage drop on the synchronous reactance • The equivalent circuit of a synchronous generator is a voltage source and a reactance connected in series Synchronous Machines Generator Application – Power angle: Angle between the dc excitation current generated induced voltage and the terminal voltage Xad X1 σ Isp R I Ub UV U Z Uˆ = Uˆ b + j X ad Iˆ + j X 1σ Iˆ + R Iˆ Synchronous Machines • Phasor diagram of synchronous machine Uˆ = Uˆ b + j X ad Iˆ + j X 1σ Iˆ + R Iˆ Synchronous Machines Generator Application Loading: power is less than angle 90 deg – All generators in the system are connected in parallel All generators rotates with the synchronous speed The load can be increased by increasing the input mechanical power by regulating the turbine impute power The speed does not change, the power angle increases Maximum power angle is 90 degree, beyond that operation is unstable • • • • • – – Reactive power regulation When the excitation is: • • Increased, the generator reactive power also increases; Decreased, the generator reactive power also decreases • Load and excitation dependence 0kap U 0ind 0,6ind Un 0,2 kap 0,6 kap 0,6 kap Ib 0 ind 0,8ind 1 1 0kap I (Isp) I Synchronous Machines Synchronization – Verify that the phase sequences of the two systems are the same. – Adjust the machine speed with the turbine that drives the generator until the generator voltage frequency is nearly the same as the frequency of the network voltage. – Adjust the terminal voltage of the generator by changing the dc field (rotor) current until the generator terminal voltage is almost equal to the network voltage. Acceptable limit is 5%. – Adjust the phase angle of the generator terminal voltage by regulating the input power until it is nearly equal with the phase angle of the network voltage. Acceptable limits are about 15°. Synchronous Machines • Synchronization L1 L2 L3 A NAPÁJENÍ BUZENÍ SA V1 f1 V2 f2 The generator and network power vs power angle δ := 0deg , 1deg .. 180deg 250 Pg( δ) kW 200 Stable operation Unstable operation Maximum power 150 Pnet( δ) kW 100 110 Operation point 50 0 0 30 60 90 δ deg 120 150 180