2016 Faculty File - The George Washington University

faculty file
faculty file
of Germanwings Crash Was
Negligent Switch Design.”
Lisa Fairfax published “Separation
Anxiety: A Cautious Endorsement of the
Independent Board Chair” in the Indiana
John F. Banzhaf III’s recent
writings include “Cleveland
Christopher A. Bracey’s
Law Review (2014) and “Toward a Theory
Verdict Highlights Big
book chapter, “Michael
of Shareholder Leverage” in the UCLA
Burden for Baltimore’s
Brown, Dignity and Déja Vu:
Online Law Review (2014).
Prosecutor in Cop Case”;
From Slavery to Ferguson
“Amtrak Crash Caused
and Beyond,” will be
by Negligent Speed
published in the forth-
Control”; “At GWU Holy
coming edited volume,
Place,” Jotwell – Legal
“Growing Inequality and
Symbol Triggers Ban, But
Ferguson Fault Lines: Legal
Scholarship We Like and
Children,” American
Hangman’s Noose OK at
and Social Reverberations.
Why It Matters, November
University Journal of Gender,
7, 2014; and “Owaru
Social Policy and the Law
Duke”; “Freddie Gray –
Baltimore Cop Charges
Neil Buchanan published
Kotono Nai Saimu Jogen
(2015) (with June Carbone);
Likely to Fail, Triggering
“Using the Tax Code to Help
No Kiki (The Never-Ending
“’Making Things Fair’: An
More Violence”; “Outrage
Universities Put Big-Time
Debt Ceiling Crisis),” Sozei
Empirical Study of How
Over GWU’s Religious Ban
College Sports in (Some)
Kenkyu (Tax Studies) (April
People Approach the Wealth
Grows, Here and in India”;
Perspective,” Jotwell Tax
2014). He also published
Transmission System” in Elder
“Supreme Court’s Death
(September 2015); “An Odd
a number of pieces
Law Journal (2015) (with
Debate Ignores Obvious
Remedy That Does Not
in Justia’s Verdict, including
Amy Ziettlow); “A Gendered
Alternative To Lethal
Solve the Supposed Problem
“Current Retirees Should
Reading of Security and
Injections”; “Should George
(commentary on Comptroller
Not Be the Last to Enjoy a
Security Reform in Post-
Washington University Ban
of Maryland v. Wynne),”
Middle-Class Retirement.”
Conflict Societies” in Sexual
Jewish Star, As It Did Eastern
George Washington Law
Holy Symbol?”; ”Columbia
Review’s “On the Docket”
Naomi Cahn published
Conflict Societies (Routledge,
Report Is Roadmap For Law
(October Term 2014), May
several articles and book
2014) (with Dina Haynes
Suits, Could Hurt Victims”;
23, 2015; “Legal Scholarship
chapters: “Contemporary
and Fionnula Ni Aolain);
and “Banzhaf, One Cause
Makes the World a Better
Trusts and Estates: An
“Contemporary Trusts and
Experiential Approach”
Estates—An Experiential
(Wolters Kluwer Law &
Approach,” St. Louis
Business, 2014) (with Susan
University Law Journal (2014)
N. Gary); “Young v. United
(with Borison, Jerome, et. al.);
Parcel Service,” George
“Digital Planning,” in Probate
Sector Standards into the Public Sector
Washington Law Review’s
and Property, May-June
Backfired,” in Regulating the Visible Hand?
“On the Docket” (March 27,
2014, (with Amy Ziettlow);
The Institutional Implications of Chinese
2015) (with June Carbone);
and “Do Tell! The Rights of
State Capitalism (Oxford University Press
“Class, Politics, Gender and
Donor-Conceived Offspring,”
the Marriage Divide in the
Hofstra Law Review (2014).
Donald Clarke published “Blowback:
How China’s Efforts to Bring Private-
2015, Curtis Milhaupt & Benjamin Liebman, eds.), and
“China’s Legal System and the Fourth Plenum,” Asia Policy,
No. 20 (July, 2015).
Violence in Conflict and Post-
United States” in Families,
Relationships and Societies
Bradford Clark and A.J. Bellia
(2015) (with June Carbone);
(Notre Dame) published “The
SRING 2016 FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
Original Source of the Cause
Beast and “The Obama
Joan Meier, together with DV-LEAP
of Action in Federal Courts:
Justices” in Slate. Professor
and Skadden Arps, Slate, Meagher
The Example of the Alien
Fontana was also a panelist
and Flom, authored a third Supreme
Tort Statute,” 101 Va. L. Rev.
for a Transparency Caucus
609 (2015).
briefing on the need for
Court amicus brief in Ohio v. Clark, a
case concerning whether children’s
live video and audio in the
Lawrence A. Cunningham
Supreme Court.
published numerous op-eds
(teachers) are “testimonial” and therefore excluded
under the Confrontation Clause, or part of an “ongoing
last year, including four
Robert Glicksman published
in The New York Times
Statutory Analysis in the
emergency” and therefore admissible. Professor Meier’s
and others in newspapers
Regulatory State (Foundation
article, “Johnson’s Differentiation Theory: Is it Really
ranging from the Omaha-
Press 2014); Administrative
Empirically Supported?,” was published in the Journal of
World Herald to The Wall
Law: Agency Action in
Child Custody.
Street Journal, and journals
Legal Context (Foundation
such as The National Interest
Press 2d ed. 2014);
and the Harvard Corporate
Environmental Protection:
Governance Forum. Topics
Law and Policy (Aspen 7th
2014). His article with Thoko
(with D. Markell) and “Energy
ranged from Berkshire
ed. 2015); “A Holistic Look
Kaime (University of Essex in
Sources for Electricity” (with
Hathaway to AIG and from
at Agency Enforcement,”
England), “An International
D. Spence) in Global Climate
corporate governance to the
93 N.C. L. Rev. 1 (2014);
Legal Framework for
Change and U.S. Law; “The
rule of law.
“Coercive vs. Cooperative
SE4All: Human Rights and
Regulatory Contract in the
Enforcement: Effect of
Sustainable Development
Marketplace,” forthcoming in
Roger A. Fairfax, Jr.
Enforcement Approach on
Law Imperatives,” was
Vanderbilt Law Review (with
published “Teaching
Environmental Management,”
published in 38 Fordham Int’l
D. Spence); “Nuclear Power,
the Methods of White-
42 Int’l Rev. of L. & Econ.
L.J. 1405 (2015). Thomson
Risk, and Retroactivity,”
Collar Criminal Practice:
135 (2015); “The Relative
Reuters just published NEPA
forthcoming in Vanderbilt
Investigations” in the Ohio
Efficacy of Coercive and
Law and Litigation (2015
Journal of Transnational
State Journal of Criminal Law.
Cooperative Enforcement
ed.), for which Professor
Law; “Chevron’s Generality
His essay, “Teaching ‘The
Approaches to Water
Glicksman wrote five of the
Principles,” Fordham L.
Wire’: Integrating Capstone
Pollution Control,” in Next
13 chapters.
Rev.; “Administrative
Policy Content into the
Generation Environmental
Criminal Law Curriculum,”
Compliance and Enforcement
Emily Hammond published
Statutory Origin,” Texas
appeared in the Journal of
(ELI 2014); and “Natural
“Energy, Economics, and
L. Rev. See also “Court-
Legal Education.
Resource Management and
the Environment: Cases
Agency Dialogue at the
Protection,” in International
and Materials” (with J. Eisen
Boundaries of Reviewability,”
David Fontana published
Environmental Law: The
et al.); “Environmental
George Washington Law
two articles, “Will Texas
Practitioners Guide to the
Protection: Law and Policy”
Review Arguendo.
Stay Texan?” in the Daily
Laws of the Planet (ABA
(with R. Glicksman et al.);
Law’s Asymmetries of
“Linking Legal Framework
Susan Jones published
Design and Risk Theory
“Viewing Value Creation
to Consumer Acceptance
by Business Lawyers
Dmitry Karshtedt published “The
of the Smart Grid,” in The
Through the Lens of
Completeness Requirement in Patent
International Smart Grid
Transactional Legal Clinics”
Law,” 56 Boston College Law Review
Conference (with J. Eisen);
(with Jacqueline Lainez
949 (2015) and “The Riddle of Secret
“Chevron Step One; and
and Debbie Lovinsky) in
Chevron Step Two” in A
UC-Davis Business Law
Guide to Judicial and Political
Journal (2014). She also
Review of Administrative
published “Alleviating
Agencies; “Civil Remedies”
Poverty—What Lawyers Can
Public Use: A Response to Professor
Lemley,” 93 Texas Law Review.
See also 159 (2015).
reports of abuse to mandated reporters
Catherine Ross published Lessons In
Lee’s article, “Making Race
Alan Morrison has been
Censorship: How Schools and Courts
Salient: Trayvon Martin
co-counsel on several amicus
Subvert Students’ First Amendment
and Implicit Bias in a Not
briefs supporting challenges
Rights (Harvard University Press, 2015)
Yet Post-Racial Society,” 91
to state bans on same-sex
and her article “True Threat to Free
North Carolina Law Review
marriage. He filed an amicus
1557 (2013), was featured in
brief and participated in two
the National Association of
moot courts for the plaintiff
Speech Averted in Elonis v. United
States,” cited as: “Response, Elonis v. United States,” was
published in the George Washington Law Review’s “On
the Docket” and quoted in SCOTUSblog.
Criminal Defense Lawyers’
in Zivotofsky v. Kerry. Dean
Champion magazine.
Morrison also published an
essay in the Lewis & Clark
Renée Lettow Lerner
Law Review, as the school’s
published a book chapter,
2013 Higgins Distinguished
Do Now” in The Many
the Murder of Transgender
“The Troublesome Inheritance
Visitor, titled “The Brandeis
Faces of Poverty in America
Women,” 66 Hastings L.J.
of Americans in Magna
Brief and 21st Century
issue, the August 2014
77 (2014) (with Peter Kwan).
Carta and Trial by Jury,” in
Constitutional Litigation.”
issue of Human Rights, a
Her essay, “(E)racing Trayvon
Magna Carta and its Modern
Dean Morrison filed an
publication of the ABA’s
Martin,” was published
Legacy 77-98 (Robert
amicus brief in opposition
Section on Individual Rights
as part of the Ohio State
Hazell and James Melton
to the proposed class-
and Responsibilities.
Journal of Criminal Law’s
eds., Cambridge University
action settlement in the NFL
2014 symposium issue on
Press 2015).
concussion case.
Orin Kerr published “The
Twenty Plus Years of Critical
Fourth Amendment and the
Race Theory and Criminal
Gregory E. Maggs and
Blake D. Morant’s article,
Global Internet,” Stanford
Justice. She is currently
co-author Peter Smith
“The Continued Evolution
Law Review; “Katz Has Only
working on a new criminal
completed the third edition of
of American Legal
One Step: The Irrelevance
procedure casebook with
their textbook, Constitutional
Education,” is forthcoming
of Subjective Expectations,”
L. Song Richardson and
Law: A Contemporary
in the Wake Forest Law
University of Chicago Law
Tamara Lawson titled
Approach (West Academic).
Review. In October, Dean
Review; “A Rule of Lenity
Criminal Procedure: Cases
With co-author Lisa Schenck,
Morant was the keynote
for National Security
and Materials, (West 2016).
Professor Maggs also
speaker at the Wake
Surveillance Law,” Virginia
She is also working on
prepared the second edition
Forest Law Review Fall
Law Review; and “The
two new articles: “A New
of Modern Military Justice
Symposium, which was titled
Influence of Immanuel Kant
Approach to Voir Dire on
(West Academic). Professor
“Revisiting Langdell: Legal
on Evidentiary Approaches
Racial Bias” for the UC
Maggs also wrote an essay,
Education Reform and the
in 18th Century Bulgaria,”
Irvine Law Review and
“Judge Bork’s Remarkable
Lawyer’s Craft.”
The Green Bag.
“Making Black and Brown
Adherence to Unremarkable
Lives Matter: Incorporating
Principles of National Security
Sean D. Murphy published
Laird Kirkpatrick’s five-
Race into the Criminal
Law,” for an issue of the Ave
“Reflections on the ICJ
volume treatise, Federal
Procedure Curriculum”
Maria Law Review honoring
Advisory Opinion on Kosovo:
Evidence (co-authored
for the St. Louis University
the memory of the late Hon.
Interpreting Security Council
by Christopher Mueller),
Law Review. Professor
Robert H. Bork.
Resolution” 1244 (1999)
was twice cited by the U.S.
in Law and Politics of the
Supreme Court in Warger v.
Kosovo Advisory Opinion
Shauers, the first decision of
the new term.
Naomi Schoenbaum published
“The Law of Intimate Work” in the
(Michael Wood & Marko
Milanovic, eds., Oxford
University Press, 2015);
Cynthia Lee published
Washington Law Review and “When
“Crime of Aggression,”
“The Trans Panic
Liberals and Conservatives Agree on
Oxford Handbook of the Use
Defense: Masculinity,
Women’s Rights” in Politico.
of Force in International Law
Heteronormativity, and
(Marc Weller, ed., Oxford
SPRING 2016 | FACULTY FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
In March, Alberto M. Benítez, GW Law’s
of employment discrimina-
Karen Da Ponte Thornton’s
Immigration Clinic, and Immigration
tion law in the Wisconsin
publication, “Parsing
Law Association hosted the Washington
Law Review and recently
the Visual Rhetoric of
District Office of CIS for a naturalization
completed work on the third
Office Dress Codes: A
ceremony for young people at GW Law.
edition of the casebook Work
Two-Step Process to
Law (Lexis).
Increase Inclusivity and
Professionalism in Legal
Daniel J. Solove published
Workplace Fashion,” is
University Press, 2015); and
Tax Decision Is Adequate?,”
the fifth edition of his case-
forthcoming in Legal
“Immunity Ratione Personae
Duke Law Journal. He also
book, Information Privacy
Communication &
of Foreign Government
co-authored two amicus briefs
Law, along with three spin-off
Rhetoric: JALWD.
Officials and Other Topics:
in Supreme Court cases.
books: Consumer Privacy and
The Sixty-Fifth Session
Data Protection; Privacy, Law
Arthur Wilmarth’s article,
of the International Law
Steve Schooner’s
Enforcement, and National
“A Two-Tiered System of
Commission,” American
co-authored article, “Eyes
Security; and Privacy and
Financial Regulation Is
Journal of International
on the Prize, Head in the
the Media.
Needed to Preserve the
Law (2014). As special
Sand: Filling the Due
rapporteur for the United
Process Vacuum in Federally
Jessica Steinberg published
Banks and Reduce the
Nations International Law
Administered Contests,”
“Demand Side Reform in
Risks of Megabanks,”
Commission, he produced
appeared in Volume 24
the Poor People’s Court”
was published in the
his first Report on Crimes
of the Federal Circuit Bar
in the Connecticut Law
Michigan State Law
Against Humanity (2015).
Journal. His co-authored
Review (2015).
Review. His op-ed, “Use
Viability of Community
piece, “Prizes! Innovating,
Risk Shifting, and Avoiding
Sonia Suter published
Preserve Small Banks,
chapter, “Two Sides of the
Contracts and Grants”
“The First Amendment
Keep Big Ones in Line,”
Coin: The Roles of the Law
appeared in The Public
and Physician Speech in
was published in American
Library Director in ABA
Manager’s Winter 2014
Reproductive Decision
Banker. His article, “The
Sabbatical Visits,” for the
Forum on “Acquisition:
Making,” 43 J.L. Med &
Financial Industry’s Plan
book Academic Law Library
Short-Term Tactics and Long-
Ethics 22 (2015), and an
for Resolving Failed
Director Perspectives (2015).
Term Change.” Professor
essay, “Interest Creep and
Megabanks Will Ensure
Schooner’s “Book Review:
The Politics of Constitutional
Future Bailouts for Wall
Richard J. Pierce, Jr.
‘The Invisible Soldiers: How
Common Law,” 80 George
Street,” will be published in
published the “2015
America Outsourced Our
Washington Law Review
the Georgia Law Review.
Supplement to Administrative
Security’ by Ann Hagedorn,”
Arguendo 29 (2014) (a
Law Treatise” and “Peter
appeared in the Autumn
response to Professor
Chris Yukins’ book
Strauss: Teacher Scholar,
2014 issue of Parameters,
Dov Fox).
(co-edited with Gabriella
and Ambassador-at-Large,”
the quarterly journal of the
Administrative Law Review;
U.S. Army War College,
“The Rocky Relationship
and he also published
Between the Federal
the short essay, “Look Up
Trade Commission and
and Around: Musings on
Administrative Law,” George
Mentors, Role Models,
Washington Law Review; “The
and Professionalism,”
Administrative Conference
in the March 2014
Argentina. Professor
and Empirical Research,”
issue of Contract
Cottrol discussed
George Washington Law
Management magazine.
Review; and “What Institution
Tiered Regulation to
Scott Pagel authored a
Juni presented lectures
at the Universidad del
Salvador in Buenos Aires,
comparative developments in the jury system, while
Assistant Dean Juni addressed air pollution regulation
Should Decide Whether an
Michael Selmi published
Agency’s Explanation of a
an article on the evolution
Robert Cottrol and Robin
and agency decision processes.
Racca of the University of
“The U.S. Copyright Office:
Suzanne Jackson was appointed to the
Turin) Integrity and Efficiency
Its Functions and Resources.”
ABA’s National Conference on Aging
in Sustainable Public
and the Law Planning Committee
Contracts was published
Neil H. Buchanan was quoted
and the University’s Benefits Advisory
in Belgium as part of
in two PolitiFact articles in
the Droit Administratif —
which he corrected the
Committee. Professor Jackson recently
Administrative Law series.
record regarding politicians’
Daniel I. Gordon is also
misstatements about the
represented in the volume
national debt and deficits. He
in the chapter on “Integrity
also presented his scholarly
Challenges in the EU and US
work at the following venues:
Fiduciaries about the new
role of global trade and
Procurement Systems.”
University of Washington Law
uniform fiduciary access to
environment regimes in the
School Tax Policy Conference,
digital assets law for which
achievement of sustainable
University of Miami Law
she was the Reporter, and
development and explored
School Jotwell Conference,
she served on a Center
how WTO jurisprudence
served as a grant evaluator for the
National Council on Aging.
National Tax Association
for American Progress
on trade and environment
Martin Adelman and John
Annual Meeting (Santa Fe,
panel on “Valuing All
evolved during the past
Whealan, with Sir Robin
NM), Critical Tax Conference
Our Families: Progressive
two decades. Professor
Jacob from the University
(Northwestern University
Policies that Strengthen
Charnovitz—an expert on
College London, hosted an
Law School), Law and
Family Commitments and
international trade, interna-
international conference on
Society Association Annual
Reduce Family Disparities.”
tional law, and environmental
“Patents in Telecom.”
Meeting (Seattle), the Vienna
Professor Cahn spoke on
sustainability—spoke on a
Congress of the International
a panel at the “Increasing
panel about the evolution of
John F. Banzhaf III led the
Association for Law and
Author Diversity in Legal
trade and environment juris-
successful battle—protecting
Mental Health, and the
Scholarship Roundtable” at
prudence. While in Geneva,
free speech and academic
Southeastern Association of
the University of Maryland
he also gave a talk on WTO
freedom—to persuade
Law Schools Annual Meeting
Law School. She was a guest
accession law as part of the
the George Washington
(Boca Raton, FL).
on NPR’s Diane Rehm Show
WTO Legal Affairs Speakers
and on Bloomberg Law
Series. Professor Charnovitz,
University not to expel a
student for merely displaying
Naomi Cahn is serving as
radio about the issues of
Lee Paddock, Daniel I.
an ancient Indian symbol
Reporter for the Committee
unused embryos. Professor
Gordon, Fulbright Visiting
that is sacred in at least
on Fiduciary Access to
Cahn was a featured
Scholar Joe Oloka Onyango,
four major religions. His
Digital Assets of the Uniform
speaker on the disposi-
and Adjunct Professor
complaints about the paucity
Law Commission. She was
tion of digital assets at
Charles DiLeva also spoke at
of the original proposal
the featured speaker on the
the Maryland State Bar
the World Bank’s Law Justice
to settle a class action
topic at a D.C. Bar Estates,
Association Annual Meeting.
and Development Week.
lawsuit against the NFL over
Trusts, and Probate Law
She chaired the Workshop
concussion injuries was
luncheon. Professor Cahn
on Shifting Foundations:
Bradford Clark was part of a
one factor in persuading a
participated in the AALS
Family Law’s Response to
panel that included Supreme
judge to reject the original
Family Law Section program
Changing Families at the
Court Justice Antonin Scalia
settlement and require its
and moderated one of the
AALS Midyear Meeting.
at the AALS 2015 Annual
enlargement, which was
socio-economics programs
subsequently adopted.
at the AALS 2015 Annual
Steven Charnovitz, for the
history in federal courts juris-
Meeting on the role of
Meeting. She also co-chairs
20th anniversary of the
prudence. Professor Clark is
Robert Brauneis joined other
the Mentoring Committee
World Trade Organization
also serving as an advisor on
copyright experts in February
of the AALS Section on
(WTO), participated in a
the treaties section of the ALI
to provide testimony to
Women. She spoke to the
conference on Trade and
Restatement (Fourth) of The
the U.S. House Judiciary
National Conference of
Sustainable Development.
Foreign Relations Law of the
Committee for a hearing on
Lawyers and Corporate
The event looked at the
United States.
SPRING 2016 | FACULTY FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
Donald Clarke gave a talk
dozen forums on a nation-
Daniel I. Gordon testified in March
on “Local Government
wide tour discussing his
before the U.S. House of Representatives
Financing Vehicles in China
book, Berkshire Beyond
Committee on Small Business
and their Debt: The Legal
Buffett: The Enduring Value of
Picture” at GW’s Sigur Center
Values (Columbia University
Subcommittee on Contracting and
and a talk on “Corruption,
Press 2014), including panel
Constitutionalism and
discussions at many univer-
Control: Implications of
sities, such as Columbia,
the 4th Plenum for China
Minnesota, Northwestern,
and U.S.-China Relations”
Stanford, and Washington
at the Woodrow Wilson
University in St. Louis.
International Center for
The tour included several
discussion and research on a
a panel discussion on the
Scholars. Professor Clarke
national media appearances,
broad range of topics related
future of rule 10b-5. In her
spoke on “China’s Stealth
including on Bloomberg TV
to these technologies,
role as Co-Chair of the
Urban Land Revolution”
and Fox Business News.
human rights, and interna-
DirectWomen Board Institute,
tional law.
she organized and hosted a
at McGill University’s
auctions” where companies submit bids
for government work through a third-party company,
FedBid, which collects a fee for each contract awarded.
Institution for the Study of
Laura Dickinson’s recent
International Development.
article in the Emory Law
Lisa Fairfax was a panelist
York for a select group of
He gave a paper titled “The
Journal assesses the poten-
at a Yale Law School sympo-
women attorneys. The insti-
Bonding Effect in Cross-
tial of a new public-private
sium on boardroom diver-
tute provides training and
Listed Chinese Companies:
transnational organization
sity and a participant at the
support aimed at developing
Is It Real?” at a conference
to regulate private secu-
University of Pennsylvania
skills and resources neces-
in Hong Kong on “Public
rity contractors. Professor
Law School’s “Corporate
sary to become qualified to
and Private Enforcement of
Dickinson is currently a
Roundtable on Shareholder
serve as directors on boards
Company Law and Securities
Future of War Fellow at the
Voting and Governance.” She
of public companies.
Regulation: China and the
New America Foundation’s
also was a panelist at Harvard
World,” co-sponsored by the
International Security
Law School’s spring reunion
Roger A. Fairfax, Jr. hosted
Chinese University of Hong
Program, where she is
symposium, where she spoke
a workshop at GW Law on
Kong Center for Financial
working on a report to assess
about the impact of share-
reframing public attitudes
Regulation and Economic
the impact of new military
holder activism on corporate
toward criminal justice
Development, the University
technologies, such as auto-
governance. In February,
reform. It was co-sponsored
of Michigan Law School, and
mated weapons, on human
Professor Fairfax provided
by Harvard Law School’s
the University of Michigan
rights and humanitarian law
expertise at the Securities
Charles Hamilton Houston
Lieberthal Rogel Center for
principles. And as the new
and Exchange Commission’s
Institute for Race and
Chinese Studies.
Vice Chair for the American
“Proxy Voting Roundtable.”
Justice and the FrameWorks
Society of International
She spoke on SEC enforce-
Institute. He participated in a
Lawrence A. Cunningham
Law interest group on new
ment priorities at GW Law’s
White House convening on
delivered lectures at two
technologies, she will foster
Center for Law, Economics &
the Report of the President’s
Finance (C-LEAF) conference
Task Force on 21st Century
on the Future of Investor
Policing. He also moder-
Protection. She also spoke
ated a panel at GW Law on
on corporate board diversity
the report and a panel at
as part of a plenary panel
the NYU Law School Center
at the UCLA Law School’s
on the Administration of
Markets and Government Sponsored
Critical Race Studies Annual
Criminal Law’s symposium
Enterprises during a hearing titled
Symposium. In her role
on regulatory offenses and
“Legislative Proposals to Enhance Capital
as Chair of the Securities
criminal law. Senior Associate
Regulation Section of AALS,
Dean Fairfax participated
Professor Fairfax moderated
in a Joyce Foundation/
Theresa Gabaldon testified in May
before the U.S. Committee on Financial
Services Subcommittee on Capital
Formation and Reduce Regulatory Burdens.”
Workforce Hearing about “reverse
three-day program in New
Orin Kerr was co-counsel to the City of
of Nature Academy of
University, Thomas More
Los Angeles in a Supreme Court case,
Environmental Law in
School of Law.
City of Los Angeles v. Patel, decided in
Tarragona, Spain.
Emily Hammond testi-
June, 2015; he spoke at the D.C. Circuit
Court’s annual Circuit Conference; and
he delivered the keynote address at
the Texas Tech Law Review’s annual criminal procedure
symposium. Professor Kerr continues to serve by appointment of Chief Justice Roberts on the Advisory Committee
Phyllis Goldfarb organized
fied before Congress at
and spoke at a program
the hearing “Quadrennial
at GW Law for a delega-
Energy Report and Related
tion of law professors
Discussion Drafts” before
and judges from Armenia
the House Committee on
interested in experiential
Energy and Commerce,
for the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. In 2015, Chief
education. David Johnson,
Subcommittee on Energy
Justice Roberts also appointed Professor Kerr to a new Ad
Lisa Schenck, and Susan
and Power. She also
Hoc Committee to Review the Criminal Justice Act.
Karamanian also addressed
co-authored Amicus Curiae
the visitors. Associate Dean
Brief of Interested Energy
Goldfarb served as the
Law Scholars on Behalf of
designated commentator
Petitioners (FERC v. Elec.
Joint Center for Political and
related to his work on
on a paper presented
Power Supply Ass’n) (with
Economic Studies convening
constitutional geography
last fall at the Southern
R. Pierce et al.). Associate
on gun violence, policing,
and participated in the
Clinical Conference, held
Dean Hammond served
and mass incarceration at
annual term member confer-
at William & Mary Law
as a speaker at numerous
GW Law and the White
ence for the Council on
School, Williamsburg, VA.
conferences and work-
House. He served as an
Foreign Relations.
As an Editor-in-Chief of the
shops on topics related to
Clinical Law Review, housed
nuclear power, risk percep-
expert for an ongoing U.S.
Government Accountability
Robert Glicksman testified
at NYU Law School, Dean
tion, electricity markets,
Office study of alternatives to
in June before two congres-
Goldfarb co-organized the
and administrative law,
incarceration. He participated
sional subcommittees on
Clinical Writer’s Workshop
including the U.S. Women
in the Criminal Law Research
the EPA’s proposed ozone
and facilitated a small
in Nuclear Conference; the
Collective workshop at
regulations. He made three
group of scholars sharing
law schools of Vanderbilt
Columbia Law School and
presentations on the EPA’s
University, Arizona State
was interviewed on NPR’s
proposed Clean Power
Morning Edition, CNN, and
Plan to a group of congres-
Jeffrey Gutman is repre-
Utah, University of Texas,
numerous other news outlets
sional staffers at the George
senting, along with the New
University of Vermont, and
regarding the events in
Mason University School
York firm of Neufeld, Scheck
George Mason University;
Ferguson and Staten Island.
of Law and at a conference
& Brustin, the first three
the ABA Section on Antitrust;
sponsored by the ABA’s
Washington, D.C., men to
the ABA Administrative
David Fontana, Rénee
Section of Administrative
have been exonerated of
Law Conference; and the
Lettow Lerner, Orin Kerr, and
Law and Regulatory Practice.
serious crimes based on
AALS. She also became an
Jeffrey Rosen participated
He made presentations on
DNA analysis. The clients
invited member of the PUC
alongside Supreme Court
environmental enforcement
are bringing civil damages
Clean Energy Collaborative
Justice Stephen Breyer and
at the University of Michigan
claims against the district
Project and the Harvard-
others in the “Conversations
Law School, before the
after having spent decades in
Duke Collaborative on the
on the Enduring Legacy of
Environmental Council of
prison for crimes they did not
Evolving Energy Sector
the Great Charter” sympo-
the States, and at GW Law’s
commit. Professor Gutman
and is active as a member-
sium at the Library of
annual Shapiro Environmental
returned this fall from a
scholar at the Center for
Congress. Professor Fontana
Law Conference; and presen-
spring 2015 sabbatical
Progressive Reform.
also presented papers or
tations on the Right of Access
during which he developed
commented on them at
to Modern Energy Services
and taught a course called
Susan Karamanian presented
faculty events hosted by
at the 12 International
U.S. Law and Legal Systems
“International Law and the
Boston College and UVA
Union for the Conservation
with the Australian Catholic
U.S. Death Penalty” at the
University, University of
SPRING 2016 | FACULTY FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
Scott Pagel served as Chair of the ABA
for the Washington Post’s
In the past year, Gregory E.
Standards Review Committee. Associate
Volokh Conspiracy news-
Maggs has given lectures
Dean Pagel served on the ABA site team
letter, titled “The Uncivil
addressing various military
conducting a sabbatical inspection of the
Jury,” posted May 26-29,
justice and national security
Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. He also
2015. She gave the keynote
matters at the Fulton Military
speech titled “Ancient
Judges Conference, the U.S.
Liberties: Magna Carta and
Army Legal Service Agency,
Trial by Jury in America” at
the U.S. Army War College
the 2015 Law Day celebra-
Foundation, the Court of
served on the Annual Meeting Committee
planning the 2016 annual meeting of the AALS.
tion of the Albuquerque Bar
Appeals for the Armed
Rajiv Gandhi School of
Colloquium (co-sponsored
Association. She presented
Forces Conference, and the
Intellectual Property Law
by the PTO and GW Law)
her paper, “Originalism and
U.S. Army Northeast Region
at the Indian Institute of
and at the Seventh Annual
Constitutional Rights to Civil
On-Site Legal Training
Technology, Kharagpur. She
Junior Scholars in Intellectual
Jury Trial,” at University of
Conference. Professor Maggs
also presented a talk at the
Property Workshop at
San Diego School of Law
and former U.S. Attorney
University of Delhi Campus
Michigan State University. At
and the Center for the Study
General William Barr, JD ‘77,
Law Centre on Advocacy
the Fourth Annual Waseda
of Constitutional Originalism
developed and co-taught
Success to more than 180
Global Patent Strategy
in April 2015. She spoke
a new constitutional law
competitors in the K.K. Luthra
Conference in Tokyo,
at an international confer-
seminar on original meaning
Moot Court Competition.
Professor Karshtedt served on
ence called “Magna Carta
research in the spring 2015
Associate Dean Karamanian
the panel “How much IP (and
800: A Discussion about the
semester. Professor Maggs, a
spoke to faculty and students
regulatory) protection do life
Great Charter,” sponsored
Colonel and Military Judge in
at Prince Sultan University
sciences require? Legal devel-
by New York University in
the U.S. Army Reserve, Judge
and King Saud University in
opments and their rationale in
April 2015. She presented
Advocate General’s Corps,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, about
different key countries.”
her research, “The Most
was called to active duty in
the U.S. legal system and
Sacred Ancient Liberty:
May and June 2015 to fill
legal education. She also
Laird Kirkpatrick participated
Magna Carta and Trial by
a vacancy at the U.S. Army
spoke at a conference on
in preparation of the 2016
Jury in the New Republic,”
Court of Criminal Appeals.
the Armenian genocide at
Multi-State Bar Examination
in a Symposium on Magna
The Hague in March and
at a meeting of the National
Carta: Muse and Mentor at
Joan Meier participated in
attended the commemora-
Conference of Bar Examiners
the Library of Congress in
a symposium sponsored
tion in Yerevan, Armenia.
in San Diego in May.
December 2014.
by the Brandeis University
Political Science Department
Dmitry Karshtedt presented
William E. Kovacic
Ira C. Lupu participated in a
on the Elonis v. United States
“Causal Responsibility and
and Steven Schooner
House Briefing on religious
Supreme Court case, one
Patent Infringement” at three
presented their research
liberty legislation.
in which DV LEAP filed a
workshops: The Second
at The Acquisition and its
International IP Workshop
Theoretical Foundations
for Junior Researchers at
Symposium at Cranfield
Waseda University in Tokyo,
University, The Defence
the Bay Area IP Profs Works-
Academy of the United
in-Progress Workshop at UC
Kingdom, in Shrivenham.
at the 2014 ABA Criminal Justice Section
Berkeley, and the Second
Third-year students and
Fall CLE. Professor Saltzburg and Senior
Annual Junior IP Scholars
research assistants Nathaniel
Associate Dean Roger A. Fairfax, Jr. partic-
Roundtable at Vanderbilt.
Castellano and Michael
ipated in the CJS Fall Meeting as members
He presented “The
Margolis also participated.
Completeness Requirement
in Patent Law” at the Works in
Renée Lettow Lerner wrote
Progress Intellectual Property
a series of five blog posts
Stephen Saltzburg moderated a panel
on cyber-breaches in prosecutors’ offices
of the section’s Governing Council. Professor Saltzburg and
Senior Associate Dean Fairfax also participated in the ABA
Criminal Justice Section Council Spring Meeting.
brief referenced during oral
for the D.C. Circuit ruled
Michael Selmi delivered a lecture on
argument. Professor Meier
in favor of the district in
contemporary employment discrimina-
presented at the Mid-Atlantic
June, Mayor Bowser said,
tion to the Colorado Bar Association in
Child Abuse and Neglect
“We are fortunate we could
Denver, and he published an article in
Annual Conference on “An
turn to the most talented
Evidence-Based Approach
and public-minded lawyers
Politico on the Justice Department’s Civil
to Cross-Allegations of
in the country for expert
Abuse and Alienation”
legal help.”
and “Challenges of Child
Rights Division. Over the last year, he has
been a regular commentator on Bloomberg Law, most
recently on whether Uber drivers should be considered
Protection in Custody
Sean D. Murphy lectured
employees rather than independent contractors, and he
Courts” and spoke on
on the law of the sea at
has commented for Reuters on civil rights investigations
“At-Risk Children in the
the Université de Paris X
into police departments.
Family Courts” as part of
(Ouest–Nanterre La Défense)
a panel on Parenting after
in France; on international
Domestic Violence.
law generally at the United
Nations Regional Course in
Resources and Infrastructure
administrative law on the IRS
Blake D. Morant was the
International Law for Africa
Law of the International Bar
at Duke University and at the
keynote speaker at the
at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in
Association. His chapter
University of Minnesota, on
Mississippi College School
February 2015; and on inter-
will focus on Community
appropriate rate treatment
of Law’s investiture of
national dispute settlement at
Benefit Agreements for Wind
of distributed sources of
Wendy Scott as Dean. He
the University of Melbourne,
Facility Siting. Associate
electricity at Northwestern
also delivered the Huffman
Australia, in March 2015. In
Dean Paddock also joined
University, on presidential
Distinguished Lecture
January 2015, he recorded
Associate Dean Emily
power to take unilateral
at Texas Tech University
a lecture on “Crimes Against
Hammond and Donna
actions at the Federalist
School of Law and was the
Humanity” for the United
Attanasio for a panel
Society, and on three topics
commencement speaker for
Nations AudioVisual Library
focusing on the evolu-
at the fall meeting of the
the University of Montana
of International Law. He
tion of electric utilities at
Administrative Law Section of
School of Law. Dean Morant
attended the May-July 2015
Arizona State University
the ABA.
was a featured speaker at
session of the United Nations
Sandra Day O’Connor Law
the Law School Admission
International Law Commission
School as part of the school’s
In the past year, Peter Raven-
Council Annual Meeting
in Geneva, Switzerland.
first annual conference on
Hansen argued motions
sustainability law.
in U.S. District Courts for
and Educational Conference
and at the AALS Midyear
Leroy C. Paddock lectured
Meeting Workshop on Next
on hydraulic fracturing at the
In June, Richard J. Pierce, Jr.
York and the Southern
Generation Issues on Sex,
University of Oslo and on
testified before a joint hearing
District of Florida, and the
Gender, and the Law.
private environmental regula-
of the U.S. Senate Committee
successful appeal in Weiss v.
tion at two separate confer-
on the Budget and the
National Westminster Bank
Alan Morrison helped
ences at Erasmus University
Committee on Homeland
PLC (768 F.3d 202 2014).
Washington, D.C., win
in Rotterdam. Associate
Security and Government
In September 2014, a jury
budget autonomy this year.
Dean Paddock traveled to
Affairs on “Accounting for
in the Eastern District of
Associate Dean Morrison,
Bogota, Colombia, to work
the True Cost of Regulation:
New York returned a liability
working with a team from
with co-authors of a book
Exploring the Possibility of a
verdict under the ATA for the
Latham & Watkins LLP,
on community benefits that
Regulatory Budget.” Professor
plaintiffs he has represented
assisted D.C. Mayor Muriel
is forthcoming from Oxford
Pierce testified in support of a
since 2004 in Linde v. Arab
Bowser with a case arguing
University Press. The book is
regulatory budget that relies
Bank PLC.
for the jurisdiction to have
written by members of the
on benefit-cost analysis but
budget autonomy from the
Academic Advisory Group
against a regulatory budget
Catherine Ross’ paper
federal government. After
on Energy for the Section on
that relies on cost alone.
“What’s Wrong With Political
the U.S. Court of Appeals
Environment, Energy, Natural
He spoke on the effects of
Correctness in Schools” was
the Eastern District of New
SPRING 2016 | FACULTY FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
presented at the Feminism
Initiative; Professor
Ralph Steinhardt’s paper, “International
and Legal Theory Workshop
Schooner also presented
Law and the Administrative State,” was
on Education, convened by
“A Decade of (Ethics)
presented at the AALS 2015 Annual
Martha Fineman, in Amherst
Scandals: A Post-Millennial
in April 2015. Her paper,
Compliance Sampler” at the
Meeting. The paper won the call for
“Progressive Critiques of
Defense Industry Initiative
Family Law,” was presented
on Business Ethics and
at the RebLaw Conference at
Conduct Best Practices
Yale Law School in February
Forum; in May, Professor
2015. Professor Ross’ paper,
Schooner participated in
“Balance of Power Between
the World Bank Retreat on
contract administration-
Clinic successfully repre-
Families and Schools,” was
Re-Strategizing Tanzania
related topics at the
sented a client in a federal
part of the AALS Conference
Procurement Reforms in
United Nations Global
clemency case. The client’s
on the Shifting Foundations
Bagamoyo, Tanzania; and
Service Centre Contracts
sentence was commuted by
of Family Law in June
he also discussed Emerging
Management Conference in
President Obama after the
2015. Professor Ross will
Issues at the U.S. Air Force’s
Entebbe, Uganda; Professor
client served more than 20
be spending her 2015-16
Corporate Counsel Day at
Schooner made presenta-
years in prison on a nonviolent
sabbatical at Harvard, as a
Wright-Patterson Air Force
tions on various public
drug offense. She presented
Visiting Scholar at the School
Base in Dayton, Ohio. In
procurement-related topics
papers related to her access
of Education.
April, Professor Schooner
to justice research at work-
moderated a panel on
Workshop on Good Practices
shops at Cornell Law School,
Joan Schaffner was elected
public-procurement perfor-
in Modernizing Public
the University of Wisconsin
to the ABA Tort, Trial,
mance measurement at
Procurement in Kuwait City,
Law School, and the AALS
and Insurance Practice
the World Bank confer-
Kuwait; and he discussed
Annual Conference on Clinical
Section Council.
ence “From Procurement to
“Public Procurement Insights
Legal Education.
papers from the AALS International
Law Section.
Results: Value for Money,
and Mega Trends” at the
Naomi Schoenbaum
Accountability, Participation”
Institute for Competition
Dinah Shelton hosted a
presented her paper,
in Manila, Philippines;
and Procurement Studies’s
training session on inter-
“Coworkers in Law,” at the
he discussed emerging
Procurement Week 2014
national law for lawyers
AALS Midyear Meeting on
issues at the Army Judge
at Bangor University in
from the CARICOM coun-
Family Law and her work on
Advocate General School’s
Cardiff, Wales.
tries in the Organization of
the regulation of emerging
Contract and Fiscal Law
adulthood at the Emerging
New Developments Course
Joshua Schwartz and Jessica
Family Law Scholars and
in Charlottesville, Va; he
Tillipman hosted a panel
Peter Smith moderated a
Teachers Conference. She
made a number of presenta-
at the Court of Federal
panel (which included a D.C.
also spoke to the D.C.
tions at the Joint WTO-Arab
Claims Judicial Conference
Circuit judge and a former
Women’s Bar Association on
Monetary Fund Regional
on the year’s develop-
Solicitor General) at a Library
the Young v. United Parcel
Workshop on Government
ments in decisions of the
of Congress event commem-
Service pregnancy discrimi-
Procurement for Arab and
Supreme Court and the
orating the 100th anniversary
nation case before the
Middle East Countries, in Abu
Federal Circuit. Professors
of the Constitution Annotated,
Supreme Court.
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates;
Schwartz and Tillipman also
a publication commissioned
American States.
Professor Schooner discussed
joined Steven Schooner
by Congress to provide
In June, Steven Schooner
“Current Developments
and Christopher Yukins as
guidance to Congress and
and Joshua Schwartz
in U.S. Procurement Law”
participants in the 2015
the public about constitu-
trained Romanian procure-
at the Europe Meets U.S.
University of Nottingham
tional law. Professor Jeffrey
ment officials in Bucharest
Symposium at the Ludwig-
Procurement Conference.
Rosen interviewed Justice
as part of the U.S. Trade
and Development Agency’s
Munchen in Munich,
Jessica Steinberg and the
session. Professor Smith also
Global Procurement
Germany; he discussed
Neighborhood Law and Policy
presented a paper, “The
Ginsburg for the keynote
Emily Hammond became Chair-Elect
Restitution Following the
Rome. He also moderated
of the AALS Section on Administrative
Paroline Decision.”
a program at GW Law that
addressed opening public
Law. She was named the Distinguished
Young Environmental Scholar of 2015
Robert Tuttle and Ira C. Lupu
procurement markets in
by the University of Utah College of Law.
discussed their book, Secular
Brazil and featured experts
Government, Religious
that included Brazilian attor-
People, in June at the
neys, the former lead nego-
Berkley Center for Religion,
tiator for the USTR, and the
Peace, and World Affairs
senior WTO procurement
at Georgetown University
official (via live videoconfer-
Law Center.
ence feed from Geneva).
Her article, “Administrative Proxies for
Judicial Review: Building Legitimacy from the Inside-Out”
in the Harvard Environmental Law Review (with D. Markell),
was selected as one of the top 10 environmental law
articles for 2014. She was awarded a University Seminar
Series grant with co-chair A. Macfarlane for their CrossDisciplinary Collaborative on Nuclear Energy and
Arthur Wilmarth gave a
Stakeholder Engagement.
paper, “A Two-Tiered System
of Regulation is Needed
to Preserve the Viability
John F. Banzhaf III was
of Community Banks
chosen to present a legal
and Reduce the Risks of
paper at the XXXIVth
Return of Lochner,” at St.
symposium at the University
Megabanks,” at the Federal
International Congress of
Louis University Law School.
of Houston.
Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Law and Mental Health in
conference on “Community
Vienna, Austria. He was
The paper is co-authored
by Associate Dean
Roger H. Trangsrud, Director
Banking in the 21st Century.”
honored as the law professor
Thomas Colby.
of GW Law’s James F.
He spoke at conferences on
who might have saved more
Humphreys Center for the
financial regulation hosted
lives than any doctor in Ken
Daniel Solove gave a
Study of Complex Litigation,
by the Federal Reserve
Burns’ PBS documentary
keynote about HIPAA at a
hosted a roundtable on
Bank of St. Louis and GW
about cancer.
conference sponsored by the
April 8 to discuss proposed
and also participated as a
HHS Office for Civil Rights
changes to the federal class
faculty commentator for
Tom Buergenthal was
and NIST. Professor Solove
action rule as to the appro-
GW’s Massive Open Online
appointed by the German
recently spoke at the PCLOB.
priate procedure to be
Course on “The Past, Present,
foreign minister to serve on
He serves as a Co-Reporter
followed in certifying settle-
and Future of the Federal
the 15-member Advisory
of the ALI’s Restatement of
ment class actions. More than
Reserve,” which commemo-
Council (Kuratorium) of the
Data Privacy Principles and
20 leading federal judges,
rated the centennial of the
newly created International
recently released a revised
plaintiff and defense lawyers,
Federal Reserve System.
Academy for the Promotion
draft of the document.
and professors participated in
the roundtable.
Sonia Suter was invited to be
of the Nuremberg Principles.
Christopher Yukins and
The academy was formally
his co-editor Gabriella
established by means of
one of the ethics consultants
In January, Jonathan Turley
Racca (University of Turin)
an agreement between the
for the Data Coordinating
testified before the U.S.
co-presented at Sciences
German federal govern-
Center's new initiative
Senate Judiciary Committee
Po in Paris on their new
ment, the State of Bavaria,
Sudden Death in the Young
during confirmation hearings
book on anti-corruption
and the City of Nuremberg
(SDY) Registry, which is
on the nomination of Loretta
in procurement. Professor
to promote international
funded by the U.S. Centers
Lynch for U.S. Attorney
Yukins also attended the
criminal law and human
for Disease Control in part-
General and, in March, before
European University Institute
rights. Judge Buergenthal
nership with the National
the House Subcommittee
conference on international
also received the Roca
Institutes of Health. She also
on Crime, Terrorism, and
procurement regulation near
Junyent Award for Justice
presented a paper, “Genomic
Homeland Security of the
Florence and co-chaired
and Social Responsibility
Medicine: New Norms for
Committee on the Judiciary
sessions at the National
in Barcelona, Spain, for his
Genetic Information,” at a
on “Child Exploitation
School of Administration in
contributions to the rule
SPRING 2016 | FACULTY FILE | www.law.gwu.edu
Alfreda Robinson received the
Management: Protecting
Vice-President of the
National Bar Association Presidential
Ecological Integrity and
American Society of
Award for Outstanding Service as
Preserving Environmental
International Law.
Chair of the Military Awards Luncheon.
She was also presented with the the
National Bar Association Outstanding
Division of the Year Award.
Principal,” 44 Tulsa L. Rev.
147 (2008).
Jeffrey Rosen was elected
a Member of the American
Orin Kerr was named one
Law Institute and named
of the “FastCase 50,” a list
as Associate Reporter to its
of the “Top 50 Innovators,
Principles of the Law, Police
Visionaries, and Leaders
Investigation Project.
in Law.” Professor Kerr was
of law and protection
awards, including the
ranked No. 37 in a list of
In December, Stephen
of human rights. Judge
George R. Terry Book
the most influential legal
Saltzburg received the ABA
Buergenthal received the
Award of the American
scholars in the United States
Criminal Justice Section’s
Elie Wiesel Award at the
Academy of Management
compiled by HeinOnline.
inaugural Raeder-Taslitz
United States Holocaust
and The Annual McKinsey/
Memorial Museum 2015
Financial Times Book
Gregory Maggs was
professor whose excellence
National Tribute Dinner.
Award, and was widely and
presented with the 2015
in scholarship, teaching,
well reviewed, including
VALOR Excellence Award,
or community service has
Naomi Cahn’s book,
in The Economist, The
given to GW community
made a significant contribu-
Marriage Markets: How
Financial Times, The Times
members who demonstrate
tion to promoting public
Inequality is Remaking
of London, and The Wall
excellence in learning and
understanding of criminal
the American Family
Street Journal. The book
service to the benefit of
justice, justice, and fair-
(co-authored with June
appeared on several best-
student military members,
ness in the criminal justice
Carbone), was selected
seller lists, including the
veterans, and their families.
system, or to best prac-
by Newsweek as a favorite
No. 10 spot on Library
book of 2014. The book
Journal best-selling
Blake D. Morant was
and judges. In June at the
was also recognized as
Business and Economics
honored by National
American Bar Association
a “Book of the Year” by
titles for the 2014-15
Jurist as one of the “Most
Board of Governors Dinner,
The Economist and was
academic year, alongside
Influential People in Legal
ABA President William
discussed by Pulitzer
books by Martin Wolf, Peter
Education.” In May, Lawyers
Hubbard presented
Prize winner David Cay
Temin, and James Grant.
of Color published its fourth
Professor Saltzburg with a
annual “Power List Issue”—a
Presidential Citation.
Johnston in Al Jazeera
Award, given to a law
tices on the part of lawyers
America. Professor Cahn’s
Robert Glicksman’s
catalog of the nation’s most
article, “Digital Planning,”
scholarship was cited in
influential minority attorneys
Lisa Schenck was presented
won the 2014 Excellence
several court decisions.
and non-minority legal diver-
this spring with GW’s Robert
in Writing Award from
Biodiversity Conservation
sity advocates, including
A. Chernak Spark a Life Award
the ABA Section of
Alliance v. U.S. Forest
corporate general counsel,
for GW Staff Member of the
Real Property, Trust and
Service, 765 F.3d 1264
law firm managing part-
Year. The award is granted
Estate Law’s Probate &
(10th Cir. 2014), and
ners, law school deans, and
annually to a staff member
Property magazine.
WildEarth Guardians v.
government attorneys. The
who has significantly affected
U.S. Forest Service, 2015
issue featured nine promi-
the holistic development of a
Lawrence A. Cunningham’s
WL 3824898 (9th Cir.
nent members of the GW
student or student organiza-
latest book, Berkshire
2015), cited his treatise
Law community, including
tion, thus causing a “spark” of
Beyond Buffett: The
Public Natural Resources
Dean Morant and Professor
inspiration. The Military Law
Enduring Value of Values
Law (Westlaw 2d ed.).
Spencer Overton.
Society members nominated
(Columbia University
King v. Appleton, 61
Press 2014), won or was
V.I. 339 (2014) cited
In April 2015, Sean D.
her extensive support of their
nominated for numerous
“Sustainable Federal Land
Murphy was elected
and other students’ activities.
Associate Dean Schenck for
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