Emergency Transfer Control for Normal and Emergency Operation #6 Emergency Hot Blue <EMERGENCY POWER MODEL EPC-A Black (sensing) #1 Red #2 White #3 Normal Line Hot RED LED Emergency Switching Yellow Patented #5 LISTED White/Blue #4 EMERGENCY LIGHTING GREEN LED <UTILITY POWER EMERGENCY LIGHTS OUT ADDRESS IN I M Emergency Neutral R MODEM 77013427 REV B 97013427 REV J9 12VAC CT 12VAC 1 2 3 OFF ON 4 PLT 4 OFF ON 5 PLT 5 OFF ON 6 PLT 6 OFF ON 7 PLT 7 OFF ON 8 PLT 8 OFF J2 77013426 REV B 97013426 REV 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LOAD ON COM OFF ON 1 12VAC 8 ON 12VAC 7 OFF OFF ON 3 PLT COM J1 1 PLT OFF ON 2 PLT ON 12VAC Emergency Panel 20 AMP Circuit 12VAC OFF Lighting Control Panel UL 1008 Transfer Switch or Equal NORMAL LIGHTS Normal Panel 20 AMP Circuit Normal Utility Power Emergency Power Source Normal Utility Power Normal Line Neutral Neutral Not Shown Wiring diagram showing a lighting control panel having ON/OFF control of normal room lights and emergency lights at the same time. • • • • Designed to bypass control of the emergency lights with a power loss. Forces designated emergency lights ON. Mounts in a junction box, lighting panel, or in a fixture Meets UL 924 requirements. This Emergency Transfer Control is designed for an application where designated emergency lights and normal lights are ON/OFF controlled by a lighting control panel during non-emergency times. When a power outage occurs, the UL 1008 Transfer Switch transfers power from the Normal power to the Emergency power source. At the same time the EPC-A unit senses the outage and overrides the emergency power ON to the dedicated emergency lights. The normal lights will be OFF during the outage and will resume the state they were in when normal power is restored. A 10-15 second emergency load off delay is provided as an automatic diagnostic test. LED status indicators for normal and emergency power are built in. INTELLIGENT LIGHTING CONTROLS, INC. Energy Saving Lighting Controls 5229 Edina Industrial Boulevard Minneapolis. Minnesota 55439 Phone 952 829 1900 FAX 952 829 1901 www.ilc-usa.com AP1002_revA